1 | package agents.anac.y2017.madagent;
2 |
3 | import java.util.List;
4 |
5 | import java.util.ArrayList;
6 | import java.util.Comparator;
7 | import java.util.HashMap;
8 | import java.util.Random;
9 |
10 | import genius.core.AgentID;
11 | import genius.core.Bid;
12 | import genius.core.actions.Accept;
13 | import genius.core.actions.Action;
14 | import genius.core.actions.Offer;
15 | import genius.core.boaframework.SortedOutcomeSpace;
16 | import genius.core.parties.AbstractNegotiationParty;
17 | import genius.core.parties.NegotiationInfo;
18 | import genius.core.persistent.PersistentDataType;
19 |
20 | public class MadAgent extends AbstractNegotiationParty {
21 |
22 | private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
23 | private static final int MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TRIALS = 2000;
24 |
25 | /*
26 | * -------------------------------- RISK FUNCTION
27 | * -------------------------------- f <- Round number to fake (Agent will
28 | * fake in every f rounds) c <- Risk constant p <- Risk parameter Formula ->
29 | * f = c / 2 ^ p We choose 5 as our parameter because we want our agent to
30 | * be both aggressive and defensive
31 | */
32 | private static final double RISK_CONSTANT = 100000;
33 | private static final double RISK_PARAMETER = 5; // Risk Parameter: 0, 1, 2,
34 | // ..., 8, 9, 10
35 | private static final int ROUND_NUMBER_TO_FAKE = (int) (RISK_CONSTANT
36 | / Math.pow(2, RISK_PARAMETER));
37 |
38 | private SortedOutcomeSpace sortedOutcomeSpace = null;
39 | private Bid lastReceivedBid = null;
40 | private Bid bestReceivedBid = null;
41 | private Bid secondBestBid = null;
42 | private String negotiationType = null;
43 | private double negotiationLimit = 0;
44 | private double numberOfRoundsPassed = 0;
45 | private double timeToGetAlmostMad = 0;
46 | private double timeToGetMad = 0;
47 | private double threshold = 0.8;
48 | private double currentThreshold = 0.8;
49 | /* Variables for Opponent Modeling */
50 | private int opponentTurn = 0; // Value to keep track opponents
51 | private int myTurn = 0; // Random value to choose one of the opponents and
52 | // use its preferences while generating bid
53 | private int shiftBids[] = null; // Index for bidsPreferredByOpponents for
54 | // each opponent
55 | private OpponentModel[] opponentModels = null; // Opponent Model for each
56 | // opponent.
57 | private List<List<Bid>> bidsPreferredByOpponents = null; // bidsPrefferredByOpponents
58 | // for each
59 | // opponent
60 |
61 | @Override
62 | public void init(NegotiationInfo info) {
63 | super.init(info);
64 |
65 | System.out.println("Discount Factor is "
66 | + getUtilitySpace().getDiscountFactor());
67 | System.out.println("Reservation Value is "
68 | + getUtilitySpace().getReservationValueUndiscounted());
69 |
70 | sortedOutcomeSpace = new SortedOutcomeSpace(utilitySpace);
71 | threshold *= 1.125;
72 |
73 | shiftBids = new int[3];
74 | opponentModels = new OpponentModel[3];
75 | bidsPreferredByOpponents = new ArrayList<List<Bid>>();
76 |
77 | // Filling the array with empty values to avoid 'Null Pointer Exception'
78 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
79 | opponentModels[i] = new OpponentModel(utilitySpace, threshold);
80 | bidsPreferredByOpponents.add(null);
81 | }
82 |
83 | try {
84 | bestReceivedBid = utilitySpace.getMinUtilityBid();
85 | } catch (Exception e) {
86 | System.err.println("An exception thrown at init..");
87 | }
88 |
89 | negotiationType = info.getDeadline().getType().toString();
90 | negotiationLimit = info.getDeadline().getValue();
91 |
92 | /* This values will be used for adapting threshold */
93 | timeToGetMad = negotiationLimit * 0.8; // Agent gets mad in the last 20%
94 | // of the negotiation
95 | timeToGetAlmostMad = negotiationLimit * 0.5; // Agent gets almost mad in
96 | // the last 50% of the
97 | // negotiation
98 |
99 | if (getData().getPersistentDataType() != PersistentDataType.STANDARD)
100 | throw new IllegalStateException("need standard persistent data");
101 |
102 | /* Agent calculates the second best bid */
103 | try {
104 | calculateSecondBestBid();
105 | } catch (Exception e) {
106 | System.err.println(
107 | "An exception thrown while calculating the second best bid..");
108 | }
109 | }
110 |
111 | private void calculateSecondBestBid() throws Exception {
112 | for (double u = utilitySpace
113 | .getUtility(utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid()); true; u -= 0.01) {
114 | secondBestBid = sortedOutcomeSpace.getBidNearUtility(u).getBid();
115 |
116 | if (utilitySpace.getUtility(secondBestBid) != utilitySpace
117 | .getUtility(utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid()))
118 | break;
119 | }
120 | }
121 |
122 | @Override
123 | public void receiveMessage(AgentID sender, Action action) { // ...
