1 | package agents.anac.y2016.yxagent;
2 |
3 | import java.util.ArrayList;
4 | import java.util.HashMap;
5 | import java.util.List;
6 | import java.util.Random;
7 |
8 | import genius.core.AgentID;
9 | import genius.core.Bid;
10 | import genius.core.actions.Accept;
11 | import genius.core.actions.Action;
12 | import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation;
13 | import genius.core.actions.Offer;
14 | import genius.core.issue.Issue;
15 | import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete;
16 | import genius.core.issue.IssueInteger;
17 | import genius.core.issue.IssueReal;
18 | import genius.core.issue.Value;
19 | import genius.core.issue.ValueDiscrete;
20 | import genius.core.issue.ValueInteger;
21 | import genius.core.issue.ValueReal;
22 | import genius.core.parties.AbstractNegotiationParty;
23 | import genius.core.parties.NegotiationInfo;
24 | import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
25 | import genius.core.utility.UtilitySpace;
26 |
27 | public class YXAgent extends AbstractNegotiationParty {
28 | private UtilitySpace utilitySpace;
29 | private AdditiveUtilitySpace additiveUtilitySpace;
30 | private List<Issue> issues;
31 | private Action myAction = null;
32 | private Bid myLastBid = null;
33 | private Bid lastOpponentBid = null;
34 | private double myUtility = 0.;
35 | private double oppUtility = 0.;
36 | private double rv;
37 | private double discountFactor;
38 | private int rounds;
39 | private boolean updatedValueIntegerWeight;
40 | private boolean issueContainIntegerType;
41 | private boolean searchedDiscountWithRV;
42 |
43 | private ArrayList<Object> opponents;
44 | private ArrayList<Bid> allBids;
45 | private HashMap<Object, ArrayList<Bid>> oppBidHistory;
46 | private HashMap<Object, HashMap<Issue, Double>> oppIssueWeight;
47 | private HashMap<Object, HashMap<Issue, ArrayList<ValueInteger>>> oppIssueIntegerValue;
48 | private HashMap<Object, HashMap<Issue, HashMap<Value, Double>>> oppValueFrequency;
49 | private HashMap<Object, Double> oppSumDiff;
50 | private Object hardestOpp;
51 |
52 | private long startTime;
53 | private long currTime;
54 | private long diff;
55 | private double totalTime;
56 | private long normalizedTime;
57 |
58 | @Override
59 | public void init(NegotiationInfo info) {
60 | super.init(info);
61 | this.utilitySpace = info.getUtilitySpace();
62 | this.rv = utilitySpace.getReservationValue();
63 | discountFactor = info.getUtilitySpace().getDiscountFactor();
64 | issues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues();
65 | allBids = new ArrayList<Bid>();
66 | opponents = new ArrayList<Object>();
67 | oppBidHistory = new HashMap<Object, ArrayList<Bid>>();
68 | oppIssueWeight = new HashMap<Object, HashMap<Issue, Double>>();
69 | oppIssueIntegerValue = new HashMap<Object, HashMap<Issue, ArrayList<ValueInteger>>>();
70 | oppValueFrequency = new HashMap<Object, HashMap<Issue, HashMap<Value, Double>>>();
71 | oppSumDiff = new HashMap<Object, Double>();
72 | rounds = 0;
73 | updatedValueIntegerWeight = false;
74 | issueContainIntegerType = false;
75 | searchedDiscountWithRV = false;
76 | initTime();
77 | issueContainIntegerType();
78 | }
79 |
80 | @Override
81 | public void receiveMessage(AgentID sender, Action opponentAction) {
82 | super.receiveMessage(sender, opponentAction);
83 |
84 | // initialize below
85 | if (sender != null) {// sender == null is for Inform messages
86 | if (!opponents.contains(sender)) {
87 | opponents.add(sender);
88 | initOpp(sender);
89 | }
90 | }
91 |
92 | if (sender != null && opponentAction != null) {
93 | if (opponentAction instanceof Offer) {
94 |
95 | lastOpponentBid = ((Offer) opponentAction).getBid();
96 | oppUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(lastOpponentBid);
97 | allBids.add(lastOpponentBid);
98 |
99 | updateOpp(sender);
100 | }
101 | }
102 | }
103 |
104 | @Override
105 | public Action chooseAction(List<Class<? extends Action>> possibleActions) {
