package agents.anac.y2016.pars2; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import genius.core.AgentID; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.DeadlineType; import genius.core.actions.Accept; import genius.core.actions.Action; import genius.core.actions.Offer; import genius.core.issue.Issue; import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete; import genius.core.timeline.Timeline; import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace; import genius.core.utility.UtilitySpace; import negotiator.parties.AbstractTimeDependentNegotiationParty; /** * This is ParsAgent party. */ public class ParsAgent2 extends AbstractTimeDependentNegotiationParty { Bid lastBid; Bid myLastBid; Bid myBestBid; String lastAction; String oppAName; String oppBName; boolean isLastRound; double myutility; double ConstantUtility = 0.8d; boolean Imfirst = false; long prevTime = 0; Boolean withDiscount = null; boolean fornullAgent = false; long beginTime; int round; ArrayList opponentAB = new ArrayList(); OpponentPreferences oppAPreferences = new OpponentPreferences(); OpponentPreferences oppBPreferences = new OpponentPreferences(); ArrayList oppABids = new ArrayList(); ArrayList oppBBids = new ArrayList(); ArrayList rejectedBid = new ArrayList(); ArrayList clusterA; ArrayList clusterB; ClusterHistory clusterHistoryA; ClusterHistory clusterHistoryB; int numberOfclusters = 3; // long timePeriod=30; int slotNum = 100; double myConcessionRate = 0.15d; int currentSlotA; int currentSlotB; boolean clusterIsRefreshA; boolean clusterIsRefreshB; float concessionA; float concessionB; public ParsAgent2() { myutility = 0.80000000000000004D; Imfirst = false; withDiscount = null; fornullAgent = false; opponentAB = new ArrayList(); oppAPreferences = new OpponentPreferences(); oppBPreferences = new OpponentPreferences(); rejectedBid = new ArrayList(); beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); prevTime = beginTime; lastAction = "offer"; } public static void main(String[] arg) { ParsAgent2 p = new ParsAgent2(); } public void clusterOpponentBid(ArrayList bidHistory, String opParty, boolean repeat) { int k = numberOfclusters; ArrayList clusters; if (opParty.equals("A")) clusters = clusterA; else clusters = clusterB; if (bidHistory.size() > k) { if (!repeat) { if (clusters == null) { clusters = new ArrayList(k); for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { clusters.add(new Cluster()); } } if (opParty.equals("A")) clusterA = clusters; else clusterB = clusters; int next = bidHistory.size() / k; int temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { clusters.get(i).setCenter(bidHistory.get(temp)); temp += next; } // } for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); ++i) { // ArrayList removable = clusters.get(i).getMembers(); if (clusters.get(i).getMembers() != null) // clusters.get(i).getMembers().removeAll(removable); clusters.get(i).getMembers().clear(); } } for (int i = 0; i < bidHistory.size(); ++i) { defineCluster(clusters, bidHistory.get(i)); } if (refreshClusterCenters(clusters)) { for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); ++i) { // ArrayList removable = clusters.get(i).getMembers(); // clusters.get(i).getMembers().removeAll(removable); clusters.get(i).getMembers().clear(); } clusterOpponentBid(bidHistory, opParty, true); } } } public boolean refreshClusterCenters(ArrayList clusters) { // ArrayList dissues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues(); boolean needRefresh = false; for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); ++i) { Cluster clus = clusters.get(i); clus.getMembers().add(0, clus.getCenter()); float[] dist = new float[clus.getMembers().size()]; float[][] dismatrix = new float[clus.getMembers().size()][clus .getMembers().size()]; for (int j = 0; j < clus.getMembers().size(); ++j) { Bid checkBid = clus.getMembers().get(j); float distance = 0; for (int k = 0; k < j; ++k) { distance += dismatrix[k][j]; } for (int k = j + 1; k < clus.getMembers().size(); ++k) { // if (k != j) { float temp = calDist(checkBid, clus.getMembers().get(k)); distance += temp; dismatrix[j][k] = temp; } dist[j] = distance / clus.getMembers().size(); distance = 0f; } float min = dist[0]; String out = dist[0] + ""; int index = 0; for (int n = 1; n < dist.length; ++n) { // out += " " + dist[n]; if (dist[n] < min) { min = dist[n]; index = n; } } if (index != 0) { needRefresh = true; } clus.setCenter(clus.getMembers().get(index)); clus.getMembers().remove(index); } return needRefresh; } public void defineCluster(ArrayList clusters, Bid bid) { float[] dises = new float[clusters.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); ++i) { dises[i] = calDist(bid, clusters.get(i).getCenter()); if (clusters.get(i).members == null) clusters.get(i).members = new ArrayList(); } float min = dises[0]; int index = 0; for (int j = 0; j < dises.length; ++j) { if (dises[j] < min) { min = dises[j]; index = j; } } clusters.get(index).members.add(bid); } class ClusterHistory { ArrayList> prevCenters; ArrayList maxDistance; ArrayList distributionFactor; } class Cluster { Bid center; ArrayList members; public void setCenter(Bid center) { = center; } public Bid getCenter() { return center; } public void setMembers(ArrayList members) { this.members = members; } public ArrayList getMembers() { return members; } } /** * Please keep this constructor. This is called by genius. * * @param utilitySpace * Your utility space. * @param deadlines * The deadlines set for this negotiation. * @param timeline * Value counting from 0 (start) to 1 (end). * @param randomSeed * If you use any randomization, use this seed for it. */ public ParsAgent2(UtilitySpace utilitySpace, Map deadlines, Timeline timeline, long randomSeed) { // Make sure that this constructor calls it's parent. super(); /* * Comment for Bug * * Object[] keys = deadlines.keySet().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < * keys.length; ++i) { if (keys[i] instanceof DeadlineType) { * DeadlineType type=(DeadlineType) keys[i]; round = * Integer.parseInt(deadlines.get(keys[i]).toString()); } } */ } /** * Each round this method gets called and ask you to accept or offer. The * first party in the first round is a bit different, it can only propose an * offer. * * @param validActions * Either a list containing both accept and offer or only offer. * @return The chosen action. */ @Override public Action chooseAction(List validActions) { ++round; lastAction = "offer"; try { if (withDiscount == null) withDiscount = utilitySpace.isDiscounted(); if (rejectedBid.size() > 10) rejectedBid.remove(0); if (myBestBid == null) myBestBid = utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid(); long roundLong = System.currentTimeMillis() - prevTime; prevTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); roundLong = roundLong == 0 ? 1 : roundLong; long remainTime = (3 * 60 * 1000) - (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime); isLastRound = Math.round(remainTime / roundLong) <= 10; if (isLastRound) ConstantUtility = ((0.7d + (remainTime / roundLong) / 10)); if (currentSlotA > slotNum) { currentSlotA = 0; clusterOpponentBid(oppABids, "A", false); clusterIsRefreshA = true; } if (currentSlotB > slotNum) { currentSlotB = 0; clusterOpponentBid(oppBBids, "B", false); clusterIsRefreshB = true; } if (lastBid == null) { Imfirst = true; Bid b = getMybestBid(myBestBid, 0); myLastBid = b; lastBid = myLastBid; return new Offer(getPartyId(), b); } else if (utilitySpace.getUtility(lastBid) >= getMyutility()) { lastAction = "Accept"; return new Accept(getPartyId(), lastBid); } else { Bid b = offerMyNewBid(); if (b == null || utilitySpace.getUtility(b) < getMyutility()) { b = getMybestBid(myBestBid, 0); } if (isLastRound && prob(b) < 0.5) { b = bestMutualCenters(); if (utilitySpace.getUtility(b) >= getMyutility()) { myLastBid = b; lastBid = myLastBid; return new Offer(getPartyId(), b); } } else { myLastBid = b; lastBid = myLastBid; return new