1 | /* Class ImpedSpecRegression
2 | *
3 | * Non-linear regression procedures for fitting impedance
4 | * spectroscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
5 | * data to user supplied circuit or one of a range of precompiled
6 | * circuit models.
7 | *
8 | * User supplied circuit models require the interface ImpedSpecModel
9 | *
10 | * WRITTEN BY: Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan
11 | *
12 | * DATE: 9 June 2007 (Derived from impedance spectroscopy programs, 2004 - 2007)
13 | * UPDATE: 16 October 2007, 5 July 2008
14 | *
16 | * See Michael T Flanagan's Java library on-line web pages:
17 | * http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/java/
18 | * http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/java/ImpedSpecRegression.html
19 | *
20 | * Copyright (c) June 2007 Michael Thomas Flanagan
21 | *
23 | * Permission to use, copy and modify this software and its documentation for
24 | * NON-COMMERCIAL purposes is granted, without fee, provided that an acknowledgement
25 | * to the author, Michael Thomas Flanagan at www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga, appears in all copies.
26 | *
27 | * Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan makes no representations about the suitability
28 | * or fitness of the software for any or for a particular purpose.
29 | * Michael Thomas Flanagan shall not be liable for any damages suffered
30 | * as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software or its derivatives.
31 | *
32 | ****************************************************************************************/
33 |
34 | package agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.circuits;
35 |
36 | import java.lang.reflect.Array;
37 | import java.text.*;
38 | import java.util.*;
39 |
40 | import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.analysis.ErrorProp;
41 | import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.analysis.Regression;
42 | import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.analysis.RegressionFunction2;
43 | import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.analysis.Stat;
44 | import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.complex.Complex;
45 | import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.complex.ComplexErrorProp;
46 | import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.io.*;
47 | import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.math.Conv;
48 | import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.math.Fmath;
49 | import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.plot.*;
50 |
51 | import java.lang.Object;
52 |
53 |
54 | public class ImpedSpecRegression extends Regression{
55 |
56 | private String regressionTitle = null; // Title for output graphs and text file
57 | private boolean fileType = false; // = true if 'n' number to be added to file name
58 |
59 | private Complex appliedVoltage = null; // magnitude of the applied voltage as complex
60 | private boolean appliedVoltageSet = false; // = true when applied voltage entered
61 | private Complex appliedVoltageError = null; // error of the applied voltage as complex
62 | private boolean voltageErrorSet = false; // = true when applied voltage error entered
63 |
64 | private Complex referenceImpedance = null; // reference impedance
65 | private boolean referenceSet = false; // = true when reference impedance entered
66 |
67 | private double[] frequencies = null; // frequencies [Hz]
68 | private double[] omegas = null; // radial frequencies
69 | private double[] log10frequencies = null; // log10[frequencies/Hz]
70 | private double[] log10omegas = null; // log10[radial frequencies]
71 | private int numberOfFrequencies = 0; // number of points in the simulation
72 | private boolean frequenciesSet = false; // = true when frequencies entered
73 |
74 | private Complex[] voltages = null; // voltages
75 | private Complex[] voltageWeights = null; // voltage weights
76 | private double[] voltageMagnitudes = null; // magnitude of the voltages
77 | private double[] voltageMagnitudeWeights = null; // voltage magnitude weights
78 | private double[] voltagePhasesRad = null; // voltage phases [radians]of the voltages
79 | private double[] voltagePhaseWeightsRad = null; // voltage phase weights [radians]
80 | private double[] voltagePhasesDeg = null; // voltage phases [degrees]of the voltages
81 | private double[] voltagePhaseWeightsDeg = null; // voltage phase weights [degrees]
82 | private double[] realV = null; // real part of the voltage
83 | private double[] realVweights = null; // real part of the voltage - weights
84 | private double[] imagV = null; // imaginary part of the voltages
85 | private double[] imagVweights = null; // imaginary part of the voltage - weights
86 |
87 | private boolean weightsSet = true; // = false if no weights provided
88 |
89 | private int dataEnteredTypePointer = -1; // = 0; real and imag voltage
90 | // = 1: complex voltage
91 | // = 2: voltage magnitude and radians
92 | // = 3: voltage magnitude and degreees
93 | // = 4; real and imag impedance
94 | // = 5: complex mpedance
95 | // = 6: mpedance magnitude and radians
96 | // = 7: mpedance magnitude and degreees
97 | // Entered data type
98 | private String[] dataEnteredType = {"Complex voltage (as real and imaginary parts)", "Complex voltage (as Complex)", "Voltage Magnitude and phase (in radians)", "Voltage Magnitude and phase (in degrees)", "Complex impedance (as real and imaginary parts)", "Complex impedance (as Complex)", "Magnitude and phase (in radians)", "Magnitude and phase (in degrees)"};
99 | private boolean voltageOrImpedance = true; // = true: data entered as test circuit voltages
100 | // = false: data entered as test circuit impedances
101 |
102 | private Complex[] impedances = null; // model impedances
103 | private Complex[] impedanceWeights = null; // model impedance weights
104 | private double[] impedanceMagnitudes = null; // magnitude of the impedances
105 | private double[] impedanceMagnitudeWeights = null; // impedance magnitude weights
106 | private double[] impedancePhasesRad = null; // impedance phases [radians]of the impedances
107 | private double[] impedancePhaseWeightsRad = null; // impedance phase weights [radians]
108 | private double[] impedancePhasesDeg = null; // impedance phases [degrees]of the impedances
109 | private double[] impedancePhaseWeightsDeg = null; // impedance phase weights [degrees]
110 | private double[] realZ = null; // real part of the model impedance
111 | private double[] realZweights = null; // real part of the model impedance - weights
112 | private double[] imagZ = null; // imaginary part of the model impedance
113 | private double[] imagZweights = null; // imaginary part of the model impedance - weights
114 | private boolean impedancesSet = false; // = true when impedances calculated
115 |
116 |
117 | private double[] xRegression = null; // regression x-axis data
118 | private double[][] yRegression = null; // regression y-axis data
119 | private double[][] wRegression = null; // regression weights
120 |
121 | private int modelNumber = 0; // model number
122 | private int numberOfParameters = 0; // number of model parameters
123 | private String[] parameterSymbols = null; // model parameter symbols
124 | private boolean modelSet = false; // = true when a model number is entered
125 | private boolean estimatesNeeded = false; // = true when a no estimates are to be entered and they are yet to be calculated
126 |
127 | private boolean supressDefaultConstraints = false; // = true when in-built constraints on parameters supressed
128 | private boolean supressAddedConstraints = false; // = true when added constraints on parameters supressed
129 | private boolean supressAllConstraints = false; // = true when all constraints on parameters supressed
130 |
131 | private ArrayList<Object> constraints = null; // user added constraints
132 | private int numberOfAddedConstraints = -1; // number of user added constraints
133 |
134 | private boolean constraintsAdded = false; // = true when user added constraints on parameters entered
135 |
136 | private double[] initialEstimates = null; // initial estimates of parameter values
137 | private double[] initialSteps = null; // initial steps of parameter values
138 |
139 | private double[] bestEstimates = null; // best estimates of parameter values
140 | private double[] standardDeviations = null; // standard deviations of the best estimates
141 | private double[] coefficientsOfVariation = null; // coefficients of variation of the best estimates
142 | private double[][] correlationCoefficients = null; // correlation coefficients of the best estimates
143 | private double[] preMinimumGradients = null; // gradient before the minimum for each parameter
144 | private double[] postMinimumGradients = null; // gradient after the minimum for each parameter
145 |
146 | private int degreesOfFreedom = 0; // degrees of freedom
147 | private double sumOfSquares = 0.0D; // sum of squares at minimum
148 | private double reducedSumOfSquares = 0.0D; // reduced sum of squares at minimum
149 | private double chiSquare = Double.NaN; // chiSquare
150 | private double reducedChiSquare = Double.NaN; // reducedChiSquare
151 | private double[] realZresiduals = null; // Real[Z] residuals
152 | private double[] imagZresiduals = null; // Imag[Z] residuals
153 |
154 | private double[] calculatedRealZ = null; // calculated Real[Z]
155 | private double[] calculatedImagZ = null; // calculated Imag[Z]
156 | private Complex[] calculatedImpedances = null; // calculated model impedances
157 | private double[] calculatedImpedanceMagnitudes = null; // calculated impedance magnitudes
158 | private double[] calculatedImpedancePhasesRad = null; // calculated impedance phases (radians)
159 | private double[] calculatedImpedancePhasesDeg = null; // calculated impedance phases (degrees)
160 |
161 | private double[] calculatedRealV = null; // calculated Real[voltage]
162 | private double[] calculatedImagV = null; // calculated Imag[voltage]
163 | private Complex[] calculatedVoltages = null; // calculated voltages
164 | private double[] calculatedVoltageMagnitudes = null; // calculated voltage magnitudes
165 | private double[] calculatedVoltagePhasesRad = null; // calculated voltage phases (radians)
166 | private double[] calculatedVoltagePhasesDeg = null; // calculated voltage phases (degrees)
167 |
168 | ArrayList<Object> results = null; // ArrayList with elements
169 | // 0: number of frequencies
170 | // 1: number of parameters
171 | // 2: degrees of freedom
172 | // 3: initial estimates
173 | // 4: initial step sizes
174 | // 5: best estimates
175 | // 6: standard deviations
176 | // 7: coefficients of variation
177 | // 8: gradients about the minimum
178 | // 9: reduced sum of squares
179 | // 10: chi square
180 | // 11: reduced chi square
181 |
182 |
183 | private boolean estimatesSet = false; // = true when parameter estimates entered
184 |
185 | private ImpedSpecModel userModel = null; // supplied user model
186 | private boolean userModelSet = false; // = true if user model supplied
187 | private RegressionFunction2 regressionFunction = null; // Regression function
188 | private double tolerance = 1e-9; // tolerance in regression exit test
189 | private int maximumIterations = 10000; // maximum iterations in regression procedure
190 | private int numberOfIterations1 = -1; // number of iterations taken in the first regression
191 | private int numberOfIterations2 = -1; // number of iterations taken in the second regression
192 | private boolean regressionDone = false; // = true when regression completed
193 |
194 | private int numberOfLineFrequencies = 8000; // number of points on calculated line plots
195 | private boolean logOrLinear = true; // = true - log plot
196 | // = false - linear plot
197 | private double[] lineFrequencies = null; // frequencies for clculating theoretical lines
198 | private double[] log10lineFrequencies = null; // log10 of the frequencies for clculating theoretical lines
199 |
200 |
202 |
203 | // Constructor
204 | public ImpedSpecRegression(){
205 | this.regressionTitle = " ";
206 | }
207 |
208 | // Constructor setting title
209 | public ImpedSpecRegression(String regressionTitle){
210 | this.regressionTitle = regressionTitle;
211 | }
212 |
213 | // ENTER DATA
214 |
215 | // Enter the applied voltage
216 | public void setAppliedVoltage(double voltage){
217 | this.appliedVoltage = new Complex(voltage, 0.0D);
218 | this.appliedVoltageError = new Complex(0.0D, 0.0D);
219 | this.appliedVoltageSet = true;
220 | if(this.referenceSet && this.frequenciesSet)this.calculateExperimentalImpedances();
221 | }
222 |
223 | // Enter the setApplied voltage with error
224 | public void appliedVoltage(double voltage, double voltageError){
225 | this.appliedVoltage = new Complex(voltage, 0.0D);
226 | this.appliedVoltageSet = true;
227 | this.appliedVoltage = new Complex(voltageError, 0.0D);
228 | this.voltageErrorSet = true;
229 | if(this.referenceSet && this.frequenciesSet)this.calculateExperimentalImpedances();
230 | }
231 |
232 | // Enter the reference impedance - resistive
233 | public void setReferenceImpedance(double resistance){
234 | this.referenceImpedance = new Complex(resistance, 0.0D);
235 | this.referenceSet = true;
236 | if(this.appliedVoltageSet && this.frequenciesSet)this.calculateExperimentalImpedances();
237 | }
238 |
239 | // Enter the reference impedance - reactive
240 | public void setReferenceImpedance(double real, double imag){
241 | this.referenceImpedance = new Complex(real, imag);
242 | this.referenceSet = true;
243 | if(this.appliedVoltageSet && this.frequenciesSet)this.calculateExperimentalImpedances();
244 | }
245 |
246 | // Enter the reference impedance - reactive
247 | public void setReferenceImpedance(Complex impedance){
248 | this.referenceImpedance = impedance;
249 | this.referenceSet = true;
250 | if(this.appliedVoltageSet && this.frequenciesSet)this.calculateExperimentalImpedances();
251 | }
252 |
253 | // Enter data as frequencies and real and imaginary parts of the test circuit voltages - no weights
254 | public void voltageDataAsComplex(double[] frequencies, double[] real, double[] imag){
255 |
256 | double[] realWeight = new double[frequencies.length];
257 | double[] imagWeight = new double[frequencies.length];
258 | this.weightsSet = false;
259 | this.voltageDataAsComplex(frequencies, real, imag, realWeight, imagWeight);
260 | }
261 |
262 |
263 | // Enter data as frequencies and real and imaginary parts of the test circuit voltages - weights provided
264 | public void voltageDataAsComplex(double[] frequencies, double[] real, double[] imag, double[] realWeight, double[] imagWeight){
