source: src/main/java/agents/anac/y2018/libra/

Last change on this file was 345, checked in by Tim Baarslag, 4 years ago

Fixed agent 2018 descriptions

File size: 10.6 KB
1package agents.anac.y2018.libra;
3import java.util.List;
5import java.util.ArrayList;
6import java.util.HashMap;
8import negotiator.parties.BoulwareNegotiationParty;
9import negotiator.parties.ConcederNegotiationParty;
11import agents.anac.y2015.Atlas3.Atlas3;
13import agents.anac.y2015.ParsAgent.ParsAgent;
14import agents.anac.y2015.RandomDance.RandomDance;
15import agents.anac.y2016.caduceus.Caduceus;
16import agents.anac.y2016.farma.Farma;
17import agents.anac.y2016.myagent.MyAgent;
18import agents.anac.y2016.parscat.ParsCat;
20import agents.anac.y2016.terra.Terra;
22import agents.anac.y2016.yxagent.YXAgent;
24import agents.anac.y2017.agentf.AgentF;
25import agents.anac.y2017.agentkn.AgentKN;
26import agents.anac.y2017.caduceusdc16.CaduceusDC16;
27import agents.anac.y2017.mamenchis.Mamenchis;
29import agents.anac.y2017.parsagent3.ShahAgent;
30import agents.anac.y2017.parscat2.ParsCat2;
31import agents.anac.y2017.ponpokoagent.PonPokoAgent;
32import agents.anac.y2017.rubick.Rubick;
34import genius.core.AgentID;
35import genius.core.Bid;
36import genius.core.actions.Accept;
37import genius.core.actions.Action;
38import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation;
39import genius.core.actions.Offer;
41import genius.core.issue.Value;
42import genius.core.parties.AbstractNegotiationParty;
43import genius.core.parties.NegotiationInfo;
44import genius.core.parties.NegotiationParty;
47 * This is your negotiation party.
48 */
49public class Libra extends AbstractNegotiationParty {
51 HashMap<AgentID,Bid> lastReceivedBidMap = new HashMap<AgentID, Bid>();
52 private Bid lastReceivedBid = null;
53 private Bid lastOfferedBid = null;
54 public int agentNum = 19;
55 public NegotiationParty[] agents = new NegotiationParty[agentNum];
56 public double[] weightS = new double[agentNum];
57 private double def_weight =10.0;
58 private double weightSum = (double)agentNum*def_weight;
59 private double chg_weight = 2.0;
60 private double min_weight = 1.0;
61 private Action[] lastActionS = new Action[agentNum];
62 @Override
63 public void init(NegotiationInfo info) {
64 super.init(info);
65 System.out.println("Discount Factor is " + info.getUtilitySpace().getDiscountFactor());
66 System.out.println("Reservation Value is " + info.getUtilitySpace().getReservationValueUndiscounted());
68 // if you need to initialize some variables, please initialize them
69 // below
70 agents[0] = new BoulwareNegotiationParty();
71 agents[1] = new ConcederNegotiationParty();
72 //
73 agents[2] = new ParsAgent();
74 agents[3] = new RandomDance();
75 agents[4] = new Atlas3();
76 //
77 agents[5] = new YXAgent();
78 agents[6] = new Farma();
79 agents[7] = new ParsCat();
80 //
81 agents[8] = new ShahAgent();
82 agents[9] = new PonPokoAgent();
83 agents[10] = new Mamenchis();
84 //
85 agents[11] = new Rubick();
86 agents[12] = new AgentKN();
87 agents[13] = new ParsCat2();
88 //
89 agents[14] = new Terra();
90 agents[15] = new Caduceus();
91 agents[16] = new MyAgent();
92 //
93 agents[17] = new AgentF();
94 agents[18] = new CaduceusDC16();
95 //
96 int index = 0;
97 for(NegotiationParty agent : agents){
98 agent.init(info);
99 weightS[index] = def_weight;
100 index+=1;
101 }
102 //weightS[16] = 20;
103 System.out.println("Init has finished");
104 }
106 /**
107 * Each round this method gets called and ask you to accept or offer. The
108 * first party in the first round is a bit different, it can only propose an
109 * offer.
