package agents.anac.y2019.agentlarry; import genius.core.AgentID; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.BidIterator; import genius.core.actions.Accept; import genius.core.actions.Action; import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation; import genius.core.actions.Offer; import genius.core.list.Tuple; import genius.core.parties.AbstractNegotiationParty; import genius.core.parties.NegotiationInfo; import genius.core.persistent.PersistentDataType; import genius.core.persistent.StandardInfo; import genius.core.persistent.StandardInfoList; import genius.core.uncertainty.AdditiveUtilitySpaceFactory; import genius.core.utility.AbstractUtilitySpace; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class AgentLarry extends AbstractNegotiationParty { private final Map agentsBidHistories = new HashMap<>(); private Bid lastOfferedBid = null; private BidHistory initialHistory = new BidHistory(); private final VectorConverter vectorConverter = new VectorConverter(); private class BidHistory extends ArrayList> {} @Override public void init(NegotiationInfo info) { super.init(info); if (this.getData().getPersistentDataType() == PersistentDataType.STANDARD) { StandardInfoList infoList = (StandardInfoList) info.getPersistentData().get(); for (StandardInfo sessionInfo : infoList) { Bid initialBid = sessionInfo.getAgreement().get1(); if (initialBid != null) { System.out.println(String.format("initial bid: %s", initialBid.toString())); initialHistory.add(new Tuple<>(initialBid, true)); } } } } /** * Receive message and save it in the bid history * If it is accept save the bid the agent accept with true * if it is offer save the last bid with false since the agent did not accept and * save the bid he made in his offer with true assuming because he offered it he would accept it * * @param sender The id of the agent who sent the message * @param act the action that was sent */ @Override public void receiveMessage(AgentID sender, Action act) { super.receiveMessage(sender, act); if (act instanceof Offer || act instanceof Accept) { if (!agentsBidHistories.containsKey(sender)) { agentsBidHistories.put(sender, (BidHistory) initialHistory.clone()); } } if (act instanceof Offer) { Bid bid = ((Offer) act).getBid(); this.agentsBidHistories.get(sender).add(new Tuple<>(bid, true)); if (this.lastOfferedBid != null) { this.agentsBidHistories.get(sender).add(new Tuple<>(this.lastOfferedBid, false)); } this.lastOfferedBid = bid; } else if (act instanceof Accept) { Bid bid = ((Accept) act).getBid(); this.agentsBidHistories.get(sender).add(new Tuple<>(bid, true)); } } /** * Choose if to accept the last offer or make a new offer * * First we initialize a logistic regression model for each agent (except us) with his bid history * and whether he accepted each bid or rejected it * We train a new logistic regression each time and not use the same one for the whole session * because retrain it each time gives a better results * (probably because of the random weight before you start train it) * * Then for each bid we value the chances each agent will accept it using the logistic regression models * and evaluate the bid by multiple them all together with the utility of the bid and choose the bid * with the highest evaluation * * Then if the last offered bid has an higher utility we accept it, otherwise we offer the bid we chose * * @param list The available actions to do * @return The chosen action */ @Override public Action chooseAction(List> list) { try { System.out.println(getPartyId()); System.out.println("choosing action"); System.out.println("initializing model"); List logisticRegressionsModels = this.initializeModels(); LogisticRegression larryModel = this.initializeLarryModel(); System.out.println("searching for best bid"); Bid nextBid = this.findNextBid(logisticRegressionsModels, larryModel); System.out.println("choosing of accepting or offering"); if (list.contains(Accept.class) && shouldAccept(nextBid)) { System.out.println("Accepting"); return new Accept(getPartyId(), lastOfferedBid); } else { System.out.println("offering"); this.lastOfferedBid = nextBid; return new Offer(this.getPartyId(), nextBid); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new EndNegotiation(getPartyId()); } } /** * @param nextBid The next bid to offer * @return Whether to accept the last bid or offer the nextBid */ private boolean shouldAccept(Bid nextBid) { if (lastOfferedBid != null) { if (userModel.getBidRanking().getBidOrder().indexOf(lastOfferedBid) >= userModel.getBidRanking().getBidOrder().indexOf(nextBid) * this.utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param logisticRegressionsModels The models of the agents * @return The next bid to offer */ private Bid findNextBid(List logisticRegressionsModels, LogisticRegression larryModel) { double bestBidEvaluation = 0; Bid nextBid = null; BidIterator bidIterator = new BidIterator(this.utilitySpace.getDomain()); while (bidIterator.hasNext()) { Bid bid =; Vector vector = this.vectorConverter.convert(bid); double chancesForAcceptance = 1; for (LogisticRegression model : logisticRegressionsModels) { chancesForAcceptance *= model.classify(vector); } double bidUtility = larryModel.classify(vector); double bidEvaluation = bidUtility + chancesForAcceptance; if (bidEvaluation >= bestBidEvaluation) { nextBid = bid; bestBidEvaluation = bidEvaluation; } } System.out.println(String.format("next bid evaluation %f", bestBidEvaluation)); return nextBid; } /** * Initialize the models of the agents * each model gets a bid and returns the chances the agent will accept it * * @return The logistic models of the agents */ private List initializeModels() { List logisticRegressionsModels = new ArrayList<>(); for (BidHistory bidHistory : this.agentsBidHistories.values()) { LogisticRegression logisticRegression = new LogisticRegression( this.vectorConverter.getVectorSize(this.utilitySpace.getDomain())); for (Tuple bidToDidAccept : bidHistory) { Vector vector = this.vectorConverter.convert(bidToDidAccept.get1()); double label = bidToDidAccept.get2() ? 1 : 0; logisticRegression.train(vector, label); } logisticRegressionsModels.add(logisticRegression); } return logisticRegressionsModels; } private LogisticRegression initializeLarryModel() { LogisticRegression model = new LogisticRegression(this.vectorConverter.getVectorSize(this.utilitySpace.getDomain())); List bids = userModel.getBidRanking().getBidOrder(); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < bids.size(); i++) { Vector vector = this.vectorConverter.convert(bids.get(i)); double label = (userModel.getBidRanking().getHighUtility() - userModel.getBidRanking().getLowUtility()) * i / bids.size(); model.train(vector, label); } } return model; } @Override public AbstractUtilitySpace estimateUtilitySpace() { return new AdditiveUtilitySpaceFactory(getDomain()).getUtilitySpace(); } @Override public String getDescription() { return "ANAC2019 AgentLarry"; } }