source: src/main/java/agents/anac/y2015/agentBuyogV2/flanagan/optics/

Last change on this file was 127, checked in by Wouter Pasman, 6 years ago

#41 ROLL BACK of rev.126 . So this version is equal to rev. 125

File size: 36.9 KB
2* RefractiveIndex Class
4* Methods for returning the refractive index, for a given wavelength,
5* of gold, silver, fused quartz, crown glass, float glass,
6* microscope slide glass, polymethacrylate, air,
7* water, sodium chloride solutions, sucrose solutions, PVA solutions.
8* Methods for calculating refractive index of mixtures and interconverting
9* absorption coefficients and imaginary refractive indices.
11* Methods for returning the physical properties of water:
12* viscosity, density, refractive index,
13* electrical permittivity, molecular weight.
15* Author: Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan.
17* Created: 28 February 2006 REPLACING RefrIndex (which was created July 2003 and updated 1 July 2003, 1 May 2004)
18* Revision: 6 March 2006, 17 November 2006, 7 October 2007
21* See Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java library on-line web page:
25* Copyright (c) February 2006 Michael Thomas Flanagan
28* Permission to use, copy and modify this software and its documentation for
29* NON-COMMERCIAL purposes is granted, without fee, provided that an acknowledgement
30* to the author, Michael Thomas Flanagan at, appears in all copies.
32* Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan makes no representations about the suitability
33* or fitness of the software for any or for a particular purpose.
34* Michael Thomas Flanagan shall not be liable for any damages suffered
35* as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software or its derivatives.
39package agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.optics;
41import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.complex.Complex;
42import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.interpolation.BiCubicSpline;
43import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.interpolation.CubicSpline;
44import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.physprop.*;
46public class RefractiveIndex{
48 private static double imagPlusMinus = -1.0D; // = -1; complex refractive index = n - jk [default option]
49 // = +1; complex refractive index = n + jk
53 // Resets complex refractive index as n + jk
54 public static void setComlexImagAsPositive(){
55 RefractiveIndex.imagPlusMinus = 1.0D;
56 }
58 // Resets complex refractive index as n - jk (default option)
59 public static void setComlexImagAsNegative(){
60 RefractiveIndex.imagPlusMinus = -1.0D;
61 }
63 // Returns a complex refractive index given the real part of the refractive index (riReal),
64 // the extinction coefficient (extCoeff)and the concentration of the absorbing species (concn)
65 // and the wavelength (wavl). For a pure material with a given absorption coefficient set concn
66 // to unity and extCoeff to the value of the absorption coefficient.
67 // The units of the concentration, the absorption coefficient and the wavelength should match.
68 public static Complex absToComplex(double riReal, double extCoeff, double concn, double wavl){
69 Complex ri = new Complex();
70 ri.reset(riReal, extCoeff*concn*wavl/(4.0D*Math.PI));
71 return ri;
72 }
74 // Returns the absorption coefficient ( units - reciprocal metres) that corresponds
75 // to the imaginary part of a complex refractive index (riImag) at a wavelength wavl (metres)
76 public static double imagToAbs(double riImag, double wavl){
77 return 4.0D*riImag*Math.PI/wavl;
78 }
80 // Returns the complex refractive index of GOLD for a given wavelength (in metres)
81 // Interpolation - natural cubic spline
82 // Data - P.B. Johnson and R.W. Christy, Phys. Rev. B. 6(12) 4370-4379, 1972
83 public static Complex gold(double wavelength){
84 // wavelengths
85 double[] wavl = {1.87855e-007, 1.91629e-007, 1.9525e-007, 1.99331e-007, 2.03253e-007, 2.07331e-007, 2.11939e-007, 2.16377e-007, 2.214e-007, 2.26248e-007, 2.31314e-007, 2.37063e-007, 2.4263e-007, 2.48964e-007, 2.55111e-007, 2.6157e-007, 2.68946e-007, 2.76134e-007, 2.84367e-007, 2.92415e-007, 3.00932e-007, 3.10737e-007, 3.20372e-007, 3.31508e-007, 3.42497e-007, 3.5424e-007, 3.67905e-007, 3.81489e-007, 3.97385e-007, 4.1328e-007, 4.305e-007, 4.50851e-007, 4.71422e-007, 4.95936e-007, 5.20941e-007, 5.48602e-007, 5.82085e-007, 6.16836e-007, 6.5949e-007, 7.04455e-007, 7.56e-007, 8.21086e-007, 8.91972e-007, 9.84e-007, 1.08758e-006, 1.21553e-006, 1.39308e-006, 1.61018e-006, 1.93725e-006};
