source: src/main/java/agents/anac/y2015/agentBuyogV2/flanagan/analysis/

Last change on this file was 127, checked in by Wouter Pasman, 6 years ago

#41 ROLL BACK of rev.126 . So this version is equal to rev. 125

File size: 441.7 KB
2* Class Regression
4* Contains methods for simple linear regression
5* (straight line), for multiple linear regression,
6* for fitting data to a polynomial and for non-linear
7* regression (Nelder and Mead Simplex method) for both user
8* supplied functions and for a wide range of standard functions
10* The sum of squares function needed by the non-linear regression methods
11* non-linear regression methods is supplied by means of the interfaces,
12* RegressionFunction or RegressionFunction2
14* WRITTEN BY: Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan
16* DATE: February 2002
17* MODIFIED: 7 January 2006, 28 July 2006, 9 August 2006, 4 November 200621 November 2006, 21 December 2006,
18* 14 April 2007, 9 June 2007, 25 July 2007, 23/24 August 2007, 14 September 2007, 28 December 2007,
19* 18-26 March 2008, 7 April 2008, 27 April 2008, 10/12/19 May 2008, 5-6 July 2004, 28 July 2008,
20* 29 August 2008, 5 September 2008, 6 October 2008, 13-15 October 2009, 13 November 2009, 10 December 2009,
21* 20 December 2009, 12 January 2010, 18-25 May 2010, 9 July 2010, 10-16 August 2010, 21-29 October 2010
22* 2-7 November 2010, 2 January 2011, 20-31 January 2011, 2-4 February 2011
25* See Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java library on-line web page:
29* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2011 Michael Thomas Flanagan
33* Permission to use, copy and modify this software and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes is granted, without fee,
34* provided that an acknowledgement to the author, Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan at, appears in all copies
35* and associated documentation or publications.
37* Redistributions of the source code of this source code, or parts of the source codes, must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
38* and the following disclaimer and requires written permission from the Michael Thomas Flanagan:
40* Redistribution in binary form of all or parts of this class must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
41* the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution and requires written permission from the Michael Thomas Flanagan:
43* Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan makes no representations about the suitability or fitness of the software for any or for a particular purpose.
44* Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan shall not be liable for any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software
45* or its derivatives.
50package agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.analysis;
52import java.util.*;
53import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
55import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.analysis.*;
56import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.circuits.Impedance;
57import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.interpolation.CubicSpline;
59import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.math.*;
60import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.plot.Plot;
61import agents.anac.y2015.agentBuyogV2.flanagan.plot.PlotGraph;
64// Regression class
65public class Regression{
67 protected int nData0=0; // number of y data points inputted (in a single array if multiple y arrays)
68 protected int nData=0; // number of y data points (nData0 times the number of y arrays)
69 protected int nXarrays=1; // number of x arrays
70 protected int nYarrays=1; // number of y arrays
71 protected int nTerms=0; // number of unknown parameters to be estimated
72 // multiple linear (a + b.x1 +c.x2 + . . ., = nXarrays + 1
73 // polynomial fitting; = polynomial degree + 1
74 // generalised linear; = nXarrays
75 // simplex = no. of parameters to be estimated
76 protected int degreesOfFreedom=0; // degrees of freedom = nData - nTerms
77 protected double[][] xData=null; // x data values
78 protected double[] yData=null; // y data values
79 protected double[] yCalc=null; // calculated y values using the regrssion coefficients
80 protected double[] weight=null; // weighting factors
81 protected double[] residual=null; // residuals
82 protected double[] residualW=null; // weighted residuals
83 protected boolean weightOpt=false; // weighting factor option
84 // = true; weights supplied
85 // = false; weigths set to unity in regression
86 // average error used in statistacal methods
87 // if any weight[i] = zero,
88 // weighOpt is set to false and
89 // all weights set to unity
90 protected int weightFlag=0; // weighting flag - weightOpt = false, weightFlag = 0; weightOpt = true, weightFlag = 1
91 protected String[] weightWord = {"", "Weighted "};
93 protected double[] best = null; // best estimates vector of the unknown parameters
94 protected double[] bestSd =null; // standard deviation estimates of the best estimates of the unknown parameters
95 protected double[] pseudoSd = null; // Pseudo-nonlinear sd
96 protected double[] tValues = null; // t-values of the best estimates
97 protected double[] pValues = null; // p-values of the best estimates
98 protected double fixedInterceptL = 0.0; // Fixed intercept (linear regression)
99 protected double fixedInterceptP = 0.0; // Fixed intercept (polynomial fitting)
101 protected double yMean=Double.NaN; // mean of y data
102 protected double yWeightedMean=Double.NaN; // weighted mean of y data
103 protected double chiSquare=Double.NaN; // chi square (observed-calculated)^2/variance; weighted error sum of squares
104 protected double reducedChiSquare=Double.NaN; // reduced chi square
105 protected double sumOfSquaresError=Double.NaN; // Sum of the squares of the residuals; unweighted error sum of squares
106 protected double sumOfSquaresTotal=Double.NaN; // Total sum of the squares
107 protected double sumOfSquaresRegrn=Double.NaN; // Regression sum of the squares
109 protected double lastSSnoConstraint=0.0D; // Last sum of the squares of the residuals with no constraint penalty
110 protected double[][] covar=null; // Covariance matrix
111 protected double[][] corrCoeff=null; // Correlation coefficient matrix
112 protected double xyR = Double.NaN; // correlation coefficient between x and y data (y = a + b.x only)
113 protected double yyR = Double.NaN; // correlation coefficient between y calculted and y data (all regressions)
114 protected double multR = Double.NaN; // coefficient of determination
115 protected double adjustedR = Double.NaN; // adjusted coefficient of determination
116 protected double multipleF = Double.NaN; // coefficient of determination: F-ratio
117 protected double multipleFprob = Double.NaN; // coefficient of determination: F-ratio probability
119 protected String[] paraName = null; // names of parameters, eg, mean, sd; c[0], c[1], c[2] . . .
120 protected int prec = 4; // number of places to which double variables are truncated on output to text files
121 protected int field = 13; // field width on output to text files
123 protected int lastMethod=-1; // code indicating the last regression procedure attempted
124 // = 0 multiple linear regression, y = a + b.x1 +c.x2 . . .
125 // = 1 polynomial fitting, y = a +b.x +c.x^2 . . .
126 // = 2 generalised multiple linear y = a.f1(x) + b.f2(x) . . .
127 // = 3 Nelder and Mead simplex
128 // = 4 Fit to a Gaussian distribution (see also 38 below)
129 // = 5 Fit to a Lorentzian distribution
130 // = 6 Fit to a Poisson distribution
131 // = 7 Fit to a Two Parameter Gumbel distribution (minimum order statistic)
132 // = 8 Fit to a Two Parameter Gumbel distribution (maximum order statistic)
133 // = 9 Fit to a One Parameter Gumbel distribution (minimum order statistic)
134 // = 10 Fit to One Parameter Gumbel distribution (maximum order statistic)
135 // = 11 Fit to a Standard Gumbel distribution (minimum order statistic)
136 // = 12 Fit to a Standard Gumbel distribution (maximum order statistic)
137 // = 13 Fit to a Three parameter Frechet distribution
138 // = 14 Fit to a Two Parameter Frechet distribution
139 // = 15 Fit to a Standard Frechet distribution
140 // = 16 Fit to a Three parameter Weibull distribution
141 // = 17 Fit to a Two Parameter Weibull distribution
142 // = 18 Fit to a Standard Weibull distribution
143 // = 19 Fit to a Two Parameter Exponential distribution
144 // = 20 Fit to a One Parameter Exponential distribution
145 // = 21 Fit to a Standard Parameter Exponential distribution
146 // = 22 Fit to a Rayleigh distribution
147 // = 23 Fit to a Two Parameter Pareto distribution
148 // = 24 Fit to a One Parameter Pareto distribution
149 // = 25 Fit to a Sigmoidal Threshold Function
150 // = 26 Fit to a rectangular Hyperbola
151 // = 27 Fit to a scaled Heaviside Step Function
152 // = 28 Fit to a Hills/Sips Sigmoid
153 // = 29 Fit to a Shifted Pareto distribution
154 // = 30 Fit to a Logistic distribution
155 // = 31 Fit to a Beta distribution - [0, 1] interval
156 // = 32 Fit to a Beta distribution - [min, max] interval
157 // = 33 Fit to a Three Parameter Gamma distribution
158 // = 34 Fit to a Standard Gamma distribution
159 // = 35 Fit to an Erlang distribution
160 // = 36 Fit to a two parameter log-normal distribution
161 // = 37 Fit to a three parameter log-normal distribution
162 // = 38 Fit to a Gaussian distribution [allows fixed p-arameters] (see also 4 above)
163 // = 39 Fit to a EC50 dose response curve
164 // = 40 Fit to a LogEC50 dose response curve
165 // = 41 Fit to a EC50 dose response curve - bottom constrained
166 // = 42 Fit to a LogEC50 dose response curve- bottom constrained
167 // = 43 Fit to a simple exponential, A.exp(Bx)
168 // = 44 Fit to multiple exponentials
169 // = 45 Fit to a A(1 - exp(Bx))
170 // = 46 Fit to a constant
171 // = 47 Linear fit with fixed intercept
172 // = 48 Polynomial fit with a fixed intercept
173 // = 49 Multiple Gaussians
174 // = 50 Non-integer polynomial
176 protected boolean bestPolyFlag = false; // = true if bestPolynomial called
177 protected int bestPolynomialDegree = 0; // degree of best polynomial fit
178 protected double fProbSignificance = 0.05; // significance level used in F-test in bestPolynomial method
179 protected ArrayList<Object> bestPolyArray = new ArrayList<Object>(); // array storing history of bestPolynomial search pathway
181 protected boolean userSupplied = true; // = true - user supplies the initial estimates for non-linear regression
182 // = false - the initial estimates for non-linear regression are calculated internally
184 protected double kayValue = 0.0D; // rate parameter value in Erlang distribution (method 35)
186 protected boolean frechetWeibull = true; // Frechet Weibull switch - if true Frechet, if false Weibull
187 protected boolean linNonLin = true; // if true linear method, if false non-linear method
188 protected boolean trueFreq = false; // true if xData values are true frequencies, e.g. in a fit to Gaussian
189 // false if not
190 // if true chiSquarePoisson (see above) is also calculated
191 protected String xLegend = "x axis values"; // x axis legend in X-Y plot
192 protected String yLegend = "y axis values"; // y axis legend in X-Y plot
193 protected String graphTitle = " "; // user supplied graph title
194 protected String graphTitle2 = " "; // second line graph title
195 protected boolean legendCheck = false; // = true if above legends overwritten by user supplied legends
196 protected boolean supressPrint = false; // = true if print results is to be supressed
197 protected boolean supressYYplot= false; // = true if plot of experimental versus calculated is to be supressed
198 protected boolean supressErrorMessages= false; // = true if some designated error messages are to be supressed
200 // Non-linear members
201 protected boolean nlrStatus=true; // Status of non-linear regression on exiting regression method
202 // = true - convergence criterion was met
203 // = false - convergence criterion not met - current estimates returned
204 protected int scaleOpt=0; // if = 0; no scaling of initial estimates
205 // if = 1; initial simplex estimates scaled to unity
206 // if = 2; initial estimates scaled by user provided values in scale[]
207 // (default = 0)
208 protected double[] scale = null; // values to scale initial estimate (see scaleOpt above)
209 protected boolean zeroCheck = false; // true if any best estimate value is zero
210 // if true the scale factor replaces the best estimate in numerical differentiation
211 protected boolean penalty = false; // true if single parameter penalty function is included
212 protected boolean sumPenalty = false; // true if multiple parameter penalty function is included
213 protected int nConstraints = 0; // number of single parameter constraints
214 protected int nSumConstraints = 0; // number of multiple parameter constraints
215 protected int maxConstraintIndex = -1; // maximum index of constrained parameter/s
216 protected double constraintTolerance = 1e-4; // tolerance in constraining parameter/s to a fixed value
217 protected ArrayList<Object> penalties = new ArrayList<Object>(); // constrant method index,
218 // number of single parameter constraints,
219 // then repeated for each constraint:
220 // penalty parameter index,
221 // below or above constraint flag,
222 // constraint boundary value
223 protected ArrayList<Object> sumPenalties = new ArrayList<Object>(); // constraint method index,
224 // number of multiple parameter constraints,
225 // then repeated for each constraint:
226 // number of parameters in summation
227 // penalty parameter indices,
228 // summation signs
229 // below or above constraint flag,
230 // constraint boundary value
231 protected int[] penaltyCheck = null; // = -1 values below the single constraint boundary not allowed
232 // = +1 values above the single constraint boundary not allowed
233 protected int[] sumPenaltyCheck = null; // = -1 values below the multiple constraint boundary not allowed
234 // = +1 values above the multiple constraint boundary not allowed
235 protected double penaltyWeight = 1.0e30; // weight for the penalty functions
236 protected int[] penaltyParam = null; // indices of paramaters subject to single parameter constraint
237 protected int[][] sumPenaltyParam = null; // indices of paramaters subject to multiple parameter constraint
238 protected double[][] sumPlusOrMinus = null; // valueall before each parameter in multiple parameter summation
239 protected int[] sumPenaltyNumber = null; // number of paramaters in each multiple parameter constraint
241 protected double[] constraints = null; // single parameter constraint values
242 protected double[] sumConstraints = null; // multiple parameter constraint values
243 protected int constraintMethod = 0; // constraint method number
244 // =0: cliff to the power two (only method at present)
246 protected boolean scaleFlag = true; // if true ordinate scale factor, Ao, included as unknown in fitting to special functions
247 // if false Ao set to unity (default value) or user provided value (in yScaleFactor)
248 protected double yScaleFactor = 1.0D; // y axis factor - set if scaleFlag (above) = false
249 protected int nMax = 3000; // Nelder and Mead simplex maximum number of iterations
250 protected int nIter = 0; // Nelder and Mead simplex number of iterations performed
251 protected int konvge = 3; // Nelder and Mead simplex number of restarts allowed
252 protected int kRestart = 0; // Nelder and Mead simplex number of restarts taken
253 protected double fMin = -1.0D; // Nelder and Mead simplex minimum value
254 protected double fTol = 1e-9; // Nelder and Mead simplex convergence tolerance
255 protected double rCoeff = 1.0D; // Nelder and Mead simplex reflection coefficient
256 protected double eCoeff = 2.0D; // Nelder and Mead simplex extension coefficient
257 protected double cCoeff = 0.5D; // Nelder and Mead simplex contraction coefficient
258 protected double[] startH = null; // Nelder and Mead simplex unscaled initial estimates
259 protected double[] stepH = null; // Nelder and Mead simplex unscaled initial step values
260 protected double[] startSH = null; // Nelder and Mead simplex scaled initial estimates
261 protected double[] stepSH = null; // Nelder and Mead simplex scaled initial step values
262 protected double dStep = 0.5D; // Nelder and Mead simplex default step value
263 protected double[][] grad = null; // Non-linear regression gradients
264 protected double delta = 1e-4; // Fractional step in numerical differentiation
265 protected double deltaBeale = 1e-3; // Fractional step in calculation of Beale's nonlinearity
267 protected boolean invertFlag=true; // Hessian Matrix ('linear' non-linear statistics) check
268 // true matrix successfully inverted, false inversion failed
269 protected boolean posVarFlag=true; // Hessian Matrix ('linear' non-linear statistics) check
270 // true - all variances are positive; false - at least one is negative
271 protected int minTest = 0; // Nelder and Mead minimum test
272 // = 0; tests simplex sd < fTol
273 // = 1; tests reduced chi suare or sum of squares < mean of abs(y values)*fTol
274 protected double simplexSd = 0.0D; // simplex standard deviation
275 protected boolean statFlag = true; // if true - statistical method called
276 // if false - no statistical analysis
277 protected boolean plotOpt = true; // if true - plot of calculated values is cubic spline interpolation between the calculated values
278 // if false - calculated values linked by straight lines (accomodates Poiwsson distribution plots)
279 protected boolean multipleY = false; // = true if y variable consists of more than set of data each needing a different calculation in RegressionFunction
280 // when set to true - the index of the y value is passed to the function in Regression function
282 protected boolean ignoreDofFcheck = false; // when set to true, the check on whether degrees of freedom are greater than zero is ignored
284 protected double[] values = null; // values entered into gaussianFixed
285 protected boolean[] fixed = null; // true if above values[i] is fixed, false if it is not
287 protected int nGaussians = 0; // Number of Gaussian distributions in multiple Gaussian fitting
288 protected double[] multGaussFract = null; // Best estimates of multiple Gaussian fractional contributions
289 protected double[] multGaussFractErrors = null; // Errors in the estmated of multiple Gaussian fractional contributions
290 protected double[] multGaussCoeffVar = null; // Coefficients of variation of multiple Gaussian fractional contributions
291 protected double[] multGaussTvalue = null; // t-values for multiple Gaussian fractional contributions
292 protected double[] multGaussPvalue = null; // p-values for multiple Gaussian fractional contributions
293 protected double multGaussScale = 1.0; // Scale factor for multiple Gaussian fractional contributions
294 protected double multGaussScaleError = 0.0; // error in the scale factor for multiple Gaussian fractional contributions
295 protected double multGaussScaleCoeffVar = 0.0; // coeff. of var. in the scale factor for multiple Gaussian fractional contributions
296 protected double multGaussScaleTvalue = 0.0; // t-value of the scale factor for multiple Gaussian fractional contributions
297 protected double multGaussScalePvalue = 0.0; // p-value of the scale factor for multiple Gaussian fractional contributions
299 protected boolean plotWindowCloseChoice = false;// if false: closing window terminates program
300 // if true: closing window does not terminate program
302 protected double bottom = 0.0; // bottom value of sigmoid curves
303 protected double bottomIndex = 0.0; // index of the bottom value of a sigmoid curve
304 protected double top = 0.0; // top value of a sigmoid curve
305 protected double topIndex = 0.0; // index of the top value of a sigmoid curve
306 protected int midPointIndex = 0; // index of the mid point of a sigmoid curve
307 protected double midPointXvalue = 0.0; // x-value of the mid point of a sigmoid curve
308 protected double midPointYvalue = 0.0; // y-value of the mid point of a sigmoid curve
309 protected int directionFlag = 0; // = 1, gradient of a sigmoid curve is positive
310 // = -1, gradient of a sigmoid curve is negative
313 // Tolerance used in including an upper point in last histogram bin when it is outside due to riunding erors
314 protected static double histTol = 1.0001D;
318 // Default constructor - primarily facilitating the subclass ImpedSpecRegression
319 public Regression(){
320 }
322 // Constructor with data with x as 2D array and weights provided
323 public Regression(double[][] xData, double[] yData, double[] weight){
325 int n=weight.length;
326 this.nData0 = yData.length;
327 weight = this.checkForZeroWeights(weight);
328 if(this.weightOpt)this.weightFlag = 1;
329 this.setDefaultValues(Conv.copy(xData), Conv.copy(yData), Conv.copy(weight));
330 }
332 // Constructor with data with x and y as 2D arrays and weights provided
333 public Regression(double[][] xxData, double[][] yyData, double[][] wWeight){
334 this.multipleY = true;
335 int nY1 = yyData.length;
336 this.nYarrays = nY1;
337 int nY2 = yyData[0].length;
338 this.nData0 = nY2;
339 int nX1 = xxData.length;
340 int nX2 = xxData[0].length;
341 double[] yData = new double[nY1*nY2];
342 double[] weight = new double[nY1*nY2];
343 double[][] xData = new double[nY1*nY2][nX1];
344 int ii=0;
345 for(int i=0; i<nY1; i++){
346 int nY = yyData[i].length;
347 if(nY!=nY2)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length");
348 int nX = xxData[i].length;
349 if(nY!=nX)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length as the x array length");
350 for(int j=0; j<nY2; j++){
351 yData[ii] = yyData[i][j];
352 xData[ii][i] = xxData[i][j];
353 weight[ii] = wWeight[i][j];
354 ii++;
355 }
356 }
357 weight = this.checkForZeroWeights(weight);
358 if(this.weightOpt)this.weightFlag = 1;
359 this.setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
360 }
362 // Constructor with data with x as 1D array and weights provided
363 public Regression(double[] xxData, double[] yData, double[] weight){
364 this.nData0 = yData.length;
365 int n = xxData.length;
366 int m = weight.length;
367 double[][] xData = new double[1][n];
368 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
369 xData[0][i]=xxData[i];
370 }
372 weight = this.checkForZeroWeights(weight);
373 if(this.weightOpt)this.weightFlag = 1;
374 this.setDefaultValues(Conv.copy(xData), Conv.copy(yData), Conv.copy(weight));
375 }
377 // Constructor with data with x as 1D array and y as 2D array and weights provided
378 public Regression(double[] xxData, double[][] yyData, double[][] wWeight){
380 this.multipleY = true;
381 int nY1 = yyData.length;
382 this.nYarrays = nY1;
383 int nY2= yyData[0].length;
384 this.nData0 = nY2;
385 double[] yData = new double[nY1*nY2];
386 double[] weight = new double[nY1*nY2];
387 int ii=0;
388 for(int i=0; i<nY1; i++){
389 int nY = yyData[i].length;
390 if(nY!=nY2)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length");
391 for(int j=0; j<nY2; j++){
392 yData[ii] = yyData[i][j];
393 weight[ii] = wWeight[i][j];
394 ii++;
395 }
396 }
397 int n = xxData.length;
398 if(n!=nY2)throw new IllegalArgumentException("x and y data lengths must be the same");
399 double[][] xData = new double[1][nY1*n];
400 ii=0;
401 for(int j=0; j<nY1; j++){
402 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
403 xData[0][ii]=xxData[i];
404 ii++;
405 }
406 }
408 weight = this.checkForZeroWeights(weight);
409 if(this.weightOpt)this.weightFlag = 1;
410 this.setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
411 }
413 // Constructor with data with x as 2D array and no weights provided
414 public Regression(double[][] xData, double[] yData){
415 this.nData0 = yData.length;
416 int n = yData.length;
417 double[] weight = new double[n];
419 this.weightOpt=false;
420 this.weightFlag = 0;
421 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)weight[i]=1.0D;
423 setDefaultValues(Conv.copy(xData), Conv.copy(yData), weight);
424 }
426 // Constructor with data with x and y as 2D arrays and no weights provided
427 public Regression(double[][] xxData, double[][] yyData){
428 this.multipleY = true;
429 int nY1 = yyData.length;
430 this.nYarrays = nY1;
431 int nY2 = yyData[0].length;
432 this.nData0 = nY2;
433 int nX1 = xxData.length;
434 int nX2 = xxData[0].length;
435 double[] yData = new double[nY1*nY2];
436 if(nY1!=nX1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple xData and yData arrays of different overall dimensions not supported");
437 double[][] xData = new double[1][nY1*nY2];
438 int ii=0;
439 for(int i=0; i<nY1; i++){
440 int nY = yyData[i].length;
441 if(nY!=nY2)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length");
442 int nX = xxData[i].length;
443 if(nY!=nX)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length as the x array length");
444 for(int j=0; j<nY2; j++){
445 yData[ii] = yyData[i][j];
446 xData[0][ii] = xxData[i][j];
447 ii++;
448 }
449 }
451 int n = yData.length;
452 double[] weight = new double[n];
454 this.weightOpt=false;
455 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)weight[i]=1.0D;
456 this.weightFlag = 0;
458 setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
459 }
461 // Constructor with data with x as 1D array and no weights provided
462 public Regression(double[] xxData, double[] yData){
463 this.nData0 = yData.length;
464 int n = xxData.length;
465 double[][] xData = new double[1][n];
466 double[] weight = new double[n];
468 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)xData[0][i]=xxData[i];
470 this.weightOpt=false;
471 this.weightFlag = 0;
472 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)weight[i]=1.0D;
474 setDefaultValues(xData, Conv.copy(yData), weight);
475 }
477 // Constructor with data with x as 1D array and y as a 2D array and no weights provided
478 public Regression(double[] xxData, double[][] yyData){
479 this.multipleY = true;
480 int nY1 = yyData.length;
481 this.nYarrays = nY1;
482 int nY2= yyData[0].length;
483 this.nData0 = nY2;
484 double[] yData = new double[nY1*nY2];
485 int ii=0;
486 for(int i=0; i<nY1; i++){
487 int nY = yyData[i].length;
488 if(nY!=nY2)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length");
489 for(int j=0; j<nY2; j++){
490 yData[ii] = yyData[i][j];
491 ii++;
492 }
493 }
495 double[][] xData = new double[1][nY1*nY2];
496 double[] weight = new double[nY1*nY2];
498 ii=0;
499 int n = xxData.length;
500 for(int j=0; j<nY1; j++){
501 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
502 xData[0][ii]=xxData[i];
503 weight[ii]=1.0D;
504 ii++;
505 }
506 }
507 this.weightOpt=false;
508 this.weightFlag = 0;
510 setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
511 }
513 // Constructor with data as a single array that has to be binned
514 // bin width and value of the low point of the first bin provided
515 public Regression(double[] xxData, double binWidth, double binZero){
516 double[][] data = Regression.histogramBins(Conv.copy(xxData), binWidth, binZero);
517 int n = data[0].length;
518 this.nData0 = n;
519 double[][] xData = new double[1][n];
520 double[] yData = new double[n];
521 double[] weight = new double[n];
522 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
523 xData[0][i]=data[0][i];
524 yData[i]=data[1][i];
525 }
526 boolean flag = setTrueFreqWeights(yData, weight);
527 if(flag){
528 this.trueFreq=true;
529 this.weightOpt=true;
530 this.weightFlag = 1;
531 }
532 else{
533 this.trueFreq=false;
534 this.weightOpt=false;
535 this.weightFlag = 0;
536 }
537 setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
538 }
540 // Constructor with data as a single array that has to be binned
541 // bin width provided
542 public Regression(double[] xxData, double binWidth){
543 double[][] data = Regression.histogramBins(Conv.copy(xxData), binWidth);
544 int n = data[0].length;
545 this.nData0 = n;
546 double[][] xData = new double[1][n];
547 double[] yData = new double[n];
548 double[] weight = new double[n];
549 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
550 xData[0][i]=data[0][i];
551 yData[i]=data[1][i];
552 }
553 boolean flag = setTrueFreqWeights(yData, weight);
554 if(flag){
555 this.trueFreq=true;
556 this.weightOpt=true;
557 this.weightFlag = 1;
558 }
559 else{
560 this.trueFreq=false;
561 this.weightOpt=false;
562 this.weightFlag = 0;
563 }
564 System.out.println("sf1 " + scaleFlag);
565 setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
566 System.out.println("sf2 " + scaleFlag);
567 }
569 // Check entered weights for zeros.
570 // If more than 40% are zero or less than zero, all weights replaced by unity
571 // If less than 40% are zero or less than zero, the zero or negative weights are replaced by the average of their nearest neighbours
572 protected double[] checkForZeroWeights(double[] weight){
573 this.weightOpt=true;
574 int nZeros = 0;
575 int n=weight.length;
577 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)if(weight[i]<=0.0)nZeros++;
578 double perCentZeros = 100.0*(double)nZeros/(double)n;
579 if(perCentZeros>40.0){
580 System.out.println(perCentZeros + "% of the weights are zero or less; all weights set to 1.0");
581 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)weight[i]=1.0D;
582 this.weightOpt = false;
583 }
584 else{
585 if(perCentZeros>0.0D){
586 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
587 if(weight[i]<=0.0){
588 if(i==0){
589 int ii=1;
590 boolean test = true;
591 while(test){
592 if(weight[ii]>0.0D){
593 double ww = weight[0];
594 weight[0] = weight[ii];
595 System.out.println("weight at point " + i + ", " + ww + ", replaced by "+ weight[i]);
596 test = false;
597 }
598 else{
599 ii++;
600 }
601 }
602 }
603 if(i==(n-1)){
604 int ii=n-2;
605 boolean test = true;
606 while(test){
607 if(weight[ii]>0.0D){
608 double ww = weight[i];
609 weight[i] = weight[ii];
610 System.out.println("weight at point " + i + ", " + ww + ", replaced by "+ weight[i]);
611 test = false;
612 }
613 else{
614 ii--;
615 }
616 }
617 }
618 if(i>0 && i<(n-2)){
619 double lower = 0.0;
620 double upper = 0.0;
621 int ii=i-1;
622 boolean test = true;
623 while(test){
624 if(weight[ii]>0.0D){
625 lower = weight[ii];
626 test = false;
627 }
628 else{
629 ii--;
630 if(ii==0)test = false;
631 }
632 }
633 ii=i+1;
634 test = true;
635 while(test){
636 if(weight[ii]>0.0D){
637 upper = weight[ii];
638 test = false;
639 }
640 else{
641 ii++;
642 if(ii==(n-1))test = false;
643 }
644 }
645 double ww = weight[i];
646 if(lower==0.0){
647 weight[i] = upper;
648 }
649 else{
650 if(upper==0.0){
651 weight[i] = lower;
652 }
653 else{
654 weight[i] = (lower + upper)/2.0;
655 }
656 }
657 System.out.println("weight at point " + i + ", " + ww + ", replaced by "+ weight[i]);
658 }
659 }
660 }
661 }
662 }
663 return weight;
664 }
666 // Enter data methods
667 // Enter data with x as 2D array and weights provided
668 public void enterData(double[][] xData, double[] yData, double[] weight){
670 int n=weight.length;
671 this.nData0 = yData.length;
672 this.weightOpt=true;
673 weight = this.checkForZeroWeights(weight);
674 if(this.weightOpt)this.weightFlag = 1;
675 this.setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
676 }
678 // Enter data with x and y as 2D arrays and weights provided
679 public void enterData(double[][] xxData, double[][] yyData, double[][] wWeight){
680 this.multipleY = true;
681 int nY1 = yyData.length;
682 this.nYarrays = nY1;
683 int nY2 = yyData[0].length;
684 this.nData0 = nY2;
685 int nX1 = xxData.length;
686 int nX2 = xxData[0].length;
687 double[] yData = new double[nY1*nY2];
688 double[] weight = new double[nY1*nY2];
689 double[][] xData = new double[nY1*nY2][nX1];
690 int ii=0;
691 for(int i=0; i<nY1; i++){
692 int nY = yyData[i].length;
693 if(nY!=nY2)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length");
694 int nX = xxData[i].length;
695 if(nY!=nX)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length as the x array length");
696 for(int j=0; j<nY2; j++){
697 yData[ii] = yyData[i][j];
698 xData[ii][i] = xxData[i][j];
699 weight[ii] = wWeight[i][j];
700 ii++;
701 }
702 }
704 weight = this.checkForZeroWeights(weight);
705 if(this.weightOpt)this.weightFlag = 1;
706 this.setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
707 }
709 // Enter data with x as 1D array and weights provided
710 public void enterData(double[] xxData, double[] yData, double[] weight){
711 this.nData0 = yData.length;
712 int n = xxData.length;
713 int m = weight.length;
714 double[][] xData = new double[1][n];
715 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
716 xData[0][i]=xxData[i];
717 }
719 weight = this.checkForZeroWeights(weight);
720 if(this.weightOpt)this.weightFlag = 1;
721 this.setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
722 }
724 // Enter data with x as 1D array and y as 2D array and weights provided
725 public void enterData(double[] xxData, double[][] yyData, double[][] wWeight){
727 this.multipleY = true;
728 int nY1 = yyData.length;
729 this.nYarrays = nY1;
730 int nY2= yyData[0].length;
731 this.nData0 = nY2;
732 double[] yData = new double[nY1*nY2];
733 double[] weight = new double[nY1*nY2];
734 int ii=0;
735 for(int i=0; i<nY1; i++){
736 int nY = yyData[i].length;
737 if(nY!=nY2)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length");
738 for(int j=0; j<nY2; j++){
739 yData[ii] = yyData[i][j];
740 weight[ii] = wWeight[i][j];
741 ii++;
742 }
743 }
744 int n = xxData.length;
745 if(n!=nY2)throw new IllegalArgumentException("x and y data lengths must be the same");
746 double[][] xData = new double[1][nY1*n];
747 ii=0;
748 for(int j=0; j<nY1; j++){
749 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
750 xData[0][ii]=xxData[i];
751 ii++;
752 }
753 }
755 weight = this.checkForZeroWeights(weight);
756 if(this.weightOpt)this.weightFlag = 1;
757 this.setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
758 }
760 // Enter data with x as 2D array and no weights provided
761 public void enterData(double[][] xData, double[] yData){
762 this.nData0 = yData.length;
763 int n = yData.length;
764 double[] weight = new double[n];
766 this.weightOpt=false;
767 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)weight[i]=1.0D;
768 this.weightFlag = 0;
769 setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
770 }
772 // Enter data with x and y as 2D arrays and no weights provided
773 public void enterData(double[][] xxData, double[][] yyData){
774 this.multipleY = true;
775 int nY1 = yyData.length;
776 this.nYarrays = nY1;
777 int nY2 = yyData[0].length;
778 this.nData0 = nY2;
779 int nX1 = xxData.length;
780 int nX2 = xxData[0].length;
781 double[] yData = new double[nY1*nY2];
782 double[][] xData = new double[nY1*nY2][nX1];
783 int ii=0;
784 for(int i=0; i<nY1; i++){
785 int nY = yyData[i].length;
786 if(nY!=nY2)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length");
787 int nX = xxData[i].length;
788 if(nY!=nX)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length as the x array length");
789 for(int j=0; j<nY2; j++){
790 yData[ii] = yyData[i][j];
791 xData[ii][i] = xxData[i][j];
792 ii++;
793 }
794 }
796 int n = yData.length;
797 double[] weight = new double[n];
799 this.weightOpt=false;
800 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)weight[i]=1.0D;
801 this.weightFlag = 0;
803 setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
804 }
806 // Enter data with x as 1D array and no weights provided
807 public void enterData(double[] xxData, double[] yData){
808 this.nData0 = yData.length;
809 int n = xxData.length;
810 double[][] xData = new double[1][n];
811 double[] weight = new double[n];
813 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)xData[0][i]=xxData[i];
815 this.weightOpt=false;
816 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)weight[i]=1.0D;
817 this.weightFlag = 0;
819 setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
820 }
822 // Enter data with x as 1D array and y as a 2D array and no weights provided
823 public void enterData(double[] xxData, double[][] yyData){
824 this.multipleY = true;
825 int nY1 = yyData.length;
826 this.nYarrays = nY1;
827 int nY2= yyData[0].length;
828 this.nData0 = nY2;
829 double[] yData = new double[nY1*nY2];
830 int ii=0;
831 for(int i=0; i<nY1; i++){
832 int nY = yyData[i].length;
833 if(nY!=nY2)throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple y arrays must be of the same length");
834 for(int j=0; j<nY2; j++){
835 yData[ii] = yyData[i][j];
836 ii++;
837 }
838 }
840 double[][] xData = new double[1][nY1*nY2];
841 double[] weight = new double[nY1*nY2];
843 ii=0;
844 int n = xxData.length;
845 for(int j=0; j<nY1; j++){
846 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
847 xData[0][ii]=xxData[i];
848 weight[ii]=1.0D;
849 ii++;
850 }
851 }
852 this.weightOpt=false;
853 this.weightFlag = 0;
855 this.setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
856 }
858 // Enter data as a single array that has to be binned
859 // bin width and value of the low point of the first bin provided
860 public void enterData(double[] xxData, double binWidth, double binZero){
861 double[][] data = Regression.histogramBins(xxData, binWidth, binZero);
862 int n = data[0].length;
863 this.nData0 = n;
864 double[][] xData = new double[1][n];
865 double[] yData = new double[n];
866 double[] weight = new double[n];
867 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
868 xData[0][i]=data[0][i];
869 yData[i]=data[1][i];
870 }
871 boolean flag = setTrueFreqWeights(yData, weight);
872 if(flag){
873 this.trueFreq=true;
874 this.weightOpt=true;
875 this.weightFlag = 1;
876 }
877 else{
878 this.trueFreq=false;
879 this.weightOpt=false;
880 this.weightFlag = 0;
881 }
882 setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
883 }
885 // Enter data as a single array that has to be binned
886 // bin width provided
887 public void enterData(double[] xxData, double binWidth){
888 double[][] data = Regression.histogramBins(xxData, binWidth);
889 int n = data[0].length;
890 this.nData0 = n;
891 double[][] xData = new double[1][n];
892 double[] yData = new double[n];
893 double[] weight = new double[n];
894 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
895 xData[0][i]=data[0][i];
896 yData[i]=data[1][i];
897 }
898 boolean flag = setTrueFreqWeights(yData, weight);
899 if(flag){
900 this.trueFreq=true;
901 this.weightOpt=true;
902 this.weightFlag = 0;
903 }
904 else{
905 this.trueFreq=false;
906 this.weightOpt=false;
907 this.weightFlag = 0;
908 }
909 setDefaultValues(xData, yData, weight);
910 }
913 protected static boolean setTrueFreqWeights(double[] yData, double[] weight){
914 int nData=yData.length;
915 boolean flag = true;
916 boolean unityWeight=false;
918 // Set all weights to square root of frequency of occurence
919 for(int ii=0; ii<nData; ii++){
920 weight[ii]=Math.sqrt(Math.abs(yData[ii]));
921 }
923 // Check for zero weights and take average of neighbours as weight if it is zero
924 for(int ii=0; ii<nData; ii++){
925 double last = 0.0D;
926 double next = 0.0D;
927 if(weight[ii]==0){
928 // find previous non-zero value
929 boolean testLast = true;
930 int iLast = ii - 1;
931 while(testLast){
932 if(iLast<0){
933 testLast = false;
934 }
935 else{
936 if(weight[iLast]==0.0D){
937 iLast--;
938 }
939 else{
940 last = weight[iLast];
941 testLast = false;
942 }
943 }
944 }
946 // find next non-zero value
947 boolean testNext = true;
948 int iNext = ii + 1;
949 while(testNext){
950 if(iNext>=nData){
951 testNext = false;
952 }
953 else{
954 if(weight[iNext]==0.0D){
955 iNext++;
956 }
957 else{
958 next = weight[iNext];
959 testNext = false;
960 }
961 }
962 }
964 // Take average
965 weight[ii]=(last + next)/2.0D;
966 }
967 }
968 return flag;
969 }
971 // Set data and default values
972 protected void setDefaultValues(double[][] xData, double[] yData, double[] weight){
973 this.nData = yData.length;
974 this.nXarrays = xData.length;
975 this.nTerms = this.nXarrays;
976 this.yData = new double[nData];
977 this.yCalc = new double[nData];
978 this.weight = new double[nData];
979 this.residual = new double[nData];
980 this.residualW = new double[nData];
981 this.xData = new double[nXarrays][nData];
982 int n=weight.length;
983 if(n!=this.nData)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The weight and the y data lengths do not agree");
984 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
985 this.yData[i]=yData[i];
986 this.weight[i]=weight[i];
987 }
988 for(int j=0; j<this.nXarrays; j++){
989 n=xData[j].length;
990 if(n!=this.nData)throw new IllegalArgumentException("An x [" + j + "] length " + n + " and the y data length, " + this.nData + ", do not agree");
991 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
992 this.xData[j][i]=xData[j][i];
993 }
994 }
995 }
997 // Set standard deviation, variance and covariance denominators to n
998 public static void setDenominatorToN(){
999 Stat.setStaticDenominatorToN();
1000 }
1002 // Set standard deviation, variance and covariance denominators to n
1003 public static void setDenominatorToNminusOne(){
1004 Stat.setStaticDenominatorToNminusOne();
1005 }
1007 // Reset value of cfMaxIter used in contFract method in Stat called by the regularised incomplete beta function methods in Stat
1008 // These are called from Regression, e.g. in the calculation of p-Values
1009 public static void resetCFmaxIter(int cfMaxIter){
1010 Stat.resetCFmaxIter(cfMaxIter);
1011 }
1013 // Get value of cfMaxIter used in contFract method in Stat called by the regularised incomplete beta function methods in Stat
1014 // These are called from Regression, e.g. in the calculation of p-Values
1015 public static int getCFmaxIter(){
1016 return Stat.getCFmaxIter();
1017 }
1019 // Reset value of cfTol used in contFract method in Stat called by the regularised incomplete beta function methods in Stat
1020 // These are called from Regression, e.g. in the calculation of p-Values
1021 public static void resetCFtolerance(double cfTol){
1022 Stat.resetCFtolerance(cfTol);
1023 }
1025 // Get value of cfTol used in contFract method in Stat called by the regularised incomplete beta function methods in Stat
1026 // These are called from Regression, e.g. in the calculation of p-Values
1027 public static double getCFtolerance(){
1028 return Stat.getCFtolerance();
1029 }
1031 // Supress printing of results
1032 public void supressPrint(){
1033 this.supressPrint = true;
1034 }
1036 // Supress plot of calculated versus experimental values
1037 public void supressYYplot(){
1038 this.supressYYplot = true;
1039 }
1041 // Supress convergence and chiSquare error messages
1042 public void supressErrorMessages(){
1043 this.supressErrorMessages = true;
1044 }
1046 // Ignore check on whether degrtees of freedom are greater than zero
1047 public void ignoreDofFcheck(){
1048 this.ignoreDofFcheck = true;
1049 }
1051 // Supress the statistical analysis
1052 public void supressStats(){
1053 this.statFlag = false;
1054 }
1056 // Reinstate statistical analysis
1057 public void reinstateStats(){
1058 this.statFlag = true;
1059 }
1061 // Reset window close option
1062 // argument = 1: closing plot window also terminates the program
1063 // argument = 2: closing plot window leaves program running
1064 public void setCloseChoice(int closeChoice){
1065 switch(closeChoice){
1066 case 1: this.plotWindowCloseChoice = false;
1067 break;
1068 case 2: this.plotWindowCloseChoice = true;
1069 break;
1070 default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Option " + closeChoice + " not recognised");
1071 }
1072 }
1074 // Reset the ordinate scale factor option
1075 // true - Ao is unkown to be found by regression procedure
1076 // false - Ao set to unity
1077 public void setYscaleOption(boolean flag){
1078 this.scaleFlag=flag;
1079 if(flag==false)this.yScaleFactor = 1.0D;
1080 }
1082 // Reset the ordinate scale factor option
1083 // true - Ao is unkown to be found by regression procedure
1084 // false - Ao set to unity
1085 // retained for backward compatibility
1086 public void setYscale(boolean flag){
1087 this.scaleFlag=flag;
1088 if(flag==false)this.yScaleFactor = 1.0D;
1089 }
1091 // Reset the ordinate scale factor option
1092 // true - Ao is unkown to be found by regression procedure
1093 // false - Ao set to given value
1094 public void setYscaleFactor(double scale){
1095 this.scaleFlag=false;
1096 this.yScaleFactor = scale;
1097 }
1099 // Get the ordinate scale factor option
1100 // true - Ao is unkown
1101 // false - Ao set to unity
1102 public boolean getYscaleOption(){
1103 return this.scaleFlag;
1104 }
1106 // Get the ordinate scale factor option
1107 // true - Ao is unkown
1108 // false - Ao set to unity
1109 // retained to ensure backward compatibility
1110 public boolean getYscale(){
1111 return this.scaleFlag;
1112 }
1114 // Reset the true frequency test, trueFreq
1115 // true if yData values are true frequencies, e.g. in a fit to Gaussian; false if not
1116 // if true chiSquarePoisson (see above) is also calculated
1117 public void setTrueFreq(boolean trFr){
1118 boolean trFrOld = this.trueFreq;
1119 this.trueFreq = trFr;
1120 if(trFr){
1121 boolean flag = setTrueFreqWeights(this.yData, this.weight);
1122 if(flag){
1123 this.trueFreq=true;
1124 this.weightOpt=true;
1125 }
1126 else{
1127 this.trueFreq=false;
1128 this.weightOpt=false;
1129 }
1130 }
1131 else{
1132 if(trFrOld){
1133 for(int i=0; i<this.weight.length; i++){
1134 weight[i]=1.0D;
1135 }
1136 this.weightOpt=false;
1137 }
1138 }
1139 }
1141 // Get the true frequency test, trueFreq
1142 public boolean getTrueFreq(){
1143 return this.trueFreq;
1144 }
1146 // Reset the x axis legend
1147 public void setXlegend(String legend){
1148 this.xLegend = legend;
1149 this.legendCheck=true;
1150 }
1152 // Reset the y axis legend
1153 public void setYlegend(String legend){
1154 this.yLegend = legend;
1155 this.legendCheck=true;
1156 }
1158 // Set the title
1159 public void setTitle(String title){
1160 this.graphTitle = title;
1161 }
1163 // Fit to a constant
1164 // y = a
1165 public void constant(){
1166 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
1167 this.lastMethod = 46;
1168 this.linNonLin = true;
1169 this.nTerms = 1;
1170 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - this.nTerms;
1171 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
1172 = new double[this.nTerms];
1173 this.bestSd = new double[this.nTerms];
1174 this.tValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1175 this.pValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1177[0] = Stat.mean(this.yData, this.weight);
1178 this.bestSd[0] = Stat.standardDeviation(this.yData, this.weight);
1179 this.tValues[0] =[0]/this.bestSd[0];
1181 double atv = Math.abs(this.tValues[0]);
1182 if(atv!=atv){
1183 this.pValues[0] = Double.NaN;
1184 }
1185 else{
1186 this.pValues[0] = 1.0 - Stat.studentTcdf(-atv, atv, this.degreesOfFreedom);
1187 }
1189 this.sumOfSquaresError = 0.0;
1190 this.chiSquare = 0.0;
1191 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
1192 this.yCalc[i] = best[0];
1193 this.residual[i] = this.yCalc[i] - this.yData[i];
1194 this.residualW[i] = this.residual[i]/this.weight[i];
1195 this.sumOfSquaresError += this.residual[i]*this.residual[i];
1196 this.chiSquare += this.residualW[i]*this.residualW[i];
1197 }
1198 this.reducedChiSquare = this.chiSquare/this.degreesOfFreedom;
1199 }
1201 // Fit to a constant
1202 // plus plot and output file
1203 // y = a
1204 // legends provided
1205 public void constantPlot(String xLegend, String yLegend){
1206 this.xLegend = xLegend;
1207 this.yLegend = yLegend;
1208 this.legendCheck = true;
1209 this.constant();
1210 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1211 int flag = 0;
1212 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY();
1213 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1214 }
1216 // Fit to a constant
1217 // plus plot and output file
1218 // y = a
1219 // no legends provided
1220 public void constantPlot(){
1221 this.constant();
1222 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1223 int flag = 0;
1224 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY();
1225 }
1227 // Multiple linear regression with intercept (including y = ax + b)
1228 // y = a + b.x1 + c.x2 + d.x3 + . . .
1229 public void linear(){
1230 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
1231 this.lastMethod = 0;
1232 this.linNonLin = true;
1233 this.nTerms = this.nXarrays+1;
1234 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - this.nTerms;
1235 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
1236 double[][] aa = new double[this.nTerms][this.nData];
1238 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++)aa[0][j]=1.0D;
1239 for(int i=1; i<nTerms; i++){
1240 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++){
1241 aa[i][j]=this.xData[i-1][j];
1242 }
1243 }
1244 = new double[this.nTerms];
1245 this.bestSd = new double[this.nTerms];
1246 this.tValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1247 this.pValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1248 this.generalLinear(aa);
1249 if(!this.ignoreDofFcheck)this.generalLinearStats(aa);
1250 }
1252 // Multiple linear regression with intercept (including y = ax + b)
1253 // plus plot and output file
1254 // y = a + b.x1 + c.x2 + d.x3 + . . .