110 *
111 * @param validActions
112 * Either a list containing both accept and offer or only offer.
113 * @return The chosen action.
114 */
115 public Action chooseAction(List<Class<? extends Action>> validActions) {
116 System.out.println("ChooseAction has started");
117 double offerVote = 0;
118 double acceptVote = 0;
119 double endVote = 0;
120 int index = 0;
121 ArrayList<Bid> offeredList = new ArrayList<Bid>();
122 ArrayList<Double> weightList = new ArrayList<Double>();
123 for(NegotiationParty agent : agents){
124 Action act = agent.chooseAction(validActions);
125 lastActionS[index] = act;
126 if (act instanceof Offer){
127 offerVote+=weightS[index];
128 Bid b =((Offer) act).getBid();
129 //Offer proposed = new Offer(getPartyId(),b);
130 offeredList.add(b);
131 weightList.add(weightS[index]);
132 }
133 else if (act instanceof Accept){
134 acceptVote+=weightS[index];
135 }
136 else {
137 endVote+=weightS[index];
138 }
139 index+=1;
140 }
141 System.out.println("offerVote="+offerVote);
142 System.out.println("acceptVote="+acceptVote);
143 System.out.println("endVote="+endVote);
144 //
145 if(offerVote>acceptVote && offerVote>endVote){
146 //System.out.println("Offer is chosen");
147 Bid newBid = generateRandomBid();
148 System.out.println("Before="+newBid);
149 HashMap<Integer,Value>valueMap = newBid.getValues();
150 double receivedAve = 0;
151 if(lastReceivedBidMap.isEmpty()){
152 receivedAve = 0.5;
153 }
154 else {
155 for (AgentID sender : lastReceivedBidMap.keySet()) {
156 receivedAve += getUtilityWithDiscount(lastReceivedBidMap.get(sender));
157 }
158 receivedAve/=lastReceivedBidMap.size();
159 }
161 for(Integer issueKey : valueMap.keySet()){
162 //HashMap<Value,Integer> valueCount = new HashMap<Value, Integer>();
163 HashMap<Value,Double> valueCount = new HashMap<Value, Double>();
164 index = 0;
165 //System.out.println("Index is reset");
166 //System.out.println(offeredList.size());
167 for(Bid proposed : offeredList){
168 Value proposedValue = proposed.getValue(issueKey);
169 //System.out.println("Value is picked");
170 if(valueCount.containsKey(proposedValue)){
171 //Integer count = valueCount.get(issueKey);
172 //valueCount.put(proposedValue,count+1);
173 //System.out.println("Value is editing");
174 double current = valueCount.get(proposedValue);
175 valueCount.put(proposedValue,current+weightList.get(index)*(getUtilityWithDiscount(proposed)-receivedAve)*100);
176 //System.out.println("Value is edited");
177 }
178 else{
179 //valueCount.put(proposedValue,1);
180 valueCount.put(proposedValue,weightList.get(index)*(getUtilityWithDiscount(proposed)-receivedAve)*100);
181 //System.out.println("Value is set");
182 }
183 //System.out.println("Value is picked2");
184 index+=1;
185 }
186 //System.out.println("Count has finished");
187 double maxCount = 0;
188 Value bestValue = null;
189 for(Value valueKey : valueCount.keySet()){
190 //int count = valueCount.get(valueKey);
191 double count = valueCount.get(valueKey);
192 if(count>maxCount){
193 bestValue = valueKey;
194 maxCount = count;
195 }
196 }
197 newBid = newBid.putValue(issueKey,bestValue);
198 //System.out.println("Choice has finished");
199 }
200 System.out.println("Offer is Decided");
201 lastOfferedBid = newBid;
202 System.out.println("After="+newBid);
203 return new Offer(getPartyId(),newBid);
204 }
205 else if(acceptVote>offerVote && acceptVote>endVote){
206 System.out.println("Accept is Decided");
207 return new Accept(getPartyId(), lastReceivedBid);
208 }
209 else{
210 System.out.println("EndNegotiation is Decided");
211 return new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
212 }
213 /*
214 // with 50% chance, counter offer
215 // if we are the first party, also offer.