265 |
266 | this.numberOfFrequencies = frequencies.length;
267 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=real.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of Real[voltages], " + real.length);
268 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=imag.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of Imag[voltages], " + imag.length);
269 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=realWeight.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of real weights, " + realWeight.length);
270 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=imagWeight.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of imag weights, " + imagWeight.length);
271 |
272 | this.frequencies = Conv.copy(frequencies);
273 | this.setAllFrequencyArrays();
274 | this.setCalculatedArrayLengths();
275 |
276 | this.realV = Conv.copy(real);
277 | this.imagV = Conv.copy(imag);
278 | this.realVweights = Conv.copy(realWeight);
279 | this.imagVweights = Conv.copy(imagWeight);
280 | this.voltageMagnitudes = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
281 | this.voltagePhasesDeg = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
282 | this.voltagePhasesRad = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
283 | this.voltages = Complex.oneDarray(this.numberOfFrequencies);
284 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
285 | this.voltages[i] = new Complex(realV[i], imagV[i]);
286 | this.voltageMagnitudes[i] = this.voltages[i].abs();
287 | this.voltagePhasesRad[i] = this.voltages[i].arg();
288 | this.voltagePhasesDeg[i] = Math.toDegrees(this.voltagePhasesRad[i]);
289 | }
290 | this.frequenciesSet = true;
291 |
292 | this.setImpedanceArrayLengths();
293 | this.calculateExperimentalImpedances();
294 | this.dataEnteredTypePointer = 4;
295 | this.voltageOrImpedance = true;
296 | if(this.estimatesNeeded)this.setInitialEstimates();
297 | }
298 |
299 | // Enter data as frequencies and Complex test circuit voltages - no weights provided
300 | public void voltageDataAsComplex(double[] frequencies, Complex[] voltages){
301 |
302 | Complex[] weights = Complex.oneDarray(voltages.length, 0.0D, 0.0D);
303 | this.weightsSet = false;
304 | this.voltageDataAsComplex(frequencies, voltages, weights);
305 | }
306 |
307 | // Enter data as frequencies and Complex voltages - weights provided
308 | // reference - voltage
309 | public void voltageDataAsComplex(double[] frequencies, Complex[] voltages, Complex[] weights){
310 |
311 | this.numberOfFrequencies = frequencies.length;
312 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=voltages.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of voltages, " + voltages.length);
313 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=weights.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of weights, " + weights.length);
314 |
315 | this.frequencies = Conv.copy(frequencies);
316 | this.setAllFrequencyArrays();
317 | this.setCalculatedArrayLengths();
318 |
319 | this.voltages = Complex.copy(voltages);
320 | this.voltageWeights = Complex.copy(weights);
321 | this.voltageMagnitudes = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
322 | this.voltagePhasesDeg = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
323 | this.voltagePhasesRad = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
324 | this.realV = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
325 | this.imagV = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
326 | this.realVweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
327 | this.imagVweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
328 |
329 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
330 | this.realV[i] = this.voltages[i].getReal();
331 | this.imagV[i] = this.voltages[i].getImag();
332 | this.realVweights[i] = weights[i].getReal();
333 | this.imagVweights[i] = weights[i].getImag();
334 | this.voltageMagnitudes[i] = this.voltages[i].abs();
335 | this.voltagePhasesRad[i] = this.voltages[i].arg();
336 | this.voltagePhasesDeg[i] = Math.toDegrees(this.voltagePhasesRad[i]);
337 | }
338 | this.frequenciesSet = true;
339 |
340 | this.setImpedanceArrayLengths();
341 | this.calculateExperimentalImpedances();
342 | this.voltageOrImpedance = true;
343 | this.dataEnteredTypePointer = 1;
344 | if(this.estimatesNeeded)this.setInitialEstimates();
345 | }
346 |
347 | // Enter data as frequencies and magnitudes and phases (radians) of the test circuit voltages - no weights
348 | public void voltageDataAsPhasorRad(double[] frequencies, double[] voltageMagnitudes, double[] voltagePhasesRad){
349 |
350 | double[] voltageMagWeights = new double[frequencies.length];
351 | double[] voltagePhaseWeights = new double[frequencies.length];
352 | this.weightsSet = false;
353 | this.voltageDataAsPhasorRad(frequencies, voltageMagnitudes, voltagePhasesRad, voltageMagWeights, voltagePhaseWeights);
354 | }
355 |
356 | // Enter data as frequencies and magnitudes and phases (radians) of the voltages - weights provided
357 | public void voltageDataAsPhasorRad(double[] frequencies, double[] voltageMagnitudes, double[] voltagePhasesRad, double[] voltageMagWeights, double[] voltagePhaseWeights){
358 |
359 | this.numberOfFrequencies = frequencies.length;
360 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=voltageMagnitudes.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of magnitudes, " + voltageMagnitudes.length);
361 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=voltagePhasesRad.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of phases, " + voltagePhasesRad.length);
362 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=voltageMagWeights.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of magnitude weights, " + voltageMagWeights.length);
363 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=voltagePhaseWeights.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of phase weights, " + voltagePhaseWeights.length);
364 |
365 | this.frequencies = Conv.copy(frequencies);
366 | this.setAllFrequencyArrays();
367 | this.setCalculatedArrayLengths();
368 |
369 | this.voltageMagnitudes = Conv.copy(voltageMagnitudes);
370 | this.voltageMagnitudeWeights = Conv.copy(voltageMagWeights);
371 | this.voltagePhaseWeightsRad = Conv.copy(voltagePhaseWeights);
372 | this.voltages= Complex.oneDarray(this.numberOfFrequencies);
373 | this.voltagePhasesDeg = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
374 | this.realV = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
375 | this.imagV = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
376 | this.realVweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
377 | this.imagVweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
378 |
379 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
380 | this.voltagePhasesDeg[i] = Math.toDegrees(this.voltagePhasesRad[i]);
381 | this.voltages[i].polar(voltageMagnitudes[i], voltagePhasesRad[i]);
382 | this.realV[i] = this.voltages[i].getReal();
383 | this.imagV[i] = this.voltages[i].getImag();
384 | ErrorProp mag = new ErrorProp(voltageMagnitudes[i], voltageMagnitudeWeights[i]);
385 | ErrorProp phase = new ErrorProp(voltagePhasesRad[i], voltagePhaseWeights[i]);
386 | ComplexErrorProp volt = new ComplexErrorProp();
387 | volt.polar(mag, phase);
388 | this.realVweights[i] = volt.getRealError();
389 | this.imagVweights[i] = volt.getImagError();
390 | }
391 | this.frequenciesSet = true;
392 |
393 | this.setImpedanceArrayLengths();
394 | this.calculateExperimentalImpedances();
395 | this.voltageOrImpedance = true;
396 | this.dataEnteredTypePointer = 2;
397 | if(this.estimatesNeeded)this.setInitialEstimates();
398 | }
399 |
400 | // Enter data as frequencies and magnitudes and phases (degrees) of the test circuit voltages - no weights
401 | public void voltageDataAsPhasorDeg(double[] frequencies, double[] voltageMagnitudes, double[] voltagePhasesRad){
402 |
403 | double[] voltageMagWeights = new double[frequencies.length];
404 | double[] voltagePhaseWeights = new double[frequencies.length];
405 | this.weightsSet = false;
406 | this.voltageDataAsPhasorDeg(frequencies, voltageMagnitudes, voltagePhasesRad, voltageMagWeights, voltagePhaseWeights);
407 | }
408 |
409 | // Enter data as frequencies and magnitudes and phases of the voltages (degrees)
410 | public void voltageDataAsPhasorDeg(double[] frequencies, double[] voltageMagnitudes, double[] voltagePhasesDeg, double[] voltageMagWeights, double[] voltagePhaseWeights){
411 |
412 | this.numberOfFrequencies = frequencies.length;
413 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=voltageMagnitudes.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of magnitudes, " + voltageMagnitudes.length);
414 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=voltagePhasesDeg.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of phases, " + voltagePhasesDeg.length);
415 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=voltageMagWeights.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of magnitude weights, " + voltageMagWeights.length);
416 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=voltagePhaseWeights.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of phase weights, " + voltagePhaseWeights.length);
417 |
418 | this.frequencies = Conv.copy(frequencies);
419 | this.setAllFrequencyArrays();
420 | this.setCalculatedArrayLengths();
421 |
422 | this.voltageMagnitudes = Conv.copy(voltageMagnitudes);
423 | this.voltagePhasesDeg = Conv.copy(voltagePhasesDeg);
424 | this.voltages = Complex.oneDarray(this.numberOfFrequencies);
425 | this.voltagePhasesRad = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
426 | this.voltagePhaseWeightsRad = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
427 | this.voltageMagnitudeWeights = Conv.copy(voltageMagWeights);
428 | this.voltagePhaseWeightsDeg = Conv.copy(voltagePhaseWeights);
429 | this.realV = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
430 | this.imagV = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
431 | this.realVweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
432 | this.imagVweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
433 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
434 | this.voltagePhasesRad[i] = Math.toRadians(this.voltagePhasesDeg[i]);
435 | this.voltagePhaseWeightsRad[i] = Math.toRadians(voltagePhaseWeights[i]);
436 | this.voltages[i].polar(voltageMagnitudes[i], voltagePhasesRad[i]);
437 | this.realV[i] = this.voltages[i].getReal();
438 | this.imagV[i] = this.voltages[i].getImag();
439 | ErrorProp mag = new ErrorProp(voltageMagnitudes[i], voltageMagnitudeWeights[i]);
440 | ErrorProp phase = new ErrorProp(voltagePhasesRad[i], this.voltagePhaseWeightsRad[i]);
441 | ComplexErrorProp volt = new ComplexErrorProp();
442 | volt.polar(mag, phase);
443 | this.realVweights[i] = volt.getRealError();
444 | this.imagVweights[i] = volt.getImagError();
445 |
446 | }
447 | this.frequenciesSet = true;
448 |
449 | this.setImpedanceArrayLengths();
450 | this.calculateExperimentalImpedances();
451 | this.voltageOrImpedance = true;
452 | this.dataEnteredTypePointer = 3;
453 | if(this.estimatesNeeded)this.setInitialEstimates();
454 | }
455 |
456 | // Enter data as frequencies and real and imaginary parts of the impedances - no weights
457 | public void impedanceDataAsComplex(double[] frequencies, double[] real, double[] imag){
458 |
459 | double[] realWeight = new double[frequencies.length];
460 | double[] imagWeight = new double[frequencies.length];
461 | this.weightsSet = false;
462 | this.impedanceDataAsComplex(frequencies, real, imag, realWeight, imagWeight);
463 | }
464 |
465 |
466 | // Enter data as frequencies and real and imaginary parts of the impedances - weights provided
467 | public void impedanceDataAsComplex(double[] frequencies, double[] real, double[] imag, double[] realWeight, double[] imagWeight){
468 |
469 | this.numberOfFrequencies = frequencies.length;
470 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=real.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of Real[impedances], " + real.length);
471 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=imag.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of Imag[impedances], " + imag.length);
472 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=realWeight.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of real weights, " + realWeight.length);
473 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=imagWeight.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of imag weights, " + imagWeight.length);
474 |
475 | this.frequencies = Conv.copy(frequencies);
476 | this.setAllFrequencyArrays();
477 | this.setCalculatedArrayLengths();
478 |
479 | this.realZ = Conv.copy(real);
480 | this.imagZ = Conv.copy(imag);
481 | this.realZweights = Conv.copy(realWeight);
482 | this.imagZweights = Conv.copy(imagWeight);
483 | this.impedanceMagnitudes = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
484 | this.impedancePhasesDeg = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
485 | this.impedancePhasesRad = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
486 | this.impedances = Complex.oneDarray(this.numberOfFrequencies);
487 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
488 | this.impedances[i] = new Complex(realZ[i], imagZ[i]);
489 | this.impedanceMagnitudes[i] = this.impedances[i].abs();
490 | this.impedancePhasesRad[i] = this.impedances[i].arg();
491 | this.impedancePhasesDeg[i] = Math.toDegrees(this.impedancePhasesRad[i]);
492 | }
493 | this.frequenciesSet = true;
494 | this.impedancesSet = true;
495 |
496 | this.dataEnteredTypePointer = 4;
497 | this.voltageOrImpedance = false;
498 | if(this.estimatesNeeded)this.setInitialEstimates();
499 | }
500 |
501 | // Enter data as frequencies and Complex impedances - no weights provided
502 | public void impedanceDataAsComplex(double[] frequencies, Complex[] impedances){
503 |
504 | Complex[] weights = Complex.oneDarray(impedances.length, 0.0D, 0.0D);
505 | this.weightsSet = false;
506 | this.impedanceDataAsComplex(frequencies, impedances, weights);
507 | }
508 |
509 | // Enter data as frequencies and Complex impedances - weights provided
510 | public void impedanceDataAsComplex(double[] frequencies, Complex[] impedances, Complex[] weights){
511 |
512 | this.numberOfFrequencies = frequencies.length;
513 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=impedances.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of impedances, " + impedances.length);
514 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=weights.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of weights, " + weights.length);
515 |
516 | this.frequencies = Conv.copy(frequencies);
517 | this.setAllFrequencyArrays();