Offer(getPartyId(), b); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Bid mb = null; try { mb = getMybestBid(myBestBid, 0); myLastBid = mb; lastBid = myLastBid; return new Offer(getPartyId(), mb); } catch (Exception e) { lastAction = "Accept"; return new Accept(getPartyId(), lastBid); } } public Bid bestMutualCenters() { float min = 0f; int centerindex = 0; int centerindex2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < clusterA.size(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < clusterB.size(); ++j) { float temp = calDist(clusterA.get(i).getCenter(), clusterB.get(j).getCenter()); if (temp < min) { min = temp; centerindex = i; centerindex2 = j; } } } if (utilitySpace.getUtility( clusterA.get(centerindex).getCenter()) > utilitySpace .getUtility(clusterB.get(centerindex2).getCenter())) return clusterA.get(centerindex).getCenter(); return clusterB.get(centerindex2).getCenter(); } public float prob(Bid mybid) { float prob = 0f; float sum = 0f; int issueNum = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues().size(); if (oppABids.size() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < oppABids.size(); ++i) { sum += calDist(mybid, oppABids.get(i)); } float probA = (sum / oppABids.size()) / issueNum; sum = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < oppBBids.size(); ++i) { sum += calDist(mybid, oppBBids.get(i)); } float probB = (sum / oppBBids.size()) / issueNum; prob = (probA + probB) / 2; } return prob; } /** * All offers proposed by the other parties will be received as a message. * You can use this information to your advantage, for example to predict * their utility. * * @param sender * The party that did the action. * @param action * The action that party did. */ @Override public void receiveMessage(AgentID sender, Action action) { super.receiveMessage(sender, action); String agentName = sender != null ? sender.toString() : "null"; fornullAgent = !fornullAgent; if (action != null && action instanceof Offer) { if (!lastAction.equals("Accept")) rejectedBid.add(rejectedBid.size(), myLastBid); Bid newBid = ((Offer) action).getBid(); withDiscount = utilitySpace.isDiscounted(); BidUtility opBid; try { opBid = new BidUtility(newBid, utilitySpace.getUtility(newBid), System.currentTimeMillis()); if (oppAName != null && oppAName.equals(agentName)) { // addBidToList(oppAPreferences.getOpponentBids(), opBid); addBidToList(oppABids, newBid); currentSlotA++; } else if (oppBName != null && oppBName.equals(agentName)) { // addBidToList(oppBPreferences.getOpponentBids(), opBid); addBidToList(oppBBids, newBid); currentSlotB++; } else if (oppAName == null) { oppAName = agentName; // oppAPreferences.getOpponentBids().add(opBid); } else if (oppBName == null) { oppBName = agentName; // oppBPreferences.getOpponentBids().add(opBid); } calculateParamForOpponent((oppAName.equals(agentName) ? oppAPreferences : oppBPreferences), newBid); lastBid = newBid; } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("Exception 33 " + e.getMessage()); } } else if (action != null && action instanceof Accept) { BidUtility opBid = null; if (!lastBid.equals(myLastBid)) { try { opBid = new BidUtility(lastBid, utilitySpace.getUtility(lastBid), System.currentTimeMillis()); addBidToList(opponentAB, opBid); } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("Exception 44" + e.getMessage()); } } } // Here you can listen to other parties' messages } /* * public int MyBestValue(int issueindex) { ArrayList dissues = * utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues(); Issue isu = * dissues.get(issueindex); HashMap map = new HashMap(); double maxutil = * 0d; int maxvalIndex = 0; try { map = myBestBid.getValues(); } catch * (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception 3323 " + e.getMessage()); * } if (isu instanceof IssueDiscrete) { IssueDiscrete is = * (IssueDiscrete)isu; for (int num = 0; num < is.getNumberOfValues(); * ++num) { map.put(new Integer(issueindex + 1), is.getValue(num)); Bid * temp; double u = 0d; try { temp = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), map); * u = utilitySpace.getUtility(temp); } catch (Exception e) { * System.out.println("Exception 98989 " + e.getMessage()); } if (u > * maxutil) { maxutil = u; maxvalIndex = num; } break; * * * } } return maxvalIndex; } */ public Bid offerMyNewBid() { Bid bidNN = null; boolean loop = false; try { if (opponentAB != null && opponentAB.size() != 0) { bidNN = getNNBid(opponentAB); } if (bidNN == null || utilitySpace.getUtility(bidNN) < getMyutility()) { ArrayList isues = getMutualIssues(); HashMap map = new HashMap(); Bid bid; List dissues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues(); boolean hasnotNull = false; for (int i = 0; i < isues.size(); ++i) { if (isues.get(i) != null) hasnotNull = true; } if (hasnotNull) { for (int i = 0; i < isues.size(); ++i) { ArrayList keyVal = (ArrayList) isues.get(i); if (keyVal != null && dissues.get(i) instanceof IssueDiscrete) { IssueDiscrete is = (IssueDiscrete) dissues.get(i); for (int num = 0; num < is .getNumberOfValues(); ++num) { if (is.getValue(num).toString() .equals(keyVal.get(0).toString())) { map.put(new Integer(i + 1), is.getValue(num)); break; } } } else if (keyVal == null && dissues.get(i) instanceof IssueDiscrete) { IssueDiscrete is = (IssueDiscrete) dissues.get(i); if (!loop) map.put(new Integer(i + 1), myBestBid .getValues().get(new Integer(i + 1))); else map.put(new Integer(i + 1), getRandomValue(dissues.get(i))); } else if (keyVal != null) { map.put(new Integer(i + 1), keyVal.get(0)); } } try { bid = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), (HashMap) map.clone()); if (utilitySpace.getUtility(bid) > getMyutility()) { if (rejectedBid.contains(bid) && !loop) { loop = true; } else return bid; } else { return getMybestBid(myBestBid, 0); } } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("Exception 55 " + e.getMessage()); } } } else return bidNN; } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("Exception 121212 == " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return getMybestBid(myBestBid, 0); } public ArrayList getMutualIssues() { ArrayList mutualList = new ArrayList(); List dissues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues(); int twocycle = 2; while (twocycle > 0) { mutualList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < dissues.size(); ++i) { if (oppAPreferences.getRepeatedissue() .get(dissues.get(i).getName()) != null) { HashMap vals = (HashMap) oppAPreferences.getRepeatedissue() .get(dissues.get(i).getName()); HashMap valsB = (HashMap) oppBPreferences.getRepeatedissue() .get(dissues.get(i).getName()); Object[] keys = vals.keySet().toArray(); int[] max = new int[] { 0, 0 }; Object[] maxkey = new Object[] { null, null }; for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; ++j) { Integer temp = (Integer) vals.get(keys[j]); if (temp.intValue() > max[0]) { max[0] = temp.intValue(); maxkey[0] = keys[j]; } else if (temp.intValue() > max[1]) { max[1] = temp.intValue(); maxkey[1] = keys[j]; } } if (valsB != null) { Object[] keysB = valsB.keySet().toArray(); int[] maxB = new int[] { 0, 0 }; ; Object[] maxkeyB = new Object[] { null, null }; for (int j = 0; j < keysB.length; ++j) { Integer temp = (Integer) valsB.get(keysB[j]); if (temp.intValue() > maxB[0]) { maxB[0] = temp.intValue(); maxkeyB[0] = keysB[j]; } else if (temp.intValue() > maxB[1]) { maxB[1] = temp.intValue(); maxkeyB[1] = keysB[j]; } } if (twocycle == 2) { if (maxkey[0] != null && maxkeyB[0] != null && maxkey[0].equals(maxkeyB[0])) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); l.add(maxkey[0]); l.add(maxB[0]); l.add(max[0]); mutualList.add(i, l); } else mutualList.add(i, null); } else { boolean insideloop = true; for (int m = 0; insideloop && m < 2; ++m) { for (int z = 0; insideloop && z < 2; ++z) { if (maxkey[m] != null && maxkeyB[z] != null && maxkey[m].equals(maxkeyB[z])) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); l.add(maxkey[m]); l.add(maxB[z]); l.add(max[m]); mutualList.add(i, l); insideloop = false; } } } if (insideloop) mutualList.add(i, null); } } else { mutualList.add(i, null); oppBPreferences.getRepeatedissue() .put(dissues.get(i).getName(), new HashMap()); } } else { oppAPreferences.getRepeatedissue() .put(dissues.get(i).getName(), new HashMap()); mutualList.add(i, null); } if (((HashMap) oppAPreferences.getRepeatedissue() .get(dissues.get(i).getName())).size() == 0 || ((HashMap) oppAPreferences.getRepeatedissue() .get(dissues.get(i).getName())).size() == 0) { twocycle--; } } if (twocycle != 0) { twocycle--; float nullval = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < mutualList.size(); ++i) { if (mutualList.get(i) != null) { ++nullval; } } nullval = nullval / mutualList.size(); if (nullval >= 0.5) twocycle--; } } return mutualList; } public Bid getNNBid(ArrayList oppAB) { List dissues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues(); ArrayList maxBids = new ArrayList(); ArrayList maximumBids = new ArrayList(); int size = 0; Bid newBid; int loop = Math.round((float) Math.sqrt(dissues.size())); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { if (oppAB != null) { if (oppAB.size() > i) { maximumBids.add(i, oppAB.get(i).getBid()); } } else return null; } // while (exloop < dissues.size()) { Bid maximumBid = null; maximumBid = myBestBid; size = 0; // while (oppAB != null && oppAB.size() > size) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { int loop2 = loop; while (loop2 >= 0 && maximumBids.size() > i) { int bi = chooseBestIssue(); // } Bid b = maximumBids.get(i); try { HashMap vals = b.getValues(); if (utilitySpace.getUtility(b) > getMyutility()) { int index = 0; for (int k = 0; k < maxBids.size(); ++k) { if (utilitySpace .getUtility(maxBids.get(k)) < utilitySpace .getUtility(b)) { index = k; break; } } maxBids.add(index, new Bid(b)); // maxutility = utilitySpace.getUtility(maxBid); // loop = -1; } if (maximumBid != null) vals.put(bi, maximumBid.getValue(bi)); // vals.put(bi, // getRandomValue(dissues.get(bi // - 1))); else vals.put(bi, getRandomValue(dissues.get(bi - 1))); newBid = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), vals); if (utilitySpace.getUtility(newBid) >= getMyutility()) { int index = 0; for (int k = 0; k < maxBids.size(); ++k) { if (utilitySpace .getUtility(maxBids.get(k)) < utilitySpace .getUtility(newBid)) { index = k; break; } } maxBids.add(index, new Bid(newBid)); // maxutility = utilitySpace.getUtility(maxBid); // loop = -1; } } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("Exception 66 " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } loop2--; } } Bid maxBid = null; float maxProb = 0; int index = -1; double rand = Math.random(); if (maxBids.size() != 0) { loop = Math.round((float) (rand * maxBids.size())); loop = loop == 0 ? 1 : loop; for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++) { if (!rejectedBid.contains(maxBids.get(i)) && prob(maxBids.get(i)) > maxProb) { maxProb = prob(maxBids.get(i)); index = i; } } if (index != -1) return new Bid(maxBids.get(index)); } return maxBid; } public int chooseBestIssue() { double random = Math.random(); double sumWeight = 0d; AdditiveUtilitySpace utilitySpace1 = (AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace; for (int i = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues().size(); i > 0; --i) { sumWeight += utilitySpace1.getWeight(i); if (sumWeight > random) return i; } return 0; } public int chooseWorstIssue() { double random = Math.random() * 100; AdditiveUtilitySpace utilitySpace1 = (AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace; double sumWeight = 0d; int minin = 1; double min = 1.0d; for (int i = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues().size(); i > 0; --i) { sumWeight += 1.0d / utilitySpace1.getWeight(i); if (utilitySpace1.getWeight(i) < min) { min = utilitySpace1.getWeight(i); minin = i; } if (sumWeight > random) return i; } return minin; } public Bid getMybestBid(Bid sugestBid, int time) { List