package agents.anac.y2019.harddealer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.bidding.BidDetails; import genius.core.boaframework.BOAparameter; import genius.core.boaframework.NegotiationSession; import genius.core.boaframework.OpponentModel; import genius.core.issue.Issue; import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete; import genius.core.issue.Objective; import genius.core.issue.Value; import genius.core.issue.ValueDiscrete; import genius.core.timeline.TimeLineInfo; import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace; import genius.core.utility.Evaluator; import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorDiscrete; public class HardDealer_OM extends OpponentModel { private double learnCoeff; private double issueUpdate; private int valueUpdate; private double minOppUtil = 0; // Minimum utility value for opponent when Negotiation Time ends private double maxOppUtil = 1; // Maximum utility value for opponent when Negotiation Time starts private double nOfHypothesis; private double nOfIssues; HashMap, Double> probHyp = new HashMap, Double>(); // the probabilities for each hypothesis List> spaceOfHypothesis = new ArrayList>(); // All the possible hypothesis HashMap, Double> oppUF = new HashMap, Double>(); // List of utility evaluations for each hypothesis HashMap, Double> probHypGivenBid = new HashMap, Double>(); // List of probabilities for each hypothesis given as bid List oppTargetUtility = new ArrayList(); // List of target utilities for the opponent for each time interval HashMap,HashMap> ListWeight = new HashMap, HashMap>(); HashMap simpleWeights = new HashMap(); // List of weights for the SimpleLearning model TimeLineInfo negTime; public void init(NegotiationSession negotiationSession, Map parameters) { this.negotiationSession = negotiationSession; if (parameters != null && parameters.get("l") != null) { learnCoeff = parameters.get("l"); } else { learnCoeff = 0.13; } negTime = negotiationSession.getTimeline(); valueUpdate = 1; opponentUtilitySpace = (AdditiveUtilitySpace) negotiationSession .getUtilitySpace().copy(); nOfIssues = opponentUtilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues().size(); /* * This is the value to be added to weights of unchanged issues before * normalization. Also the value that is taken as the minimum possible * weight, (therefore defining the maximum possible also). */ issueUpdate = learnCoeff / nOfIssues; initializeModel(); } /** * Update both the bayesian learning model as the simple learning model */ @Override public void updateModel(Bid bid, double time) { double alpha = 1; // Calculate target utility for the opponent given the concession formula double targetUtility = maxOppUtil - (maxOppUtil - minOppUtil) * Math.pow((negTime.getCurrentTime() / negTime.getTotalTime()), alpha); oppTargetUtility.add(targetUtility); /** * For each hypothesis, calculate the utility of the current bid given the weights of that hypothesis * Calculation of utility of bid inspired by getUtility() function in the AdditiveUtilitySpace of genius */ for (List Hypothesis : spaceOfHypothesis) { HashMap Weights = ListWeight.get(Hypothesis); HashMap Values = bid.getValues(); double CompleteUF = 0; for (Issue issues : Hypothesis) { for (Entry e : opponentUtilitySpace.getEvaluators()) { EvaluatorDiscrete evaluator = (EvaluatorDiscrete) e.getValue(); double value = 0; try { value = evaluator.getEvaluation((ValueDiscrete)Values.get(issues.getNumber())); double OppUtilityFun = value * Weights.get(issues.getNumber()); CompleteUF = CompleteUF + OppUtilityFun; } catch (Exception e1) { } } } if(CompleteUF > 1) { CompleteUF = 1; } oppUF.put(Hypothesis, CompleteUF); } /** * Calculate the probability of the hypothesis given this bid as the 1 - the distance between the calculated utility and the target utility */ for (List Hypothesis : spaceOfHypothesis) { probHypGivenBid.put(Hypothesis, 1 - Math.abs(oppUF.get(Hypothesis) - oppTargetUtility.get(oppTargetUtility.size()-1))); } double sumProbHypGivenBid = 0; for (List hypothesis : spaceOfHypothesis) { sumProbHypGivenBid += probHypGivenBid.get(hypothesis) * probHyp.get(hypothesis); } double maxProb = 0; List maxHyp = new ArrayList<>(); // Bayesian Rule to calculate the new probability of each hypothesis for (List hypothesis : spaceOfHypothesis) { double prob = probHypGivenBid.get(hypothesis) * probHyp.get(hypothesis) / sumProbHypGivenBid; if(Double.isNaN(prob)) prob = 0; probHyp.put(hypothesis, prob); // Record which hypothesis has the highest probability to use in the actual weights for the model if(prob > maxProb) { maxProb = prob; maxHyp = hypothesis; } } // Only start updating the simple learning and updating weights and values after at least 2 opponent bids if (negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().size() < 2) { return; } /** * Gets the last 5 bids, or if there are less than 5 bids, return all the last bids. */ ArrayList multipleBids = new ArrayList(); BidDetails oppBid = negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().getHistory() .get(negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().size() - 1); multipleBids.add(oppBid); BidDetails prevOppBid1 = negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().getHistory() .get(negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().size() - 2); multipleBids.add(prevOppBid1); if (negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().size() > 2) { BidDetails prevOppBid2 = negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory() .getHistory() .get(negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().size() - 3); multipleBids.add(prevOppBid2); } if (negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().size() > 3) { BidDetails prevOppBid3 = negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory() .getHistory() .get(negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().size() - 4); multipleBids.add(prevOppBid3); } if (negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().size() > 4) { BidDetails prevOppBid4 = negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory() .getHistory() .get(negotiationSession.getOpponentBidHistory().size() - 5); multipleBids.add(prevOppBid4); } /** * Get for each of the issues how many bids the value has not changed */ HashMap lastDiffSet = last5oppBid(multipleBids); /** * Calculate the new total weight * Each weight will have the issue Update value * the number of bids the value in this issue has not changed added to it */ double totalweight = 0; for (Integer i : lastDiffSet.keySet()) { double weight = opponentUtilitySpace.getWeight(i); if (lastDiffSet.get(i) == 4) { totalweight += (weight + 4 * issueUpdate); } else if (lastDiffSet.get(i) == 3) { totalweight += (weight + 3 * issueUpdate); } else if (lastDiffSet.get(i) == 2) { totalweight += (weight + 2 * issueUpdate); } else if (lastDiffSet.get(i) == 1) { totalweight += (weight + 1 * issueUpdate); } else { totalweight += weight; } } /** * Update the weights to the new weights as explained above, but now normalized corresponding to the total weight */ for (Integer i : lastDiffSet.keySet()) { Objective issue = opponentUtilitySpace.getDomain() .getObjectivesRoot().getObjective(i); double weight = opponentUtilitySpace.getWeight(i); double newWeight; if (lastDiffSet.get(i) == 4) { newWeight = (weight + 4 * issueUpdate) / totalweight; } else if (lastDiffSet.get(i) == 3) { newWeight = (weight + 3 * issueUpdate) / totalweight; } else if (lastDiffSet.get(i) == 2) { newWeight = (weight + 2 * issueUpdate) / totalweight; } else if (lastDiffSet.get(i) == 1) { newWeight = (weight + 1 * issueUpdate) / totalweight; } else { newWeight = weight / totalweight; } simpleWeights.put(issue, newWeight); } /* * The weights for the opponent model are updated to a combination of the bayesian model and the simple learning model * The weights are calculated as the probability of the highest hypothesis * the weight corresponding to this hypothesis * Combined with 1 - that probability * the weights as calculated by the simple learning model */ HashMap maxWeights = ListWeight.get(maxHyp); for(Issue issue: maxHyp) { opponentUtilitySpace.setWeight(issue, (maxProb * maxWeights.get(issue.getNumber())) + ((1- maxProb) * simpleWeights.get( (Objective) issue) ) ); } try { for (Entry e : opponentUtilitySpace .getEvaluators()) { EvaluatorDiscrete value = (EvaluatorDiscrete) e.getValue(); IssueDiscrete issue = ((IssueDiscrete) e.getKey()); /* * add constant learnValueAddition to the current preference of * the value to make it more important */ ValueDiscrete issuevalue = (ValueDiscrete) multipleBids.get(0).getBid() .getValue(issue.getNumber()); Integer eval = value.getEvaluationNotNormalized(issuevalue); value.setEvaluation(issuevalue, (valueUpdate + eval)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public double getBidEvaluation(Bid bid) { double result = 0; try { result = opponentUtilitySpace.getUtility(bid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public String getName() { return "HardDealer_OM"; } @Override public Set getParameterSpec() { Set set = new HashSet(); set.add(new BOAparameter("l", 0.13, "The learning coefficient determines how