source: src/main/java/agents/anac/y2015/agentBuyogV2/flanagan/plot/

Last change on this file was 1, checked in by Wouter Pasman, 6 years ago

Initial import : Genius 9.0.0

File size: 30.3 KB
2* Class PlotPoleZero
4* Plots, in a window, the poles and zeros of a transfer function,
5* of the form of a polynomial over a polynomial, in either the s- or
6* z-plane given the coefficients of the polynomials either as two arrays
7* or as two types ComplexPolynom()
9* WRITTEN BY: Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan
11* DATE: July 2002
12* REVISED: 22 June 2003, 14 August 2004, 16 May 2005, 7 July 2008, 10-12 August 2008
15* See Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java library on-line web page:
19* Copyright (c) June 2002 - 2008
22* Permission to use, copy and modify this software and its documentation for
23* NON-COMMERCIAL purposes is granted, without fee, provided that an acknowledgement
24* to the author, Michael Thomas Flanagan at, appears in all copies.
26* Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan makes no representations about the suitability
27* or fitness of the software for any or for a particular purpose.
28* Michael Thomas Flanagan shall not be liable for any damages suffered
29* as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software or its derivatives.
34package agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.plot;
36import java.awt.*;
38import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.complex.Complex;
39import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.complex.ComplexPoly;
41import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.math.Fmath;
43public class PlotPoleZero{
44 private ComplexPoly numerPoly = null; // ComplexPoly instance of the numerator polynomial
45 private ComplexPoly denomPoly = null; // ComplexPoly instance of the denominator polynomial
46 private Complex[] numerRoots = null; // Roots of the numerator polynomial
47 private Complex[] denomRoots = null; // Roots of the denominator polynomial
48 private double[][] data = null; // Data for PlotGraph
49 private int nDeg = 0; // degree of numerator polynomial
50 private int dDeg = 0; // degree of denominator polynomial
51 private int mDeg = 0; // maximum of the two polynomial degrees
52 private int sORz = 0; // if 0 s or z plot, =1 s plane plot, =2 z plane plot
53 private boolean zerosSet = false; // = true if zeros entered directly
54 private boolean polesSet = false; // = true if poles entered directly
55 private boolean zCircle = false; // if true - a unit radius circle is plotted
56 private boolean noImag = true; // if true - no imaginary non-zero values
57 private boolean noReal = true; // if true - no real non-zero values
58 private boolean noZeros = true; // = true if no zeros, false if there are
59 private boolean noPoles = true; // = true if no poles, false if there are
60 private boolean setUnitAxes = false; // if true - axis set to span at least -1 to +1
61 // and unit circle is drawn
62 private boolean setEqualAxes = false; // if true - axis set to span equal ranges
63 private double scaleFactor = 1.0; // scales all dimensions of the plot
66 // Constructors
67 // no poles or zeros set
68 public PlotPoleZero(){
69 }
71 // numer Array of coefficients of the numerator polynomial
72 // denom Array of coefficients of the denominator polynomial
73 // ComplexPoly coefficients
74 public PlotPoleZero(ComplexPoly numer, ComplexPoly denom){
76 if(numer!=null){
77 this.nDeg = numer.getDeg();