1255 // legends provided
1256 public void linearPlot(String xLegend, String yLegend){
1257 this.xLegend = xLegend;
1258 this.yLegend = yLegend;
1259 this.legendCheck = true;
1260 this.linear();
1261 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1262 int flag = 0;
1263 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY();
1264 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1265 }
1267 // Multiple linear regression with intercept (including y = ax + b)
1268 // plus plot and output file
1269 // y = a + b.x1 + c.x2 + d.x3 + . . .
1270 // no legends provided
1271 public void linearPlot(){
1272 this.linear();
1273 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1274 int flag = 0;
1275 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY();
1276 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1277 }
1279 // Multiple linear regression with intercept (including y = ax + b)
1280 // y = a + b.x1 + c.x2 + d.x3 + . . .
1281 // a fixed (argument: intercept)
1282 public void linear(double intercept){
1283 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
1284 this.lastMethod = 47;
1285 this.fixedInterceptL = intercept;
1286 this.linNonLin = true;
1287 this.nTerms = this.nXarrays;
1288 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - this.nTerms;
1289 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
1290 double[][] aa = new double[this.nTerms][this.nData];
1292 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++)this.yData[j] -= intercept;
1293 for(int i=0; i<nTerms; i++){
1294 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++){
1295 aa[i][j]=this.xData[i][j];
1296 }
1297 }
1298 = new double[this.nTerms];
1299 this.bestSd = new double[this.nTerms];
1300 this.tValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1301 this.pValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1302 this.generalLinear(aa);
1303 if(!this.ignoreDofFcheck)this.generalLinearStats(aa);
1304 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++){
1305 this.yData[j] += intercept;
1306 this.yCalc[j] += intercept;
1307 }
1309 }
1311 // Multiple linear regression with intercept (including y = ax + b)
1312 // plus plot and output file
1313 // y = a + b.x1 + c.x2 + d.x3 + . . .
1314 // a fixed (argument: intercept)
1315 // legends provided
1316 public void linearPlot(double intercept, String xLegend, String yLegend){
1317 this.xLegend = xLegend;
1318 this.yLegend = yLegend;
1319 this.legendCheck = true;
1320 this.linear(intercept);
1321 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1322 int flag = 0;
1323 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY();
1324 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1325 }
1327 // Multiple linear regression with intercept (including y = ax + b)
1328 // plus plot and output file
1329 // y = a + b.x1 + c.x2 + d.x3 + . . .
1330 // a fixed (argument: intercept)
1331 // no legends provided
1332 public void linearPlot(double intercept){
1333 this.linear(intercept);
1334 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1335 int flag = 0;
1336 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY();
1337 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1338 }
1341 // Polynomial fitting
1342 // y = a + b.x + c.x^2 + d.x^3 + . . .
1343 public void polynomial(int deg){
1344 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
1345 if(this.nXarrays>1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This class will only perform a polynomial regression on a single x array");
1346 if(deg<1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Polynomial degree must be greater than zero");
1347 this.lastMethod = 1;
1348 this.linNonLin = true;
1349 this.nTerms = deg+1;
1350 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - this.nTerms;
1351 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
1352 double[][] aa = new double[this.nTerms][this.nData];
1354 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++)aa[0][j]=1.0D;
1355 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++)aa[1][j]=this.xData[0][j];
1357 for(int i=2; i<nTerms; i++){
1358 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++){
1359 aa[i][j]=Math.pow(this.xData[0][j],i);
1360 }
1361 }
1362 = new double[this.nTerms];
1363 this.bestSd = new double[this.nTerms];
1364 this.tValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1365 this.pValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1366 this.generalLinear(aa);
1367 if(!this.ignoreDofFcheck)this.generalLinearStats(aa);
1368 }
1370 // Polynomial fitting plus plot and output file
1371 // y = a + b.x + c.x^2 + d.x^3 + . . .
1372 // legends provided
1373 public void polynomialPlot(int n, String xLegend, String yLegend){
1374 this.xLegend = xLegend;
1375 this.yLegend = yLegend;
1376 this.legendCheck = true;
1377 this.polynomial(n);
1378 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1379 int flag = this.plotXY();
1380 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1381 }
1383 // Polynomial fitting plus plot and output file
1384 // y = a + b.x + c.x^2 + d.x^3 + . . .
1385 // No legends provided
1386 public void polynomialPlot(int n){
1387 this.polynomial(n);
1388 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1389 int flag = this.plotXY();
1390 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1391 }
1393 // Polynomial fitting
1394 // y = a + b.x + c.x^2 + d.x^3 + . . .
1395 // a is fixed (argument: intercept)
1396 public void polynomial(int deg, double intercept){
1397 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
1398 if(this.nXarrays>1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This class will only perform a polynomial regression on a single x array");
1399 if(deg<1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Polynomial degree must be greater than zero");
1400 this.lastMethod = 48;
1401 this.fixedInterceptP = intercept;
1402 this.linNonLin = true;
1403 this.nTerms = deg;
1404 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - this.nTerms;
1405 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
1406 double[][] aa = new double[this.nTerms][this.nData];
1408 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++)this.yData[j] -= intercept;
1409 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++)aa[0][j]=this.xData[0][j];
1411 for(int i=1; i<nTerms; i++){
1412 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++){
1413 aa[i][j]=Math.pow(this.xData[0][j],i+1);
1414 }
1415 }
1416 = new double[this.nTerms];
1417 this.bestSd = new double[this.nTerms];
1418 this.tValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1419 this.pValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1420 this.generalLinear(aa);
1421 if(!this.ignoreDofFcheck)this.generalLinearStats(aa);
1422 for(int j=0; j<nData; j++){
1423 this.yData[j] += intercept;
1424 this.yCalc[j] += intercept;
1425 }
1426 }
1429 // Polynomial fitting plus plot and output file
1430 // y = a + b.x + c.x^2 + d.x^3 + . . .
1431 // a is fixed (argument: intercept)
1432 // legends provided
1433 public void polynomialPlot(int n, double intercept, String xLegend, String yLegend){
1434 this.xLegend = xLegend;
1435 this.yLegend = yLegend;
1436 this.legendCheck = true;
1437 this.polynomial(n, intercept);
1438 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1439 int flag = this.plotXY();
1440 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1441 }
1443 // Polynomial fitting plus plot and output file
1444 // y = a + b.x + c.x^2 + d.x^3 + . . .
1445 // a is fixed (argument: intercept)
1446 // No legends provided
1447 public void polynomialPlot(int n, double intercept){
1448 this.polynomial(n, intercept);
1449 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1450 int flag = this.plotXY();
1451 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1452 }
1454 // Best polynomial
1455 // Finds the best polynomial fit
1456 public ArrayList<Object> bestPolynomial(){
1457 return polynomialBest(0);
1458 }
1460 // Internal method finding the best polynomial fit
1461 public ArrayList<Object> polynomialBest(int flag){
1462 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
1463 if(this.nXarrays>1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This class will only perform a polynomial regression on a single x array");
1464 this.bestPolyFlag = true;
1465 this.linNonLin = true;
1467 ArrayList<Object> array0 = null;
1468 ArrayList<Object> array1 = new ArrayList<Object>();
1470 int nAttempts = this.nData-3;
1471 Regression reg = new Regression(xData[0], yData);
1472 reg.constant();
1473 double chi = reg.getChiSquare();
1474 double chiMin = chi;
1475 double chiLast = chi;
1476 int chiMinIndex = 0;
1477 array1.add(new Double(chi));
1478 reg.linear();
1479 chi = reg.getChiSquare();
1480 array0 = Regression.testOfAdditionalTerms_ArrayList(chiLast, 0, chi, 1, nData);
1481 double fRatio = ((Double)array0.get(0)).doubleValue();
1482 double fProb = ((Double)array0.get(1)).doubleValue();
1483 array1.add(new Double(chi));
1484 array1.add(new Double(fRatio));
1485 array1.add(new Double(fProb));
1486 if(chiMin>=chi){
1487 chiMin = chi;
1488 chiMinIndex = 1;
1489 }
1490 boolean test0 = true;
1491 int ii = 2;
1492 int iiEnd = nAttempts;
1493 boolean testEnd = true;
1494 while(test0){
1495 chiLast = chi;
1496 reg.polynomial(ii);
1497 chi = reg.getChiSquare();
1498 array0 = Regression.testOfAdditionalTerms_ArrayList(chiLast, ii-1, chi, ii, nData);
1499 fRatio = ((Double)array0.get(0)).doubleValue();
1500 fProb = ((Double)array0.get(1)).doubleValue();
1501 array1.add(new Double(chi));
1502 array1.add(new Double(fRatio));
1503 array1.add(new Double(fProb));
1504 if(chiMin>=chi){
1505 chiMin = chi;
1506 chiMinIndex = ii;
1507 }
1508 if(chi>=chiLast && testEnd){
1509 iiEnd = ii + 2;
1510 testEnd = false;
1511 if(iiEnd>nAttempts)iiEnd = nAttempts;
1512 }
1513 ii++;
1514 if(ii>iiEnd)test0 = false;
1515 }
1517 double[] chia = new double[iiEnd+1];
1518 double[] fRatioa = new double[iiEnd+1];
1519 double[] fProba = new double[iiEnd+1];
1520 int ipoly = 0;
1521 if(chiMin>0){
1522 chia[0] = ((Double)array1.get(0)).doubleValue();
1523 int jj = 1;
1524 for(int i=1; i<=iiEnd; i++){
1525 chia[i] = ((Double)array1.get(jj++)).doubleValue();
1526 fRatioa[i] = ((Double)array1.get(jj++)).doubleValue();
1527 fProba[i] = ((Double)array1.get(jj++)).doubleValue();
1528 }
1530 test0 = true;
1531 ii = chiMinIndex;
1532 double fProbMin = fProba[ii];
1533 ii--;
1534 while(test0){
1535 if(fProba[ii]>fProbMin){
1536 test0 = false;
1537 ipoly = ii+1;
1538 }
1539 else{
1540 ii--;
1541 if(ii<0){
1542 test0 = false;
1543 ipoly = 0;
1544 }
1545 }
1546 }
1547 }
1548 this.bestPolynomialDegree = ipoly;
1550 // Repack ArrayList
1551 int[] deg0s = new int[iiEnd];
1552 int[] deg1s = new int[iiEnd];
1553 double[] chi0s = new double[iiEnd];
1554 double[] chi1s = new double[iiEnd];
1555 for(int i=0; i<iiEnd; i++){
1556 deg0s[i] = i;
1557 deg1s[i] = i+1;
1558 chi0s[i] = chia[i];
1559 chi1s[i] = chia[i+1];
1560 }
1562 this.bestPolyArray.clear();
1563 this.bestPolyArray.add(new Integer(this.bestPolynomialDegree));
1564 this.bestPolyArray.add(new Integer(iiEnd+1));
1565 this.bestPolyArray.add(deg0s);
1566 this.bestPolyArray.add(deg1s);
1567 this.bestPolyArray.add(chi0s);
1568 this.bestPolyArray.add(chi1s);
1569 this.bestPolyArray.add(fRatioa);
1570 this.bestPolyArray.add(fProba);
1573 switch(flag){
1574 case 0: // No plot
1575 switch(this.bestPolynomialDegree){
1576 case 0: this.constant();
1577 break;
1578 case 1: this.linear();
1579 break;
1580 default: this.polynomial(this.bestPolynomialDegree);
1581 }
1582 break;
1583 case 1: // Plot
1584 switch(this.bestPolynomialDegree){
1585 case 0: this.constantPlot();
1586 break;
1587 case 1: this.linearPlot();
1588 break;
1589 default: this.polynomialPlot(this.bestPolynomialDegree);
1590 }
1591 }
1593 return this.bestPolyArray;
1595 }
1598 // Best polynomial
1599 // Finds the best polynomial fit
1600 // plus plot and output file
1601 // Legends provided
1602 public ArrayList<Object> bestPolynomialPlot(String xLegend, String yLegend){
1603 this.xLegend = xLegend;
1604 this.yLegend = yLegend;
1605 this.legendCheck = true;
1606 return this.polynomialBest(1);
1607 }
1609 // Best polynomial
1610 // Finds the best polynomial fit
1611 // plus plot and output file
1612 // No legends provided
1613 public ArrayList<Object> bestPolynomialPlot(){
1614 return this.polynomialBest(1);
1615 }
1617 // Best polynomial
1618 // Finds the best polynomial fit
1619 // Fixed intercept
1620 public ArrayList<Object> bestPolynomial(double fixedIntercept){
1621 this.fixedInterceptP = fixedIntercept;
1622 return polynomialBest(fixedIntercept, 0);
1623 }
1626 // Internal method finding the best polynomial fit
1627 public ArrayList<Object> polynomialBest(double fixedIntercept, int flag){
1628 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
1629 if(this.nXarrays>1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This class will only perform a polynomial regression on a single x array");
1630 this.bestPolyFlag = true;
1631 this.linNonLin = true;
1633 ArrayList<Object> array0 = null;
1634 ArrayList<Object> array1 = new ArrayList<Object>();
1636 int nAttempts = this.nData-3;
1637 Regression reg = new Regression(xData[0], yData);
1638 reg.polynomial(1, fixedIntercept);
1639 double chi = reg.getChiSquare();
1640 double chiMin = chi;
1641 double chiLast = chi;
1642 int chiMinIndex = 1;
1643 array1.add(new Double(chi));
1644 reg.polynomial(2, fixedIntercept);
1645 chi = reg.getChiSquare();
1646 array0 = Regression.testOfAdditionalTerms_ArrayList(chiLast, 0, chi, 1, nData);
1647 double fRatio = ((Double)array0.get(0)).doubleValue();
1648 double fProb = ((Double)array0.get(1)).doubleValue();
1649 array1.add(new Double(chi));
1650 array1.add(new Double(fRatio));
1651 array1.add(new Double(fProb));
1652 if(chiMin>=chi){
1653 chiMin = chi;
1654 chiMinIndex = 2;
1655 }
1656 boolean test0 = true;
1657 int ii = 3;
1658 int iiEnd = nAttempts;
1659 boolean testEnd = true;
1660 while(test0){
1661 chiLast = chi;
1662 reg.polynomial(ii, fixedIntercept);
1663 chi = reg.getChiSquare();
1664 array0 = Regression.testOfAdditionalTerms_ArrayList(chiLast, ii-1, chi, ii, nData);
1665 fRatio = ((Double)array0.get(0)).doubleValue();
1666 fProb = ((Double)array0.get(1)).doubleValue();
1667 array1.add(new Double(chi));
1668 array1.add(new Double(fRatio));
1669 array1.add(new Double(fProb));
1671 if(chiMin>=chi){
1672 chiMin = chi;
1673 chiMinIndex = ii;
1674 }
1675 if(chi>=chiLast && testEnd){
1676 iiEnd = ii + 2;
1677 testEnd = false;
1678 if(iiEnd>nAttempts)iiEnd = nAttempts;
1679 }
1680 ii++;
1681 if(ii>iiEnd)test0 = false;
1682 }
1685 double[] chia = new double[iiEnd];
1686 double[] fRatioa = new double[iiEnd];
1687 double[] fProba = new double[iiEnd];
1688 int ipoly = 0;
1689 if(chiMin>0){
1690 chia[0] = ((Double)array1.get(0)).doubleValue();
1691 int jj = 1;
1692 for(int i=1; i<iiEnd; i++){
1693 chia[i] = ((Double)array1.get(jj++)).doubleValue();
1694 fRatioa[i] = ((Double)array1.get(jj++)).doubleValue();
1695 fProba[i] = ((Double)array1.get(jj++)).doubleValue();
1696 }
1698 test0 = true;
1699 ii = chiMinIndex;
1700 double fProbMin = fProba[ii-1];
1701 ii--;
1702 while(test0){
1703 if(fProba[ii]>fProbMin){
1704 test0 = false;
1705 ipoly = ii+2;
1706 }
1707 else{
1708 ii--;
1709 if(ii<0){
1710 test0 = false;
1711 ipoly = 0;
1712 }
1713 }
1714 }
1715 }
1716 this.bestPolynomialDegree = ipoly;
1718 // Repack ArrayList
1719 int[] deg0s = new int[iiEnd-1];
1720 int[] deg1s = new int[iiEnd-1];
1721 double[] chi0s = new double[iiEnd-1];
1722 double[] chi1s = new double[iiEnd-1];
1723 for(int i=0; i<iiEnd-1; i++){
1724 deg0s[i] = i;
1725 deg1s[i] = i+1;
1726 chi0s[i] = chia[i];
1727 chi1s[i] = chia[i+1];
1728 }
1730 this.bestPolyArray.clear();
1731 this.bestPolyArray.add(new Integer(this.bestPolynomialDegree));
1732 this.bestPolyArray.add(new Integer(iiEnd));
1733 this.bestPolyArray.add(deg0s);
1734 this.bestPolyArray.add(deg1s);
1735 this.bestPolyArray.add(chi0s);
1736 this.bestPolyArray.add(chi1s);
1737 this.bestPolyArray.add(fRatioa);
1738 this.bestPolyArray.add(fProba);
1741 switch(flag){
1742 case 0: // No plot
1743 this.polynomial(this.bestPolynomialDegree, fixedIntercept);
1744 break;
1745 case 1: // Plot
1746 this.polynomialPlot(this.bestPolynomialDegree, fixedIntercept);
1747 }
1749 return this.bestPolyArray;
1751 }
1753 // Best polynomial
1754 // Finds the best polynomial fit with a fixed intercept
1755 // plus plot and output file
1756 // Legends provided
1757 public ArrayList<Object> bestPolynomialPlot(double fixedIntercept, String xLegend, String yLegend){
1758 this.xLegend = xLegend;
1759 this.yLegend = yLegend;
1760 this.legendCheck = true;
1761 return this.polynomialBest(fixedIntercept, 1);
1762 }
1764 // Best polynomial
1765 // Finds the best polynomial fit
1766 // plus plot and output file
1767 // No legends provided
1768 public ArrayList<Object> bestPolynomialPlot(double fixedIntercept){
1769 return this.polynomialBest(fixedIntercept, 1);
1770 }
1772 // Set significance level used in bestPolynomial F-test
1773 public void setFtestSignificance(double signif){
1774 this.fProbSignificance = signif;
1775 }
1777 // get significance level used in bestPolynomial F-test
1778 public double getFtestSignificance(double signif){
1779 return this.fProbSignificance;
1780 }
1782 // Method for fitting data to a non-integer polynomial
1783 // y = a + b.x + c.x^d
1784 // No plotting
1785 public void nonIntegerPolynomial(){
1786 this.fitNonIntegerPolynomial(0);
1787 }
1789 // Method for fitting data to a non-integer polynomial
1790 // y = a + b.x + c.x^d
1791 // with plotting
1792 public void nonIntegerPolynomialPlot(){
1793 this.fitNonIntegerPolynomial(1);
1794 }
1796 // Method for fitting data to a non-integer polynomial
1797 // y = a + b.x + c.x^d
1798 // with plotting and user supplied legends
1799 public void nonIntegerPolynomialPlot(String xLegend, String yLegend){
1800 this.xLegend = xLegend;
1801 this.yLegend = yLegend;
1802 this.legendCheck = true;
1803 this.fitNonIntegerPolynomial(1);
1804 }
1806 // Internal method for fitting data to a non-integer polynomial
1807 // y = a + b.x + c.x^d
1808 protected void fitNonIntegerPolynomial(int plotFlag){
1810 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
1811 this.lastMethod = 50;
1812 this.userSupplied = false;
1813 this.linNonLin = false;
1814 this.zeroCheck = false;
1815 this.nTerms = 4;
1816 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - this.nTerms;
1817 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
1819 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
1820 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
1822 // Estimate of parameters
1823 Regression reg = new Regression(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
1825 reg.polynomial(2);
1827 double[] start = new double[4];
1828 double[] step = new double[4];
1830 double[] best = reg.getBestEstimates();
1831 for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
1832 start[i] = best[i];
1833 step[i] = start[i]*0.1;
1834 if(step[i]==0.0)step[i] = 0.1;
1835 }
1836 start[3] = 3.0;
1837 step[3] = 0.6;
1839 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
1840 NonIntegerPolyFunction f = new NonIntegerPolyFunction();
1841 Object regFun = (Object)f;
1842 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
1844 if(plotFlag==1){
1845 // Print results
1846 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1848 // Plot results
1849 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
1850 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1851 }
1852 }
1854 // Generalised linear regression
1855 // y = a.f1(x) + b.f2(x) + c.f3(x) + . . .
1856 public void linearGeneral(){
1857 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
1858 this.lastMethod = 2;
1860 this.linNonLin = true;
1861 this.nTerms = this.nXarrays;
1862 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - this.nTerms;
1863 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
1864 = new double[this.nTerms];
1865 this.bestSd = new double[this.nTerms];
1866 this.tValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1867 this.pValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1868 this.generalLinear(this.xData);
1869 if(!this.ignoreDofFcheck)this.generalLinearStats(this.xData);
1870 }
1872 // Generalised linear regression plus plot and output file
1873 // y = a.f1(x) + b.f2(x) + c.f3(x) + . . .
1874 // legends provided
1875 public void linearGeneralPlot(String xLegend, String yLegend){
1876 this.xLegend = xLegend;
1877 this.yLegend = yLegend;
1878 this.legendCheck = true;
1879 this.linearGeneral();
1880 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1881 if(!this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1882 }
1884 // Generalised linear regression plus plot and output file
1885 // y = a.f1(x) + b.f2(x) + c.f3(x) + . . .
1886 // No legends provided
1887 public void linearGeneralPlot(){
1888 this.linearGeneral();
1889 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
1890 if(!this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
1891 }
1893 // Generalised linear regression (protected method called by linear(), linearGeneral() and polynomial())
1894 protected void generalLinear(double[][] xd){
1895 if(this.nData<=this.nTerms && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of unknown parameters is greater than or equal to the number of data points");
1896 double sde=0.0D, sum=0.0D, yCalctemp=0.0D;
1897 double[][] a = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];
1898 double[][] h = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];
1899 double[]b = new double[this.nTerms];
1900 double[]coeff = new double[this.nTerms];
1902 // set statistic arrays to NaN if df check ignored
1903 if(this.ignoreDofFcheck){
1904 this.bestSd = new double[this.nTerms];
1905 this.pseudoSd = new double[this.nTerms];
1906 this.tValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1907 this.pValues = new double[this.nTerms];
1909 this.covar = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];
1910 this.corrCoeff = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];;
1911 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
1912 this.bestSd[i] = Double.NaN;
1913 this.pseudoSd[i] = Double.NaN;
1914 for(int j=0; j<this.nTerms; j++){
1915 this.covar[i][j] = Double.NaN;
1916 this.corrCoeff[i][j] = Double.NaN;
1917 }
1918 }
1919 }
1921 for (int i=0; i<nTerms; ++i){
1922 sum=0.0D ;
1923 for (int j=0; j<nData; ++j){
1924 sum += this.yData[j]*xd[i][j]/Fmath.square(this.weight[j]);
1925 }
1926 b[i]=sum;
1927 }
1928 for (int i=0; i<nTerms; ++i){
1929 for (int j=0; j<nTerms; ++j){
1930 sum=0.0;
1931 for (int k=0; k<nData; ++k){
1932 sum += xd[i][k]*xd[j][k]/Fmath.square(this.weight[k]);
1933 }
1934 a[j][i]=sum;
1935 }
1936 }
1937 Matrix aa = new Matrix(a);
1938 if(this.supressErrorMessages)aa.supressErrorMessage();
1939 coeff = aa.solveLinearSet(b);
1941 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
1942[i] = coeff[i];
1943 }
1944 }
1946 // Generalised linear regression statistics (protected method called by linear(), linearGeneral() and polynomial())
1947 protected void generalLinearStats(double[][] xd){
1949 double sde=0.0D, sum=0.0D, yCalctemp=0.0D;
1950 double[][] a = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];
1951 double[][] h = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];
1952 double[][] stat = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];
1953 double[][] cov = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];
1954 this.covar = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];
1955 this.corrCoeff = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];
1956 double[]coeffSd = new double[this.nTerms];
1957 double[]coeff = new double[this.nTerms];
1959 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
1960 coeff[i] =[i];
1961 }
1963 this.chiSquare=0.0D;
1964 this.sumOfSquaresError=0.0D;
1965 for (int i=0; i< nData; ++i){
1966 yCalctemp=0.0;
1967 for (int j=0; j<nTerms; ++j){
1968 yCalctemp += coeff[j]*xd[j][i];
1969 }
1970 this.yCalc[i] = yCalctemp;
1971 yCalctemp -= this.yData[i];
1972 this.residual[i]=yCalctemp;
1973 this.residualW[i]=yCalctemp/weight[i];
1974 this.chiSquare += Fmath.square(yCalctemp/this.weight[i]);
1975 this.sumOfSquaresError += Fmath.square(yCalctemp);
1976 }
1977 this.reducedChiSquare = this.chiSquare/(this.degreesOfFreedom);
1978 double varY = this.sumOfSquaresError/(this.degreesOfFreedom);
1979 double sdY = Math.sqrt(varY);
1981 if(this.sumOfSquaresError==0.0D){
1982 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms;i++){
1983 coeffSd[i]=0.0D;
1984 for(int j=0; j<this.nTerms;j++){
1985 this.covar[i][j]=0.0D;
1986 if(i==j){
1987 this.corrCoeff[i][j]=1.0D;
1988 }
1989 else{
1990 this.corrCoeff[i][j]=0.0D;
1991 }
1992 }
1993 }
1994 }
1995 else{
1996 for (int i=0; i<this.nTerms; ++i){
1997 for (int j=0; j<this.nTerms; ++j){
1998 sum=0.0;
1999 for (int k=0; k<this.nData; ++k){
2000 if (weightOpt){
2001 sde = weight[k];
2002 }
2003 else{
2004 sde = sdY;
2005 }
2006 sum += xd[i][k]*xd[j][k]/Fmath.square(sde);
2007 }
2008 h[j][i]=sum;
2009 }
2010 }
2011 Matrix hh = new Matrix(h);
2012 if(this.supressErrorMessages)hh.supressErrorMessage();
2013 hh = hh.inverse();
2014 stat = hh.getArrayCopy();
2015 for (int j=0; j<nTerms; ++j){
2016 coeffSd[j] = Math.sqrt(stat[j][j]);
2017 }
2019 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms;i++){
2020 for(int j=0; j<this.nTerms;j++){
2021 this.covar[i][j]=stat[i][j];
2022 }
2023 }
2025 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms;i++){
2026 for(int j=0; j<this.nTerms;j++){
2027 if(i==j){
2028 this.corrCoeff[i][j] = 1.0D;
2029 }
2030 else{
2031 this.corrCoeff[i][j]=covar[i][j]/(coeffSd[i]*coeffSd[j]);
2032 }
2033 }
2034 }
2035 }
2037 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
2038 this.bestSd[i] = coeffSd[i];
2039 this.tValues[i] =[i]/this.bestSd[i];
2040 double atv = Math.abs(this.tValues[i]);
2041 if(atv!=atv){
2042 this.pValues[i] = Double.NaN;
2043 }
2044 else{
2045 this.pValues[i] = 1.0 - Stat.studentTcdf(-atv, atv, this.degreesOfFreedom);
2046 }
2047 }
2049 // Linear correlation coefficient
2050 if(this.nXarrays==1 && this.nYarrays==1){
2051 this.xyR = Stat.corrCoeff(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
2052 }
2053 this.yyR = Stat.corrCoeff(this.yCalc, this.yData, this.weight);
2055 // Coefficient of determination
2056 this.yMean = Stat.mean(this.yData);
2057 this.yWeightedMean = Stat.mean(this.yData, this.weight);
2059 this.sumOfSquaresTotal = 0.0;
2060 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
2061 this.sumOfSquaresTotal += Fmath.square((this.yData[i] - this.yWeightedMean)/weight[i]);
2062 }
2064 this.sumOfSquaresRegrn = this.sumOfSquaresTotal - this.chiSquare;
2065 if(this.sumOfSquaresRegrn<0.0)this.sumOfSquaresRegrn=0.0;
2067 this.multR = this.sumOfSquaresRegrn/this.sumOfSquaresTotal;
2069 // Calculate adjusted multiple coefficient of determination
2070 this.adjustedR = 1.0 - (1.0 - multR)*(this.nData - 1 )/(this.nData - this.nTerms - 1);
2072 // F-ratio
2073 this.multipleF = multR*(this.nData-this.nTerms-1.0)/((1.0D-this.multR)*this.nTerms);
2074 if(this.multipleF>=0.0)this.multipleFprob = Stat.fTestProb(this.multipleF, this.nXarrays, this.nData-this.nTerms-1);
2076 }
2079 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex Non-linear Regression
2080 protected void nelderMead(Object regFun, double[] start, double[] step, double fTol, int nMax){
2081 int np = start.length; // number of unknown parameters;
2082 if(this.maxConstraintIndex>=np)throw new IllegalArgumentException("You have entered more constrained parameters ("+this.maxConstraintIndex+") than minimisation parameters (" + np + ")");
2083 this.nlrStatus = true; // -> false if convergence criterion not met
2084 this.nTerms = np; // number of parameters whose best estimates are to be determined
2085 int nnp = np+1; // number of simplex apices
2086 this.lastSSnoConstraint=0.0D; // last sum of squares without a penalty constraint being applied
2088 if(this.scaleOpt<2)this.scale = new double[np]; // scaling factors
2089 if(scaleOpt==2 && scale.length!=start.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("scale array and initial estimate array are of different lengths");
2090 if(step.length!=start.length)throw new IllegalArgumentException("step array length " + step.length + " and initial estimate array length " + start.length + " are of different");
2092 // check for zero step sizes
2093 for(int i=0; i<np; i++)if(step[i]==0.0D)throw new IllegalArgumentException("step " + i+ " size is zero");
2095 // set statistic arrays to NaN if degrees of freedom check ignored
2096 if(this.ignoreDofFcheck){
2097 this.bestSd = new double[this.nTerms];
2098 this.pseudoSd = new double[this.nTerms];
2099 this.tValues = new double[this.nTerms];
2100 this.pValues = new double[this.nTerms];
2102 this.covar = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];
2103 this.corrCoeff = new double[this.nTerms][this.nTerms];;
2104 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
2105 this.bestSd[i] = Double.NaN;
2106 this.pseudoSd[i] = Double.NaN;
2107 for(int j=0; j<this.nTerms; j++){
2108 this.covar[i][j] = Double.NaN;
2109 this.corrCoeff[i][j] = Double.NaN;
2110 }
2111 }
2112 }
2114 // set up arrays
2115 this.startH = new double[np]; // holding array of unscaled initial start values
2116 this.stepH = new double[np]; // unscaled initial step values
2117 this.startSH = new double[np]; // holding array of scaled initial start values
2118 this.stepSH = new double[np]; // scaled initial step values
2119 double[]pmin = new double[np]; // Nelder and Mead Pmin
2120 = new double[np]; // best estimates array
2121 this.bestSd = new double[np]; // sd of best estimates array
2122 this.tValues = new double[np]; // t-value of best estimates array
2123 this.pValues = new double[np]; // p-value of best estimates array
2125 double[][] pp = new double[nnp][nnp]; //Nelder and Mead P
2126 double[] yy = new double[nnp]; //Nelder and Mead y
2127 double[] pbar = new double[nnp]; //Nelder and Mead P with bar superscript
2128 double[] pstar = new double[nnp]; //Nelder and Mead P*
2129 double[] p2star = new double[nnp]; //Nelder and Mead P**
2131 // mean of absolute values of yData (for testing for minimum)
2132 double yabsmean=0.0D;
2133 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++)yabsmean += Math.abs(yData[i]);
2134 yabsmean /= this.nData;
2136 // Set any single parameter constraint parameters
2137 if(this.penalty){
2138 Integer itemp = (Integer)this.penalties.get(1);
2139 this.nConstraints = itemp.intValue();
2140 this.penaltyParam = new int[this.nConstraints];
2141 this.penaltyCheck = new int[this.nConstraints];
2142 this.constraints = new double[this.nConstraints];
2143 Double dtemp = null;
2144 int j=2;
2145 for(int i=0;i<this.nConstraints;i++){
2146 itemp = (Integer)this.penalties.get(j);
2147 this.penaltyParam[i] = itemp.intValue();
2148 j++;
2149 itemp = (Integer)this.penalties.get(j);
2150 this.penaltyCheck[i] = itemp.intValue();
2151 j++;
2152 dtemp = (Double)this.penalties.get(j);
2153 this.constraints[i] = dtemp.doubleValue();
2154 j++;
2155 }
2156 }
2158 // Set any multiple parameters constraint parameters
2159 if(this.sumPenalty){
2160 Integer itemp = (Integer)this.sumPenalties.get(1);
2161 this.nSumConstraints = itemp.intValue();
2162 this.sumPenaltyParam = new int[this.nSumConstraints][];
2163 this.sumPlusOrMinus = new double[this.nSumConstraints][];
2164 this.sumPenaltyCheck = new int[this.nSumConstraints];
2165 this.sumPenaltyNumber = new int[this.nSumConstraints];
2166 this.sumConstraints = new double[this.nSumConstraints];
2167 int[] itempArray = null;
2168 double[] dtempArray = null;
2169 Double dtemp = null;
2170 int j=2;
2171 for(int i=0;i<this.nSumConstraints;i++){
2172 itemp = (Integer)this.sumPenalties.get(j);
2173 this.sumPenaltyNumber[i] = itemp.intValue();
2174 j++;
2175 itempArray = (int[])this.sumPenalties.get(j);
2176 this.sumPenaltyParam[i] = itempArray;
2177 j++;
2178 dtempArray = (double[])this.sumPenalties.get(j);
2179 this.sumPlusOrMinus[i] = dtempArray;
2180 j++;
2181 itemp = (Integer)this.sumPenalties.get(j);
2182 this.sumPenaltyCheck[i] = itemp.intValue();
2183 j++;
2184 dtemp = (Double)this.sumPenalties.get(j);
2185 this.sumConstraints[i] = dtemp.doubleValue();
2186 j++;
2187 }
2188 }
2190 // Store unscaled start and step values
2191 for(int i=0; i<np; i++){
2192 this.startH[i]=start[i];
2193 this.stepH[i]=step[i];
2194 }
2196 // scale initial estimates and step sizes
2197 if(this.scaleOpt>0){
2198 boolean testzero=false;
2199 for(int i=0; i<np; i++)if(start[i]==0.0D)testzero=true;
2200 if(testzero){
2201 System.out.println("Neler and Mead Simplex: a start value of zero precludes scaling");
2202 System.out.println("Regression performed without scaling");
2203 this.scaleOpt=0;
2204 }
2205 }
2206 switch(this.scaleOpt){
2207 case 0: // No scaling carried out
2208 for(int i=0; i<np; i++)scale[i]=1.0D;
2209 break;
2210 case 1: // All parameters scaled to unity
2211 for(int i=0; i<np; i++){
2212 scale[i]=1.0/start[i];
2213 step[i]=step[i]/start[i];
2214 start[i]=1.0D;
2215 }
2216 break;
2217 case 2: // Each parameter scaled by a user provided factor
2218 for(int i=0; i<np; i++){
2219 step[i]*=scale[i];
2220 start[i]*= scale[i];
2221 }
2222 break;
2223 default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Scaling factor option " + this.scaleOpt + " not recognised");
2224 }
2226 // set class member values
2227 this.fTol=fTol;
2228 this.nMax=nMax;
2229 this.nIter=0;
2230 for(int i=0; i<np; i++){
2231 this.startSH[i] = start[i];
2232 this.stepSH[i] = step[i];
2233 this.scale[i] = scale[i];
2234 }
2236 // initial simplex
2237 double sho=0.0D;
2238 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i){
2239 sho=start[i];
2240 pstar[i]=sho;
2241 p2star[i]=sho;
2242 pmin[i]=sho;
2243 }
2245 int jcount=this.konvge; // count of number of restarts still available
2247 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i){
2248 pp[i][nnp-1]=start[i];
2249 }
2250 yy[nnp-1]=this.sumSquares(regFun, start);
2251 for (int j=0; j<np; ++j){
2252 start[j]=start[j]+step[j];
2254 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)pp[i][j]=start[i];
2255 yy[j]=this.sumSquares(regFun, start);
2256 start[j]=start[j]-step[j];
2257 }
2259 // loop over allowed number of iterations
2261 double ynewlo=0.0D; // current value lowest y
2262 double ystar = 0.0D; // Nelder and Mead y*
2263 double y2star = 0.0D; // Nelder and Mead y**
2264 double ylo = 0.0D; // Nelder and Mead y(low)
2265 double fMin; // function value at minimum
2267 int ilo=0; // index of lowest apex
2268 int ihi=0; // index of highest apex
2269 int ln=0; // counter for a check on low and high apices
2270 boolean test = true; // test becomes false on reaching minimum
2272 // variables used in calculating the variance of the simplex at a putative minimum
2273 double curMin = 00D; // sd of the values at the simplex apices
2274 double sumnm = 0.0D; // for calculating the mean of the apical values
2275 double zn = 0.0D; // for calculating the summation of their differences from the mean
2276 double summnm = 0.0D; // for calculating the variance
2278 while(test){
2279 // Determine h
2280 ylo=yy[0];
2281 ynewlo=ylo;
2282 ilo=0;
2283 ihi=0;
2284 for (int i=1; i<nnp; ++i){
2285 if (yy[i]<ylo){
2286 ylo=yy[i];
2287 ilo=i;
2288 }
2289 if (yy[i]>ynewlo){
2290 ynewlo=yy[i];
2291 ihi=i;
2292 }
2293 }
2294 // Calculate pbar
2295 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i){
2296 zn=0.0D;
2297 for (int j=0; j<nnp; ++j){
2298 zn += pp[i][j];
2299 }
2300 zn -= pp[i][ihi];
2301 pbar[i] = zn/np;
2302 }
2304 // Calculate p=(1+alpha) {Reflection}
2305 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)pstar[i]=(1.0 + this.rCoeff)*pbar[i]-this.rCoeff*pp[i][ihi];
2307 // Calculate y*
2308 ystar=this.sumSquares(regFun, pstar);
2310 ++this.nIter;
2312 // check for y*<yi
2313 if(ystar < ylo){
2314 // Calculate p**=(1+gamma).p*-gamma.pbar {Extension}
2315 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)p2star[i]=pstar[i]*(1.0D + this.eCoeff)-this.eCoeff*pbar[i];
2316 // Calculate y**
2317 y2star=this.sumSquares(regFun, p2star);
2318 ++this.nIter;
2319 if(y2star < ylo){
2320 // Replace ph by p**
2321 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)pp[i][ihi] = p2star[i];
2322 yy[ihi] = y2star;
2323 }
2324 else{
2325 //Replace ph by p*
2326 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)pp[i][ihi]=pstar[i];
2327 yy[ihi]=ystar;
2328 }
2329 }
2330 else{
2331 // Check y*>yi, i!=h
2332 ln=0;
2333 for (int i=0; i<nnp; ++i)if (i!=ihi && ystar > yy[i]) ++ln;
2334 if (ln==np ){
2335 // y*>= all yi; Check if y*>yh
2336 if(ystar<=yy[ihi]){
2337 // Replace ph by p*
2338 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)pp[i][ihi]=pstar[i];
2339 yy[ihi]=ystar;
2340 }
2341 // Calculate p** {Contraction}
2342 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)p2star[i]=this.cCoeff*pp[i][ihi] + (1.0 - this.cCoeff)*pbar[i];
2343 // Calculate y**
2344 y2star=this.sumSquares(regFun, p2star);
2345 ++this.nIter;
2346 // Check if y**>yh
2347 if(y2star>yy[ihi]){
2348 //Replace all pi by (pi+pl)/2
2350 for (int j=0; j<nnp; ++j){
2351 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i){
2352 pp[i][j]=0.5*(pp[i][j] + pp[i][ilo]);
2353 pmin[i]=pp[i][j];
2354 }
2355 yy[j]=this.sumSquares(regFun, pmin);
2356 }
2357 this.nIter += nnp;
2358 }
2359 else{
2360 // Replace ph by p**
2361 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)pp[i][ihi] = p2star[i];
2362 yy[ihi] = y2star;
2363 }
2364 }
2365 else{
2366 // replace ph by p*
2367 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)pp[i][ihi]=pstar[i];
2368 yy[ihi]=ystar;
2369 }
2370 }
2372 // test for convergence
2373 // calculte sd of simplex and determine the minimum point
2374 sumnm=0.0;
2375 ynewlo=yy[0];
2376 ilo=0;
2377 for (int i=0; i<nnp; ++i){
2378 sumnm += yy[i];
2379 if(ynewlo>yy[i]){
2380 ynewlo=yy[i];
2381 ilo=i;
2382 }
2383 }
2384 sumnm /= (double)(nnp);
2385 summnm=0.0;
2386 for (int i=0; i<nnp; ++i){
2387 zn=yy[i]-sumnm;
2388 summnm += zn*zn;
2389 }
2390 curMin=Math.sqrt(summnm/np);
2392 // test simplex sd
2393 switch(this.minTest){
2394 case 0: // terminate if the standard deviation of the sum of squares [unweighted data] or of the chi square values [weighted data]
2395 // at the apices of the simplex is less than the tolerance, fTol
2396 if(curMin<fTol)test=false;
2397 break;
2398 case 1: // terminate if the reduced chi square [weighted data] or the reduced sum of squares [unweighted data] at the lowest apex
2399 // of the simplex is less than the mean of the absolute values of the dependent variable (y values) multiplied by the tolerance, fTol.