quickly the issue weights are learned")); return set; } /** * Initialize both the simple learning and bayesian learning model */ private void initializeModel() { double commonWeight = 1D / nOfIssues; for (Entry e : opponentUtilitySpace .getEvaluators()) { opponentUtilitySpace.unlock(e.getKey()); // Set the weights to 1 / number of issues e.getValue().setWeight(commonWeight); try { // set all value weights to one (they are normalized when // calculating the utility) for (ValueDiscrete vd : ((IssueDiscrete) e.getKey()) .getValues()) ((EvaluatorDiscrete) e.getValue()).setEvaluation(vd, 1); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } List issues = negotiationSession.getIssues(); // Initialise the space of hypothesis generateHypSpace(issues); nOfHypothesis = spaceOfHypothesis.size(); // Initialise the probabilities of each hypothesis to 1 / number of hypothesis for (List hypothesis : spaceOfHypothesis) { probHyp.put(hypothesis, 1D / nOfHypothesis); } for (List Hypothesis : spaceOfHypothesis) { HashMap hypWeights = new HashMap(); for (Issue issue : Hypothesis) { // The weights for each issue in a hypothesis is defined as 2 * rank / number of issues * number of issues - 1 double OppNewWeight = 2 * (Hypothesis.indexOf(issue) + 1) / (nOfIssues * (nOfIssues + 1)); hypWeights.put(issue.getNumber(), OppNewWeight); } ListWeight.put(Hypothesis, hypWeights); oppUF.put(Hypothesis, 0D); } } /* * Returns for each issue how many bids in a row the value for that issue has not changed */ private HashMap last5oppBid(ArrayList multipleBids) { HashMap oppBiddiff = new HashMap(); try { for (Issue i : opponentUtilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues()) { Value value1 = null; Value value2 = null; Value value3 = null; Value value4 = null; Value value5 = null; value1 = multipleBids.get(0).getBid().getValue(i.getNumber()); value2 = multipleBids.get(1).getBid().getValue(i.getNumber()); if (multipleBids.size() > 2) { value3 = multipleBids.get(2).getBid().getValue(i.getNumber()); } if (multipleBids.size() > 3) { value4 = multipleBids.get(3).getBid().getValue(i.getNumber()); } if (multipleBids.size() > 4) { value5 = multipleBids.get(4).getBid().getValue(i.getNumber()); } /** * Checks first if the last 4 values equals the current value * If not, it checks for 3, 2 and 1 last values. */ if (value1.equals(value2) && value2.equals(value3) && value3.equals(value4) && value4.equals(value5)) { oppBiddiff.put(i.getNumber(), 4); } else if (value1.equals(value2) && value2.equals(value3) && value3.equals(value4) && !(value4.equals(value5))) { oppBiddiff.put(i.getNumber(), 3); } else if (value1.equals(value2) && value2.equals(value3) && !(value3.equals(value4))) { oppBiddiff.put(i.getNumber(), 2); } else if (value1.equals(value2) && !(value2.equals(value3))) { oppBiddiff.put(i.getNumber(), 1); } else if (!(value1.equals(value2))) { oppBiddiff.put(i.getNumber(), 0); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return oppBiddiff; } /* * Creates the list of possible hypothesis by creating all permutations of the list of issues * All the following code for creating permutations was inspired by */ private ArrayList> generateHypSpace(List issues) { return permutations(issues); } /* * Swaps two issues in a hypothesis */ private List swap(List spaceOfHypothesis2, int i, int j) { Issue tmp = spaceOfHypothesis2.get(i); spaceOfHypothesis2.set(i, spaceOfHypothesis2.get(j)); spaceOfHypothesis2.set(j, tmp); return spaceOfHypothesis2; } /* * Creates a list of all permutations of a list of issues */ private void permutations(List spaceOfHypothesis2, int loc, int len) { // If you reach the end of the list, this permutation is done // Make a hard copy of this permutation to prevent referencing issues and add it to the result if (loc == len){ ArrayList copy = new ArrayList(); for(Issue i : spaceOfHypothesis2) { copy.add(i); } spaceOfHypothesis.add(copy); return; } // Make all permutations from the next issue permutations(spaceOfHypothesis2, loc + 1, len); for (int i = loc + 1; i < len; i++) { // Swap the current issue with the issue at index i spaceOfHypothesis2 = swap(spaceOfHypothesis2, loc, i); // Create all permutations with these two issues swapped permutations(spaceOfHypothesis2, loc + 1, len); // Restore the permutation spaceOfHypothesis2 = swap(spaceOfHypothesis2, loc, i); } } /* * Create the permutations by intialising the result, and starting at index 0 */ public ArrayList> permutations(List spaceOfHypothesis2) { ArrayList> result = new ArrayList>(); permutations(spaceOfHypothesis2, 0, spaceOfHypothesis2.size()); return result; } }