86 // refractive index - real part
87 double[] rfInRe = {1.28, 1.32, 1.34, 1.33, 1.33, 1.3, 1.3, 1.3, 1.3, 1.31, 1.3, 1.32, 1.32, 1.33, 1.33, 1.35, 1.38, 1.43, 1.47, 1.49, 1.53, 1.53, 1.54, 1.48, 1.48, 1.5, 1.48, 1.46, 1.47, 1.46, 1.45, 1.38, 1.31, 1.04, 0.62, 0.43, 0.29, 0.21, 0.14, 0.13, 0.14, 0.16, 0.17, 0.22, 0.27, 0.35, 0.43, 0.56, 0.92};
88 // refractive index - imaginary part
89 double[] rfInIm = {1.188, 1.203, 1.226, 1.251, 1.277, 1.304, 1.35, 1.387, 1.427, 1.46, 1.497, 1.536, 1.577, 1.631, 1.688, 1.749, 1.803, 1.847, 1.869, 1.878, 1.889, 1.893, 1.898, 1.883, 1.871, 1.866, 1.895, 1.933, 1.952, 1.958, 1.948, 1.914, 1.849, 1.833, 2.081, 2.455, 2.863, 3.272, 3.697, 4.103, 4.542, 5.083, 5.663, 6.35, 7.15, 8.145, 9.519, 11.21, 13.78};
90 // second derivatives - real part
91 double[] derivRe = {0, -1.17631e+015, -3.60547e+015, 2.92961e+015, -4.45568e+015, 3.84052e+015, -9.56586e+014, -8.80015e+013, 1.17669e+015, -2.14766e+015, 2.49889e+015, -1.81842e+015, 1.06253e+015, -8.99034e+014, 1.01496e+015, -2.29767e+014, 7.62849e+014, -4.44179e+014, -5.30697e+014, 8.3214e+014, -1.17757e+015, 8.04127e+014, -1.40022e+015, 1.06549e+015, 7.02889e+013, -3.99e+014, 3.29142e+013, 2.65475e+014, -2.19619e+014, 1.38062e+014, -3.11414e+014, 1.90132e+014, -4.37649e+014, -4.12661e+014, 6.75965e+014, -4.75615e+013, 9.68919e+013, -1.02252e+013, 5.115e+013, -3.33214e+011, 5.09764e+012, -7.56272e+012, 1.02639e+013, -4.28914e+012, 3.57066e+012, -2.76676e+012, 1.04546e+012, 2.55831e+012, 0};
92 // second derivatives - imaginary part
93 double[] derivIm = {0, 1.07557e+015, -4.54022e+014, 4.27299e+014, -5.01416e+014, 1.54402e+015, -9.99891e+014, 2.48281e+014, -4.98264e+014, 3.40549e+014, -2.67834e+014, 1.65108e+014, 2.31595e+014, 8.3984e+013, 1.49838e+014, -5.0561e+014, 3.84443e+013, -6.38396e+014, -1.55687e+014, 1.24515e+014, -2.15188e+014, 1.55368e+014, -3.38857e+014, 1.24305e+014, -1.79372e+013, 2.93519e+014, 4.26729e+013, -1.68238e+014, -1.7188e+013, -7.16957e+013, -4.22518e+013, -1.04677e+014, 2.39351e+013, 6.13432e+014, 8.33595e+013, -9.04645e+013, 2.22081e+013, -7.1846e+013, -1.13135e+013, -1.24725e+013, -3.07173e+012, 2.01135e+012, -1.58933e+013, 7.97278e+012, -1.02502e+012, -2.60397e+011, 3.57043e+011, 3.07012e+011, 0};
94 int n = wavl.length;
95 double yRe, yIm;
96 Complex ri = new Complex();
98 if(wavelength>=wavl[0] && wavelength<=wavl[n-1]){
99 // cubic spline interpolation - real part
100 yRe=CubicSpline.interpolate(wavelength, wavl, rfInRe, derivRe);
101 // cubic spline interpolation - imaginary part
102 yIm=CubicSpline.interpolate(wavelength, wavl, rfInIm, derivIm);
103 ri.reset(yRe, RefractiveIndex.imagPlusMinus*yIm);
104 }
105 else{
106 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wavelength is outside the limits (187.86nm - 1937.2nm) of the tabulated data");
107 }
108 return ri;
109 }
111 // Returns the complex refractive index of SILVER for a given wavelength (in metres)
112 // Interpolation - natural cubic spline
113 // Data - P.B. Johnson and R.W. Christy, Phys. Rev. B. 6(12) 4370-4379, 1972
114 public static Complex silver(double wavelength){
115 // wavelengths
116 double[] wavl = {1.87855e-007, 1.91629e-007, 1.9525e-007, 1.99331e-007, 2.03253e-007, 2.07331e-007, 2.11939e-007, 2.16377e-007, 2.214e-007, 2.26248e-007, 2.31314e-007, 2.37063e-007, 2.4263e-007, 2.48964e-007, 2.55111e-007, 2.6157e-007, 2.68946e-007, 2.76134e-007, 2.84367e-007, 2.92415e-007, 3.00932e-007, 3.10737e-007, 3.20372e-007, 3.31508e-007, 3.42497e-007, 3.5424e-007, 3.67905e-007, 3.81489e-007, 3.97385e-007, 4.1328e-007, 4.305e-007, 4.50851e-007, 4.71422e-007, 4.95936e-007, 5.20941e-007, 5.48602e-007, 5.82085e-007, 6.16836e-007, 6.5949e-007, 7.04455e-007, 7.56e-007, 8.21086e-007, 8.91972e-007, 9.84e-007, 1.08758e-006, 1.21553e-006, 1.39308e-006, 1.61018e-006, 1.93725e-006};
117 // refractive index - real part
118 double[] rfInRe = {1.07, 1.1, 1.12, 1.14, 1.15, 1.18, 1.2, 1.22, 1.25, 1.26, 1.28, 1.28, 1.3, 1.31, 1.33, 1.35, 1.38, 1.41, 1.41, 1.39, 1.34, 1.13, 0.81, 0.17, 0.14, 0.1, 0.07, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.04, 0.04, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.06, 0.05, 0.06, 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.09, 0.13, 0.15, 0.24};
119 // refractive index - imaginary part
120 double[] rfInIm = {1.212, 1.232, 1.255, 1.277, 1.296, 1.312, 1.325, 1.336, 1.342, 1.344, 1.357, 1.367, 1.378, 1.389, 1.393, 1.387, 1.372, 1.331, 1.264, 1.161, 0.964, 0.616, 0.392, 0.829, 1.142, 1.419, 1.657, 1.864, 2.07, 2.275, 2.462, 2.657, 2.869, 3.093, 3.324, 3.586, 3.858, 4.152, 4.483, 4.838, 5.242, 5.727, 6.312, 6.992, 7.795, 8.828, 10.1, 11.85, 14.08};