2400 if(Math.sqrt(ynewlo/this.degreesOfFreedom)<yabsmean*fTol)test=false;
2401 break;
2402 default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Simplex standard deviation test option " + this.minTest + " not recognised");
2403 }
2404 this.sumOfSquaresError=ynewlo;
2405 if(!test){
2406 // temporary store of best estimates
2407 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)pmin[i]=pp[i][ilo];
2408 yy[nnp-1]=ynewlo;
2409 // store simplex sd
2410 this.simplexSd = curMin;
2411 // test for restart
2412 --jcount;
2413 if(jcount>0){
2414 test=true;
2415 for (int j=0; j<np; ++j){
2416 pmin[j]=pmin[j]+step[j];
2417 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)pp[i][j]=pmin[i];
2418 yy[j]=this.sumSquares(regFun, pmin);
2419 pmin[j]=pmin[j]-step[j];
2420 }
2421 }
2422 }
2424 // test for reaching allowed number of iterations
2425 if(test && this.nIter>this.nMax){
2426 if(!this.supressErrorMessages){
2427 System.out.println("Maximum iteration number reached, in Regression.simplex(...)");
2428 System.out.println("without the convergence criterion being satisfied");
2429 System.out.println("Current parameter estimates and sum of squares values returned");
2430 }
2431 this.nlrStatus = false;
2432 // store current estimates
2433 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i)pmin[i]=pp[i][ilo];
2434 yy[nnp-1]=ynewlo;
2435 test=false;
2436 }
2438 }
2440 // final store of the best estimates, function value at the minimum and number of restarts
2441 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i){
2442 pmin[i] = pp[i][ilo];
2443[i] = pmin[i]/this.scale[i];
2444 this.scale[i]=1.0D; // unscale for statistical methods
2445 }
2446 this.fMin=ynewlo;
2447 this.kRestart=this.konvge-jcount;
2449 // perform statistical analysis if possible and requested
2450 if(statFlag){
2451 if(!this.ignoreDofFcheck)pseudoLinearStats(regFun);
2452 }
2453 else{
2454 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i){
2455 this.bestSd[i] = Double.NaN;
2456 }
2457 }
2458 }
2460 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex Non-linear Regression
2461 public void simplex(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double[] step, double fTol, int nMax){
2462 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplex2 should have been called");
2463 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2464 this.lastMethod=3;
2465 this.userSupplied = true;
2466 this.linNonLin = false;
2467 this.zeroCheck = false;
2468 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2469 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, step, fTol, nMax);
2470 }
2473 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex Non-linear Regression
2474 // plus plot and output file
2475 public void simplexPlot(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double[] step, double fTol, int nMax){
2476 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplexPlot2 should have been called");
2477 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2478 this.lastMethod=3;
2479 this.userSupplied = true;
2480 this.linNonLin = false;
2481 this.zeroCheck = false;
2482 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2483 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, step, fTol, nMax);
2484 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2485 int flag = 0;
2486 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY(g);
2487 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2488 }
2490 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2491 // Default maximum iterations
2492 public void simplex(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double[] step, double fTol){
2493 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplex2 should have been called");
2494 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2495 int nMaxx = this.nMax;
2496 this.lastMethod=3;
2497 this.userSupplied = true;
2498 this.linNonLin = false;
2499 this.zeroCheck = false;
2500 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2501 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, step, fTol, nMaxx);
2502 }
2504 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex Non-linear Regression
2505 // plus plot and output file
2506 // Default maximum iterations
2507 public void simplexPlot(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double[] step, double fTol){
2508 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplexPlot2 should have been called");
2509 this.lastMethod=3;
2510 this.userSupplied = true;
2511 this.linNonLin = false;
2512 this.zeroCheck = false;
2513 this.simplex(g, start, step, fTol);
2514 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2515 int flag = 0;
2516 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY(g);
2517 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2518 }
2520 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2521 // Default tolerance
2522 public void simplex(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double[] step, int nMax){
2523 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplex2 should have been called");
2524 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2525 double fToll = this.fTol;
2526 this.lastMethod=3;
2527 this.userSupplied = true;
2528 this.linNonLin = false;
2529 this.zeroCheck = false;
2530 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2531 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, step, fToll, nMax);
2532 }
2534 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex Non-linear Regression
2535 // plus plot and output file
2536 // Default tolerance
2537 public void simplexPlot(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double[] step, int nMax){
2538 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplexPlot2 should have been called");
2539 this.lastMethod=3;
2540 this.userSupplied = true;
2541 this.linNonLin = false;
2542 this.zeroCheck = false;
2543 this.simplex(g, start, step, nMax);
2544 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2545 int flag = 0;
2546 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY(g);
2547 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2548 }
2550 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2551 // Default tolerance
2552 // Default maximum iterations
2553 public void simplex(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double[] step){
2554 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplex2 should have been called");
2555 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2556 double fToll = this.fTol;
2557 int nMaxx = this.nMax;
2558 this.lastMethod=3;
2559 this.userSupplied = true;
2560 this.linNonLin = false;
2561 this.zeroCheck = false;
2562 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2563 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, step, fToll, nMaxx);
2564 }
2566 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex Non-linear Regression
2567 // plus plot and output file
2568 // Default tolerance
2569 // Default maximum iterations
2570 public void simplexPlot(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double[] step){
2571 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplexPlot2 should have been called");
2572 this.lastMethod=3;
2573 this.userSupplied = true;
2574 this.linNonLin = false;
2575 this.zeroCheck = false;
2576 this.simplex(g, start, step);
2577 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2578 int flag = 0;
2579 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY(g);
2580 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2581 }
2583 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2584 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2585 public void simplex(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double fTol, int nMax){
2586 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplex2 should have been called");
2587 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2588 int n=start.length;
2589 double[] stepp = new double[n];
2590 for(int i=0; i<n;i++)stepp[i]=this.dStep*start[i];
2591 this.lastMethod=3;
2592 this.userSupplied = true;
2593 this.linNonLin = false;
2594 this.zeroCheck = false;
2595 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2596 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, stepp, fTol, nMax);
2597 }
2599 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex Non-linear Regression
2600 // plus plot and output file
2601 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2602 public void simplexPlot(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double fTol, int nMax){
2603 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplexPlot2 should have been called");
2604 this.lastMethod=3;
2605 this.userSupplied = true;
2606 this.linNonLin = false;
2607 this.zeroCheck = false;
2608 this.simplex(g, start, fTol, nMax);
2609 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2610 int flag = 0;
2611 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY(g);
2612 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2613 }
2615 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2616 // Default maximum iterations
2617 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2618 public void simplex(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double fTol){
2619 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplex2 should have been called");
2620 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2621 int n=start.length;
2622 int nMaxx = this.nMax;
2623 double[] stepp = new double[n];
2624 for(int i=0; i<n;i++)stepp[i]=this.dStep*start[i];
2625 this.lastMethod=3;
2626 this.userSupplied = true;
2627 this.linNonLin = false;
2628 this.zeroCheck = false;
2629 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2630 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, stepp, fTol, nMaxx);
2631 }
2633 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex Non-linear Regression
2634 // plus plot and output file
2635 // Default maximum iterations
2636 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2637 public void simplexPlot(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, double fTol){
2638 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplexPlot2 should have been called");
2639 this.lastMethod=3;
2640 this.userSupplied = true;
2641 this.linNonLin = false;
2642 this.zeroCheck = false;
2643 this.simplex(g, start, fTol);
2644 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2645 int flag = 0;
2646 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY(g);
2647 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2648 }
2650 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2651 // Default tolerance
2652 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2653 public void simplex(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, int nMax){
2654 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplex2 should have been called");
2655 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2656 int n=start.length;
2657 double fToll = this.fTol;
2658 double[] stepp = new double[n];
2659 for(int i=0; i<n;i++)stepp[i]=this.dStep*start[i];
2660 this.lastMethod=3;
2661 this.userSupplied = true;
2662 this.zeroCheck = false;
2663 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2664 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, stepp, fToll, nMax);
2665 }
2667 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex Non-linear Regression
2668 // plus plot and output file
2669 // Default tolerance
2670 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2671 public void simplexPlot(RegressionFunction g, double[] start, int nMax){
2672 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplexPlot2 should have been called");
2673 this.lastMethod=3;
2674 this.userSupplied = true;
2675 this.linNonLin = false;
2676 this.zeroCheck = false;
2677 this.simplex(g, start, nMax);
2678 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2679 int flag = 0;
2680 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY(g);
2681 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2682 }
2684 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2685 // Default tolerance
2686 // Default maximum iterations
2687 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2688 public void simplex(RegressionFunction g, double[] start){
2689 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplex2 should have been called");
2690 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2691 int n=start.length;
2692 int nMaxx = this.nMax;
2693 double fToll = this.fTol;
2694 double[] stepp = new double[n];
2695 for(int i=0; i<n;i++)stepp[i]=this.dStep*start[i];
2696 this.lastMethod=3;
2697 this.userSupplied = true;
2698 this.linNonLin = false;
2699 this.zeroCheck = false;
2700 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2701 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, stepp, fToll, nMaxx);
2702 }
2704 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex Non-linear Regression
2705 // plus plot and output file
2706 // Default tolerance
2707 // Default maximum iterations
2708 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2709 public void simplexPlot(RegressionFunction g, double[] start){
2710 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays\nsimplexPlot2 should have been called");
2711 this.lastMethod=3;
2712 this.userSupplied = true;
2713 this.linNonLin = false;
2714 this.zeroCheck = false;
2715 this.simplex(g, start);
2716 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2717 int flag = 0;
2718 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY(g);
2719 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2720 }
2724 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex2 Non-linear Regression
2725 public void simplex2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double[] step, double fTol, int nMax){
2726 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2727 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2728 this.lastMethod=3;
2729 this.userSupplied = true;
2730 this.linNonLin = false;
2731 this.zeroCheck = false;
2732 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2733 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, step, fTol, nMax);
2734 }
2737 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex2 Non-linear Regression
2738 // plus plot and output file
2739 public void simplexPlot2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double[] step, double fTol, int nMax){
2740 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2741 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2742 this.lastMethod=3;
2743 this.userSupplied = true;
2744 this.linNonLin = false;
2745 this.zeroCheck = false;
2746 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2747 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, step, fTol, nMax);
2748 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2749 int flag = 0;
2750 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY2(g);
2751 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2752 }
2754 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2755 // Default maximum iterations
2756 public void simplex2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double[] step, double fTol){
2757 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2758 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2759 int nMaxx = this.nMax;
2760 this.lastMethod=3;
2761 this.userSupplied = true;
2762 this.linNonLin = false;
2763 this.zeroCheck = false;
2764 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2765 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, step, fTol, nMaxx);
2766 }
2768 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex2 Non-linear Regression
2769 // plus plot and output file
2770 // Default maximum iterations
2771 public void simplexPlot2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double[] step, double fTol){
2772 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2773 this.lastMethod=3;
2774 this.userSupplied = true;
2775 this.linNonLin = false;
2776 this.zeroCheck = false;
2777 this.simplex2(g, start, step, fTol);
2778 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2779 int flag = 0;
2780 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY2(g);
2781 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2782 }
2784 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2785 // Default tolerance
2786 public void simplex2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double[] step, int nMax){
2787 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2788 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2789 double fToll = this.fTol;
2790 this.lastMethod=3;
2791 this.userSupplied = true;
2792 this.linNonLin = false;
2793 this.zeroCheck = false;
2794 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2795 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, step, fToll, nMax);
2796 }
2798 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex2 Non-linear Regression
2799 // plus plot and output file
2800 // Default tolerance
2801 public void simplexPlot2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double[] step, int nMax){
2802 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2803 this.lastMethod=3;
2804 this.userSupplied = true;
2805 this.linNonLin = false;
2806 this.zeroCheck = false;
2807 this.simplex2(g, start, step, nMax);
2808 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2809 int flag = 0;
2810 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY2(g);
2811 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2812 }
2814 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2815 // Default tolerance
2816 // Default maximum iterations
2817 public void simplex2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double[] step){
2818 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2819 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2820 double fToll = this.fTol;
2821 int nMaxx = this.nMax;
2822 this.lastMethod=3;
2823 this.userSupplied = true;
2824 this.linNonLin = false;
2825 this.zeroCheck = false;
2826 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2827 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, step, fToll, nMaxx);
2828 }
2830 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex2 Non-linear Regression
2831 // plus plot and output file
2832 // Default tolerance
2833 // Default maximum iterations
2834 public void simplexPlot2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double[] step){
2835 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2836 this.lastMethod=3;
2837 this.userSupplied = true;
2838 this.linNonLin = false;
2839 this.zeroCheck = false;
2840 this.simplex2(g, start, step);
2841 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2842 int flag = 0;
2843 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY2(g);
2844 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2845 }
2847 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2848 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2849 public void simplex2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double fTol, int nMax){
2850 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2851 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2852 int n=start.length;
2853 double[] stepp = new double[n];
2854 for(int i=0; i<n;i++)stepp[i]=this.dStep*start[i];
2855 this.lastMethod=3;
2856 this.userSupplied = true;
2857 this.linNonLin = false;
2858 this.zeroCheck = false;
2859 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2860 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, stepp, fTol, nMax);
2861 }
2863 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex2 Non-linear Regression
2864 // plus plot and output file
2865 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2866 public void simplexPlot2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double fTol, int nMax){
2867 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2868 this.lastMethod=3;
2869 this.userSupplied = true;
2870 this.linNonLin = false;
2871 this.zeroCheck = false;
2872 this.simplex2(g, start, fTol, nMax);
2873 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2874 int flag = 0;
2875 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY2(g);
2876 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2877 }
2879 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2880 // Default maximum iterations
2881 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2882 public void simplex2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double fTol){
2883 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2884 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2885 int n=start.length;
2886 int nMaxx = this.nMax;
2887 double[] stepp = new double[n];
2888 for(int i=0; i<n;i++)stepp[i]=this.dStep*start[i];
2889 this.lastMethod=3;
2890 this.userSupplied = true;
2891 this.linNonLin = false;
2892 this.zeroCheck = false;
2893 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2894 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, stepp, fTol, nMaxx);
2895 }
2897 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex2 Non-linear Regression
2898 // plus plot and output file
2899 // Default maximum iterations
2900 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2901 public void simplexPlot2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, double fTol){
2902 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2903 this.lastMethod=3;
2904 this.userSupplied = true;
2905 this.linNonLin = false;
2906 this.zeroCheck = false;
2907 this.simplex2(g, start, fTol);
2908 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2909 int flag = 0;
2910 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY2(g);
2911 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2912 }
2914 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2915 // Default tolerance
2916 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2917 public void simplex2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, int nMax){
2918 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2919 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2920 int n=start.length;
2921 double fToll = this.fTol;
2922 double[] stepp = new double[n];
2923 for(int i=0; i<n;i++)stepp[i]=this.dStep*start[i];
2924 this.lastMethod=3;
2925 this.userSupplied = true;
2926 this.zeroCheck = false;
2927 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2928 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, stepp, fToll, nMax);
2929 }
2931 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex2 Non-linear Regression
2932 // plus plot and output file
2933 // Default tolerance
2934 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2935 public void simplexPlot2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start, int nMax){
2936 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2937 this.lastMethod=3;
2938 this.userSupplied = true;
2939 this.linNonLin = false;
2940 this.zeroCheck = false;
2941 this.simplex2(g, start, nMax);
2942 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2943 int flag = 0;
2944 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY2(g);
2945 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2946 }
2948 // Nelder and Mead simplex
2949 // Default tolerance
2950 // Default maximum iterations
2951 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2952 public void simplex2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start){
2953 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2954 Object regFun = (Object)g;
2955 int n=start.length;
2956 int nMaxx = this.nMax;
2957 double fToll = this.fTol;
2958 double[] stepp = new double[n];
2959 for(int i=0; i<n;i++)stepp[i]=this.dStep*start[i];
2960 this.lastMethod=3;
2961 this.userSupplied = true;
2962 this.linNonLin = false;
2963 this.zeroCheck = false;
2964 this.degreesOfFreedom = this.nData - start.length;
2965 this.nelderMead(regFun, start, stepp, fToll, nMaxx);
2966 }
2968 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Simplex2 Non-linear Regression
2969 // plus plot and output file
2970 // Default tolerance
2971 // Default maximum iterations
2972 // Default step option - all step[i] = dStep
2973 public void simplexPlot2(RegressionFunction2 g, double[] start){
2974 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
2975 this.lastMethod=3;
2976 this.userSupplied = true;
2977 this.linNonLin = false;
2978 this.zeroCheck = false;
2979 this.simplex2(g, start);
2980 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
2981 int flag = 0;
2982 if(this.xData.length<2)flag = this.plotXY2(g);
2983 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
2984 }
2986 // Calculate the sum of squares of the residuals for non-linear regression
2987 protected double sumSquares(Object regFun, double[] x){
2988 RegressionFunction g1 = null;
2989 RegressionFunction2 g2 = null;
2990 if(this.multipleY){
2991 g2 = (RegressionFunction2)regFun;
2992 }
2993 else{
2994 g1 = (RegressionFunction)regFun;
2995 }
2997 double ss = -3.0D;
2998 double[] param = new double[this.nTerms];
2999 double[] xd = new double[this.nXarrays];
3000 // rescale for calcultion of the function
3001 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++)param[i]=x[i]/this.scale[i];
3003 // single parameter penalty functions
3004 double tempFunctVal = this.lastSSnoConstraint;
3005 boolean test=true;
3006 if(this.penalty){
3007 int k=0;
3008 for(int i=0; i<this.nConstraints; i++){
3009 k = this.penaltyParam[i];
3010 switch(penaltyCheck[i]){
3011 case -1: // parameter constrained to lie above a given constraint value
3012 if(param[k]<constraints[i]){
3013 ss = tempFunctVal + this.penaltyWeight*Fmath.square(constraints[i]-param[k]);
3014 test=false;
3015 }
3016 break;
3017 case 0: // parameter constrained to lie within a given tolerance about a constraint value
3018 if(param[k]<constraints[i]*(1.0-this.constraintTolerance)){
3019 ss = tempFunctVal + this.penaltyWeight*Fmath.square(constraints[i]*(1.0-this.constraintTolerance)-param[k]);
3020 test=false;
3021 }
3022 if(param[k]>constraints[i]*(1.0+this.constraintTolerance)){
3023 ss = tempFunctVal + this.penaltyWeight*Fmath.square(param[k]-constraints[i]*(1.0+this.constraintTolerance));
3024 test=false;
3025 }
3026 break;
3027 case 1: // parameter constrained to lie below a given constraint value
3028 if(param[k]>constraints[i]){
3029 ss = tempFunctVal + this.penaltyWeight*Fmath.square(param[k]-constraints[i]);
3030 test=false;
3031 }
3032 break;
3033 default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The " + i + "th penalty check " + penaltyCheck[i] + " not recognised");
3035 }
3036 }
3037 }
3039 // multiple parameter penalty functions
3040 if(this.sumPenalty){
3041 int kk = 0;
3042 double pSign = 0;
3043 for(int i=0; i<this.nSumConstraints; i++){
3044 double sumPenaltySum = 0.0D;
3045 for(int j=0; j<this.sumPenaltyNumber[i]; j++){
3046 kk = this.sumPenaltyParam[i][j];
3047 pSign = this.sumPlusOrMinus[i][j];
3048 sumPenaltySum += param[kk]*pSign;
3049 }
3050 switch(this.sumPenaltyCheck[i]){
3051 case -1: // designated 'parameter sum' constrained to lie above a given constraint value
3052 if(sumPenaltySum<sumConstraints[i]){
3053 ss = tempFunctVal + this.penaltyWeight*Fmath.square(sumConstraints[i]-sumPenaltySum);
3054 test=false;
3055 }
3056 break;
3057 case 0: // designated 'parameter sum' constrained to lie within a given tolerance about a given constraint value
3058 if(sumPenaltySum<sumConstraints[i]*(1.0-this.constraintTolerance)){
3059 ss = tempFunctVal + this.penaltyWeight*Fmath.square(sumConstraints[i]*(1.0-this.constraintTolerance)-sumPenaltySum);
3060 test=false;
3061 }
3062 if(sumPenaltySum>sumConstraints[i]*(1.0+this.constraintTolerance)){
3063 ss = tempFunctVal + this.penaltyWeight*Fmath.square(sumPenaltySum-sumConstraints[i]*(1.0+this.constraintTolerance));
3064 test=false;
3065 }
3066 break;
3067 case 1: // designated 'parameter sum' constrained to lie below a given constraint value
3068 if(sumPenaltySum>sumConstraints[i]){
3069 ss = tempFunctVal + this.penaltyWeight*Fmath.square(sumPenaltySum-sumConstraints[i]);
3070 test=false;
3071 }
3072 break;
3073 default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The " + i + "th summation penalty check " + sumPenaltyCheck[i] + " not recognised");
3074 }
3075 }
3076 }
3078 // call function calculation and calculate the sum of squares if constraints have not intervened
3079 if(test){
3080 ss = 0.0D;
3081 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
3082 for(int j=0; j<nXarrays; j++)xd[j]=this.xData[j][i];
3083 if(!this.multipleY){
3084 ss += Fmath.square((this.yData[i] - g1.function(param, xd))/this.weight[i]);
3085 }
3086 else{
3087 ss += Fmath.square((this.yData[i] - g2.function(param, xd, i))/this.weight[i]);
3088 }
3090 }
3091 this.lastSSnoConstraint = ss;
3093 }
3095 // return sum of squares
3096 return ss;
3097 }
3100 // add a single parameter constraint boundary for the non-linear regression
3101 public void addConstraint(int paramIndex, int conDir, double constraint){
3102 this.penalty=true;
3104 // First element reserved for method number if other methods than 'cliff' are added later
3105 if(this.penalties.isEmpty())this.penalties.add(new Integer(this.constraintMethod));
3107 // add constraint
3108 if(penalties.size()==1){
3109 this.penalties.add(new Integer(1));
3110 }
3111 else{
3112 int nPC = ((Integer)this.penalties.get(1)).intValue();
3113 nPC++;
3114 this.penalties.set(1, new Integer(nPC));
3115 }
3116 this.penalties.add(new Integer(paramIndex));
3117 this.penalties.add(new Integer(conDir));
3118 this.penalties.add(new Double(constraint));
3119 if(paramIndex>this.maxConstraintIndex)this.maxConstraintIndex = paramIndex;
3120 }
3123 // add a multiple parameter constraint boundary for the non-linear regression
3124 public void addConstraint(int[] paramIndices, int[] plusOrMinus, int conDir, double constraint){
3125 ArrayMaths am = new ArrayMaths(plusOrMinus);
3126 double[] dpom = am.getArray_as_double();
3127 addConstraint(paramIndices, dpom, conDir, constraint);
3128 }
3130 // add a multiple parameter constraint boundary for the non-linear regression
3131 public void addConstraint(int[] paramIndices, double[] plusOrMinus, int conDir, double constraint){
3132 int nCon = paramIndices.length;
3133 int nPorM = plusOrMinus.length;
3134 if(nCon!=nPorM)throw new IllegalArgumentException("num of parameters, " + nCon + ", does not equal number of parameter signs, " + nPorM);
3135 this.sumPenalty=true;
3137 // First element reserved for method number if other methods than 'cliff' are added later
3138 if(this.sumPenalties.isEmpty())this.sumPenalties.add(new Integer(this.constraintMethod));
3140 // add constraint
3141 if(sumPenalties.size()==1){
3142 this.sumPenalties.add(new Integer(1));
3143 }
3144 else{
3145 int nPC = ((Integer)this.sumPenalties.get(1)).intValue();
3146 nPC++;
3147 this.sumPenalties.set(1, new Integer(nPC));
3148 }
3149 this.sumPenalties.add(new Integer(nCon));
3150 this.sumPenalties.add(paramIndices);
3151 this.sumPenalties.add(plusOrMinus);
3152 this.sumPenalties.add(new Integer(conDir));
3153 this.sumPenalties.add(new Double(constraint));
3154 ArrayMaths am = new ArrayMaths(paramIndices);
3155 int maxI = am.getMaximum_as_int();
3156 if(maxI>this.maxConstraintIndex)this.maxConstraintIndex = maxI;
3157 }
3160 // remove all constraint boundaries for the non-linear regression
3161 public void removeConstraints(){
3163 // check if single parameter constraints already set
3164 if(!this.penalties.isEmpty()){
3165 int m=this.penalties.size();
3167 // remove single parameter constraints
3168 for(int i=m-1; i>=0; i--){
3169 this.penalties.remove(i);
3170 }
3171 }
3172 this.penalty = false;
3173 this.nConstraints = 0;
3175 // check if mutiple parameter constraints already set
3176 if(!this.sumPenalties.isEmpty()){
3177 int m=this.sumPenalties.size();
3179 // remove multiple parameter constraints
3180 for(int i=m-1; i>=0; i--){
3181 this.sumPenalties.remove(i);
3182 }
3183 }
3184 this.sumPenalty = false;
3185 this.nSumConstraints = 0;
3186 this.maxConstraintIndex = -1;
3187 }
3190 // Reset the tolerance used in a fixed value constraint
3191 public void setConstraintTolerance(double tolerance){
3192 this.constraintTolerance = tolerance;
3193 }
3196 // linear statistics applied to a non-linear regression
3197 protected int pseudoLinearStats(Object regFun){
3198 double f1 = 0.0D, f2 = 0.0D, f3 = 0.0D, f4 = 0.0D; // intermdiate values in numerical differentiation
3199 int flag = 0; // returned as 0 if method fully successful;
3200 // negative if partially successful or unsuccessful: check posVarFlag and invertFlag
3201 // -1 posVarFlag or invertFlag is false;
3202 // -2 posVarFlag and invertFlag are false
3203 int np = this.nTerms;
3205 double[] f = new double[np];
3206 double[] pmin = new double[np];
3207 double[] coeffSd = new double[np];
3208 double[] xd = new double[this.nXarrays];
3209 double[][]stat = new double[np][np];
3210 pseudoSd = new double[np];
3212 Double temp = null;
3214 this.grad = new double[np][2];
3215 this.covar = new double[np][np];
3216 this.corrCoeff = new double[np][np];
3218 // get best estimates
3219 pmin = Conv.copy(best);
3221 // gradient both sides of the minimum
3222 double hold0 = 1.0D;
3223 double hold1 = 1.0D;
3224 for (int i=0;i<np; ++i){
3225 for (int k=0;k<np; ++k){
3226 f[k]=pmin[k];
3227 }
3228 hold0=pmin[i];
3229 if(hold0==0.0D){
3230 hold0=this.stepH[i];
3231 this.zeroCheck=true;
3232 }
3233 f[i]=hold0*(1.0D -;
3234 this.lastSSnoConstraint=this.sumOfSquaresError;
3235 f1=sumSquares(regFun, f);
3236 f[i]=hold0*(1.0 +;
3237 this.lastSSnoConstraint=this.sumOfSquaresError;
3238 f2=sumSquares(regFun, f);
3239 this.grad[i][0]=(this.fMin-f1)/Math.abs(*hold0);
3240 this.grad[i][1]=(f2-this.fMin)/Math.abs(*hold0);
3241 }
3243 // second patial derivatives at the minimum
3244 this.lastSSnoConstraint=this.sumOfSquaresError;
3245 for (int i=0;i<np; ++i){
3246 for (int j=0;j<np; ++j){
3247 for (int k=0;k<np; ++k){
3248 f[k]=pmin[k];
3249 }
3250 hold0=f[i];
3251 if(hold0==0.0D){
3252 hold0=this.stepH[i];
3253 this.zeroCheck=true;
3254 }
3255 f[i]=hold0*(1.0 +;
3256 hold0=f[j];
3257 if(hold0==0.0D){
3258 hold0=this.stepH[j];
3259 this.zeroCheck=true;
3260 }
3261 f[j]=hold0*(1.0 +;
3262 this.lastSSnoConstraint=this.sumOfSquaresError;
3263 f1=sumSquares(regFun, f);
3264 f[i]=pmin[i];
3265 f[j]=pmin[j];
3266 hold0=f[i];
3267 if(hold0==0.0D){
3268 hold0=this.stepH[i];
3269 this.zeroCheck=true;
3270 }
3271 f[i]=hold0*(1.0 -;
3272 hold0=f[j];
3273 if(hold0==0.0D){
3274 hold0=this.stepH[j];
3275 this.zeroCheck=true;
3276 }
3277 f[j]=hold0*(1.0 +;
3278 this.lastSSnoConstraint=this.sumOfSquaresError;
3279 f2=sumSquares(regFun, f);
3280 f[i]=pmin[i];
3281 f[j]=pmin[j];
3282 hold0=f[i];
3283 if(hold0==0.0D){
3284 hold0=this.stepH[i];
3285 this.zeroCheck=true;
3286 }
3287 f[i]=hold0*(1.0 +;
3288 hold0=f[j];
3289 if(hold0==0.0D){
3290 hold0=this.stepH[j];
3291 this.zeroCheck=true;
3292 }
3293 f[j]=hold0*(1.0 -;
3294 this.lastSSnoConstraint=this.sumOfSquaresError;
3295 f3=sumSquares(regFun, f);
3296 f[i]=pmin[i];
3297 f[j]=pmin[j];
3298 hold0=f[i];
3299 if(hold0==0.0D){
3300 hold0=this.stepH[i];
3301 this.zeroCheck=true;
3302 }
3303 f[i]=hold0*(1.0 -;
3304 hold0=f[j];
3305 if(hold0==0.0D){
3306 hold0=this.stepH[j];
3307 this.zeroCheck=true;
3308 }
3309 f[j]=hold0*(1.0 -;
3310 this.lastSSnoConstraint=this.sumOfSquaresError;
3311 f4=sumSquares(regFun, f);
3312 stat[i][j]=(f1-f2-f3+f4)/(*;
3313 }
3314 }
3316 double ss=0.0D;
3317 double sc=0.0D;
3318 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
3319 for(int j=0; j<nXarrays; j++)xd[j]=this.xData[j][i];
3320 if(this.multipleY){
3321 this.yCalc[i] = ((RegressionFunction2)regFun).function(pmin, xd, i);
3322 }
3323 else{
3324 this.yCalc[i] = ((RegressionFunction)regFun).function(pmin, xd);
3325 }
3326 this.residual[i] = this.yCalc[i]-this.yData[i];
3327 ss += Fmath.square(this.residual[i]);
3328 this.residualW[i] = this.residual[i]/this.weight[i];
3329 sc += Fmath.square(this.residualW[i]);
3330 }
3331 this.sumOfSquaresError = ss;
3332 double varY = ss/(this.nData-np);
3333 double sdY = Math.sqrt(varY);
3334 this.chiSquare=sc;
3335 this.reducedChiSquare=sc/(this.nData-np);
3337 // calculate reduced sum of squares
3338 double red=1.0D;
3339 if(!this.weightOpt && !this.trueFreq)red=this.sumOfSquaresError/(this.nData-np);
3341 // calculate pseudo errors - reduced sum of squares over second partial derivative
3342 for(int i=0; i<np; i++){
3343 pseudoSd[i] = (2.0D**red*Math.abs(pmin[i]))/(grad[i][1]-grad[i][0]);
3344 if(pseudoSd[i]>=0.0D){
3345 pseudoSd[i] = Math.sqrt(pseudoSd[i]);
3346 }
3347 else{
3348 pseudoSd[i] = Double.NaN;
3349 }
3350 }
3352 // calculate covariance matrix
3353 if(np==1){
3354 hold0=pmin[0];
3355 if(hold0==0.0D)hold0=this.stepH[0];
3356 stat[0][0]=1.0D/stat[0][0];
3357 this.covar[0][0] = stat[0][0]*red*hold0*hold0;
3358 if(covar[0][0]>=0.0D){
3359 coeffSd[0]=Math.sqrt(this.covar[0][0]);
3360 corrCoeff[0][0]=1.0D;
3361 }
3362 else{
3363 coeffSd[0]=Double.NaN;
3364 corrCoeff[0][0]=Double.NaN;
3365 this.posVarFlag=false;
3366 }
3367 }
3368 else{
3369 Matrix cov = new Matrix(stat);
3370 if(this.supressErrorMessages)cov.supressErrorMessage();
3371 double determinant = cov.determinant();
3372 if(determinant==0){
3373 this.invertFlag=false;
3374 }
3375 else{
3376 cov = cov.inverse();
3377 this.invertFlag = cov.getMatrixCheck();
3378 }
3379 if(this.invertFlag==false)flag--;
3380 stat = cov.getArrayCopy();
3382 this.posVarFlag=true;
3383 if (this.invertFlag){
3384 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i){
3385 hold0=pmin[i];
3386 if(hold0==0.0D)hold0=this.stepH[i];
3387 for (int j=i; j<np;++j){
3388 hold1=pmin[j];
3389 if(hold1==0.0D)hold1=this.stepH[j];
3390 this.covar[i][j] = 2.0D*stat[i][j]*red*hold0*hold1;
3391 this.covar[j][i] = this.covar[i][j];
3392 }
3393 if(covar[i][i]>=0.0D){
3394 coeffSd[i]=Math.sqrt(this.covar[i][i]);
3395 }
3396 else{
3397 coeffSd[i]=Double.NaN;
3398 this.posVarFlag=false;
3399 }
3400 }
3402 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i){
3403 for (int j=0; j<np; ++j){
3404 if((coeffSd[i]!= Double.NaN) && (coeffSd[j]!= Double.NaN)){
3405 this.corrCoeff[i][j] = this.covar[i][j]/(coeffSd[i]*coeffSd[j]);
3406 }
3407 else{
3408 this.corrCoeff[i][j]= Double.NaN;
3409 }
3410 }
3411 }
3412 }
3413 else{
3414 for (int i=0; i<np; ++i){
3415 for (int j=0; j<np;++j){
3416 this.covar[i][j] = Double.NaN;
3417 this.corrCoeff[i][j] = Double.NaN;
3418 }
3419 coeffSd[i]=Double.NaN;
3420 }
3421 }
3422 }
3423 if(this.posVarFlag==false)flag--;
3425 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
3426 this.bestSd[i] = coeffSd[i];
3427 this.tValues[i] =[i]/this.bestSd[i];
3428 double atv = Math.abs(this.tValues[i]);
3429 if(atv!=atv){
3430 this.pValues[i] = Double.NaN;
3431 }
3432 else{
3433 this.pValues[i] = 1.0 - Stat.studentTcdf(-atv, atv, this.degreesOfFreedom);
3434 }
3435 }
3437 if(this.nXarrays==1 && this.nYarrays==1){
3438 this.xyR = Stat.corrCoeff(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
3439 }
3440 this.yyR = Stat.corrCoeff(this.yCalc, this.yData, this.weight);
3442 // Coefficient of determination
3443 this.yMean = Stat.mean(this.yData);
3444 this.yWeightedMean = Stat.mean(this.yData, this.weight);
3446 this.sumOfSquaresTotal = 0.0;
3447 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
3448 this.sumOfSquaresTotal += Fmath.square((this.yData[i] - this.yWeightedMean)/weight[i]);
3449 }
3451 this.sumOfSquaresRegrn = this.sumOfSquaresTotal - this.chiSquare;
3452 if(this.sumOfSquaresRegrn<0.0)this.sumOfSquaresRegrn=0.0;
3454 this.multR = this.sumOfSquaresRegrn/this.sumOfSquaresTotal;
3456 // Calculate adjusted multiple coefficient of determination
3457 this.adjustedR = 1.0 - (1.0 - this.multR)*(this.nData - 1 )/(this.nData - this.nXarrays - 1);
3459 // F-ratio
3460 this.multipleF = this.multR*(this.nData-this.nXarrays-1.0)/((1.0D-this.multR)*this.nXarrays);
3461 if(this.multipleF>=0.0)this.multipleFprob = Stat.fTestProb(this.multipleF, this.nXarrays, this.nData-this.nXarrays-1);
3463 return flag;
3465 }
3467 // Print the results of the regression
3468 // File name provided
3469 // prec = truncation precision
3470 public void print(String filename, int prec){
3471 this.prec = prec;
3472 this.print(filename);
3473 }
3475 // Print the results of the regression
3476 // No file name provided
3477 // prec = truncation precision
3478 public void print(int prec){
3479 this.prec = prec;
3480 String filename="RegressionOutput.txt";
3481 this.print(filename);
3482 }
3484 // Print the results of the regression
3485 // File name provided
3486 // default value for truncation precision
3487 public void print(String filename){
3488 if(filename.indexOf('.')==-1)filename = filename+".txt";
3489 FileOutput fout = new FileOutput(filename, 'n');
3490 fout.dateAndTimeln(filename);
3491 fout.println(this.graphTitle);
3492 paraName = new String[this.nTerms];
3493 if(lastMethod==38)paraName = new String[3];
3494 if(this.bestPolyFlag)fout.println("This is the best fit found by the method bestPolynomial");
3495 if(weightOpt){
3496 fout.println("Weighted Least Squares Minimisation");
3497 }
3498 else{
3499 fout.println("Unweighted Least Squares Minimisation");
3500 }
3501 switch(this.lastMethod){
3502 case 0: fout.println("Linear Regression with intercept");
3503 fout.println("y = c[0] + c[1]*x1 + c[2]*x2 +c[3]*x3 + . . .");
3504 for(int i=0;i<this.nTerms;i++)this.paraName[i]="c["+i+"]";
3505 this.linearPrint(fout);
3506 break;
3507 case 1: fout.println("Polynomial (with degree = " + (nTerms-1) + "), Fitting: Linear Regression");
3508 fout.println("y = c[0] + c[1]*x + c[2]*x^2 +c[3]*x^3 + . . .");
3509 for(int i=0;i<this.nTerms;i++)this.paraName[i]="c["+i+"]";
3510 this.linearPrint(fout);
3511 break;
3512 case 2: fout.println("Generalised linear regression");
3513 fout.println("y = c[0]*f1(x) + c[1]*f2(x) + c[2]*f3(x) + . . .");
3514 for(int i=0;i<this.nTerms;i++)this.paraName[i]="c["+i+"]";
3515 this.linearPrint(fout);
3516 break;
3517 case 3: fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex Non-linear Regression");
3518 fout.println("y = f(x1, x2, x3 . . ., c[0], c[1], c[2] . . .");
3519 fout.println("y is non-linear with respect to the c[i]");
3520 for(int i=0;i<this.nTerms;i++)this.paraName[i]="c["+i+"]";
3521 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3522 break;
3523 case 4: fout.println("Fitting to a Normal (Gaussian) distribution");
3524 fout.println("y = (yscale/(sd.sqrt(2.pi)).exp(0.5.square((x-mean)/sd))");
3525 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3526 paraName[0]="mean";
3527 paraName[1]="sd";
3528 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3529 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3530 break;
3531 case 5: fout.println("Fitting to a Lorentzian distribution");
3532 fout.println("y = (yscale/pi).(gamma/2)/((x-mean)^2+(gamma/2)^2)");
3533 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3534 paraName[0]="mean";
3535 paraName[1]="gamma";
3536 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3537 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3538 break;
3539 case 6: fout.println("Fitting to a Poisson distribution");
3540 fout.println("y =^k.exp(-mu)/mu!");
3541 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3542 paraName[0]="mean";
3543 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3544 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3545 break;
3546 case 7: fout.println("Fitting to a Two Parameter Minimum Order Statistic Gumbel [Type 1 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3547 fout.println("y = (yscale/sigma)*exp((x - mu)/sigma))*exp(-exp((x-mu)/sigma))");
3548 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3549 paraName[0]="mu";
3550 paraName[1]="sigma";
3551 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3552 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3553 break;
3554 case 8: fout.println("Fitting to a Two Parameter Maximum Order Statistic Gumbel [Type 1 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3555 fout.println("y = (yscale/sigma)*exp(-(x - mu)/sigma))*exp(-exp(-(x-mu)/sigma))");
3556 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3557 paraName[0]="mu";
3558 paraName[1]="sigma";
3559 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3560 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3561 break;
3562 case 9: fout.println("Fitting to a One Parameter Minimum Order Statistic Gumbel [Type 1 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3563 fout.println("y = (yscale)*exp(x/sigma))*exp(-exp(x/sigma))");
3564 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3565 paraName[0]="sigma";
3566 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3567 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3568 break;
3569 case 10: fout.println("Fitting to a One Parameter Maximum Order Statistic Gumbel [Type 1 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3570 fout.println("y = (yscale)*exp(-x/sigma))*exp(-exp(-x/sigma))");
3571 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3572 paraName[0]="sigma";
3573 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3574 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3575 break;
3576 case 11: fout.println("Fitting to a Standard Minimum Order Statistic Gumbel [Type 1 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3577 fout.println("y = (yscale)*exp(x))*exp(-exp(x))");
3578 fout.println("Linear regression used to fit y = yscale*z where z = exp(x))*exp(-exp(x)))");
3579 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[0]="y scale";
3580 this.linearPrint(fout);
3581 break;
3582 case 12: fout.println("Fitting to a Standard Maximum Order Statistic Gumbel [Type 1 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3583 fout.println("y = (yscale)*exp(-x))*exp(-exp(-x))");
3584 fout.println("Linear regression used to fit y = yscale*z where z = exp(-x))*exp(-exp(-x)))");
3585 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[0]="y scale";
3586 this.linearPrint(fout);
3587 break;
3588 case 13: fout.println("Fitting to a Three Parameter Frechet [Type 2 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3589 fout.println("y = yscale.(gamma/sigma)*((x - mu)/sigma)^(-gamma-1)*exp(-((x-mu)/sigma)^-gamma");
3590 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3591 paraName[0]="mu";
3592 paraName[1]="sigma";
3593 paraName[2]="gamma";
3594 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[3]="y scale";
3595 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3596 break;
3597 case 14: fout.println("Fitting to a Two parameter Frechet [Type2 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3598 fout.println("y = yscale.(gamma/sigma)*(x/sigma)^(-gamma-1)*exp(-(x/sigma)^-gamma");
3599 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3600 paraName[0]="sigma";
3601 paraName[1]="gamma";
3602 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3603 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3604 break;
3605 case 15: fout.println("Fitting to a Standard Frechet [Type 2 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3606 fout.println("y = yscale.gamma*(x)^(-gamma-1)*exp(-(x)^-gamma");
3607 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3608 paraName[0]="gamma";
3609 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3610 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3611 break;
3612 case 16: fout.println("Fitting to a Three parameter Weibull [Type 3 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3613 fout.println("y = yscale.(gamma/sigma)*((x - mu)/sigma)^(gamma-1)*exp(-((x-mu)/sigma)^gamma");
3614 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3615 paraName[0]="mu";
3616 paraName[1]="sigma";
3617 paraName[2]="gamma";
3618 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[3]="y scale";
3619 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3620 break;
3621 case 17: fout.println("Fitting to a Two parameter Weibull [Type 3 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3622 fout.println("y = yscale.(gamma/sigma)*(x/sigma)^(gamma-1)*exp(-(x/sigma)^gamma");
3623 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3624 paraName[0]="sigma";
3625 paraName[1]="gamma";
3626 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3627 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3628 break;
3629 case 18: fout.println("Fitting to a Standard Weibull [Type 3 Extreme Value] Distribution");
3630 fout.println("y = yscale.gamma*(x)^(gamma-1)*exp(-(x)^gamma");
3631 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3632 paraName[0]="gamma";
3633 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3634 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3635 break;
3636 case 19: fout.println("Fitting to a Two parameter Exponential Distribution");
3637 fout.println("y = (yscale/sigma)*exp(-(x-mu)/sigma)");
3638 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3639 paraName[0]="mu";
3640 paraName[1]="sigma";
3641 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3642 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3643 break;
3644 case 20: fout.println("Fitting to a One parameter Exponential Distribution");
3645 fout.println("y = (yscale/sigma)*exp(-x/sigma)");
3646 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3647 paraName[0]="sigma";
3648 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3649 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3650 break;
3651 case 21: fout.println("Fitting to a Standard Exponential Distribution");
3652 fout.println("y = yscale*exp(-x)");
3653 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3654 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[0]="y scale";
3655 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3656 break;
3657 case 22: fout.println("Fitting to a Rayleigh Distribution");
3658 fout.println("y = (yscale/sigma)*(x/sigma)*exp(-0.5*(x/sigma)^2)");
3659 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3660 paraName[0]="sigma";
3661 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3662 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3663 break;
3664 case 23: fout.println("Fitting to a Two Parameter Pareto Distribution");
3665 fout.println("y = yscale*(alpha*beta^alpha)/(x^(alpha+1))");
3666 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3667 paraName[0]="alpha";
3668 paraName[1]="beta";
3669 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3670 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3671 break;
3672 case 24: fout.println("Fitting to a One Parameter Pareto Distribution");
3673 fout.println("y = yscale*(alpha)/(x^(alpha+1))");
3674 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3675 paraName[0]="alpha";
3676 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3677 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3678 break;
3679 case 25: fout.println("Fitting to a Sigmoidal Threshold Function");
3680 fout.println("y = yscale/(1 + exp(-slopeTerm(x - theta)))");
3681 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3682 paraName[0]="slope term";
3683 paraName[1]="theta";
3684 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3685 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3686 break;