dissues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues(); Bid newBid = new Bid(sugestBid); int index = chooseWorstIssue(); boolean loop = true; long bidTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (loop) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - bidTime) / 1000 > 3) break; newBid = new Bid(sugestBid); try { HashMap map = newBid.getValues(); map.put(index, getRandomValue(dissues.get(index - 1))); newBid = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), map); if (utilitySpace.getUtility(newBid) > getMyutility()) { return newBid; } } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("Exception in my best bid : " + // e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); loop = false; } } return sugestBid; } public void addBidToList(ArrayList mybids, BidUtility newbid) { int index = mybids.size(); for (int i = 0; i < mybids.size(); ++i) { if (mybids.get(i).getUtility() <= newbid.getUtility()) { // if (!mybids.get(i).getBid().equals(newbid.getBid())) index = i; break; // else // return; } } mybids.add(index, newbid); } public void addBidToList(ArrayList mybids, Bid newbid) { mybids.add(newbid); } public void calculateParamForOpponent(OpponentPreferences op, Bid bid) { List dissues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues(); HashMap bidVal = bid.getValues(); Object[] keys = bidVal.keySet().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < dissues.size(); ++i) { if (op.getRepeatedissue().get(dissues.get(i).getName()) != null) { HashMap vals = (HashMap) op.getRepeatedissue() .get(dissues.get(i).getName()); try { if (vals.get(bidVal.get(keys[i])) != null) { Integer repet = (Integer) vals.get(bidVal.get(keys[i])); repet = repet + 1; vals.put(bidVal.get(keys[i]), repet); } else { vals.put(bidVal.get(keys[i]), new Integer(1)); } } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("Exception 88 " + e.getMessage()); } } else { HashMap h = new HashMap(); // op.getRepeatedissue().get(dissues.get(i).getName()); try { h.put(bidVal.get(keys[i]), new Integer(1)); } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("Exception 99 " + e.getMessage()); } op.getRepeatedissue().put(dissues.get(i).getName(), h); } } } public void setMyutility(double myutility) { this.myutility = myutility; } public float calDist(Bid b1, Bid b2) { List dissues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues(); float distance = 0; Set keys = b1.getValues().keySet(); Object[] keyCenterVals = b2.getValues().keySet().toArray(); Object[] keyVals = keys.toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < dissues.size(); ++j) { if (dissues.get(j) instanceof IssueDiscrete) { if (!b1.getValues().get(keyVals[j]).toString().equals( b2.getValues().get(keyCenterVals[j]).toString())) { distance += 1; } } else { float dis = ((Float .parseFloat(b1.getValues().get(keyVals[j]).toString())) - (Float.parseFloat(b2.getValues().get(keyCenterVals[j]) .toString())) / dissues.get(j).getChildCount()); distance += dis < 0 ? dis * -1f : dis; } } return distance; } public double getMyutility() { myutility = getTargetUtility(); if (clusterIsRefreshA && clusterA != null) { clusterIsRefreshA = false; ArrayList centersA = new ArrayList(); float[][] distA = new float[numberOfclusters][numberOfclusters]; float unormalA = 0; float normal = 1.0f / numberOfclusters; for (int i = 0; i < clusterA.size(); ++i) { centersA.add(clusterA.get(i).getCenter()); float temp = normal - ((float) clusterA.get(i).getMembers().size()) / (float) oppABids.size(); unormalA += temp < 0 ? -1 * temp : temp; } float maxA = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfclusters; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < numberOfclusters; ++j) { // System.out.println("CenterA i "+i // +" "+centersA.get(i)); // System.out.println("CenterA j "+j // +" "+centersA.get(j)); distA[i][j] = calDist(centersA.get(i), centersA.get(j)); if (distA[i][j] > maxA) maxA = distA[i][j]; } } // System.out.println("max distance A ============================ " // + // maxA + " unormal A " + unormalA); // System.out.println("max distance B ============================ " // + // maxB + " unormal B " + unormalB); if (clusterHistoryA == null) { clusterHistoryA = new ClusterHistory(); clusterHistoryA.distributionFactor = new ArrayList(); clusterHistoryA.prevCenters = new ArrayList>(); clusterHistoryA.maxDistance = new ArrayList(); } clusterHistoryA.distributionFactor.add( clusterHistoryA.distributionFactor.size(), new Float(unormalA)); clusterHistoryA.maxDistance.add(clusterHistoryA.maxDistance.size(), new Float(maxA)); clusterHistoryA.prevCenters.add(clusterHistoryA.prevCenters.size(), new ArrayList(centersA)); for (int i = 0; i < clusterA.size(); ++i) { clusterA.get(i).getMembers().clear(); oppABids.clear(); } float myConcession = 0f; float meanDistributionA = 0f; float meanDistanceA = 0f; float maxCenterDistanceA = 0f; float[][] centerdis = new float[clusterHistoryA.distributionFactor .size()][clusterHistoryA.distributionFactor.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < clusterHistoryA.distributionFactor .size(); ++i) { meanDistributionA += clusterHistoryA.distributionFactor.get(i); meanDistanceA += clusterHistoryA.maxDistance.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < clusterHistoryA.distributionFactor .size(); ++j) { float temp1 = 0f; float max = 0f; float max1 = 0f; for (int k = 0; k < numberOfclusters; ++k) { for (int l = 0; l < numberOfclusters; ++l) { temp1 = calDist( clusterHistoryA.prevCenters.get(i).get(k), clusterHistoryA.prevCenters.get(j).get(l)); if (temp1 > max1) max1 = temp1; } } centerdis[i][j] = max; if (maxCenterDistanceA < max1) maxCenterDistanceA = max1; } // } } int issueSize = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues().size(); maxCenterDistanceA /= issueSize; meanDistributionA = (meanDistributionA / clusterHistoryA.distributionFactor.size()) / 1.33f; meanDistanceA = (meanDistanceA / clusterHistoryA.distributionFactor.size()) / issueSize; float w1 = 0.4f, w2 = 0.2f, w3 = 0.4f; concessionA = (w1 * maxCenterDistanceA + w2 * meanDistanceA - w3 * meanDistributionA); myConcession = concessionA < concessionB ? concessionA : concessionB; myConcessionRate = myConcession > 0 && myConcession > 0.15d ? myConcession : 0.15d; } else if (clusterIsRefreshB && clusterB != null) { clusterIsRefreshB = false; ArrayList centersB = new ArrayList(); float[][] distB = new float[numberOfclusters][numberOfclusters]; float unormalB = 0; float normal = 1.0f / numberOfclusters; for (int i = 0; i < clusterB.size(); ++i) { centersB.add(clusterB.get(i).getCenter()); // System.out.println("Cluster B members === " + i + " " // + // (clusterB.get(i).getMembers().size())); float temp = normal - ((float) clusterB.get(i).getMembers().size()) / (float) oppBBids.size(); unormalB += temp < 0 ? -1 * temp : temp; } float maxB = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfclusters; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < numberOfclusters; ++j) { // System.out.println("CenterA i "+i // +" "+centersA.get(i)); // System.out.println("CenterA j "+j // +" "+centersA.get(j)); distB[i][j] = calDist(centersB.get(i), centersB.get(j)); // System.out.println("CenterB i "+i // +" "+centersB.get(i)); // System.out.println("CenterB j "+j // +" "+centersB.get(j)); if (distB[i][j] > maxB) maxB = distB[i][j]; } } // System.out.println("max distance A ============================ " // + // maxA + " unormal A " + unormalA); // System.out.println("max distance B ============================ " // + // maxB + " unormal B " + unormalB); if (clusterHistoryB == null) { clusterHistoryB = new ClusterHistory(); clusterHistoryB.distributionFactor = new ArrayList(); clusterHistoryB.prevCenters = new ArrayList>(); clusterHistoryB.maxDistance = new ArrayList(); } clusterHistoryB.distributionFactor.add( clusterHistoryB.distributionFactor.size(), new Float(unormalB)); clusterHistoryB.maxDistance.add(clusterHistoryB.maxDistance.size(), new Float(maxB)); clusterHistoryB.prevCenters.add(clusterHistoryB.prevCenters.size(), new ArrayList(centersB)); for (int i = 0; i < clusterB.size(); ++i) { // ArrayList removable = clusterA.get(i).getMembers(); // clusterA.get(i).getMembers().removeAll(removable); clusterB.get(i).getMembers().clear(); // removable = clusterB.get(i).getMembers(); // clusterB.get(i).getMembers().removeAll(removable); oppBBids.clear(); } float myConcession = 0f; float meanDistributionB = 0f; float meanDistanceB = 0f; float maxCenterDistanceB = 0f; float[][] centerdis = new float[clusterHistoryB.distributionFactor .size()][clusterHistoryB.distributionFactor.