121 // second derivatives - real part
122 double[] derivRe = {0, -1.09443e+015, 4.50671e+014, -1.64535e+015, 2.64916e+015, -1.73921e+015, 2.84877e+014, 8.69272e+014, -1.77518e+015, 1.48932e+015, -1.89758e+015, 1.70681e+015, -1.10717e+015, 7.52799e+014, -2.81357e+014, 2.35816e+014, 1.51436e+014, -7.66855e+014, -3.01095e+014, 1.50003e+014, -2.68399e+015, 3.86776e+014, -6.17426e+015, 9.62736e+015, -2.62139e+015, 7.94178e+014, -1.68944e+014, 1.98255e+014, -3.52453e+013, -5.72818e+013, 5.05039e+013, 3.32047e+013, -4.0284e+013, 1.33103e+012, 3.42212e+013, -5.30981e+013, 4.73552e+013, -3.35549e+013, 9.74718e+012, -4.54863e+012, 1.1835e+013, -6.76495e+012, 2.08137e+012, -2.15834e+012, 6.30268e+012, -2.73772e+012, -7.13134e+011, 1.15139e+012, 0};
123 // second derivatives - imaginary part
124 double[] derivIm = {0, 5.49257e+014, -4.99584e+014, -1.45243e+013, -2.5674e+014, -3.33755e+014, 5.01553e+013, -3.21087e+014, -3.68608e+014, 8.65942e+014, -4.85862e+014, 2.02151e+014, -6.51859e+013, -1.59369e+014, -3.45625e+014, 3.33754e+013, -7.21153e+014, -1.75627e+014, -4.86315e+014, -1.32704e+015, -1.65707e+015, -2.19007e+014, 1.01945e+016, -4.17064e+015, 5.88854e+014, -8.77761e+014, 4.82107e+013, -2.72544e+014, 1.09375e+014, -1.88393e+014, -8.63708e+013, 1.01638e+014, -1.07779e+014, 2.5244e+013, 2.97971e+013, -8.56009e+013, 4.64112e+013, -4.16531e+013, 1.48883e+013, -5.07977e+011, -1.77458e+013, 2.84057e+013, -2.4881e+013, 9.90519e+012, 5.74546e+012, -1.37589e+013, 1.24799e+013, -9.3404e+012, 0};
125 int n = wavl.length;
126 double yRe, yIm;
127 Complex ri = new Complex();
129 if(wavelength>=wavl[0] && wavelength<=wavl[n-1]){
130 // cubic spline interpolation - real part
131 yRe=CubicSpline.interpolate(wavelength, wavl, rfInRe, derivRe);
132 // cubic spline interpolation - imaginary part
133 yIm=CubicSpline.interpolate(wavelength, wavl, rfInIm, derivIm);
134 ri.reset(yRe, RefractiveIndex.imagPlusMinus*yIm);
135 }
136 else{
137 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wavelength is outside the limits (187.86nm - 1937.2nm) of the tabulated data");
138 }
139 return ri;
140 }
142 // Returns the real refractive index of FUSED QUARTZ for a given wavelength (in metres)
143 // Interpolation - natural cubic spline
144 // Extrapolation - Cauchy equation
145 public static double quartz(double wavelength){
146 // wavelengths
147 double[] wavl = {185.0e-9, 214.0e-9, 275.0e-9, 361.0e-9, 509.0e-9, 589.0e-9, 656.0e-9};
148 // refractive index - real part
149 double[] rfInRe = {1.57464, 1.53386, 1.49634, 1.47503, 1.4619, 1.4583, 1.4564};
150 // second derivatives - real part
151 double[] derivRe = {0.0, 2.58206e+013, 1.62375e+012, 1.75944e+012, -5.81947e+010, 3.55464e+011, 0.0};
152 // Cauchy coefficients
153 double a1=0.444046, b1=9.677366e-15;
154 int n = wavl.length;
156 double yRe;
158 if(wavelength>=wavl[0] && wavelength<=wavl[n-1]){
159 // cubic spline interpolation - real part
160 yRe=CubicSpline.interpolate(wavelength, wavl, rfInRe, derivRe);
161 }
162 else{
163 System.out.println("Wavelength passed ("+wavelength*1e7+"nm) to RefractiveIndex.quartz() is outside");
164 System.out.println("the experimental data limits (185.0 nm - 656.0 nm). Extrapolation used");
165 System.out.println("the Caunchy equation which may not be valid at the wavelength requested,");
166 System.out.println(" especially if the wavelength is within an absorption band");
167 yRe=1.0+a1*(1.0+b1/Math.pow(wavelength,2));
168 }
169 return yRe;
170 }
172 // Returns the real refractive index of LAF78847 CROWN GLASS for a given wavelength (in metres)
173 // Interpolation - natural cubic spline
174 // Extrapolation - Cauchy equation
175 public static double crownGlass(double wavelength){
176 // wavelengths
177 double[] wavl = {365.02e-9, 404.66e-9, 435.84e-9, 479.99e-9, 486.13e-9, 546.07e-9, 587.56e-9, 643.85e-9, 656.28e-9, 706.52e-9, 852.11e-9, 1014e-9};
178 // refractive index - real part
179 double[] rfInRe = {1.83028, 1.8169, 1.80916, 1.8009, 1.79994, 1.79227, 1.78831, 1.7841, 1.7833, 1.78048, 1.7746, 1.77018};
180 // second derivatives - real part
181 double[] derivRe = {0, 3.48108e+012, 1.37108e+012, 1.17265e+012, 9.68655e+011, 5.86009e+011, 4.3771e+011, 2.48861e+011, 3.01116e+011, 1.7006e+011, 8.74046e+010, 0};
182 // Cauchy coefficients
183 double a1=0.762002, b1=1.18516e-14;
184 int n = wavl.length;
186 double yRe;
188 if(wavelength>=wavl[0] && wavelength<=wavl[n-1]){
189 // cubic spline interpolation - real part