518 | this.setCalculatedArrayLengths();
519 |
520 | this.impedances = Complex.copy(impedances);
521 | this.impedanceWeights = Complex.copy(weights);
522 | this.impedanceMagnitudes = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
523 | this.impedancePhasesDeg = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
524 | this.impedancePhasesRad = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
525 | this.realZ = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
526 | this.imagZ = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
527 | this.realZweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
528 | this.imagZweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
529 |
530 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
531 | this.realZ[i] = this.impedances[i].getReal();
532 | this.imagZ[i] = this.impedances[i].getImag();
533 | this.realZweights[i] = weights[i].getReal();
534 | this.imagZweights[i] = weights[i].getImag();
535 | this.impedanceMagnitudes[i] = this.impedances[i].abs();
536 | this.impedancePhasesRad[i] = this.impedances[i].arg();
537 | this.impedancePhasesDeg[i] = Math.toDegrees(this.impedancePhasesRad[i]);
538 | }
539 | this.frequenciesSet = true;
540 | this.impedancesSet = true;
541 |
542 | this.voltageOrImpedance = false;
543 | this.dataEnteredTypePointer = 5;
544 | if(this.estimatesNeeded)this.setInitialEstimates();
545 | }
546 |
547 | // Enter data as frequencies and magnitudes and phases (radians) of the impedances - no weights
548 | public void impedanceDataAsPhasorRad(double[] frequencies, double[] impedanceMagnitudes, double[] impedancePhasesRad){
549 |
550 | double[] impedanceMagWeights = new double[frequencies.length];
551 | double[] impedancePhaseWeights = new double[frequencies.length];
552 | this.weightsSet = false;
553 | this.impedanceDataAsPhasorRad(frequencies, impedanceMagnitudes, impedancePhasesRad, impedanceMagWeights, impedancePhaseWeights);
554 | }
555 |
556 | // Enter data as frequencies and magnitudes and phases (radians) of the impedances - weights provided
557 | public void impedanceDataAsPhasorRad(double[] frequencies, double[] impedanceMagnitudes, double[] impedancePhasesRad, double[] impedanceMagWeights, double[] impedancePhaseWeights){
558 |
559 | this.numberOfFrequencies = frequencies.length;
560 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=impedanceMagnitudes.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of magnitudes, " + impedanceMagnitudes.length);
561 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=impedancePhasesRad.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of phases, " + impedancePhasesRad.length);
562 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=impedanceMagWeights.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of magnitude weights, " + impedanceMagWeights.length);
563 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=impedancePhaseWeights.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of phase weights, " + impedancePhaseWeights.length);
564 |
565 | this.frequencies = Conv.copy(frequencies);
566 | this.setAllFrequencyArrays();
567 | this.setCalculatedArrayLengths();
568 |
569 | this.impedanceMagnitudes = Conv.copy(impedanceMagnitudes);
570 | this.impedanceMagnitudeWeights = Conv.copy(impedanceMagWeights);
571 | this.impedancePhaseWeightsRad = Conv.copy(impedancePhaseWeights);
572 | this.impedances= Complex.oneDarray(this.numberOfFrequencies);
573 | this.impedancePhasesDeg = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
574 | this.realZ = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
575 | this.imagZ = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
576 | this.realZweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
577 | this.imagZweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
578 |
579 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
580 | this.impedancePhasesDeg[i] = Math.toDegrees(this.impedancePhasesRad[i]);
581 | this.impedances[i].polar(impedanceMagnitudes[i], impedancePhasesRad[i]);
582 | this.realZ[i] = this.impedances[i].getReal();
583 | this.imagZ[i] = this.impedances[i].getImag();
584 | ErrorProp mag = new ErrorProp(impedanceMagnitudes[i], impedanceMagnitudeWeights[i]);
585 | ErrorProp phase = new ErrorProp(impedancePhasesRad[i], impedancePhaseWeights[i]);
586 | ComplexErrorProp volt = new ComplexErrorProp();
587 | volt.polar(mag, phase);
588 | this.realZweights[i] = volt.getRealError();
589 | this.imagZweights[i] = volt.getImagError();
590 | }
591 | this.frequenciesSet = true;
592 | this.impedancesSet = true;
593 |
594 | this.voltageOrImpedance = false;
595 | this.dataEnteredTypePointer = 6;
596 | if(this.estimatesNeeded)this.setInitialEstimates();
597 | }
598 |
599 | // Enter data as frequencies and magnitudes and phases (degrees) of the impedances - no weights
600 | public void impedanceDataAsPhasorDeg(double[] frequencies, double[] impedanceMagnitudes, double[] impedancePhasesRad){
601 |
602 | double[] impedanceMagWeights = new double[frequencies.length];
603 | double[] impedancePhaseWeights = new double[frequencies.length];
604 | this.weightsSet = false;
605 | this.impedanceDataAsPhasorDeg(frequencies, impedanceMagnitudes, impedancePhasesRad, impedanceMagWeights, impedancePhaseWeights);
606 | }
607 |
608 | // Enter data as frequencies and magnitudes and phases of the impedances (degrees)
609 | public void impedanceDataAsPhasorDeg(double[] frequencies, double[] impedanceMagnitudes, double[] impedancePhasesDeg, double[] impedanceMagWeights, double[] impedancePhaseWeights){
610 |
611 | this.numberOfFrequencies = frequencies.length;
612 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=impedanceMagnitudes.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of magnitudes, " + impedanceMagnitudes.length);
613 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=impedancePhasesDeg.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of phases, " + impedancePhasesDeg.length);
614 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=impedanceMagWeights.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of magnitude weights, " + impedanceMagWeights.length);
615 | if(this.numberOfFrequencies!=impedancePhaseWeights.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of frequencies, " + this.numberOfFrequencies + ", does not equal the number of phase weights, " + impedancePhaseWeights.length);
616 |
617 | this.frequencies = Conv.copy(frequencies);
618 | this.setAllFrequencyArrays();
619 | this.setCalculatedArrayLengths();
620 |
621 | this.impedanceMagnitudes = Conv.copy(impedanceMagnitudes);
622 | this.impedancePhasesDeg = Conv.copy(impedancePhasesDeg);
623 | this.impedances = Complex.oneDarray(this.numberOfFrequencies);
624 | this.impedancePhasesRad = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
625 | this.impedancePhaseWeightsRad = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
626 | this.impedanceMagnitudeWeights = Conv.copy(impedanceMagWeights);
627 | this.impedancePhaseWeightsDeg = Conv.copy(impedancePhaseWeights);
628 | this.realZ = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
629 | this.imagZ = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
630 | this.realZweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
631 | this.imagZweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
632 |
633 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
634 | this.impedancePhasesRad[i] = Math.toRadians(this.impedancePhasesDeg[i]);
635 | this.impedancePhaseWeightsRad[i] = Math.toRadians(impedancePhaseWeights[i]);
636 | this.impedances[i].polar(impedanceMagnitudes[i], impedancePhasesRad[i]);
637 | this.realZ[i] = this.impedances[i].getReal();
638 | this.imagZ[i] = this.impedances[i].getImag();
639 | ErrorProp mag = new ErrorProp(impedanceMagnitudes[i], impedanceMagnitudeWeights[i]);
640 | ErrorProp phase = new ErrorProp(impedancePhasesRad[i], this.impedancePhaseWeightsRad[i]);
641 | ComplexErrorProp volt = new ComplexErrorProp();
642 | volt.polar(mag, phase);
643 | this.realZweights[i] = volt.getRealError();
644 | this.imagZweights[i] = volt.getImagError();
645 |
646 | }
647 | this.frequenciesSet = true;
648 | this.impedancesSet = true;
649 |
650 | this.voltageOrImpedance = false;
651 | this.dataEnteredTypePointer = 7;
652 | if(this.estimatesNeeded)this.setInitialEstimates();
653 | }
654 |
655 | // Set all frequency
656 | private void setAllFrequencyArrays(){
657 |
658 | this.log10frequencies = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
659 | this.omegas = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
660 | this.log10omegas = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
661 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
662 | this.log10frequencies[i] = Math.log10(frequencies[i]);
663 | this.omegas[i] = 2.0D*Math.PI*frequencies[i];
664 | this.log10omegas[i] = Math.log10(omegas[i]);
665 | }
666 | this.frequenciesSet = true;
667 | }
668 |
669 | // Set all calculted array lengths
670 | private void setCalculatedArrayLengths(){
671 |
672 | this.realZresiduals = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
673 | this.imagZresiduals = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
674 | this.calculatedRealZ = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
675 | this.calculatedImagZ = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
676 | this.calculatedImpedances = Complex.oneDarray(this.numberOfFrequencies);
677 | this.calculatedImpedanceMagnitudes = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
678 | this.calculatedImpedancePhasesRad = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
679 | this.calculatedImpedancePhasesDeg = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
680 |
681 | if(this.appliedVoltageSet && this.referenceSet){
682 | this.calculatedRealV = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
683 | this.calculatedImagV = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
684 | this.calculatedVoltages = Complex.oneDarray(this.numberOfFrequencies);
685 | this.calculatedVoltageMagnitudes = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
686 | this.calculatedVoltagePhasesRad = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
687 | this.calculatedVoltagePhasesDeg = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
688 | }
689 | }
690 |
691 | // Set the impedance array lengths
692 | private void setImpedanceArrayLengths(){
693 |
694 | this.realZ = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
695 | this.imagZ = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
696 | this.realZweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
697 | this.imagZweights = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
698 | this.impedances = Complex.oneDarray(this.numberOfFrequencies);
699 | this.impedanceMagnitudes = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
700 | this.impedancePhasesRad = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
701 | this.impedancePhasesDeg = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
702 | }
703 |
704 | // Calculate the experimental impedances if voltages have been entered
705 | private void calculateExperimentalImpedances(){
706 | if(this.referenceSet && this.appliedVoltageSet){
707 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
708 | // voltage divider calculation
709 |
710 | this.impedances[i] = (this.referenceImpedance.times(this.voltages[i])).over(this.appliedVoltage.minus(this.voltages[i]));
711 |
712 | this.realZ[i] = this.impedances[i].getReal();
713 | this.imagZ[i] = this.impedances[i].getImag();
714 |
715 | this.impedanceMagnitudes[i] = this.impedances[i].abs();
716 | this.impedancePhasesRad[i] = this.impedances[i].arg();
717 | this.impedancePhasesDeg[i] = Math.toDegrees(this.impedancePhasesRad[i]);
718 |
719 | if(this.weightsSet && this.voltageErrorSet){
720 | ComplexErrorProp appliedV = new ComplexErrorProp(this.appliedVoltage.getReal(), this.appliedVoltageError.getReal(), this.appliedVoltage.getImag(), this.appliedVoltageError.getImag());
721 | ComplexErrorProp expertlV = new ComplexErrorProp(this.realV[i], this.realVweights[i], this.imagV[i], this.imagVweights[i]);
722 | ComplexErrorProp refImped = new ComplexErrorProp(this.referenceImpedance.getReal(), 0.0D, this.referenceImpedance.getImag(), 0.0D);
723 | ComplexErrorProp eVoverAv = (expertlV.over(appliedV)).times(refImped);
724 | this.realZweights[i] = eVoverAv.getRealError();
725 | this.imagZweights[i] = eVoverAv.getImagError();
726 | }
727 | this.impedancesSet = true;
728 | }
729 | }
730 | }
731 |
732 |
734 |
735 | // Enter user supplied model, parameter symbols, initial estimates and initial steps
736 | public void setModel(ImpedSpecModel userModel, String[] symbols, double[] initialEstimates, double[] initialSteps){
737 |
738 | this.userModel = userModel;
739 | this.parameterSymbols = symbols;
740 | this.numberOfParameters = symbols.length;
741 | if(this.numberOfParameters!=initialEstimates.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of parameter symbols, " + this.numberOfParameters + ", does not equal the number of initial estimates, " + initialEstimates.length);
742 | if(this.numberOfParameters!=initialSteps.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of parameter symbols, " + this.numberOfParameters + ", does not equal the number of initial steps, " + initialSteps.length);
743 | this.initialEstimates = initialEstimates;
744 | this.initialSteps = initialSteps;
745 | this.setEstimateArrayDimensions();
746 | this.estimatesSet = true;
747 | this.userModelSet = true;
748 | }
749 |
750 | // Enter user supplied model, parameter symbols, initial estimates and initial steps calculated as 10% of initial estimates
751 | public void setModel(ImpedSpecModel userModel, String[] symbols, double[] initialEstimates){
752 |
753 | this.userModel = userModel;
754 | this.parameterSymbols = symbols;
755 | this.numberOfParameters = symbols.length;
756 | if(this.numberOfParameters!=initialEstimates.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of parameter symbols, " + this.numberOfParameters + ", does not equal the number of initial estimates, " + initialEstimates.length);
757 | this.initialEstimates = initialEstimates;
758 | this.initialSteps = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
759 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++)this.initialSteps[i] = Math.abs(this.initialEstimates[i])*0.1D;
760 | this.setEstimateArrayDimensions();
761 | this.estimatesSet = true;
762 | this.userModelSet = true;
763 | }
764 |
765 | // Enter the model number, initial estimates and initial steps
766 | public void setModel(int modelNumber, double[] initialEstimates, double[] initialSteps){
767 |
768 | this.numberOfParameters = initialEstimates.length;