106 | updateTime();
107 | rounds++;
108 | Bid testBid = null;
109 | Value v;
110 | double calUtil = 0;
111 | double calThreshold;
112 | double tempThreshold;
113 | double minimalThreshold = 0.7;
114 | double deductThreshold = 0.1;
115 | double calculatedThreshold = 1 - (opponents.size() * deductThreshold);
116 |
117 | tempThreshold = Math.max(minimalThreshold, calculatedThreshold);
118 | tempThreshold = Math.max(tempThreshold, rv);
119 |
120 | // YXAgent Start 1st
121 | if (!possibleActions.contains(Accept.class)) {
122 | do {
123 | myLastBid = generateRandomBid();
124 | myUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(myLastBid);
125 |
126 | } while (myUtility < minimalThreshold); // YXAgent starts 1st, so
127 | // YXAgent cant use
128 | // calculatedThreshold as
129 | // opponents.size = 0
130 | return myAction = new Offer(getPartyId(), myLastBid);
131 | }
132 |
133 | // YXAgent Start 2nd
134 | if (!searchedDiscountWithRV && rounds > 1) {
135 | if (evaluateDiscountFactorNReservationValue()) {
136 | return new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
137 | }
138 | }
139 |
140 | do {
141 | testBid = generateRandomBid();
142 | myUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(testBid);
143 |
144 | } while (myUtility < tempThreshold);
145 |
146 | // Acceptance Criteria
147 | if (rounds > 10 && normalizedTime <= 0.9) {// Initialization of Value
148 | // Integer is available
149 | // after 11 rounds
150 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
151 | v = lastOpponentBid.getValue(issue.getNumber());
152 | // Retrieve ToughestOpp issue weight and value weight
153 | if (issue.getType().toString().equals("INTEGER")) {
154 | for (Value vv : oppValueFrequency.get(hardestOpp).get(issue)
155 | .keySet()) { // Usual
156 | // way
157 | // of
158 | // key
159 | // retrieval
160 | // of
161 | // Hashmap
162 | // does
163 | // not
164 | // work
165 | // for
166 | // INTEGER
167 | // type,
168 | // thats
169 | // why
170 | // need
171 | // to
172 | // loop
173 | // through
174 | if (Integer.parseInt(vv.toString()) == Integer
175 | .parseInt(v.toString())) {
176 | calUtil += oppIssueWeight.get(hardestOpp).get(issue)
177 | * oppValueFrequency.get(hardestOpp)
178 | .get(issue).get(vv);
179 | break;
180 | }
181 | }
182 | } else {
183 | calUtil += oppIssueWeight.get(hardestOpp).get(issue)
184 | * oppValueFrequency.get(hardestOpp).get(issue)
185 | .get(v);
186 | }
187 | }
188 |
189 | try {
190 | calThreshold = (calUtil
191 | - ((opponents.size() * deductThreshold) * 3 / 4));
192 | calThreshold = Math.max(tempThreshold, calThreshold);
193 | myAction = oppUtility > calThreshold
194 | ? new Accept(getPartyId(), lastOpponentBid)
195 | : new Offer(getPartyId(), testBid);
196 | } catch (Exception e) {
197 | e.printStackTrace();
198 | }
199 | return myAction;
200 | } else { // Run when rounds <= 10 or normalizedTime > 0.9
201 | try {
202 | myAction = oppUtility > tempThreshold
203 | ? new Accept(getPartyId(), lastOpponentBid)
204 | : new Offer(getPartyId(), testBid);
205 | } catch (Exception e) {
206 | e.printStackTrace();
207 | }
208 | return myAction;
209 | }
210 | }
211 |
212 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
213 | // Check Discount Factor wrt Reservation Value
214 | private boolean evaluateDiscountFactorNReservationValue() {
215 | double init = 1.0;
216 | double initRV1 = 0.75;
217 | double initRV2 = 0.86;
218 | double initRV3 = 0.95;
219 | double selfDiscount = 0.998;
220 | double deduction = 0.005;
221 | boolean endNegotiation = false;
222 |
223 | if (opponents.size() >= 3) { // Applicable for 3 or more opponent
224 | // scenario
225 | for (double i = init; i >= 0.; i -= 0.01) {
226 | String df = String.format("%.2f", i);
227 | double df1 = Double.parseDouble(df);
228 | if (discountFactor == df1 && rv >= initRV1) {
229 | endNegotiation = true;
230 | }
231 | initRV1 -= 0.005; // Every "i" decrement 0.01, RV -= 0.005