190 yRe=CubicSpline.interpolate(wavelength, wavl, rfInRe, derivRe);
191 }
192 else{
193 System.out.println("Wavelength passed ("+wavelength*1e7+"nm) to RefractiveIndex.crownGlass() is outside");
194 System.out.println("the experimental data limits (365.02 nm - 1014.0 nm). Extrapolation used");
195 System.out.println("the Caunchy equation which may not be valid at the wavelength requested,");
196 System.out.println(" especially if the wavelength is within an absorption band");
197 yRe=1.0+a1*(1.0+b1/Math.pow(wavelength,2));
198 }
199 return yRe;
200 }
202 // Returns the real refractive index of PILKINGTON PERMABLOC FLOAT GLASS for a given wavelength (in metres)
203 // Interpolation - natural cubic spline
204 // Extrapolation - Cauchy equation
205 public static double floatGlass(double wavelength){
206 // wavelengths
207 double[] wavl = {543.5e-9, 594.1e-9, 604e-9, 611.9e-9, 632.8e-9};
208 // refractive index - real part
209 double[] rfInRe = {1.51958, 1.51707, 1.51671, 1.5163, 1.51553};
210 // second derivatives - real part
211 double[] derivRe = {0, 9.28695e+011, -3.3258e+012, 2.02454e+012, 0};
212 // Cauchy coefficients
213 double a1=0.504167, b1=9.03525e-15;
214 int n = wavl.length;
216 double yRe;
218 if(wavelength>=wavl[0] && wavelength<=wavl[n-1]){
219 // cubic spline interpolation - real part
220 yRe=CubicSpline.interpolate(wavelength, wavl, rfInRe, derivRe);
221 }
222 else{
223 System.out.println("Wavelength passed ("+wavelength*1e7+"nm) to RefractiveIndex.floatGlass() is outside");
224 System.out.println("the experimental data limits (543.5 nm - 632.8 nm). Extrapolation used");
225 System.out.println("the Caunchy equation which may not be valid at the wavelength requested,");
226 System.out.println(" especially if the wavelength is within an absorption band");
227 yRe=1.0+a1*(1.0+b1/Math.pow(wavelength,2));
228 }
229 return yRe;
230 }
232 // Returns the real refractive index of CHANCE POPPER MICROSCOPE SLIDE GLASS for a given wavelength (in metres)
233 // Interpolation - natural cubic spline
234 // Extrapolation - Cauchy equation
235 public static double microscopeSlideGlass(double wavelength){
236 // wavelengths
237 double[] wavl = {543.5e-9, 594.1e-9, 604e-9, 611.9e-9, 632.8e-9};
238 // refractive index - real part
239 double[] rfInRe = {1.51436, 1.51184, 1.51144, 1.51111, 1.51027};
240 // second derivatives - real part
241 double[] derivRe = {0, 5.00315e+011, -4.19006e+011, 2.22131e+011, 0};
242 // Cauchy coefficients
243 double a1=0.498854, b1=9.18748e-15;
244 int n = wavl.length;
246 double yRe;
248 if(wavelength>=wavl[0] && wavelength<=wavl[n-1]){
249 // cubic spline interpolation - real part
250 yRe=CubicSpline.interpolate(wavelength, wavl, rfInRe, derivRe);
251 }
252 else{
253 System.out.println("Wavelength passed ("+wavelength*1e7+"nm) to RefractiveIndex.microSlideGlass() is outside");
254 System.out.println("the experimental data limits (543.5 nm - 632.8 nm). Extrapolation used");
255 System.out.println("the Caunchy equation which may not be valid at the wavelength requested,");
256 System.out.println(" especially if the wavelength is within an absorption band");
257 yRe=1.0+a1*(1.0+b1/Math.pow(wavelength,2));
258 }
259 return yRe;
260 }
262 // Returns the real refractive index of POLYMETHACRYLATE for a given wavelength (in metres)
263 // Interpolation - natural cubic spline
264 // Extrapolation - Cauchy equation
265 public static double polymethacrylate(double wavelength){
266 // wavelengths
267 double[] wavl = {435.8e-9, 546.1e-9, 589.3e-9};
268 // refractive index - real part
269 double[] rfInRe = {1.502, 1.494, 1.492};
270 // second derivatives - real part
271 double[] derivRe = {0, 5.127e+011, 0};
272 // Cauchy coefficients
273 double a1=0.498854, b1=9.18748e-15;
274 int n = wavl.length;
276 double yRe;
278 if(wavelength>=wavl[0] && wavelength<=wavl[n-1]){
279 // cubic spline interpolation - real part
280 yRe=CubicSpline.interpolate(wavelength, wavl, rfInRe, derivRe);
281 }
282 else{
283 System.out.println("Wavelength passed ("+wavelength*1e7+"nm) to RefrIndex.polymethacrylate() is outside");
284 System.out.println("the experimental data limits (435.8 nm - 589.3 nm). Extrapolation used");
285 System.out.println("the Caunchy equation which may not be valid at the wavelength requested,");
286 System.out.println(" especially if the wavelength is within an absorption band");
287 yRe=1.0+a1*(1.0+b1/Math.pow(wavelength,2));
288 }
289 return yRe;
290 }
292 // Returns the real refractive index of AIR for a given wavelength (in metres)
293 // Interpolation - uses the Cauchy equation (see Born & Wolf section 2.3)
