1 | package agents.anac.y2018.condagent;
2 |
3 | import negotiator.AgentID;
4 | import negotiator.Bid;
5 | import negotiator.timeline.Timeline;
6 | import negotiator.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
7 | import java.util.ArrayList;
8 | import java.util.Map;
9 | import java.util.Random;
10 | import java.util.TreeMap;
11 | import negotiator.issue.Issue;
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | public class IssueManager {
16 |
17 | AdditiveUtilitySpace US;
18 | Bid maxBid = null;
19 | Timeline T;
20 | double BestOpponBid = 0.0;
21 | Bid BestEverOpponentBid = null;
22 | TreeMap<Double, Bid> Bids;
23 | boolean FirstOfferGiven = false;
24 |
25 | BayesianOpponentModel OMone;
26 | BayesianOpponentModel OMtwo;
27 |
28 | //newwwwwww
29 | Bid LastAgentOneBid;
30 | Bid LastAgentTwoBid;
31 | AgentID agentA=null;
32 | AgentID agentB=null;
33 | int deltaA = 0;
34 | int deltaB = 0;
35 | int roundCount=0;
36 | public int numOfIssues;
37 | double NSA = 0.0;
38 | double NSB = 0.0;
39 | double NS = 0.0;
40 | int numOfMyCommitedOffers = 1;
41 | double selfFactor = 0.0;
42 | double Eagerness = 0.5;
43 | double enviromFactor = 0.11;
44 | double concessionRate = 0.0;
45 | double myWeight=0.0;
46 | double maxBidUtil =0.0;
47 |
48 |
49 | //kainouria
50 | public void findNegotiationStatus(AgentID opponent, Bid IncomingBid){
51 |
52 | double incomingUtil = US.getUtility(IncomingBid);
53 |
54 | if (opponent== agentA && opponent!=null){ //gia ton 1 agent
55 |
56 | if(incomingUtil< US.getUtility(LastAgentOneBid)){
57 | deltaA = deltaA + 1;
58 | }else{
59 | deltaA = deltaA + 3;
60 | }
61 |
62 | NSA = (deltaA + 2*roundCount)/ 3*roundCount;
63 |
64 | }else if(opponent== agentB && opponent!=null){ //gia ton 2 agent
65 |
66 | if(incomingUtil< US.getUtility(LastAgentTwoBid)){
67 | deltaB = deltaB + 1;
68 | }else{
69 | deltaB = deltaB + 3;
70 | }
71 |
72 | NSB = (deltaB + 2*roundCount)/ 3*roundCount;
73 | }
74 |
75 | NS = (NSA + NSB) / 2;
76 | }
77 |
78 |
79 | //an den exw ousiastika discount factor einai san na to pernw dedomeno =1
80 | public double GetDiscountFactor() {
81 | if (this.US.getDiscountFactor() <= 0.001 || this.US.getDiscountFactor() > 1.0) {
82 | return 1.0;
83 | }
84 | return this.US.getDiscountFactor();
85 | }
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 | public void ProcessBid(AgentID opponent, Bid IncomingBid) throws Exception{ //elengw an auto einai to kalutero bid p m exei kanei o adipalos
90 |
91 |
92 | roundCount++;
93 |
94 | if(!Bids.isEmpty()){
95 | if(!Bids.containsValue(IncomingBid)){ //an ayto to bid den to eixa upopsin to vazw k auto sti lsita mou
96 | Bids.put(US.getUtility(IncomingBid),IncomingBid);
97 | }
98 | }
99 |
100 | findNegotiationStatus(opponent, IncomingBid);
101 |
103 | double DF = this.GetDiscountFactor();
104 | double Time = this.T.getTime();
105 |
106 | if(DF!=1){
107 | Eagerness = 1 - DF;
108 | }
109 |
110 | selfFactor = 0.25*((1/numOfMyCommitedOffers)+ NS + Time + Eagerness);
111 |
113 |
114 | if(Time <= 0.2){ //start
115 |
116 | concessionRate = 0.0;
117 |
118 | }else if(Time >= 0.9){ //end
119 |