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < clusterHistoryB.distributionFactor .size(); ++i) { meanDistributionB += clusterHistoryB.distributionFactor.get(i); meanDistanceB += clusterHistoryB.maxDistance.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < clusterHistoryB.distributionFactor .size(); ++j) { float temp = 0f; float temp1 = 0f; float max = 0f; float max1 = 0f; for (int k = 0; k < numberOfclusters; ++k) { for (int l = 0; l < numberOfclusters; ++l) { temp = calDist( clusterHistoryB.prevCenters.get(i).get(k), clusterHistoryB.prevCenters.get(j).get(l)); if (temp > max) max = temp; } } centerdis[i][j] = max; if (maxCenterDistanceB < max) maxCenterDistanceB = max; } // } } int issueSize = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues().size(); maxCenterDistanceB /= issueSize; meanDistributionB = (meanDistributionB / clusterHistoryB.distributionFactor.size()) / 1.33f; meanDistanceB = (meanDistanceB / clusterHistoryB.distributionFactor.size()) / issueSize; // System.out.println("for Opponent A All // ===============================meanDistributionA == " // + // meanDistributionA + " meanDistanceA ==" + // meanDistanceA + " maxCenterDistanceA==" + // maxCenterDistanceA); // System.out.println("for Opponent B All // ===============================meanDistributionB == " // + // meanDistributionB + " meanDistanceB ==" + // meanDistanceB + " maxCenterDistanceB==" + // maxCenterDistanceB); float w1 = 0.4f, w2 = 0.2f, w3 = 0.4f; // System.out.println("concession A =========== " + // (w1 * maxCenterDistanceA + w2 * meanDistanceA - // w3 * meanDistributionA)); // System.out.println("concession B =========== " + // (w1 * maxCenterDistanceB + w2 * meanDistanceB - // w3 * meanDistributionB)); concessionB = (w1 * maxCenterDistanceB + w2 * meanDistanceB - w3 * meanDistributionB); myConcession = concessionA < concessionB ? concessionA : concessionB; myConcessionRate = myConcession > 0 && myConcession > 0.15d ? myConcession : 0.15d; } // { if (myutility < ConstantUtility) return ConstantUtility; else return myutility; } @Override public double getE() { if (withDiscount) return myConcessionRate + 0.05d; return myConcessionRate; } private class OpponentPreferences { private HashMap repeatedissue = new HashMap(); private ArrayList selectedValues; ArrayList opponentBids = new ArrayList(); public void setRepeatedissue(HashMap repeatedissue) { this.repeatedissue = repeatedissue; } public HashMap getRepeatedissue() { return repeatedissue; } public void setSelectedValues(ArrayList selectedValues) { this.selectedValues = selectedValues; } public ArrayList getSelectedValues() { return selectedValues; } public void setOpponentBids( ArrayList opponentBids) { this.opponentBids = opponentBids; } public ArrayList getOpponentBids() { return opponentBids; } } private class BidUtility { private Bid bid; private double utility; private long time; BidUtility(Bid b, double u, long t) { = b; this.utility = u; this.time = t; } BidUtility(BidUtility newbid) { = newbid.getBid(); this.utility = newbid.getUtility(); this.time = newbid.getTime(); } public void setBid(Bid bid) { = bid; } public Bid getBid() { return bid; } public void setUtility(double utility) { this.utility = utility; } public double getUtility() { return utility; } public void setTime(long time) { this.time = time; } public long getTime() { return time; } } @Override public String getDescription() { return "ANAC2016"; } }