294 // Extrapolation - uses the Cauchy equation - may be invalid and will be invalid within an absorption band
295 public static double air(double wavelength){
296 // Cauchy coefficients
297 double ri, a1=28.79e-5, b1=5.67e-11;
299 wavelength=wavelength*1e2;
300 if(wavelength<2.498e-5 || wavelength>7.594e-5){
301 System.out.println("Wavelength passed ("+wavelength*1e7+"nm) to RefractiveIndex.air() is outside");
302 System.out.println("the experimental data limits (249.8 nm - 759.4 nm). Extrapolation using");
303 System.out.println("the Caunchy equation may not be valid at the wavelength requested,");
304 System.out.println(" especially if the wavelength is within an absorption band");
305 }
306 ri=1.0+a1*(1.0+b1/Math.pow(wavelength,2));
307 return ri;
308 }
310 // Returns the real refractive index of WATER
311 // for a given wavelength (in metres)and a given temperature (Celsius)
312 // Interpolation - natural bicubic spline
313 public static double water(double wavelength, double temperature){
314 // wavelengths
315 double[] wavl = {404.6e-9, 589.32e-9, 706.52e-9};
316 // temperatures
317 double[] temp = {0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100};
318 // refractive indices for the three wavelengths - real part
319 double[] rfInRe1 = {1.34359, 1.34351, 1.34287, 1.3418, 1.34039, 1.33867, 1.33669, 1.33447, 1.33204, 1.32942, 1.32663};
320 double[] rfInRe2 = {1.33346, 1.33341, 1.33283, 1.33184, 1.33052, 1.32892, 1.32707, 1.325, 1.32274, 1.32029, 1.31766};
321 double[] rfInRe3 = {1.33086, 1.33073, 1.33007, 1.32903, 1.32766, 1.32603, 1.32417, 1.32209, 1.31983, 1.31739, 1.31481};
322 // second derivatives - real part
323 double[] derivRe1 = {0, -7.46454e-006, -3.74183e-006, -3.36815e-006, -3.18559e-006, -2.4895e-006, -2.4564e-006, -2.08489e-006, -1.80403e-006, -2.09899e-006, 0};
324 double[] derivRe2 = {0, -7.06563e-006, -3.53749e-006, -3.3844e-006, -2.72489e-006, -2.51602e-006, -2.21102e-006, -1.83991e-006, -1.82936e-006, -2.24266e-006, 0};
325 double[] derivRe3 = {0, -7.19933e-006, -3.00268e-006, -3.58995e-006, -2.43753e-006, -2.25994e-006, -2.32269e-006, -1.64928e-006, -1.88019e-006, -1.62995e-006, 0};
326 int i;
327 int n = wavl.length;
328 int m = temp.length;
329 double[] yt = new double[n];
330 double yRe;
332 if(wavelength<wavl[0] || wavelength>wavl[n-1]){
333 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wavelength " + wavelength + " is out of experimental data bounds: " + wavl[0] + " to " + wavl[n-1]);
334 }
335 if(temperature<temp[0] || temperature>temp[m-1]){
336 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Temperature " + temperature + " is out of experimental data bounds; "+ temp[0] + " to " + temp[m-1]);
337 }
339 // cubic spline interpolation with respect to temperature
340 yt[0]=CubicSpline.interpolate(temperature, temp, rfInRe1, derivRe1);
341 yt[1]=CubicSpline.interpolate(temperature, temp, rfInRe2, derivRe2);
342 yt[2]=CubicSpline.interpolate(temperature, temp, rfInRe3, derivRe3);
344 // cubic spline interpolation with respect to wavelength
345 CubicSpline cs = new CubicSpline(wavl, yt);
346 cs.calcDeriv();
347 yRe = cs.interpolate(wavelength);
349 return yRe;
350 }
352 // Returns the refractive index of pva solutions as a function of g/l pva concentration
353 // Data Poly(vinyl alcohol): basic properties and uses by J G Pritchard (1970)
354 // pva refractive index increment fitted to modified Cauchy equation:
355 // dn = 1 + a1*(1 + b1/(lambda*lambda))
356 // concn g/l concentration of pva
357 // temp temperature (degree Celsius) (t = 30C for original pva increment calculation)
358 // wavl wavelength in metres
359 public static double pva(double concn, double wavl, double temp){
360 double refind, rfwater, rfincr;
361 double a1=-0.998419, b1=-1.87778e-17;
363 rfwater=water(wavl, temp);
364 rfincr = 1.0 + a1*(1.0 + b1/Math.pow(wavl, 2));
365 refind = rfwater + rfincr*concn/10.0;
367 return refind;
368 }
370 // Returns the refractive index of a NaCl solution for a given wavelength (in metres),
371 // a given temperature (degrees Celcius) and a given NaCl concentration (M)
372 // Interpolation - bicubic spline
373 public static double saline(double concentration, double wavelength, double temperature){
374 double[] naclConcRi={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.1, 11.1, 12.1, 13.1, 14.1, 15.1, 16.2,
375 17.2, 18.2, 19.2, 20.2, 21.3, 22.3, 23.3, 24.4, 25.4, 26.4, 27.5, 28.5, 29.5, 30.6, 31.6,
376 32.7, 33.7, 34.8, 35.8, 36.9, 37.9, 39, 40, 41.1, 42.1, 43.2, 44.2, 45.3, 46.4, 47.4,