769 | if(this.numberOfParameters!=Impedance.modelComponents(modelNumber).length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of parameter estimates, " + this.numberOfParameters + ", does not equal the number of parameters, " + Impedance.modelComponents(modelNumber).length + ", in model number " + modelNumber);
770 | if(this.numberOfParameters!=initialSteps.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of parameter estimates, " + this.numberOfParameters + ", does not equal the number of parameter steps, " + initialSteps.length);
771 |
772 | this.modelNumber = modelNumber;
773 | this.initialEstimates = initialEstimates;
774 | this.initialSteps = initialSteps;
775 | this.parameterSymbols = Impedance.modelComponents(modelNumber);
776 | this.setEstimateArrayDimensions();
777 | this.estimatesSet = true;
778 | this.modelSet = true;
779 | }
780 |
781 | // Enter the model number and initial estimates - parameter steps calculated as 10% of initial estimated
782 | public void setModel(int modelNumber, double[] initialEstimates){
783 |
784 | this.numberOfParameters = initialEstimates.length;
785 | if(this.numberOfParameters!=Impedance.modelComponents(modelNumber).length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of parameter estimates, " + this.numberOfParameters + ", does not equal the number of parameters, " + Impedance.modelComponents(modelNumber).length + ", in model number " + modelNumber);
786 |
787 | this.modelNumber = modelNumber;
788 | this.initialEstimates = initialEstimates;
789 | this.parameterSymbols = Impedance.modelComponents(modelNumber);
790 | this.initialSteps = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
791 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++)this.initialSteps[i] = Math.abs(this.initialEstimates[i])*0.1D;
792 | this.setEstimateArrayDimensions();
793 | this.estimatesSet = true;
794 | this.modelSet = true;
795 | }
796 |
797 | // Enter the model number - parameters estimated by the method
798 | public void setModel(int modelNumber){
799 |
800 | this.modelNumber = modelNumber;
801 | this.parameterSymbols = Impedance.modelComponents(modelNumber);
802 | this.numberOfParameters = this.parameterSymbols.length;
803 |
804 | this.setEstimateArrayDimensions();
805 |
806 | // initial estimates
807 | this.setInitialEstimates();
808 | this.estimatesSet = true;
809 |
810 | this.modelSet = true;
811 | }
812 |
813 | // Set dimensions of best estimates and associated arrays
814 | private void setEstimateArrayDimensions(){
815 |
816 | this.bestEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
817 | this.standardDeviations = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
818 | this.coefficientsOfVariation = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
819 | this.preMinimumGradients = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
820 | this.postMinimumGradients = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
821 |
822 | this.correlationCoefficients = new double[this.numberOfParameters][this.numberOfParameters];
823 | }
824 |
825 | // Provide initial estimates for a given model number
826 | private void setInitialEstimates(){
827 | if(this.impedancesSet && this.frequenciesSet){
828 |
829 | this.degreesOfFreedom = this.numberOfFrequencies - this.numberOfParameters;
830 | if(this.degreesOfFreedom<=0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom, " + this.degreesOfFreedom + ", are less than 1");
831 |
832 | double meanRealZ = Stat.mean(this.realZ);
833 | double minRealZ = Fmath.minimum(this.realZ);
834 | int indexMinRealZ = Fmath.indexOf(this.realZ, minRealZ);
835 | double maxRealZ = Fmath.maximum(this.realZ);
836 | int indexMaxRealZ = Fmath.indexOf(this.realZ, maxRealZ);
837 |
838 | double meanImagZ = Stat.mean(this.imagZ);
839 | double minImagZ = Fmath.minimum(this.imagZ);
840 | int indexMinImagZ = Fmath.indexOf(this.imagZ, minImagZ);
841 | double maxImagZ = Fmath.maximum(this.imagZ);
842 | int indexMaxImagZ = Fmath.indexOf(this.imagZ, maxImagZ);
843 |
844 | double imagBig = Math.max(Math.abs(minImagZ),Math.abs(maxImagZ));
845 | int bigIndex = Fmath.indexOf(this.imagZ, imagBig);
846 | if(bigIndex==-1)bigIndex = Fmath.indexOf(this.imagZ, -imagBig);
847 | if(bigIndex==-1)bigIndex = this.numberOfFrequencies/2;
848 |
849 | double geometricFreqMean = Stat.geometricMean(this.log10frequencies);
850 |
851 | switch(this.modelNumber){
852 | case 1: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
853 | this.initialEstimates[0] = meanRealZ;
854 | break;
855 | case 2: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
856 | double sumC = 0.0;
857 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++)sumC += 1.0D/Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*this.omegas[i]);
858 | this.initialEstimates[0] = sumC/this.numberOfFrequencies;
859 | break;
860 | case 3: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
861 | double sumL = 0.0;
862 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++)sumL += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]/this.omegas[i]);
863 | this.initialEstimates[0] = sumL/this.numberOfFrequencies;
864 | break;
865 | case 4: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
866 | double sumW = 0.0;
867 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
868 | sumW += Math.abs(this.realZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
869 | sumW += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
870 | }
871 | this.initialEstimates[0] = sumW/(2.0D*this.numberOfFrequencies);
872 | break;
873 | case 5: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
874 | double sumF = 0.0;
875 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
876 | sumF += Math.abs(this.realZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
877 | sumF += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
878 | }
879 | this.initialEstimates[0] = sumF/(2.0D*this.numberOfFrequencies);
880 | this.initialEstimates[1] = Math.abs(meanRealZ/this.initialEstimates[0]);
881 | break;
882 | case 6: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
883 | double sumQ = 0.0;
884 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++)sumQ += this.imagZ[i]/this.realZ[i];
885 | sumQ /= this.numberOfFrequencies;
886 | double theta = Math.abs(Math.atan(sumQ));
887 | double cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);
888 | double sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);
889 | this.initialEstimates[1] = theta/(Math.PI/2.0);
890 | double sigmaQ = 0.0;
891 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
892 | sigmaQ += Math.abs(realZ[i]/(cosTheta*Math.pow(this.omegas[i], this.initialEstimates[1])));
893 | sigmaQ += Math.abs(imagZ[i]/(sinTheta*Math.pow(this.omegas[i], this.initialEstimates[1])));
894 | }
895 | this.initialEstimates[0] = sigmaQ/(2.0D*this.numberOfFrequencies);
896 | break;
897 | case 7: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
898 | this.initialEstimates[0] = meanRealZ;
899 | double sumC7 = 0.0;
900 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++)sumC7 += 1.0D/Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*this.omegas[i]);
901 | this.initialEstimates[1] = sumC7/this.numberOfFrequencies;
902 | break;
903 | case 8: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
904 | this.initialEstimates[0] = meanRealZ;
905 | double sumL8 = 0.0;
906 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++)sumL8 += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]/this.omegas[i]);
907 | this.initialEstimates[1] = sumL8/this.numberOfFrequencies;
908 | break;
909 | case 9: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
910 | double sumL9 = 0.0;
911 | double sumC9 = 0.0;
912 | for(int i=1; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
913 | double cC9 = ((this.frequencies[i] - this.frequencies[i-1])/this.frequencies[i])/(this.imagZ[i]*this.frequencies[i-1] - this.imagZ[i-1]*this.frequencies[i]);
914 | double lL9 = (this.imagZ[i] + 1.0D/(cC9*this.frequencies[i]))/this.frequencies[i];
915 | sumL9 += lL9;
916 | sumC9 += cC9;
917 | }
918 | this.initialEstimates[0] = sumL9/(this.numberOfFrequencies - 1);
919 | this.initialEstimates[1] = sumC9/(this.numberOfFrequencies - 1);
920 | break;
921 | case 10: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
922 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ;
923 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 1.0D/(maxRealZ*this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ]);
924 | break;
925 | case 11: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
926 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ;
927 | this.initialEstimates[1] = maxRealZ/this.frequencies[indexMaxImagZ];
928 | break;
929 | case 12: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
930 | double cL12 = 1/this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ];
931 | double sumL12 = 0.0;
932 | double sumC12 = 0.0;
933 | for(int i=1; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
934 | double c12 = this.imagZ[i]*(this.frequencies[i]*cL12 - 1.0/this.frequencies[i]);
935 | sumL12 += c12;
936 | sumC12 += cL12/c12;
937 | }
938 | this.initialEstimates[0] = sumL12/this.numberOfFrequencies;
939 | this.initialEstimates[1] = sumC12/this.numberOfFrequencies;
940 | break;
941 | case 13: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
942 | this.initialEstimates[2] = minRealZ;
943 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ - minRealZ;
944 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 1.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ]);
945 | break;
946 | case 14: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
947 | this.initialEstimates[2] = minRealZ;
948 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ - minRealZ;
949 | double sumL14 = 0.0;
950 | double sumC14 = 0.0;
951 | for(int i=1; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
952 | double cC14 = ((this.frequencies[i] - this.frequencies[i-1])/this.frequencies[i])/(this.imagZ[i]*this.frequencies[i-1] - this.imagZ[i-1]*this.frequencies[i]);
953 | double lL14 = (this.imagZ[i] + 1.0D/(cC14*this.frequencies[i]))/this.frequencies[i];
954 | sumL14 += lL14;
955 | sumC14 += cC14;
956 | }
957 | this.initialEstimates[3] = sumL14/(this.numberOfFrequencies - 1);
958 | this.initialEstimates[1] = sumC14/(this.numberOfFrequencies - 1);
959 | break;
960 | case 15: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
961 | this.initialEstimates[2] = minRealZ;
962 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ - minRealZ;
963 | double cL15 = 1/this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ];
964 | double sumL15 = 0.0;
965 | double sumC15 = 0.0;
966 | for(int i=1; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
967 | double c15 = this.imagZ[i]*(this.frequencies[i]*cL15 - 1.0/this.frequencies[i]);
968 | sumL15 += c15;
969 | sumC15 += cL15/c15;
970 | }
971 | this.initialEstimates[3] = sumL15/this.numberOfFrequencies;
972 | this.initialEstimates[1] = sumC15/this.numberOfFrequencies;
973 | break;
974 | case 16: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
975 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ;
976 | double sumC16 = 0.0;
977 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++)sumC16 += 1.0D/Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*this.omegas[i]);
978 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 2.0D*sumC16/this.numberOfFrequencies;
979 | this.initialEstimates[2] = this.initialEstimates[1];
980 | break;
981 | case 17: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
982 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ;
983 | double sumC17 = 0.0;
984 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++)sumC17 += 1.0D/Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*this.omegas[i]);
985 | this.initialEstimates[1] = sumC17/(2.0D*this.numberOfFrequencies);
986 | this.initialEstimates[2] = this.initialEstimates[1];
987 | case 18: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
988 | this.initialEstimates[0] = minRealZ;
989 | this.initialEstimates[2] = maxRealZ - minRealZ;
990 | double sumC18 = 0.0;
991 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++)sumC18 += 1.0D/Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*this.omegas[i]);
992 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 2.0D*sumC18/this.numberOfFrequencies;
993 | this.initialEstimates[3] = this.initialEstimates[1];
994 | break;
995 | case 19: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
996 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ/2.0D;
997 | this.initialEstimates[2] = this.initialEstimates[0];
998 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 2.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ]);
999 | this.initialEstimates[3] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1000 | break;
1001 | case 20: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
1002 | this.initialEstimates[4] = minRealZ;
1003 | this.initialEstimates[0] = (maxRealZ - minRealZ)/2.0D;
1004 | this.initialEstimates[2] = this.initialEstimates[0];
1005 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 2.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ]);
1006 | this.initialEstimates[3] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1007 | break;
1008 | case 21: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
1009 | this.initialEstimates[4] = minRealZ;
1010 | this.initialEstimates[0] = (maxRealZ - minRealZ)/2.0D;
1011 | this.initialEstimates[2] = this.initialEstimates[0];
1012 | double sumC21 = 0.0;
1013 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++)sumC21 += 1.0D/Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*this.omegas[i]);
1014 | this.initialEstimates[1] = sumC21/(2.0D*this.numberOfFrequencies);
1015 | this.initialEstimates[3] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1016 | break;
1017 | case 22: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
1018 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ/3.0D;
1019 | this.initialEstimates[2] = this.initialEstimates[0];
1020 | this.initialEstimates[4] = this.initialEstimates[0];
1021 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 3.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ]);
1022 | this.initialEstimates[3] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1023 | this.initialEstimates[5] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1024 | break;
1025 | case 23: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
1026 | this.initialEstimates[6] = minRealZ;
1027 | this.initialEstimates[0] = (maxRealZ - minRealZ)/3.0D;
1028 | this.initialEstimates[2] = this.initialEstimates[0];
1029 | this.initialEstimates[4] = this.initialEstimates[0];