232 | }
233 | searchedDiscountWithRV = true;
234 | }
235 |
236 | if (opponents.size() == 2) { // Applicable for 2 opponent scenario only
237 | for (double i = init; i >= 0.; i -= 0.01) {
238 | String df = String.format("%.2f", i);
239 | double df1 = Double.parseDouble(df);
240 | if (discountFactor == df1 && rv >= initRV2) {
241 | endNegotiation = true;
242 | }
243 | initRV2 -= 0.006; // Every "i" decrement 0.01, RV -= 0.006
244 | }
245 | searchedDiscountWithRV = true;
246 | }
247 |
248 | if (opponents.size() == 1) { // Applicable for 1 opponent scenario only
249 | for (double i = init; i >= 0.; i -= 0.01) {
250 | String df = String.format("%.2f", i);
251 | double df1 = Double.parseDouble(df);
252 | if (discountFactor == df1 && rv >= initRV3) {
253 | endNegotiation = true;
254 | }
255 | initRV3 = (initRV3 - deduction) * selfDiscount; // Every "i"
256 | // decrement
257 | // 0.01, RV =
258 | // (RV -
259 | // deduction) *
260 | // selfDiscount;
261 | }
262 | searchedDiscountWithRV = true;
263 | }
264 | return endNegotiation;
265 | }
266 |
267 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
268 | // Update Opponent
269 | private void updateOpp(AgentID sender) {
270 |
271 | if (rounds <= 10) {
272 | updateValueIntegerWeight(sender);
273 | }
274 | updateModelOppIssueWeight(sender);
275 | updateModelOppValueWeight(sender);
276 | oppBidHistory.get(sender).add(lastOpponentBid);
277 | retrieveToughestOpp();
278 | // printableWeight();
279 | // printableValue();
280 | // printableIntegerIssue();
281 | // printableToughest();
282 | }
283 |
284 | private void updateValueIntegerWeight(AgentID sender) {
285 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
286 | if (issue.getType().toString().equals("INTEGER")) {
287 | ValueInteger currIssueValueInteger = (ValueInteger) lastOpponentBid
288 | .getValue(issue.getNumber());
289 | oppIssueIntegerValue.get(sender).get(issue)
290 | .add(currIssueValueInteger);
291 | }
292 | }
293 | if (rounds == 10 && !updatedValueIntegerWeight) { // rounds = [0, 10]
294 | // meant 11 value
295 | // points
296 | int sumLower;
297 | int sumUpper;
298 | for (Object o1 : oppIssueIntegerValue.keySet()) {
299 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
300 | if (issue.getType().toString().equals("INTEGER")) {
301 | sumLower = 0;
302 | sumUpper = 0;
303 | int lowerB = ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound();
304 | int upperB = ((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound();
305 | int mid = (lowerB + upperB) / 2;
306 | double average = 1. / (upperB - lowerB);
307 | double adjustment;
308 |
309 | // Loop to retrieve sum of points which lie on upper or
310 | // lower range
311 | for (int i = 0; i < oppIssueIntegerValue.get(o1)
312 | .get(issue).size(); i++) {
313 | int vv = Integer.parseInt(oppIssueIntegerValue
314 | .get(o1).get(issue).get(i).toString());
315 | if (vv <= mid) {
316 | sumLower += 1;
317 | } else {
318 | sumUpper += 1;
319 | }
320 | }
321 | ValueInteger vL = new ValueInteger(lowerB);
322 | ValueInteger vU = new ValueInteger(upperB);
323 |
324 | if (sumLower > sumUpper) {
325 | oppValueFrequency.get(o1).get(issue).put(vL, 1.);
326 | oppValueFrequency.get(o1).get(issue).put(vU, 0.);
327 |
328 | adjustment = 1.;
329 | // for loop assigning values between
330 | // lowerbound(exclusive) and upperbound(exclusive)
331 | for (int i = lowerB + 1; i < upperB; i++) {
332 | adjustment -= average;
333 | ValueInteger vI = new ValueInteger(i);
334 | oppValueFrequency.get(o1).get(issue).put(vI,
335 | adjustment);
336 | }
337 | } else {
338 | oppValueFrequency.get(o1).get(issue).put(vU, 1.);
339 | oppValueFrequency.get(o1).get(issue).put(vL, 0.);
340 |
341 | adjustment = 0.;
342 | // for loop assigning values between
343 | // lowerbound(exclusive) and upperbound(exclusive)
344 | for (int i = lowerB + 1; i < upperB; i++) {
345 | adjustment += average;