124 | // Opponent's
125 | // turn ...
126 | super.receiveMessage(sender, action);
127 |
128 | /*
129 | * If the action is an Offer, get the last received bid and use it to
130 | * form Opponent Model
131 | */
132 | if (action instanceof Offer) {
133 | lastReceivedBid = ((Offer) action).getBid();
134 |
135 | opponentModels[2].offer(lastReceivedBid, numberOfRoundsPassed);
136 | opponentModels[opponentTurn++ % 2].offer(lastReceivedBid,
137 | numberOfRoundsPassed);
138 | }
139 | }
140 |
141 | @Override
142 | public Action chooseAction(List<Class<? extends Action>> validActions) { // ...
143 | // Your
144 | // agent's
145 | // turn
146 | // ...
147 | numberOfRoundsPassed++;
148 |
149 | if (lastReceivedBid == null) { // You are the starter party, offer the
150 | // best possible bid
151 | return new Offer(getPartyId(), getBestBidPossible());
152 | } else { // You are not the starter party
153 | /* Determine the best received bid */
154 | if (utilitySpace.getUtility(lastReceivedBid) > utilitySpace
155 | .getUtility(bestReceivedBid))
156 | bestReceivedBid = lastReceivedBid;
157 |
158 | /*
159 | * If utility of the last received bid is higher than the threshold,
160 | * accept the offer.
161 | */
162 | /* Else, offer a new bid. */
163 | if (utilitySpace.getUtility(lastReceivedBid) > currentThreshold)
164 | return new Accept(getPartyId(), lastReceivedBid);
165 | else
166 | return new Offer(getPartyId(), getBestBidPossible());
167 | }
168 | }
169 |
170 | private Bid getBestBidPossible() {
171 | try {
172 | double currentStatus = getCurrentStatus();
173 |
174 | if (currentStatus <= negotiationLimit * 0.05) { // First 5% of the
175 | // negotiation
176 | return secondBestBid;
177 | } else if ((int) numberOfRoundsPassed % ROUND_NUMBER_TO_FAKE <= 10
178 | && currentStatus <= negotiationLimit * 0.9) {
179 | return getFakeBid();
180 | } else {
181 | myTurn = RANDOM.nextInt(3); // Generate random value among {0,
182 | // 1, 2}
183 | calculateCurrentThreshold(currentStatus);
184 |
185 | if (currentStatus > negotiationLimit * 0.99 && utilitySpace
186 | .getUtility(bestReceivedBid) >= currentThreshold)
187 | return bestReceivedBid;
188 | else
189 | return getNiceBid(currentStatus);
190 | }
191 | } catch (Exception e) {
192 | System.err.println("An exception thrown while generating bid..");
193 | }
194 |
195 | return generateRandomBid(); // This line will never be executed!!
