package agents.anac.y2019.fsega2019.fsegaoppmodel; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.Domain; import genius.core.issue.Issue; import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete; import genius.core.utility.AbstractUtilitySpace; import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorDiscrete; import genius.core.utility.UtilitySpace; public class MyBayesianOpponentModel extends OpponentModel { private AbstractUtilitySpace uUS; private ArrayList uUSHypothesis; private double previousBidUtility; private double SIGMA = 0.25; private double CONCESSION_STRATEGY = 0.035; //estimated opponent concession strategy private int initialNumberHyps = 0; //scalable private boolean bUseMostProb = true; private ArrayList mostProbHyps; public MyBayesianOpponentModel(AbstractUtilitySpace pUS) { //TODO: for test //System.out.println("Model creation"); if(pUS == null) throw new NullPointerException("MyBayesianOpponentModel: utility space = null"); uUS = pUS; previousBidUtility = 1; dDomain = pUS.getDomain(); //aBiddingHistory = new ArrayList(); List issues = dDomain.getIssues(); ArrayList> aaEvaluatorHypothesis = new ArrayList> (); int numberOfIssues = issues.size(); //generate weight hypothesis ==> ! hypothesis WeightHypothesis[] weightHypothesis = new WeightHypothesis[factorial(numberOfIssues)]; //create all permutations double[] P = new double[numberOfIssues]; //normalize weights for(int i = 0; i < numberOfIssues; i++) P[i] = 2.0 * (i + 1) / (double)(numberOfIssues * (numberOfIssues + 1)); weightPermutations(0, weightHypothesis, P, numberOfIssues - 1); //add initial probabilities for(int i = 0; i < weightHypothesis.length; i++) weightHypothesis[i].setProbability(1.0/weightHypothesis.length); //generate evaluator hypotheses for(int i = 0; i < numberOfIssues; i++) { ArrayList lEvalHyps; // switch(uUS.getEvaluator(issues.get(i).getNumber()).getType()) // { // case DISCRETE: lEvalHyps = new ArrayList(); aaEvaluatorHypothesis.add(lEvalHyps); IssueDiscrete lDiscIssue = (IssueDiscrete)(dDomain.getIssues().get(i)); //uphill EvaluatorDiscrete lDiscreteEvaluator = new EvaluatorDiscrete(); for(int j = 0; j < lDiscIssue.getNumberOfValues(); j++) lDiscreteEvaluator.addEvaluation(lDiscIssue.getValue(j), 1000 * j + 1); EvaluatorHypothesis lEvaluatorHypothesis = new EvaluatorHypothesis(lDiscreteEvaluator, "uphill"); lEvalHyps.add(lEvaluatorHypothesis); //downhill lDiscreteEvaluator = new EvaluatorDiscrete(); for(int j=0; j < lDiscIssue.getNumberOfValues(); j++) lDiscreteEvaluator.addEvaluation(lDiscIssue.getValue(j), 1000 * (lDiscIssue.getNumberOfValues() - j - 1) + 1); lEvaluatorHypothesis = new EvaluatorHypothesis(lDiscreteEvaluator, "downhill"); lEvalHyps.add(lEvaluatorHypothesis); //triangular lDiscreteEvaluator = new EvaluatorDiscrete(); int halfway=lDiscIssue.getNumberOfValues()/2; for(int j=0;j(); // aaEvaluatorHypothesis.add(lEvalHyps); // IssueReal lRealIssue = (IssueReal)(dDomain.getIssue(i)); // // //uphill // EvaluatorReal lRealEvaluator = new EvaluatorReal(); // lRealEvaluator.setLowerBound(lRealIssue.getLowerBound()); // lRealEvaluator.setUpperBound(lRealIssue.getUpperBound()); // lRealEvaluator.setType(EVALFUNCTYPE.LINEAR); // lRealEvaluator.addParam(1, 1.0/(lRealEvaluator.getUpperBound()-lRealEvaluator.getLowerBound())); // lRealEvaluator.addParam(0, -lRealEvaluator.getLowerBound()/(lRealEvaluator.getUpperBound()-lRealEvaluator.getLowerBound())); // lEvaluatorHypothesis = new EvaluatorHypothesis(lRealEvaluator, "uphill"); // lEvalHyps.add(lEvaluatorHypothesis); // // //downhill // lRealEvaluator = new