346 | ValueInteger vI = new ValueInteger(i);
347 | oppValueFrequency.get(o1).get(issue).put(vI,
348 | adjustment);
349 | }
350 | }
351 | }
352 | }
353 | }
354 | updatedValueIntegerWeight = true;
355 | }
356 | }
357 |
358 | private void updateModelOppIssueWeight(AgentID sender) {
359 | if (oppBidHistory.get(sender).size() != 0 && rounds >= 10) {
360 | Bid previousRoundBid = oppBidHistory.get(sender)
361 | .get(oppBidHistory.get(sender).size() - 1);// -1
362 | // since
363 | // current
364 | // lastOpponentBid
365 | // not
366 | // added
367 | // yet
368 | double issueWeightFormula = (Math.pow((1 - normalizedTime), 10))
369 | / (issues.size() * 100);
370 | double issueWeightInteger = (Math.pow((1 - normalizedTime), 10))
371 | / (issues.size() * 10);
372 | double issueSum = 0.;
373 | double normalizedIssueW;
374 |
375 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
376 | Value prevIssueValue = previousRoundBid
377 | .getValue(issue.getNumber());
378 | Value currIssueValue = lastOpponentBid
379 | .getValue(issue.getNumber());
380 |
381 | if (issueContainIntegerType) { // For Discrete & Integer Mix
382 | // Domain
383 | if (issue.getType().toString().equals("INTEGER")) { // Integer
384 | // Handling
385 | if (incrementIntegerIssueWeight(issue, prevIssueValue,
386 | currIssueValue)) {
387 | oppIssueWeight.get(sender).put(issue,
388 | oppIssueWeight.get(sender).get(issue)
389 | + issueWeightInteger);
390 | }
391 | } else {// Discrete Handling
392 | if (prevIssueValue == currIssueValue) {
393 | oppIssueWeight.get(sender).put(issue,
394 | oppIssueWeight.get(sender).get(issue)
395 | + issueWeightInteger);
396 | }
397 | }
398 | } else { // For Discrete Only Domain
399 | if (prevIssueValue == currIssueValue) {
400 | oppIssueWeight.get(sender).put(issue,
401 | oppIssueWeight.get(sender).get(issue)
402 | + issueWeightFormula);
403 | }
404 | }
405 | issueSum += oppIssueWeight.get(sender).get(issue);
406 | }
407 |
408 | // After Sum computed, Normalized Issue Weight
409 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
410 | normalizedIssueW = oppIssueWeight.get(sender).get(issue)
411 | / issueSum;
412 | oppIssueWeight.get(sender).put(issue, normalizedIssueW);
413 | }
414 | }
415 | }
416 |
417 | public boolean incrementIntegerIssueWeight(Issue issue,
418 | Value prevIssueValue, Value currIssueValue) {
419 | double[] arraySlot = new double[5];
420 | boolean sameSection = false;
421 | double increment;// Store
422 | int pastV = Integer.parseInt(prevIssueValue.toString()); // past bid
423 | // value
424 | int currV = Integer.parseInt(currIssueValue.toString()); // current bid
425 | // value
426 | int lowerB = ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound();
427 | int upperB = ((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound();
428 | double formula = (upperB - lowerB + 1) / 5;
429 |
430 | increment = lowerB + formula;
431 |
432 | for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
433 | arraySlot[i] = increment;
434 | increment += formula;
435 | }
436 | arraySlot[4] = upperB;
437 |
438 | if (pastV <= arraySlot[0] && currV <= arraySlot[0]) {
439 | sameSection = true;
440 | } else if (pastV <= arraySlot[1] && currV <= arraySlot[1]
441 | && pastV > arraySlot[0] && currV > arraySlot[0]) {
442 | sameSection = true;
443 | } else if (pastV <= arraySlot[2] && currV <= arraySlot[2]
444 | && pastV > arraySlot[1] && currV > arraySlot[1]) {
445 | sameSection = true;
446 | } else if (pastV <= arraySlot[3] && currV <= arraySlot[3]
447 | && pastV > arraySlot[2] && currV > arraySlot[2]) {
448 | sameSection = true;
449 | } else if (pastV <= arraySlot[4] && currV <= arraySlot[4]
450 | && pastV > arraySlot[3] && currV > arraySlot[3]) {
451 | sameSection = true;
452 | }
453 | return sameSection;
454 | }
455 |
456 | private void updateModelOppValueWeight(AgentID sender) {
457 | double maxValueBase;
458 | double currValueBase;
459 | double normalizedValue;
