1 | /*
2 | * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3 | * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
4 | * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5 | * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6 | * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7 | * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 | *
9 | * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 | *
11 | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 | * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 | * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 | * limitations under the License.
16 | */
17 | package agents.org.apache.commons.math.linear;
18 |
19 | import agents.org.apache.commons.math.Field;
20 | import agents.org.apache.commons.math.FieldElement;
21 | import agents.org.apache.commons.math.util.OpenIntToFieldHashMap;
22 |
23 | /**
24 | * Sparse matrix implementation based on an open addressed map.
25 | *
26 | * @param <T> the type of the field elements
27 | * @version $Revision: 811685 $ $Date: 2009-09-05 19:36:48 +0200 (sam. 05 sept. 2009) $
28 | * @since 2.0
29 | */
30 | public class SparseFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>> extends AbstractFieldMatrix<T> {
31 | /**
32 | * Serial id
33 | */
34 | private static final long serialVersionUID = 9078068119297757342L;
35 | /** Storage for (sparse) matrix elements. */
36 | private final OpenIntToFieldHashMap<T> entries;
37 | /**
38 | * row dimension
39 | */
40 | private final int rows;
41 | /**
42 | * column dimension
43 | */
44 | private final int columns;
45 |
46 |
47 | /**
48 | * Creates a matrix with no data.
49 | * @param field field to which the elements belong
50 | */
51 | public SparseFieldMatrix(final Field<T> field) {
52 | super(field);
53 | rows = 0;
54 | columns= 0;
55 | entries = new OpenIntToFieldHashMap<T>(field);
56 | }
57 |
58 | /**
59 | * Create a new SparseFieldMatrix<T> with the supplied row and column dimensions.
60 | *
61 | * @param field field to which the elements belong
62 | * @param rowDimension the number of rows in the new matrix
63 | * @param columnDimension the number of columns in the new matrix
64 | * @throws IllegalArgumentException if row or column dimension is not positive
65 | */
66 | public SparseFieldMatrix(final Field<T> field,
67 | final int rowDimension, final int columnDimension)
68 | throws IllegalArgumentException {
69 | super(field, rowDimension, columnDimension);
70 | this.rows = rowDimension;
71 | this.columns = columnDimension;
72 | entries = new OpenIntToFieldHashMap<T>(field);
73 | }
74 |
75 | /**
76 | * Copy constructor.
77 | * @param other The instance to copy
78 | */
79 | public SparseFieldMatrix(SparseFieldMatrix<T> other) {
80 | super(other.getField(), other.getRowDimension(), other.getColumnDimension());
81 | rows = other.getRowDimension();
82 | columns = other.getColumnDimension();
83 | entries = new OpenIntToFieldHashMap<T>(other.entries);
84 | }
85 |
86 | /**
87 | * Generic copy constructor.
88 | * @param other The instance to copy
89 | */
90 | public SparseFieldMatrix(FieldMatrix<T> other){
91 | super(other.getField(), other.getRowDimension(), other.getColumnDimension());
92 | rows = other.getRowDimension();
93 | columns = other.getColumnDimension();
94 | entries = new OpenIntToFieldHashMap<T>(getField());
95 | for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
96 | for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
97 | setEntry(i, j, other.getEntry(i, j));
98 | }
99 | }
100 | }
101 |
102 | /** {@inheritDoc} */
103 | @Override
104 | public void addToEntry(int row, int column, T increment)
105 | throws MatrixIndexException {
106 | checkRowIndex(row);
107 | checkColumnIndex(column);
108 | final int key = computeKey(row, column);
109 | final T value = entries.get(key).add(increment);
110 | if (getField().getZero().equals(value)) {
111 | entries.remove(key);
112 | } else {
113 | entries.put(key, value);
114 | }
115 |
116 | }
117 |
118 | /** {@inheritDoc} */
119 | @Override
120 | public FieldMatrix<T> copy() {
121 | return new SparseFieldMatrix<T>(this);
122 | }
123 |
124 | /** {@inheritDoc} */
125 | @Override
126 | public FieldMatrix<T> createMatrix(int rowDimension, int columnDimension)
127 | throws IllegalArgumentException {
128 | return new SparseFieldMatrix<T>(getField(), rowDimension, columnDimension);
129 | }
130 |
131 | /** {@inheritDoc} */
132 | @Override
133 | public int getColumnDimension() {
134 | return columns;
135 | }
136 |
137 | /** {@inheritDoc} */
138 | @Override
139 | public T getEntry(int row, int column) throws MatrixIndexException {
140 | checkRowIndex(row);
141 | checkColumnIndex(column);
142 | return entries.get(computeKey(row, column));
143 | }
144 |
145 | /** {@inheritDoc} */
146 | @Override
147 | public int getRowDimension() {
148 | return rows;
149 | }
150 |
151 | /** {@inheritDoc} */
152 | @Override
153 | public void multiplyEntry(int row, int column, T factor)
154 | throws MatrixIndexException {
155 | checkRowIndex(row);
156 | checkColumnIndex(column);
157 | final int key = computeKey(row, column);
158 | final T value = entries.get(key).multiply(factor);
159 | if (getField().getZero().equals(value)) {
160 | entries.remove(key);
161 | } else {
162 | entries.put(key, value);
163 | }
164 |
165 | }
166 |
167 | /** {@inheritDoc} */
168 | @Override
169 | public void setEntry(int row, int column, T value)
170 | throws MatrixIndexException {
171 | checkRowIndex(row);
172 | checkColumnIndex(column);
173 | if (getField().getZero().equals(value)) {
174 | entries.remove(computeKey(row, column));
175 | } else {
176 | entries.put(computeKey(row, column), value);
177 | }
178 |
179 | }
180 | /**
181 | * Compute the key to access a matrix element
182 | * @param row row index of the matrix element
183 | * @param column column index of the matrix element
184 | * @return key within the map to access the matrix element
185 | */
186 | private int computeKey(int row, int column) {
187 | return row * columns + column;
188 | }
189 |
190 | }