source: src/main/java/agents/anac/y2015/Mercury/ 126

Last change on this file since 126 was 126, checked in by Aron Hammond, 6 years ago

Added function to calculate opposition to

Moved code to add RLBOA listeners to RLBOAUtils is misc package

Added input for strategyParameters to SessionPanel (gui)

!! close SessionInfo after tournament; this caused /tmp/ to fill up with GeniusData files

Our own package:

  • Added opponents and strategies that are mentioned in the report
  • Change class hierarchy, agents can now extend from RLBOAagentBilateral to inherit RL functionality.
  • States extend from AbstractState
File size: 38.7 KB
1package agents.anac.y2015.Mercury;
3import java.util.ArrayList;
4import java.util.HashMap;
5import java.util.List;
6import java.util.Random;
8import genius.core.AgentID;
9import genius.core.Bid;
10import genius.core.BidIterator;
11import genius.core.actions.Accept;
12import genius.core.actions.Action;
13import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation;
14import genius.core.actions.Offer;
15import genius.core.issue.Issue;
16import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete;
17import genius.core.issue.IssueInteger;
18import genius.core.issue.IssueReal;
19import genius.core.issue.Value;
20import genius.core.issue.ValueInteger;
21import genius.core.issue.ValueReal;
22import genius.core.parties.AbstractNegotiationParty;
23import genius.core.parties.NegotiationInfo;
24import genius.core.timeline.Timeline;
25import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
27public class Mercury extends AbstractNegotiationParty {
29 private double totalTime;
30 private Action ActionOfOpponent = null;
31 private Object party = null;
32 private Object myparty = null;
33 private double maximumOfBid;
34 private OwnBidHistory ownBidHistory;
35 private OpponentBidHistory opponentBidHistory;
36 private double minimumUtilityThreshold;
37 private double utilitythreshold;
38 private double MaximumUtility;
39 private double timeLeftBefore;
40 private double timeLeftAfter;
41 private double maximumTimeOfOpponent;
42 private double maximumTimeOfOwn;
43 private double discountingFactor;
44 private double concedeToDiscountingFactor;
45 private double concedeToDiscountingFactor_original;
46 private double minConcedeToDiscountingFactor;
47 private ArrayList<ArrayList<Bid>> bidsBetweenUtility;
48 private boolean concedeToOpponent;
49 private boolean toughAgent; // if we propose a bid that was proposed by the
50 // opponnet, then it should be accepted.
51 private double alpha1;// the larger alpha is, the more tough the agent is.
52 private Bid bid_maximum_utility;// the bid with the maximum utility over the
53 // utility space.
54 private double reservationValue;
55 private Random random;
56 private Bid maxBid = null;
57 private int myRounds = 0;
59 private int numberOfParty = -1;
60 private double acceConThres = 0.9; // when obtainning an acceptance signal,
61 // try to seal the agreement with
62 // utility discount on it own
63 // private double miniLevel = 0;
64 private ArrayList<Object> myParOrder = new ArrayList<Object>();
65 private boolean halfSucc = false; // if true, our offer has been accepted by
66 // one agent
68 // private double succDis = 0.9;
70 @Override
71 public void init(NegotiationInfo info) {
72 super.init(info);
74 myparty = getPartyId();
76 try {
77 random = new Random();
78 maximumOfBid = this.utilitySpace.getDomain()
79 .getNumberOfPossibleBids();
80 ownBidHistory = new OwnBidHistory();
81 opponentBidHistory = new OpponentBidHistory();
82 bidsBetweenUtility = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Bid>>();
83 this.bid_maximum_utility = utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid();
84 this.utilitythreshold = utilitySpace
85 .getUtility(bid_maximum_utility); // initial
86 // utility
87 // threshold
88 this.MaximumUtility = this.utilitythreshold;
89 this.timeLeftAfter = 0;
90 this.timeLeftBefore = 0;
91 this.totalTime = timeline.getTotalTime();
92 this.maximumTimeOfOpponent = 0;
93 this.maximumTimeOfOwn = 0;
94 this.minConcedeToDiscountingFactor = 0.08;// 0.1;
95 this.discountingFactor = 1;
96 if (utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor() <= 1D
97 && utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor() > 0D) {
98 this.discountingFactor = utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor();