377 48.5, 49.6, 50.6, 51.7, 53.8, 56, 58.1, 60.3, 62.5, 64.6, 66.8, 69, 71.2, 73.4,
378 75.6, 77.8, 80, 82.2, 84.5, 86.7, 88.9, 91.2, 93.4, 95.7, 98, 100.2, 102.5, 104.8,
379 107.1, 112.8, 118.6, 124.4, 130.3, 136.2, 142.1, 148.1, 154.1, 160.2, 166.3,
380 178.6, 191.1, 203.7, 216.6, 229.6, 247.2, 256.1, 269.6, 283.3, 297.2, 311.3};
381 double[] rfIn={1.333, 1.3332, 1.3333, 1.3335, 1.3337, 1.3339, 1.334, 1.3342, 1.3344, 1.3346,
382 1.3347, 1.3349, 1.3351, 1.3353, 1.3354, 1.3356, 1.3358, 1.336, 1.3362, 1.3363,
383 1.3365, 1.3367, 1.3369, 1.337, 1.3372, 1.3374, 1.3376, 1.3377, 1.3379, 1.3381,
384 1.3383, 1.3384, 1.3386, 1.3388, 1.339, 1.3391, 1.3393, 1.3395, 1.3397, 1.3398,
385 1.34, 1.3402, 1.3404, 1.3405, 1.3407, 1.3409, 1.3411, 1.3412, 1.3414, 1.3416,
386 1.3418, 1.3421, 1.3425, 1.3428, 1.3432, 1.3435, 1.3439, 1.3442, 1.3446, 1.3449,
387 1.3453, 1.3456, 1.346, 1.3463, 1.3467, 1.347, 1.3474, 1.3477, 1.3481, 1.3484,
388 1.3488, 1.3491, 1.3495, 1.3498, 1.3502, 1.3505, 1.3514, 1.3523, 1.3532, 1.3541,
389 1.3549, 1.3558, 1.3567, 1.3576, 1.3585, 1.3594, 1.3612, 1.363, 1.3648, 1.3666,
390 1.3684, 1.3702, 1.3721, 1.3739, 1.3757, 1.3776, 1.3795};
391 double[] deriv = {0, -0.000204904, 0.000219616, -7.35613e-005, 7.4629e-005, -0.000224955, 0.00022519, -7.58054e-005, 7.80315e-005, -0.000236321, 0.000236336, -7.81129e-005, 7.61157e-005, -0.00022635, 0.000229284, -9.07847e-005, 3.90193e-005, 4.50731e-005, -0.000219312, 0.000232174, -0.000109384, 0.000107407, -0.000221696, 0.000179377, -3.70715e-005, 6.74765e-005, -0.000232834, 0.000232621, -6.63432e-005, 3.27522e-005, -0.000163915, 0.000161508, -2.13737e-005, 2.12013e-005, -0.000160693, 0.000160681, -2.11441e-005, 2.11468e-005, -0.000160694, 0.000160744, -2.1382e-005, 2.20772e-005, -0.00016403, 0.000173733, -6.79449e-005, 9.80467e-005, -0.000227966, 0.00018624, -2.11277e-005, -7.03714e-006, -5.30975e-005, 5.41898e-005, -5.48913e-005, 5.67056e-005, -6.30137e-005, 7.13824e-005, -7.17063e-005, 6.45891e-005, -6.26832e-005, 6.21769e-005, -6.20574e-005, 6.20859e-005, -6.23194e-005, 6.32246e-005, -6.66119e-005, 6.61361e-005, -6.07803e-005, 5.30183e-005, -5.13701e-005, 5.23148e-005, -5.76185e-005, 6.47375e-005, -6.44613e-005, 5.62732e-005, -4.721e-005, 1.91454e-005, -5.78664e-006, 1.31552e-006, 5.24579e-007, -6.04837e-006, 6.43247e-006, -2.44509e-006, 8.31233e-007, -8.79838e-007, 2.54193e-007, -1.36934e-007, -3.01506e-007, 2.07215e-007, -1.07068e-006, 2.48527e-006, -9.3358e-006, 1.82903e-005, -1.54847e-005, 3.70622e-006, -3.10434e-007, -1.30682e-007, 0};
392 double[] wavlRockSalt = {185.0e-9, 589.0e-9, 884.0e-9, 1179.0e-9, 2357.0e-9, 3536.0e-9, 5893.0e-9, 8840.0e-9};
393 double[] rfInRockSalt = {1.893, 1.544, 1.534, 1.530, 1.526, 1.523, 1.516, 1.502};
394 double[] derivRockSalt = {0, 3.74404e+012, -8.62356e+011, 1.19054e+011, -3.00122e+010, 5.3764e+009, -2.20178e+009, 0};
395 double refrIndReal, refrIndNacl20, refInWater, reInRockSalt, reInRockSalt5893;
396 double riWater20_589, moleFractNacl, moleFractWater;
397 double densityNacl, densityWater, densityWater20, refrIncr;
398 double n2, lor1, prelor1, a1, b1;
399 double refrInd, molesWater, molesNacl, lorDens, concen;
400 int nRi=97, nRockSalt=8;
402 concen=concentration*Saline.MOLWEIGHT;
404 //calculate the refractive index of pure water at the chosen temperature and wavelength
405 refInWater=Water.refractIndex(wavelength, temperature);
407 if(concentration==0.0){
408 refrInd = refInWater;
409 }
410 else{
411 // calculate refractive increment
413 // check limits
414 if(wavelength<404.6e-9 || wavelength>706.52e-9){
415 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wavelength outside the experimental data limits (404.6nm - 706.52nm)");
416 }
417 else
418 {
419 if(temperature<0.0 || temperature>100.0){
420 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Temperature " + temperature + " is outside the experimental data limits (0 C - 100 C)");
421 }
422 else
423 {
424 if(concen<naclConcRi[0] || concen>naclConcRi[nRi-1]){
425 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Concentration" + concen + " is outside the experimental data limits");
426 }
427 else{
428 //calculate refractive index of salt solution at 20C and 589.3
429 refrIndNacl20=CubicSpline.interpolate(concen, naclConcRi, rfIn, deriv);
430 }
431 }
432 }
434 //calculate density of the salt solution at 20C
435 densityNacl = Saline.density(concentration);
437 //density water at 20C
438 densityWater20=Water.density(20.0);
440 //calculate density of water at chosen temperature
441 densityWater = Water.density(temperature);
443 //calculate refractive index of water at 20C at wavelength 589.3nm