3687 case 26: fout.println("Fitting to a Rectangular Hyperbola");
3688 fout.println("y = yscale.x/(theta + x)");
3689 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3690 paraName[0]="theta";
3691 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3692 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3693 break;
3694 case 27: fout.println("Fitting to a Scaled Heaviside Step Function");
3695 fout.println("y = yscale.H(x - theta)");
3696 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3697 paraName[0]="theta";
3698 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3699 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3700 break;
3701 case 28: fout.println("Fitting to a Hill/Sips Sigmoid");
3702 fout.println("y = yscale.x^n/(theta^n + x^n)");
3703 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3704 paraName[0]="theta";
3705 paraName[1]="n";
3706 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3707 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3708 break;
3709 case 29: fout.println("Fitting to a Shifted Pareto Distribution");
3710 fout.println("y = yscale*(alpha*beta^alpha)/((x-theta)^(alpha+1))");
3711 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3712 paraName[0]="alpha";
3713 paraName[1]="beta";
3714 paraName[2]="theta";
3715 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[3]="y scale";
3716 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3717 break;
3718 case 30: fout.println("Fitting to a Logistic distribution");
3719 fout.println("y = yscale*exp(-(x-mu)/beta)/(beta*(1 + exp(-(x-mu)/beta))^2");
3720 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3721 paraName[0]="mu";
3722 paraName[1]="beta";
3723 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3724 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3725 break;
3726 case 31: fout.println("Fitting to a Beta distribution - [0, 1] interval");
3727 fout.println("y = yscale*x^(alpha-1)*(1-x)^(beta-1)/B(alpha, beta)");
3728 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3729 paraName[0]="alpha";
3730 paraName[1]="beta";
3731 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3732 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3733 break;
3734 case 32: fout.println("Fitting to a Beta distribution - [min, max] interval");
3735 fout.println("y = yscale*(x-min)^(alpha-1)*(max-x)^(beta-1)/(B(alpha, beta)*(max-min)^(alpha+beta-1)");
3736 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3737 paraName[0]="alpha";
3738 paraName[1]="beta";
3739 paraName[2]="min";
3740 paraName[3]="max";
3741 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[4]="y scale";
3742 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3743 break;
3744 case 33: fout.println("Fitting to a Three Parameter Gamma distribution");
3745 fout.println("y = yscale*((x-mu)/beta)^(gamma-1)*exp(-(x-mu)/beta)/(beta*Gamma(gamma))");
3746 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3747 paraName[0]="mu";
3748 paraName[1]="beta";
3749 paraName[2]="gamma";
3750 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[3]="y scale";
3751 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3752 break;
3753 case 34: fout.println("Fitting to a Standard Gamma distribution");
3754 fout.println("y = yscale*x^(gamma-1)*exp(-x)/Gamma(gamma)");
3755 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3756 paraName[0]="gamma";
3757 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3758 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3759 break;
3760 case 35: fout.println("Fitting to an Erang distribution");
3761 fout.println("y = yscale*lambda^k*x^(k-1)*exp(-x*lambda)/(k-1)!");
3762 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3763 paraName[0]="lambda";
3764 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3765 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3766 break;
3767 case 36: fout.println("Fitting to a two parameter log-normal distribution");
3768 fout.println("y = (yscale/(x.sigma.sqrt(2.pi)).exp(0.5.square((log(x)-muu)/sigma))");
3769 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3770 paraName[0]="mu";
3771 paraName[1]="sigma";
3772 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[2]="y scale";
3773 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3774 break;
3775 case 37: fout.println("Fitting to a three parameter log-normal distribution");
3776 fout.println("y = (yscale/((x-alpha).beta.sqrt(2.pi)).exp(0.5.square((log(x-alpha)/gamma)/beta))");
3777 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3778 paraName[0]="alpha";
3779 paraName[1]="beta";
3780 paraName[2]="gamma";
3781 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[3]="y scale";
3782 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3783 break;
3784 case 38: fout.println("Fitting to a Normal (Gaussian) distribution with fixed parameters");
3785 fout.println("y = (yscale/(sd.sqrt(2.pi)).exp(0.5.square((x-mean)/sd))");
3786 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3787 paraName[0]="mean";
3788 paraName[1]="sd";
3789 paraName[2]="y scale";
3790 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3791 break;
3792 case 39: fout.println("Fitting to a EC50 dose response curve");
3793 fout.println("y = bottom + (top - bottom)/(1 + (x/EC50)^HillSlope)");
3794 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3795 paraName[0]="bottom";
3796 paraName[1]="top";
3797 paraName[2]="EC50";
3798 paraName[3]="Hill Slope";
3799 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3800 break;
3801 case 40: fout.println("Fitting to a LogEC50 dose response curve");
3802 fout.println("y = bottom + (top - bottom)/(1 + 10^((logEC50 - x).HillSlope))");
3803 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3804 paraName[0]="bottom";
3805 paraName[1]="top";
3806 paraName[2]="LogEC50";
3807 paraName[3]="Hill Slope";
3808 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3809 break;
3810 case 41: fout.println("Fitting to a EC50 dose response curve - bottom constrained to be zero or positive");
3811 fout.println("y = bottom + (top - bottom)/(1 + (x/EC50)^HillSlope)");
3812 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3813 paraName[0]="bottom";
3814 paraName[1]="top";
3815 paraName[2]="EC50";
3816 paraName[3]="Hill Slope";
3817 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3818 break;
3819 case 42: fout.println("Fitting to a LogEC50 dose response curve - bottom constrained to be zero or positive");
3820 fout.println("y = bottom + (top - bottom)/(1 + 10^((logEC50 - x).HillSlope))");
3821 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3822 paraName[0]="bottom";
3823 paraName[1]="top";
3824 paraName[2]="LogEC50";
3825 paraName[3]="Hill Slope";
3826 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3827 break;
3828 case 43: fout.println("Fitting to an exponential");
3829 fout.println("y = yscale.exp(A.x)");
3830 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3831 paraName[0]="A";
3832 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[1]="y scale";
3833 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3834 break;
3835 case 44: fout.println("Fitting to multiple exponentials");
3836 fout.println("y = Sum[Ai.exp(Bi.x)], i=1 to n");
3837 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3838 for(int i=0;i<this.nTerms;i+=2){
3839 this.paraName[i]="A["+(i+1)+"]";
3840 this.paraName[i+1]="B["+(i+1)+"]";
3841 }
3842 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3843 break;
3844 case 45: fout.println("Fitting to one minus an exponential");
3845 fout.println("y = A(1 - exp(B.x)");
3846 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3847 paraName[0]="A";
3848 paraName[1]="B";
3849 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3850 break;
3851 case 46: fout.println("Fitting to a constant");
3852 fout.println("y = a");
3853 fout.println("Stat weighted mean used to fit the data");
3854 paraName[0]="a";
3855 this.linearPrint(fout);
3856 break;
3857 case 47: fout.println("Linear Regression with fixed intercept");
3858 fout.println("y = fixed intercept + c[0]*x1 + c[1]*x2 +c[2]*x3 + . . . ");
3859 for(int i=0;i<this.nTerms;i++)this.paraName[i]="c["+i+"]";
3860 this.linearPrint(fout);
3861 break;
3862 case 48: fout.println("Polynomial (with degree = " + nTerms + ") and fixed intercept, Fitting: Linear Regression");
3863 fout.println("y = fixed intercept + c[0]*x + c[1]*x^2 +c[2]*x^3 + . . .");
3864 for(int i=0;i<this.nTerms;i++)this.paraName[i]="c["+i+"]";
3865 this.linearPrint(fout);
3866 break;
3867 case 49: fout.println("Fitting multiple Gaussian distributions");
3868 fout.println("y = Sum(A[i]/(sd[i].sqrt(2.pi)).exp(0.5.square((x-mean[i])/sd[i])) = yscale.Sum(f[i]/(sd[i].sqrt(2.pi)).exp(0.5.square((x-mean[i])/sd[i]))");
3869 fout.println("Nelder and Mead Simplex used to fit the data");
3870 for(int i=0; i<this.nGaussians; i++){
3871 paraName[3*i]="mean[" + i + "]";
3872 paraName[3*i+1]="sd[" + i + "]";
3873 paraName[3*i+2]="A[" + i + "]";
3874 }
3875 if(this.scaleFlag)paraName[3*this.nGaussians]="y scale";
3876 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3877 break;
3878 case 50: fout.println("Fitting to a non-integer polynomial");
3879 fout.println("y = c[0] + c[1]*x + c[2]*x^c[3]");
3880 for(int i=0;i<this.nTerms;i++)this.paraName[i]="c["+i+"]";
3881 this.nonLinearPrint(fout);
3882 break;
3883 default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method number (this.lastMethod) not found");
3885 }
3887 fout.close();
3888 }
3890 // Print the results of the regression
3891 // No file name provided
3892 public void print(){
3893 String filename="RegressOutput.txt";
3894 this.print(filename);
3895 }
3897 // protected method - print linear regression output
3898 protected void linearPrint(FileOutput fout){
3900 if(this.legendCheck){
3901 fout.println();
3902 fout.println("x1 = " + this.xLegend);
3903 fout.println("y = " + this.yLegend);
3904 }
3906 fout.println();
3907 if(this.lastMethod==47)fout.println("Fixed Intercept = " + this.fixedInterceptL);
3908 if(this.lastMethod==48)fout.println("Fixed Intercept = " + this.fixedInterceptP);
3909 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
3910 fout.printtab("Best", this.field);
3911 fout.printtab("Error", this.field);
3912 fout.printtab("Coefficient of", this.field);
3913 fout.printtab("t-value ", this.field);
3914 fout.println("p-value");
3916 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
3917 fout.printtab("Estimate", this.field);
3918 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
3919 fout.printtab("variation (%)", this.field);
3920 fout.printtab("t ", this.field);
3921 fout.println("P > |t|");
3923 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
3924 fout.printtab(this.paraName[i], this.field);
3925 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(best[i],this.prec), this.field);
3926 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(bestSd[i],this.prec), this.field);
3927 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(Math.abs(bestSd[i]*100.0D/best[i]),this.prec), this.field);
3928 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(tValues[i],this.prec), this.field);
3929 fout.println(Fmath.truncate((pValues[i]),this.prec));
3930 }
3931 fout.println();
3933 int ii=0;
3934 if(this.lastMethod<2)ii=1;
3935 for(int i=0; i<this.nXarrays; i++){
3936 fout.printtab("x"+String.valueOf(i+ii), this.field);
3937 }
3938 fout.printtab("y(expl)", this.field);
3939 fout.printtab("y(calc)", this.field);
3940 fout.printtab("weight", this.field);
3941 fout.printtab("residual", this.field);
3942 fout.println("residual");
3944 for(int i=0; i<this.nXarrays; i++){
3945 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
3946 }
3947 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
3948 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
3949 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
3950 fout.printtab("(unweighted)", this.field);
3951 fout.println("(weighted)");
3954 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
3955 for(int j=0; j<this.nXarrays; j++){
3956 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.xData[j][i],this.prec), this.field);
3957 }
3958 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.yData[i],this.prec), this.field);
3959 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.yCalc[i],this.prec), this.field);
3960 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.weight[i],this.prec), this.field);
3961 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.residual[i],this.prec), this.field);
3962 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.residualW[i],this.prec));
3963 }
3964 fout.println();
3965 fout.println("Sum of squares " + Fmath.truncate(this.sumOfSquaresError, this.prec));
3966 if(this.trueFreq){
3967 fout.printtab("Chi Square (Poissonian bins)");
3968 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.chiSquare,this.prec));
3969 fout.printtab("Reduced Chi Square (Poissonian bins)");
3970 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.reducedChiSquare,this.prec));
3971 fout.printtab("Chi Square (Poissonian bins) Probability");
3972 fout.println(Fmath.truncate((1.0D-Stat.chiSquareProb(this.chiSquare, this.nData-this.nXarrays)),this.prec));
3973 }
3974 else{
3975 if(weightOpt){
3976 fout.printtab("Chi Square");
3977 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.chiSquare,this.prec));
3978 fout.printtab("Reduced Chi Square");
3979 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.reducedChiSquare,this.prec));
3980 }
3981 }
3982 fout.println(" ");
3983 if(this.lastMethod!=46){
3984 if(this.nXarrays==1 && this.nYarrays==1 && this.lastMethod!=47 && this.lastMethod!=48){
3985 fout.println("Correlation: x - y data");
3986 fout.printtab(this.weightWord[this.weightFlag] + "Linear Correlation Coefficient (R)");
3987 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.xyR,this.prec));
3988 if(this.xyR<=1.0D){
3989 fout.printtab(this.weightWord[this.weightFlag] + "Linear Correlation Coefficient Probability");
3990 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(Stat.linearCorrCoeffProb(this.xyR, this.nData-2),this.prec));
3991 }
3992 }
3994 fout.println(" ");
3995 fout.println("Correlation: y(experimental) - y(calculated)");
3996 fout.printtab(this.weightWord[this.weightFlag] + "Linear Correlation Coefficient");
3997 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.yyR, this.prec));
3998 fout.printtab(this.weightWord[this.weightFlag] + "Linear Correlation Coefficient Probability");
3999 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(Stat.linearCorrCoeffProb(this.yyR, this.nData-2),this.prec));
4001 fout.println();
4002 if(this.chiSquare!=0.0D){
4003 fout.println("Correlation coefficients");
4004 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4005 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms;i++){
4006 fout.printtab(paraName[i], this.field);
4007 }
4008 fout.println();
4010 for(int j=0; j<this.nTerms;j++){
4011 fout.printtab(paraName[j], this.field);
4012 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms;i++){
4013 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.corrCoeff[i][j], this.prec), this.field);
4014 }
4015 fout.println();
4016 }
4017 }
4018 }
4020 fout.println(" ");
4021 fout.printtab("Degrees of freedom");
4022 fout.println(this.nData - this.nTerms);
4023 fout.printtab("Number of data points");
4024 fout.println(this.nData);
4025 fout.printtab("Number of estimated paramaters");
4026 fout.println(this.nTerms);
4027 fout.println();
4029 if(this.bestPolyFlag){
4031 fout.println("Method bestPolynomial search history");
4032 fout.println("F-probability significance level (%): " + this.fProbSignificance*100.0);
4033 fout.println("Degree of best fit polynomial " + this.bestPolynomialDegree);
4034 fout.println(" ");
4035 fout.print("Polynomial degree", 2*field);
4036 fout.print("chi square", 2*field);
4037 fout.print("F-ratio", field);
4038 fout.println("F-probability");
4039 fout.print("comparison", 2*field);
4040 fout.print("comparison", 2*field);
4041 fout.print(" ", field);
4042 fout.println(" ");
4044 int nAttempts = (Integer)this.bestPolyArray.get(1);
4045 System.out.println((Integer)this.bestPolyArray.get(0) + " " + nAttempts);
4046 int[] deg0s = (int[])this.bestPolyArray.get(2);
4047 int[] deg1s = (int[])this.bestPolyArray.get(3);
4048 double[] chi0s = (double[])this.bestPolyArray.get(4);
4049 double[] chi1s = (double[])this.bestPolyArray.get(5);
4050 double[] fRatios = (double[])this.bestPolyArray.get(6);
4051 double[] fProbs = (double[])this.bestPolyArray.get(7);
4053 for(int i=0; i<nAttempts; i++){
4054 fout.print(deg0s[i], field);
4055 fout.print(deg1s[i], field);
4056 fout.print(Fmath.truncate(chi0s[i], this.prec), field);
4057 fout.print(Fmath.truncate(chi1s[i], this.prec), field);
4058 fout.print(Fmath.truncate(fRatios[i], this.prec), field);
4059 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(fProbs[i], this.prec));
4060 }
4062 }
4064 fout.println();
4065 fout.println("Coefficient of determination, = " + Fmath.truncate(this.multR, this.prec));
4066 fout.println("Adjusted Coefficient of determination, = " + Fmath.truncate(this.adjustedR, this.prec));
4067 fout.println("Coefficient of determination, F-ratio = " + Fmath.truncate(this.multipleF, this.prec));
4068 fout.println("Coefficient of determination, F-ratio probability = " + Fmath.truncate(this.multipleFprob, this.prec));
4069 fout.println("Total (weighted) sum of squares = " + Fmath.truncate(this.sumOfSquaresTotal, this.prec));
4070 fout.println("Regression (weighted) sum of squares = " + Fmath.truncate(this.sumOfSquaresRegrn, this.prec));
4071 fout.println("Error (weighted) sum of squares = " + Fmath.truncate(this.chiSquare, this.prec));
4073 fout.println();
4074 fout.println("End of file");
4076 fout.close();
4077 }
4080 // protected method - print non-linear regression output
4081 protected void nonLinearPrint(FileOutput fout){
4082 if(this.userSupplied){
4083 fout.println();
4084 fout.println("Initial estimates were supplied by the user");
4085 }
4086 else{
4087 fout.println("Initial estimates were calculated internally");
4088 }
4090 switch(this.scaleOpt){
4091 case 1: fout.println();
4092 fout.println("Initial estimates were scaled to unity within the regression");
4093 break;
4094 case 2: fout.println();
4095 fout.println("Initial estimates were scaled with user supplied scaling factors within the regression");
4096 break;
4097 }
4099 if(this.legendCheck){
4100 fout.println();
4101 fout.println("x1 = " + this.xLegend);
4102 fout.println("y = " + this.yLegend);
4103 }
4105 fout.println();
4106 if(!this.nlrStatus){
4107 fout.println("Convergence criterion was not satisfied");
4108 fout.println("The following results are, or are derived from, the current estimates on exiting the regression method");
4109 fout.println();
4110 }
4112 fout.println("Estimated parameters");
4113 fout.println("The statistics are obtained assuming that the model behaves as a linear model about the minimum.");
4114 fout.println("The Hessian matrix is calculated as the numerically derived second derivatives of chi square with respect to all pairs of parameters.");
4115 if(this.zeroCheck)fout.println("The best estimate/s equal to zero were replaced by the step size in the numerical differentiation!!!");
4116 fout.println("Consequentlty treat the statistics with great caution");
4117 if(!this.posVarFlag){
4118 fout.println("Covariance matrix contains at least one negative diagonal element");
4119 fout.println(" - all variances are dubious");
4120 fout.println(" - may not be at a minimum or the model may be so non-linear that the linear approximation in calculating the statisics is invalid");
4121 }
4122 if(!this.invertFlag){
4123 fout.println("Hessian matrix is singular");
4124 fout.println(" - variances cannot be calculated");
4125 fout.println(" - may not be at a minimum or the model may be so non-linear that the linear approximation in calculating the statisics is invalid");
4126 }
4128 fout.println(" ");
4129 if(!this.scaleFlag){
4130 fout.println("The ordinate scaling factor [yscale, Ao] has been set equal to " + this.yScaleFactor);
4131 fout.println(" ");
4132 }
4133 if(lastMethod==35){
4134 fout.println("The integer rate parameter, k, was varied in unit steps to obtain a minimum sum of squares");
4135 fout.println("This value of k was " + this.kayValue);
4136 fout.println(" ");
4137 }
4139 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4140 if(this.invertFlag){
4141 fout.printtab("Best", this.field);
4142 fout.printtab("Estimate of", this.field);
4143 fout.printtab("Coefficient", this.field);
4144 fout.printtab("t-value", this.field);
4145 fout.println("p-value");
4146 }
4147 else{
4148 fout.println("Best");
4149 }
4151 if(this.invertFlag){
4152 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4153 fout.printtab("estimate", this.field);
4154 fout.printtab("the error", this.field);
4155 fout.printtab("of", this.field);
4156 fout.printtab("t", this.field);
4157 fout.println("P > |t|");
4158 }
4159 else{
4160 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4161 fout.println("estimate");
4162 }
4164 if(this.invertFlag){
4165 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4166 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4167 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4168 fout.println("variation (%)");
4169 }
4170 else{
4171 fout.println(" ");
4172 }
4174 if(this.lastMethod==38){
4175 int nT = 3;
4176 int ii = 0;
4177 for(int i=0; i<nT; i++){
4178 fout.printtab(this.paraName[i], this.field);
4179 if(this.fixed[i]){
4180 fout.printtab(this.values[i]);
4181 fout.println(" fixed parameter");
4182 }
4183 else{
4184 if(this.invertFlag){
4185 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(best[ii],this.prec), this.field);
4186 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(bestSd[ii],this.prec), this.field);
4187 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(Math.abs(bestSd[ii]*100.0D/best[ii]),this.prec), this.field);
4188 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(tValues[ii],this.prec), this.field);
4189 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(pValues[ii],this.prec));
4190 }
4191 else{
4192 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(best[ii],this.prec));
4193 }
4194 ii++;
4195 }
4196 }
4197 }
4198 else{
4199 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
4200 if(this.invertFlag){
4201 fout.printtab(this.paraName[i], this.field);
4202 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(best[i],this.prec), this.field);
4203 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(bestSd[i],this.prec), this.field);
4204 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(Math.abs(bestSd[i]*100.0D/best[i]),this.prec), this.field);
4205 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(tValues[i],this.prec), this.field);
4206 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(pValues[i],this.prec));
4207 }
4208 else{
4209 fout.printtab(this.paraName[i], this.field);
4210 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(best[i],this.prec));
4211 }
4212 }
4213 }
4214 fout.println();
4216 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4217 fout.printtab("Best", this.field);
4218 fout.printtab("Pre-min", this.field);
4219 fout.printtab("Post-min", this.field);
4220 fout.printtab("Initial", this.field);
4221 fout.printtab("Fractional", this.field);
4222 fout.println("Scaling");
4224 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4225 fout.printtab("estimate", this.field);
4226 fout.printtab("gradient", this.field);
4227 fout.printtab("gradient", this.field);
4228 fout.printtab("estimate", this.field);
4229 fout.printtab("step", this.field);
4230 fout.println("factor");
4233 if(this.lastMethod==38){
4234 int nT = 3;
4235 int ii = 0;
4236 for(int i=0; i<nT; i++){
4237 fout.printtab(this.paraName[i], this.field);
4238 if(this.fixed[i]){
4239 fout.printtab(this.values[i]);
4240 fout.println(" fixed parameter");
4241 }
4242 else{
4243 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(best[ii],this.prec), this.field);
4244 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.grad[ii][0],this.prec), this.field);
4245 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.grad[ii][1],this.prec), this.field);
4246 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.startH[ii],this.prec), this.field);
4247 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.stepH[ii],this.prec), this.field);
4248 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.scale[ii],this.prec));
4249 ii++;
4250 }
4251 }
4252 }
4253 else{
4254 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
4255 fout.printtab(this.paraName[i], this.field);
4256 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(best[i],this.prec), this.field);
4257 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.grad[i][0],this.prec), this.field);
4258 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.grad[i][1],this.prec), this.field);
4259 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.startH[i],this.prec), this.field);
4260 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.stepH[i],this.prec), this.field);
4261 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.scale[i],this.prec));
4262 }
4263 }
4264 fout.println();
4268 ErrorProp ePeak = null;
4269 ErrorProp eYscale = null;
4270 if(this.scaleFlag){
4271 switch(this.lastMethod){
4272 case 4: ErrorProp eSigma = new ErrorProp(best[1], bestSd[1]);
4273 eYscale = new ErrorProp(best[2]/Math.sqrt(2.0D*Math.PI), bestSd[2]/Math.sqrt(2.0D*Math.PI));
4274 ePeak = eYscale.over(eSigma);
4275 fout.printsp("Calculated estimate of the peak value = ");
4276 fout.println(ErrorProp.truncate(ePeak, prec));
4277 break;
4278 case 5: ErrorProp eGamma = new ErrorProp(best[1], bestSd[1]);
4279 eYscale = new ErrorProp(2.0D*best[2]/Math.PI, 2.0D*bestSd[2]/Math.PI);
4280 ePeak = eYscale.over(eGamma);
4281 fout.printsp("Calculated estimate of the peak value = ");
4282 fout.println(ErrorProp.truncate(ePeak, prec));
4283 break;
4285 }
4286 }
4287 if(this.lastMethod==25){
4288 fout.printsp("Calculated estimate of the maximum gradient = ");
4289 if(this.scaleFlag){
4290 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(best[0]*best[2]/4.0D, prec));
4291 }
4292 else{
4293 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(best[0]*this.yScaleFactor/4.0D, prec));
4294 }
4296 }
4297 if(this.lastMethod==28){
4298 fout.printsp("Calculated estimate of the maximum gradient = ");
4299 if(this.scaleFlag){
4300 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(best[1]*best[2]/(4.0D*best[0]), prec));
4301 }
4302 else{
4303 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(best[1]*this.yScaleFactor/(4.0D*best[0]), prec));
4304 }
4305 fout.printsp("Calculated estimate of the Ka, i.e. theta raised to the power n = ");
4306 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(Math.pow(best[0], best[1]), prec));
4307 }
4308 fout.println();
4310 if(this.lastMethod==49){
4311 fout.println("A[i] values converted to fractional contributions, f[i], and a scaling factor, yscale");
4312 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4313 if(this.invertFlag){
4314 fout.printtab("Best", this.field);
4315 fout.printtab("Estimate of", this.field);
4316 fout.printtab("Coefficient", this.field);
4317 fout.printtab("t-value", this.field);
4318 fout.println("p-value");
4319 }
4320 else{
4321 fout.println("Best");
4322 }
4324 if(this.invertFlag){
4325 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4326 fout.printtab("estimate", this.field);
4327 fout.printtab("the error", this.field);
4328 fout.printtab("of", this.field);
4329 fout.printtab("t", this.field);
4330 fout.println("P > |t|");
4331 }
4332 else{
4333 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4334 fout.println("estimate");
4335 }
4337 if(this.invertFlag){
4338 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4339 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4340 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4341 fout.println("variation (%)");
4342 }
4343 else{
4344 fout.println(" ");
4345 }
4347 for(int i=0; i<this.nGaussians; i++){
4348 if(this.invertFlag){
4349 fout.printtab("f[" + i + "]", this.field);
4350 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussFract[i],this.prec), this.field);
4351 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussFractErrors[i],this.prec), this.field);
4352 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussCoeffVar[i],this.prec), this.field);
4353 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussTvalue[i],this.prec), this.field);
4354 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussPvalue[i],this.prec));
4355 }
4356 else{
4357 fout.printtab("f[" + i + "]", this.field);
4358 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussFract[i],this.prec));
4359 }
4360 }
4361 }
4362 if(this.invertFlag){
4363 fout.printtab("yscale", this.field);
4364 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussScale,this.prec), this.field);
4365 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussScaleError,this.prec), this.field);
4366 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussScaleCoeffVar,this.prec), this.field);
4367 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussScaleTvalue,this.prec), this.field);
4368 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussScalePvalue,this.prec));
4369 }
4370 else{
4371 fout.printtab("yscale", this.field);
4372 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.multGaussScale,this.prec));
4373 }
4374 fout.println();
4376 int kk=0;
4377 for(int j=0; j<nYarrays; j++){
4378 if(this.multipleY)fout.println("Y array " + j);
4380 for(int i=0; i<this.nXarrays; i++){
4381 fout.printtab("x"+String.valueOf(i), this.field);
4382 }
4384 fout.printtab("y(expl)", this.field);
4385 fout.printtab("y(calc)", this.field);
4386 fout.printtab("weight", this.field);
4387 fout.printtab("residual", this.field);
4388 fout.println("residual");
4390 for(int i=0; i<this.nXarrays; i++){
4391 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4392 }
4393 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4394 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4395 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4396 fout.printtab("(unweighted)", this.field);
4397 fout.println("(weighted)");
4398 for(int i=0; i<this.nData0; i++){
4399 for(int jj=0; jj<this.nXarrays; jj++){
4400 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.xData[jj][kk],this.prec), this.field);
4401 }
4402 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.yData[kk],this.prec), this.field);
4403 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.yCalc[kk],this.prec), this.field);
4404 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.weight[kk],this.prec), this.field);
4405 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.residual[kk],this.prec), this.field);
4406 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.residualW[kk],this.prec));
4407 kk++;
4408 }
4409 fout.println();
4410 }
4412 fout.printtab("Sum of squares of the unweighted residuals");
4413 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.sumOfSquaresError,this.prec));
4414 if(this.trueFreq){
4415 fout.printtab("Chi Square (Poissonian bins)");
4416 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.chiSquare,this.prec));
4417 fout.printtab("Reduced Chi Square (Poissonian bins)");
4418 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.reducedChiSquare,this.prec));
4419 fout.printtab("Chi Square (Poissonian bins) Probability");
4420 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(1.0D-Stat.chiSquareProb(this.reducedChiSquare,this.degreesOfFreedom),this.prec));
4421 }
4422 else{
4423 if(weightOpt){
4424 fout.printtab("Chi Square");
4425 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.chiSquare,this.prec));
4426 fout.printtab("Reduced Chi Square");
4427 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.reducedChiSquare,this.prec));
4428 }
4429 }
4431 fout.println(" ");
4433 if(this.nXarrays==1 && this.nYarrays==1){
4434 fout.println("Correlation: x - y data");
4435 fout.printtab(this.weightWord[this.weightFlag] + "Linear Correlation Coefficient (R)");
4436 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.xyR,this.prec));
4437 if(this.xyR<=1.0D){
4438 fout.printtab(this.weightWord[this.weightFlag] + "Linear Correlation Coefficient Probability");
4439 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(Stat.linearCorrCoeffProb(this.xyR, this.nData-2),this.prec));
4440 }
4441 }
4443 fout.println(" ");
4444 fout.println("Correlation: y(experimental) - y(calculated)");
4445 fout.printtab(this.weightWord[this.weightFlag] + "Linear Correlation Coefficient");
4446 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.yyR, this.prec));
4447 fout.printtab(this.weightWord[this.weightFlag] + "Linear Correlation Coefficient Probability");
4448 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(Stat.linearCorrCoeffProb(this.yyR, this.nData-2),this.prec));
4450 fout.println(" ");
4451 fout.printtab("Degrees of freedom");
4452 fout.println(this.degreesOfFreedom);
4453 fout.printtab("Number of data points");
4454 fout.println(this.nData);
4455 fout.printtab("Number of estimated paramaters");
4456 fout.println(this.nTerms);
4458 fout.println();
4460 if(this.posVarFlag && this.invertFlag && this.chiSquare!=0.0D){
4461 fout.println("Parameter - parameter correlation coefficients");
4462 fout.printtab(" ", this.field);
4463 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms;i++){
4464 fout.printtab(paraName[i], this.field);
4465 }
4466 fout.println();
4468 for(int j=0; j<this.nTerms;j++){
4469 fout.printtab(paraName[j], this.field);
4470 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms;i++){
4471 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.corrCoeff[i][j], this.prec), this.field);
4472 }
4473 fout.println();
4474 }
4475 fout.println();
4476 }
4479 fout.println();
4480 fout.println("Coefficient of determination, R = " + Fmath.truncate(this.multR, this.prec));
4481 fout.println("Adjusted Coefficient of determination, R' = " + Fmath.truncate(this.adjustedR, this.prec));
4482 fout.println("Coefficient of determination, F-ratio = " + Fmath.truncate(this.multipleF, this.prec));
4483 fout.println("Coefficient of determination, F-ratio probability = " + Fmath.truncate(this.multipleFprob, this.prec));
4484 fout.println("Total (weighted) sum of squares = " + Fmath.truncate(this.sumOfSquaresTotal, this.prec));
4485 fout.println("Regression (weighted) sum of squares = " + Fmath.truncate(this.sumOfSquaresRegrn, this.prec));
4486 fout.println("Error (weighted) sum of squares = " + Fmath.truncate(this.chiSquare, this.prec));
4488 fout.println();
4490 fout.println();
4491 fout.printtab("Number of iterations taken");
4492 fout.println(this.nIter);
4493 fout.printtab("Maximum number of iterations allowed");
4494 fout.println(this.nMax);
4495 fout.printtab("Number of restarts taken");
4496 fout.println(this.kRestart);
4497 fout.printtab("Maximum number of restarts allowed");
4498 fout.println(this.konvge);
4499 fout.printtab("Standard deviation of the simplex at the minimum");
4500 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.simplexSd, this.prec));
4501 fout.printtab("Convergence tolerance");
4502 fout.println(this.fTol);
4503 switch(minTest){
4504 case 0: fout.println("simplex sd < the tolerance times the mean of the absolute values of the y values");
4505 break;
4506 case 1: fout.println("simplex sd < the tolerance");
4507 break;
4508 case 2: fout.println("simplex sd < the tolerance times the square root(sum of squares/degrees of freedom");
4509 break;
4510 }
4511 fout.println("Step used in numerical differentiation to obtain Hessian matrix");
4512 fout.println("d(parameter) = parameter*";
4514 fout.println();
4515 fout.println("End of file");
4516 fout.close();
4517 }
4519 // plot calculated y against experimental y
4520 // title provided
4521 public void plotYY(String title){
4522 this.graphTitle = title;
4523 int ncurves = 2;
4524 int npoints = this.nData0;
4525 double[][] data =, npoints);
4527 int kk = 0;
4528 for(int jj=0; jj<this.nYarrays; jj++){
4530 // fill first curve with experimental versus best fit values
4531 for(int i=0; i<nData0; i++){
4532 data[0][i]=this.yData[kk];
4533 data[1][i]=this.yCalc[kk];
4534 kk++;
4535 }
4537 // Create a title
4538 String title0 = this.setGandPtitle(this.graphTitle);
4539 if(this.multipleY)title0 = title0 + "y array " + jj;
4540 String title1 = "Calculated versus experimental y values";
4542 // Calculate best fit straight line between experimental and best fit values
4543 Regression yyRegr = new Regression(this.yData, this.yCalc, this.weight);
4544 yyRegr.linear();
4545 double[] coef = yyRegr.getCoeff();
4546 data[2][0]=Fmath.minimum(this.yData);
4547 data[3][0]=coef[0]+coef[1]*data[2][0];
4548 data[2][1]=Fmath.maximum(this.yData);
4549 data[3][1]=coef[0]+coef[1]*data[2][1];
4551 PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
4552 if(plotWindowCloseChoice){
4553 pg.setCloseChoice(2);
4554 }
4555 else{
4556 pg.setCloseChoice(1);
4557 }
4559 pg.setGraphTitle(title0);
4560 pg.setGraphTitle2(title1);
4561 pg.setXaxisLegend("Experimental y value");
4562 pg.setYaxisLegend("Calculated y value");
4563 int[] popt = {1, 0};
4564 pg.setPoint(popt);
4565 int[] lopt = {0, 3};
4566 pg.setLine(lopt);
4568 pg.plot();
4569 }
4570 }
4572 //Creates a title
4573 protected String setGandPtitle(String title){
4574 String title1 = "";
4575 switch(this.lastMethod){
4576 case 0: title1 = "Linear regression (with intercept): "+title;
4577 break;
4578 case 1: title1 = "Linear(polynomial with degree = " + (nTerms-1) + ") regression: "+title;
4579 break;
4580 case 2: title1 = "General linear regression: "+title;
4581 break;
4582 case 3: title1 = "Non-linear (simplex) regression: "+title;
4583 break;
4584 case 4: title1 = "Fit to a Gaussian distribution: "+title;
4585 break;
4586 case 5: title1 = "Fit to a Lorentzian distribution: "+title;
4587 break;
4588 case 6:title1 = "Fit to a Poisson distribution: "+title;
4589 break;
4590 case 7: title1 = "Fit to a Two Parameter Minimum Order Statistic Gumbel distribution: "+title;
4591 break;
4592 case 8: title1 = "Fit to a two Parameter Maximum Order Statistic Gumbel distribution: "+title;
4593 break;
4594 case 9: title1 = "Fit to a One Parameter Minimum Order Statistic Gumbel distribution: "+title;
4595 break;
4596 case 10: title1 = "Fit to a One Parameter Maximum Order Statistic Gumbel distribution: "+title;
4597 break;
4598 case 11: title1 = "Fit to a Standard Minimum Order Statistic Gumbel distribution: "+title;
4599 break;
4600 case 12: title1 = "Fit to a Standard Maximum Order Statistic Gumbel distribution: "+title;
4601 break;
4602 case 13:title1 = "Fit to a Three Parameter Frechet distribution: "+title;
4603 break;
4604 case 14:title1 = "Fit to a Two Parameter Frechet distribution: "+title;
4605 break;
4606 case 15:title1 = "Fit to a Standard Frechet distribution: "+title;
4607 break;
4608 case 16:title1 = "Fit to a Three Parameter Weibull distribution: "+title;
4609 break;
4610 case 17:title1 = "Fit to a Two Parameter Weibull distribution: "+title;
4611 break;
4612 case 18:title1 = "Fit to a Standard Weibull distribution: "+title;
4613 break;
4614 case 19:title1 = "Fit to a Two Parameter Exponential distribution: "+title;
4615 break;
4616 case 20:title1 = "Fit to a One Parameter Exponential distribution: "+title;
4617 break;
4618 case 21:title1 = "Fit to a Standard exponential distribution: "+title;
4619 break;
4620 case 22:title1 = "Fit to a Rayleigh distribution: "+title;
4621 break;
4622 case 23:title1 = "Fit to a Two Parameter Pareto distribution: "+title;
4623 break;
4624 case 24:title1 = "Fit to a One Parameter Pareto distribution: "+title;
4625 break;
4626 case 25:title1 = "Fit to a Sigmoid Threshold Function: "+title;
4627 break;
4628 case 26:title1 = "Fit to a Rectangular Hyperbola: "+title;
4629 break;
4630 case 27:title1 = "Fit to a Scaled Heaviside Step Function: "+title;
4631 break;
4632 case 28:title1 = "Fit to a Hill/Sips Sigmoid: "+title;
4633 break;
4634 case 29:title1 = "Fit to a Shifted Pareto distribution: "+title;
4635 break;
4636 case 30:title1 = "Fit to a Logistic distribution: "+title;
4637 break;
4638 case 31:title1 = "Fit to a Beta distribution - interval [0, 1]: "+title;
4639 break;
4640 case 32:title1 = "Fit to a Beta distribution - interval [min, max]: "+title;
4641 break;
4642 case 33:title1 = "Fit to a Three Parameter Gamma distribution]: "+title;
4643 break;
4644 case 34:title1 = "Fit to a Standard Gamma distribution]: "+title;
4645 break;
4646 case 35:title1 = "Fit to an Erlang distribution]: "+title;
4647 break;
4648 case 36:title1 = "Fit to an two parameter log-normal distribution]: "+title;
4649 break;
4650 case 37:title1 = "Fit to an three parameter log-normal distribution]: "+title;
4651 break;
4652 case 38: title1 = "Fit to a Gaussian distribution with fixed parameters: "+title;
4653 break;
4654 case 39: title1 = "Fit to a EC50 dose response curve: "+title;
4655 break;
4656 case 40: title1 = "Fit to a LogEC50 dose response curve: "+title;
4657 break;
4658 case 41: title1 = "Fit to a EC50 dose response curve - bottom constrained [>= 0]: "+title;
4659 break;
4660 case 42: title1 = "Fit to a LogEC50 dose response curve - bottom constrained [>= 0]: "+title;
4661 break;
4662 case 43: title1 = "Fit to an exponential yscale.exp(A.x): "+title;
4663 break;
4664 case 44: title1 = "Fit to multiple exponentials sum[Ai.exp(Bi.x)]: "+title;
4665 break;
4666 case 45: title1 = "Fit to an exponential A.(1 - exp(B.x): "+title;
4667 break;
4668 case 46: title1 = "Fit to a constant a: "+title;
4669 break;
4670 case 47: title1 = "Linear regression (with fixed intercept): "+title;
4671 break;
4672 case 48: title1 = "Linear(polynomial with degree = " + (nTerms-1) + " and fixed intercept) regression: "+title;
4673 break;
4674 case 49: title1 = "Fitting multiple Gaussian distributions";
4675 break;
4676 case 50: title1 = "Fitting to a non-integer polynomial";
4677 break;
4679 default: title1 = " "+title;
4680 }
4681 return title1;
4682 }
4684 // plot calculated y against experimental y
4685 // no title provided
4686 public void plotYY(){
4687 plotYY(this.graphTitle);
4688 }
4690 // plot experimental x against experimental y and against calculated y
4691 // linear regression data
4692 // title provided
4693 protected int plotXY(String title){
4694 this.graphTitle = title;
4695 int flag=0;
4696 if(!this.linNonLin && this.nTerms>0){
4697 System.out.println("You attempted to use Regression.plotXY() for a non-linear regression without providing the function reference (pointer) in the plotXY argument list");
4698 System.out.println("No plot attempted");
4699 flag=-1;
4700 return flag;
4701 }
4702 flag = this.plotXYlinear(title);
4703 return flag;
4704 }
4706 // plot experimental x against experimental y and against calculated y
4707 // Linear regression data
4708 // no title provided
4709 public int plotXY(){
4710 int flag = plotXY(this.graphTitle);
4711 return flag;
4712 }
4714 // plot experimental x against experimental y and against calculated y
4715 // non-linear regression data
4716 // title provided
4717 // matching simplex
4718 protected int plotXY(RegressionFunction g, String title){
4719 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y array\nplotXY2 should have been called");
4720 Object regFun = (Object)g;
4721 int flag = this.plotXYnonlinear(regFun, title);
4722 return flag;
4723 }
4725 // plot experimental x against experimental y and against calculated y
4726 // non-linear regression data
4727 // title provided
4728 // matching simplex2
4729 protected int plotXY2(RegressionFunction2 g, String title){
4730 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nsimplex should have been called");
4731 this.graphTitle = title;
4732 Object regFun = (Object)g;
4733 int flag = this.plotXYnonlinear(regFun, title);
4734 return flag;
4735 }
4737 // plot experimental x against experimental y and against calculated y
4738 // non-linear regression data
4739 // no title provided
4740 // matches simplex
4741 protected int plotXY(RegressionFunction g){
4742 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y array\nplotXY2 should have been called");
4743 Object regFun = (Object)g;
4744 int flag = this.plotXYnonlinear(regFun, this.graphTitle);
4745 return flag;
4746 }
4748 // plot experimental x against experimental y and against calculated y
4749 // non-linear regression data
4750 // no title provided
4751 // matches simplex2
4752 protected int plotXY2(RegressionFunction2 g){
4753 if(!this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle singly dimensioned y array\nplotXY should have been called");
4754 Object regFun = (Object)g;
4755 int flag = this.plotXYnonlinear(regFun, this.graphTitle);
4756 return flag;
4757 }
4759 // Add legends option
4760 public void addLegends(){
4761 int ans = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Do you wish to add your own legends to the x and y axes", "Axis Legends", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
4762 if(ans==0){
4763 this.xLegend = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type the legend for the abscissae (x-axis) [first data set]" );
4764 this.yLegend = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type the legend for the ordinates (y-axis) [second data set]" );
4765 this.legendCheck = true;
4766 }
4767 }
4769 // protected method for plotting experimental x against experimental y and against calculated y
4770 // Linear regression
4771 // title provided
4772 protected int plotXYlinear(String title){
4773 this.graphTitle = title;
4774 int flag=0; //Returned as 0 if plot data can be plotted, -1 if not, -2 if tried multiple regression plot
4775 if(this.nXarrays>1){
4776 System.out.println("You attempted to use Regression.plotXY() for a multiple regression");
4777 System.out.println("No plot attempted");
4778 flag=-2;
4779 return flag;
4780 }
4782 int ncurves = 2;
4783 int npoints = 200;
4784 if(npoints<this.nData0)npoints=this.nData0;
4785 if(this.lastMethod==11 || this.lastMethod==12 || this.lastMethod==21)npoints=this.nData0;
4786 double[][] data =, npoints);
4787 double xmin =Fmath.minimum(xData[0]);
4788 double xmax =Fmath.maximum(xData[0]);
4789 double inc = (xmax - xmin)/(double)(npoints - 1);
4790 String title1 = " ";
4791 String title2 = " ";
4793 for(int i=0; i<nData0; i++){
4794 data[0][i] = this.xData[0][i];
4795 data[1][i] = this.yData[i];
4796 }
4798 data[2][0]=xmin;
4799 for(int i=1; i<npoints; i++)data[2][i] = data[2][i-1] + inc;
4800 if(this.nTerms==0){
4801 switch(this.lastMethod){
4802 case 11: title1 = "No regression: Minimum Order Statistic Standard Gumbel (y = exp(x)exp(-exp(x))): "+this.graphTitle;
4803 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - theoretical curve; no parameters to be estimated";
4804 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4805 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++)data[3][i] = this.yCalc[i];
4806 break;
4807 case 12: title1 = "No regression: Maximum Order Statistic Standard Gumbel (y = exp(-x)exp(-exp(-x))): "+this.graphTitle;
4808 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - theoretical curve; no parameters to be estimated";
4809 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4810 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++)data[3][i] = this.yCalc[i];
4811 break;
4812 case 21: title1 = "No regression: Standard Exponential (y = exp(-x)): "+this.graphTitle;
4813 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - theoretical curve; no parameters to be estimated";
4814 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4815 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++)data[3][i] = this.yCalc[i];
4816 break;
4817 }
4819 }
4820 else{
4821 switch(this.lastMethod){
4822 case 0: title1 = "Linear regression (y = a + b.x): "+this.graphTitle;
4823 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - best fit curve";
4824 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4825 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++)data[3][i] = best[0] + best[1]*data[2][i];
4826 break;
4827 case 1: title1 = "Linear (polynomial with degree = " + (nTerms-1) + ") regression: "+this.graphTitle;
4828 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - best fit curve";
4829 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4830 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++){
4831 double sum=best[0];
4832 for(int j=1; j<this.nTerms; j++)sum+=best[j]*Math.pow(data[2][i],j);
4833 data[3][i] = sum;
4834 }
4835 break;
4836 case 2: title1 = "Linear regression (y = a.x): "+this.graphTitle;
4837 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - best fit curve";
4838 if(this.nXarrays==1){
4839 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4840 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++)data[3][i] = best[0]*data[2][i];
4841 }
4842 else{
4843 System.out.println("Regression.plotXY(linear): lastMethod, "+lastMethod+",cannot be plotted in two dimensions");
4844 System.out.println("No plot attempted");
4845 flag=-1;
4846 }
4847 break;
4848 case 11: title1 = "Linear regression: Minimum Order Statistic Standard Gumbel (y = a.z where z = exp(x)exp(-exp(x))): "+this.graphTitle;
4849 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - best fit curve";
4850 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4851 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++)data[3][i] = best[0]*Math.exp(data[2][i])*Math.exp(-Math.exp(data[2][i]));
4852 break;
4853 case 12: title1 = "Linear regression: Maximum Order Statistic Standard Gumbel (y = a.z where z=exp(-x)exp(-exp(-x))): "+this.graphTitle;
4854 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - best fit curve";
4855 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4856 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++)data[3][i] = best[0]*Math.exp(-data[2][i])*Math.exp(-Math.exp(-data[2][i]));
4857 break;
4858 case 46: title1 = "Linear regression: Fit to a constant (y = a): "+this.graphTitle;
4859 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - best fit curve";
4860 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4861 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++)data[3][i] = best[0];
4862 break;
4863 case 47: title1 = "Linear regression (y = fixed intercept + b.x): "+this.graphTitle;
4864 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - best fit curve";
4865 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4866 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++)data[3][i] = this.fixedInterceptL + best[0]*data[2][i];
4867 break;
4868 case 48: title1 = "Linear (polynomial with degree = " + nTerms + ") regression: "+this.graphTitle;
4869 title2 = "Fixed intercept; points - experimental values; line - best fit curve";
4870 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4871 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++){
4872 double sum=this.fixedInterceptP;
4873 for(int j=0; j<this.nTerms; j++)sum+=best[j]*Math.pow(data[2][i],j+1);
4874 data[3][i] = sum;
4875 }
4876 break;
4878 default: System.out.println("Regression.plotXY(linear): lastMethod, "+lastMethod+", either not recognised or cannot be plotted in two dimensions");