1030 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 3.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ]);
1031 | this.initialEstimates[3] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1032 | this.initialEstimates[5] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1033 | break;
1034 | case 24: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
1035 | this.initialEstimates[3] = minRealZ;
1036 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ - minRealZ;
1037 | double sumW24 = 0.0;
1038 | if(indexMinImagZ<this.numberOfFrequencies-3){
1039 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 1.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ]);
1040 | for(int i=indexMinImagZ; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1041 | sumW24 += Math.abs(this.realZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1042 | sumW24 += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1043 | }
1044 | this.initialEstimates[2] = sumW24/(2.0D*(this.numberOfFrequencies - indexMinImagZ));
1045 | }
1046 | else{
1047 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 1.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*geometricFreqMean);
1048 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1049 | sumW24 += Math.abs(this.realZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1050 | sumW24 += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1051 | }
1052 | this.initialEstimates[2] = sumW24/(2.0D*this.numberOfFrequencies);
1053 | }
1054 | break;
1055 | case 25: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
1056 | this.initialEstimates[4] = minRealZ;
1057 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ - minRealZ;
1058 | double sumF25 = 0.0;
1059 | if(indexMinImagZ<this.numberOfFrequencies-3){
1060 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 1.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ]);
1061 | for(int i=indexMinImagZ; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1062 | sumF25 += Math.abs(this.realZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1063 | sumF25 += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1064 | }
1065 | this.initialEstimates[2] = sumF25/(2.0D*(this.numberOfFrequencies - indexMinImagZ));
1066 | this.initialEstimates[3] = Math.abs(meanRealZ/this.initialEstimates[2]);
1067 | }
1068 | else{
1069 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 1.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*geometricFreqMean);
1070 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1071 | sumF25 += Math.abs(this.realZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1072 | sumF25 += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1073 | }
1074 | this.initialEstimates[2] = sumF25/(2.0D*this.numberOfFrequencies);
1075 | this.initialEstimates[3] = Math.abs(meanRealZ/this.initialEstimates[2]);
1076 | }
1077 | break;
1078 | case 26: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
1079 | this.initialEstimates[4] = minRealZ;
1080 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ - minRealZ;
1081 | double sumQ26 = 0.0;
1082 | if(indexMinImagZ<this.numberOfFrequencies-3){
1083 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 1.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ]);
1084 | for(int i=indexMinImagZ; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++)sumQ26 += this.imagZ[i]/this.realZ[i];
1085 | sumQ26 /= (this.numberOfFrequencies - indexMinImagZ);
1086 | double theta26 = Math.abs(Math.atan(sumQ26));
1087 | double cosTheta26 = Math.cos(theta26);
1088 | double sinTheta26 = Math.sin(theta26);
1089 | this.initialEstimates[3] = theta26/(Math.PI/2.0);
1090 | double sigmaQ26 = 0.0;
1091 | for(int i=indexMinImagZ; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1092 | sigmaQ26 += Math.abs(realZ[i]/(cosTheta26*Math.pow(this.omegas[i], this.initialEstimates[1])));
1093 | sigmaQ26 += Math.abs(imagZ[i]/(sinTheta26*Math.pow(this.omegas[i], this.initialEstimates[1])));
1094 | }
1095 | this.initialEstimates[2] = sigmaQ26/(2.0D*(this.numberOfFrequencies - indexMinImagZ));
1096 | }
1097 | else{
1098 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 1.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*geometricFreqMean);
1099 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++)sumQ26 += this.imagZ[i]/this.realZ[i];
1100 | sumQ26 /= this.numberOfFrequencies;
1101 | double theta26 = Math.abs(Math.atan(sumQ26));
1102 | double cosTheta26 = Math.cos(theta26);
1103 | double sinTheta26 = Math.sin(theta26);
1104 | this.initialEstimates[3] = theta26/(Math.PI/2.0);
1105 | double sigmaQ26 = 0.0;
1106 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1107 | sigmaQ26 += Math.abs(realZ[i]/(cosTheta26*Math.pow(this.omegas[i], this.initialEstimates[1])));
1108 | sigmaQ26 += Math.abs(imagZ[i]/(sinTheta26*Math.pow(this.omegas[i], this.initialEstimates[1])));
1109 | }
1110 | this.initialEstimates[2] = sigmaQ26/(2.0D*this.numberOfFrequencies);
1111 | }
1112 | break;
1113 | case 27: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
1114 | this.initialEstimates[0] = maxRealZ/2.0D;
1115 | this.initialEstimates[2] = this.initialEstimates[0];
1116 | double sumW27 = 0.0;
1117 | if(indexMinImagZ<this.numberOfFrequencies-3){
1118 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 2.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ]);
1119 | this.initialEstimates[3] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1120 | for(int i=indexMinImagZ; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1121 | sumW27 += Math.abs(this.realZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1122 | sumW27 += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1123 | }
1124 | this.initialEstimates[4] = sumW27/(2.0D*(this.numberOfFrequencies - indexMinImagZ));
1125 | }
1126 | else{
1127 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 2.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*geometricFreqMean);
1128 | this.initialEstimates[3] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1129 | for(int i=indexMinImagZ; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1130 | sumW27 += Math.abs(this.realZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1131 | sumW27 += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1132 | }
1133 | this.initialEstimates[4] = sumW27/(2.0D*this.numberOfFrequencies);
1134 | }
1135 | break;
1136 | case 28: this.initialEstimates = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
1137 | this.initialEstimates[6] = minRealZ;
1138 | this.initialEstimates[0] = (maxRealZ - minRealZ)/2.0D;
1139 | this.initialEstimates[2] = this.initialEstimates[0];
1140 | double sumW28 = 0.0;
1141 | if(indexMinImagZ<this.numberOfFrequencies-3){
1142 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 3.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*this.frequencies[indexMinImagZ]);
1143 | this.initialEstimates[3] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1144 | this.initialEstimates[5] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1145 | for(int i=indexMinImagZ; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1146 | sumW28 += Math.abs(this.realZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1147 | sumW28 += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1148 | }
1149 | this.initialEstimates[4] = sumW28/(2.0D*(this.numberOfFrequencies - indexMinImagZ));
1150 | }
1151 | else{
1152 | this.initialEstimates[1] = 3.0D/(this.initialEstimates[0]*geometricFreqMean);
1153 | this.initialEstimates[3] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1154 | this.initialEstimates[5] = this.initialEstimates[1];
1155 | for(int i=indexMinImagZ; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1156 | sumW28 += Math.abs(this.realZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1157 | sumW28 += Math.abs(this.imagZ[i]*Math.sqrt(this.omegas[i]));
1158 | }
1159 | this.initialEstimates[4] = sumW28/(2.0D*this.numberOfFrequencies);
1160 | }
1161 | break;
1162 | default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Automatically calculated initial estimates are only presntly available for models 1 to 28");
1163 | }
1164 |
1165 | // initial steps
1166 | this.initialSteps = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
1167 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++)this.initialSteps[i] = Math.abs(this.initialEstimates[i])*0.1D;
1168 |
1169 | // check for zero step
1170 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++){
1171 | if(this.initialSteps[i]==0.0D){
1172 | if(this.parameterSymbols[i].trim().substring(0,1).equals("R"))this.initialSteps[i] = maxRealZ*0.01D;
1173 | if(this.parameterSymbols[i].trim().substring(0,1).equals("C"))this.initialSteps[i] = 0.01D/(imagBig*this.frequencies[bigIndex]);
1174 | if(this.parameterSymbols[i].trim().substring(0,1).equals("L"))this.initialSteps[i] = imagBig*0.01D/this.frequencies[bigIndex];
1175 | if(this.parameterSymbols[i].trim().substring(0,1).equals("W"))this.initialSteps[i] = 0.01D/(imagBig*Math.sqrt(this.frequencies[bigIndex]));
1176 | if(this.parameterSymbols[i].trim().substring(0,2).equals("Fs"))this.initialSteps[i] = 0.01D/(imagBig*Math.sqrt(this.frequencies[bigIndex]));
1177 | if(this.parameterSymbols[i].trim().substring(0,2).equals("Fd"))this.initialSteps[i] = 0.05D;
1178 | if(this.parameterSymbols[i].trim().substring(0,2).equals("Qs"))this.initialSteps[i] = 0.01D/(imagBig*Math.sqrt(this.frequencies[bigIndex]));
1179 | if(this.parameterSymbols[i].trim().substring(0,2).equals("Qa"))this.initialSteps[i] = 0.005D;
1180 | }
1181 | }
1182 |
1183 | this.estimatesSet = true;
1184 | }
1185 | else{
1186 | this.estimatesNeeded = true;
1187 | }
1188 | }
1189 |
1190 | // get the initial estimates
1191 | public double[] getInitialEstimates(){
1192 | if(!this.estimatesSet)throw new IllegalArgumentException("No initial estimates have been entered or calculated");
1193 | return this.initialEstimates;
1194 | }
1195 |
1196 | // get the model parameter symbols
1197 | public String[] getCircuitComponents(){
1198 | return this.parameterSymbols;
1199 | }
1200 |
1201 | // REGRESSION
1202 |
1203 | // user addition of constraints
1204 | public void addNewConstraint(int parameter, int direction, double boundary){
1205 | this.constraints.add(new Integer(parameter));
1206 | this.constraints.add(new Integer(direction));
1207 | this.constraints.add(new Double(boundary));
1208 | this.numberOfAddedConstraints++;
1209 | this.constraintsAdded = true;
1210 | }
1211 |
1212 | public void addNewConstraint(String parameterSymbol, int direction, double boundary){
1213 | if(this.numberOfParameters==0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("No model number or model parameters entered");
1214 | int parameterNumber = -1;
1215 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++){
1216 | if( this.parameterSymbols[i].trim().equals( parameterSymbol.trim() ) )parameterNumber = i;
1217 | }
1218 | if(parameterNumber == -1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter symbol, " + parameterSymbol + ", not found");
1219 |
1220 | this.constraints.add(new Integer(parameterNumber));
1221 | this.constraints.add(new Integer(direction));
1222 | this.constraints.add(new Double(boundary));
1223 | this.numberOfAddedConstraints++;
1224 | this.constraintsAdded = true;
1225 | }
1226 |
1227 | // remove default constraints on parameters
1228 | public void removeDefaultConstraints(){
1229 | this.supressDefaultConstraints = true;
1230 | }
1231 |
1232 | // restore default constraints on parameters
1233 | public void restoreDefaultConstraints(){
1234 | this.supressDefaultConstraints = false;
1235 | }
1236 |
1237 | // remove added constraints on parameters
1238 | public void removeAddedConstraints(){
1239 | this.supressAddedConstraints = true;
1240 | this.constraintsAdded = false;
1241 | }
1242 |
1243 | // remove all constraints on parameters
1244 | public void removeAllConstraints(){
1245 | this.supressDefaultConstraints = true;
1246 | this.supressAddedConstraints = true;
1247 | this.constraintsAdded = false;
1248 | }
1249 |
1250 | // reset maximum number of iterations
1251 | public void resetMaximumNumberOfIterations(int max){
1252 | this.maximumIterations = max;
1253 | }
1254 |
1255 | // reset the regression tolerance
1256 | public void resetTolerance(double tol){
1257 | this.tolerance = tol;
1258 | }
1259 |
1260 | // get the regression results as ArrayList
1261 | public ArrayList<Object> getRegressionResultsAsArrayList(){
1262 | if(!this.regressionDone)this.regression();
1263 | return this.results;
1264 | }
1265 |
1266 | // get the regression results as Vector
1267 | public Vector<Object> getRegressionResultsAsVector(){
1268 | if(!this.regressionDone)this.regression();
1269 | int n = this.results.size();
1270 | Vector<Object> res = new Vector<Object>(n);
1271 | for(int i=0; i<n; i++)res.add(this.results.get(i));
1272 | return res;
1273 | }
1274 |
1275 | // get the regression results as Vector
1276 | public Vector<Object> getRegressionResults(){
1277 | return this.getRegressionResults();
1278 | }
1279 |
1280 | // Set Regression data arrays
1281 | private void setRegressionArrays(){
1282 |
1283 | this.xRegression = new double[this.numberOfFrequencies];
1284 | this.yRegression = new double[2][this.numberOfFrequencies];
1285 | if(this.weightsSet)this.wRegression = new double[2][this.numberOfFrequencies];
1286 |
1287 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1288 | xRegression[i] = this.omegas[i];
1289 | yRegression[0][i] = this.realZ[i];
1290 | yRegression[1][i] = this.imagZ[i];
1291 | }
1292 |
1293 | if(this.weightsSet){
1294 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1295 | wRegression[0][i] = this.realZweights[i];
1296 | wRegression[1][i] = this.imagZweights[i];
1297 | }
1298 | }
1299 | }
1300 |
1301 | // fit the data to the chosen model
1302 | public ArrayList<Object> regression(){
1303 |
1304 | // check data
1305 | this.degreesOfFreedom = this.numberOfFrequencies - this.numberOfParameters;
1306 | if(this.degreesOfFreedom<=0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom, " + this.degreesOfFreedom + ", are less than 1");
1307 | if(!this.impedancesSet)throw new IllegalArgumentException("No impedances or voltages have been entered");
1308 |
1309 | // check initial estimates have been provided
1310 | if(!this.estimatesSet && !this.userModelSet)this.setInitialEstimates();
1311 |
1312 | // Set regression arrays
1313 | this.setRegressionArrays();
1314 |
1315 | // store initial estimates and associated data
1316 | this.results = new ArrayList<Object>();
1317 | this.results.add(new Integer(this.numberOfFrequencies));
1318 | this.results.add(new Integer(this.numberOfParameters));
1319 | this.results.add(new Integer(this.degreesOfFreedom));
1320 | this.results.add(this.parameterSymbols);