460 | double valueWeightFormula = Math.pow(0.2, normalizedTime) / 30000;
461 | double valueWeightInteger = Math.pow(0.2, normalizedTime) / 955;
462 | // (Normal Rounds avg - 11000 rounds, Integer issue type round avg - 350
463 | // rounds)
464 |
465 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
466 | if (issueContainIntegerType) { // For Discrete & Integer Mix Domain
467 | if (!issue.getType().toString().equals("INTEGER")) {
468 | Value value = lastOpponentBid.getValue(issue.getNumber());
469 | oppValueFrequency.get(sender).get(issue).put(value,
470 | oppValueFrequency.get(sender).get(issue).get(value)
471 | + valueWeightInteger);
472 | }
473 |
474 | } else { // For Discrete Only Domain
475 | Value value = lastOpponentBid.getValue(issue.getNumber());
476 | oppValueFrequency.get(sender).get(issue).put(value,
477 | oppValueFrequency.get(sender).get(issue).get(value)
478 | + valueWeightFormula);
479 | }
480 | }
481 |
482 | // Normalization of Value Weight
483 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
484 | if (!issue.getType().toString().equals("INTEGER")) {
485 | maxValueBase = 0;
486 |
487 | // Compute Max Value for specific issue
488 | for (Value v : oppValueFrequency.get(sender).get(issue)
489 | .keySet()) {
490 | currValueBase = oppValueFrequency.get(sender).get(issue)
491 | .get(v);
492 | if (currValueBase > maxValueBase) {
493 | maxValueBase = currValueBase;
494 | }
495 | }
496 |
497 | // After Max Value computed, Normalized Value Weight
498 | for (Value v : oppValueFrequency.get(sender).get(issue)
499 | .keySet()) {
500 | normalizedValue = oppValueFrequency.get(sender).get(issue)
501 | .get(v) / maxValueBase;
502 | oppValueFrequency.get(sender).get(issue).put(v,
503 | normalizedValue);
504 | }
505 | }
506 | }
507 | }
508 |
509 | private void retrieveToughestOpp() {
510 | double sumDiff;
511 | double maxDiff;
512 | double diff;
513 | double hardestOppSumDiff = 0.;
514 |
515 | // Compute SumDiff of each opponent using value weight
516 | for (Object o : oppValueFrequency.keySet()) {
517 | sumDiff = 0;
518 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
519 | maxDiff = 0;
520 | for (Value v : oppValueFrequency.get(o).get(issue).keySet()) {
521 | if (!issue.getType().toString().equals("INTEGER")) { // Exclusive
522 | // of
523 | // Integer
524 | // Type
525 | // Issues
526 | diff = 1 - oppValueFrequency.get(o).get(issue).get(v);
527 | if (diff > maxDiff) {
528 | maxDiff = diff;
529 | }
530 | }
531 | }
532 | sumDiff += maxDiff;
533 | }
534 | oppSumDiff.put(o, sumDiff); // Store opponent with sumDiff
535 | }
536 |
537 | // Retrieve Toughest Opponent
538 | for (Object o : oppSumDiff.keySet()) {
539 | if (oppSumDiff.get(o) > hardestOppSumDiff) {
540 | hardestOppSumDiff = oppSumDiff.get(o);
541 | hardestOpp = o; // Update hardest opponent
542 | }
543 | }
544 | }
545 |
546 | /*
547 | * private void printableWeight(){ PrintWriter aout = null; try { aout = new
548 | * PrintWriter(new FileWriter("negotiationWeight")); } catch (IOException
549 | * e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); }
550 | *
551 | * StringBuilder rez;
552 | *
553 | * for (Object a1 : oppIssueWeight.keySet()){ rez = new StringBuilder() ;
554 | * rez.append(a1); rez.append("|"); rez.append(oppIssueWeight.get(a1));
555 | * rez.append("|"); rez.append("\n"); aout.println(rez.toString()); }
556 | *
557 | * rez = new StringBuilder(); rez.append("\n");
558 | * rez.append("Number of rounds: " + rounds); aout.println(rez.toString());
559 | * aout.close(); }
560 | *
561 | * private void printableValue(){ PrintWriter aout = null; try { aout = new
562 | * PrintWriter(new FileWriter("negotiationValue")); } catch (IOException e1)
563 | * { e1.printStackTrace(); }
564 | *
565 | * StringBuilder rez;
566 | *
567 | * for (Object a1 : oppValueFrequency.keySet()){ rez = new StringBuilder();
568 | * rez.append(a1); rez.append("|"); rez.append(oppValueFrequency.get(a1));