216 if (lastReceivedBid == null || !validActions.contains(Accept.class) || Math.random() > 0.5) {
217 return new Offer(getPartyId(), generateRandomBid());
218 } else {
219 return new Accept(getPartyId(), lastReceivedBid);
220 }
221 //*/
222 }
224 /**
225 * All offers proposed by the other parties will be received as a message.
226 * You can use this information to your advantage, for example to predict
227 * their utility.
228 *
229 * @param sender
230 * The party that did the action. Can be null.
231 * @param action
232 * The action that party did.
233 */
234 @Override
235 public void receiveMessage(AgentID sender, Action action) {
236 super.receiveMessage(sender, action);
237 if (action instanceof Offer) {
238 lastReceivedBid = ((Offer) action).getBid();
239 lastReceivedBidMap.put(sender,((Offer) action).getBid());
240 }
241 for(NegotiationParty agent : agents){
242 agent.receiveMessage(sender, action);
243 }
244 if(lastOfferedBid==null){
245 System.out.println("ReceiveMessage has finished with return");
246 return;
247 }
248 //
249 System.out.println("ReceiveMessage has started");
250 if (action instanceof Offer){//相手が別の提案をしてきた場合
251 //System.out.println("Received Action is Offer");
252 int index = 0;
253 Bid b =((Offer) action).getBid();
254 double receive_util = getUtilityWithDiscount(b);
255 double offered_util = getUtilityWithDiscount(lastOfferedBid);
256 System.out.println(lastActionS.length);
257 for(Action lastAct:lastActionS){
258 if(lastAct instanceof Offer){
259 //System.out.println("Last Action is offer");
260 if(receive_util>offered_util*1.1){//自分以上の提案をもらえた場合
261 weightS[index]-=chg_weight;
262 }
263 else{//自分以下の場合
264 weightS[index]+=chg_weight;
265 }
266 }
267 else if(lastAct instanceof Accept){
268 //System.out.println("Last Action is Accept");
269 if(receive_util>offered_util*1.1){//自分以上の提案をもらえた場合
270 weightS[index]+=chg_weight;
271 }
272 else{//自分以下の場合
273 weightS[index]-=chg_weight;
274 if(weightS[index]<min_weight){
275 weightS[index] = min_weight;
276 }
277 }
278 }
279 else{
280 //System.out.println("Last Action is EndNegotiation");
281 //double reserve_util = getUtilitySpace().getReservationValue();
282 double reserve_util = getUtilitySpace().getReservationValueWithDiscount(getTimeLine());
283 if(receive_util>=reserve_util){//留保価格以上の提案をもらえた場合
284 weightS[index]-=chg_weight;
285 if(weightS[index]<min_weight){
286 weightS[index] = min_weight;
287 }
288 }
289 else{//留保価格以下の場合
290 weightS[index]+=chg_weight;
291 }
292 }
293 index+=1;
294 }
295 }
296 else if(action instanceof Accept){//相手が受け入れた場合
297 //System.out.println("Received Action is Accept");
298 int index = 0;
299 for(Action lastAct:lastActionS){
300 if(lastAct instanceof Offer){
301 weightS[index]+=chg_weight;
302 }
303 else{
304 weightS[index]-=chg_weight;
305 if(weightS[index]<min_weight){
306 weightS[index] = min_weight;
307 }
308 }
309 index+=1;
310 }
311 }
312 //
313 //System.out.println("Normalization has started");
314 normalizeWeightS();
315 System.out.println("ReceiveMessage has finished");
316 return;
317 }
319 public void normalizeWeightS(){
320 //System.out.println("Summation has started");
321 double weightSum2 = 0;
322 for(int index3=0;index3<weightS.length;index3++){
323 //System.out.println(weightS[index3]);
324 weightSum2+=weightS[index3];
325 //System.out.println(weightSum2);
326 //System.out.println(index3);
327 }
328 //System.out.println("Summation has finished");
329 for(int index3=0;index3<weightS.length;index3++){
330 weightS[index3] = weightS[index3]*(weightSum/weightSum2);
331 }
332 //System.out.println("Normalization has started");
333 return;
334 }
336 @Override
337 public String getDescription() {
338 return "ANAC2018";
339 }
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