1321 | this.results.add(Conv.copy(this.initialEstimates));
1322 | this.results.add(Conv.copy(this.initialSteps));
1323 |
1324 | // Enter regression data
1325 | if(this.weightsSet){
1326 | this.enterData(xRegression, yRegression, wRegression);
1327 | }
1328 | else{
1329 | this.enterData(xRegression, yRegression);
1330 | }
1331 |
1332 | // Create instance of regression function
1333 | if(this.userModelSet){
1334 | ImpedSpecRegressionFunction2 function = new ImpedSpecRegressionFunction2();
1335 | function.numberOfFrequencies = this.numberOfFrequencies;
1336 | function.isModel = this.userModel;
1337 | this.regressionFunction = function;
1338 | }else{
1339 | ImpedSpecRegressionFunction1 function = new ImpedSpecRegressionFunction1();
1340 | function.numberOfFrequencies = this.numberOfFrequencies;
1341 | function.modelNumber = this.modelNumber;
1342 | this.regressionFunction = function;
1343 | }
1344 |
1345 | // Enter user added constraints
1346 | int[] param = null;
1347 | int[] direct = null;
1348 | double[] bound = null;
1349 | if(this.constraintsAdded){
1350 | param = new int[this.numberOfAddedConstraints];
1351 | direct = new int[this.numberOfAddedConstraints];
1352 | bound = new double[this.numberOfAddedConstraints];
1353 | int index = 0;
1354 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfAddedConstraints; i++){
1355 | int parameter = ((Integer)constraints.get(index)).intValue();
1356 | param[i] = parameter;
1357 | index++;
1358 | int direction = ((Integer)constraints.get(index)).intValue();
1359 | direct[i] = direction;
1360 | index++;
1361 | double boundary = ((Double)constraints.get(index)).doubleValue();
1362 | bound[i] = boundary;
1363 | index++;
1364 | this.addConstraint(parameter, direction, boundary);
1365 | }
1366 | }
1367 |
1368 | // enter in-built constraints (if not set to be supressed)
1369 | if(!this.supressDefaultConstraints){
1370 |
1371 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++){
1372 | double lower = 0.0;
1373 | double upper = 1.0;
1374 | if(this.constraintsAdded){
1375 | for(int j=0; j<this.numberOfAddedConstraints; j++){
1376 | if(param[j]==i){
1377 | if(direct[j]==1){
1378 | upper = bound[j];
1379 | }
1380 | else{
1381 | lower = bound[j];
1382 | }
1383 | }
1384 | }
1385 | }
1386 | this.addConstraint(i, -1, lower);
1387 | if(this.parameterSymbols[i].trim().substring(0,1).equals("Qa"))this.addConstraint(i, 1, upper);
1388 | }
1389 | }
1390 |
1391 | // perform regression
1392 | this.simplex2(this.regressionFunction, Conv.copy(this.initialEstimates), Conv.copy(this.initialSteps), this.tolerance, this.maximumIterations);
1393 |
1394 | // repeat regression with best estimates as new initial estimates
1395 | this.numberOfIterations1 = this.getNiter();
1396 | double[] estimates = this.getCoeff();
1397 | double[] steps = new double[this.numberOfParameters];
1398 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++)steps[i] = Math.abs(estimates[i])*0.1D;
1399 |
1400 | this.simplex2(this.regressionFunction, estimates, steps, this.tolerance, this.maximumIterations);
1401 |
1402 | // store the regression results
1403 | this.bestEstimates = this.getCoeff();
1404 | this.results.add(this.bestEstimates);
1405 | this.standardDeviations = this.getCoeffSd();
1406 | this.results.add(this.standardDeviations);
1407 | this.coefficientsOfVariation = this.getCoeffVar();
1408 | this.results.add(this.coefficientsOfVariation);
1409 | this.correlationCoefficients = this.getCorrCoeffMatrix();
1410 | this.results.add(this.correlationCoefficients);
1411 | double[][] gradients = new double[this.numberOfParameters][2];
1412 | if(this.getGrad()==null){
1413 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++){
1414 | this.preMinimumGradients[i] = Double.NaN;
1415 | this.postMinimumGradients[i] = Double.NaN;
1416 | }
1417 | }
1418 | else{
1419 | gradients = this.getGrad();
1420 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++){
1421 | this.preMinimumGradients[i] = gradients[i][0];
1422 | this.postMinimumGradients[i] = gradients[i][1];
1423 | }
1424 | }
1425 |
1426 | this.results.add(this.preMinimumGradients);
1427 | this.results.add(this.postMinimumGradients);
1428 | this.sumOfSquares = this.getSumOfSquares();
1429 | this.results.add(new Double(this.sumOfSquares));
1430 | this.reducedSumOfSquares = this.sumOfSquares/this.degreesOfFreedom;
1431 | this.results.add(new Double(this.reducedSumOfSquares));
1432 | if(this.weightsSet){
1433 | this.chiSquare = this.getChiSquare();
1434 | this.results.add(new Double(this.chiSquare));
1435 | this.reducedChiSquare = this.getReducedChiSquare();
1436 | this.results.add(new Double(this.reducedChiSquare));
1437 | }
1438 | else{
1439 | this.results.add(null);
1440 | this.results.add(null);
1441 | }
1442 | this.numberOfIterations2 = this.getNiter();
1443 | this.results.add(new Integer(this.numberOfIterations1));
1444 | this.results.add(new Integer(this.numberOfIterations2));
1445 | this.results.add(new Integer(this.maximumIterations));
1446 | this.results.add(this.dataEnteredType[this.dataEnteredTypePointer]);
1447 |
1448 | this.results.add(this.frequencies);
1449 | this.results.add(this.log10frequencies);
1450 | this.results.add(this.omegas);
1451 | this.results.add(this.log10omegas);
1452 | this.results.add(this.impedanceMagnitudes);
1453 | this.results.add(this.impedancePhasesRad);
1454 | this.results.add(this.impedancePhasesDeg);
1455 | this.results.add(this.impedances);
1456 | this.results.add(this.realZ);
1457 | this.results.add(this.imagZ);
1458 |
1459 | double[] calculatedY = this.getYcalc();
1460 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1461 | this.calculatedRealZ[i] = calculatedY[i];
1462 | this.calculatedImagZ[i] = calculatedY[i + this.numberOfFrequencies];
1463 | }
1464 | this.results.add(this.calculatedRealZ);
1465 | this.results.add(this.calculatedImagZ);
1466 |
1467 |
1468 | double[] residuals = this.getResiduals();
1469 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1470 | this.realZresiduals[i] = residuals[i];
1471 | this.imagZresiduals[i] = residuals[i + this.numberOfFrequencies];
1472 | }
1473 | this.results.add(this.realZresiduals);
1474 | this.results.add(this.imagZresiduals);
1475 |
1476 | if(this.weightsSet){
1477 | switch(this.dataEnteredTypePointer){
1478 | case 0: this.results.add(this.realVweights);
1479 | this.results.add(this.imagVweights);
1480 | break;
1481 | case 1: this.results.add(this.voltageWeights);
1482 | this.results.add(null);
1483 | break;
1484 | case 2: this.results.add(this.voltageMagnitudeWeights);
1485 | this.results.add(this.voltagePhaseWeightsRad);
1486 | break;
1487 | case 3: this.results.add(this.voltageMagnitudeWeights);
1488 | this.results.add(this.voltagePhaseWeightsDeg);
1489 | break;
1490 | case 4: this.results.add(this.realZweights);
1491 | this.results.add(this.imagZweights);
1492 | break;
1493 | case 5: this.results.add(this.impedanceWeights);
1494 | this.results.add(null);
1495 | break;
1496 | case 6: this.results.add(this.impedanceMagnitudeWeights);
1497 | this.results.add(this.impedancePhaseWeightsRad);
1498 | break;
1499 | case 7: this.results.add(this.impedanceMagnitudeWeights);
1500 | this.results.add(this.impedancePhaseWeightsDeg);
1501 | break;
1502 | default: this.results.add(null);
1503 | this.results.add(null);
1504 | }
1505 | this.results.add(this.realZweights);
1506 | this.results.add(this.imagZweights);
1507 | }
1508 | else{
1509 | for(int i=0; i<4; i++)this.results.add(null);
1510 | }
1511 |
1512 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1513 | this.calculatedImpedances[i] = new Complex(this.calculatedRealZ[i], this.calculatedImagZ[i]);
1514 | this.calculatedImpedanceMagnitudes[i] = this.calculatedImpedances[i].abs();
1515 | this.calculatedImpedancePhasesRad[i] = this.calculatedImpedances[i].arg();
1516 | this.calculatedImpedancePhasesDeg[i] = Math.toDegrees(this.calculatedImpedancePhasesRad[i]);
1517 | }
1518 | this.results.add(this.calculatedImpedances);
1519 | this.results.add(this.calculatedImpedanceMagnitudes);
1520 | this.results.add(this.calculatedImpedancePhasesRad);
1521 | this.results.add(this.calculatedImpedancePhasesDeg);
1522 |
1523 | if(this.appliedVoltageSet && this.referenceSet){
1524 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1525 | this.calculatedVoltages[i] = this.appliedVoltage.times(this.calculatedImpedances[i]).over(this.calculatedImpedances[i].plus(this.referenceImpedance));
1526 | this.calculatedRealV[i] = this.calculatedVoltages[i].getReal();
1527 | this.calculatedImagV[i] = this.calculatedVoltages[i].getImag();
1528 | this.calculatedVoltageMagnitudes[i] = this.calculatedVoltages[i].abs();
1529 | this.calculatedVoltagePhasesRad[i] = this.calculatedVoltages[i].arg();
1530 | this.calculatedVoltagePhasesDeg[i] = Math.toDegrees(this.calculatedVoltagePhasesRad[i]);
1531 | }
1532 | this.results.add(this.calculatedVoltages);
1533 | this.results.add(this.calculatedRealV);
1534 | this.results.add(this.calculatedImagV);
1535 | this.results.add(this.calculatedVoltageMagnitudes);
1536 | this.results.add(this.calculatedVoltagePhasesRad);
1537 | this.results.add(this.calculatedVoltagePhasesDeg);
1538 | }
1539 | else{
1540 | for(int i=0; i<6; i++)this.results.add(null);
1541 | }
1542 |
1543 | this.regressionDone = true;
1544 |
1545 | return this.results;
1546 | }
1547 |
1548 | // get the best estimates
1549 | public double[] getBestEstimates(){
1550 | if(!this.regressionDone)this.regression();
1551 | return this.bestEstimates;
1552 | }
1553 |
1554 | // get the best estimates standard deviations
1555 | public double[] getStandardDeviations(){
1556 | if(!this.regressionDone)this.regression();
1557 | return this.standardDeviations;
1558 | }
1559 |
1560 | // get the number of iterations taken in the first regression
1561 | public int getFirstNumberOfIterations(){
1562 | return this.numberOfIterations1;
1563 | }
1564 |
1565 | // get the number of iterations taken in the second regression
1566 | public int getSecondNumberOfIterations(){
1567 | return this.numberOfIterations2;
1568 | }
1569 |
1570 | // get the number of iterations taken
1571 | public double getTolerance(){
1572 | return this.tolerance;
1573 | }
1574 |
1575 | // PLOT
1576 |
1577 | // Set linear option
1578 | public void setLinearPlot(){
1579 | this.logOrLinear = false;
1580 |
1581 | }
1582 |
1583 | // Set log10 option
1584 | public void setLog10Plot(){
1585 | this.logOrLinear = true;
1586 | }
1587 |
1588 | // Calculate line frequencies
1589 | private void calculateLineFrequencies(){
1590 | double lowestFrequency = Fmath.minimum(this.frequencies);
1591 | double highestFrequency = Fmath.maximum(this.frequencies);
1592 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1593 | double logLow = Fmath.log10(lowestFrequency);
1594 | double logHigh = Fmath.log10(highestFrequency);
1595 | double increment = (logHigh - logLow)/(this.numberOfLineFrequencies - 1);
1596 | this.lineFrequencies = new double[this.numberOfLineFrequencies];
1597 | this.log10lineFrequencies = new double[this.numberOfLineFrequencies];
1598 | this.log10lineFrequencies[0] = logLow;
1599 | this.log10lineFrequencies[this.numberOfLineFrequencies-1] = logHigh;
1600 | for(int i=1; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies-1; i++)this.log10lineFrequencies[i] = this.log10lineFrequencies[i-1] + increment;
1601 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++)this.lineFrequencies[i] = Math.pow(10.0D, this.log10lineFrequencies[i]);
1602 |
1603 | }
1604 | else{
1605 | double increment = (highestFrequency - lowestFrequency)/(this.numberOfLineFrequencies - 1);
1606 | this.lineFrequencies = new double[this.numberOfLineFrequencies];
1607 | this.lineFrequencies[0] = lowestFrequency;
1608 | this.log10lineFrequencies = new double[this.numberOfLineFrequencies];
1609 | this.lineFrequencies[this.numberOfLineFrequencies-1] = highestFrequency;
1610 | for(int i=1; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies-1; i++)this.lineFrequencies[i] = this.lineFrequencies[i-1] + increment;
1611 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++)this.log10lineFrequencies[i] = Fmath.log10(this.lineFrequencies[i]);
1612 | }
1613 | }
1614 |
1615 | // Returns date and time
1616 | private String[] dateAndTime(){
1617 | Date d = new Date();
1618 | String[] ret = new String[2];
1619 | ret[0] = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(d);
1620 | ret[1] = DateFormat.getTimeInstance().format(d);
1621 | return ret;
1622 | }
1623 |
1624 |
1625 | // Display Cole-Cole Plot
1626 | public ArrayList<Object> plotColeCole(){
1627 | String[] dAndT= this.dateAndTime();
1628 | String graphTitle1 = "ImpedSpecRegression program: Cole - Cole plot [" + dAndT[0] + " " + dAndT[1] + "]";
1629 | String graphTitle2 = this.regressionTitle;
1630 |
1631 | if(!this.regressionDone)this.regression();
1632 |
1633 | this.calculateLineFrequencies();
1634 |
1635 | double[][] data = PlotGraph.data(2, this.numberOfLineFrequencies);
1636 |
1637 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1638 | data[0][i] = this.realZ[this.numberOfFrequencies - i - 1];
1639 | data[1][i] = -this.imagZ[this.numberOfFrequencies - i - 1];
1640 | }
1641 |
1642 | if(this.userModelSet){
1643 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1644 | data[2][i] = userModel.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[this.numberOfLineFrequencies - i - 1]*2.0D*Math.PI).getReal();
1645 | data[3][i] = -userModel.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[this.numberOfLineFrequencies - i - 1]*2.0D*Math.PI).getImag();
1646 | }
1647 | }
1648 | else{
1649 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1650 | data[2][i] = Impedance.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[this.numberOfLineFrequencies - i - 1]*2.0D*Math.PI, this.modelNumber).getReal();
1651 | data[3][i] = -Impedance.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[this.numberOfLineFrequencies - i - 1]*2.0D*Math.PI, this.modelNumber).getImag();
1652 | }
1653 | }
1654 |
1655 | PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
1656 | int[] lineOpt = {0, 3};
1657 | pg.setLine(lineOpt);
1658 | int[] pointOpt = {1, 0};
1659 | pg.setPoint(pointOpt);
1660 | pg.setGraphTitle(graphTitle1);
1661 | pg.setGraphTitle2(graphTitle2);
1662 | pg.setXaxisLegend("Real[Impedance / ohms]");
1663 | pg.setYaxisLegend("-Imag[Impedance / ohms]");
1664 | pg.plot();
1665 |
1666 | return this.results;
1667 | }
1668 |
1669 | // Plot impedance magnitude versus frequency
1670 | public ArrayList<Object> plotImpedanceMagnitudes(){
1671 |
1672 | String[] dAndT= this.dateAndTime();
1673 | String graphTitle1 = "ImpedSpecRegression program: Impedance magnitude versus frequency plot [" + dAndT[0] + " " + dAndT[1] + "]";
1674 | String graphTitle2 = this.regressionTitle;
1675 |