78 if(this.nDeg>0){
79 this.numerPoly = ComplexPoly.copy(numer);
80 this.numerRoots = Complex.oneDarray(nDeg);
81 this.mDeg = nDeg;
82 this.noZeros = false;
83 }
84 }
86 if(denom!=null){
87 this.dDeg = denom.getDeg();
88 if(this.dDeg>0){
89 this.denomPoly = ComplexPoly.copy(denom);
90 this.denomRoots = Complex.oneDarray(dDeg);
91 if(!this.noZeros){
92 this.mDeg = Math.max(nDeg, dDeg);
93 }
94 else{
95 this.mDeg = dDeg;
96 }
97 this.noPoles = false;
98 }
99 }
100 if(this.noZeros && this.noPoles)throw new IllegalArgumentException("No poles or zeros entered");
101 }
103 // Two arrays of Complex coefficients
104 public PlotPoleZero(Complex[] numer, Complex[] denom){
106 if(numer!=null){
107 this.nDeg = numer.length-1;
108 if(this.nDeg>0){
109 this.numerPoly = new ComplexPoly(numer);;
110 this.numerRoots = Complex.oneDarray(nDeg);
111 this.mDeg = nDeg;
112 this.noZeros = false;
113 }
114 }
116 if(denom!=null){
117 this.dDeg = denom.length-1;
118 if(this.dDeg>0){
119 this.denomPoly = new ComplexPoly(denom);;
120 this.denomRoots = Complex.oneDarray(dDeg);
121 if(!this.noZeros){
122 this.mDeg = Math.max(nDeg, dDeg);
123 }
124 else{
125 this.mDeg = dDeg;
126 }
127 this.noPoles = false;
128 }
129 if(this.noZeros && this.noPoles)throw new IllegalArgumentException("No poles or zeros entered");
130 }
131 }
134 // Two arrays of double coefficients
135 public PlotPoleZero(double[] numer, double[] denom){
137 if(numer!=null){
138 this.nDeg = numer.length-1;
139 if(this.nDeg>0){
140 this.numerPoly = new ComplexPoly(numer);;
141 this.numerRoots = Complex.oneDarray(nDeg);
142 this.mDeg = nDeg;
143 this.noZeros = false;
144 }
145 }
147 if(denom!=null){
148 this.dDeg = denom.length-1;
149 if(this.dDeg>0){
150 this.denomPoly = new ComplexPoly(denom);;
151 this.denomRoots = Complex.oneDarray(dDeg);
152 if(!this.noZeros){
153 this.mDeg = Math.max(nDeg, dDeg);
154 }
155 else{
156 this.mDeg = dDeg;
157 }
158 this.noPoles = false;
159 }
160 if(this.noZeros && this.noPoles)throw new IllegalArgumentException("No poles or zeros entered");
161 }
162 }
165 // Enter zeros as ComplexPoly
166 public void setNumerator(ComplexPoly numer){
167 if(numer!=null){
168 this.nDeg = numer.getDeg();
169 if(this.nDeg>0){
170 this.numerPoly = ComplexPoly.copy(numer);
171 this.numerRoots = Complex.oneDarray(nDeg);
172 if(!this.noPoles){
173 this.mDeg = Math.max(nDeg, dDeg);
174 }
175 else{
176 this.mDeg = nDeg;
177 }
178 this.noZeros = false;
179 }
180 }
181 else{
182 this.noZeros = true;
183 }
184 }
187 // Enter zeros: array of Complex coefficients
188 public void setNumerator(Complex[] numer){
189 if(numer!=null){
190 this.nDeg = numer.length-1;
191 if(this.nDeg>0){
192 this.numerPoly = new ComplexPoly(numer);;
193 this.numerRoots = Complex.oneDarray(nDeg);
194 if(!this.noPoles){
195 this.mDeg = Math.max(nDeg, dDeg);
196 }
197 else{
198 this.mDeg = nDeg;
199 }
200 this.noZeros = false;
201 }
202 }
203 else{
204 this.noZeros = true;
205 }
206 }
208 // Enter zeros: array of double coefficients
209 public void setNumerator(double[] numer){
210 if(numer!=null){
211 this.nDeg = numer.length-1;
212 if(this.nDeg>0){
213 this.numerPoly = new ComplexPoly(numer);;
214 this.numerRoots = Complex.oneDarray(nDeg);
215 if(!this.noPoles){
216 this.mDeg = Math.max(nDeg, dDeg);
217 }
218 else{
219 this.mDeg = nDeg;
220 }
221 this.noZeros = false;
222 }
223 }
224 else{
225 this.noZeros = true;
226 }
227 }
229 // Enter zeros as Complex roots
230 public void setZeros(Complex[] zeros){
231 if(zeros!=null){