444 riWater20_589=Water.refractIndex(589.3e-9, 20.0);
446 //calculate mole fractions
447 molesWater = (densityNacl*1000 - concen)/Water.MOLWEIGHT;
448 molesNacl=concentration;
449 moleFractWater=molesWater/(molesWater + molesNacl);
450 moleFractNacl=molesNacl/(molesWater + molesNacl);
452 //refractive increment
453 prelor1=(Water.MOLWEIGHT*moleFractWater + Saline.MOLWEIGHT*moleFractNacl);
454 n2=refrIndNacl20*refrIndNacl20;
455 refrIncr=((n2-1.0)/(n2+2.0))*prelor1/densityNacl;
457 n2=riWater20_589*riWater20_589;
458 refrIncr-=(((n2-1.0)/(n2+2.0))*(Water.MOLWEIGHT*moleFractWater)/densityWater20);
460 //refractive index of rock salt at 589.3nm
461 reInRockSalt5893=1.516;
463 //calculate refractive index of rock salt at correct wavelength
464 if(wavelength>=wavlRockSalt[0] && wavelength<=wavlRockSalt[nRockSalt-1]){
465 reInRockSalt=CubicSpline.interpolate(wavelength, wavlRockSalt, rfInRockSalt, derivRockSalt);
466 }
467 else{
468 a1=0.515533;
469 b1=2.50204e-14;
470 reInRockSalt=1.0+a1*(1.0+b1/Math.pow(wavelength,2));
471 }
473 //scale refractive increment for wavelength
474 reInRockSalt *= reInRockSalt;
475 reInRockSalt5893 *= reInRockSalt5893;
476 refrIncr = refrIncr*((reInRockSalt-1.0)/(reInRockSalt+2.0))/((reInRockSalt5893-1.0)/(reInRockSalt5893+2.0));
478 //add refractive increment to Lorenz-Lorentz term for water for correct temperature and wavelength
479 n2=refInWater*refInWater;
480 lor1=(n2-1.0)/(n2+2.0)*(Water.MOLWEIGHT*moleFractWater)/densityWater;
481 lor1=lor1+refrIncr;
482 lorDens=(Water.MOLWEIGHT*moleFractWater*densityWater20/densityWater + Saline.MOLWEIGHT*moleFractNacl)*densityNacl/prelor1;
483 lor1=(lor1/prelor1)*lorDens;
484 lor1=(2.0*lor1 + 1.0)/(1.0 - lor1);
485 refrInd=Math.sqrt(lor1);
486 }
487 return refrInd;
488 }
490 // Returns the refractive index of sucrose solutions as a function of g/l sucrose concentration
491 // Wavelength - sodium D line 589.3 nm
492 // Interpolation - natural cubic spline
493 // Extrapolation above 1208.2g/l Lorenz-lorenz equation based on
494 // average refraction of sucrose calculated from experimental data
495 // Data - Rubber Handbook
496 public static double sucrose(double concentration, double temperature){
497 double[] concnG = {0, 5, 10, 15.1, 20.1, 25.2, 30.3, 35.4, 40.6, 45.7, 50.9, 56.1, 61.3, 66.5, 71.8, 77.1, 82.4, 87.7, 93.1, 98.4, 103.8, 114.7, 125.6, 136.6, 147.7, 158.9, 170.2, 181.5, 193, 204.5, 216.2, 239.8, 263.8, 288.1, 312.9, 338.1, 363.7, 389.8, 416.2, 443.2, 470.6, 498.4, 526.8, 555.6, 584.9, 614.8, 645.1, 676, 707.4, 739.3, 771.9, 804.9, 838.6, 872.8, 907.6, 943.1, 979.1, 1015.7, 1053, 1090.9, 1129.4, 1168.5, 1208.2};
498 double[] refInd = {1.333, 1.3337, 1.3344, 1.3351, 1.3359, 1.3366, 1.3373, 1.3381, 1.3388, 1.3395, 1.3403, 1.341, 1.3418, 1.3425, 1.3433, 1.344, 1.3448, 1.3455, 1.3463, 1.3471, 1.3478, 1.3494, 1.3509, 1.3525, 1.3541, 1.3557, 1.3573, 1.3589, 1.3606, 1.3622, 1.3639, 1.3672, 1.3706, 1.3741, 1.3776, 1.3812, 1.3848, 1.3885, 1.3922, 1.396, 1.3999, 1.4038, 1.4078, 1.4118, 1.4159, 1.4201, 1.4243, 1.4286, 1.433, 1.4374, 1.4419, 1.4465, 1.4511, 1.4558, 1.4606, 1.4654, 1.4703, 1.4753, 1.4803, 1.4854, 1.4906, 1.4958, 1.501};
499 double[] deriv = {0, 8.87219e-007, -3.54887e-006, 9.95698e-006, -9.31221e-006, 3.62993e-007, 7.86024e-006, -8.73591e-006, 1.22853e-006, 7.05021e-006, -9.99082e-006, 1.07237e-005, -1.07147e-005, 9.94585e-006, -1.0411e-005, 1.03381e-005, -9.58168e-006, 6.62868e-006, 9.93569e-007, -7.60108e-006, 5.46568e-006, -3.1357e-006, 2.02704e-006, -6.87809e-007, 2.17409e-008, -9.4373e-008, -3.16995e-007, 1.36235e-006, -1.83846e-006, 1.45463e-006, -7.98314e-007, 2.76693e-007, 1.46498e-007, -2.71393e-007, 2.2853e-007, -2.28325e-007, 1.58047e-007, -1.40698e-007, 3.72197e-008, 1.21286e-007, -1.69002e-007, 1.09589e-007, -1.50555e-007, 8.24317e-008, 3.46254e-008, -1.10233e-007, 3.66531e-008, 6.86736e-008, -1.23453e-007, 9.23933e-009, 1.0371e-007, -1.74702e-007, 7.44894e-008, 3.92428e-008, -1.41903e-007, 6.38698e-008, 3.62013e-008, -1.24325e-007, 4.47083e-008, 2.66887e-008, -7.19672e-008, -5.86665e-008, 0};
500 double refind, refind2, refind3, sucvol, refracttot, refractwat, refractsuc=0.331335;
501 double[] weight={5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75};