1676 | if(!this.regressionDone)this.regression();
1677 |
1678 | this.calculateLineFrequencies();
1679 |
1680 | // Magnitude versus frequency
1681 | double[][] data = PlotGraph.data(2, this.numberOfLineFrequencies);
1682 |
1683 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1684 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1685 | data[0][i] = this.log10frequencies[i];
1686 | data[1][i] = this.impedanceMagnitudes[i];
1687 | }
1688 | }
1689 | else{
1690 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1691 | data[0][i] = this.frequencies[i];
1692 | data[1][i] = this.impedanceMagnitudes[i];
1693 | }
1694 | }
1695 |
1696 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1697 | if(this.userModelSet){
1698 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1699 | data[2][i] = this.log10lineFrequencies[i];
1700 | Complex imped = userModel.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI);
1701 | data[3][i] = imped.abs();
1702 | }
1703 | }
1704 | else{
1705 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1706 | data[2][i] = this.log10lineFrequencies[i];
1707 | Complex imped = Impedance.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI, this.modelNumber);
1708 | data[3][i] = imped.abs();
1709 | }
1710 | }
1711 | }
1712 | else{
1713 | if(this.userModelSet){
1714 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1715 | data[2][i] = this.lineFrequencies[i];
1716 | Complex imped = userModel.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI);
1717 | data[3][i] = imped.abs();
1718 | }
1719 | }
1720 | else{
1721 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1722 | data[2][i] = this.lineFrequencies[i];
1723 | Complex imped = Impedance.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI, this.modelNumber);
1724 | data[3][i] = imped.abs();
1725 | }
1726 | }
1727 | }
1728 |
1729 | PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
1730 | int[] lineOpt = {0, 3};
1731 | pg.setLine(lineOpt);
1732 | int[] pointOpt = {1, 0};
1733 | pg.setPoint(pointOpt);
1734 | pg.setGraphTitle(graphTitle1);
1735 | pg.setGraphTitle2(graphTitle2);
1736 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1737 | pg.setXaxisLegend("Log10[Frequency / Hz]");
1738 | }
1739 | else{
1740 | pg.setXaxisLegend("Frequency / Hz");
1741 | }
1742 | pg.setYaxisLegend("Impedance Magnitude");
1743 | pg.plot();
1744 |
1745 | return this.results;
1746 | }
1747 |
1748 | // Plot impedance phase versus frequency
1749 | public ArrayList<Object> plotImpedancePhases(){
1750 |
1751 | String[] dAndT= this.dateAndTime();
1752 | String graphTitle1 = "ImpedSpecRegression program: Impedance phase versus frequency plot [" + dAndT[0] + " " + dAndT[1] + "]";
1753 | String graphTitle2 = this.regressionTitle;
1754 |
1755 | if(!this.regressionDone)this.regression();
1756 |
1757 | this.calculateLineFrequencies();
1758 |
1759 | // Magnitude versus frequency
1760 | double[][] data = PlotGraph.data(2, this.numberOfLineFrequencies);
1761 |
1762 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1763 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1764 | data[0][i] = this.log10frequencies[i];
1765 | data[1][i] = this.impedancePhasesDeg[i];
1766 | }
1767 | }
1768 | else{
1769 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1770 | data[0][i] = this.frequencies[i];
1771 | data[1][i] = this.impedancePhasesDeg[i];
1772 | }
1773 | }
1774 |
1775 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1776 | if(this.userModelSet){
1777 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1778 | data[2][i] = this.log10lineFrequencies[i];
1779 | Complex imped = userModel.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI);
1780 | data[3][i] = Math.toDegrees(imped.arg());
1781 | }
1782 | }
1783 | else{
1784 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1785 | data[2][i] = this.log10lineFrequencies[i];
1786 | Complex imped = Impedance.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI, this.modelNumber);
1787 | data[3][i] = Math.toDegrees(imped.arg());
1788 | }
1789 | }
1790 | }
1791 | else{
1792 | if(this.userModelSet){
1793 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1794 | data[2][i] = this.lineFrequencies[i];
1795 | Complex imped = userModel.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI);
1796 | data[3][i] = Math.toDegrees(imped.arg());
1797 | }
1798 | }
1799 | else{
1800 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1801 | data[2][i] = this.lineFrequencies[i];
1802 | Complex imped = Impedance.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI, this.modelNumber);
1803 | data[3][i] = Math.toDegrees(imped.arg());
1804 | }
1805 | }
1806 | }
1807 |
1808 | PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
1809 | int[] lineOpt = {0, 3};
1810 | pg.setLine(lineOpt);
1811 | int[] pointOpt = {1, 0};
1812 | pg.setPoint(pointOpt);
1813 | pg.setGraphTitle(graphTitle1);
1814 | pg.setGraphTitle2(graphTitle2);
1815 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1816 | pg.setXaxisLegend("Log10[Frequency / Hz]");
1817 | }
1818 | else{
1819 | pg.setXaxisLegend("Frequency / Hz");
1820 | }
1821 | pg.setYaxisLegend("Impedance Phase / degrees");
1822 | pg.plot();
1823 |
1824 | return this.results;
1825 | }
1826 |
1827 |
1828 | // Plot voltage magnitude versus frequency
1829 | public ArrayList<Object> plotVoltageMagnitudes(){
1830 |
1831 | if(!this.regressionDone)this.regression();
1832 |
1833 | if(this.referenceSet && this.appliedVoltageSet){
1834 | String[] dAndT= this.dateAndTime();
1835 | String graphTitle1 = "ImpedSpecRegression program: Voltage magnitude versus frequency plot [" + dAndT[0] + " " + dAndT[1] + "]";
1836 | String graphTitle2 = this.regressionTitle;
1837 |
1838 | this.calculateLineFrequencies();
1839 |
1840 | double[][] data = PlotGraph.data(2, this.numberOfLineFrequencies);
1841 |
1842 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1843 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1844 | data[0][i] = this.log10frequencies[i];
1845 | data[1][i] = this.voltageMagnitudes[i];
1846 | }
1847 | }
1848 | else{
1849 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1850 | data[0][i] = this.frequencies[i];
1851 | data[1][i] = this.voltageMagnitudes[i];
1852 | }
1853 | }
1854 |
1855 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1856 | if(this.userModelSet){
1857 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1858 | data[2][i] = this.log10lineFrequencies[i];
1859 | Complex imped = userModel.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI);
1860 | Complex volt = imped.times(this.appliedVoltage).over(this.referenceImpedance.plus(imped));
1861 | data[3][i] = volt.abs();
1862 | }
1863 | }
1864 | else{
1865 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1866 | data[2][i] = this.log10lineFrequencies[i];
1867 | Complex imped = Impedance.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI, this.modelNumber);
1868 | Complex volt = imped.times(this.appliedVoltage).over(this.referenceImpedance.plus(imped));
1869 | data[3][i] = volt.abs();
1870 | }
1871 | }
1872 | }
1873 | else{
1874 | if(this.userModelSet){
1875 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1876 | data[2][i] = this.lineFrequencies[i];
1877 | Complex imped = userModel.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI);
1878 | Complex volt = imped.times(this.appliedVoltage).over(this.referenceImpedance.plus(imped));
1879 | data[3][i] = volt.abs();
1880 | }
1881 | }
1882 | else{
1883 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1884 | data[2][i] = this.lineFrequencies[i];
1885 | Complex imped = Impedance.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI, this.modelNumber);
1886 | Complex volt = imped.times(this.appliedVoltage).over(this.referenceImpedance.plus(imped));
1887 | data[3][i] = volt.abs();
1888 | }
1889 | }
1890 | }
1891 |
1892 | PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
1893 | int[] lineOpt = {0, 3};
1894 | pg.setLine(lineOpt);
1895 | int[] pointOpt = {1, 0};
1896 | pg.setPoint(pointOpt);
1897 | pg.setGraphTitle(graphTitle1);
1898 | pg.setGraphTitle2(graphTitle2);
1899 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1900 | pg.setXaxisLegend("Log10[Frequency / Hz]");
1901 | }
1902 | else{
1903 | pg.setXaxisLegend("Frequency / Hz");
1904 | }
1905 | pg.setYaxisLegend("Voltage Magnitude");
1906 | pg.plot();
1907 | }
1908 | else{
1909 | System.out.println("The voltage magnitudes cannot be plotted as no reference impedance or applied voltage has been entered");
1910 | }
1911 |
1912 | return this.results;
1913 | }
1914 |
1915 | // Plot voltage phase versus frequency
1916 | public ArrayList<Object> plotVoltagePhases(){
1917 |
1918 | if(!this.regressionDone)this.regression();
1919 |
1920 | if(this.referenceSet && this.appliedVoltageSet){
1921 | String[] dAndT= this.dateAndTime();
1922 | String graphTitle1 = "ImpedSpecRegression program: Voltage phase versus frequency plot [" + dAndT[0] + " " + dAndT[1] + "]";
1923 | String graphTitle2 = this.regressionTitle;
1924 |
1925 | this.calculateLineFrequencies();
1926 |
1927 | double[][] data = PlotGraph.data(2, this.numberOfLineFrequencies);
1928 |
1929 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1930 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1931 | data[0][i] = this.log10frequencies[i];
1932 | data[1][i] = this.voltagePhasesDeg[i];
1933 | }
1934 | }
1935 | else{
1936 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
1937 | data[0][i] = this.frequencies[i];
1938 | data[1][i] = this.voltagePhasesDeg[i];
1939 | }
1940 | }
1941 |
1942 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1943 | if(this.userModelSet){
1944 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1945 | data[2][i] = this.log10lineFrequencies[i];
1946 | Complex imped = userModel.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI);
1947 | Complex volt = imped.times(this.appliedVoltage).over(this.referenceImpedance.plus(imped));
1948 | data[3][i] = Math.toDegrees(volt.arg());
1949 | }
1950 | }
1951 | else{
1952 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1953 | data[2][i] = this.log10lineFrequencies[i];
1954 | Complex imped = Impedance.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI, this.modelNumber);
1955 | Complex volt = imped.times(this.appliedVoltage).over(this.referenceImpedance.plus(imped));
1956 | data[3][i] = Math.toDegrees(volt.arg());
1957 | }
1958 | }
1959 | }
1960 | else{
1961 | if(this.userModelSet){
1962 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1963 | data[2][i] = this.lineFrequencies[i];
1964 | Complex imped = userModel.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI);
1965 | Complex volt = imped.times(this.appliedVoltage).over(this.referenceImpedance.plus(imped));
1966 | data[3][i] = Math.toDegrees(volt.arg());
1967 | }
1968 | }
1969 | else{
1970 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfLineFrequencies; i++){
1971 | data[2][i] = this.lineFrequencies[i];
1972 | Complex imped = Impedance.modelImpedance(this.bestEstimates, this.lineFrequencies[i]*2.0D*Math.PI, this.modelNumber);
1973 | Complex volt = imped.times(this.appliedVoltage).over(this.referenceImpedance.plus(imped));
1974 | data[3][i] = Math.toDegrees(volt.arg());
1975 | }
1976 | }
1977 | }
1978 |
1979 | PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
1980 | int[] lineOpt = {0, 3};
1981 | pg.setLine(lineOpt);
1982 | int[] pointOpt = {1, 0};
1983 | pg.setPoint(pointOpt);
1984 | pg.setGraphTitle(graphTitle1);
1985 | pg.setGraphTitle2(graphTitle2);
1986 | if(this.logOrLinear){
1987 | pg.setXaxisLegend("Log10[Frequency / Hz]");
1988 | }
1989 | else{
1990 | pg.setXaxisLegend("Frequency / Hz");
1991 | }
1992 | pg.setYaxisLegend("Voltage Phases / degrees");
1993 | pg.plot();
1994 | }
1995 | else{
1996 | System.out.println("The voltage magnitudes cannot be plotted as no reference impedance or applied voltage has been entered");
1997 | }
1998 |
1999 | return this.results;
2000 | }
2001 |
2002 | // PRINT
2003 |
2004 | // Print regression results to text file
2005 | public ArrayList<Object> printToTextFile(){
2006 | String fileName = "ImpedSpecRegressionOutput.txt";
2007 | this.fileType = true;
2008 | return this.printToTextFile(fileName);
2009 | }
2010 |
2011 | // Print regression results to text file
2012 | public ArrayList<Object> printToTextFile(String fileName){
2013 |
2014 | if(!this.regressionDone)regression();
2015 |
2016 | int field = 11; // output field length
2017 | int trunc = 4; // truncation length
2018 |
2019 | // Check extension
2020 | fileName = fileName.trim();
2021 | int dotPosition = fileName.indexOf('.');
2022 | if(dotPosition==-1)fileName += ".txt";
2023 |
2024 | // instantiate a FileOutput
2025 | FileOutput fout = null;
2026 | if(this.fileType){
2027 | fout = new FileOutput(fileName, 'n');
2028 | }
2029 | else{
2030 | fout = new FileOutput(fileName);
2031 | }
2032 |
2033 | // print header
2034 | fout.println("ImpedSpecRegression Program Output File: " + this.regressionTitle);
2035 | fout.dateAndTimeln(fileName);
2036 | fout.println();
2037 | if(this.modelSet){
2038 | fout.println("Circuit - model number " + this.modelNumber);
2039 | }
2040 | else{
2041 | fout.println("Circuit supplied by the user");
2042 | }
2043 | fout.println();
2044 |
2045 |
2046 | // print circuit parameters
2047 | fout.println("Circuit Parameters");
2048 | fout.println("Best Estimates");
2049 |
2050 | fout.print("Parameter", field);
2051 | fout.print("Best", field);
2052 | fout.print("Standard", field);
2053 | fout.print("Coeff. of", field);
2054 | fout.print("Pre-", field);
2055 | fout.println("Post-");
2056 |
2057 | fout.print(" ", field);
2058 | fout.print("estimate", field);
2059 | fout.print("deviation", field);
2060 | fout.print("variation", field);
2061 | fout.print("gradient", field);
2062 | fout.println("gradient");
2063 |
2064 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++){
2065 | fout.print(this.parameterSymbols[i], field);
2066 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.bestEstimates[i], trunc), field);
2067 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.standardDeviations[i], trunc), field);
2068 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.coefficientsOfVariation[i], trunc), field);
2069 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.preMinimumGradients[i], trunc), field);
2070 | fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.postMinimumGradients[i], trunc));
2071 | }
2072 | fout.println();
2073 |
2074 | fout.println("Initial Estimates");
2075 |
2076 | fout.print("Parameter", field);
2077 | fout.print("Initial", field);
2078 | fout.println("initial");
2079 |
2080 | fout.print(" ", field);
2081 | fout.print("estimate", field);
2082 | fout.println("step size");
2083 |
2084 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++){