EvaluatorReal(); // lRealEvaluator.setLowerBound(lRealIssue.getLowerBound()); // lRealEvaluator.setUpperBound(lRealIssue.getUpperBound()); // lRealEvaluator.setType(EVALFUNCTYPE.LINEAR); // lRealEvaluator.addParam(1, -1.0/(lRealEvaluator.getUpperBound()-lRealEvaluator.getLowerBound())); // lRealEvaluator.addParam(0, 1.0+lRealEvaluator.getLowerBound()/(lRealEvaluator.getUpperBound()-lRealEvaluator.getLowerBound())); // lEvaluatorHypothesis = new EvaluatorHypothesis(lRealEvaluator, "downhill"); // lEvalHyps.add(lEvaluatorHypothesis); // // //triangular // int lTotalTriangularFns = 1; // for(int k=1;k<=lTotalTriangularFns;k++) // { // lRealEvaluator = new EvaluatorReal(); // lRealEvaluator.setLowerBound(lRealIssue.getLowerBound()); // lRealEvaluator.setUpperBound(lRealIssue.getUpperBound()); // lRealEvaluator.setType(EVALFUNCTYPE.TRIANGULAR); // lRealEvaluator.addParam(0, lRealEvaluator.getLowerBound()); // lRealEvaluator.addParam(1, lRealEvaluator.getUpperBound()); // lRealEvaluator.addParam(2, lRealEvaluator.getLowerBound()+(double)k*(lRealEvaluator.getUpperBound()-lRealEvaluator.getLowerBound())/(lTotalTriangularFns+1)); // lEvaluatorHypothesis = new EvaluatorHypothesis(lRealEvaluator, "triangular"); // lEvaluatorHypothesis.setProbability((double)1/3); // lEvalHyps.add(lEvaluatorHypothesis); // } // for(int k=0;k evalHypothesis = new ArrayList(); // uUS.getDomain().getIssues().size() EvaluatorHypothesis[] ehTmp = new EvaluatorHypothesis[uUS.getDomain().getIssues().size()]; buildEvaluationHypothesis(evalHypothesis, ehTmp, uUS.getDomain().getIssues().size() - 1, aaEvaluatorHypothesis); //build user space hypothesis buildUtilitySpaceHypothesis(weightHypothesis, evalHypothesis); // HOSOKAWA: removed this part // try // { // FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("E:\\Hyopothesis.txt"); // fw.write(uUSHypothesis.toString()); // fw.flush(); // fw.close(); // } // catch(Exception e) // { } initialNumberHyps = uUSHypothesis.size(); } private void buildEvaluationHypothesis(ArrayList pHyps, EvaluatorHypothesis[] pEval, int m, ArrayList> paaEval) { if(m==0) { ArrayList lEvalHyps = paaEval.get(uUS.getDomain().getIssues().size()-1); for (int i=0;i lEvalHyps = paaEval.get(uUS.getDomain().getIssues().size()-m-1); for (int i=0;i pEvalHypothesis) { uUSHypothesis = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < pWeightHypothesis.length; i++) { for(int j=0; j < pEvalHypothesis.size(); j++) { UtilitySpaceHypothesis lUSHyp = new UtilitySpaceHypothesis(dDomain, uUS, pWeightHypothesis[i], pEvalHypothesis.get(j)); uUSHypothesis.add(lUSHyp); } } //set initial probability for all hyps for(int i = 0; i < uUSHypothesis.size(); i++) { uUSHypothesis.get(i).setProbability(1.0/(double)(uUSHypothesis.size())); } } private Integer weightPermutations(Integer index, WeightHypothesis[] hyps, double[] P, int m) { if(m == 0) { WeightHypothesis lWH = new WeightHypothesis(dDomain); for(int i = 0; i < P.length; i++) lWH.setWeight(i, P[i]); hyps[index] = lWH; index++; } else { for(int i = 0; i <= m; i++) { index = weightPermutations(index, hyps, P, m-1); if(i j double tmp = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = tmp; i++; j--; } } private int factorial(int n) { int result = 1; for(; n > 1; n--) { result *= n; } return result; } public void updateBeliefs(Bid pBid) throws Exception { //TODO: this variable counts the number of excludes int iExcludeCnt = 0; //calculate probability for the given bid double lProbSum = 0; double lMaxProb = 0; for(int i = 0; i < uUSHypothesis.size(); i++) { UtilitySpaceHypothesis hyp = uUSHypothesis.get(i); double condDistrib = hyp.getProbability() * conditionalDistribution(uUSHypothesis.get(i).getUtility(pBid), previousBidUtility); lProbSum += condDistrib; if(condDistrib > lMaxProb) lMaxProb = condDistrib; hyp.setProbability(condDistrib); } if(bUseMostProb) mostProbHyps = new ArrayList(); double mostProbHypSum = 0; //update the weights hyps and evaluators hyps for(int i = 0; i < uUSHypothesis.size(); i++) { UtilitySpaceHypothesis hyp = uUSHypothesis.get(i); double normalizedProbability = hyp.getProbability() / lProbSum; if(bUseMostProb) if(normalizedProbability > lMaxProb * 0.95 / lProbSum) { mostProbHyps.add(hyp); mostProbHypSum += normalizedProbability; } //exclude if probability is 0 if(normalizedProbability > 0) hyp.setProbability(normalizedProbability); else { iExcludeCnt++; uUSHypothesis.remove(i); } // --- end exclude hyps with prob. around 0 } //normalize most probable hypothesis if(bUseMostProb) { for(int i=0;i= 0.15) { //calculate utility of the next partner's bid according to the concession functions previousBidUtility = previousBidUtility - CONCESSION_STRATEGY; //sort hypotesis by probability Collections.sort(uUSHypothesis); //exclude bids with sum under 0.95 int cutPoint = Integer.MAX_VALUE; double cummulativeSum = 0; //get cutPoint //and cumulative sum for normalization for(int i = 0; i < uUSHypothesis.size(); i++) { cummulativeSum += uUSHypothesis.get(i).getProbability(); if(cummulativeSum > 0.95) { cutPoint = i; break; } } //System.out.println("Cumulative sum: " + cummulativeSum); //eliminate from cutPoint to last item if(cutPoint != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { for(int i = uUSHypothesis.size() - 1; i >= cutPoint; i--) { iExcludeCnt++; uUSHypothesis.remove(i); } } double normalizedUtilSum = 0; //normalize remained hypothesis probability for(int i = 0; i < uUSHypothesis.size(); i++) { UtilitySpaceHypothesis currentHyp = uUSHypothesis.get(i); double newProbability = currentHyp.getProbability() / cummulativeSum; currentHyp.setProbability(newProbability); normalizedUtilSum += newProbability; } //TODO: print info about excludes System.out.println("Excluded hypothesis at this step: " + iExcludeCnt); System.out.println("Count of remained Hyps: " + uUSHypothesis.size()); System.out.println("NormSum: " + normalizedUtilSum); } } private double conditionalDistribution(double pUtility, double pPreviousBidUtility) { if(pPreviousBidUtility < pUtility) return 0; else { double x = (pPreviousBidUtility - pUtility) / pPreviousBidUtility; double distribution = (1 / (SIGMA * Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI)) * Math.exp(-(x * x) / (2 * SIGMA * SIGMA))); return distribution; } } public double getExpectedUtility(Bid pBid) throws Exception { double lExpectedUtility = 0; if(bUseMostProb &&(mostProbHyps != null)) { for(int i=0; i < mostProbHyps.size(); i++) { UtilitySpaceHypothesis tmpUSHypothesis = mostProbHyps.get(i); double p = tmpUSHypothesis.getProbability(); double u = tmpUSHypothesis.getUtility(pBid); lExpectedUtility += p * u; } } else { for(int i = 0; i < uUSHypothesis.size(); i++) { UtilitySpaceHypothesis tmpUSHypothesis = uUSHypothesis.get(i); double p = tmpUSHypothesis.getProbability(); double u = tmpUSHypothesis.getUtility(pBid); lExpectedUtility += p * u; } } //TODO: for test //System.out.println("utility: " + lExpectedUtility + "for bid: " + pBid); return lExpectedUtility; } public double getExpectedWeight(int pIssueNumber) { double lExpectedWeight = 0; for(int i=0; i < uUSHypothesis.size(); i++) { UtilitySpaceHypothesis lUSHyp = uUSHypothesis.get(i); double p = lUSHyp.getProbability(); double u = lUSHyp.getHeightHyp().getWeight(pIssueNumber); lExpectedWeight += p * u; } return lExpectedWeight; } }