569 | * rez.append("|"); rez.append("\n"); aout.println(rez.toString()); }
570 | *
571 | * rez = new StringBuilder(); rez.append("\n");
572 | * rez.append("Number of rounds: " + rounds); aout.println(rez.toString());
573 | * aout.close(); }
574 | *
575 | * private void printableIntegerIssue(){ PrintWriter aout = null; try { aout
576 | * = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("negotiationIntegerIssue")); } catch
577 | * (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); }
578 | *
579 | * StringBuilder rez;
580 | *
581 | * for (Object a1 : oppIssueIntegerValue.keySet()){ rez = new
582 | * StringBuilder(); rez.append(a1); rez.append("|");
583 | * rez.append(oppIssueIntegerValue.get(a1)); rez.append("|");
584 | * rez.append("\n"); aout.println(rez.toString()); } aout.close(); }
585 | *
586 | * private void printableToughest(){ PrintWriter aout = null; try { aout =
587 | * new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("negotiationHardestOpp")); } catch
588 | * (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); }
589 | *
590 | * StringBuilder rez;
591 | *
592 | * for (Object a1 : oppSumDiff.keySet()){ rez = new StringBuilder();
593 | * rez.append(a1); rez.append("|"); rez.append(oppSumDiff.get(a1));
594 | * rez.append("|"); rez.append("\n"); aout.println(rez.toString()); } rez =
595 | * new StringBuilder(); rez.append("\n"); rez.append("Toughest Opp is: " +
596 | * hardestOpp); aout.println(rez.toString());
597 | *
598 | * rez = new StringBuilder(); rez.append("\n");
599 | * rez.append("Number of rounds: " + rounds); aout.println(rez.toString());
600 | * aout.close(); }
601 | */
602 |
603 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
604 | // Initialize Opponent
605 | private void initOpp(AgentID sender) {// Initialize new Agent and Issues
606 | try {
607 | issueIntegerHandler(sender);
608 | initModelOppIssueWeight(sender);
609 | initModelOppValueFrequency(sender);
610 | oppBidHistory.put(sender, new ArrayList<Bid>());
611 | } catch (Exception e) {
612 | e.printStackTrace();
613 | }
614 | }
615 |
616 | private void issueIntegerHandler(AgentID sender) {
617 | oppIssueIntegerValue.put(sender,
618 | new HashMap<Issue, ArrayList<ValueInteger>>());
619 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
620 | if (issue.getType().toString().equals("INTEGER")) {
621 | oppIssueIntegerValue.get(sender).put(issue,
622 | new ArrayList<ValueInteger>());
623 | }
624 | }
625 | }
626 |
627 | private void initModelOppIssueWeight(AgentID sender) {
628 | int numIssues;
629 | double avgW;
630 | oppIssueWeight.put(sender, new HashMap<Issue, Double>());
631 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
632 | oppIssueWeight.get(sender).put(issue, 0.);
633 | }
634 |
635 | numIssues = oppIssueWeight.get(sender).keySet().size();
636 | avgW = (double) 1 / numIssues;
637 | for (Issue i : oppIssueWeight.get(sender).keySet()) {
638 | oppIssueWeight.get(sender).put(i, avgW);
639 | }
640 | }
641 |
642 | private void initModelOppValueFrequency(AgentID sender) {
643 | ArrayList<Value> values = new ArrayList<Value>();
644 | oppValueFrequency.put(sender,
645 | new HashMap<Issue, HashMap<Value, Double>>());
646 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
647 | oppValueFrequency.get(sender).put(issue,
648 | new HashMap<Value, Double>());
649 | if (!issue.getType().toString().equals("INTEGER")) {
650 | values = getValues(issue);
651 | for (Value value : values) {
652 | oppValueFrequency.get(sender).get(issue).put(value, 1.);
653 | }
654 | }
655 | }
656 | }
657 |
658 | public ArrayList<Value> getValues(Issue issue) {
659 | ArrayList<Value> values = new ArrayList<Value>();
660 | switch (issue.getType()) {
661 | case DISCRETE:
662 | List<ValueDiscrete> valuesDis = ((IssueDiscrete) issue).getValues();
663 | for (Value value : valuesDis) {
664 | values.add(value);
665 | }
666 | break;
667 | case INTEGER:
668 | int min_value = ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound();