232 this.nDeg = zeros.length;
233 if(this.nDeg>0){
234 this.numerRoots = zeros;
235 this.numerPoly = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(zeros);
236 if(!this.noPoles){
237 this.mDeg = Math.max(nDeg, dDeg);
238 }
239 else{
240 this.mDeg = nDeg;
241 }
242 this.noZeros = false;
243 }
244 this.zerosSet = true;
245 }
246 else{
247 this.noZeros = true;
248 }
249 }
251 // Enter zeros as double roots
252 public void setZeros(double[] zeros){
253 int n = zeros.length;
254 Complex[] czeros = Complex.oneDarray(n);
255 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)czeros[i] = new Complex(zeros[i], 0.0);
256 this.setZeros(czeros);
257 }
261 // Enter poles as ComplexPoly
262 public void setDenominator(ComplexPoly denom){
263 if(denom!=null){
264 this.dDeg = denom.getDeg();
265 if(this.dDeg>0){
266 this.denomPoly = ComplexPoly.copy(denom);
267 this.denomRoots = Complex.oneDarray(dDeg);
268 if(!this.noZeros){
269 this.mDeg = Math.max(nDeg, dDeg);
270 }
271 else{
272 this.mDeg = dDeg;
273 }
274 this.noPoles = false;
275 }
276 }
277 else{
278 this.noPoles = true;
279 }
280 }
284 // Enter poles: array of Complex coefficients
285 public void setDenominator(Complex[] denom){
286 if(denom!=null){
287 this.dDeg = denom.length-1;
288 if(this.dDeg>0){
289 this.denomPoly = new ComplexPoly(denom);;
290 this.denomRoots = Complex.oneDarray(dDeg);
291 if(!this.noZeros){
292 this.mDeg = Math.max(nDeg, dDeg);
293 }
294 else{
295 this.mDeg = dDeg;
296 }
297 this.noPoles = false;
298 }
299 }
300 else{
301 this.noPoles = true;
302 }
303 }
307 // Enter poles: array of double coefficients
308 public void setDenominator(double[] denom){
309 if(denom!=null){
310 this.dDeg = denom.length-1;
311 if(this.dDeg>0){
312 this.denomPoly = new ComplexPoly(denom);;
313 this.denomRoots = Complex.oneDarray(dDeg);
314 if(!this.noZeros){
315 this.mDeg = Math.max(nDeg, dDeg);
316 }
317 else{
318 this.mDeg = dDeg;
319 }
320 this.noPoles = false;
321 }
322 }
323 else{
324 this.noPoles = true;
325 }
326 }
328 // Enter poles as Complex roots
329 public void setPoles(Complex[] poles){
330 if(poles!=null){
331 this.dDeg = poles.length;
332 if(this.dDeg>0){
333 this.denomRoots = poles;
334 this.denomPoly = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(poles);
335 if(!this.noZeros){
336 this.mDeg = Math.max(nDeg, dDeg);
337 }
338 else{
339 this.mDeg = dDeg;
340 }
341 this.noPoles = false;
342 }
343 this.polesSet = true;
344 }
345 else{
346 this.noPoles = true;
347 }
348 }
350 // Enter poles as double roots
351 public void setPoles(double[] poles){
352 int n = poles.length;
353 Complex[] cpoles = Complex.oneDarray(n);
354 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)cpoles[i] = new Complex(poles[i], 0.0);
355 this.setPoles(cpoles);
356 }
359 // Sets overall scale factor
360 public void setScaleFactor(double scale){
361 this.scaleFactor = scale;
362 }
364 // Sets plot to s-plane plot
365 public void setS(){
366 this.sORz=1;
367 }
369 // Sets plot to z-plane plot
370 public void setZ(){
371 this.sORz=2;
372 this.zCircle=true;
373 }
375 // set axes to span unit circle
376 public void setUnitAxes(){
377 this.setUnitAxes = true;
378 this.setEqualAxes = false;
379 }
381 // Sets axes to span equal ranges
382 public void setEqualAxes(){
383 this.setEqualAxes = true;
384 this.setUnitAxes = false;
385 }
387 // Sets plot a unit radius circle.
388 public void setCircle(){
389 this.zCircle=true;
390 if(this.sORz!=2)sORz=2;
391 }
393 // Unsets plot a unit radius circle.