120 | concessionRate = 0.99;
121 |
122 | }else{ //otherwise
123 |
124 | double oppOneWeight = 0;
125 | double oppTwoWeight = 0;
126 |
127 | for(int i = 0; i < numOfIssues; i++){ //ousiastika kanw update twn duo greedy factor se kathe guro
128 |
129 | double tempone = OMone.getExpectedWeight(i);
130 | double temptwo = OMtwo.getExpectedWeight(i);
131 |
132 | oppOneWeight = (oppOneWeight + tempone)/2;
133 | oppTwoWeight = (oppTwoWeight + temptwo)/2;
134 | }
135 |
136 | double overallEnvWeight = (oppOneWeight + oppTwoWeight)/2; //vriskw ton meso oro twn weight tou adipalou
137 |
138 | concessionRate = myWeight * selfFactor + overallEnvWeight*enviromFactor;
139 | }
140 | }
141 |
142 | public void findAllmyBidsPossible() throws Exception{
143 |
144 | Random random = new Random();
145 | int numOfPossibleBids = (int) US.getDomain().getNumberOfPossibleBids();
146 |
147 | for(int i =0; i < numOfPossibleBids ; i++){ //prospathw na vrw ola ta pithana bids--> kanw mia arxiki lista
148 | Bid randomBid = US.getDomain().getRandomBid(random);
149 | if((!Bids.containsKey(US.getUtility(randomBid))) || (!Bids.containsValue(randomBid))){
150 | Bids.put(US.getUtility(randomBid), randomBid);
151 | }
152 | }
153 |
154 | }
155 |
156 |
157 | //kathorismos tou threshold mou me vasi to offer pou tha ekana edw!!!
158 | public double CreateThreshold() throws Exception {
159 |
160 | double reservationValue = US.getReservationValue();
161 | if(reservationValue <= 0.5){
162 | reservationValue = 0.5; //set my own reservation value
163 | }
164 |
165 |
166 | double offer = maxBidUtil + (reservationValue - maxBidUtil)* concessionRate;
167 |
168 | return offer;
169 |
170 | }
171 |
172 |
173 | //epistrefei to bid me to amesws mikrotero utillity
174 | public Bid GenerateBidWithAtleastUtilityOf(double MinUtility) {
175 | Map.Entry<Double, Bid> e = this.Bids.ceilingEntry(MinUtility);
176 |
177 | if (e == null) {
178 | return this.maxBid;
179 | }
180 |
181 | return e.getValue();
182 | }
183 |
184 | public Bid GetMaxBid(){
185 | return maxBid;
186 | }
187 |
188 | public IssueManager(AdditiveUtilitySpace US, Timeline T) throws Exception {
189 | this.T = T;
190 | this.US = US;
191 |
192 | try {
193 | double maxBidUtil = US.getUtility(this.maxBid); //pernei to utility tou max bid
194 | if (maxBidUtil == 0.0) {
195 | this.maxBid = this.US.getMaxUtilityBid();
196 | }
197 | }
198 | catch (Exception e) {
199 | try {
200 | this.maxBid = this.US.getMaxUtilityBid();
201 | }
202 | catch (Exception var5_7) {
203 | // empty catch block
204 | }
205 | }
206 | this.Bids = new TreeMap<Double, Bid>();
207 |
208 | //newwwwwwwwwwwwwww
209 | maxBidUtil = US.getUtility(maxBid);
210 | LastAgentOneBid = US.getMinUtilityBid();
211 | LastAgentTwoBid = US.getMinUtilityBid();
212 | findAllmyBidsPossible();
213 | java.util.List<Issue> AllIssues;
214 | AllIssues = new ArrayList<Issue>();
215 | AllIssues = US.getDomain().getIssues();
216 | numOfIssues = AllIssues.size();
217 |
218 | for(int i =0; i< numOfIssues ; i++){
219 |
220 | myWeight = (myWeight + US.getWeight(i))/2;
221 |
222 | }
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 | }
227 | }