package agents.qoagent2; //file name: import java.util.*; import*; import*; /***************************************************************** * Class name: Agent * Goal: Each object of the class represents an agent (Zimbabwe, * England or a mediator). The class holds all the information * of the agent along with his opponent's ID and name (and mediator's * ID and name - if exists). This class allows the server to set/get * all necessary data of an agent in an efficient way. ****************************************************************/ class Agent { //general variables //DT: private ServerThread m_st; //Allows access to the agent's thread at the server //DT: private MultiServer m_server; //Allows access to the server private Vector m_vecIssues; //The negotiation issues of the agent and their status private boolean m_bHasOpponent; //Whether the agent has an opponent or not private boolean m_bHasMediator; //Whether the agent has a mediator or not private boolean m_bSupportMediator; //Whether the agent supports a mediator or not private int m_nCurrentTurn; //Current turn of the negotiation private Socket m_socket = null; //The socket which allows the agent's thread in the //server to connect to the client program private String m_sSide; //Holds the side of the agent (Zimbabwe,England,Mediator) private PrintWriter m_out = null; //Allows writing to the socket GameTimeServer m_gtEndTurn = null; //A stop watch for each turn GameTimeServer m_gtEndNeg = null; //A stop watch for the entire negotiation private InetAddress m_ip = null; //Holds the ip address of the client private int m_nPort; private double m_dScore; //the agent's score of the negotiation private double m_dTimeEffect; // time effect for the entire agreement private double m_dOptOutValue; // opting out value private double m_dStatusQuoValue; // status quo value //Agent's Details private String m_sId; //Agent's Id private String m_sName; //Agent's Name //Opponent's Details, in case that we are not a mediator private String m_sOppId; //Opponent's Id private String m_sOppName; //Opponent's Name //mediator Details, in case that we are not a mediator private String m_sMedId; //mediator's Id private String m_sMedName; //mediator's Name //The two sides in case that we are a mediator private String m_sIdReligious,m_sIdSecular; //Ids private String m_sNameReligious,m_sNameSecular; //Names public final static String TIME_EFFECT_STR = "Time-Effect"; public final static String OPT_OUT_STR = "Opt-Out"; public final static String STATUS_QUO_STR = "Status-Quo"; private String m_sPrefDetails; private String m_sEndNegReason; private int m_nOptOutNum; private int m_nResponsesNum; private int m_nAcceptsNum; private int m_nRejectionsNum; private int m_nCommentsNum; private int m_nThreatsNum; private int m_nOffersNum; private int m_nPromisesNum; private int m_nQueriesNum; /***************************************************************** * Method name: Agent() * Goal: Constructor. * Description: Initialize the class variables and reading the issues * from the utility file. * Input: A MultiServer object (to allow access to the server), * a ServerThread object (to allow access to the agent's * thread at the server), and a boolean which specifies whether * the agent supports a mediator or not. * Output: None. ******************************************************************/ public Agent(/* DT: MultiServer server,ServerThread st,*/ boolean SupportMed,String sSide) { m_nOptOutNum = 0; m_nResponsesNum = 0; m_nAcceptsNum = 0; m_nRejectionsNum = 0; m_nThreatsNum = 0; m_nCommentsNum = 0; m_nOffersNum = 0; m_nPromisesNum = 0; m_nQueriesNum = 0; m_sEndNegReason = ""; m_dTimeEffect = 0; m_dStatusQuoValue = 0; m_dOptOutValue = 0; m_sIdReligious=null; m_sIdSecular=null; m_sMedId=null; m_sSide=sSide; m_bHasMediator=false; m_bSupportMediator=SupportMed; //DT: m_st=st; //DT: m_server=server; m_bHasOpponent=false; m_nCurrentTurn=1; m_nPort = 0; m_dScore=0; m_vecIssues=new Vector(); //reading issues from the appropriate utility file try { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("utility"+m_sSide+".txt")); String line; int nOrder=1; Issue issue=new Issue(); while((line=br.readLine())!=null) { if(!line.startsWith("#")) { if (line.startsWith("@")) // general values data { StringTokenizer stGeneral = new StringTokenizer(line); stGeneral.nextToken(); // '@' String sType = stGeneral.nextToken(); String sValue = stGeneral.nextToken(); Double dTemp = new Double(sValue); if (sType.equals(TIME_EFFECT_STR)) m_dTimeEffect = dTemp.doubleValue(); else if (sType.equals(STATUS_QUO_STR)) m_dStatusQuoValue = dTemp.doubleValue(); else if (sType.equals(OPT_OUT_STR)) m_dOptOutValue = dTemp.doubleValue(); } else if (!line.startsWith("!")) //a new title { switch(nOrder) { case 1: //the first line is: attribute_name*side*weight //the attribute's name and weight is saved in issue issue.setAttribute(line.substring(0,line.indexOf("*"))); String sTemp=line.substring(line.indexOf("*")+1); sTemp=sTemp.substring(sTemp.indexOf("*")+1); issue.setWeight(sTemp); break; case 2: issue.setValues(line); break; case 3: issue.setUtilities(line); break; case 4: issue.setTimeEffect(line); break; case 5: m_vecIssues.addElement(issue); nOrder=0; issue=new Issue(); } nOrder++; } } } //while br.close(); }//try catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("ERROR----" + "[Agent " + m_sId + "] " + "I/O Error while reading from file: " + e.getMessage() + "[Agent::Agent(153)]"); System.err.println("ERROR----" + "[Agent " + m_sId + "] " + "I/O Error while reading from file: " + e.getMessage() + "[Agent::Agent(153)]"); } } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setScore() * Goal: Setting the agent's score. * Input: An integer(the score). * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setScore(double score) { m_dScore=score; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getScore() * Goal: Return the agent's score. * Input: None. * Output: An integer(the score). ***************************************************************/ public double getScore() { return m_dScore; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setIssuesVector() * Goal: Setting the Issues vector. * Input: A vector of issues. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setIssuesVector(Vector vec) { m_vecIssues=vec; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getIssuesVector() * Goal: Return the Issues vector. * Input: None. * Output: A vector of issues. ***************************************************************/ public Vector getIssuesVector() { return m_vecIssues; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: initIssuesVector() * Goal: Set all the issues as not agreed yet. * Input: None. * Output: None. ***************************************************************/ public void initIssuesVector() { if(m_vecIssues!=null) for(int i=0; i < getIssuesNum(); i++) { getIssueAt(i).setAgreed(false); } } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setName() * Goal: Setting the agent's name. * Input: A string. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setName(String sName) { m_sName = sName; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getName() * Goal: Return the agent's name. * Input: None. * Output: A string. ***************************************************************/ public String getName() { return m_sName; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getOpponentName() * Goal: Return the opponent's name. * Input: None. * Output: A string. ***************************************************************/ public String getOpponentName() { return m_sOppName; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getMedName() * Goal: Return the mediator's name. * Input: None. * Output: A string. ***************************************************************/ public String getMedName() { return m_sMedName; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getNameReligious() * Goal: Return the England side name (in case the agent is a mediator). * Input: None. * Output: A string. ***************************************************************/ public String getNameReligious() { return m_sNameReligious; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getNameSecular() * Goal: Return the Zimbabwe side name (in case the agent is a mediator). * Input: None. * Output: A string. ***************************************************************/ public String getNameSecular() { return m_sNameSecular; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setOpponentName() * Goal: Setting the opponent's name. * Input: A string. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setOpponentName(String sOppName) { m_sOppName = sOppName; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setMedName() * Goal: Setting the mediator's name. * Input: A string. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setMedName(String sMedName) { m_sMedName = sMedName; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setNameReligious() * Goal: Setting the England side name (in case the agent is a mediator). * Input: A string. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setNameReligious(String sName) { m_sNameReligious = sName; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setNameSecular() * Goal: Setting the Zimbabwe side name (in case the agent is a mediator). * Input: A string. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setNameSecular(String sName) { m_sNameSecular = sName; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setEndTurnNewGame() * Goal: Restarting the end-turn stop watch. * Input: None. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setEndTurnNewGame() { m_gtEndTurn.newGame(); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setEndNegNewGame() * Goal: Restarting the end-negotiation stop watch. * Input: None. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setEndNegNewGame() { m_gtEndNeg.newGame(); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getSide() * Goal: Return the agent's side. * Input: None. * Output: None. ***************************************************************/ public String getSide() { return m_sSide; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setSide() * Goal: Setting the agent's side. * Input: A string. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setSide(String sSide) { m_sSide = sSide; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setIp() * Goal: Setting the agent's ip address. * Input: An InetAddress object. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setIp(InetAddress ip) { m_ip = ip; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setIssueAt() * Goal: Inserting an Issue to the issues vectors at a specified index. * Input: An integer (the index) and an Issue. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setIssueAt(int index, Issue issue) { m_vecIssues.set(index, issue); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setEndNeg() * Goal: Initializing the end-negotiation stop watch. * Input: A boolean which specifies whether the stop watch counts up or not, * three integers (hours, minutes and seconds), another boolean which * specifies whether the stop watch is of type end-turn or end-negotiation, * and another integer (number of turns in the negotiation). * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setEndNeg(boolean bCountUp, int nHours, int nMinutes, int nSeconds, boolean bTurnOrNeg, int nMaxTurn) { m_gtEndNeg = new GameTimeServer(bCountUp,nHours,nMinutes,nSeconds,this,bTurnOrNeg,nMaxTurn /* DT: ,m_server,m_st*/ ); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setEndNegRun() * Goal: Stopping or continuing the end-negotiation stop watch. * Input: A boolean which specifies whether the stop watch should * stop (false) or continue (true). * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setEndNegRun(boolean bRun) { m_gtEndNeg.setRun(bRun); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setEndTurn() * Goal: Initializing the end-turn stop watch. * Input: A boolean which specifies whether the stop watch counts up or not, * three integers (hours, minutes and seconds), another boolean which * specifies whether the stop watch is of type end-turn or end-negotiation, * and another integer (number of turns in the negotiation). * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setEndTurn(boolean bCountUp, int nHours, int nMinutes, int nSeconds, boolean bTurnOrNeg, int nMaxTurn) { m_gtEndTurn = new GameTimeServer(bCountUp,nHours,nMinutes,nSeconds,this,bTurnOrNeg,nMaxTurn/* DT: ,m_server,m_st */); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setEndTurnRun() * Goal: Stopping or continuing the end-turn stop watch. * Input: A boolean which specifies whether the stop watch should * stop (false) or continue (true). * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setEndTurnRun(boolean bRun) { m_gtEndTurn.setRun(bRun); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getIssuesNum() * Goal: Return the number of issues of the negotiation. * Input: None. * Output: An integer. ***************************************************************/ public int getIssuesNum() { return m_vecIssues.size(); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getIssueAt() * Goal: Return the issue at the specified index. * Input: An integer (the index). * Output: An Issue. ***************************************************************/ public Issue getIssueAt(int index) { return (Issue)m_vecIssues.elementAt(index); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setPort() * Goal: Setting the agent's port. * Input: An integer (the port). * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setPort(int nPort) { m_nPort = nPort; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getPort() * Goal: Return the agent's port. * Input: None. * Output: An integer. ***************************************************************/ public int getPort() { return m_nPort; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setId() * Goal: Setting the agent's ID. * Input: A String. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setId(String sId) { m_sId = sId; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getId() * Goal: Return the agent's ID. * Input: None. * Output: A String. ***************************************************************/ public String getId() { return m_sId; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getOpponentId() * Goal: Return the opponent's ID. * Input: None. * Output: A String. ***************************************************************/ public String getOpponentId() { return m_sOppId; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getMedId() * Goal: Return the mediator's ID. * Input: None. * Output: A String. ***************************************************************/ public String getMedId() { return m_sMedId; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getIdReligious() * Goal: Return the England side ID (in case the agent is a mediator). * Input: None. * Output: A String. ***************************************************************/ public String getIdReligious() { return m_sIdReligious; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getIdSecular() * Goal: Return the Zimbabwe side ID (in case the agent is a mediator). * Input: None. * Output: A String. ***************************************************************/ public String getIdSecular() { return m_sIdSecular; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setOpponentId() * Goal: Setting the opponent's ID. * Input: A String. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setOpponentId(String sOppId) { m_sOppId = sOppId; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setMedId() * Goal: Setting the mediator's ID. * Input: A String. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setMedId(String sMedId) { m_sMedId = sMedId; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setIdReligious() * Goal: Setting the England side ID (in case the agent is a mediator). * Input: A String. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setIdReligious(String sId) { m_sIdReligious = sId; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setIdSecular() * Goal: Setting the Zimbabwe side ID (in case the agent is a mediator). * Input: A String. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setIdSecular(String sId) { m_sIdSecular = sId; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setSocket() * Goal: Setting the agent's socket and setting the PrintWriter to * write to the socket. * Input: A Socket object. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setSocket(Socket socket) { m_socket = socket; try { m_out = new PrintWriter(m_socket.getOutputStream(),true); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("ERROR----" + "[Agent " + m_sId + "] " + "Error opening socket: " + e.getMessage() + " [Agent::setSocket(614)]"); System.err.println("ERROR----" + "[Agent " + m_sId + "] " + "Error opening socket: " + e.getMessage() + " [Agent::setSocket(614)]"); } } /***************************************************************** * Method name: closeSocketStream() * Goal: Closing the PrintWriter which writes to the agent's socket. * Input: None. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void closeSocketStream() { m_out.close(); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getSocket() * Goal: Return the agent's socket. * Input: None. * Output: A Socket object. ***************************************************************/ public Socket getSocket() { return m_socket; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: writeToSocket() * Goal: Writing a message to the agent's socket. * Input: A string (the message). * Output: None. ***************************************************************/ public void writeToSocket(String sMsg) { m_out.println(sMsg); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: incrementCurrentTurn() * Goal: Incrementing the current turn of the negotiation. * Input: None. * Output: None. ***************************************************************/ public void incrementCurrentTurn() { m_nCurrentTurn++; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setCurrentTurn() * Goal: Setting the current turn. * Input: An integer. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setCurrentTurn(int nCurrentTurn) { m_nCurrentTurn = nCurrentTurn; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: getCurrentTurn() * Goal: Return the current turn. * Input: None. * Output: An integer. ***************************************************************/ public int getCurrentTurn() { return m_nCurrentTurn; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: hasOpponent() * Goal: Return a boolean which specifies whether the agent has an opponent. * Input: None. * Output: A boolean. ***************************************************************/ public boolean hasOpponent() { return m_bHasOpponent; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setHasOpponent() * Goal: Setting whether the agent has an opponent. * Input: A boolean. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setHasOpponent(boolean bHasOpponent) { m_bHasOpponent = bHasOpponent; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: hasMediator() * Goal: Return a boolean which specifies whether the agent has a mediator. * Input: None. * Output: A boolean. ***************************************************************/ public boolean hasMediator() { return m_bHasMediator; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: setHasMediator() * Goal: Setting whether the agent has a mediator. * Input: A boolean. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void setHasMediator(boolean bHasMediator) { m_bHasMediator = bHasMediator; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: supportMediator() * Goal: Return a boolean which specifies whether the agent supports * a mediator. * Input: None. * Output: A boolean. ***************************************************************/ public boolean supportMediator() { return m_bSupportMediator; } /***************************************************************** * Method name: startEndNegThread() * Goal: Starting the end-negotiation stop watch's thread. * Input: None. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void startEndNegThread() { new Thread(m_gtEndNeg).start(); } /***************************************************************** * Method name: startEndNegThread() * Goal: Starting the end-turn stop watch's thread. * Input: None. * Output: None. ****************************************************************/ public void startEndTurnThread() { new Thread(m_gtEndTurn).start(); } public void setPrefDetails(String sPrefDetails) { m_sPrefDetails = sPrefDetails; } public String getPrefDetails() { return m_sPrefDetails; } public double getAgreementTimeEffect() { return m_dTimeEffect; } public double getAgreementOptOutValue() { return m_dOptOutValue; } public void setEndNegReason(String sEndNegReason) { m_sEndNegReason = sEndNegReason; } public String getEndNegReason() { return m_sEndNegReason; } public void setOptOutNum(int nOptOutNum) { m_nOptOutNum = nOptOutNum; } public int getOptOutNum() { return m_nOptOutNum; } public void incrementResponsesNum() { m_nResponsesNum++; } public int getResponsesNum() { return m_nResponsesNum++; } public void incrementAcceptsNum() { m_nAcceptsNum++; } public int getAcceptsNum() { return m_nAcceptsNum; } public void incrementRejectionsNum() { m_nRejectionsNum++; } public int getRejectionsNum() { return m_nRejectionsNum; } public void incrementThreatsNum() { m_nThreatsNum++; } public int getThreatsNum() { return m_nThreatsNum; } public void incrementCommentsNum() { m_nCommentsNum++; } public int getCommentsNum() { return m_nCommentsNum; } public void incrementQueriesNum() { m_nQueriesNum++; } public int getQueriesNum() { return m_nQueriesNum; } public void incrementOffersNum() { m_nOffersNum++; } public int getOffersNum() { return m_nOffersNum; } public void incrementPromisesNum() { m_nPromisesNum++; } public int getPromisesNum() { return m_nPromisesNum; } }