394 public void unsetCircle(){
395 this.zCircle=false;
396 }
398 // Calculate roots and plot and write to text file
399 // Plot title given
400 public Complex[][] pzPlot(String title){
401 if(this.noPoles && this.noZeros)throw new IllegalArgumentException("No poles or zeros have been entered");
403 double absReal = 0.0D;
404 double absImag = 0.0D;
405 double zeroLimit = 1e-5;
406 double minall = 0.0;
407 double maxall = 0.0;
408 int ncirc = 600;
409 double stp = 2.0/(double)(ncirc-1);
410 int maxPoints = 0;
411 double[] zerosReal = null;
412 double[] zerosImag = null;
413 double[] polesReal = null;
414 double[] polesImag = null;
415 double[] xAxisIfRealZero = null;
416 double[] yAxisIfRealZero = null;
417 double[] xAxisIfImagZero = null;
418 double[] yAxisIfImagZero = null;
419 double[] xAxisCircle1 = new double[ncirc];
420 double[] yAxisCircle1 = new double[ncirc];
421 double[] xAxisCircle2 = new double[ncirc];
422 double[] yAxisCircle2 = new double[ncirc];
424 Complex[][] zerosAndPoles = {null, null};
426 int mm=0;
427 if(this.nDeg>0){
428 mm++;
429 zerosReal = new double[this.nDeg];
430 zerosImag = new double[this.nDeg];
431 if(!this.zerosSet)this.numerRoots = this.numerPoly.roots();
432 zerosAndPoles[0] = this.numerRoots;
433 for(int i=0; i<this.nDeg; i++){
434 zerosReal[i] = this.numerRoots[i].getReal();
435 zerosImag[i] = this.numerRoots[i].getImag();
436 if(!numerRoots[i].isZero()){
437 absReal = Math.abs(zerosReal[i]);
438 absImag = Math.abs(zerosImag[i]);
439 if(absReal>absImag){
440 if(absImag<zeroLimit*absReal)zerosImag[i]=0.0D;
441 }
442 else{
443 if(absReal<zeroLimit*absImag)zerosReal[i]=0.0D;
444 }
445 }
446 if(zerosReal[i]!=0.0D)this.noReal=false;
447 if(zerosImag[i]!=0.0D)this.noImag=false;
448 }
449 maxPoints = nDeg;
450 }
452 if(this.dDeg>0){
453 mm++;
454 polesReal = new double[this.dDeg];
455 polesImag = new double[this.dDeg];
456 if(!this.polesSet)this.denomRoots = this.denomPoly.roots();
457 zerosAndPoles[1] = this.denomRoots;
458 for(int i=0; i<this.dDeg; i++){
459 polesReal[i] = this.denomRoots[i].getReal();
460 polesImag[i] = this.denomRoots[i].getImag();
461 if(!denomRoots[i].isZero()){
462 absReal = Math.abs(polesReal[i]);
463 absImag = Math.abs(polesImag[i]);
464 if(absReal>absImag){
465 if(absImag<zeroLimit*absReal)polesImag[i]=0.0D;
466 }
467 else{
468 if(absReal<zeroLimit*absImag)polesReal[i]=0.0D;
469 }
470 }
471 if(polesReal[i]!=0.0D)this.noReal=false;
472 if(polesImag[i]!=0.0D)this.noImag=false;
473 }
474 if(dDeg>maxPoints)maxPoints=dDeg;
475 }
477 if(this.noReal){
478 mm++;
479 xAxisIfRealZero = new double[2];
480 xAxisIfRealZero[0]=1.D;
481 xAxisIfRealZero[1]=-1.0D;
482 yAxisIfRealZero = new double[2];
483 yAxisIfRealZero[0]=0.0D;
484 yAxisIfRealZero[1]=0.0D;
485 if(2>maxPoints)maxPoints=2;
486 }
488 if(this.noImag){
489 mm++;
490 xAxisIfImagZero = new double[2];
491 xAxisIfImagZero[0]=0.0D;
492 xAxisIfImagZero[1]=0.0D;
493 yAxisIfImagZero = new double[2];
494 yAxisIfImagZero[0]=1.0D;
495 yAxisIfImagZero[1]=-1.0D;
496 if(2>maxPoints)maxPoints=2;
497 }
499 if(this.zCircle){
500 mm+=2;
501 xAxisCircle1[0]=-1.0;
502 yAxisCircle1[0]=0.0;
503 xAxisCircle2[0]=-1.0;
504 yAxisCircle2[0]=0.0;
505 for(int i=1; i<ncirc; i++){
506 xAxisCircle1[i]=xAxisCircle1[i-1]+stp;
507 yAxisCircle1[i]=Math.sqrt(1.0-xAxisCircle1[i]*xAxisCircle1[i]);
508 xAxisCircle2[i]=xAxisCircle2[i-1]+stp;