196 | }
197 |
198 | /* Current status is the time/number of rounds passed */
199 | private double getCurrentStatus() {
200 | /* If the negotiation is time limited, use time as current status */
201 | if (negotiationType.equals("TIME"))
202 | return timeline.getTime() * timeline.getTotalTime();
203 |
204 | /*
205 | * If the negotiation is round limited, use number of rounds as current
206 | * status
207 | */
208 | return numberOfRoundsPassed;
209 | }
210 |
211 | /*
212 | * At first 90% of negotiation, agent generates a random bid to fake his
213 | * opponent with certain frequency
214 | */
215 | private Bid getFakeBid() {
216 | for (int trial = 1; trial <= MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TRIALS; trial++) {
217 | Bid bid = generateRandomBid();
218 |
219 | /*
220 | * The utility of the bid should be greater than 80% of the
221 | * threshold
222 | */
223 | if (utilitySpace.getUtility(bid) >= threshold * 0.8)
224 | return bid;
225 | }
226 |
227 | return generateRandomBid();
228 | }
229 |
230 | private void calculateCurrentThreshold(double currentStatus) {
231 | /* Threshold value is updated according to the agent's boulware level */
232 | threshold = opponentModels[myTurn].getNewThreshold();
233 |
234 | if (numberOfRoundsPassed % 10 == 0) {
235 | currentThreshold = threshold;
236 | } else if (currentStatus > timeToGetAlmostMad) {
237 | currentThreshold = threshold * 0.95;
238 |
239 | if (currentStatus > timeToGetMad)
240 | currentThreshold = threshold * 0.9;
241 | }
242 | }
243 |
244 | /* Get a nice bid using Opponent Model */
245 | private Bid getNiceBid(double currentStatus) throws Exception {
246 | Bid bid = generateRandomBid();
247 |
248 | /*
249 | * Shift Bids is for shifting the index if the bid at the current index
250 | * is not accepted by opponent
251 | */
252 | if (currentStatus > timeToGetAlmostMad) {
253 | getBidsPreferredByOpponent();
254 | bid = (bidsPreferredByOpponents.get(myTurn) != null)
255 | ? bidsPreferredByOpponents.get(myTurn)
256 | .get(shiftBids[myTurn]++ % bidsPreferredByOpponents
257 | .get(myTurn).size())
258 | : utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid();
259 |
260 | if (utilitySpace.getUtility(bid) >= currentThreshold)
261 | return bid;
262 | else
263 | shiftBids[myTurn] = 0;
264 | }
265 |
266 | for (int trial = 1; trial <= MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TRIALS; trial++) {
267 | bid = generateRandomBid();
268 |
269 | if (utilitySpace.getUtility(bid) >= currentThreshold)
270 | return bid;
271 | }
272 |
273 | /*
274 | * If it cannot generate a random bid higher than current threshold in
275 | * the maximum number of trials, it returns max utility bid
276 | */
277 | return utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid();
278 | }
279 |
280 | private void getBidsPreferredByOpponent() throws Exception {
281 | opponentModels[myTurn].computeMostPreferredBid();
282 |
283 | bidsPreferredByOpponents.set(myTurn, null);
284 | bidsPreferredByOpponents.set(myTurn,
285 | opponentModels[myTurn].getAcceptableBids());
286 |
287 | sortBids(bidsPreferredByOpponents.get(myTurn));
288 |
289 | /* If there is no element in the list, just add one */
290 | if (bidsPreferredByOpponents.get(myTurn).size() == 0)
291 | bidsPreferredByOpponents.get(myTurn)
292 | .add(utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid());
293 | }
294 |
295 | private void sortBids(List<Bid> bids) {
296 | bids.sort(new Comparator<Bid>() {
297 | @Override
298 | public int compare(Bid a, Bid b) {
299 | if (utilitySpace.getUtility(a) < utilitySpace.getUtility(b))
300 | return 1;
301 | if (utilitySpace.getUtility(a) > utilitySpace.getUtility(b))
302 | return -1;
303 |
304 | return 0;
305 | }
306 | });
307 | }
308 |
309 | @Override
310 | public String getDescription() {
311 | return "ANAC2017";
312 | }
313 |
314 | @Override
315 | public HashMap<String, String> negotiationEnded(Bid acceptedBid) {
316 | System.out.println("Negotiation has ended..");
317 | return null;
318 | }
319 | }