4879 System.out.println("No plot attempted");
4880 flag=-1;
4881 return flag;
4882 }
4883 }
4885 PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
4886 if(plotWindowCloseChoice){
4887 pg.setCloseChoice(2);
4888 }
4889 else{
4890 pg.setCloseChoice(1);
4891 }
4893 pg.setGraphTitle(title1);
4894 pg.setGraphTitle2(title2);
4895 pg.setXaxisLegend(this.xLegend);
4896 pg.setYaxisLegend(this.yLegend);
4897 int[] popt = {1,0};
4898 pg.setPoint(popt);
4899 int[] lopt = {0,3};
4900 pg.setLine(lopt);
4901 if(weightOpt)pg.setErrorBars(0,this.weight);
4902 pg.plot();
4904 return flag;
4905 }
4907 // protected method for plotting experimental x against experimental y and against calculated y
4908 // Non-linear regression
4909 // title provided
4910 public int plotXYnonlinear(Object regFun, String title){
4911 this.graphTitle = title;
4912 RegressionFunction g1 = null;
4913 RegressionFunction2 g2 = null;
4914 if(this.multipleY){
4915 g2 = (RegressionFunction2)regFun;
4916 }
4917 else{
4918 g1 = (RegressionFunction)regFun;
4919 }
4921 int flag=0; //Returned as 0 if plot data can be plotted, -1 if not
4923 if(this.lastMethod<3){
4924 System.out.println("Regression.plotXY(non-linear): lastMethod, "+lastMethod+", either not recognised or cannot be plotted in two dimensions");
4925 System.out.println("No plot attempted");
4926 flag=-1;
4927 return flag;
4928 }
4930 if(this.nXarrays>1){
4931 System.out.println("Multiple Linear Regression with more than one independent variable cannot be plotted in two dimensions");
4932 System.out.println("plotYY() called instead of plotXY()");
4933 this.plotYY(title);
4934 flag=-2;
4935 }
4936 else{
4937 if(this.multipleY){
4938 int ncurves = 2;
4939 int npoints = 200;
4940 if(npoints<this.nData0)npoints=this.nData0;
4941 String title1, title2;
4942 int kk=0;
4943 double[] wWeight = new double[this.nData0];
4944 for(int jj=0; jj<this.nYarrays; jj++){
4945 double[][] data =, npoints);
4946 for(int i=0; i<this.nData0; i++){
4947 data[0][i] = this.xData[0][kk];
4948 data[1][i] = this.yData[kk];
4949 wWeight[i] = this.weight[kk];
4950 kk++;
4951 }
4952 double xmin =Fmath.minimum(xData[0]);
4953 double xmax =Fmath.maximum(xData[0]);
4954 double inc = (xmax - xmin)/(double)(npoints - 1);
4955 data[2][0]=xmin;
4956 for(int i=1; i<npoints; i++)data[2][i] = data[2][i-1] + inc;
4957 double[] xd = new double[this.nXarrays];
4958 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++){
4959 xd[0] = data[2][i];
4960 data[3][i] = g2.function(best, xd, jj*this.nData0);
4961 }
4963 // Create a title
4964 title1 = this.setGandPtitle(title);
4965 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - best fit curve; y data array " + jj;
4966 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
4968 PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
4969 if(plotWindowCloseChoice){
4970 pg.setCloseChoice(2);
4971 }
4972 else{
4973 pg.setCloseChoice(1);
4974 }
4976 pg.setGraphTitle(title1);
4977 pg.setGraphTitle2(title2);
4978 pg.setXaxisLegend(this.xLegend);
4979 pg.setYaxisLegend(this.yLegend);
4980 int[] popt = {1,0};
4981 pg.setPoint(popt);
4982 int[] lopt = {0,3};
4983 pg.setLine(lopt);
4984 if(weightOpt)pg.setErrorBars(0,wWeight);
4986 pg.plot();
4987 }
4988 }
4989 else{
4990 int ncurves = 2;
4991 int npoints = 200;
4992 if(npoints<this.nData0)npoints=this.nData0;
4993 if(this.lastMethod==6)npoints=this.nData0;
4994 String title1, title2;
4995 double[][] data =, npoints);
4996 for(int i=0; i<this.nData0; i++){
4997 data[0][i] = this.xData[0][i];
4998 data[1][i] = this.yData[i];
4999 }
5000 if(this.lastMethod==6){
5001 double[] xd = new double[this.nXarrays];
5002 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++){
5003 data[2][i]=data[0][i];
5004 xd[0] = data[2][i];
5005 data[3][i] = g1.function(best, xd);
5006 }
5007 }
5008 else{
5009 double xmin =Fmath.minimum(xData[0]);
5010 double xmax =Fmath.maximum(xData[0]);
5011 double inc = (xmax - xmin)/(double)(npoints - 1);
5012 data[2][0]=xmin;
5013 for(int i=1; i<npoints; i++)data[2][i] = data[2][i-1] + inc;
5014 double[] xd = new double[this.nXarrays];
5015 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++){
5016 xd[0] = data[2][i];
5017 data[3][i] = g1.function(best, xd);
5018 }
5019 }
5021 // Create a title
5022 title1 = this.setGandPtitle(title);
5023 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - best fit curve";
5024 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
5026 PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
5027 if(plotWindowCloseChoice){
5028 pg.setCloseChoice(2);
5029 }
5030 else{
5031 pg.setCloseChoice(1);
5032 }
5034 pg.setGraphTitle(title1);
5035 pg.setGraphTitle2(title2);
5036 pg.setXaxisLegend(this.xLegend);
5037 pg.setYaxisLegend(this.yLegend);
5038 int[] popt = {1,0};
5039 pg.setPoint(popt);
5040 int[] lopt = {0,3};
5041 pg.setLine(lopt);
5043 if(weightOpt)pg.setErrorBars(0,this.weight);
5045 pg.plot();
5046 }
5047 }
5048 return flag;
5049 }
5051 // protected method for plotting experimental x against experimental y and against calculated y
5052 // Non-linear regression
5053 // all parameters fixed
5054 public int plotXYfixed(Object regFun, String title){
5055 this.graphTitle = title;
5056 RegressionFunction g1 = null;
5057 RegressionFunction2 g2 = null;
5058 if(this.multipleY){
5059 g2 = (RegressionFunction2)regFun;
5060 }
5061 else{
5062 g1 = (RegressionFunction)regFun;
5063 }
5065 int flag=0; //Returned as 0 if plot data can be plotted, -1 if not
5067 if(this.lastMethod<3){
5068 System.out.println("Regression.plotXY(non-linear): lastMethod, "+lastMethod+", either not recognised or cannot be plotted in two dimensions");
5069 System.out.println("No plot attempted");
5070 flag=-1;
5071 return flag;
5072 }
5075 if(this.nXarrays>1){
5076 System.out.println("Multiple Linear Regression with more than one independent variable cannot be plotted in two dimensions");
5077 System.out.println("plotYY() called instead of plotXY()");
5078 this.plotYY(title);
5079 flag=-2;
5080 }
5081 else{
5082 if(this.multipleY){
5083 int ncurves = 2;
5084 int npoints = 200;
5085 if(npoints<this.nData0)npoints=this.nData0;
5086 String title1, title2;
5087 int kk=0;
5088 double[] wWeight = new double[this.nData0];
5089 for(int jj=0; jj<this.nYarrays; jj++){
5090 double[][] data =, npoints);
5091 for(int i=0; i<this.nData0; i++){
5092 data[0][i] = this.xData[0][kk];
5093 data[1][i] = this.yData[kk];
5094 wWeight[i] = this.weight[kk];
5095 kk++;
5096 }
5097 double xmin =Fmath.minimum(xData[0]);
5098 double xmax =Fmath.maximum(xData[0]);
5099 double inc = (xmax - xmin)/(double)(npoints - 1);
5100 data[2][0]=xmin;
5101 for(int i=1; i<npoints; i++)data[2][i] = data[2][i-1] + inc;
5102 double[] xd = new double[this.nXarrays];
5103 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++){
5104 xd[0] = data[2][i];
5105 data[3][i] = g2.function(this.values, xd, jj*this.nData0);
5106 }
5108 // Create a title
5109 title1 = this.setGandPtitle(title);
5110 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - best fit curve; y data array " + jj;
5111 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
5113 PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
5114 if(plotWindowCloseChoice){
5115 pg.setCloseChoice(2);
5116 }
5117 else{
5118 pg.setCloseChoice(1);
5119 }
5121 pg.setGraphTitle(title1);
5122 pg.setGraphTitle2(title2);
5123 pg.setXaxisLegend(this.xLegend);
5124 pg.setYaxisLegend(this.yLegend);
5125 int[] popt = {1,0};
5126 pg.setPoint(popt);
5127 int[] lopt = {0,3};
5128 pg.setLine(lopt);
5129 if(weightOpt)pg.setErrorBars(0,wWeight);
5131 pg.plot();
5132 }
5133 }
5134 else{
5135 int ncurves = 2;
5136 int npoints = 200;
5137 if(npoints<this.nData0)npoints=this.nData0;
5138 if(this.lastMethod==6)npoints=this.nData0;
5139 String title1, title2;
5140 double[][] data =, npoints);
5141 for(int i=0; i<this.nData0; i++){
5142 data[0][i] = this.xData[0][i];
5143 data[1][i] = this.yData[i];
5144 }
5145 if(this.lastMethod==6){
5146 double[] xd = new double[this.nXarrays];
5147 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++){
5148 data[2][i]=data[0][i];
5149 xd[0] = data[2][i];
5150 data[3][i] = g1.function(this.values, xd);
5151 }
5152 }
5153 else{
5154 double xmin =Fmath.minimum(xData[0]);
5155 double xmax =Fmath.maximum(xData[0]);
5156 double inc = (xmax - xmin)/(double)(npoints - 1);
5157 data[2][0]=xmin;
5158 for(int i=1; i<npoints; i++)data[2][i] = data[2][i-1] + inc;
5159 double[] xd = new double[this.nXarrays];
5160 for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++){
5161 xd[0] = data[2][i];
5162 data[3][i] = g1.function(this.values, xd);
5163 }
5164 }
5166 // Create a title
5167 title1 = this.setGandPtitle(title);
5168 title2 = " points - experimental values; line - best fit curve";
5169 if(weightOpt)title2 = title2 +"; error bars - weighting factors";
5171 PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(data);
5172 if(plotWindowCloseChoice){
5173 pg.setCloseChoice(2);
5174 }
5175 else{
5176 pg.setCloseChoice(1);
5177 }
5180 pg.setGraphTitle(title1);
5181 pg.setGraphTitle2(title2);
5182 pg.setXaxisLegend(this.xLegend);
5183 pg.setYaxisLegend(this.yLegend);
5184 int[] popt = {1,0};
5185 pg.setPoint(popt);
5186 int[] lopt = {0,3};
5187 pg.setLine(lopt);
5189 if(weightOpt)pg.setErrorBars(0,this.weight);
5191 pg.plot();
5192 }
5193 }
5194 return flag;
5195 }
5198 // Get the non-linear regression status
5199 // true if convergence was achieved
5200 // false if convergence not achieved before maximum number of iterations
5201 // current values then returned
5202 public boolean getNlrStatus(){
5203 return this.nlrStatus;
5204 }
5206 // Reset scaling factors (scaleOpt 0 and 1, see below for scaleOpt 2)
5207 public void setScale(int n){
5208 if(n<0 || n>1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument must be 0 (no scaling) 1(initial estimates all scaled to unity) or the array of scaling factors");
5209 this.scaleOpt=n;
5210 }
5212 // Reset scaling factors (scaleOpt 2, see above for scaleOpt 0 and 1)
5213 public void setScale(double[] sc){
5214 this.scale=sc;
5215 this.scaleOpt=2;
5216 }
5218 // Get scaling factors
5219 public double[] getScale(){
5220 return this.scale;
5221 }
5223 // Reset the non-linear regression convergence test option
5224 public void setMinTest(int n){
5225 if(n<0 || n>1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("minTest must be 0 or 1");
5226 this.minTest=n;
5227 }
5229 // Get the non-linear regression convergence test option
5230 public int getMinTest(){
5231 return this.minTest;
5232 }
5234 // Get the simplex sd at the minimum
5235 public double getSimplexSd(){
5236 return this.simplexSd;
5237 }
5239 // Get the best estimates of the unknown parameters
5240 public double[] getBestEstimates(){
5241 return Conv.copy(best);
5242 }
5244 // Get the best estimates of the unknown parameters
5245 public double[] getCoeff(){
5246 return Conv.copy(best);
5247 }
5249 // Get the estimates of the standard deviations of the best estimates of the unknown parameters
5250 public double[] getbestestimatesStandardDeviations(){
5251 return Conv.copy(bestSd);
5252 }
5254 // Get the estimates of the errors of the best estimates of the unknown parameters
5255 public double[] getBestEstimatesStandardDeviations(){
5256 return Conv.copy(bestSd);
5257 }
5259 // Get the estimates of the errors of the best estimates of the unknown parameters
5260 public double[] getCoeffSd(){
5261 return Conv.copy(bestSd);
5262 }
5264 // Get the estimates of the errors of the best estimates of the unknown parameters
5265 public double[] getBestEstimatesErrors(){
5266 return Conv.copy(bestSd);
5267 }
5269 // Get the unscaled initial estimates of the unknown parameters
5270 public double[] getInitialEstimates(){
5271 return Conv.copy(startH);
5272 }
5274 // Get the scaled initial estimates of the unknown parameters
5275 public double[] getScaledInitialEstimates(){
5276 return Conv.copy(startSH);
5277 }
5279 // Get the unscaled initial step sizes
5280 public double[] getInitialSteps(){
5281 return Conv.copy(stepH);
5282 }
5284 // Get the scaled initial step sizesp
5285 public double[] getScaledInitialSteps(){
5286 return Conv.copy(stepSH);
5287 }
5289 // Get the cofficients of variations of the best estimates of the unknown parameters
5290 public double[] getCoeffVar(){
5291 double[] coeffVar = new double[this.nTerms];
5293 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
5294 coeffVar[i]=bestSd[i]*100.0D/best[i];
5295 }
5296 return coeffVar;
5297 }
5299 // Get the pseudo-estimates of the errors of the best estimates of the unknown parameters
5300 public double[] getPseudoSd(){
5301 return Conv.copy(pseudoSd);
5302 }
5304 // Get the pseudo-estimates of the errors of the best estimates of the unknown parameters
5305 public double[] getPseudoErrors(){
5306 return Conv.copy(pseudoSd);
5307 }
5309 // Get the t-values of the best estimates
5310 public double[] getTvalues(){
5311 return Conv.copy(tValues);
5312 }
5314 // Get the p-values of the best estimates
5315 public double[] getPvalues(){
5316 return Conv.copy(pValues);
5317 }
5320 // Get the inputted x values
5321 public double[][] getXdata(){
5322 return Conv.copy(xData);
5323 }
5325 // Get the inputted y values
5326 public double[] getYdata(){
5327 return Conv.copy(yData);
5328 }
5330 // Get the calculated y values
5331 public double[] getYcalc(){
5332 double[] temp = new double[this.nData];
5333 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++)temp[i]=this.yCalc[i];
5334 return temp;
5335 }
5337 // Get the unweighted residuals, y(experimental) - y(calculated)
5338 public double[] getResiduals(){
5339 double[] temp = new double[this.nData];
5340 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++)temp[i]=this.yData[i]-this.yCalc[i];
5341 return temp;
5342 }
5344 // Get the weighted residuals, (y(experimental) - y(calculated))/weight
5345 public double[] getWeightedResiduals(){
5346 double[] temp = new double[this.nData];
5347 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++)temp[i]=(this.yData[i]-this.yCalc[i])/weight[i];
5348 return temp;
5349 }
5351 // Get the unweighted sum of squares of the residuals
5352 public double getSumOfSquares(){
5353 return this.sumOfSquaresError;
5354 }
5356 public double getSumOfUnweightedResidualSquares(){
5357 return this.sumOfSquaresError;
5358 }
5360 // Get the weighted sum of squares of the residuals
5361 // returns sum of squares if no weights have been entered
5362 public double getSumOfWeightedResidualSquares(){
5363 return this.chiSquare;
5364 }
5366 // Get the chi square estimate
5367 // returns sum of squares if no weights have been entered
5368 public double getChiSquare(){
5369 return this.chiSquare;
5370 }
5372 // Get the reduced chi square estimate
5373 // Returns reduced sum of squares if no weights have been entered
5374 public double getReducedChiSquare(){
5375 return this.reducedChiSquare;
5376 }
5378 // Get the total weighted sum of squares
5379 public double getTotalSumOfWeightedSquares(){
5380 return this.sumOfSquaresTotal;
5381 }
5383 // Get the regression weighted sum of squares
5384 public double getRegressionSumOfWeightedSquares(){
5385 return this.sumOfSquaresRegrn;
5386 }
5388 // Get the Coefficient of Determination
5389 public double getCoefficientOfDetermination(){
5390 return this.multR;
5391 }
5393 // Get the Coefficient of Determination
5394 // Retained for backward compatibility
5395 public double getSampleR(){
5396 return this.multR;
5397 }
5399 // Get the Adjusted Coefficient of Determination
5400 public double getAdjustedCoefficientOfDetermination(){
5401 return this.adjustedR;
5402 }
5404 // Get the Coefficient of Determination F-ratio
5405 public double getCoeffDeterminationFratio(){
5406 return this.multipleF;
5407 }
5409 // Get the Coefficient of Determination F-ratio probability
5410 public double getCoeffDeterminationFratioProb(){
5411 return this.multipleFprob;
5412 }
5415 // Get the covariance matrix
5416 public double[][] getCovMatrix(){
5417 return this.covar;
5418 }
5420 // Get the correlation coefficient matrix
5421 public double[][] getCorrCoeffMatrix(){
5422 return this.corrCoeff;
5423 }
5425 // Get the number of iterations in nonlinear regression
5426 public int getNiter(){
5427 return this.nIter;
5428 }
5431 // Set the maximum number of iterations allowed in nonlinear regression
5432 public void setNmax(int nmax){
5433 this.nMax = nmax;
5434 }
5436 // Get the maximum number of iterations allowed in nonlinear regression
5437 public int getNmax(){
5438 return this.nMax;
5439 }
5441 // Get the number of restarts in nonlinear regression
5442 public int getNrestarts(){
5443 return this.kRestart;
5444 }
5446 // Set the maximum number of restarts allowed in nonlinear regression
5447 public void setNrestartsMax(int nrs){
5448 this.konvge = nrs;
5449 }
5451 // Get the maximum number of restarts allowed in nonlinear regression
5452 public int getNrestartsMax(){
5453 return this.konvge;
5454 }
5456 // Get the degrees of freedom
5457 public double getDegFree(){
5458 return (this.degreesOfFreedom);
5459 }
5461 // Reset the Nelder and Mead reflection coefficient [alpha]
5462 public void setNMreflect(double refl){
5463 this.rCoeff = refl;
5464 }
5466 // Get the Nelder and Mead reflection coefficient [alpha]
5467 public double getNMreflect(){
5468 return this.rCoeff;
5469 }
5471 // Reset the Nelder and Mead extension coefficient [beta]
5472 public void setNMextend(double ext){
5473 this.eCoeff = ext;
5474 }
5475 // Get the Nelder and Mead extension coefficient [beta]
5476 public double getNMextend(){
5477 return this.eCoeff;
5478 }
5480 // Reset the Nelder and Mead contraction coefficient [gamma]
5481 public void setNMcontract(double con){
5482 this.cCoeff = con;
5483 }
5485 // Get the Nelder and Mead contraction coefficient [gamma]
5486 public double getNMcontract(){
5487 return cCoeff;
5488 }
5490 // Set the non-linear regression tolerance
5491 public void setTolerance(double tol){
5492 this.fTol = tol;
5493 }
5496 // Get the non-linear regression tolerance
5497 public double getTolerance(){
5498 return this.fTol;
5499 }
5501 // Get the non-linear regression pre and post minimum gradients
5502 public double[][] getGrad(){
5503 return this.grad;
5504 }
5506 // Set the non-linear regression fractional step size used in numerical differencing
5507 public void setDelta(double delta){
5508 = delta;
5509 }
5511 // Get the non-linear regression fractional step size used in numerical differencing
5512 public double getDelta(){
5513 return;
5514 }
5516 // Get the non-linear regression statistics Hessian matrix inversion status flag
5517 public boolean getInversionCheck(){
5518 return this.invertFlag;
5519 }
5521 // Get the non-linear regression statistics Hessian matrix inverse diagonal status flag
5522 public boolean getPosVarCheck(){
5523 return this.posVarFlag;
5524 }
5527 // Test of an additional terms {extra sum of squares]
5528 // return F-ratio, probability, order check and values provided in order used, as Vector
5529 public static Vector<Object> testOfAdditionalTerms(double chiSquareR, int nParametersR, double chiSquareF, int nParametersF, int nPoints){
5530 ArrayList<Object> res = Regression.testOfAdditionalTerms_ArrayList(chiSquareR, nParametersR, chiSquareF, nParametersF, nPoints);
5531 Vector<Object> ret = null;
5532 if(res!=null){
5533 int n = ret.size();
5534 ret = new Vector<Object>(n);
5535 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)ret.addElement(res.get(i));
5536 }
5537 return ret;
5538 }
5540 // Test of an additional terms {extra sum of squares]
5541 // return F-ratio, probability, order check and values provided in order used, as Vector
5542 public static Vector<Object> testOfAdditionalTerms_Vector(double chiSquareR, int nParametersR, double chiSquareF, int nParametersF, int nPoints){
5543 return Regression.testOfAdditionalTerms(chiSquareR, nParametersR, chiSquareF, nParametersF, nPoints);
5544 }
5547 // Test of an additional terms {extra sum of squares]
5548 // return F-ratio, probability, order check and values provided in order used, as ArrayList
5549 public static ArrayList<Object> testOfAdditionalTerms_ArrayList(double chiSquareR, int nParametersR, double chiSquareF, int nParametersF, int nPoints){
5550 int degFreedomR = nPoints - nParametersR;
5551 int degFreedomF = nPoints - nParametersF;
5553 // Check that model 2 has the lowest degrees of freedom
5554 boolean reversed = false;
5555 if(degFreedomR<degFreedomF){
5556 reversed = true;
5557 double holdD = chiSquareR;
5558 chiSquareR = chiSquareF;
5559 chiSquareF = holdD;
5560 int holdI = nParametersR;
5561 nParametersR = nParametersF;
5562 nParametersF = holdI;
5563 degFreedomR = nPoints - nParametersR;
5564 degFreedomF = nPoints - nParametersF;
5565 System.out.println("package flanagan.analysis; class Regression; method testAdditionalTerms");
5566 System.out.println("the order of the chi-squares has been reversed to give a second chi- square with the lowest degrees of freedom");
5567 }
5568 int degFreedomD = degFreedomR - degFreedomF;
5570 // F ratio
5571 double numer = (chiSquareR - chiSquareF)/degFreedomD;
5572 double denom = chiSquareF/degFreedomF;
5573 double fRatio = numer/denom;
5575 // Probability
5576 double fProb = 1.0D;
5577 if(chiSquareR>chiSquareF){
5578 fProb = Stat.fTestProb(fRatio, degFreedomD, degFreedomF);
5579 }
5581 // Return arraylist
5582 ArrayList<Object> arrayl = new ArrayList<Object>();
5583 arrayl.add(new Double(fRatio));
5584 arrayl.add(new Double(fProb));
5585 arrayl.add(new Boolean(reversed));
5586 arrayl.add(new Double(chiSquareR));
5587 arrayl.add(new Integer(nParametersR));
5588 arrayl.add(new Double(chiSquareF));
5589 arrayl.add(new Integer(nParametersF));
5590 arrayl.add(new Integer(nPoints));
5592 return arrayl;
5593 }
5595 // Test of an additional terms {extra sum of squares]
5596 // return F-ratio only
5597 public double testOfAdditionalTermsFratio(double chiSquareR, int nParametersR, double chiSquareF, int nParametersF, int nPoints){
5598 int degFreedomR = nPoints - nParametersR;
5599 int degFreedomF = nPoints - nParametersF;
5601 // Check that model 2 has the lowest degrees of freedom
5602 boolean reversed = false;
5603 if(degFreedomR<degFreedomF){
5604 reversed = true;
5605 double holdD = chiSquareR;
5606 chiSquareR = chiSquareF;
5607 chiSquareF = holdD;
5608 int holdI = nParametersR;
5609 nParametersR = nParametersF;
5610 nParametersF = holdI;
5611 degFreedomR = nPoints - nParametersR;
5612 degFreedomF = nPoints - nParametersF;
5613 System.out.println("package flanagan.analysis; class Regression; method testAdditionalTermsFratio");
5614 System.out.println("the order of the chi-squares has been reversed to give a second chi- square with the lowest degrees of freedom");
5615 }
5616 int degFreedomD = degFreedomR - degFreedomF;
5618 // F ratio
5619 double numer = (chiSquareR - chiSquareF)/degFreedomD;
5620 double denom = chiSquareF/degFreedomF;
5621 double fRatio = numer/denom;
5623 return fRatio;
5624 }
5627 // Test of an additional terms {extra sum of squares]
5628 // return F-distribution probablity only
5629 public double testOfAdditionalTermsFprobability(double chiSquareR, int nParametersR, double chiSquareF, int nParametersF, int nPoints){
5630 int degFreedomR = nPoints - nParametersR;
5631 int degFreedomF = nPoints - nParametersF;
5633 // Check that model 2 has the lowest degrees of freedom
5634 boolean reversed = false;
5635 if(degFreedomR<degFreedomF){
5636 reversed = true;
5637 double holdD = chiSquareR;
5638 chiSquareR = chiSquareF;
5639 chiSquareF = holdD;
5640 int holdI = nParametersR;
5641 nParametersR = nParametersF;
5642 nParametersF = holdI;
5643 degFreedomR = nPoints - nParametersR;
5644 degFreedomF = nPoints - nParametersF;
5645 System.out.println("package flanagan.analysis; class Regression; method testAdditionalTermsFprobability");
5646 System.out.println("the order of the chi-squares has been reversed to give a second chi- square with the lowest degrees of freedom");
5647 }
5648 int degFreedomD = degFreedomR - degFreedomF;
5650 // F ratio
5651 double numer = (chiSquareR - chiSquareF)/degFreedomD;
5652 double denom = chiSquareF/degFreedomF;
5653 double fRatio = numer/denom;
5655 // Probability
5656 double fProb = 1.0D;
5657 if(chiSquareR>chiSquareF){
5658 fProb = Stat.fTestProb(fRatio, degFreedomD, degFreedomF);
5659 }
5661 return fProb;
5662 }
5664 public double testOfAdditionalTermsFprobabilty(double chiSquareR, int nParametersR, double chiSquareF, int nParametersF, int nPoints){
5665 return testOfAdditionalTermsFprobability(chiSquareR, nParametersR, chiSquareF, nParametersF, nPoints);
5666 }
5670 // Fit to a Poisson distribution
5671 public void poisson(){
5672 this.userSupplied = false;
5673 this.fitPoisson(0);
5674 }
5676 // Fit to a Poisson distribution
5677 public void poissonPlot(){
5678 this.userSupplied = false;
5679 this.fitPoisson(1);
5680 }
5682 protected void fitPoisson(int plotFlag){
5683 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
5684 this.lastMethod=6;
5685 this.linNonLin = false;
5686 this.zeroCheck = false;
5687 this.nTerms=2;
5688 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=2;
5689 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
5690 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
5692 // Check all abscissae are integers
5693 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
5694 if(xData[0][i]-Math.floor(xData[0][i])!=0.0D)throw new IllegalArgumentException("all abscissae must be, mathematically, integer values");
5695 }
5697 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the distribution mode)
5698 ArrayList<Object> ret1 = Regression.dataSign(yData);
5699 Double tempd = null;
5700 Integer tempi = null;
5701 tempi = (Integer)ret1.get(5);
5702 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
5703 double mean = xData[0][peaki];
5705 // Calculate peak value
5706 tempd = (Double)ret1.get(4);
5707 double peak = tempd.doubleValue();
5709 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
5710 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
5711 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
5712 start[0] = mean;
5713 if(this.scaleFlag){
5714 start[1] = peak/(Math.exp(mean*Math.log(mean)-Stat.logFactorial(mean))*Math.exp(-mean));
5715 }
5716 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
5717 if(step[0]==0.0D){
5718 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
5719 Double tempdd = null;
5720 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
5721 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
5722 if(xmax==0.0D){
5723 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
5724 xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
5725 }
5726 step[0]=xmax*0.1D;
5727 }
5728 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
5730 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
5731 PoissonFunction f = new PoissonFunction();
5732 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
5733 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
5734 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
5736 Object regFun2 = (Object) f;
5737 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
5739 if(plotFlag==1){
5740 // Print results
5741 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
5742 // Plot results
5743 this.plotOpt=false;
5744 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
5745 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
5746 }
5747 }
5752 // Fit to a Gaussian
5753 public void gaussian(){
5754 this.userSupplied = false;
5755 this.fitGaussian(0);
5756 }
5758 public void normal(){
5759 this.userSupplied = false;
5760 this.fitGaussian(0);
5761 }
5763 // Fit to a Gaussian
5764 public void gaussianPlot(){
5765 this.userSupplied = false;
5766 this.fitGaussian(1);
5767 }
5769 // Fit to a Gaussian
5770 public void normalPlot(){
5771 this.userSupplied = false;
5772 this.fitGaussian(1);
5773 }
5775 // Fit data to a Gaussian (normal) probability function
5776 protected void fitGaussian(int plotFlag){
5777 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
5778 this.lastMethod=4;
5779 this.linNonLin = false;
5780 this.zeroCheck = false;
5781 this.nTerms=3;
5782 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=2;
5783 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
5784 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
5786 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
5787 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
5789 // check sign of y data
5790 Double tempd=null;
5791 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
5792 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
5793 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
5794 boolean yFlag = false;
5795 if(yPeak<0.0D){
5796 System.out.println("Regression.fitGaussian(): This implementation of the Gaussian distribution takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
5797 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
5798 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
5799 yData[i] = -yData[i];
5800 }
5801 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
5802 yFlag=true;
5803 }
5805 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the Gaussian mean)
5806 ArrayList<Object> ret1 = Regression.dataSign(yData);
5807 Integer tempi = null;
5808 tempi = (Integer)ret1.get(5);
5809 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
5810 double mean = xData[0][peaki];
5812 // Calculate an estimate of the sd
5813 double sd = Math.sqrt(2.0D)*halfWidth(xData[0], yData);
5815 // Calculate estimate of y scale
5816 tempd = (Double)ret1.get(4);
5817 double ym = tempd.doubleValue();
5818 ym=ym*sd*Math.sqrt(2.0D*Math.PI);
5820 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
5821 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
5822 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
5823 start[0] = mean;
5824 start[1] = sd;
5825 if(this.scaleFlag){
5826 start[2] = ym;
5827 }
5828 step[0] = 0.1D*sd;
5829 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
5830 if(step[1]==0.0D){
5831 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
5832 Double tempdd = null;
5833 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
5834 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
5835 if(xmax==0.0D){
5836 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
5837 xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
5838 }
5839 step[1]=xmax*0.1D;
5840 }
5841 if(this.scaleFlag)step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
5843 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
5844 GaussianFunction f = new GaussianFunction();
5845 this.addConstraint(1,-1, 0.0D);
5846 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
5847 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
5849 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
5850 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
5852 if(plotFlag==1){
5853 // Print results
5854 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
5856 // Plot results
5857 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
5858 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
5859 }
5861 if(yFlag){
5862 // restore data
5863 for(int i=0; i<this.nData-1; i++){
5864 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
5865 }
5866 }
5868 }
5870 // Fit data to a Gaussian (normal) probability function
5871 // with option to fix some of the parameters
5872 // parameter order - mean, sd, scale factor
5873 public void gaussian(double[] initialEstimates, boolean[] fixed){
5874 this.userSupplied = true;
5875 this.fitGaussianFixed(initialEstimates, fixed, 0);
5876 }
5878 // Fit to a Gaussian
5879 // with option to fix some of the parameters
5880 // parameter order - mean, sd, scale factor
5881 public void normal(double[] initialEstimates, boolean[] fixed){
5882 this.userSupplied = true;
5883 this.fitGaussianFixed(initialEstimates, fixed, 0);
5884 }
5886 // Fit to a Gaussian
5887 // with option to fix some of the parameters
5888 // parameter order - mean, sd, scale factor
5889 public void gaussianPlot(double[] initialEstimates, boolean[] fixed){
5890 this.userSupplied = true;
5891 this.fitGaussianFixed(initialEstimates, fixed, 1);
5892 }
5894 // Fit to a Gaussian
5895 // with option to fix some of the parameters
5896 // parameter order - mean, sd, scale factor
5897 public void normalPlot(double[] initialEstimates, boolean[] fixed){
5898 this.userSupplied = true;
5899 this.fitGaussianFixed(initialEstimates, fixed, 1);
5900 }
5903 // Fit data to a Gaussian (normal) probability function
5904 // with option to fix some of the parameters
5905 // parameter order - mean, sd, scale factor
5906 protected void fitGaussianFixed(double[] initialEstimates, boolean[] fixed, int plotFlag){
5907 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
5908 this.lastMethod=38;
5909 this.values = initialEstimates;
5910 this.fixed = fixed;
5911 this.scaleFlag=true;
5912 this.linNonLin = false;
5913 this.zeroCheck = false;
5914 this.nTerms=3;
5915 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
5916 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
5918 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
5919 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
5921 // check sign of y data
5922 Double tempd=null;
5923 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
5924 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
5925 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
5926 boolean yFlag = false;
5927 if(yPeak<0.0D){
5928 System.out.println("Regression.fitGaussian(): This implementation of the Gaussian distribution takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
5929 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
5930 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
5931 yData[i] = -yData[i];
5932 }
5933 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
5934 yFlag=true;
5935 }
5937 // Create instance of GaussianFunctionFixed
5938 GaussianFunctionFixed f = new GaussianFunctionFixed();
5939 f.fixed = fixed;
5940 f.param = initialEstimates;
5942 // Determine unknowns
5943 int nT = this.nTerms;
5944 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++)if(fixed[i])nT--;
5945 if(nT==0){
5946 if(plotFlag==0){
5947 throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one parameter must be available for variation by the Regression procedure or GauasianPlot should have been called and not Gaussian");
5948 }
5949 else{
5950 plotFlag = 3;
5951 }
5952 }
5954 double[] start = new double[nT];
5955 double[] step = new double[nT];
5956 boolean[] constraint = new boolean[nT];
5958 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
5959 double xMin = Fmath.minimum(xData[0]);
5960 double xMax = Fmath.maximum(xData[0]);
5961 double yMax = Fmath.maximum(yData);
5962 if(initialEstimates[2]==0.0D){
5963 if(fixed[2]){
5964 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Scale factor has been fixed at zero");
5965 }
5966 else{
5967 initialEstimates[2] = yMax;
5968 }
5969 }
5970 int ii = 0;
5971 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
5972 if(!fixed[i]){
5973 start[ii] = initialEstimates[i];
5974 step[ii] = start[ii]*0.1D;
5975 if(step[ii]==0.0D)step[ii] = (xMax - xMin)*0.1D;
5976 constraint[ii] = false;
5977 if(i==1)constraint[ii] = true;
5978 ii++;
5979 }
5980 }
5981 this.nTerms = nT;
5983 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
5984 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
5985 if(constraint[i])this.addConstraint(i,-1, 0.0D);
5986 }
5987 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
5988 if(plotFlag!=3)this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
5990 if(plotFlag==1){
5991 // Print results
5992 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
5994 // Plot results
5995 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
5996 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
5997 }
5999 if(plotFlag==3){
6000 // Plot results
6001 int flag = this.plotXYfixed(regFun2, "Gaussian distribution - all parameters fixed");
6002 }
6004 if(yFlag){
6005 // restore data
6006 for(int i=0; i<this.nData-1; i++){
6007 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
6008 }
6009 }
6010 }
6012 // Fit to multiple Gaussians
6013 public void multipleGaussiansPlot(int nGaussians, double[] initMeans, double[] initSDs, double[] initFracts){
6014 if(initMeans.length!=nGaussians)throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of initial means array, " + initMeans.length + ", does not equal the number of Gaussians, " + nGaussians);
6015 if(initSDs.length!=nGaussians)throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of initial standard deviations array, " + initSDs.length + ", does not equal the number of Gaussians, " + nGaussians);
6016 if(initFracts.length!=nGaussians)throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of initial fractional weights array, " + initFracts.length + ", does not equal the number of Gaussians, " + nGaussians);
6017 double sum = 0.0;
6018 for(int i=0; i<nGaussians; i++)sum += initFracts[i];
6019 if(sum!=1.0){
6020 System.out.println("Regression method multipleGaussiansPlot: the sum of the initial estimates of the fractional weights, " + sum + ", does not equal 1.0");
6021 System.out.println("Program continued using the supplied fractional weights");
6022 }
6023 this.fitMultipleGaussians(nGaussians, initMeans, initSDs, initFracts, 1);
6024 }
6027 // Fit data to multiple Gaussian (normal) probability functions
6028 protected void fitMultipleGaussians(int nGaussians, double[] initMeans, double[] initSDs, double[] initFracts, int plotFlag){
6029 this.nGaussians = nGaussians;
6030 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
6031 this.lastMethod=49;
6032 this.linNonLin = false;
6033 this.zeroCheck = false;
6034 this.nTerms=3*this.nGaussians;
6035 boolean scaleFlagHold = this.scaleFlag;
6036 this.scaleFlag = false;
6037 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
6038 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
6039 int nMaxHold = this.nMax;
6040 if(this.nMax<10000)this.nMax = 10000;
6042 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
6043 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
6045 // check sign of y data
6046 Double tempd=null;
6047 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6048 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
6049 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
6050 boolean yFlag = false;
6051 if(yPeak<0.0D){
6052 System.out.println("Regression.fitGaussian(): This implementation of the Gaussian distribution takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
6053 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
6054 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
6055 yData[i] = -yData[i];
6056 }
6057 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6058 yFlag=true;
6059 }
6061 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the Gaussian mean)
6062 ArrayList<Object> ret1 = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6063 Integer tempi = null;
6064 tempi = (Integer)ret1.get(5);
6065 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
6066 double mean = xData[0][peaki];
6068 // Calculate an estimate of the sd
6069 double sd = Math.sqrt(2.0D)*halfWidth(xData[0], yData);
6071 // Calculate estimate of y scale
6072 tempd = (Double)ret1.get(4);
6073 double ym = tempd.doubleValue();
6076 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
6077 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
6078 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
6079 int counter = 0;
6080 for(int i=0; i<nGaussians; i++){
6081 start[counter] = initMeans[i];
6082 step[counter] = Math.abs(0.1D*start[counter]);
6083 start[counter+1] = initSDs[i];
6084 step[counter+1] = Math.abs(0.1D*start[counter+1]);
6085 if(step[counter+1]==0.0D){
6086 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
6087 Double tempdd = null;
6088 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
6089 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
6090 if(xmax==0.0D){
6091 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
6092 xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
6093 }
6094 step[counter+1]=Math.abs(xmax*0.1D);
6095 }
6096 start[counter+2] = initFracts[i]*Math.sqrt(2.0*Math.PI)*start[counter+1]*ym;
6097 step[counter+2] = Math.abs(0.1D*start[counter+2]);
6098 counter += 3;
6099 }
6101 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
6102 MultipleGaussianFunction f = new MultipleGaussianFunction();
6104 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
6105 double ysf = this.yScaleFactor;
6106 if(!this.scaleFlag)ysf = 1.0;
6107 f.scaleFactor = ysf;
6108 f.nGaussians = this.nGaussians;
6110 // Add constraints
6111 for(int i=0; i<this.nGaussians; i++){
6112 this.addConstraint(3*i+1,-1, 0.0D);
6113 this.addConstraint(3*i+2,-1, 0.0D);
6114 }
6116 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
6117 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
6119 this.multGaussFract = new double[this.nGaussians];
6120 this.multGaussFractErrors = new double[this.nGaussians];
6121 this.multGaussCoeffVar = new double[this.nGaussians];
6122 this.multGaussTvalue = new double[this.nGaussians];
6123 this.multGaussPvalue= new double[this.nGaussians];
6124 for(int i=0; i<nGaussians; i++){
6125 this.multGaussFractErrors[i] = Double.NaN;
6126 this.multGaussCoeffVar[i] = Double.NaN;
6127 this.multGaussTvalue[i] = Double.NaN;
6128 this.multGaussPvalue[i] = Double.NaN;
6129 }
6130 this.multGaussScaleError = Double.NaN;
6131 this.multGaussScaleCoeffVar = Double.NaN;
6132 this.multGaussScaleTvalue = Double.NaN;
6133 this.multGaussScalePvalue = Double.NaN;
6134 this.multGaussScaleTvalue = Double.NaN;
6135 this.multGaussScalePvalue = Double.NaN;
6137 if(this.invertFlag){
6138 ErrorProp[] multGaussErrorProp = new ErrorProp[this.nGaussians];
6139 ErrorProp sum = new ErrorProp(0.0, 0.0);
6140 for(int i=0; i<nGaussians; i++){
6141 multGaussErrorProp[i] = new ErrorProp([3*i+2], this.bestSd[3*i+2]);
6142 sum =[i]);
6143 }
6144 ErrorProp epScale = new ErrorProp(0.0, 0.0);
6145 for(int i=0; i<nGaussians; i++){
6146 ErrorProp epFract = multGaussErrorProp[i].over(sum);
6147 this.multGaussFract[i] = (epFract).getValue();
6148 this.multGaussFractErrors[i] = (epFract).getError();
6149 epScale =[i].over(epFract));
6150 this.multGaussCoeffVar[i] = 100.0*this.multGaussFractErrors[i]/this.multGaussFract[i];
6151 this.multGaussTvalue[i] = this.multGaussFract[i]/this.multGaussFractErrors[i];
6152 double atv = Math.abs(this.multGaussTvalue[i]);
6153 if(atv!=atv){
6154 this.multGaussPvalue[i] = Double.NaN;
6155 }
6156 else{
6157 this.multGaussPvalue[i] = 1.0 - Stat.studentTcdf(-atv, atv, this.degreesOfFreedom);
6158 }
6159 }
6160 epScale = epScale.over(this.nGaussians);
6161 this.multGaussScale = epScale.getValue();
6162 this.multGaussScaleError = epScale.getError();
6163 this.multGaussScaleCoeffVar = 100.0*this.multGaussScaleError/this.multGaussScale;
6164 this.multGaussScaleTvalue = this.multGaussScale/this.multGaussScaleError;
6165 double atv = Math.abs(this.multGaussScaleTvalue);
6166 if(atv!=atv){
6167 this.multGaussScalePvalue = Double.NaN;
6168 }
6169 else{
6170 this.multGaussScalePvalue = 1.0 - Stat.studentTcdf(-atv, atv, this.degreesOfFreedom);
6171 }
6172 }
6174 else{
6175 double sum = 0.0;
6176 for(int i=0; i<nGaussians; i++){
6177 sum += best[3*i+2];
6178 }
6179 this.multGaussScale = 0.0;
6180 for(int i=0; i<nGaussians; i++){
6181 this.multGaussFract[i] = best[3*i+2]/sum;
6182 this.multGaussScale += this.multGaussFract[i];
6183 }
6184 this.multGaussScale /= this.nGaussians;
6185 }
6187 if(plotFlag==1){
6188 // Print results
6189 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
6191 // Plot results
6192 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
6193 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
6194 }
6196 if(yFlag){
6197 // restore data
6198 for(int i=0; i<this.nData-1; i++){
6199 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
6200 }
6201 }
6202 this.nMax = nMaxHold;
6203 this.scaleFlag = scaleFlagHold;
6205 }
6211 // Fit to a two parameter log-normal distribution
6212 public void logNormal(){
6213 this.fitLogNormalTwoPar(0);
6214 }
6216 public void logNormalTwoPar(){
6217 this.fitLogNormalTwoPar(0);
6218 }
6220 // Fit to a two parameter log-normal distribution and plot result
6221 public void logNormalPlot(){
6222 this.fitLogNormalTwoPar(1);
6223 }
6225 public void logNormalTwoParPlot(){
6226 this.fitLogNormalTwoPar(1);
6227 }
6229 // Fit data to a two parameterlog-normal probability function
6230 protected void fitLogNormalTwoPar(int plotFlag){
6231 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
6232 this.lastMethod=36;
6233 this.userSupplied = false;
6234 this.linNonLin = false;
6235 this.zeroCheck = false;
6236 this.nTerms=3;
6237 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=2;
6238 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
6239 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
6241 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
6242 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
6244 // check sign of y data
6245 Double tempd=null;
6246 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6247 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
6248 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
6249 boolean yFlag = false;
6250 if(yPeak<0.0D){
6251 System.out.println("Regression.fitLogNormalTwoPar(): This implementation of the two parameter log-nprmal distribution takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
6252 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
6253 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
6254 yData[i] = -yData[i];
6255 }
6256 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6257 yFlag=true;
6258 }
6260 // Calculate x value at peak y
6261 ArrayList<Object> ret1 = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6262 Integer tempi = null;
6263 tempi = (Integer)ret1.get(5);
6264 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
6265 double mean = xData[0][peaki];
6267 // Calculate an estimate of the mu
6268 double mu = 0.0D;
6269 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++)mu += Math.log(xData[0][i]);
6270 mu /= this.nData;
6272 // Calculate estimate of sigma
6273 double sigma = 0.0D;
6274 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++)sigma += Fmath.square(Math.log(xData[0][i]) - mu);
6275 sigma = Math.sqrt(sigma/this.nData);
6277 // Calculate estimate of y scale
6278 tempd = (Double)ret1.get(4);
6279 double ym = tempd.doubleValue();
6280 ym=ym*Math.exp(mu - sigma*sigma/2);
6282 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
6283 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
6284 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
6285 start[0] = mu;
6286 start[1] = sigma;
6287 if(this.scaleFlag){
6288 start[2] = ym;
6289 }
6290 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
6291 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
6292 if(step[0]==0.0D){
6293 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
6294 Double tempdd = null;
6295 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
6296 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
6297 if(xmax==0.0D){
6298 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
6299 xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
6300 }
6301 step[0]=xmax*0.1D;
6302 }
6303 if(step[0]==0.0D){
6304 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
6305 Double tempdd = null;
6306 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
6307 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
6308 if(xmax==0.0D){
6309 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
6310 xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
6311 }
6312 step[1]=xmax*0.1D;
6313 }
6314 if(this.scaleFlag)step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
6316 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
6317 LogNormalTwoParFunction f = new LogNormalTwoParFunction();
6318 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
6319 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
6320 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
6321 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
6322 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
6324 if(plotFlag==1){
6325 // Print results
6326 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
6328 // Plot results
6329 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
6330 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
6331 }
6333 if(yFlag){
6334 // restore data
6335 for(int i=0; i<this.nData-1; i++){
6336 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
6337 }
6338 }
6339 }
6343 // Fit to a three parameter log-normal distribution
6344 public void logNormalThreePar(){
6345 this.fitLogNormalThreePar(0);
6346 }
6348 // Fit to a three parameter log-normal distribution and plot result
6349 public void logNormalThreeParPlot(){
6350 this.fitLogNormalThreePar(1);
6351 }
6353 // Fit data to a three parameter log-normal probability function
6354 protected void fitLogNormalThreePar(int plotFlag){
6355 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
6356 this.lastMethod=37;
6357 this.userSupplied = false;
6358 this.linNonLin = false;
6359 this.zeroCheck = false;
6360 this.nTerms=4;
6361 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=3;
6362 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
6363 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
6365 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
6366 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
6368 // check sign of y data
6369 Double tempd=null;
6370 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6371 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
6372 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
6373 boolean yFlag = false;
6374 if(yPeak<0.0D){
6375 System.out.println("Regression.fitLogNormalThreePar(): This implementation of the three parameter log-normal distribution takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
6376 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
6377 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
6378 yData[i] = -yData[i];
6379 }
6380 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6381 yFlag=true;
6382 }
6384 // Calculate x value at peak y
6385 ArrayList<Object> ret1 = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6386 Integer tempi = null;
6387 tempi = (Integer)ret1.get(5);
6388 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
6389 double mean = xData[0][peaki];
6391 // Calculate an estimate of the gamma
6392 double gamma = 0.0D;
6393 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++)gamma += xData[0][i];
6394 gamma /= this.nData;
6396 // Calculate estimate of beta
6397 double beta = 0.0D;
6398 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++)beta += Fmath.square(Math.log(xData[0][i]) - Math.log(gamma));
6399 beta = Math.sqrt(beta/this.nData);
6401 // Calculate estimate of alpha
6402 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
6403 Double tempdd = null;
6404 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
6405 double xmin = tempdd.doubleValue();