502 double[][] cf={{-0.25,-0.27,-0.31,-0.31,-0.34,-0.35,-0.36,-0.37,-0.36,-0.36},{-0.21,-0.23,-0.26,-0.27,-0.29,-0.31,-0.31,-0.32,-0.31,-0.29},{-0.16,-0.18,-0.2,-0.2,-0.22,-0.23,-0.23,-0.23,-0.2,-0.17},{-0.11,-0.12,-0.14,-0.14,-0.15,-0.16,-0.16,-0.15,-0.12,-0.09},{-0.06,-0.07,-0.08,-0.08,-0.08,-0.09,-0.09,-0.08,-0.07,-0.05},{0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.06,0.07,0.07,0.07,0.07,0.07,0.07,0.07,0.07,0.07},{0.12,0.14,0.14,0.14,0.14,0.14,0.15,0.14,0.14,0.14},{0.18,0.2,0.2,0.21,0.21,0.21,0.23,0.21,0.22,0.22},{0.24,0.26,0.26,0.27,0.28,0.28,0.3,0.28,0.29,0.29},{0.3,0.32,0.32,0.34,0.36,0.36,0.38,0.36,0.36,0.37},{0.36,0.39,0.39,0.41,0.43,0.43,0.46,0.44,0.43,0.44},{0.43,0.46,0.46,0.48,0.5,0.51,0.55,0.52,0.5,0.51},{0.5,0.53,0.53,0.55,0.58,0.59,0.63,0.6,0.57,0.59},{0.57,0.6,0.61,0.62,0.66,0.67,0.71,0.68,0.65,0.67},{0.64,0.67,0.7,0.71,0.74,0.75,0.8,0.76,0.73,0.75}};
503 double[][] corrfac = new double[16][10];
504 double[] tempw = {15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30};
505 double[] corrfac5 = {-0.25,-0.21,-0.16,-0.11,-0.06,0.0,0.06,0.12,0.18,0.24,0.3,0.36,0.43,0.5,0.57,0.64};
506 double[] derivcor = {0, 0.0157677, -0.00307078, -0.00348457, 0.017009, -0.00455161, 0.00119739, -0.00023797, -0.000245514, 0.00122003, -0.0046346, 0.0173184, -0.00463885, 0.00123703, -0.000309256, 0};
507 double concg, concw, corrfactor;
508 double wavelength = 5.893e-7;
509 int i,j, m, n=63;
511 for(i=0; i<16; i++){
512 for(j=0; j<10; j++)corrfac[i][j]=cf[i][j];
513 }
515 if(concentration>=concnG[0] && concentration<=concnG[n-1]){
516 refind=CubicSpline.interpolate(concentration, concnG, refInd, deriv);
517 }
518 else{
519 refractwat=(refInd[0]*refInd[0]-1.0)/(refInd[0]*refInd[0]+2.0);
520 sucvol=concentration*Sucrose.specificVolume(concentration)*1e3;
521 refracttot=(refractsuc*sucvol+refractwat*(1e3-sucvol))/1e3;
522 refind=(1.0+2.0*refracttot)/(1.0-refracttot);
523 }
525 if(temperature!=20.0){
526 concw=Sucrose.gperlToWeightpercent(concentration, temperature);
527 if(concw<5.0){
528 refind2 = Water.refractIndex(wavelength, temperature);
529 if(concentration==0.0){
530 refind=refind2;
531 }
532 else{
533 corrfactor=CubicSpline.interpolate(temperature, tempw, corrfac5, derivcor);
534 concw=concw+corrfactor;
535 concg=Sucrose.weightpercentToGperl(concw, temperature);
536 refind3=CubicSpline.interpolate(concg, concnG, refInd, deriv);
537 refind=refind2+(refind3-refind2)*concw/(5.0);
538 }
539 }
540 else{
541 BiCubicSpline bcs = new BiCubicSpline(tempw, weight, corrfac);
542 corrfactor = bcs.interpolate(temperature, concw);
543 concw=concw+corrfactor;
544 concg=Sucrose.weightpercentToGperl(concw, temperature);
545 refind=CubicSpline.interpolate(concg, concnG, refInd, deriv);
546 }
547 }
548 return refind;
549 }
551 // Returns the refractive index of a mixture of material A and material B,
552 // using the Lorenz-Lorentz equation, given the refractive index of A (na), of B (nb),
553 // the molecular wight of A (molwta), of B (molwtb), the mole fraction of A (molfracta),
554 // and the density of A (densa), of B (densb) and of the mixture (densab).
555 public static double lorenzLorentz(double na, double nb, double molwta, double molwtb, double molfracta, double densa, double densb, double densab){
556 double lla, llb, llab, molmassa, molmassb, molmassab, nab;
558 molmassa = molfracta*molwta;
559 molmassb = (1.0 - molfracta)*molwtb;
560 lla = na*na;
561 lla = ((lla - 1.0)/(lla + 2.0))*molmassa/densa;
563 llb = nb*nb;
564 llb = ((llb - 1.0)/(llb + 2.0))*molmassb/densb;
566 llab = lla + llb;
567 nab = llab*densab/(molmassa+molmassb);
568 nab = (2.0*nab + 1.0)/(1.0 - nab);
570 return Math.sqrt(nab);
571 }
574 // Returns the refractive index of a mixture of n materials,
575 // using the Lorenz-Lorentz equation, given an array of the refractive indices (ni),
576 // an array of the molecular wights (molwt), an array the mole fractions (molfract),
577 // and an array of the densities (dens) and the density of the mixture (densmix).
578 public static double lorenzLorentz(double[] ni, double[] molwt, double[] molfract, double[] dens, double densmix){
579 double ll, molmass, nimix, sum0=0, sum1=0.0;
580 int i, n=ni.length;
582 if(n != molwt.length || n != molfract.length || n != dens.length){
583 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array lengths differ");
584 }
585 for(i=0; i<n; i++)sum0+=molfract[i];
586 if(Math.abs(1.0-sum0)>1e-5){
587 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mole fractions do not sum to unity");
588 }
590 sum0=0.0;
591 for(i=0; i<n; i++){
592 molmass = molfract[i]*molwt[i];
593 ll = ni[i]*ni[i];
594 ll = ((ll - 1.0)/(ll + 2.0))*molmass/dens[i];
595 sum0 += ll;
596 sum1 += molmass;
597 }
598 nimix = sum0*densmix/sum1;
599 nimix = (2.0*nimix + 1.0)/(1.0 - nimix);
601 return Math.sqrt(nimix);
602 }
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