509 yAxisCircle2[i]=-yAxisCircle1[i];
510 }
511 if(ncirc>maxPoints)maxPoints=ncirc;
512 }
514 if(this.setEqualAxes){
515 mm++;
516 double maxpr = Fmath.maximum(polesReal);
517 double maxzr = Fmath.maximum(zerosReal);
518 double maxr = Math.max(maxpr, maxzr);
519 double maxpi = Fmath.maximum(polesImag);
520 double maxzi = Fmath.maximum(zerosImag);
521 double maxi = Math.max(maxpi, maxzi);
522 maxall = Math.max(maxr, maxi);
524 double minpr = Fmath.minimum(polesReal);
525 double minzr = Fmath.minimum(zerosReal);
526 double minr = Math.min(minpr, minzr);
527 double minpi = Fmath.minimum(polesImag);
528 double minzi = Fmath.minimum(zerosImag);
529 double mini = Math.min(minpi, minzi);
530 minall = Math.min(minr, mini);
531 }
533 int ii = 0;
535 // Create array for data to be plotted
536 double[][] data =, maxPoints);
537 boolean[] trim = new boolean[mm];
538 boolean[] minmax = new boolean[mm];
539 int[] line = new int[mm];
540 int[] point = new int[mm];
542 // Fill above array with data to be plotted
543 ii=0;
544 if(this.nDeg>0){
545 line[ii]=0;
546 point[ii]=1;
547 trim[ii]=false;
548 minmax[ii]=true;
549 for(int i=0; i<nDeg; i++){
550 data[2*ii][i]=zerosReal[i];
551 data[2*ii+1][i]=zerosImag[i];
552 }
553 ii++;
554 }
555 if(this.dDeg>0){
556 line[ii]=0;
557 point[ii]=7;
558 trim[ii]=false;
559 minmax[ii]=true;
560 for(int i=0; i<dDeg; i++){
561 data[2*ii][i]=polesReal[i];
562 data[2*ii+1][i]=polesImag[i];
563 }
564 ii++;
565 }
566 if(this.zCircle){
567 line[ii]=3;
568 point[ii]=0;
569 trim[ii]=true;
570 minmax[ii]=false;
571 if(this.setUnitAxes)minmax[ii]=true;
572 for(int i=0; i<ncirc; i++){
573 data[2*ii][i]=xAxisCircle1[i];
574 data[2*ii+1][i]=yAxisCircle1[i];
575 }
577 ii++;
578 line[ii]=3;
579 point[ii]=0;
580 trim[ii]=true;
581 minmax[ii]=false;
582 if(this.setUnitAxes)minmax[ii]=true;
583 for(int i=0; i<ncirc; i++){
584 data[2*ii][i]=xAxisCircle2[i];
585 data[2*ii+1][i]=yAxisCircle2[i];
586 }
587 ii++;
588 }
589 if(this.noReal){
590 line[ii]=0;
591 point[ii]=0;
592 trim[ii]=false;
593 minmax[ii]=true;
594 for(int i=0; i<2; i++){
595 data[2*ii][i]=xAxisIfRealZero[i];
596 data[2*ii+1][i]=yAxisIfRealZero[i];
597 }
598 ii++;
599 }
600 if(this.noImag){
601 line[ii]=0;
602 point[ii]=0;
603 trim[ii]=false;
604 minmax[ii]=true;
606 for(int i=0; i<2; i++){
607 data[2*ii][i]=xAxisIfImagZero[i];
608 data[2*ii+1][i]=yAxisIfImagZero[i];
609 }
610 ii++;
611 }
612 if(this.setEqualAxes){
613 line[ii]=0;
614 point[ii]=0;
615 trim[ii]=false;
616 minmax[ii]=true;
618 data[2*ii][0]=minall;
619 data[2*ii+1][0]=minall;
620 data[2*ii][1]=maxall;
621 data[2*ii+1][1]=maxall;
622 ii++;
623 }
625 // Create an instance of PlotGraph with above data
626 PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
627 pg.setLine(line);
628 pg.setPoint(point);
629 pg.setTrimOpt(trim);
630 pg.setMinMaxOpt(minmax);
631 pg.setXlowFac(0.0D);
632 pg.setYlowFac(0.0D);
633 pg.setGraphWidth((int)(this.scaleFactor*760.0));
634 pg.setGraphHeight((int)(this.scaleFactor*700.0));
635 pg.setXaxisLen((int)(this.scaleFactor*560.0));
636 pg.setYaxisLen((int)(this.scaleFactor*560.0));
637 pg.setYhigh((int)(this.scaleFactor*80.0));
638 pg.setNoOffset(true);
640 switch(sORz){
641 case 0:
642 pg.setGraphTitle("Pole Zero Plot: "+title);
643 pg.setXaxisLegend("Real part of s or z");
644 pg.setYaxisLegend("Imaginary part of s or z");
645 break;
646 case 1:
647 pg.setGraphTitle("Pole Zero Plot (s-plane): "+title);