6406 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
6407 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
6408 double alpha = xmin - (xmax - xmin)/100.0D;;
6409 if(xmin==0.0D)alpha -= (xmax - xmin)/100.0D;
6412 // Calculate estimate of y scale
6413 tempd = (Double)ret1.get(4);
6414 double ym = tempd.doubleValue();
6415 ym=ym*(gamma+alpha)*Math.exp(- beta*beta/2);
6417 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
6418 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
6419 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
6420 start[0] = alpha;
6421 start[1] = beta;
6422 start[2] = gamma;
6423 if(this.scaleFlag){
6424 start[3] = ym;
6425 }
6426 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
6427 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
6428 step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
6429 for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
6430 if(step[i]==0.0D)step[i]=xmax*0.1D;
6431 }
6432 if(this.scaleFlag)step[3] = 0.1D*start[3];
6434 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
6435 LogNormalThreeParFunction f = new LogNormalThreeParFunction();
6436 this.addConstraint(0,+1,xmin);
6437 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
6438 this.addConstraint(2,-1,0.0D);
6440 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
6441 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
6442 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
6443 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
6445 if(plotFlag==1){
6446 // Print results
6447 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
6449 // Plot results
6450 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
6451 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
6452 }
6454 if(yFlag){
6455 // restore data
6456 for(int i=0; i<this.nData-1; i++){
6457 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
6458 }
6459 }
6460 }
6465 // Fit data to a lorentzian
6466 public void lorentzian(){
6467 this.fitLorentzian(0);
6468 }
6470 public void lorentzianPlot(){
6471 this.fitLorentzian(1);
6472 }
6474 protected void fitLorentzian(int allTest){
6475 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
6476 this.lastMethod=5;
6477 this.userSupplied = false;
6478 this.linNonLin = false;
6479 this.zeroCheck = false;
6480 this.nTerms=3;
6481 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=2;
6482 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
6483 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
6485 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
6486 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
6488 // check sign of y data
6489 Double tempd=null;
6490 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6491 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
6492 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
6493 boolean yFlag = false;
6494 if(yPeak<0.0D){
6495 System.out.println("Regression.fitLorentzian(): This implementation of the Lorentzian distribution takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
6496 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
6497 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
6498 yData[i] = -yData[i];
6499 }
6500 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6501 yFlag=true;
6502 }
6504 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the distribution mode)
6505 ArrayList ret1 = Regression.dataSign(yData);
6506 Integer tempi = null;
6507 tempi = (Integer)ret1.get(5);
6508 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
6509 double mean = xData[0][peaki];
6511 // Calculate an estimate of the half-height width
6512 double sd = halfWidth(xData[0], yData);
6514 // Calculate estimate of y scale
6515 tempd = (Double)ret1.get(4);
6516 double ym = tempd.doubleValue();
6517 ym=ym*sd*Math.PI/2.0D;
6519 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
6520 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
6521 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
6522 start[0] = mean;
6523 start[1] = sd*0.9D;
6524 if(this.scaleFlag){
6525 start[2] = ym;
6526 }
6527 step[0] = 0.2D*sd;
6528 if(step[0]==0.0D){
6529 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
6530 Double tempdd = null;
6531 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
6532 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
6533 if(xmax==0.0D){
6534 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
6535 xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
6536 }
6537 step[0]=xmax*0.1D;
6538 }
6539 step[1] = 0.2D*start[1];
6540 if(this.scaleFlag)step[2] = 0.2D*start[2];
6542 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
6543 LorentzianFunction f = new LorentzianFunction();
6544 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
6545 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
6546 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
6547 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
6548 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
6550 if(allTest==1){
6551 // Print results
6552 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
6554 // Plot results
6555 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
6556 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
6557 }
6559 if(yFlag){
6560 // restore data
6561 for(int i=0; i<this.nData-1; i++){
6562 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
6563 }
6564 }
6566 }
6569 // Static method allowing fitting of a data array to one or several of the above distributions
6570 public static void fitOneOrSeveralDistributions(double[] array){
6572 int numberOfPoints = array.length; // number of points
6573 double maxValue = Fmath.maximum(array); // maximum value of distribution
6574 double minValue = Fmath.minimum(array); // minimum value of distribution
6575 double span = maxValue - minValue; // span of distribution
6577 // Calculation of number of bins and bin width
6578 int numberOfBins = (int)Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(numberOfPoints));
6579 double binWidth = span/numberOfBins;
6580 double averagePointsPerBin = (double)numberOfPoints/(double)numberOfBins;
6582 // Option for altering bin width
6583 String comment = "Maximum value: " + maxValue + "\n";
6584 comment += "Minimum value: " + minValue + "\n";
6585 comment += "Suggested bin width: " + binWidth + "\n";
6586 comment += "Giving an average points per bin: " + averagePointsPerBin + "\n";
6587 comment += "If you wish to change the bin width enter the new value below \n";
6588 comment += "and click on OK\n";
6589 comment += "If you do NOT wish to change the bin width simply click on OK";
6590 binWidth = Db.readDouble(comment, binWidth);
6592 // Create output file
6593 comment = "Input the name of the output text file\n";
6594 comment += "[Do not forget the extension, e.g. .txt]";
6595 String outputTitle = Db.readLine(comment, "fitOneOrSeveralDistributionsOutput.txt");
6596 FileOutput fout = new FileOutput(outputTitle, 'n');
6597 fout.println("Fitting a set of data to one or more distributions");
6598 fout.println("Class Regression/Stat: method fitAllDistributions");
6599 fout.dateAndTimeln();
6600 fout.println();
6601 fout.printtab("Number of points: ");
6602 fout.println(numberOfPoints);
6603 fout.printtab("Minimum value: ");
6604 fout.println(minValue);
6605 fout.printtab("Maximum value: ");
6606 fout.println(maxValue);
6607 fout.printtab("Number of bins: ");
6608 fout.println(numberOfBins);
6609 fout.printtab("Bin width: ");
6610 fout.println(binWidth);
6611 fout.printtab("Average number of points per bin: ");
6612 fout.println(averagePointsPerBin);
6613 fout.println();
6615 // Choose distributions and perform regression
6616 String[] comments = {"Gaussian Distribution", "Two parameter Log-normal Distribution", "Three parameter Log-normal Distribution", "Logistic Distribution", "Lorentzian Distribution", "Type 1 Extreme Distribution - Gumbel minimum order statistic", "Type 1 Extreme Distribution - Gumbel maximum order statistic", "Type 2 Extreme Distribution - Frechet", "Type 3 Extreme Distribution - Weibull", "Type 3 Extreme Distribution - Exponential Distribution", "Type 3 Extreme Distribution - Rayleigh Distribution", "Pareto Distribution", "Beta Distribution", "Gamma Distribution", "Erlang Distribution", "exit"};
6617 String[] boxTitles = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "exit"};
6618 String headerComment = "Choose next distribution to be fitted by clicking on box number";
6619 int defaultBox = 1;
6620 boolean testDistType = true;
6621 Regression reg = null;
6622 double[] coeff = null;
6623 while(testDistType){
6624 int opt = Db.optionBox(headerComment, comments, boxTitles, defaultBox);
6625 switch(opt){
6626 case 1: // Gaussian
6627 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6628 reg.supressPrint();
6629 reg.gaussianPlot();
6630 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6631 fout.println("NORMAL (GAUSSIAN) DISTRIBUTION");
6632 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6633 fout.printtab("Mean [mu] ");
6634 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6635 fout.printtab("Standard deviation [sigma] ");
6636 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6637 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6638 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6639 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6640 break;
6641 case 2: // Two parameter Log-normal
6642 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6643 reg.supressPrint();
6644 reg.logNormalTwoParPlot();
6645 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6646 fout.println("LOG-NORMAL DISTRIBUTION (two parameter statistic)");
6647 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6648 fout.printtab("Location parameter [mu] ");
6649 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6650 fout.printtab("Shape parameter [sigma] ");
6651 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6652 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6653 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6654 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6655 break;
6656 case 3: // Three parameter Log-normal
6657 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6658 reg.supressPrint();
6659 reg.logNormalThreeParPlot();
6660 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6661 fout.println("LOG-NORMAL DISTRIBUTION (three parameter statistic)");
6662 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6663 fout.printtab("Location parameter [alpha] ");
6664 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6665 fout.printtab("Shape parameter [beta] ");
6666 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6667 fout.printtab("Scale parameter [gamma] ");
6668 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6669 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6670 fout.println(coeff[3]);
6671 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6672 break;
6673 case 4: // Logistic
6674 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6675 reg.supressPrint();
6676 reg.logisticPlot();
6677 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6678 fout.println("LOGISTIC DISTRIBUTION");
6679 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6680 fout.printtab("Location parameter [mu] ");
6681 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6682 fout.printtab("Scale parameter [beta] ");
6683 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6684 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6685 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6686 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6687 break;
6688 case 5: // Lorentzian
6689 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6690 reg.supressPrint();
6691 reg.lorentzianPlot();
6692 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6693 fout.println("LORENTZIAN DISTRIBUTION");
6694 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6695 fout.printtab("Mean [mu] ");
6696 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6697 fout.printtab("Half-height parameter [Gamma] ");
6698 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6699 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6700 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6701 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6702 break;
6703 case 6: // Gumbel [minimum]
6704 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6705 reg.supressPrint();
6706 reg.gumbelMinPlot();
6707 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6709 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6710 fout.printtab("Location parameter [mu] ");
6711 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6712 fout.printtab("Scale parameter [sigma] ");
6713 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6714 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6715 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6716 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6717 break;
6718 case 7: // Gumbel [maximum]
6719 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6720 reg.supressPrint();
6721 reg.gumbelMaxPlot();
6722 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6724 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6725 fout.printtab("Location parameter [mu] ");
6726 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6727 fout.printtab("Scale parameter [sigma] ");
6728 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6729 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6730 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6731 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6732 break;
6733 case 8: // Frechet
6734 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6735 reg.supressPrint();
6736 reg.frechetPlot();
6737 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6739 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6740 fout.printtab("Location parameter [mu] ");
6741 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6742 fout.printtab("Scale parameter [sigma] ");
6743 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6744 fout.printtab("Shape parameter [gamma] ");
6745 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6746 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6747 fout.println(coeff[3]);
6748 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6749 break;
6750 case 9: // Weibull
6751 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6752 reg.supressPrint();
6753 reg.weibullPlot();
6754 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6756 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6757 fout.printtab("Location parameter [mu] ");
6758 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6759 fout.printtab("Scale parameter [sigma] ");
6760 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6761 fout.printtab("Shape parameter [gamma] ");
6762 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6763 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6764 fout.println(coeff[3]);
6765 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6766 break;
6767 case 10: // Exponential
6768 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6769 reg.supressPrint();
6770 reg.exponentialPlot();
6771 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6772 fout.println("EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION");
6773 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6774 fout.printtab("Location parameter [mu] ");
6775 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6776 fout.printtab("Scale parameter [sigma] ");
6777 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6778 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6779 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6780 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6781 break;
6782 case 11: // Rayleigh
6783 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6784 reg.supressPrint();
6785 reg.rayleighPlot();
6786 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6787 fout.println("RAYLEIGH DISTRIBUTION");
6788 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6789 fout.printtab("Scale parameter [beta] ");
6790 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6791 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6792 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6793 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6794 break;
6795 case 12: // Pareto
6796 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6797 reg.supressPrint();
6798 reg.paretoThreeParPlot();
6799 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6800 fout.println("PARETO DISTRIBUTION");
6801 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6802 fout.printtab("Shape parameter [alpha] ");
6803 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6804 fout.printtab("Scale parameter [beta] ");
6805 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6806 fout.printtab("Threshold parameter [theta] ");
6807 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6808 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6809 fout.println(coeff[3]);
6810 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6811 break;
6812 case 13: // Beta
6813 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6814 reg.supressPrint();
6815 reg.betaMinMaxPlot();
6816 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6817 fout.println("BETA DISTRIBUTION");
6818 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6819 fout.printtab("Shape parameter [alpha] ");
6820 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6821 fout.printtab("Shape parameter [beta] ");
6822 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6823 fout.printtab("minimum limit [min] ");
6824 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6825 fout.printtab("maximum limit [max] ");
6826 fout.println(coeff[3]);
6827 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6828 fout.println(coeff[4]);
6829 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6830 break;
6831 case 14: // Gamma
6832 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6833 reg.supressPrint();
6834 reg.gammaPlot();
6835 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6836 fout.println("GAMMA DISTRIBUTION");
6837 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6838 fout.printtab("Location parameter [mu] ");
6839 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6840 fout.printtab("Scale parameter [beta] ");
6841 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6842 fout.printtab("Shape parameter [gamma] ");
6843 fout.println(coeff[2]);
6844 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6845 fout.println(coeff[3]);
6846 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6847 break;
6848 case 15: // Erlang
6849 reg = new Regression(array, binWidth);
6850 reg.supressPrint();
6851 reg.erlangPlot();
6852 coeff = reg.getCoeff();
6853 fout.println("ERLANG DISTRIBUTION");
6854 fout.println("Best Estimates:");
6855 fout.printtab("Shape parameter [lambda] ");
6856 fout.println(coeff[0]);
6857 fout.printtab("Rate parameter [k] ");
6858 fout.println(reg.getKayValue());
6859 fout.printtab("Scaling factor [Ao] ");
6860 fout.println(coeff[1]);
6861 Regression.regressionDetails(fout, reg);
6862 break;
6863 case 16: // exit
6864 default: fout.close();
6865 testDistType = false;
6866 }
6867 }
6868 }
6870 // Output method for fitOneOrSeveralDistributions
6871 protected static void regressionDetails(FileOutput fout, Regression reg){
6872 fout.println();
6873 fout.println("Regression details:");
6874 fout.printtab("Chi squared: ");
6875 fout.println(reg.getChiSquare());
6876 fout.printtab("Reduced chi squared: ");
6877 fout.println(reg.getReducedChiSquare());
6878 fout.printtab("Sum of squares: ");
6879 fout.println(reg.getSumOfSquares());
6880 fout.printtab("Degrees of freedom: ");
6881 fout.println(reg.getDegFree());
6882 fout.printtab("Number of iterations: ");
6883 fout.println(reg.getNiter());
6884 fout.printtab("maximum number of iterations allowed: ");
6885 fout.println(reg.getNmax());
6886 fout.println();
6887 fout.println();
6888 }
6890 // Get the x-y Correlation Coefficient
6891 public double getXYcorrCoeff(){
6892 return this.xyR;
6893 }
6895 // Get the y-y Correlation Coefficient
6896 public double getYYcorrCoeff(){
6897 return this.yyR;
6898 }
6900 // check data arrays for sign, maximum, minimum and peak
6901 protected static ArrayList<Object> dataSign(double[] data){
6903 ArrayList<Object> ret = new ArrayList<Object>();
6904 int n = data.length;
6906 double max=data[0]; // maximum
6907 int maxi=0; // index of above
6908 double min=data[0]; // minimum
6909 int mini=0; // index of above
6910 double peak=0.0D; // peak: larger of maximum and any abs(negative minimum)
6911 int peaki=-1; // index of above
6912 int signFlag=-1; // 0 all positive; 1 all negative; 2 positive and negative
6913 double shift=0.0D; // shift to make all positive if a mixture of positive and negative
6914 double mean = 0.0D; // mean value
6915 int signCheckZero=0; // number of zero values
6916 int signCheckNeg=0; // number of positive values
6917 int signCheckPos=0; // number of negative values
6919 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
6920 mean =+ data[i];
6921 if(data[i]>max){
6922 max=data[i];
6923 maxi=i;
6924 }
6925 if(data[i]<min){
6926 min=data[i];
6927 mini=i;
6928 }
6929 if(data[i]==0.0D)signCheckZero++;
6930 if(data[i]>0.0D)signCheckPos++;
6931 if(data[i]<0.0D)signCheckNeg++;
6932 }
6933 mean /= (double)n;
6935 if((signCheckZero+signCheckPos)==n){
6936 peak=max;
6937 peaki=maxi;
6938 signFlag=0;
6939 }
6940 else{
6941 if((signCheckZero+signCheckNeg)==n){
6942 peak=min;
6943 peaki=mini;
6944 signFlag=1;
6945 }
6946 else{
6947 peak=max;
6948 peaki=maxi;
6949 if(-min>max){
6950 peak=min;
6951 peak=mini;
6952 }
6953 signFlag=2;
6954 shift=-min;
6955 }
6956 }
6958 // transfer results to the ArrayList
6959 ret.add(new Double(min));
6960 ret.add(new Integer(mini));
6961 ret.add(new Double(max));
6962 ret.add(new Integer(maxi));
6963 ret.add(new Double(peak));
6964 ret.add(new Integer(peaki));
6965 ret.add(new Integer(signFlag));
6966 ret.add(new Double(shift));
6967 ret.add(new Double(mean));
6968 ret.add(new Integer(signCheckZero));
6969 ret.add(new Integer(signCheckPos));
6970 ret.add(new Integer(signCheckNeg));
6973 return ret;
6974 }
6976 public void frechet(){
6977 this.fitFrechet(0, 0);
6978 }
6980 public void frechetPlot(){
6981 this.fitFrechet(1, 0);
6982 }
6984 public void frechetTwoPar(){
6985 this.fitFrechet(0, 1);
6986 }
6988 public void frechetTwoParPlot(){
6989 this.fitFrechet(1, 1);
6990 }
6992 public void frechetStandard(){
6993 this.fitFrechet(0, 2);
6994 }
6996 public void frechetStandardPlot(){
6997 this.fitFrechet(1, 2);
6998 }
7000 protected void fitFrechet(int allTest, int typeFlag){
7001 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
7002 this.userSupplied = false;
7003 switch(typeFlag){
7004 case 0: this.lastMethod=13;
7005 this.nTerms=4;
7006 break;
7007 case 1: this.lastMethod=14;
7008 this.nTerms=3;
7009 break;
7010 case 2: this.lastMethod=15;
7011 this.nTerms=2;
7012 break;
7013 }
7014 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=this.nTerms-1;
7015 this.frechetWeibull=true;
7016 this.fitFrechetWeibull(allTest, typeFlag);
7017 }
7019 // method for fitting data to either a Frechet or a Weibull distribution
7020 protected void fitFrechetWeibull(int allTest, int typeFlag){
7021 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
7022 this.linNonLin = false;
7023 this.zeroCheck = false;
7024 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
7025 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
7027 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
7028 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
7030 // check y data
7031 Double tempd=null;
7032 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
7033 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
7034 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
7035 Integer tempi = null;
7036 tempi = (Integer)retY.get(5);
7037 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
7038 tempd = (Double)retY.get(8);
7039 double mean = tempd.doubleValue();
7041 // check for infinity
7042 boolean testInf = true;
7043 double dof = this.degreesOfFreedom;
7044 while(testInf){
7045 if(this.infinityCheck(yPeak, peaki)){
7046 dof--;
7047 if(dof<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The effective degrees of freedom have been reduced to zero");
7048 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
7049 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
7050 yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
7051 tempi = (Integer)retY.get(5);
7052 peaki = tempi.intValue();
7053 tempd = (Double)retY.get(8);
7054 mean = tempd.doubleValue();
7055 }
7056 else{
7057 testInf = false;
7058 }
7059 }
7061 // check sign of y data
7062 String ss = "Weibull";
7063 if(this.frechetWeibull)ss = "Frechet";
7064 boolean ySignFlag = false;
7065 if(yPeak<0.0D){
7066 this.reverseYsign(ss);
7067 retY = Regression.dataSign(this.yData);
7068 yPeak = -yPeak;
7069 ySignFlag = true;
7070 }
7072 // check y values for all very small values
7073 boolean magCheck=false;
7074 double magScale = this.checkYallSmall(yPeak, ss);
7075 if(magScale!=1.0D){
7076 magCheck=true;
7077 yPeak=1.0D;
7078 }
7080 // minimum value of x
7081 ArrayList<Object> retX = Regression.dataSign(this.xData[0]);
7082 tempd = (Double)retX.get(0);
7083 double xMin = tempd.doubleValue();
7085 // maximum value of x
7086 tempd = (Double)retX.get(2);
7087 double xMax = tempd.doubleValue();
7089 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the 'distribution mode')
7090 double distribMode = xData[0][peaki];
7092 // Calculate an estimate of the half-height width
7093 double sd = Math.log(2.0D)*halfWidth(xData[0], yData);
7095 // Save x-y-w data
7096 double[] xx = new double[this.nData];
7097 double[] yy = new double[this.nData];
7098 double[] ww = new double[this.nData];
7100 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
7101 xx[i]=this.xData[0][i];
7102 yy[i]=this.yData[i];
7103 ww[i]=this.weight[i];
7104 }
7106 // Calculate the cumulative probability and return ordinate scaling factor estimate
7107 double[] cumX = new double[this.nData];
7108 double[] cumY = new double[this.nData];
7109 double[] cumW = new double[this.nData];
7110 ErrorProp[] cumYe = ErrorProp.oneDarray(this.nData);
7111 double yScale = this.calculateCumulativeValues(cumX, cumY, cumW, cumYe, peaki, yPeak, distribMode, ss);
7113 //Calculate loglog v log transforms
7114 if(this.frechetWeibull){
7115 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
7116 cumYe[i] = ErrorProp.over(1.0D, cumYe[i]);
7117 cumYe[i] = ErrorProp.log(cumYe[i]);
7118 cumYe[i] = ErrorProp.log(cumYe[i]);
7119 cumY[i] = cumYe[i].getValue();
7120 cumW[i] = cumYe[i].getError();
7121 }
7122 }
7123 else{
7124 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
7125 cumYe[i] = ErrorProp.minus(1.0D,cumYe[i]);
7126 cumYe[i] = ErrorProp.over(1.0D, cumYe[i]);
7127 cumYe[i] = ErrorProp.log(cumYe[i]);
7128 cumYe[i] = ErrorProp.log(cumYe[i]);
7129 cumY[i] = cumYe[i].getValue();
7130 cumW[i] = cumYe[i].getError();
7131 }
7132 }
7134 // Fill data arrays with transformed data
7135 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
7136 xData[0][i] = cumX[i];
7137 yData[i] = cumY[i];
7138 weight[i] = cumW[i];
7139 }
7140 boolean weightOptHold = this.weightOpt;
7141 this.weightOpt=true;
7143 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression for semi-linearised Frechet or Weibull
7144 // disable statistical analysis
7145 boolean statFlagHold = this.statFlag;
7146 this.statFlag=false;
7148 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
7149 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
7150 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
7151 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
7152 start[i]=1.0D;
7153 step[i]=0.2D;
7154 }
7155 double[] gammamin = null;
7156 double gammat = 0;
7157 switch(typeFlag){
7158 case 0:
7159 start[0] = xMin - Math.abs(0.1D*xMin); //mu
7160 start[1] = sd; //sigma
7161 start[2] = 4.0; // gamma
7162 // step sizes
7163 step[0] = 0.2D*start[0];
7164 if(step[0]==0.0D){
7165 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
7166 Double tempdd = null;
7167 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
7168 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
7169 if(xmax==0.0D){
7170 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
7171 xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
7172 }
7173 step[0]=xmax*0.1D;
7174 }
7175 step[1] = 0.2D*start[1];
7176 step[2] = 0.5D*start[2];
7177 this.addConstraint(0,+1,xMin);
7178 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
7179 this.addConstraint(2,-1,0.0D);
7180 break;
7181 case 1: start[0] = sd; //sigma
7182 start[1] = 4.0; // gamma
7183 // step sizes
7184 step[0] = 0.2D*start[0];
7185 step[1] = 0.5D*start[1];
7186 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
7187 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
7188 break;
7189 case 2: start[0] = 4.0; // gamma
7190 // step size
7191 step[0] = 0.5D*start[0];
7192 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
7193 break;
7194 }
7196 // Create instance of loglog function and perform regression
7197 if(this.frechetWeibull){
7198 FrechetFunctionTwo f = new FrechetFunctionTwo();
7199 f.typeFlag = typeFlag;
7200 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
7201 System.out.println("pppp " + start[0] + " " + start[1] + " " + start[2]);
7203 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
7204 }
7205 else{
7206 WeibullFunctionTwo f = new WeibullFunctionTwo();
7207 f.typeFlag = typeFlag;
7208 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
7209 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
7210 }
7212 // Get best estimates of loglog regression
7213 double[] ests = Conv.copy(;
7215 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression for Frechet or Weibull
7216 // using best estimates from loglog regression as initial estimates
7218 // re-enable statistical analysis if statFlag was set to true
7219 this.statFlag = statFlagHold;
7221 // restore data reversing the loglog transform but maintaining any sign reversals
7222 this.weightOpt=weightOptHold;
7223 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
7224 xData[0][i] = xx[i];
7225 yData[i] = yy[i];
7226 weight[i] = ww[i];
7227 }
7229 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
7230 switch(typeFlag){
7231 case 0: start[0] = ests[0]; //mu
7232 start[1] = ests[1]; //sigma
7233 start[2] = ests[2]; //gamma
7234 if(this.scaleFlag){
7235 start[3] = 1.0/yScale; //y axis scaling factor
7236 }
7237 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
7238 if(step[0]==0.0D){
7239 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
7240 Double tempdd = null;
7241 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
7242 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
7243 if(xmax==0.0D){
7244 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
7245 xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
7246 }
7247 step[0]=xmax*0.1D;
7248 }
7249 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
7250 step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
7251 if(this.scaleFlag){
7252 step[3] = 0.1D*start[3];
7253 }
7254 break;
7255 case 1: start[0] = ests[0]; //sigma
7256 start[1] = ests[1]; //gamma
7257 if(this.scaleFlag){
7258 start[2] = 1.0/yScale; //y axis scaling factor
7259 }
7260 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
7261 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
7262 if(this.scaleFlag)step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
7263 break;
7264 case 2: start[0] = ests[0]; //gamma
7265 if(this.scaleFlag){
7266 start[1] = 1.0/yScale; //y axis scaling factor
7267 }
7268 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
7269 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
7270 break;
7271 }
7273 // Create instance of Frechet function and perform regression
7274 if(this.frechetWeibull){
7275 FrechetFunctionOne ff = new FrechetFunctionOne();
7276 ff.typeFlag = typeFlag;
7277 ff.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
7278 ff.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
7279 Object regFun3 = (Object)ff;
7280 this.nelderMead(regFun3, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
7281 if(allTest==1){
7282 // Print results
7283 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
7284 // Plot results
7285 int flag = this.plotXY(ff);
7286 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
7287 }
7288 }
7289 else{
7290 WeibullFunctionOne ff = new WeibullFunctionOne();
7291 ff.typeFlag = typeFlag;
7292 ff.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
7293 ff.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
7294 Object regFun3 = (Object)ff;
7295 this.nelderMead(regFun3, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
7296 if(allTest==1){
7297 // Print results
7298 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
7299 // Plot results
7300 int flag = this.plotXY(ff);
7301 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
7302 }
7303 }
7305 // restore data
7306 this.weightOpt = weightOptHold;
7307 if(magCheck){
7308 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
7309 this.yData[i] = yy[i]/magScale;
7310 if(this.weightOpt)this.weight[i] = ww[i]/magScale;
7311 }
7312 }
7313 if(ySignFlag){
7314 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
7315 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
7316 }
7317 }
7318 }
7320 // Check for y value = infinity
7321 public boolean infinityCheck(double yPeak, int peaki){
7322 boolean flag=false;
7323 if(yPeak == 1.0D/0.0D || yPeak == -1.0D/0.0D){
7324 int ii = peaki+1;
7325 if(peaki==this.nData-1)ii = peaki-1;
7326 this.xData[0][peaki]=this.xData[0][ii];
7327 this.yData[peaki]=this.yData[ii];
7328 this.weight[peaki]=this.weight[ii];
7329 System.out.println("An infinty has been removed at point "+peaki);
7330 flag = true;
7331 }
7332 return flag;
7333 }
7335 // reverse sign of y values if negative
7336 public void reverseYsign(String ss){
7337 System.out.println("This implementation of the " + ss + " distributions takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
7338 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
7339 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
7340 this.yData[i] = -this.yData[i];
7341 }
7342 }
7344 // check y values for all y are very small value
7345 public double checkYallSmall(double yPeak, String ss){
7346 double magScale = 1.0D;
7347 double recipYpeak = Fmath.truncate(1.0/yPeak, 4);
7348 if(yPeak<1e-4){
7349 System.out.println(ss + " fitting: The ordinate axis (y axis) has been rescaled by "+recipYpeak+" to reduce rounding errors");
7350 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
7351 this.yData[i]*=recipYpeak;
7352 if(this.weightOpt)this.weight[i]*=recipYpeak;
7353 }
7354 magScale=recipYpeak;
7355 }
7356 return magScale;
7357 }
7359 // Calculate cumulative values for distributions with a single independent variable
7360 // Entered parameters
7361 // peaki - index of the y value peak
7362 // yPeak - y value of the y peak
7363 // distribMode - x value at peak y (estimate of the 'distribution mode')
7364 // ss - name of the distribution to be fitted, e.g. "Frechet"
7365 // Returns:
7366 // return statement - an estimate of the scaling factor
7367 // cumX - x data as a one dimensional array with zero values replaced by average of adjacent values
7368 // cumY - cumulative y values
7369 // cumW - cumulative y weight values
7370 // cumYe - cumulative Y values as ErrorProp
7371 public double calculateCumulativeValues(double[] cumX, double[] cumY, double[] cumW, ErrorProp[] cumYe, int peaki, double yPeak, double distribMode, String ss){
7373 // Put independent values into a one-dimensional array
7374 cumX[0]= this.xData[0][0];
7375 for(int i=1; i<this.nData; i++){
7376 cumX[i] = this.xData[0][i];
7377 }
7379 // Create an array of ErrorProps from the independent values and their weights
7380 ErrorProp[] yE = ErrorProp.oneDarray(this.nData);
7381 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
7382 yE[i].reset(this.yData[i], this.weight[i]);
7383 }
7385 // check on shape of data for first step of cumulative calculation
7386 if(peaki!=0){
7387 if(peaki==this.nData-1){
7388 System.out.println("The data does not cover a wide enough range of x values to fit to a " + ss + " distribution with any accuracy");
7389 System.out.println("The regression will be attempted but you should treat any result with great caution");
7390 }
7391 if(this.yData[0]<this.yData[1]*0.5D && this.yData[0]>distribMode*0.02D){
7392 ErrorProp x0 = new ErrorProp(0.0D, 0.0D);
7393 x0 = yE[0].times(this.xData[0][1]-this.xData[0][0]);
7394 x0 = x0.over(yE[1].minus(yE[0]));
7395 x0 = ErrorProp.minus(this.xData[0][0],x0);
7396 if(this.yData[0]>=0.9D*yPeak)x0=([0][0])).over(2.0D);
7397 if(x0.getValue()<0.0D)x0.reset(0.0D, 0.0D);
7398 cumYe[0] = yE[0].over(2.0D);
7399 cumYe[0] = cumYe[0].times(ErrorProp.minus(this.xData[0][0], x0));
7400 }
7401 else{
7402 cumYe[0].reset(0.0D, this.weight[0]);
7403 }
7404 }
7405 else{
7406 cumYe[0].reset(0.0D, this.weight[0]);
7408 }
7410 // cumulative calculation for rest of the points (trapezium approximation)
7411 for(int i=1; i<this.nData; i++){
7412 cumYe[i] = yE[i].plus(yE[i-1]);
7413 cumYe[i] = cumYe[i].over(2.0D);
7414 cumYe[i] = cumYe[i].times(this.xData[0][i]-this.xData[0][i-1]);
7415 cumYe[i] = cumYe[i].plus(cumYe[i-1]);
7416 }
7418 // check on shape of data for final step of cumulative calculation
7419 ErrorProp cumYtotal = cumYe[this.nData-1].copy();
7420 if(peaki==this.nData-1){
7421 cumYtotal = cumYtotal.times(2.0D);
7422 }
7423 else{
7424 if(this.yData[this.nData-1]<yData[this.nData-2]*0.5D && yData[this.nData-1]>distribMode*0.02D){
7425 ErrorProp xn = new ErrorProp();
7426 xn = yE[this.nData-1].times(this.xData[0][this.nData-2]-this.xData[0][this.nData-1]);
7427 xn = xn.over(yE[this.nData-2].minus(yE[this.nData-1]));
7428 xn = ErrorProp.minus(this.xData[0][this.nData-1], xn);
7429 if(this.yData[0]>=0.9D*yPeak)xn=([0][this.nData-1])).over(2.0D);
7430 cumYtotal =,(yE[this.nData-1].times(xn.minus(this.xData[0][this.nData-1])))));
7431 }
7432 }
7434 // Fill cumulative Y and W arrays
7435 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
7436 cumY[i]=cumYe[i].getValue();
7437 cumW[i]=cumYe[i].getError();
7438 }
7440 // estimate y scaling factor
7441 double yScale = 1.0D/cumYtotal.getValue();
7442 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
7443 cumYe[i]=cumYe[i].over(cumYtotal);
7444 }
7446 // check for zero and negative values
7447 int jj = 0;
7448 boolean test = true;
7449 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
7450 if(cumYe[i].getValue()<=0.0D){
7451 if(i<=jj){
7452 test=true;
7453 jj = i;
7454 while(test){
7455 jj++;
7456 if(jj>=this.nData)throw new ArithmeticException("all zero cumulative data!!");
7457 if(cumYe[jj].getValue()>0.0D){
7458 cumYe[i]=cumYe[jj].copy();
7459 cumX[i]=cumX[jj];
7460 test=false;
7461 }
7462 }
7463 }
7464 else{
7465 if(i==this.nData-1){
7466 cumYe[i]=cumYe[i-1].copy();
7467 cumX[i]=cumX[i-1];
7468 }
7469 else{
7470 cumYe[i]=cumYe[i-1].plus(cumYe[i+1]);
7471 cumYe[i]=cumYe[i].over(2.0D);
7472 cumX[i]=(cumX[i-1]+cumX[i+1])/2.0D;
7473 }
7474 }
7475 }
7476 }
7478 // check for unity value
7479 jj = this.nData-1;
7480 for(int i=this.nData-1; i>=0; i--){
7481 if(cumYe[i].getValue()>=1.0D){
7482 if(i>=jj){
7483 test=true;
7484 jj = this.nData-1;
7485 while(test){
7486 jj--;
7487 if(jj<0)throw new ArithmeticException("all unity cumulative data!!");
7488 if(cumYe[jj].getValue()<1.0D){
7489 cumYe[i]=cumYe[jj].copy();
7490 cumX[i]=cumX[jj];
7491 test=false;
7492 }
7493 }
7494 }
7495 else{
7496 if(i==0){
7497 cumYe[i]=cumYe[i+1].copy();
7498 cumX[i]=cumX[i+1];
7499 }
7500 else{
7501 cumYe[i]=cumYe[i-1].plus(cumYe[i+1]);
7502 cumYe[i]=cumYe[i].over(2.0D);
7503 cumX[i]=(cumX[i-1]+cumX[i+1])/2.0D;
7504 }
7505 }
7506 }
7507 }
7509 return yScale;
7510 }
7512 public void weibull(){
7513 this.fitWeibull(0, 0);
7514 }
7516 public void weibullPlot(){
7517 this.fitWeibull(1, 0);
7518 }
7520 public void weibullTwoPar(){
7521 this.fitWeibull(0, 1);
7522 }
7524 public void weibullTwoParPlot(){
7525 this.fitWeibull(1, 1);
7526 }
7528 public void weibullStandard(){
7529 this.fitWeibull(0, 2);
7530 }
7532 public void weibullStandardPlot(){
7533 this.fitWeibull(1, 2);
7534 }
7536 protected void fitWeibull(int allTest, int typeFlag){
7537 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
7538 this.userSupplied = false;
7539 switch(typeFlag){
7540 case 0: this.lastMethod=16;
7541 this.nTerms=4;
7542 break;
7543 case 1: this.lastMethod=17;
7544 this.nTerms=3;
7545 break;
7546 case 2: this.lastMethod=18;
7547 this.nTerms=2;
7548 break;
7549 }
7550 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=this.nTerms-1;
7551 this.frechetWeibull=false;
7552 this.fitFrechetWeibull(allTest, typeFlag);
7553 }
7555 public void gumbelMin(){
7556 this.fitGumbel(0, 0);
7557 }
7559 public void gumbelMinPlot(){
7560 this.fitGumbel(1, 0);
7561 }
7563 public void gumbelMax(){
7564 this.fitGumbel(0, 1);
7565 }
7566 public void gumbelMaxPlot(){
7567 this.fitGumbel(1, 1);
7568 }
7570 public void gumbelMinOnePar(){
7571 this.fitGumbel(0, 2);
7572 }
7574 public void gumbelMinOneParPlot(){
7575 this.fitGumbel(1, 2);
7576 }
7578 public void gumbelMaxOnePar(){
7579 this.fitGumbel(0, 3);
7580 }
7582 public void gumbelMaxOneParPlot(){
7583 this.fitGumbel(1, 3);
7584 }
7586 public void gumbelMinStandard(){
7587 this.fitGumbel(0, 4);
7588 }
7590 public void gumbelMinStandardPlot(){
7591 this.fitGumbel(1, 4);
7592 }
7594 public void gumbelMaxStandard(){
7595 this.fitGumbel(0, 5);
7596 }
7598 public void gumbelMaxStandardPlot(){
7599 this.fitGumbel(1, 5);
7600 }
7602 // No parameters set for estimation
7603 // Correlation coefficient and plot
7604 protected void noParameters(String ss){
7605 System.out.println(ss+" Regression");
7606 System.out.println("No parameters set for estimation");
7607 System.out.println("Theoretical curve obtained");
7608 String filename1="RegressOutput.txt";
7609 String filename2="RegressOutputN.txt";
7610 FileOutput fout = new FileOutput(filename1, 'n');
7611 System.out.println("Results printed to the file "+filename2);
7612 fout.dateAndTimeln(filename1);
7613 fout.println("No parameters set for estimation");
7614 switch(this.lastMethod){
7615 case 11: fout.println("Minimal Standard Gumbel p(x) = exp(x)exp(-exp(x))");
7616 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++)this.yCalc[i]=Math.exp(this.xData[0][i])*Math.exp(-Math.exp(this.xData[0][i]));
7617 break;
7618 case 12: fout.println("Maximal Standard Gumbel p(x) = exp(-x)exp(-exp(-x))");
7619 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++)this.yCalc[i]=Math.exp(-this.xData[0][i])*Math.exp(-Math.exp(-this.xData[0][i]));
7620 break;
7621 case 21: fout.println("Standard Exponential p(x) = exp(-x)");
7622 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++)this.yCalc[i]=Math.exp(-this.xData[0][i]);
7623 break;
7624 }
7625 this.sumOfSquaresError = 0.0D;
7626 this.chiSquare = 0.0D;
7627 double temp = 0.0D;
7628 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
7629 temp = Fmath.square(this.yData[i]-this.yCalc[i]);
7630 this.sumOfSquaresError += temp;
7631 this.chiSquare += temp/Fmath.square(this.weight[i]);
7632 }
7633 double corrCoeff = Stat.corrCoeff(this.yData, this.yCalc);
7634 fout.printtab("Correlation Coefficient");
7635 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(corrCoeff, this.prec));
7636 fout.printtab("Correlation Coefficient Probability");
7637 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(1.0D-Stat.linearCorrCoeffProb(corrCoeff, this.degreesOfFreedom-1), this.prec));
7639 fout.printtab("Sum of Squares");
7640 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.sumOfSquaresError, this.prec));
7641 if(this.weightOpt || this.trueFreq){
7642 fout.printtab("Chi Square");
7643 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.chiSquare, this.prec));
7644 fout.printtab("chi square probability");
7645 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(Stat.chiSquareProb(this.chiSquare, this.degreesOfFreedom-1), this.prec));
7646 }
7647 fout.println(" ");
7649 fout.printtab("x", this.field);
7650 fout.printtab("p(x) [expl]", this.field);
7651 fout.printtab("p(x) [calc]", this.field);
7652 fout.println("residual");
7654 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
7655 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.xData[0][i], this.prec), this.field);
7656 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.yData[i], this.prec), this.field);
7657 fout.printtab(Fmath.truncate(this.yCalc[i], this.prec), this.field);
7658 fout.println(Fmath.truncate(this.yData[i]-this.yCalc[i], this.prec));
7659 }
7660 fout.close();
7661 this.plotXY();
7662 if(!this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
7663 }
7665 protected void fitGumbel(int allTest, int typeFlag){
7666 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
7667 this.userSupplied = false;
7668 switch(typeFlag){
7669 case 0: this.lastMethod=7;
7670 this.nTerms=3;
7671 break;
7672 case 1: this.lastMethod=8;
7673 this.nTerms=3;
7674 break;
7675 case 2: this.lastMethod=9;
7676 this.nTerms=2;
7677 break;
7678 case 3: this.lastMethod=10;
7679 this.nTerms=2;
7680 break;
7681 case 4: this.lastMethod=11;
7682 this.nTerms=1;
7683 break;
7684 case 5: this.lastMethod=12;
7685 this.nTerms=1;
7686 break;
7687 }
7688 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=this.nTerms-1;
7689 this.zeroCheck = false;
7690 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
7691 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
7692 if(this.nTerms==0){
7693 this.noParameters("Gumbel");
7694 }
7695 else{
7698 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
7699 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
7701 // check sign of y data
7702 Double tempd=null;
7703 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
7704 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
7705 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
7706 boolean yFlag = false;
7708 if(yPeak<0.0D){
7709 System.out.println("Regression.fitGumbel(): This implementation of the Gumbel distribution takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
7710 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
7711 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
7712 yData[i] = -yData[i];
7713 }
7714 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
7715 yFlag=true;
7716 }
7718 // check x data
7719 ArrayList<Object> retX = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
7720 Integer tempi = null;
7722 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the 'distribution mode')
7723 tempi = (Integer)retY.get(5);
7724 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
7725 double distribMode = xData[0][peaki];
7727 // Calculate an estimate of the half-height width
7728 double sd = halfWidth(xData[0], yData);
7730 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression for Gumbel
7731 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
7732 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
7733 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
7734 switch(typeFlag){
7735 case 0:
7736 case 1:
7737 start[0] = distribMode; //mu
7738 start[1] = sd*Math.sqrt(6.0D)/Math.PI; //sigma
7739 if(this.scaleFlag){
7740 start[2] = yPeak*start[1]*Math.exp(1); //y axis scaling factor
7741 }
7742 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
7743 if(step[0]==0.0D){
7744 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
7745 Double tempdd = null;
7746 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
7747 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
7748 if(xmax==0.0D){
7749 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
7750 xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
7751 }
7752 step[0]=xmax*0.1D;
7753 }
7754 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
7755 if(this.scaleFlag)step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
7757 // Add constraints
7758 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
7759 break;
7760 case 2:
7761 case 3:
7762 start[0] = sd*Math.sqrt(6.0D)/Math.PI; //sigma
7763 if(this.scaleFlag){
7764 start[1] = yPeak*start[0]*Math.exp(1); //y axis scaling factor
7765 }
7766 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
7767 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
7768 // Add constraints
7769 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
7770 break;
7771 case 4:
7772 case 5:
7773 if(this.scaleFlag){
7774 start[0] = yPeak*Math.exp(1); //y axis scaling factor
7775 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
7776 }
7777 break;
7778 }
7780 // Create instance of Gumbel function
7781 GumbelFunction ff = new GumbelFunction();
7783 // Set minimum type / maximum type option
7784 ff.typeFlag = typeFlag;
7786 // Set ordinate scaling option
7787 ff.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
7788 ff.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
7790 if(typeFlag<4){
7792 // Perform simplex regression
7793 Object regFun3 = (Object)ff;
7794 this.nelderMead(regFun3, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
7796 if(allTest==1){
7797 // Print results
7798 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
7800 // Plot results
7801 int flag = this.plotXY(ff);
7802 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
7803 }
7804 }
7805 else{
7806 // calculate exp exp term
7807 double[][] xxx = new double[1][this.nData];
7808 double aa=1.0D;
7809 if(typeFlag==5)aa=-1.0D;
7810 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
7811 xxx[0][i]=Math.exp(aa*this.xData[0][i])*Math.exp(-Math.exp(aa*this.xData[0][i]));
7812 }
7814 // perform linear regression
7815 this.linNonLin = true;
7816 this.generalLinear(xxx);
7818 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
7819 if(!this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
7820 this.plotXY();
7822 this.linNonLin = false;
7824 }
7826 if(yFlag){
7827 // restore data
7828 for(int i=0; i<this.nData-1; i++){
7829 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
7830 }
7831 }
7832 }
7833 }
7835 // sort elements x, y and w arrays of doubles into ascending order of the x array
7836 // using selection sort method
7837 protected static void sort(double[] x, double[] y, double[] w){
7838 int index = 0;
7839 int lastIndex = -1;
7840 int n = x.length;
7841 double holdx = 0.0D;
7842 double holdy = 0.0D;
7843 double holdw = 0.0D;
7845 while(lastIndex < n-1){
7846 index = lastIndex+1;
7847 for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
7848 if(x[i]<x[index]){
7849 index=i;
7850 }
7851 }
7852 lastIndex++;
7853 holdx=x[index];
7854 x[index]=x[lastIndex];
7855 x[lastIndex]=holdx;
7856 holdy=y[index];
7857 y[index]=y[lastIndex];
7858 y[lastIndex]=holdy;
7859 holdw=w[index];
7860 w[index]=w[lastIndex];
7861 w[lastIndex]=holdw;
7862 }
7863 }
7865 // returns rough estimate of half-height width
7866 protected static double halfWidth(double[] xData, double[] yData){