669 | int max_value = ((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound();
670 | for (int i = min_value; i <= max_value; i++) {
671 | Object valueObject = new Integer(i);
672 | values.add((Value) valueObject);
673 | }
674 | break;
675 | case REAL:
676 | double min_value1 = ((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound();
677 | double max_value1 = ((IssueReal) issue).getUpperBound();
678 | for (int i = (int) min_value1; i <= max_value1; i++) {
679 | Object valueObject = new Integer(i);
680 | values.add((Value) valueObject);
681 | }
682 | break;
683 | default:
684 | try {
685 | throw new Exception("issue type: " + issue.getType());
686 | } catch (Exception e) {
687 | e.printStackTrace();
688 | }
689 | }
690 | return values;
691 | }
692 |
693 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
694 | // Check for Integer Type in Issue
695 | private void issueContainIntegerType() {
696 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
697 | if (issue.getType().toString().equals("INTEGER")) {
698 | issueContainIntegerType = true;
699 | break;
700 | }
701 | }
702 | }
703 |
704 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
705 | // Initialize and Update Time
706 | private void updateTime() {
707 | currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
708 | diff = currTime - startTime;
709 | normalizedTime = (long) (diff / totalTime);
710 | }
711 |
712 | private void initTime() {
713 | startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
714 | totalTime = 3 * 60 * 1000; // 3min total time converted to millsecond
715 | diff = 0;
716 | }
717 |
718 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
719 | // Generate Random Bid
720 | @Override
721 | protected Bid generateRandomBid() {
722 | Bid randomBid = null;
723 | HashMap<Integer, Value> values = new HashMap<Integer, Value>();
724 | List<Issue> issues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues();
725 | for (Issue currentIssue : issues) {
726 | try {
727 | values.put(currentIssue.getNumber(),
728 | getRandomValue(currentIssue));
729 | } catch (Exception e) {
730 | e.printStackTrace();
731 | }
732 | }
733 | try {
734 | randomBid = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), values);
735 | } catch (Exception e) {
736 | e.printStackTrace();
737 | }
738 | return randomBid;
739 | }
740 |
741 | @Override
742 | protected Value getRandomValue(Issue currentIssue) throws Exception {
743 | Value currentValue = null;
744 | int index = 0;
745 |
746 | Random randomnr = new Random();
747 | switch (currentIssue.getType()) {
748 | case DISCRETE:
749 | IssueDiscrete lIssueDiscrete = (IssueDiscrete) currentIssue;
750 | index = randomnr.nextInt(lIssueDiscrete.getNumberOfValues());
751 | currentValue = lIssueDiscrete.getValue(index);
752 | break;
753 | case REAL:
754 | IssueReal lIssueReal = (IssueReal) currentIssue;
755 | index = randomnr
756 | .nextInt(lIssueReal.getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps());
757 | currentValue = new ValueReal(
758 | lIssueReal.getLowerBound() + (((lIssueReal.getUpperBound()
759 | - lIssueReal.getLowerBound()))
760 | / (lIssueReal.getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps()))
761 | * index);
762 | break;
763 | case INTEGER:
764 | IssueInteger lIssueInteger = (IssueInteger) currentIssue;
765 | index = randomnr.nextInt(lIssueInteger.getUpperBound()
766 | - lIssueInteger.getLowerBound() + 1);
767 | currentValue = new ValueInteger(
768 | lIssueInteger.getLowerBound() + index);
769 | break;
770 | default:
771 | throw new Exception(
772 | "issue type " + currentIssue.getType() + " not supported");
773 | }
774 | return currentValue;
775 | }
776 |
777 | /**
778 | * @return the agentID
779 | */
780 | public String getName() {
781 | return "YXAgent";
782 | }
783 |
784 | @Override
785 | public String getDescription() {
786 | return "ANAC2016";
787 | }
788 |
789 | }