648 pg.setXaxisLegend("Real part of s");
649 pg.setYaxisLegend("Imaginary part of s");
650 break;
651 case 2:
652 pg.setGraphTitle("Pole Zero Plot (z-plane): "+title);
653 pg.setXaxisLegend("Real part of z");
654 pg.setYaxisLegend("Imaginary part of z");
655 break;
656 }
658 // Plot poles and zeros
659 pg.plot();
661 // Open and write an output file
663 Complex[] numval = null;
664 Complex[] denval = null;
666 FileOutput fout = new FileOutput("PoleZeroOutput.txt");
668 fout.println("Output File for Program PlotPoleZero");
669 if(this.sORz==1)fout.println("An s-plane plot");
670 if(this.sORz==2)fout.println("A z-plane plot");
671 fout.dateAndTimeln(title);
672 fout.println();
674 if(!this.noZeros){
675 numval = numerPoly.polyNomCopy();
676 fout.println("Numerator polynomial coefficients");
677 for(int i=0;i<=nDeg;i++){
678 fout.print(numval[i].toString());
679 if(i<nDeg){
680 fout.printcomma();
681 fout.printsp();
682 }
683 }
684 fout.println();
685 fout.println();
686 }
688 if(!this.noPoles){
689 denval = denomPoly.polyNomCopy();
690 fout.println("Denominator polynomial coefficients");
691 for(int i=0;i<=dDeg;i++){
692 fout.print(denval[i].toString());
693 if(i<dDeg){
694 fout.printcomma();
695 fout.printsp();
696 }
697 }
698 fout.println();
699 fout.println();
700 }
702 fout.println("Numerator roots (zeros)");
703 if(nDeg<1){
704 fout.println("No zeros");
705 }
706 else{
707 for(int i=0;i<nDeg;i++){
708 fout.print(Complex.truncate(numerRoots[i],6));
709 if(i<nDeg-1){
710 fout.printcomma();
711 fout.printsp();
712 }
713 }
714 fout.println();
715 fout.println();
716 }
718 fout.println("Denominator roots (poles)");
719 if(dDeg<1){
720 fout.println("No poles");
721 }
722 else{
723 for(int i=0;i<dDeg;i++){
724 fout.print(Complex.truncate(denomRoots[i],6));
725 if(i<dDeg-1){
726 fout.printcomma();
727 fout.printsp();
728 }
729 }
730 fout.println();
731 fout.println();
732 }
734 if(this.sORz==2){
735 fout.println("Denominator pole radial distances on the z-plane");
736 if(dDeg<1){
737 fout.println("No poles");
738 }
739 else{
740 for(int i=0;i<dDeg;i++){
741 fout.print(Fmath.truncate(denomRoots[i].abs(),6));
742 if(i<dDeg-1){
743 fout.printcomma();
744 fout.printsp();
745 }
746 }
747 }
748 fout.println();
749 fout.println();
750 }
752 boolean testroots=true;
753 if(this.sORz==1){
754 for(int i=0;i<dDeg;i++){
755 if(denomRoots[i].getReal()>0)testroots=false;
756 }
757 if(testroots){
758 fout.println("All pole real parts are less than or equal to zero - stable system");
759 }
760 else{
761 fout.println("At least one pole real part is greater than zero - unstable system");
762 }
763 }
765 if(this.sORz==2){
766 for(int i=0;i<dDeg;i++){
767 if(Fmath.truncate(denomRoots[i].abs(),6)>1.0)testroots=false;
768 }
769 if(testroots){
770 fout.println("All pole distances from the z-plane zero are less than or equal to one - stable system");
771 }
772 else{
773 fout.println("At least one pole distance from the z-plane zero is greater than one - unstable system");
774 }
775 }
777 fout.println();
778 fout.println("End of file");
779 fout.close();
781 return zerosAndPoles;
783 }
785 // Calculate roots and plot and write to text file
786 // No plot title given
787 public Complex[][] pzPlot(){
788 String title = "no file title provided";
789 return pzPlot(title);
790 }
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