7867 // Find index of maximum value and calculate half maximum height
7868 double ymax = yData[0];
7869 int imax = 0;
7870 int n = xData.length;
7872 for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
7873 if(yData[i]>ymax){
7874 ymax=yData[i];
7875 imax=i;
7876 }
7877 }
7878 ymax /= 2.0D;
7880 // Find index of point at half maximum value on the low side of the maximum
7881 double halfXlow=-1.0D;
7882 double halfYlow=-1.0D;
7883 double temp = -1.0D;
7884 int ihl=-1;
7885 if(imax>0){
7886 ihl=imax-1;
7887 halfYlow=Math.abs(ymax-yData[ihl]);
7888 for(int i=imax-2; i>=0; i--){
7889 temp=Math.abs(ymax-yData[i]);
7890 if(temp<halfYlow){
7891 halfYlow=temp;
7892 ihl=i;
7893 }
7894 }
7895 halfXlow=Math.abs(xData[ihl]-xData[imax]);
7896 }
7898 // Find index of point at half maximum value on the high side of the maximum
7899 double halfXhigh=-1.0D;
7900 double halfYhigh=-1.0D;
7901 temp = -1.0D;
7902 int ihh=-1;
7903 if(imax<n-1){
7904 ihh=imax+1;
7905 halfYhigh=Math.abs(ymax-yData[ihh]);
7906 for(int i=imax+2; i<n; i++){
7907 temp=Math.abs(ymax-yData[i]);
7908 if(temp<halfYhigh){
7909 halfYhigh=temp;
7910 ihh=i;
7911 }
7912 }
7913 halfXhigh=Math.abs(xData[ihh]-xData[imax]);
7914 }
7916 // Calculate width at half height
7917 double halfw = 0.0D;
7918 if(ihl!=-1)halfw += halfXlow;
7919 if(ihh!=-1)halfw += halfXhigh;
7921 return halfw;
7922 }
7926 // method for fitting data to a simple exponential
7927 public void exponentialSimple(){
7928 fitsexponentialSimple(0);
7929 }
7931 // method for fitting data to a simple exponential
7932 public void exponentialSimplePlot(){
7933 fitsexponentialSimple(1);
7934 }
7936 // method for fitting data to a simple exponential
7937 protected void fitsexponentialSimple(int plotFlag){
7939 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
7940 this.lastMethod=43;
7941 this.userSupplied = false;
7942 this.linNonLin = false;
7943 this.zeroCheck = false;
7944 this.nTerms=2;
7945 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=1;
7946 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
7947 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
7949 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
7950 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
7952 // Estimate of yscale and A - linear transform
7953 int nLen = this.yData.length;
7954 int nLin = nLen;
7955 boolean[] zeros = new boolean[nLen];
7956 for(int i=0; i<nLen; i++){
7957 zeros[i] = true;
7958 if(this.xData[0][i]<=0.0D||this.yData[i]<=0.0D){
7959 zeros[i] = false;
7960 nLin--;
7961 }
7962 }
7963 double[] xlin = new double[nLin];
7964 double[] ylin = new double[nLin];
7965 double[] wlin = new double[nLin];
7966 int counter = 0;
7967 for(int i=0; i<nLen; i++){
7968 if(zeros[i]){
7969 xlin[counter] = Math.log(this.xData[0][i]);
7970 ylin[counter] = Math.log(this.yData[i]);
7971 wlin[counter] = Math.abs(this.weight[i]/this.yData[i]);
7972 counter++;
7973 }
7974 }
7976 Regression reglin = new Regression(xlin, ylin, wlin);
7977 double[] start = new double[nTerms];
7978 double[] step = new double[nTerms];
7979 if(this.scaleFlag){
7980 reglin.linear();
7981 double[] coeff = reglin.getBestEstimates();
7982 double[] errrs = reglin.getBestEstimatesErrors();
7984 // initial estimates
7985 start[0] = coeff[1];
7986 start[1] = Math.exp(coeff[0]);
7988 // initial step sizes
7989 step[0] = errrs[1]/2.0;
7990 step[1] = errrs[0]*start[0]/2.0;
7991 if(step[0]<=0.0 || Fmath.isNaN(step[0]))step[0] = Math.abs(start[0]*0.1);
7992 if(step[1]<=0.0 || Fmath.isNaN(step[1]))step[1] = Math.abs(start[1]*0.1);
7993 }
7994 else{
7995 reglin.linearGeneral();
7996 double[] coeff = reglin.getBestEstimates();
7997 double[] errrs = reglin.getBestEstimatesErrors();
7999 // initial estimates
8000 start[0] = coeff[1];
8002 // initial step sizes
8003 step[0] = errrs[1]/2.0;
8004 if(step[0]<=0.0 || Fmath.isNaN(step[0]))step[0] = Math.abs(start[0]*0.1);
8005 }
8007 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
8008 ExponentialSimpleFunction f = new ExponentialSimpleFunction();
8009 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
8010 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
8011 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
8012 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
8014 if(plotFlag==1){
8015 // Print results
8016 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
8018 // Plot results
8019 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
8020 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
8021 }
8022 }
8027 // method for fitting data to mutiple exponentials
8028 // initial estimates calculated internally
8029 public void exponentialMultiple(int nExps){
8030 this.userSupplied = false;
8031 fitsexponentialMultiple(nExps,0);
8032 }
8034 // method for fitting data to a multiple exponentials
8035 // initial estimates calculated internally
8036 public void exponentialMultiplePlot(int nExps){
8037 this.userSupplied = false;
8038 fitsexponentialMultiple(nExps, 1);
8039 }
8041 // method for fitting data to mutiple exponentials
8042 // user supplied initial estimates
8043 public void exponentialMultiple(int nExps, double[] AandBs){
8044 this.userSupplied = true;
8045 fitsexponentialMultiple(nExps, 0, AandBs);
8046 }
8048 // method for fitting data to a multiple exponentials
8049 // user supplied initial estimates
8050 public void exponentialMultiplePlot(int nExps, double[] AandBs){
8051 this.userSupplied = true;
8052 fitsexponentialMultiple(nExps, 1, AandBs);
8053 }
8055 // method for fitting data to a multiple exponentials
8056 // initial estimates calculated internally
8057 protected void fitsexponentialMultiple(int nExps, int plotFlag){
8059 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
8060 this.lastMethod=44;
8061 this.linNonLin = false;
8062 this.zeroCheck = false;
8063 this.nTerms=2*nExps;
8064 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
8065 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
8067 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
8068 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
8070 // Estimate of yscale and A - linear transform
8071 int nLen = this.yData.length;
8072 int nLin = nLen;
8073 boolean[] zeros = new boolean[nLen];
8074 for(int i=0; i<nLen; i++){
8075 zeros[i] = true;
8076 if(this.xData[0][i]<=0.0D||this.yData[i]<=0.0D){
8077 zeros[i] = false;
8078 nLin--;
8079 }
8080 }
8081 double[] xlin = new double[nLin];
8082 double[] ylin = new double[nLin];
8083 double[] wlin = new double[nLin];
8084 int counter = 0;
8085 for(int i=0; i<nLen; i++){
8086 if(zeros[i]){
8087 xlin[counter] = Math.log(this.xData[0][i]);
8088 ylin[counter] = Math.log(this.yData[i]);
8089 wlin[counter] = Math.abs(this.weight[i]/this.yData[i]);
8090 counter++;
8091 }
8092 }
8094 Regression reglin = new Regression(xlin, ylin, wlin);
8095 double[] start = new double[nTerms];
8096 double[] step = new double[nTerms];
8098 reglin.linear();
8099 double[] coeff = reglin.getBestEstimates();
8100 double[] errrs = reglin.getBestEstimatesErrors();
8102 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i+=2){
8103 // initial estimates
8104 start[i] = Math.exp(coeff[0])/this.nTerms;
8105 start[i+1] = coeff[1];
8107 // initial step sizes
8108 step[i] = errrs[0]*start[i]/2.0;
8109 step[i+1] = errrs[1]/2.0;
8110 if(step[i]<=0.0 || Fmath.isNaN(step[i]))step[i] = Math.abs(start[i]*0.1);
8111 if(step[i+1]<=0.0 || Fmath.isNaN(step[i+1]))step[i+1] = Math.abs(start[i+1]*0.1);
8112 }
8114 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
8115 ExponentialMultipleFunction f = new ExponentialMultipleFunction();
8116 f.nExps = this.nTerms;
8117 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
8118 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
8120 if(plotFlag==1){
8121 // Print results
8122 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
8124 // Plot results
8125 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
8126 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
8127 }
8128 }
8130 // method for fitting data to a multiple exponentials
8131 // user supplied initial estimates calculated
8132 protected void fitsexponentialMultiple(int nExps, int plotFlag, double[] aAndBs){
8134 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
8135 this.lastMethod=44;
8136 this.linNonLin = false;
8137 this.zeroCheck = false;
8138 this.nTerms=2*nExps;
8139 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
8140 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
8142 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
8143 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
8145 double[] start = new double[nTerms];
8146 double[] step = new double[nTerms];
8148 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i+=2){
8149 // initial estimates
8150 start[i] = aAndBs[i];
8152 // initial step sizes
8153 step[i] = Math.abs(start[i]*0.1);
8154 }
8156 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
8157 ExponentialMultipleFunction f = new ExponentialMultipleFunction();
8158 f.nExps = this.nTerms;
8159 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
8160 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
8162 if(plotFlag==1){
8163 // Print results
8164 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
8166 // Plot results
8167 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
8168 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
8169 }
8170 }
8174 // method for fitting data to 1 - exponential
8175 public void oneMinusExponential(){
8176 fitsoneMinusExponential(0);
8177 }
8179 // method for fitting data to 1 - exponential
8180 public void oneMinusExponentialPlot(){
8181 fitsoneMinusExponential(1);
8182 }
8184 // method for fitting data to 1 - exponential
8185 protected void fitsoneMinusExponential(int plotFlag){
8187 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
8188 this.lastMethod=45;
8189 this.userSupplied = false;
8190 this.linNonLin = false;
8191 this.zeroCheck = false;
8192 this.nTerms=2;
8193 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
8194 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
8196 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
8197 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
8199 // initial step sizes
8200 ArrayMaths am = new ArrayMaths(this.yData);
8201 double maxY = am.maximum();
8202 double minY = am.minimum();
8203 double testDirection = 1.0;
8204 double maxYhalf = maxY/2.0;
8206 if(Math.abs(minY)>Math.abs(maxY)){
8207 testDirection = -1.0;
8208 maxY = minY;
8209 maxYhalf = minY/2.0;
8210 }
8211 double timeHalf = Double.NaN;
8212 boolean test = true;
8213 int ii=0;
8214 while(test){
8215 if(this.yData[ii]==maxYhalf){
8216 timeHalf = this.xData[0][ii] - this.xData[0][0];
8217 test = false;
8218 }
8219 else{
8220 if(this.yData[ii]<maxYhalf && this.yData[ii+1]>maxYhalf){
8221 timeHalf = (this.xData[0][ii] + this.xData[0][ii+1])/2.0 - this.xData[0][0];
8222 test = false;
8223 }
8224 else{
8225 if(this.yData[ii]>maxYhalf && this.yData[ii+1]<maxYhalf){
8226 timeHalf = (this.xData[0][ii] + this.xData[0][ii+1])/2.0 - this.xData[0][0];
8227 test = false;
8228 }
8229 else{
8230 ii++;
8231 if(ii>=this.nData-1)test = false;
8232 }
8233 }
8234 }
8235 }
8237 if(timeHalf!=timeHalf){
8238 timeHalf = am.maximumDifference();
8239 }
8241 double guessB = -testDirection/timeHalf;
8242 double[] start = {maxY, guessB};
8243 double[] step = {Math.abs(start[0]/5.0), Math.abs(start[1]/5.0)};
8245 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
8246 OneMinusExponentialFunction f = new OneMinusExponentialFunction();
8247 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
8248 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
8249 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
8250 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
8251 double ss0 = this.sumOfSquaresError;
8252 double[] bestEstimates0 =;
8254 // Repeat with A and B guess of opposite sign
8255 start[0] = -maxY;
8256 start[1] = -guessB;
8257 step[0] = Math.abs(start[0]/5.0);
8258 step[1] = Math.abs(start[1]/5.0);
8259 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
8261 // Choose better result
8262 if(this.sumOfSquaresError>ss0){
8263 start[0] = bestEstimates0[0];
8264 start[1] = bestEstimates0[1];
8265 step[0] = Math.abs(start[0]/20.0);
8266 step[1] = Math.abs(start[1]/20.0);
8267 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
8268 }
8270 // Plotting
8271 if(plotFlag==1){
8272 // Print results
8273 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
8275 // Plot results
8276 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
8277 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
8278 }
8279 }
8283 public void exponential(){
8284 this.fitExponential(0, 0);
8285 }
8287 public void exponentialPlot(){
8288 this.fitExponential(1, 0);
8289 }
8291 public void exponentialOnePar(){
8292 this.fitExponential(0, 1);
8293 }
8295 public void exponentialOneParPlot(){
8296 this.fitExponential(1, 1);
8297 }
8299 public void exponentialStandard(){
8300 this.fitExponential(0, 2);
8301 }
8303 public void exponentialStandardPlot(){
8304 this.fitExponential(1, 2);
8305 }
8307 protected void fitExponential(int allTest, int typeFlag){
8308 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
8309 this.userSupplied = false;
8310 switch(typeFlag){
8311 case 0: this.lastMethod=19;
8312 this.nTerms=3;
8313 break;
8314 case 1: this.lastMethod=20;
8315 this.nTerms=2;
8316 break;
8317 case 2: this.lastMethod=21;
8318 this.nTerms=1;
8319 break;
8320 }
8321 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=this.nTerms-1;
8322 this.linNonLin = false;
8323 this.zeroCheck = false;
8324 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
8325 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
8326 if(this.nTerms==0){
8327 this.noParameters("Exponential");
8328 }
8329 else{
8331 // Save x-y-w data
8332 double[] xx = new double[this.nData];
8333 double[] yy = new double[this.nData];
8334 double[] ww = new double[this.nData];
8336 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
8337 xx[i]=this.xData[0][i];
8338 yy[i]=this.yData[i];
8339 ww[i]=this.weight[i];
8340 }
8342 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
8343 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
8345 // check y data
8346 Double tempd=null;
8347 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
8348 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
8349 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
8350 Integer tempi = null;
8351 tempi = (Integer)retY.get(5);
8352 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
8354 // check sign of y data
8355 String ss = "Exponential";
8356 boolean ySignFlag = false;
8357 if(yPeak<0.0D){
8358 this.reverseYsign(ss);
8359 retY = Regression.dataSign(this.yData);
8360 yPeak = -yPeak;
8361 ySignFlag = true;
8362 }
8364 // check y values for all very small values
8365 boolean magCheck=false;
8366 double magScale = this.checkYallSmall(yPeak, ss);
8367 if(magScale!=1.0D){
8368 magCheck=true;
8369 yPeak=1.0D;
8370 }
8372 // minimum value of x
8373 ArrayList<Object> retX = Regression.dataSign(this.xData[0]);
8374 tempd = (Double)retX.get(0);
8375 double xMin = tempd.doubleValue();
8377 // estimate of sigma
8378 double yE = yPeak/Math.exp(1.0D);
8379 if(this.yData[0]<yPeak)yE = (yPeak+yData[0])/(2.0D*Math.exp(1.0D));
8380 double yDiff = Math.abs(yData[0]-yE);
8381 double yTest = 0.0D;
8382 int iE = 0;
8383 for(int i=1; i<this.nData; i++){
8384 yTest=Math.abs(this.yData[i]-yE);
8385 if(yTest<yDiff){
8386 yDiff=yTest;
8387 iE=i;
8388 }
8389 }
8390 double sigma = this.xData[0][iE]-this.xData[0][0];
8392 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
8393 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
8394 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
8396 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
8397 switch(typeFlag){
8398 case 0: start[0] = xMin*0.9; //mu
8399 start[1] = sigma; //sigma
8400 if(this.scaleFlag){
8401 start[2] = yPeak*sigma; //y axis scaling factor
8402 }
8403 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
8404 if(step[0]==0.0D){
8405 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
8406 Double tempdd = null;
8407 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
8408 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
8409 if(xmax==0.0D){
8410 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
8411 xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
8412 }
8413 step[0]=xmax*0.1D;
8414 }
8415 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
8416 if(this.scaleFlag)step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
8417 break;
8418 case 1: start[0] = sigma; //sigma
8419 if(this.scaleFlag){
8420 start[1] = yPeak*sigma; //y axis scaling factor
8421 }
8422 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
8423 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
8424 break;
8425 case 2: if(this.scaleFlag){
8426 start[0] = yPeak; //y axis scaling factor
8427 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
8428 }
8429 break;
8430 }
8432 // Create instance of Exponential function and perform regression
8433 ExponentialFunction ff = new ExponentialFunction();
8434 ff.typeFlag = typeFlag;
8435 ff.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
8436 ff.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
8437 Object regFun3 = (Object)ff;
8438 this.nelderMead(regFun3, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
8440 if(allTest==1){
8441 // Print results
8442 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
8443 // Plot results
8444 int flag = this.plotXY(ff);
8445 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
8446 }
8448 // restore data
8449 if(magCheck){
8450 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
8451 this.yData[i] = yy[i]/magScale;
8452 if(this.weightOpt)this.weight[i] = ww[i]/magScale;
8453 }
8454 }
8455 if(ySignFlag){
8456 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
8457 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
8458 }
8459 }
8460 }
8461 }
8463 // check for zero and negative values
8464 public void checkZeroNeg(double [] xx, double[] yy, double[] ww){
8465 int jj = 0;
8466 boolean test = true;
8467 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
8468 if(yy[i]<=0.0D){
8469 if(i<=jj){
8470 test=true;
8471 jj = i;
8472 while(test){
8473 jj++;
8474 if(jj>=this.nData)throw new ArithmeticException("all zero cumulative data!!");
8475 if(yy[jj]>0.0D){
8476 yy[i]=yy[jj];
8477 xx[i]=xx[jj];
8478 ww[i]=ww[jj];
8479 test=false;
8480 }
8481 }
8482 }
8483 else{
8484 if(i==this.nData-1){
8485 yy[i]=yy[i-1];
8486 xx[i]=xx[i-1];
8487 ww[i]=ww[i-1];
8488 }
8489 else{
8490 yy[i]=(yy[i-1] + yy[i+1])/2.0D;
8491 xx[i]=(xx[i-1] + xx[i+1])/2.0D;
8492 ww[i]=(ww[i-1] + ww[i+1])/2.0D;
8493 }
8494 }
8495 }
8496 }
8497 }
8499 public void rayleigh(){
8500 this.fitRayleigh(0, 0);
8501 }
8503 public void rayleighPlot(){
8504 this.fitRayleigh(1, 0);
8505 }
8507 protected void fitRayleigh(int allTest, int typeFlag){
8508 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
8509 this.lastMethod=22;
8510 this.userSupplied = false;
8511 this.nTerms=2;
8512 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=this.nTerms-1;
8513 this.linNonLin = false;
8514 this.zeroCheck = false;
8515 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
8516 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
8519 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
8520 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
8522 // check y data
8523 Double tempd=null;
8524 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
8525 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
8526 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
8527 Integer tempi = null;
8528 tempi = (Integer)retY.get(5);
8529 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
8531 // check sign of y data
8532 String ss = "Rayleigh";
8533 boolean ySignFlag = false;
8534 if(yPeak<0.0D){
8535 this.reverseYsign(ss);
8536 retY = Regression.dataSign(this.yData);
8537 yPeak = -yPeak;
8538 ySignFlag = true;
8539 }
8541 // check y values for all very small values
8542 boolean magCheck=false;
8543 double magScale = this.checkYallSmall(yPeak, ss);
8544 if(magScale!=1.0D){
8545 magCheck=true;
8546 yPeak=1.0D;
8547 }
8549 // Save x-y-w data
8550 double[] xx = new double[this.nData];
8551 double[] yy = new double[this.nData];
8552 double[] ww = new double[this.nData];
8554 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
8555 xx[i]=this.xData[0][i];
8556 yy[i]=this.yData[i];
8557 ww[i]=this.weight[i];
8558 }
8560 // minimum value of x
8561 ArrayList<Object> retX = Regression.dataSign(this.xData[0]);
8562 tempd = (Double)retX.get(0);
8563 double xMin = tempd.doubleValue();
8565 // maximum value of x
8566 tempd = (Double)retX.get(2);
8567 double xMax = tempd.doubleValue();
8569 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the 'distribution mode')
8570 double distribMode = xData[0][peaki];
8572 // Calculate an estimate of the half-height width
8573 double sd = Math.log(2.0D)*halfWidth(xData[0], yData);
8575 // Calculate the cumulative probability and return ordinate scaling factor estimate
8576 double[] cumX = new double[this.nData];
8577 double[] cumY = new double[this.nData];
8578 double[] cumW = new double[this.nData];
8579 ErrorProp[] cumYe = ErrorProp.oneDarray(this.nData);
8580 double yScale = this.calculateCumulativeValues(cumX, cumY, cumW, cumYe, peaki, yPeak, distribMode, ss);
8582 //Calculate log transform
8583 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
8584 cumYe[i] = ErrorProp.minus(1.0D,cumYe[i]);
8585 cumYe[i] = ErrorProp.over(1.0D, cumYe[i]);
8586 cumYe[i] = ErrorProp.log(cumYe[i]);
8587 cumY[i] = cumYe[i].getValue();
8588 cumW[i] = cumYe[i].getError();
8589 }
8591 // Fill data arrays with transformed data
8592 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
8593 xData[0][i] = cumX[i];
8594 yData[i] = cumY[i];
8595 weight[i] = cumW[i];
8596 }
8597 boolean weightOptHold = this.weightOpt;
8598 this.weightOpt=true;
8600 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression for semi-linearised Rayleigh
8601 // disable statistical analysis
8602 this.statFlag=false;
8604 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
8605 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
8606 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
8607 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
8608 start[i]=1.0D;
8609 step[i]=0.2D;
8610 }
8611 start[0] = sd; //sigma
8612 step[0] = 0.2D;
8613 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
8615 // Create instance of log function and perform regression
8616 RayleighFunctionTwo f = new RayleighFunctionTwo();
8617 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
8618 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
8620 // Get best estimates of log regression
8621 double[] ests = Conv.copy(;
8623 // enable statistical analysis
8624 this.statFlag=true;
8626 // restore data reversing the loglog transform but maintaining any sign reversals
8627 this.weightOpt=weightOptHold;
8628 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
8629 xData[0][i] = xx[i];
8630 yData[i] = yy[i];
8631 weight[i] = ww[i];
8632 }
8634 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
8635 start[0] = ests[0]; //sigma
8636 if(this.scaleFlag){
8637 start[1] = 1.0/yScale; //y axis scaling factor
8638 }
8639 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
8640 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
8643 // Create instance of Rayleigh function and perform regression
8644 RayleighFunctionOne ff = new RayleighFunctionOne();
8645 ff.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
8646 ff.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
8647 Object regFun3 = (Object)ff;
8648 this.nelderMead(regFun3, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
8650 if(allTest==1){
8651 // Print results
8652 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
8653 // Plot results
8654 int flag = this.plotXY(ff);
8655 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
8656 }
8658 // restore data
8659 if(magCheck){
8660 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
8661 this.yData[i] = yy[i]/magScale;
8662 if(this.weightOpt)this.weight[i] = ww[i]/magScale;
8663 }
8664 }
8665 if(ySignFlag){
8666 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
8667 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
8668 }
8669 }
8670 }
8672 // Shifted Pareto
8673 public void paretoShifted(){
8674 this.fitPareto(0, 3);
8675 }
8677 public void paretoThreePar(){
8678 this.fitPareto(0, 3);
8679 }
8681 public void paretoShiftedPlot(){
8682 this.fitPareto(1, 3);
8683 }
8684 public void paretoThreeParPlot(){
8685 this.fitPareto(1, 3);
8686 }
8688 // Two Parameter Pareto
8689 public void paretoTwoPar(){
8690 this.fitPareto(0, 2);
8691 }
8692 // Deprecated
8693 public void pareto(){
8694 this.fitPareto(0, 2);
8695 }
8697 public void paretoTwoParPlot(){
8698 this.fitPareto(1, 2);
8699 }
8700 // Deprecated
8701 public void paretoPlot(){
8702 this.fitPareto(1, 2);
8703 }
8705 // One Parameter Pareto
8706 public void paretoOnePar(){
8707 this.fitPareto(0, 1);
8708 }
8710 public void paretoOneParPlot(){
8711 this.fitPareto(1, 1);
8712 }
8714 // method for fitting data to a Pareto distribution
8715 protected void fitPareto(int allTest, int typeFlag){
8716 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
8717 this.userSupplied = false;
8718 switch(typeFlag){
8719 case 3: this.lastMethod=29;
8720 this.nTerms=4;
8721 break;
8722 case 2: this.lastMethod=23;
8723 this.nTerms=3;
8724 break;
8725 case 1: this.lastMethod=24;
8726 this.nTerms=2;
8727 break;
8728 }
8730 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=this.nTerms-1;
8731 this.linNonLin = false;
8732 this.zeroCheck = false;
8733 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
8734 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
8735 String ss = "Pareto";
8737 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
8738 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
8740 // check y data
8741 Double tempd=null;
8742 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
8743 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
8744 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
8745 Integer tempi = null;
8746 tempi = (Integer)retY.get(5);
8747 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
8749 // check for infinity
8750 if(this.infinityCheck(yPeak, peaki)){
8751 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
8752 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
8753 yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
8754 tempi = null;
8755 tempi = (Integer)retY.get(5);
8756 peaki = tempi.intValue();
8757 }
8759 // check sign of y data
8760 boolean ySignFlag = false;
8761 if(yPeak<0.0D){
8762 this.reverseYsign(ss);
8763 retY = Regression.dataSign(this.yData);
8764 yPeak = -yPeak;
8765 ySignFlag = true;
8766 }
8768 // check y values for all very small values
8769 boolean magCheck=false;
8770 double magScale = this.checkYallSmall(yPeak, ss);
8771 if(magScale!=1.0D){
8772 magCheck=true;
8773 yPeak=1.0D;
8774 }
8776 // minimum value of x
8777 ArrayList<Object> retX = Regression.dataSign(this.xData[0]);
8778 tempd = (Double)retX.get(0);
8779 double xMin = tempd.doubleValue();
8781 // maximum value of x
8782 tempd = (Double)retX.get(2);
8783 double xMax = tempd.doubleValue();
8785 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the 'distribution mode')
8786 double distribMode = xData[0][peaki];
8788 // Calculate an estimate of the half-height width
8789 double sd = Math.log(2.0D)*halfWidth(xData[0], yData);
8791 // Save x-y-w data
8792 double[] xx = new double[this.nData];
8793 double[] yy = new double[this.nData];
8794 double[] ww = new double[this.nData];
8796 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
8797 xx[i]=this.xData[0][i];
8798 yy[i]=this.yData[i];
8799 ww[i]=this.weight[i];
8800 }
8802 // Calculate the cumulative probability and return ordinate scaling factor estimate
8803 double[] cumX = new double[this.nData];
8804 double[] cumY = new double[this.nData];
8805 double[] cumW = new double[this.nData];
8806 ErrorProp[] cumYe = ErrorProp.oneDarray(this.nData);
8807 double yScale = this.calculateCumulativeValues(cumX, cumY, cumW, cumYe, peaki, yPeak, distribMode, ss);
8809 //Calculate l - cumlative probability
8810 for(int i=0; i<this.nData; i++){
8811 cumYe[i] = ErrorProp.minus(1.0D,cumYe[i]);
8812 cumY[i] = cumYe[i].getValue();
8813 cumW[i] = cumYe[i].getError();
8814 }
8816 // Fill data arrays with transformed data
8817 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
8818 xData[0][i] = cumX[i];
8819 yData[i] = cumY[i];
8820 weight[i] = cumW[i];
8821 }
8822 boolean weightOptHold = this.weightOpt;
8823 this.weightOpt=true;
8825 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression for Pareto estimated cdf
8826 // disable statistical analysis
8827 this.statFlag=false;
8829 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
8830 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
8831 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
8832 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++){
8833 start[i]=1.0D;
8834 step[i]=0.2D;
8835 }
8836 switch(typeFlag){
8837 case 3: start[0] = 2; //alpha
8838 start[1] = xMin*0.9D; //beta
8839 if(xMin<0){ //theta
8840 start[2] = -xMin*1.1D;
8841 }
8842 else{
8843 start[2] = xMin*0.01;
8844 }
8845 if(start[1]<0.0D)start[1]=0.0D;
8846 step[0] = 0.2D*start[0];
8847 step[1] = 0.2D*start[1];
8848 if(step[1]==0.0D){
8849 double xmax = xMax;
8850 if(xmax==0.0D){
8851 xmax = xMin;
8852 }
8853 step[1]=xmax*0.1D;
8854 }
8855 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
8856 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
8857 this.addConstraint(1,+1,xMin);
8858 break;
8859 case 2: if(xMin<0)System.out.println("Method: FitParetoTwoPar/FitParetoTwoParPlot\nNegative data values present\nFitParetoShifted/FitParetoShiftedPlot would have been more appropriate");
8860 start[0] = 2; //alpha
8861 start[1] = xMin*0.9D; //beta
8862 if(start[1]<0.0D)start[1]=0.0D;
8863 step[0] = 0.2D*start[0];
8864 step[1] = 0.2D*start[1];
8865 if(step[1]==0.0D){
8866 double xmax = xMax;
8867 if(xmax==0.0D){
8868 xmax = xMin;
8869 }
8870 step[1]=xmax*0.1D;
8871 }
8872 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
8873 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
8874 break;
8875 case 1: if(xMin<0)System.out.println("Method: FitParetoOnePar/FitParetoOneParPlot\nNegative data values present\nFitParetoShifted/FitParetoShiftedPlot would have been more appropriate");
8876 start[0] = 2; //alpha
8877 step[0] = 0.2D*start[0];
8878 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
8879 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
8880 break;
8881 }
8883 // Create instance of cdf function and perform regression
8884 ParetoFunctionTwo f = new ParetoFunctionTwo();
8885 f.typeFlag = typeFlag;
8886 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
8887 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
8889 // Get best estimates of cdf regression
8890 double[] ests = Conv.copy(;
8892 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression for Pareto
8893 // using best estimates from cdf regression as initial estimates
8895 // enable statistical analysis
8896 this.statFlag=true;
8898 // restore data reversing the cdf transform but maintaining any sign reversals
8899 this.weightOpt=weightOptHold;
8900 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
8901 xData[0][i] = xx[i];
8902 yData[i] = yy[i];
8903 weight[i] = ww[i];
8904 }
8906 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
8907 switch(typeFlag){
8908 case 3: start[0] = ests[0]; //alpha
8909 if(start[0]<=0.0D){
8910 if(start[0]==0.0D){
8911 start[0]=1.0D;
8912 }
8913 else{
8914 start[0] = Math.min(1.0D,-start[0]);
8915 }
8916 }
8917 start[1] = ests[1]; //beta
8918 if(start[1]<=0.0D){
8919 if(start[1]==0.0D){
8920 start[1]=1.0D;
8921 }
8922 else{
8923 start[1] = Math.min(1.0D,-start[1]);
8924 }
8925 }
8926 start[2] = ests[2];
8927 if(this.scaleFlag){
8928 start[3] = 1.0/yScale; //y axis scaling factor
8929 }
8930 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
8931 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
8932 if(step[1]==0.0D){
8933 double xmax = xMax;
8934 if(xmax==0.0D){
8935 xmax = xMin;
8936 }
8937 step[1]=xmax*0.1D;
8938 }
8939 if(this.scaleFlag)step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
8940 break;
8941 case 2: start[0] = ests[0]; //alpha
8942 if(start[0]<=0.0D){
8943 if(start[0]==0.0D){
8944 start[0]=1.0D;
8945 }
8946 else{
8947 start[0] = Math.min(1.0D,-start[0]);
8948 }
8949 }
8950 start[1] = ests[1]; //beta
8951 if(start[1]<=0.0D){
8952 if(start[1]==0.0D){
8953 start[1]=1.0D;
8954 }
8955 else{
8956 start[1] = Math.min(1.0D,-start[1]);
8957 }
8958 }
8959 if(this.scaleFlag){
8960 start[2] = 1.0/yScale; //y axis scaling factor
8961 }
8962 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
8963 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
8964 if(step[1]==0.0D){
8965 double xmax = xMax;
8966 if(xmax==0.0D){
8967 xmax = xMin;
8968 }
8969 step[1]=xmax*0.1D;
8970 }
8971 if(this.scaleFlag)step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
8972 break;
8973 case 1: start[0] = ests[0]; //alpha
8974 if(start[0]<=0.0D){
8975 if(start[0]==0.0D){
8976 start[0]=1.0D;
8977 }
8978 else{
8979 start[0] = Math.min(1.0D,-start[0]);
8980 }
8981 }
8982 if(this.scaleFlag){
8983 start[1] = 1.0/yScale; //y axis scaling factor
8984 }
8985 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
8986 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
8987 break;
8988 }
8990 // Create instance of Pareto function and perform regression
8991 ParetoFunctionOne ff = new ParetoFunctionOne();
8992 ff.typeFlag = typeFlag;
8993 ff.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
8994 ff.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
8995 Object regFun3 = (Object)ff;
8996 this.nelderMead(regFun3, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
8998 if(allTest==1){
8999 // Print results
9000 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
9001 // Plot results
9002 int flag = this.plotXY(ff);
9003 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
9004 }
9006 // restore data
9007 this.weightOpt = weightOptHold;
9008 if(magCheck){
9009 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
9010 this.yData[i] = yy[i]/magScale;
9011 if(this.weightOpt)this.weight[i] = ww[i]/magScale;
9012 }
9013 }
9014 if(ySignFlag){
9015 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
9016 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
9017 }
9018 }
9019 }
9022 // method for fitting data to a sigmoid threshold function
9023 public void sigmoidThreshold(){
9024 fitSigmoidThreshold(0);
9025 }
9027 // method for fitting data to a sigmoid threshold function with plot and print out
9028 public void sigmoidThresholdPlot(){
9029 fitSigmoidThreshold(1);
9030 }
9033 // method for fitting data to a sigmoid threshold function
9034 protected void fitSigmoidThreshold(int plotFlag){
9036 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
9037 this.lastMethod=25;
9038 this.userSupplied = false;
9039 this.linNonLin = false;
9040 this.zeroCheck = false;
9041 this.nTerms=3;
9042 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=2;
9043 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
9044 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
9046 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
9047 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
9049 // Estimate of theta
9050 double yymin = Fmath.minimum(this.yData);
9051 double yymax = Fmath.maximum(this.yData);
9052 int dirFlag = 1;
9053 if(yymin<0)dirFlag=-1;
9054 double yyymid = (yymax - yymin)/2.0D;
9055 double yyxmidl = xData[0][0];
9056 int ii = 1;
9057 int nLen = this.yData.length;
9058 boolean test = true;
9059 while(test){
9060 if(this.yData[ii]>=dirFlag*yyymid){
9061 yyxmidl = xData[0][ii];
9062 test = false;
9063 }
9064 else{
9065 ii++;
9066 if(ii>=nLen){
9067 yyxmidl = Stat.mean(this.xData[0]);
9068 ii=nLen-1;
9069 test = false;
9070 }
9071 }
9072 }
9073 double yyxmidh = xData[0][nLen-1];
9074 int jj = nLen-1;
9075 test = true;
9076 while(test){
9077 if(this.yData[jj]<=dirFlag*yyymid){
9078 yyxmidh = xData[0][jj];
9079 test = false;
9080 }
9081 else{
9082 jj--;
9083 if(jj<0){
9084 yyxmidh = Stat.mean(this.xData[0]);
9085 jj=1;
9086 test = false;
9087 }
9088 }
9089 }
9090 int thetaPos = (ii+jj)/2;
9091 double theta0 = xData[0][thetaPos];
9093 // estimate of slope
9094 double thetaSlope1 = 2.0D*(yData[nLen-1] - theta0)/(xData[0][nLen-1] - xData[0][thetaPos]);
9095 double thetaSlope2 = 2.0D*theta0/(xData[0][thetaPos] - xData[0][nLen-1]);
9096 double thetaSlope = Math.max(thetaSlope1, thetaSlope2);
9098 // initial estimates
9099 double[] start = new double[nTerms];
9100 start[0] = 4.0D*thetaSlope;
9101 if(dirFlag==1){
9102 start[0] /= yymax;
9103 }
9104 else{
9105 start[0] /= yymin;
9106 }
9107 start[1] = theta0;
9108 if(this.scaleFlag){
9109 if(dirFlag==1){
9110 start[2] = yymax;
9111 }
9112 else{
9113 start[2] = yymin;
9114 }
9115 }
9117 // initial step sizes
9118 double[] step = new double[nTerms];
9119 for(int i=0; i<nTerms; i++)step[i] = 0.1*start[i];
9120 if(step[0]==0.0D)step[0] = 0.1*(xData[0][nLen-1] - xData[0][0])/(yData[nLen-1] - yData[0]);
9121 if(step[1]==0.0D)step[1] = (xData[0][nLen-1] - xData[0][0])/20.0D;
9122 if(this.scaleFlag)if(step[2]==0.0D)step[2] = 0.1*(yData[nLen-1] - yData[0]);
9124 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
9125 SigmoidThresholdFunction f = new SigmoidThresholdFunction();
9126 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
9127 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
9128 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
9129 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
9131 if(plotFlag==1){
9132 // Print results
9133 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
9135 // Plot results
9136 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
9137 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
9138 }
9139 }
9140 // method for fitting data to a Hill/Sips Sigmoid
9141 public void sigmoidHillSips(){
9142 fitsigmoidHillSips(0);
9143 }
9145 // method for fitting data to a Hill/Sips Sigmoid with plot and print out
9146 public void sigmoidHillSipsPlot(){
9147 fitsigmoidHillSips(1);
9148 }
9150 // method for fitting data to a Hill/Sips Sigmoid
9151 protected void fitsigmoidHillSips(int plotFlag){
9153 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
9154 this.lastMethod=28;
9155 this.userSupplied = false;
9156 this.linNonLin = false;
9157 this.zeroCheck = false;
9158 this.nTerms=3;
9159 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=2;
9160 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
9161 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
9163 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
9164 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
9166 // Estimate of theta
9167 int nLen = this.yData.length;
9168 this.midPoint();
9169 double theta0 = this.midPointYvalue;
9171 // initial estimates
9172 double[] start = new double[nTerms];
9173 start[0] = theta0;
9174 if(this.directionFlag==1){
9175 start[1] = 1;
9176 }
9177 else{
9178 start[1] = -1;
9179 }
9180 if(this.scaleFlag){
9181 start[2] = - this.bottom;
9182 }
9184 // initial step sizes
9185 double[] step = new double[nTerms];
9186 for(int i=0; i<this.nTerms; i++)step[i] = 0.1*start[i];
9187 if(step[0]==0.0D)step[0] = (this.xData[0][nLen-1] - this.xData[0][0])/20.0D;
9188 if(this.scaleFlag)if(step[2]==0.0D)step[2] = 0.1*(this.yData[nLen-1] - this.yData[0]);
9190 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
9191 SigmoidHillSipsFunction f = new SigmoidHillSipsFunction();
9192 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
9193 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
9194 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
9195 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
9197 if(plotFlag==1){
9198 // Print results
9199 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
9201 // Plot results
9202 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
9203 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
9204 }
9205 }
9207 // method for fitting data to a EC50 dose response curve
9208 public void ec50(){
9209 fitEC50(0);
9210 }
9212 // method for fitting data to a EC50 dose response curve with plot and print out
9213 public void ec50Plot(){
9214 fitEC50(1);
9215 }
9217 // method for fitting data to a EC50 dose response curve
9218 // bottom constrained to zero or positive values
9219 public void ec50constrained(){
9220 fitEC50(2);
9221 }
9223 // method for fitting data to a EC50 dose response curve with plot and print out
9224 // bottom constrained to zero or positive values
9225 public void ec50constrainedPlot(){
9226 fitEC50(3);
9227 }
9231 // Estimate mid point of sigmoid curves
9232 private void midPoint(){
9233 // Estimate of bottom and top
9234 this.bottom = Fmath.minimum(this.yData);
9235 = Fmath.maximum(this.yData);
9236 this.bottomIndex = 0;
9237 this.topIndex = 0;
9238 int nLen = this.yData.length;
9239 int ii = 0;
9240 boolean test = true;
9241 while(test){
9242 if(this.bottom==this.yData[ii]){
9243 this.bottomIndex = ii;
9244 test = false;
9245 }
9246 else{
9247 ii++;
9248 if(ii>=nLen)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This should not be possible - check coding");
9249 }
9250 }
9251 test = true;
9252 ii = 0;
9253 while(test){
9254 if([ii]){
9255 this.topIndex = ii;
9256 test = false;
9257 }
9258 else{
9259 ii++;
9260 if(ii>=nLen)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This should not be possible - check coding");
9261 }
9262 }
9263 this.directionFlag = 1;
9264 if(this.topIndex<this.bottomIndex)this.directionFlag = -1;
9266 // Estimate of midpoint
9267 double yyymid = ( - this.bottom)/2.0D;
9268 double yyxmidl = this.xData[0][0];
9269 ii = 0;
9270 this.midPointIndex = 0;
9271 if(this.directionFlag==1){
9272 test = true;
9273 while(test){
9274 if(this.yData[ii]>=yyymid){
9275 yyxmidl = this.xData[0][ii];
9276 test = false;
9277 }
9278 else{
9279 ii++;
9280 if(ii>=nLen){
9281 yyxmidl = Stat.mean(this.xData[0]);
9282 ii=nLen-1;
9283 test = false;
9284 }
9285 }
9286 }
9287 double yyxmidh = this.xData[0][nLen-1];
9288 int jj = nLen-1;
9289 test = true;
9290 while(test){
9291 if(this.yData[jj]<=yyymid){
9292 yyxmidh = this.xData[0][jj];
9293 test = false;
9294 }
9295 else{
9296 jj--;
9297 if(jj<0){
9298 yyxmidh = Stat.mean(this.xData[0]);
9299 jj=1;
9300 test = false;
9301 }
9302 }
9303 }
9304 this.midPointIndex = (ii+jj)/2;
9305 }
9306 else{
9307 ii = 0;
9308 test = true;
9309 while(test){
9310 if(this.yData[ii]<=yyymid){
9311 yyxmidl = this.xData[0][ii];
9312 test = false;
9313 }
9314 else{
9315 ii++;
9316 if(ii>=nLen){
9317 yyxmidl = Stat.mean(this.xData[0]);
9318 ii=nLen-1;
9319 test = false;
9320 }
9321 }
9322 }
9323 double yyxmidh = this.xData[0][nLen-1];
9324 int jj = nLen-1;
9325 test = true;
9326 while(test){
9327 if(this.yData[jj]>=yyymid){
9328 yyxmidh = this.xData[0][jj];
9329 test = false;
9330 }
9331 else{
9332 jj--;
9333 if(jj<0){
9334 yyxmidh = Stat.mean(this.xData[0]);
9335 jj=1;
9336 test = false;
9337 }
9338 }
9339 }
9340 this.midPointIndex = (ii+jj)/2;
9341 }
9342 this.midPointXvalue = this.xData[0][this.midPointIndex];
9343 this.midPointYvalue = this.yData[this.midPointIndex];
9344 }
9346 // method for fitting data to a logEC50 dose response curve
9347 protected void fitEC50(int cpFlag){
9349 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
9350 int plotFlag = 0;
9351 boolean constrained = false;
9352 this.userSupplied = false;
9353 switch(cpFlag){
9354 case 0: this.lastMethod= 39;
9355 plotFlag = 0;
9356 break;
9357 case 1: this.lastMethod= 39;
9358 plotFlag = 1;
9359 break;
9360 case 2: this.lastMethod= 41;
9361 plotFlag = 0;
9362 constrained = true;
9363 break;
9364 case 3: this.lastMethod= 41;
9365 plotFlag = 1;
9366 constrained = true;
9367 break;
9368 }
9370 this.linNonLin = false;
9371 this.zeroCheck = false;
9372 this.nTerms=4;
9373 this.scaleFlag = false;
9374 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
9375 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
9377 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
9378 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
9380 // Initial estimate of EC50
9381 int nLen = this.yData.length;
9382 this.midPoint();
9384 // estimate of slope
9385 double thetaSlope1 = 2.0D*(this.yData[nLen-1] - this.midPointYvalue)/(this.xData[0][nLen-1] - this.xData[0][this.midPointIndex]);
9386 double thetaSlope2 = 2.0D*(this.midPointYvalue - this.yData[0])/(this.xData[0][this.midPointIndex] - this.xData[0][nLen-1]);
9387 double hillSlope = Math.max(thetaSlope1, thetaSlope2);
9389 // initial estimates
9390 double[] start = new double[nTerms];
9391 start[0] = this.bottom;
9392 start[1] =;
9393 start[2] = this.midPointYvalue;
9394 start[3] = Math.abs(hillSlope);
9395 if(this.directionFlag==1)start[3] = -Math.abs(hillSlope);
9397 // initial step sizes
9398 double[] step = new double[nTerms];
9399 for(int i=0; i<nTerms; i++)step[i] = 0.1*start[i];
9400 if(step[0]==0.0D)step[0] = 0.1*(yData[nLen-1] - yData[0]);
9401 if(step[1]==0.0D)step[1] = 0.1*(yData[nLen-1] - yData[0]) + yData[nLen-1];
9402 if(step[2]==0.0D)step[2] = 0.05*(xData[0][nLen-1] - xData[0][0]);
9403 if(step[3]==0.0D)step[3] = 0.1*(xData[0][nLen-1] - xData[0][0])/(yData[nLen-1] - yData[0]);
9405 // Constrained option
9406 if(constrained)this.addConstraint(0, -1, 0.0D);
9408 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
9409 EC50Function f = new EC50Function();
9410 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
9411 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
9413 if(plotFlag==1){
9414 // Print results
9415 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
9417 // Plot results
9418 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
9419 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
9420 }
9421 }
9423 // method for fitting data to a rectangular hyberbola
9424 public void rectangularHyperbola(){
9425 fitRectangularHyperbola(0);
9426 }
9428 // method for fitting data to a rectangular hyberbola with plot and print out
9429 public void rectangularHyperbolaPlot(){
9430 fitRectangularHyperbola(1);
9431 }
9433 // method for fitting data to a rectangular hyperbola
9434 protected void fitRectangularHyperbola(int plotFlag){
9436 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
9437 this.lastMethod=26;
9438 this.userSupplied = false;
9439 this.linNonLin = false;
9440 this.zeroCheck = false;
9441 this.nTerms=2;
9442 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=1;
9443 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
9444 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
9446 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
9447 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
9449 // Estimate of theta
9450 double yymin = Fmath.minimum(this.yData);
9451 double yymax = Fmath.maximum(this.yData);
9452 int dirFlag = 1;
9453 if(yymin<0)dirFlag=-1;
9454 double yyymid = (yymax - yymin)/2.0D;
9455 double yyxmidl = xData[0][0];
9456 int ii = 1;
9457 int nLen = this.yData.length;
9458 boolean test = true;
9459 while(test){
9460 if(this.yData[ii]>=dirFlag*yyymid){
9461 yyxmidl = xData[0][ii];
9462 test = false;
9463 }
9464 else{
9465 ii++;
9466 if(ii>=nLen){
9467 yyxmidl = Stat.mean(this.xData[0]);
9468 ii=nLen-1;
9469 test = false;
9470 }
9471 }
9472 }
9473 double yyxmidh = xData[0][nLen-1];
9474 int jj = nLen-1;
9475 test = true;
9476 while(test){
9477 if(this.yData[jj]<=dirFlag*yyymid){
9478 yyxmidh = xData[0][jj];
9479 test = false;
9480 }
9481 else{
9482 jj--;
9483 if(jj<0){
9484 yyxmidh = Stat.mean(this.xData[0]);
9485 jj=1;
9486 test = false;
9487 }
9488 }
9489 }
9490 int thetaPos = (ii+jj)/2;
9491 double theta0 = xData[0][thetaPos];
9493 // initial estimates
9494 double[] start = new double[nTerms];
9495 start[0] = theta0;
9496 if(this.scaleFlag){
9497 if(dirFlag==1){
9498 start[1] = yymax;
9499 }
9500 else{
9501 start[1] = yymin;
9502 }
9503 }
9505 // initial step sizes
9506 double[] step = new double[nTerms];
9507 for(int i=0; i<nTerms; i++)step[i] = 0.1*start[i];
9508 if(step[0]==0.0D)step[0] = (xData[0][nLen-1] - xData[0][0])/20.0D;
9509 if(this.scaleFlag)if(step[1]==0.0D)step[1] = 0.1*(yData[nLen-1] - yData[0]);
9511 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
9512 RectangularHyperbolaFunction f = new RectangularHyperbolaFunction();
9513 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
9514 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
9515 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
9516 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
9518 if(plotFlag==1){
9519 // Print results
9520 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
9522 // Plot results
9523 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
9524 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
9525 }
9526 }
9528 // method for fitting data to a scaled Heaviside Step Function
9529 public void stepFunction(){
9530 fitStepFunction(0);
9531 }
9533 // method for fitting data to a scaled Heaviside Step Function with plot and print out
9534 public void stepFunctionPlot(){
9535 fitStepFunction(1);
9536 }
9538 // method for fitting data to a scaled Heaviside Step Function
9539 protected void fitStepFunction(int plotFlag){
9541 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
9542 this.lastMethod=27;
9543 this.userSupplied = false;
9544 this.linNonLin = false;
9545 this.zeroCheck = false;
9546 this.nTerms=2;
9547 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=1;
9548 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
9549 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
9551 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
9552 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
9554 // Estimate of theta
9555 double yymin = Fmath.minimum(this.yData);
9556 double yymax = Fmath.maximum(this.yData);
9557 int dirFlag = 1;
9558 if(yymin<0)dirFlag=-1;
9559 double yyymid = (yymax - yymin)/2.0D;
9560 double yyxmidl = xData[0][0];
9561 int ii = 1;
9562 int nLen = this.yData.length;
9563 boolean test = true;
9564 while(test){
9565 if(this.yData[ii]>=dirFlag*yyymid){
9566 yyxmidl = xData[0][ii];
9567 test = false;
9568 }
9569 else{
9570 ii++;
9571 if(ii>=nLen){
9572 yyxmidl = Stat.mean(this.xData[0]);
9573 ii=nLen-1;
9574 test = false;
9575 }
9576 }
9577 }
9578 double yyxmidh = xData[0][nLen-1];
9579 int jj = nLen-1;
9580 test = true;
9581 while(test){
9582 if(this.yData[jj]<=dirFlag*yyymid){
9583 yyxmidh = xData[0][jj];
9584 test = false;
9585 }
9586 else{
9587 jj--;
9588 if(jj<0){
9589 yyxmidh = Stat.mean(this.xData[0]);
9590 jj=1;
9591 test = false;
9592 }
9593 }
9594 }
9595 int thetaPos = (ii+jj)/2;
9596 double theta0 = xData[0][thetaPos];
9598 // initial estimates
9599 double[] start = new double[nTerms];
9600 start[0] = theta0;
9601 if(this.scaleFlag){
9602 if(dirFlag==1){
9603 start[1] = yymax;
9604 }
9605 else{
9606 start[1] = yymin;
9607 }
9608 }
9610 // initial step sizes