2085 | fout.print(this.parameterSymbols[i], field);
2086 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.initialEstimates[i], trunc), field);
2087 | fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.initialSteps[i], trunc));
2088 | }
2089 | fout.println();
2090 |
2091 | // Print summary of regression statistics
2092 | fout.println("Sum of squares of the Real[Z] and Imag[Z] residuals: " + Fmath.truncate(this.sumOfSquares, trunc));
2093 | fout.println("Reduced sum of squares of the Real[Z] and Imag[Z] residuals: " + Fmath.truncate(this.sumOfSquares/this.degreesOfFreedom, trunc));
2094 | fout.println("Degrees of freedom: " + this.degreesOfFreedom);
2095 | if(this.weightsSet){
2096 | fout.println("Chi square: " + Fmath.truncate(this.chiSquare, trunc));
2097 | fout.println("Reduced chi square: " + Fmath.truncate(this.reducedChiSquare, trunc));
2098 | }
2099 | fout.println("Number of iterations taken in the first regression: " + this.numberOfIterations1);
2100 | fout.println("Number of iterations taken in the second regression: " + this.numberOfIterations2);
2101 | fout.println("Maximum number of iterations allowed in each regression: " + this.maximumIterations);
2102 | fout.println();
2103 |
2104 | // print aplied voltage and reference impedance if entered
2105 | if(this.appliedVoltageSet)fout.println("Applied voltage: " + this.appliedVoltage.getReal());
2106 | if(this.referenceSet)fout.println("Reference impedance: " + this.referenceImpedance);
2107 | fout.println();
2108 |
2109 | // Print impedance data for each frequency
2110 | field=14;
2111 | fout.println("Fitted and entered data [frequencies, calculated impedances, data as entered]");
2112 | fout.print("Entered data type: ");
2113 | fout.println(dataEnteredType[dataEnteredTypePointer]);
2114 | fout.println();
2115 |
2116 | fout.print("Frequency", field);
2117 | fout.print("Experimental", field);
2118 | fout.print("Calculated", field);
2119 | fout.print("Experimental", field);
2120 | fout.print("Calculated", field);
2121 |
2122 | switch(this.dataEnteredTypePointer){
2123 | case 0: fout.print("Real", field);
2124 | fout.print("Imag", field);
2125 | break;
2126 | case 1: fout.print("Complex", field);
2127 | break;
2128 | case 2: fout.print("Magnitude", field);
2129 | fout.print("Phase (rad)", field);
2130 | break;
2131 | case 3: fout.print("Magnitude", field);
2132 | fout.print("Phase (deg)", field);
2133 | break;
2134 | case 4: fout.print("Real", field);
2135 | fout.print("Imag", field);
2136 | break;
2137 | case 5: fout.print("Complex", field);
2138 | break;
2139 | case 6: fout.print("Magnitude", field);
2140 | fout.print("Phase (rad)", field);
2141 | break;
2142 | case 7: fout.print("Magnitude", field);
2143 | fout.print("Phase (deg)", field);
2144 | break;
2145 | }
2146 | fout.println();
2147 |
2148 | fout.print("Frequency", field);
2149 | fout.print("Real[Z]", field);
2150 | fout.print("Real[Z]", field);
2151 | fout.print("Imag[Z]", field);
2152 | fout.print("Imag[Z]", field);
2153 | switch(this.dataEnteredTypePointer){
2154 | case 0: fout.print("[voltage]", field);
2155 | fout.print("[voltage]", field);
2156 | break;
2157 | case 1: fout.print("voltage", field);
2158 | break;
2159 | case 2: fout.print("[voltage]", field);
2160 | fout.print("[voltage]", field);
2161 | break;
2162 | case 3: fout.print("[voltage]", field);
2163 | fout.print("[voltage]", field);
2164 | break;
2165 | case 4: fout.print("[impedance]", field);
2166 | fout.print("[impedance]", field);
2167 | break;
2168 | case 5: fout.print("impedance", field);
2169 | break;
2170 | case 6: fout.print("[impedance]", field);
2171 | fout.print("[impedance]", field);
2172 | break;
2173 | case 7: fout.print("[impedance]", field);
2174 | fout.print("[impedance]", field);
2175 | break;
2176 | }
2177 | fout.println();
2178 |
2179 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
2180 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.frequencies[i], trunc), field);
2181 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.realZ[i], trunc), field);
2182 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.calculatedRealZ[i], trunc), field);
2183 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.imagZ[i], trunc), field);
2184 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.calculatedImagZ[i], trunc),field);
2185 |
2186 | switch(this.dataEnteredTypePointer){
2187 | case 0: fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.realV[i], trunc), field);
2188 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.imagV[i], trunc), field);
2189 | break;
2190 | case 1: fout.print(Complex.truncate(this.voltages[i], trunc), field);
2191 | break;
2192 | case 2: fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.voltageMagnitudes[i], trunc), field);
2193 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.voltagePhasesRad[i], trunc), field);
2194 | break;
2195 | case 3: fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.voltageMagnitudes[i], trunc), field);
2196 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.voltagePhasesDeg[i], trunc), field);
2197 | break;
2198 | case 4: fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.realZ[i], trunc), field);
2199 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.imagZ[i], trunc), field);
2200 | break;
2201 | case 5: fout.print(Complex.truncate(this.impedances[i], trunc), field);
2202 | break;
2203 | case 6: fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.impedanceMagnitudes[i], trunc), field);
2204 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.impedancePhasesRad[i], trunc), field);
2205 | break;
2206 | case 7: fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.impedanceMagnitudes[i], trunc), field);
2207 | fout.print(Fmath.truncate(this.impedancePhasesDeg[i], trunc), field);
2208 | break;
2209 | }
2210 | fout.println();
2211 | }
2212 | fout.close();
2213 |
2214 | return this.results;
2215 | }
2216 |
2217 |
2218 | // Print regression results to a .xls (MS Excel) file
2219 | public ArrayList<Object> printToExcelFile(){
2220 | String fileName = "ImpedSpecRegressionOutput.txt";
2221 | this.fileType = true;
2222 | return this.printToExcelFile(fileName);
2223 | }
2224 |
2225 | // Print regression results to a .xls (MS Excel) file
2226 | public ArrayList<Object> printToExcelFile(String fileName){
2227 |
2228 | if(!this.regressionDone)regression();
2229 |
2230 | int field = 11; // output field length
2231 | int trunc = 4; // truncation length
2232 |
2233 | // Check extension
2234 | fileName = fileName.trim();
2235 | int dotPosition = fileName.indexOf('.');
2236 | if(dotPosition==-1){
2237 | fileName += ".xls";
2238 | }
2239 | else{
2240 | fileName = fileName.substring(0, dotPosition) + ".xls";
2241 | }
2242 |
2243 | // instantiate a FileOutput
2244 | FileOutput fout = null;
2245 | if(this.fileType){
2246 | fout = new FileOutput(fileName, 'n');
2247 | }
2248 | else{
2249 | fout = new FileOutput(fileName);
2250 | }
2251 |
2252 | // print header
2253 | fout.println("ImpedSpecRegression Program Output File: " + this.regressionTitle);
2254 | fout.dateAndTimeln(fileName);
2255 | fout.println();
2256 | if(this.modelSet){
2257 | fout.println("Circuit - model number " + this.modelNumber);
2258 | }
2259 | else{
2260 | fout.println("Circuit supplied by the user");
2261 | }
2262 | fout.println();
2263 |
2264 |
2265 | // print circuit parameters
2266 | fout.println("Circuit Parameters");
2267 | fout.println("Best Estimates");
2268 |
2269 | fout.printtab("Parameter", field);
2270 | fout.printtab("Best", field);
2271 | fout.printtab("Standard", field);
2272 | fout.printtab("Coeff. of", field);
2273 | fout.printtab("Pre-", field);
2274 | fout.println("Post-");
2275 |
2276 | fout.printtab(" ", field);
2277 | fout.printtab("estimate", field);
2278 | fout.printtab("deviation", field);
2279 | fout.printtab("variation", field);
2280 | fout.printtab("gradient", field);
2281 | fout.println("gradient");
2282 |
2283 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++){
2284 | fout.printtab(this.parameterSymbols[i], field);
2285 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.bestEstimates[i], trunc), field);
2286 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.standardDeviations[i], trunc), field);
2287 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.coefficientsOfVariation[i], trunc), field);
2288 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.preMinimumGradients[i], trunc), field);
2289 | fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.postMinimumGradients[i], trunc));
2290 | }
2291 | fout.println();
2292 |
2293 | fout.println("Initial Estimates");
2294 |
2295 | fout.printtab("Parameter", field);
2296 | fout.printtab("Initial", field);
2297 | fout.println("initial");
2298 |
2299 | fout.printtab(" ", field);
2300 | fout.printtab("estimate", field);
2301 | fout.println("step size");
2302 |
2303 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfParameters; i++){
2304 | fout.printtab(this.parameterSymbols[i], field);
2305 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.initialEstimates[i], trunc), field);
2306 | fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.initialSteps[i], trunc));
2307 | }
2308 | fout.println();
2309 |
2310 | // Print summary of regression statistics
2311 | fout.println("Sum of squares of the Real[Z] and Imag[z] residuals: " + Fmath.truncate(this.sumOfSquares, trunc));
2312 | fout.println("Reduced sum of squares of the Real[Z] and Imag[z] residuals: " + Fmath.truncate(this.sumOfSquares/this.degreesOfFreedom, trunc));
2313 | fout.println("Degrees of freedom: " + this.degreesOfFreedom);
2314 | if(this.weightsSet){
2315 | fout.println("Chi square: " + Fmath.truncate(this.chiSquare, trunc));
2316 | fout.println("Reduced chi square: " + Fmath.truncate(this.reducedChiSquare, trunc));
2317 | }
2318 | fout.println("Number of iterations taken in the first regression: " + this.numberOfIterations1);
2319 | fout.println("Number of iterations taken in the second regression: " + this.numberOfIterations2);
2320 | fout.println("Maximum number of iterations allowed in each regression: " + this.maximumIterations);
2321 | fout.println();
2322 |
2323 | // Print impedance data for each frequency
2324 | field=14;
2325 | fout.println("Fitted and entered data [frequencies, calculated impedances, data as entered]");
2326 | fout.print("Entered data type: ");
2327 | fout.println(dataEnteredType[dataEnteredTypePointer]);
2328 | fout.println();
2329 |
2330 | fout.printtab("Frequency", field);
2331 | fout.printtab("Experimental", field);
2332 | fout.printtab("Calculated", field);
2333 | fout.printtab("Experimental", field);
2334 | fout.printtab("Calculated", field);
2335 |
2336 | switch(this.dataEnteredTypePointer){
2337 | case 0: fout.printtab("Real", field);
2338 | fout.printtab("Imag", field);
2339 | break;
2340 | case 1: fout.printtab("Complex", field);
2341 | break;
2342 | case 2: fout.printtab("Magnitude", field);
2343 | fout.printtab("Phase (rad)", field);
2344 | break;
2345 | case 3: fout.printtab("Magnitude", field);
2346 | fout.printtab("Phase (deg)", field);
2347 | break;
2348 | case 4: fout.printtab("Real", field);
2349 | fout.printtab("Imag", field);
2350 | break;
2351 | case 5: fout.printtab("Complex", field);
2352 | break;
2353 | case 6: fout.printtab("Magnitude", field);
2354 | fout.printtab("Phase (rad)", field);
2355 | break;
2356 | case 7: fout.printtab("Magnitude", field);
2357 | fout.printtab("Phase (deg)", field);
2358 | break;
2359 | }
2360 | fout.println();
2361 |
2362 | fout.printtab("Frequency", field);
2363 | fout.printtab("Real[Z]", field);
2364 | fout.printtab("Real[Z]", field);
2365 | fout.printtab("Imag[Z]", field);
2366 | fout.printtab("Imag[Z]", field);
2367 | switch(this.dataEnteredTypePointer){
2368 | case 0: fout.printtab("[voltage]", field);
2369 | fout.printtab("[voltage]", field);
2370 | break;
2371 | case 1: fout.printtab("voltage", field);
2372 | break;
2373 | case 2: fout.printtab("[voltage]", field);
2374 | fout.printtab("[voltage]", field);
2375 | break;
2376 | case 3: fout.printtab("[voltage]", field);
2377 | fout.printtab("[voltage]", field);
2378 | break;
2379 | case 4: fout.printtab("[impedance]", field);
2380 | fout.printtab("[impedance]", field);
2381 | break;
2382 | case 5: fout.printtab("impedance", field);
2383 | break;
2384 | case 6: fout.printtab("[impedance]", field);
2385 | fout.printtab("[impedance]", field);
2386 | break;
2387 | case 7: fout.printtab("[impedance]", field);
2388 | fout.printtab("[impedance]", field);
2389 | break;
2390 | }
2391 | fout.println();
2392 |
2393 | for(int i=0; i<this.numberOfFrequencies; i++){
2394 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.frequencies[i], trunc), field);
2395 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.realZ[i], trunc), field);
2396 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.calculatedRealZ[i], trunc), field);
2397 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.imagZ[i], trunc), field);
2398 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.calculatedImagZ[i], trunc),field);
2399 |
2400 | switch(this.dataEnteredTypePointer){
2401 | case 0: fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.realV[i], trunc), field);
2402 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.imagV[i], trunc), field);
2403 | break;
2404 | case 1: fout.printtab(Complex.truncate(this.voltages[i], trunc), field);
2405 | break;
2406 | case 2: fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.voltageMagnitudes[i], trunc), field);
2407 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.voltagePhasesRad[i], trunc), field);
2408 | break;
2409 | case 3: fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.voltageMagnitudes[i], trunc), field);
2410 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.voltagePhasesDeg[i], trunc), field);
2411 | break;
2412 | case 4: fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.realZ[i], trunc), field);
2413 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.imagZ[i], trunc), field);
2414 | break;
2415 | case 5: fout.printtab(Complex.truncate(this.impedances[i], trunc), field);
2416 | break;
2417 | case 6: fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.impedanceMagnitudes[i], trunc), field);
2418 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.impedancePhasesRad[i], trunc), field);
2419 | break;
2420 | case 7: fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.impedanceMagnitudes[i], trunc), field);
2421 | fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.impedancePhasesDeg[i], trunc), field);
2422 | break;
2423 |
2424 | }
2425 | fout.println();
2426 | }
2427 |
2428 | // close file
2429 | fout.close();
2430 |
2431 | return this.results;
2432 | }
2433 | }
2434 |
2435 |
2436 |
2437 |