9611 double[] step = new double[nTerms];
9612 for(int i=0; i<nTerms; i++)step[i] = 0.1*start[i];
9613 if(step[0]==0.0D)step[0] = (xData[0][nLen-1] - xData[0][0])/20.0D;
9614 if(this.scaleFlag)if(step[1]==0.0D)step[1] = 0.1*(yData[nLen-1] - yData[0]);
9616 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
9617 StepFunctionFunction f = new StepFunctionFunction();
9618 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
9619 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
9620 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
9621 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
9623 if(plotFlag==1){
9624 // Print results
9625 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
9627 // Plot results
9628 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
9629 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
9630 }
9631 }
9633 // Fit to a Logistic
9634 public void logistic(){
9635 this.fitLogistic(0);
9636 }
9638 // Fit to a Logistic
9639 public void logisticPlot(){
9641 this.fitLogistic(1);
9642 }
9644 // Fit data to a Logistic probability function
9645 protected void fitLogistic(int plotFlag){
9646 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
9647 this.lastMethod=30;
9648 this.userSupplied = false;
9649 this.linNonLin = false;
9650 this.zeroCheck = false;
9651 this.nTerms=3;
9652 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=2;
9653 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
9654 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
9656 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
9657 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
9659 // check sign of y data
9660 Double tempd=null;
9661 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
9662 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
9663 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
9664 boolean yFlag = false;
9665 if(yPeak<0.0D){
9666 System.out.println("Regression.fitLogistic(): This implementation of the Logistic distribution takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
9667 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
9668 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
9669 yData[i] = -yData[i];
9670 }
9671 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
9672 yFlag=true;
9673 }
9675 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the Logistic mean)
9676 ArrayList<Object> ret1 = Regression.dataSign(yData);
9677 Integer tempi = null;
9678 tempi = (Integer)ret1.get(5);
9679 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
9680 double mu = xData[0][peaki];
9682 // Calculate an estimate of the beta
9683 double beta = Math.sqrt(6.0D)*halfWidth(xData[0], yData)/Math.PI;
9685 // Calculate estimate of y scale
9686 tempd = (Double)ret1.get(4);
9687 double ym = tempd.doubleValue();
9688 ym=ym*beta*Math.sqrt(2.0D*Math.PI);
9690 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
9691 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
9692 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
9693 start[0] = mu;
9694 start[1] = beta;
9695 if(this.scaleFlag){
9696 start[2] = ym;
9697 }
9698 step[0] = 0.1D*beta;
9699 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
9700 if(step[1]==0.0D){
9701 ArrayList<Object> ret0 = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
9702 Double tempdd = null;
9703 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(2);
9704 double xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
9705 if(xmax==0.0D){
9706 tempdd = (Double)ret0.get(0);
9707 xmax = tempdd.doubleValue();
9708 }
9709 step[0]=xmax*0.1D;
9710 }
9711 if(this.scaleFlag)step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
9713 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression
9714 LogisticFunction f = new LogisticFunction();
9715 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
9716 f.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
9717 f.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
9718 Object regFun2 = (Object)f;
9719 this.nelderMead(regFun2, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
9721 if(plotFlag==1){
9722 // Print results
9723 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
9725 // Plot results
9726 int flag = this.plotXY(f);
9727 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
9728 }
9730 if(yFlag){
9731 // restore data
9732 for(int i=0; i<this.nData-1; i++){
9733 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
9734 }
9735 }
9737 }
9739 public void beta(){
9740 this.fitBeta(0, 0);
9741 }
9743 public void betaPlot(){
9744 this.fitBeta(1, 0);
9745 }
9747 public void betaMinMax(){
9748 this.fitBeta(0, 1);
9749 }
9751 public void betaMinMaxPlot(){
9752 this.fitBeta(1, 1);
9753 }
9755 protected void fitBeta(int allTest, int typeFlag){
9756 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
9757 this.userSupplied = false;
9758 switch(typeFlag){
9759 case 0: this.lastMethod=31;
9760 this.nTerms=3;
9761 break;
9762 case 1: this.lastMethod=32;
9763 this.nTerms=5;
9764 break;
9765 }
9766 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=this.nTerms-1;
9768 this.zeroCheck = false;
9769 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
9770 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
9772 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
9773 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
9775 // check sign of y data
9776 Double tempd=null;
9777 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
9778 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
9779 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
9780 boolean yFlag = false;
9781 if(yPeak<0.0D){
9782 System.out.println("Regression.fitBeta(): This implementation of the Beta distribution takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
9783 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
9784 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
9785 yData[i] = -yData[i];
9786 }
9787 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
9788 yFlag=true;
9789 }
9791 // check x data
9792 ArrayList<Object> retX = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
9793 Integer tempi = null;
9795 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the 'distribution mode')
9796 tempi = (Integer)retY.get(5);
9797 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
9798 double distribMode = xData[0][peaki];
9800 // minimum value
9801 tempd = (Double)retX.get(0);
9802 double minX = tempd.doubleValue();
9803 // maximum value
9804 tempd = (Double)retX.get(2);
9805 double maxX = tempd.doubleValue();
9806 // mean value
9807 tempd = (Double)retX.get(8);
9808 double meanX = tempd.doubleValue();
9811 // test that data is within range
9812 if(typeFlag==0){
9813 if(minX<0.0D){
9814 System.out.println("Regression: beta: data points must be greater than or equal to 0");
9815 System.out.println("method betaMinMax used in place of method beta");
9816 typeFlag = 1;
9817 this.lastMethod=32;
9818 this.nTerms=5;
9819 }
9820 if(maxX>1.0D){
9821 System.out.println("Regression: beta: data points must be less than or equal to 1");
9822 System.out.println("method betaMinMax used in place of method beta");
9823 typeFlag = 1;
9824 this.lastMethod=32;
9825 this.nTerms=5;
9826 }
9827 }
9829 // Calculate an estimate of the alpha, beta and scale factor
9830 double dMode = distribMode;
9831 double dMean = meanX;
9832 if(typeFlag==1){
9833 dMode = (distribMode - minX*0.9D)/(maxX*1.2D - minX*0.9D);
9834 dMean = (meanX - minX*0.9D)/(maxX*1.2D - minX*0.9D);
9835 }
9836 double alphaGuess = 2.0D*dMode*dMean/(dMode - dMean);
9837 if(alphaGuess<1.3)alphaGuess = 1.6D;
9838 double betaGuess = alphaGuess*(1.0D - dMean)/dMean;
9839 if(betaGuess<=1.3)betaGuess = 1.6D;
9840 double scaleGuess = 0.0D;
9841 if(typeFlag==0){
9842 scaleGuess = yPeak/Stat.betaPDF(alphaGuess, betaGuess, distribMode);
9843 }
9844 else{
9845 scaleGuess = yPeak/Stat.betaPDF(minX, maxX, alphaGuess, betaGuess, distribMode);
9846 }
9847 if(scaleGuess<0)scaleGuess=1;
9850 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression for Gumbel
9851 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
9852 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
9853 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
9854 switch(typeFlag){
9855 case 0: start[0] = alphaGuess; //alpha
9856 start[1] = betaGuess; //beta
9857 if(this.scaleFlag){
9858 start[2] = scaleGuess; //y axis scaling factor
9859 }
9860 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
9861 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
9862 if(this.scaleFlag)step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
9864 // Add constraints
9865 this.addConstraint(0,-1,1.0D);
9866 this.addConstraint(1,-1,1.0D);
9867 break;
9868 case 1: start[0] = alphaGuess; //alpha
9869 start[1] = betaGuess; //beta
9870 start[2] = 0.9D*minX; // min
9871 start[3] = 1.1D*maxX; // max
9872 if(this.scaleFlag){
9873 start[4] = scaleGuess; //y axis scaling factor
9874 }
9875 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
9876 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
9877 step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
9878 step[3] = 0.1D*start[3];
9879 if(this.scaleFlag)step[4] = 0.1D*start[4];
9881 // Add constraints
9882 this.addConstraint(0,-1,1.0D);
9883 this.addConstraint(1,-1,1.0D);
9884 this.addConstraint(2,+1,minX);
9885 this.addConstraint(3,-1,maxX);
9886 break;
9888 }
9890 // Create instance of Beta function
9891 BetaFunction ff = new BetaFunction();
9893 // Set minimum maximum type option
9894 ff.typeFlag = typeFlag;
9896 // Set ordinate scaling option
9897 ff.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
9898 ff.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
9900 // Perform simplex regression
9901 Object regFun3 = (Object)ff;
9902 this.nelderMead(regFun3, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
9904 if(allTest==1){
9905 // Print results
9906 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
9908 // Plot results
9909 int flag = this.plotXY(ff);
9910 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
9911 }
9913 if(yFlag){
9914 // restore data
9915 for(int i=0; i<this.nData-1; i++){
9916 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
9917 }
9918 }
9919 }
9921 public void gamma(){
9922 this.fitGamma(0, 0);
9923 }
9925 public void gammaPlot(){
9926 this.fitGamma(1, 0);
9927 }
9929 public void gammaStandard(){
9930 this.fitGamma(0, 1);
9931 }
9933 public void gammaStandardPlot(){
9934 this.fitGamma(1, 1);
9935 }
9937 protected void fitGamma(int allTest, int typeFlag){
9938 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
9939 this.userSupplied = false;
9940 switch(typeFlag){
9941 case 0: this.lastMethod=33;
9942 this.nTerms=4;
9943 break;
9944 case 1: this.lastMethod=34;
9945 this.nTerms=2;
9946 break;
9947 }
9948 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=this.nTerms-1;
9950 this.zeroCheck = false;
9951 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
9952 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
9954 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
9955 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
9957 // check sign of y data
9958 Double tempd=null;
9959 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
9960 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
9961 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
9962 boolean yFlag = false;
9963 if(yPeak<0.0D){
9964 System.out.println("Regression.fitGamma(): This implementation of the Gamma distribution takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
9965 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
9966 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
9967 yData[i] = -yData[i];
9968 }
9969 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
9970 yFlag=true;
9971 }
9973 // check x data
9974 ArrayList<Object> retX = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
9975 Integer tempi = null;
9977 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the 'distribution mode')
9978 tempi = (Integer)retY.get(5);
9979 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
9980 double distribMode = xData[0][peaki];
9982 // minimum value
9983 tempd = (Double)retX.get(0);
9984 double minX = tempd.doubleValue();
9985 // maximum value
9986 tempd = (Double)retX.get(2);
9987 double maxX = tempd.doubleValue();
9988 // mean value
9989 tempd = (Double)retX.get(8);
9990 double meanX = tempd.doubleValue();
9993 // test that data is within range
9994 if(typeFlag==1){
9995 if(minX<0.0D){
9996 System.out.println("Regression: gammaStandard: data points must be greater than or equal to 0");
9997 System.out.println("method gamma used in place of method gammaStandard");
9998 typeFlag = 0;
9999 this.lastMethod=33;
10000 this.nTerms=2;
10001 }
10002 }
10004 // Calculate an estimate of the mu, beta, gamma and scale factor
10005 double muGuess = 0.8D*minX;
10006 if(muGuess==0.0D)muGuess = -0.1D;
10007 double betaGuess = meanX - distribMode;
10008 if(betaGuess<=0.0D)betaGuess = 1.0D;
10009 double gammaGuess = (meanX + muGuess)/betaGuess;
10010 if(typeFlag==1)gammaGuess = meanX;
10011 if(gammaGuess<=0.0D)gammaGuess = 1.0D;
10012 double scaleGuess = 0.0D;
10013 if(typeFlag==0){
10014 scaleGuess = yPeak/Stat.gammaPDF(muGuess, betaGuess, gammaGuess, distribMode);
10015 }
10016 else{
10017 scaleGuess = yPeak/Stat.gammaPDF(gammaGuess, distribMode);
10018 }
10019 if(scaleGuess<0)scaleGuess=1;
10022 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression for Gamma
10023 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
10024 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
10025 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
10026 switch(typeFlag){
10027 case 1: start[0] = gammaGuess; //gamma
10028 if(this.scaleFlag){
10029 start[1] = scaleGuess; //y axis scaling factor
10030 }
10031 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
10032 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
10034 // Add constraints
10035 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
10036 break;
10037 case 0: start[0] = muGuess; // mu
10038 start[1] = betaGuess; // beta
10039 start[2] = gammaGuess; // gamma
10040 if(this.scaleFlag){
10041 start[3] = scaleGuess; //y axis scaling factor
10042 }
10043 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
10044 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
10045 step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
10046 if(this.scaleFlag)step[3] = 0.1D*start[3];
10048 // Add constraints
10049 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
10050 this.addConstraint(2,-1,0.0D);
10051 break;
10052 }
10054 // Create instance of Gamma function
10055 GammaFunction ff = new GammaFunction();
10057 // Set type option
10058 ff.typeFlag = typeFlag;
10060 // Set ordinate scaling option
10061 ff.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
10062 ff.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
10064 // Perform simplex regression
10065 Object regFun3 = (Object)ff;
10066 this.nelderMead(regFun3, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
10068 if(allTest==1){
10069 // Print results
10070 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
10072 // Plot results
10073 int flag = this.plotXY(ff);
10074 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
10075 }
10077 if(yFlag){
10078 // restore data
10079 for(int i=0; i<this.nData-1; i++){
10080 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
10081 }
10082 }
10083 }
10085 // Fit to an Erlang Distribution
10086 public void erlang(){
10087 this.fitErlang(0, 0);
10088 }
10090 public void erlangPlot(){
10091 this.fitErlang(1, 0);
10092 }
10094 protected void fitErlang(int allTest, int typeFlag){
10095 if(this.multipleY)throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method cannot handle multiply dimensioned y arrays");
10096 this.lastMethod=35;
10097 this.userSupplied = false;
10098 int nTerms0 = 2; // number of erlang terms
10099 int nTerms1 = 4; // number of gamma terms - initial estimates procedure
10100 this.nTerms = nTerms1;
10101 if(!this.scaleFlag)this.nTerms=this.nTerms-1;
10103 this.zeroCheck = false;
10104 this.degreesOfFreedom=this.nData - this.nTerms;
10105 if(this.degreesOfFreedom<1 && !this.ignoreDofFcheck)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Degrees of freedom must be greater than 0");
10107 // order data into ascending order of the abscissae
10108 Regression.sort(this.xData[0], this.yData, this.weight);
10110 // check sign of y data
10111 Double tempd=null;
10112 ArrayList<Object> retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
10113 tempd = (Double)retY.get(4);
10114 double yPeak = tempd.doubleValue();
10115 boolean yFlag = false;
10116 if(yPeak<0.0D){
10117 System.out.println("Regression.fitGamma(): This implementation of the Erlang distribution takes only positive y values\n(noise taking low values below zero are allowed)");
10118 System.out.println("All y values have been multiplied by -1 before fitting");
10119 for(int i =0; i<this.nData; i++){
10120 yData[i] = -yData[i];
10121 }
10122 retY = Regression.dataSign(yData);
10123 yFlag=true;
10124 }
10126 // check x data
10127 ArrayList<Object> retX = Regression.dataSign(xData[0]);
10128 Integer tempi = null;
10130 // Calculate x value at peak y (estimate of the 'distribution mode')
10131 tempi = (Integer)retY.get(5);
10132 int peaki = tempi.intValue();
10133 double distribMode = xData[0][peaki];
10135 // minimum value
10136 tempd = (Double)retX.get(0);
10137 double minX = tempd.doubleValue();
10138 // maximum value
10139 tempd = (Double)retX.get(2);
10140 double maxX = tempd.doubleValue();
10141 // mean value
10142 tempd = (Double)retX.get(8);
10143 double meanX = tempd.doubleValue();
10146 // test that data is within range
10147 if(minX<0.0D)throw new IllegalArgumentException("data points must be greater than or equal to 0");
10150 // Calculate an estimate of the mu, beta, gamma and scale factor
10151 double muGuess = 0.8D*minX;
10152 if(muGuess==0.0D)muGuess = -0.1D;
10153 double betaGuess = meanX - distribMode;
10154 if(betaGuess<=0.0D)betaGuess = 1.0D;
10155 double gammaGuess = (meanX + muGuess)/betaGuess;
10156 if(typeFlag==1)gammaGuess = meanX;
10157 if(gammaGuess<=0.0D)gammaGuess = 1.0D;
10158 double scaleGuess = 0.0D;
10159 scaleGuess = yPeak/Stat.gammaPDF(muGuess, betaGuess, gammaGuess, distribMode);
10160 if(scaleGuess<0)scaleGuess=1;
10163 // Nelder and Mead Simplex Regression for Gamma
10164 // Fill arrays needed by the Simplex
10165 double[] start = new double[this.nTerms];
10166 double[] step = new double[this.nTerms];
10167 start[0] = muGuess; // mu
10168 start[1] = betaGuess; // beta
10169 start[2] = gammaGuess; // gamma
10170 if(this.scaleFlag)start[3] = scaleGuess; //y axis scaling factor
10172 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
10173 step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
10174 step[2] = 0.1D*start[2];
10175 if(this.scaleFlag)step[3] = 0.1D*start[3];
10177 // Add constraints
10178 this.addConstraint(1,-1,0.0D);
10179 this.addConstraint(2,-1,0.0D);
10181 // Create instance of Gamma function
10182 GammaFunction ff = new GammaFunction();
10184 // Set type option
10185 ff.typeFlag = typeFlag;
10187 // Set ordinate scaling option
10188 ff.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
10189 ff.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
10191 // Perform simplex regression
10192 Object regFun3 = (Object)ff;
10193 this.nelderMead(regFun3, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
10197 this.removeConstraints();
10199 // Initial estimates
10200 double[] bestGammaEst = this.getCoeff();
10202 // Swap from Gamma dimensions to Erlang dimensions
10203 this.nTerms = nTerms0;
10204 start = new double[this.nTerms];
10205 step = new double[this.nTerms];
10206 if(bestGammaEst[3]<0.0)bestGammaEst[3] *= -1.0;
10208 // initial estimates
10209 start[0] = 1.0D/bestGammaEst[1]; // lambda
10210 if(this.scaleFlag)start[1] = bestGammaEst[3]; //y axis scaling factor
10212 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
10213 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
10215 // Add constraints
10216 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
10218 // fix initial integer rate parameter
10219 double kay0 = Math.round(bestGammaEst[2]);
10220 double kay = kay0;
10222 // Create instance of Erlang function
10223 ErlangFunction ef = new ErlangFunction();
10225 // Set ordinate scaling option
10226 ef.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
10227 ef.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
10228 ef.kay = kay;
10230 // Fit stepping up
10231 boolean testKay = true;
10232 double ssMin = Double.NaN;
10233 double upSS = Double.NaN;
10234 double upKay = Double.NaN;
10235 double kayFinal = Double.NaN;
10236 int iStart = 1;
10237 int ssSame = 0;
10239 while(testKay){
10241 // Perform simplex regression
10242 Object regFun4 = (Object)ef;
10244 this.nelderMead(regFun4, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
10245 double sumOfSquaresError = this.getSumOfSquares();
10246 if(iStart==1){
10247 iStart = 2;
10248 ssMin = sumOfSquaresError;
10249 kay = kay + 1;
10250 start[0] = 1.0D/bestGammaEst[1]; // lambda
10251 if(this.scaleFlag)start[1] = bestGammaEst[3]; //y axis scaling factor
10252 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
10253 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
10254 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
10255 ef.kay = kay;
10256 }
10257 else{
10258 if(sumOfSquaresError<=ssMin){
10259 if(sumOfSquaresError==ssMin){
10260 ssSame++;
10261 if(ssSame==10){
10262 upSS = ssMin;
10263 upKay = kay - 5;
10264 testKay = false;
10265 }
10266 }
10267 ssMin = sumOfSquaresError;
10268 kay = kay + 1;
10269 start[0] = 1.0D/bestGammaEst[1]; // lambda
10270 if(this.scaleFlag)start[1] = bestGammaEst[3]; //y axis scaling factor
10271 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
10272 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
10273 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
10274 ef.kay = kay;
10275 }
10276 else{
10277 upSS = ssMin;
10278 upKay = kay - 1;
10279 testKay = false;
10280 }
10281 }
10282 }
10284 if(kay0==1){
10285 kayFinal = upKay;
10286 }
10287 else{
10289 // Fit stepping down
10290 iStart = 1;
10291 testKay = true;
10292 ssMin = Double.NaN;
10293 double downSS = Double.NaN;
10294 double downKay = Double.NaN;
10295 // initial estimates
10296 start[0] = 1.0D/bestGammaEst[1]; // lambda
10297 if(this.scaleFlag)start[1] = bestGammaEst[3]; //y axis scaling factor
10298 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
10299 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
10300 // Add constraints
10301 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
10302 kay = kay0;
10303 ef.kay = kay;
10305 while(testKay){
10307 // Perform simplex regression
10308 Object regFun5 = (Object)ef;
10310 this.nelderMead(regFun5, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
10311 double sumOfSquaresError = this.getSumOfSquares();
10312 if(iStart==1){
10313 iStart = 2;
10314 ssMin = sumOfSquaresError;
10315 kay = kay - 1;
10316 if(Math.rint(kay)<1L){
10317 downSS = ssMin;
10318 downKay = kay + 1;
10319 testKay = false;
10320 }
10321 else{
10322 start[0] = 1.0D/bestGammaEst[1]; // lambda
10323 if(this.scaleFlag)start[1] = bestGammaEst[3]; //y axis scaling factor
10324 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
10325 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
10326 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
10327 ef.kay = kay;
10328 }
10329 }
10330 else{
10331 if(sumOfSquaresError<=ssMin){
10332 ssMin = sumOfSquaresError;
10333 kay = kay - 1;
10334 if(Math.rint(kay)<1L){
10335 downSS = ssMin;
10336 downKay = kay + 1;
10337 testKay = false;
10338 }
10339 else{
10340 start[0] = 1.0D/bestGammaEst[1]; // lambda
10341 if(this.scaleFlag)start[1] = bestGammaEst[3]; //y axis scaling factor
10342 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
10343 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
10344 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
10345 ef.kay = kay;
10346 }
10347 }
10348 else{
10349 downSS = ssMin;
10350 downKay = kay + 1;
10351 testKay = false;
10352 }
10353 }
10355 }
10356 if(downSS<upSS){
10357 kayFinal = downKay;
10358 }
10359 else{
10360 kayFinal = upKay;
10361 }
10363 }
10365 // Penultimate fit
10366 // initial estimates
10367 start[0] = 1.0D/bestGammaEst[1]; // lambda
10368 if(this.scaleFlag)start[1] = bestGammaEst[3]; //y axis scaling factor
10370 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
10371 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
10373 // Add constraints
10374 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
10376 // Set function variables
10377 ef.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
10378 ef.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
10379 ef.kay = Math.round(kayFinal);
10380 this.kayValue = Math.round(kayFinal);
10382 // Perform penultimate regression
10383 Object regFun4 = (Object)ef;
10385 this.nelderMead(regFun4, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
10386 double[] coeff = getCoeff();
10388 // Final fit
10390 // initial estimates
10391 start[0] = coeff[0]; // lambda
10392 if(this.scaleFlag)start[1] = coeff[1]; //y axis scaling factor
10394 step[0] = 0.1D*start[0];
10395 if(this.scaleFlag)step[1] = 0.1D*start[1];
10397 // Add constraints
10398 this.addConstraint(0,-1,0.0D);
10400 // Set function variables
10401 ef.scaleOption = this.scaleFlag;
10402 ef.scaleFactor = this.yScaleFactor;
10403 ef.kay = Math.round(kayFinal);
10404 this.kayValue = Math.round(kayFinal);
10406 // Perform final regression
10407 Object regFun5 = (Object)ef;
10409 this.nelderMead(regFun5, start, step, this.fTol, this.nMax);
10411 if(allTest==1){
10412 // Print results
10413 if(!this.supressPrint)this.print();
10415 // Plot results
10416 int flag = this.plotXY(ef);
10417 if(flag!=-2 && !this.supressYYplot)this.plotYY();
10418 }
10420 if(yFlag){
10421 // restore data
10422 for(int i=0; i<this.nData-1; i++){
10423 this.yData[i]=-this.yData[i];
10424 }
10425 }
10426 }
10428 // return Erlang rate parameter (k) value
10429 public double getKayValue(){
10430 return this.kayValue;
10431 }
10435 // Distribute data into bins to obtain histogram
10436 // zero bin position and upper limit provided
10437 public static double[][] histogramBins(double[] data, double binWidth, double binZero, double binUpper){
10438 int n = 0; // new array length
10439 int m = data.length; // old array length;
10440 for(int i=0; i<m; i++)if(data[i]<=binUpper)n++;
10441 if(n!=m){
10442 double[] newData = new double[n];
10443 int j = 0;
10444 for(int i=0; i<m; i++){
10445 if(data[i]<=binUpper){
10446 newData[j] = data[i];
10447 j++;
10448 }
10449 }
10450 System.out.println((m-n)+" data points, above histogram upper limit, excluded in histogramBins");
10451 return histogramBins(newData, binWidth, binZero);
10452 }
10453 else{
10454 return histogramBins(data, binWidth, binZero);
10456 }
10457 }
10459 // Distribute data into bins to obtain histogram
10460 // zero bin position provided
10461 public static double[][] histogramBins(double[] data, double binWidth, double binZero){
10462 double dmax = Fmath.maximum(data);
10463 int nBins = (int) Math.ceil((dmax - binZero)/binWidth);
10464 if(binZero+nBins*binWidth>dmax)nBins++;
10465 int nPoints = data.length;
10466 int[] dataCheck = new int[nPoints];
10467 for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++)dataCheck[i]=0;
10468 double[]binWall = new double[nBins+1];
10469 binWall[0]=binZero;
10470 for(int i=1; i<=nBins; i++){
10471 binWall[i] = binWall[i-1] + binWidth;
10472 }
10473 double[][] binFreq = new double[2][nBins];
10474 for(int i=0; i<nBins; i++){
10475 binFreq[0][i]= (binWall[i]+binWall[i+1])/2.0D;
10476 binFreq[1][i]= 0.0D;
10477 }
10478 boolean test = true;
10480 for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++){
10481 test=true;
10482 int j=0;
10483 while(test){
10484 if(j==nBins-1){
10485 if(data[i]>=binWall[j] && data[i]<=binWall[j+1]*(1.0D + Regression.histTol)){
10486 binFreq[1][j]+= 1.0D;
10487 dataCheck[i]=1;
10488 test=false;
10489 }
10490 }
10491 else{
10492 if(data[i]>=binWall[j] && data[i]<binWall[j+1]){
10493 binFreq[1][j]+= 1.0D;
10494 dataCheck[i]=1;
10495 test=false;
10496 }
10497 }
10498 if(test){
10499 if(j==nBins-1){
10500 test=false;
10501 }
10502 else{
10503 j++;
10504 }
10505 }
10506 }
10507 }
10508 int nMissed=0;
10509 for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++)if(dataCheck[i]==0){
10510 nMissed++;
10511 System.out.println("p " + i + " " + data[i] + " " + binWall[0] + " " + binWall[nBins]);
10512 }
10513 if(nMissed>0)System.out.println(nMissed+" data points, outside histogram limits, excluded in histogramBins");
10514 return binFreq;
10515 }
10517 // Distribute data into bins to obtain histogram
10518 // zero bin position calculated
10519 public static double[][] histogramBins(double[] data, double binWidth){
10521 double dmin = Fmath.minimum(data);
10522 double dmax = Fmath.maximum(data);
10523 double span = dmax - dmin;
10524 double binZero = dmin;
10525 int nBins = (int) Math.ceil(span/binWidth);
10526 double histoSpan = ((double)nBins)*binWidth;
10527 double rem = histoSpan - span;
10528 if(rem>=0){
10529 binZero -= rem/2.0D;
10530 }
10531 else{
10532 if(Math.abs(rem)/span>Regression.histTol){
10533 // readjust binWidth
10534 boolean testBw = true;
10535 double incr = Regression.histTol/nBins;
10536 int iTest = 0;
10537 while(testBw){
10538 binWidth += incr;
10539 histoSpan = ((double)nBins)*binWidth;
10540 rem = histoSpan - span;
10541 if(rem<0){
10542 iTest++;
10543 if(iTest>1000){
10544 testBw = false;
10545 System.out.println("histogram method could not encompass all data within histogram\nContact Michael thomas Flanagan");
10546 }
10547 }
10548 else{
10549 testBw = false;
10550 }
10551 }
10552 }
10553 }
10555 return Regression.histogramBins(data, binWidth, binZero);
10556 }
10562// Class to evaluate the Gausian (normal) function y = (yscale/sd.sqrt(2.pi)).exp(-0.5[(x - xmean)/sd]^2).
10563class GaussianFunction implements RegressionFunction{
10564 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10565 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10566 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10567 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10568 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
10569 double y = (yScale/(p[1]*Math.sqrt(2.0D*Math.PI)))*Math.exp(-0.5D*Fmath.square((x[0]-p[0])/p[1]));
10570 return y;
10571 }
10574// Class to evaluate the Gausian (normal) function y = (yscale/sd.sqrt(2.pi)).exp(-0.5[(x - xmean)/sd]^2).
10575// Some parameters may be fixed
10576class GaussianFunctionFixed implements RegressionFunction{
10578 public double[] param = new double[3];
10579 public boolean[] fixed = new boolean[3];
10581 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10583 int ii = 0;
10584 for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
10585 if(!fixed[i]){
10586 param[i] = p[ii];
10587 ii++;
10588 }
10589 }
10591 double y = (param[2]/(param[1]*Math.sqrt(2.0D*Math.PI)))*Math.exp(-0.5D*Fmath.square((x[0]-param[0])/param[1]));
10592 return y;
10593 }
10596// Class to evaluate the multiple Gausian (normal) function y = Sum[(A(i)/sd(i).sqrt(2.pi)).exp(-0.5[(x - xmean(i))/sd(i)]^2)].
10597class MultipleGaussianFunction implements RegressionFunction{
10598 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10599 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10600 public int nGaussians = 1;
10602 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10603 double y = 0.0;
10604 int counter = 0;
10605 for(int i=0; i<nGaussians; i++){
10606 y += (p[counter+2]/(p[counter+1]*Math.sqrt(2.0D*Math.PI)))*Math.exp(-0.5D*Fmath.square((x[0]-p[counter])/p[counter+1]));
10607 counter += 3;
10608 }
10609 return y;
10610 }
10614// Class to evaluate the two parameter log-normal function y = (yscale/x.sigma.sqrt(2.pi)).exp(-0.5[(log(x) - mu)/sd]^2).
10615class LogNormalTwoParFunction implements RegressionFunction{
10616 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10617 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10618 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10619 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10620 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
10621 double y = (yScale/(x[0]*p[1]*Math.sqrt(2.0D*Math.PI)))*Math.exp(-0.5D*Fmath.square((Math.log(x[0])-p[0])/p[1]));
10622 return y;
10623 }
10626// Class to evaluate the three parameter log-normal function y = (yscale/(x-alpha).beta.sqrt(2.pi)).exp(-0.5[(log((x-alpha)/gamma)/sd]^2).
10627class LogNormalThreeParFunction implements RegressionFunction{
10628 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10629 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10630 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10631 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10632 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[3];
10633 double y = (yScale/((x[0]-p[0])*p[1]*Math.sqrt(2.0D*Math.PI)))*Math.exp(-0.5D*Fmath.square(Math.log((x[0]-p[0])/p[2])/p[1]));
10634 return y;
10635 }
10639// Class to evaluate the Lorentzian function
10640// y = (yscale/pi).(gamma/2)/((x - mu)^2+(gamma/2)^2).
10641class LorentzianFunction implements RegressionFunction{
10642 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10643 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10645 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10646 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10647 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
10648 double y = (yScale/Math.PI)*(p[1]/2.0D)/(Fmath.square(x[0]-p[0])+Fmath.square(p[1]/2.0D));
10649 return y;
10650 }
10653// Class to evaluate the Poisson function
10654// y = yscale.(mu^k).exp(-mu)/k!.
10655class PoissonFunction implements RegressionFunction{
10656 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10657 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10659 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10660 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10661 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
10662 double y = yScale*Math.pow(p[0],x[0])*Math.exp(-p[0])/Stat.factorial(x[0]);
10663 return y;
10664 }
10667// Class to evaluate the Gumbel function
10668class GumbelFunction implements RegressionFunction{
10669 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10670 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10671 public int typeFlag = 0; // set to 0 -> Minimum Mode Gumbel
10672 // reset to 1 -> Maximum Mode Gumbel
10673 // reset to 2 -> one parameter Minimum Mode Gumbel
10674 // reset to 3 -> one parameter Maximum Mode Gumbel
10675 // reset to 4 -> standard Minimum Mode Gumbel
10676 // reset to 5 -> standard Maximum Mode Gumbel
10678 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10679 double y=0.0D;
10680 double arg=0.0D;
10681 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10683 switch(this.typeFlag){
10684 case 0:
10685 // y = yscale*(1/gamma)*exp((x-mu)/gamma)*exp(-exp((x-mu)/gamma))
10686 arg = (x[0]-p[0])/p[1];
10687 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
10688 y = (yScale/p[1])*Math.exp(arg)*Math.exp(-(Math.exp(arg)));
10689 break;
10690 case 1:
10691 // y = yscale*(1/gamma)*exp((mu-x)/gamma)*exp(-exp((mu-x)/gamma))
10692 arg = (p[0]-x[0])/p[1];
10693 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
10694 y = (yScale/p[1])*Math.exp(arg)*Math.exp(-(Math.exp(arg)));
10695 break;
10696 case 2:
10697 // y = yscale*(1/gamma)*exp((x)/gamma)*exp(-exp((x)/gamma))
10698 arg = x[0]/p[0];
10699 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
10700 y = (yScale/p[0])*Math.exp(arg)*Math.exp(-(Math.exp(arg)));
10701 break;
10702 case 3:
10703 // y = yscale*(1/gamma)*exp((-x)/gamma)*exp(-exp((-x)/gamma))
10704 arg = -x[0]/p[0];
10705 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
10706 y = (yScale/p[0])*Math.exp(arg)*Math.exp(-(Math.exp(arg)));
10707 break;
10708 case 4:
10709 // y = yscale*exp(x)*exp(-exp(x))
10710 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[0];
10711 y = yScale*Math.exp(x[0])*Math.exp(-(Math.exp(x[0])));
10712 break;
10713 case 5:
10714 // y = yscale*exp(-x)*exp(-exp(-x))
10715 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[0];
10716 y = yScale*Math.exp(-x[0])*Math.exp(-(Math.exp(-x[0])));
10717 break;
10718 }
10719 return y;
10720 }
10723// Class to evaluate the Frechet function
10724// y = yscale.(gamma/sigma)*((x - mu)/sigma)^(-gamma-1)*exp(-((x-mu)/sigma)^-gamma
10725class FrechetFunctionOne implements RegressionFunction{
10726 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10727 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10728 public int typeFlag = 0; // set to 0 -> Three Parameter Frechet
10729 // reset to 1 -> Two Parameter Frechet
10730 // reset to 2 -> Standard Frechet
10732 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10733 double y = 0.0D;
10734 boolean test = false;
10735 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10737 switch(typeFlag){
10738 case 0: if(x[0]>=p[0]){
10739 double arg = (x[0] - p[0])/p[1];
10740 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[3];
10741 y = yScale*(p[2]/p[1])*Math.pow(arg,-p[2]-1.0D)*Math.exp(-Math.pow(arg,-p[2]));
10742 }
10743 break;
10744 case 1: if(x[0]>=0.0D){
10745 double arg = x[0]/p[0];
10746 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
10747 y = yScale*(p[1]/p[0])*Math.pow(arg,-p[1]-1.0D)*Math.exp(-Math.pow(arg,-p[1]));
10748 }
10749 break;
10750 case 2: if(x[0]>=0.0D){
10751 double arg = x[0];
10752 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
10753 y = yScale*p[0]*Math.pow(arg,-p[0]-1.0D)*Math.exp(-Math.pow(arg,-p[0]));
10754 }
10755 break;
10756 }
10757 return y;
10758 }
10761// Class to evaluate the semi-linearised Frechet function
10762// log(log(1/(1-Cumulative y) = gamma*log((x-mu)/sigma)
10763class FrechetFunctionTwo implements RegressionFunction{
10765 public int typeFlag = 0; // set to 0 -> Three Parameter Frechet
10766 // reset to 1 -> Two Parameter Frechet
10767 // reset to 2 -> Standard Frechet
10769 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10770 double y=0.0D;
10771 switch(typeFlag){
10772 case 0: y = -p[2]*Math.log(Math.abs(x[0]-p[0])/p[1]);
10773 break;
10774 case 1: y = -p[1]*Math.log(Math.abs(x[0])/p[0]);
10775 break;
10776 case 2: y = -p[0]*Math.log(Math.abs(x[0]));
10777 break;
10778 }
10780 return y;
10781 }
10784// Class to evaluate the Weibull function
10785// y = yscale.(gamma/sigma)*((x - mu)/sigma)^(gamma-1)*exp(-((x-mu)/sigma)^gamma
10786class WeibullFunctionOne implements RegressionFunction{
10787 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10788 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10789 public int typeFlag = 0; // set to 0 -> Three Parameter Weibull
10790 // reset to 1 -> Two Parameter Weibull
10791 // reset to 2 -> Standard Weibull
10793 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10794 double y = 0.0D;
10795 boolean test = false;
10796 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10798 switch(typeFlag){
10799 case 0: if(x[0]>=p[0]){
10800 double arg = (x[0] - p[0])/p[1];
10801 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[3];
10802 y = yScale*(p[2]/p[1])*Math.pow(arg,p[2]-1.0D)*Math.exp(-Math.pow(arg,p[2]));
10803 }
10804 break;
10805 case 1: if(x[0]>=0.0D){
10806 double arg = x[0]/p[0];
10807 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
10808 y = yScale*(p[1]/p[0])*Math.pow(arg,p[1]-1.0D)*Math.exp(-Math.pow(arg,p[1]));
10809 }
10810 break;
10811 case 2: if(x[0]>=0.0D){
10812 double arg = x[0];
10813 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
10814 y = yScale*p[0]*Math.pow(arg,p[0]-1.0D)*Math.exp(-Math.pow(arg,p[0]));
10815 }
10816 break;
10817 }
10818 return y;
10819 }
10822// Class to evaluate the semi-linearised Weibull function
10823// log(log(1/(1-Cumulative y) = gamma*log((x-mu)/sigma)
10824class WeibullFunctionTwo implements RegressionFunction{
10826 public int typeFlag = 0; // set to 0 -> Three Parameter Weibull
10827 // reset to 1 -> Two Parameter Weibull
10828 // reset to 2 -> Standard Weibull
10830 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10831 double y=0.0D;
10832 switch(typeFlag){
10833 case 0: y = p[2]*Math.log(Math.abs(x[0]-p[0])/p[1]);
10834 break;
10835 case 1: y = p[1]*Math.log(Math.abs(x[0])/p[0]);
10836 break;
10837 case 2: y = p[0]*Math.log(Math.abs(x[0]));
10838 break;
10839 }
10841 return y;
10842 }
10845// Class to evaluate the Rayleigh function
10846// y = (yscale/sigma)*(x/sigma)*exp(-0.5((x-mu)/sigma)^2
10847class RayleighFunctionOne implements RegressionFunction{
10848 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10849 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10851 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10852 double y = 0.0D;
10853 boolean test = false;
10854 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10855 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
10856 if(x[0]>=0.0D){
10857 double arg = x[0]/p[0];
10858 y = (yScale/p[0])*arg*Math.exp(-0.5D*Math.pow(arg,2));
10859 }
10860 return y;
10861 }
10865// Class to evaluate the semi-linearised Rayleigh function
10866// log(1/(1-Cumulative y) = 0.5*(x/sigma)^2
10867class RayleighFunctionTwo implements RegressionFunction{
10869 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10870 double y = 0.5D*Math.pow(x[0]/p[0],2);
10871 return y;
10872 }
10875// class to evaluate a simple exponential function
10876class ExponentialSimpleFunction implements RegressionFunction{
10877 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10878 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10880 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10881 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10882 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
10883 double y = yScale*Math.exp(p[0]*x[0]);
10884 return y;
10885 }
10888// class to evaluate multiple exponentials function
10889class ExponentialMultipleFunction implements RegressionFunction{
10891 public int nExps = 0;
10893 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10894 double y = 0;
10895 for(int i=0; i<nExps; i+=2){
10896 y += p[i]*Math.exp(p[i+1]*x[0]);
10897 }
10898 return y;
10899 }
10902// class to evaluate 1 - exponential function
10903class OneMinusExponentialFunction implements RegressionFunction{
10904 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10905 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10907 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10908 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10909 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[0];
10910 double y = yScale*(1 - Math.exp(p[1]*x[0]));
10911 return y;
10912 }
10915// class to evaluate a exponential distribution function
10916class ExponentialFunction implements RegressionFunction{
10917 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10918 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10919 public int typeFlag = 0; // set to 0 -> Two Parameter Exponential
10920 // reset to 1 -> One Parameter Exponential
10921 // reset to 2 -> Standard Exponential
10923 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10924 double y = 0.0D;
10925 boolean test = false;
10926 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10928 switch(typeFlag){
10929 case 0: if(x[0]>=p[0]){
10930 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
10931 double arg = (x[0] - p[0])/p[1];
10932 y = (yScale/p[1])*Math.exp(-arg);
10933 }
10934 break;
10935 case 1: if(x[0]>=0.0D){
10936 double arg = x[0]/p[0];
10937 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
10938 y = (yScale/p[0])*Math.exp(-arg);
10939 }
10940 break;
10941 case 2: if(x[0]>=0.0D){
10942 double arg = x[0];
10943 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[0];
10944 y = yScale*Math.exp(-arg);
10945 }
10946 break;
10947 }
10948 return y;
10949 }
10952// class to evaluate a Pareto scaled pdf
10953class ParetoFunctionOne implements RegressionFunction{
10954 public boolean scaleOption = true;
10955 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
10956 public int typeFlag = 0; // set to 3 -> Shifted Pareto
10957 // set to 2 -> Two Parameter Pareto
10958 // set to 1 -> One Parameter Pareto
10960 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10961 double y = 0.0D;
10962 boolean test = false;
10963 double yScale = scaleFactor;
10965 switch(typeFlag){
10966 case 3: if(x[0]>=p[1]+p[2]){
10967 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[3];
10968 y = yScale*p[0]*Math.pow(p[1],p[0])/Math.pow((x[0]-p[2]),p[0]+1.0D);
10969 }
10970 break;
10971 case 2: if(x[0]>=p[1]){
10972 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
10973 y = yScale*p[0]*Math.pow(p[1],p[0])/Math.pow(x[0],p[0]+1.0D);
10974 }
10975 break;
10976 case 1: if(x[0]>=1.0D){
10977 double arg = x[0]/p[0];
10978 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
10979 y = yScale*p[0]/Math.pow(x[0],p[0]+1.0D);
10980 }
10981 break;
10982 }
10983 return y;
10984 }
10987// class to evaluate a Pareto cdf
10988class ParetoFunctionTwo implements RegressionFunction{
10990 public int typeFlag = 0; // set to 3 -> Shifted Pareto
10991 // set to 2 -> Two Parameter Pareto
10992 // set to 1 -> One Parameter Pareto
10994 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
10995 double y = 0.0D;
10996 switch(typeFlag){
10997 case 3: if(x[0]>=p[1]+p[2]){
10998 y = 1.0D - Math.pow(p[1]/(x[0]-p[2]),p[0]);
10999 }
11000 break;
11001 case 2: if(x[0]>=p[1]){
11002 y = 1.0D - Math.pow(p[1]/x[0],p[0]);
11003 }
11004 break;
11005 case 1: if(x[0]>=1.0D){
11006 y = 1.0D - Math.pow(1.0D/x[0],p[0]);
11007 }
11008 break;
11009 }
11010 return y;
11011 }
11014// class to evaluate a Sigmoidal threshold function
11015class SigmoidThresholdFunction implements RegressionFunction{
11016 public boolean scaleOption = true;
11017 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
11019 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
11020 double yScale = scaleFactor;
11021 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
11022 double y = yScale/(1.0D + Math.exp(-p[0]*(x[0] - p[1])));
11023 return y;
11024 }
11027// class to evaluate a Rectangular Hyberbola
11028class RectangularHyperbolaFunction implements RegressionFunction{
11029 public boolean scaleOption = true;
11030 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
11032 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
11033 double yScale = scaleFactor;
11034 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
11035 double y = yScale*x[0]/(p[0] + x[0]);
11036 return y;
11037 }
11041// class to evaluate a scaled Heaviside Step Function
11042class StepFunctionFunction implements RegressionFunction{
11043 public boolean scaleOption = true;
11044 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
11046 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
11047 double yScale = scaleFactor;
11048 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
11049 double y = 0.0D;
11050 if(x[0]>p[0])y = yScale;
11051 return y;
11052 }
11055// class to evaluate a Hill or Sips sigmoidal function
11056class SigmoidHillSipsFunction implements RegressionFunction{
11057 public boolean scaleOption = true;
11058 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
11060 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
11061 double yScale = scaleFactor;
11062 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
11063 double xterm = Math.pow(x[0],p[1]);
11064 double y = yScale*xterm/(Math.pow(p[0], p[1]) + xterm);
11065 return y;
11066 }
11069// Class to evaluate the Logistic probability function y = yscale*exp(-(x-mu)/beta)/(beta*(1 + exp(-(x-mu)/beta))^2.
11070class LogisticFunction implements RegressionFunction{
11071 public boolean scaleOption = true;
11072 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
11073 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
11074 double yScale = scaleFactor;
11075 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
11076 double y = yScale*Fmath.square(Fmath.sech((x[0] - p[0])/(2.0D*p[1])))/(4.0D*p[1]);
11077 return y;
11078 }
11081// class to evaluate a Beta scaled pdf
11082class BetaFunction implements RegressionFunction{
11083 public boolean scaleOption = true;
11084 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
11085 public int typeFlag = 0; // set to 0 -> Beta Distibution - [0, 1] interval
11086 // set to 1 -> Beta Distibution - [min, max] interval
11088 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
11089 double y = 0.0D;
11090 boolean test = false;
11091 double yScale = scaleFactor;
11093 switch(typeFlag){
11094 case 0: if(scaleOption)yScale = p[2];
11095 y = yScale*Math.pow(x[0],p[0]-1.0D)*Math.pow(1.0D-x[0],p[1]-1.0D)/Stat.betaFunction(p[0],p[1]);
11096 break;
11097 case 1: if(scaleOption)yScale = p[4];
11098 y = yScale*Math.pow(x[0]-p[2],p[0]-1.0D)*Math.pow(p[3]-x[0],p[1]-1.0D)/Stat.betaFunction(p[0],p[1]);
11099 y = y/Math.pow(p[3]-p[2],p[0]+p[1]-1.0D);
11100 break;
11101 }
11102 return y;
11103 }
11106// class to evaluate a Gamma scaled pdf
11107class GammaFunction implements RegressionFunction{
11108 public boolean scaleOption = true;
11109 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
11110 public int typeFlag = 0; // set to 0 -> Three parameter Gamma Distribution
11111 // set to 1 -> Standard Gamma Distribution
11113 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
11114 double y = 0.0D;
11115 boolean test = false;
11116 double yScale = scaleFactor;
11118 switch(typeFlag){
11119 case 0: if(scaleOption)yScale = p[3];
11120 double xTerm = (x[0] - p[0])/p[1];
11121 y = yScale*Math.pow(xTerm,p[2]-1.0D)*Math.exp(-xTerm)/(p[1]*Stat.gammaFunction(p[2]));
11122 break;
11123 case 1: if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
11124 y = yScale*Math.pow(x[0],p[0]-1.0D)*Math.exp(-x[0])/Stat.gammaFunction(p[0]);
11125 break;
11126 }
11127 return y;
11128 }
11131// class to evaluate a Erlang scaled pdf
11132// rate parameter is fixed
11133class ErlangFunction implements RegressionFunction{
11134 public boolean scaleOption = true;
11135 public double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
11136 public double kay = 1.0D; // rate parameter
11138 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
11139 boolean test = false;
11140 double yScale = scaleFactor;
11142 if(scaleOption)yScale = p[1];
11144 double y = kay*Math.log(p[0]) + (kay - 1)*Math.log(x[0]) - x[0]*p[0] - Fmath.logFactorial(kay - 1);
11145 y = yScale*Math.exp(y);
11147 return y;
11148 }
11151// class to evaluate a EC50 function
11152class EC50Function implements RegressionFunction{
11154 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
11155 double y = p[0] + (p[1] - p[0])/(1.0D + Math.pow(x[0]/p[2], p[3]));
11156 return y;
11157 }
11161// class to evaluate a Non-Integer Polynomial function
11162class NonIntegerPolyFunction implements RegressionFunction{
11164 public double function(double[] p, double[] x){
11165 double y = p[0] + p[1]*x[0] + p[2]*Math.pow(x[0], p[3]);
11166 return y;
11167 }
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