99 }
100 this.chooseUtilityThreshold();
101 this.calculateBidsBetweenUtility();
102 this.chooseConcedeToDiscountingDegree();
103 this.opponentBidHistory
104 .initializeDataStructures(utilitySpace.getDomain());
105 this.timeLeftAfter = timeline.getCurrentTime();
106 this.concedeToOpponent = false;
107 this.toughAgent = false;
108 this.alpha1 = 2;
109 this.reservationValue = 0;
110 if (utilitySpace.getReservationValue() > 0) {
111 this.reservationValue = utilitySpace.getReservationValue();
112 }
114 maxBid = utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid();
115 } catch (Exception e) {
116 System.out.println("initialization error" + e.getMessage());
117 }
118 }
120 @Override
121 public void receiveMessage(AgentID sender, Action opponentAction) {
122 super.receiveMessage(sender, opponentAction);
124 this.ActionOfOpponent = opponentAction;
125 = sender;
127 // System.out.println("party id is" +myparty+","+sender);
129 if (numberOfParty == -1) {
130 numberOfParty = getNumberOfParties();
131 opponentBidHistory.initiPartyRec(numberOfParty,
132 (AdditiveUtilitySpace) this.utilitySpace);
133 // System.out.println("first informed
134 // action"+opponentAction.toString());
135 } else if (opponentAction instanceof Offer) {
137 if (myParOrder.size() < numberOfParty)
138 myParOrder.add(sender);
140 this.opponentBidHistory.updateOpponentModel(
141 ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), sender,
142 utilitySpace.getDomain(),
143 (AdditiveUtilitySpace) this.utilitySpace);
145 this.opponentBidHistory
146 .updateOppRec(((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), sender);
147 // System.out.println("following informed
148 // action"+opponentAction.toString());
150 } else if (opponentAction instanceof Accept) {
151 //
152 // System.out.println("current informed action is
153 // accept"+opponentAction.toString());
154 // System.out.println("current informed action is
155 // accept"+myParOrder.indexOf(sender)+","+myParOrder.indexOf(myparty));
156 if (myParOrder.size() < numberOfParty)
157 myParOrder.add(sender);
159 if ((myParOrder.indexOf(sender) + 1) % numberOfParty == myParOrder
160 .indexOf(myparty)
161 || (myParOrder.indexOf(sender) - 1)
162 % numberOfParty == myParOrder.indexOf(myparty)) {
164 halfSucc = true; // true
165 System.out.println("Half success action caused by " + sender
166 + "," + opponentAction.toString());
168 this.opponentBidHistory.updateOpponentModel(
169 ownBidHistory.getLastBid(), sender,
170 utilitySpace.getDomain(),
171 (AdditiveUtilitySpace) this.utilitySpace);
173 this.opponentBidHistory.updateAccRec(ownBidHistory.getLastBid(),
174 sender);
176 } else {
177 // only works when agents are less than 3!
178 this.opponentBidHistory.updateOpponentModel(
179 opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid(), sender,
180 utilitySpace.getDomain(),
181 (AdditiveUtilitySpace) this.utilitySpace);
183 this.opponentBidHistory.updateAccRec(
184 opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid(), sender);
185 }
187 } else {
188 //
189 if (myParOrder.size() < numberOfParty)
190 myParOrder.add(sender);
192 System.out.println("Unexpected action from " + sender + ","
193 + opponentAction.toString());
194 }
196 }
198 @Override
199 public Action chooseAction(List<Class<? extends Action>> validActions) {
200 Action action = null;
201 Bid bid = null;
202 myRounds++;
204 // System.out.println("halfSucces " +
205 // halfSucc+","+myRounds+","+this.estimateRoundLeft(false)+","+estimateRoundLeft(true));
207 if (myParOrder.size() < numberOfParty)
208 myParOrder.add(myparty);
210 try {
211 // System.out.println("i propose " + debug + " bid at time " +
212 // timeline.getTime());
213 this.timeLeftBefore = timeline.getCurrentTime();
215 // we propose first and propose the bid with maximum utility
216 if (!validActions.contains(Accept.class)) {
217 bid = this.bid_maximum_utility;
218 action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid);
219 } else if (ActionOfOpponent instanceof Offer) {// the opponent
220 // propose first and
221 // we response
222 // secondly
223 // update opponent model first
224 // this.opponentBidHistory.updateOpponentModel(
225 // ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(),
226 // utilitySpace.getDomain(), this.utilitySpace);
228 this.updateConcedeDegree();
229 // update the estimation
230 if (myRounds <= 30) {
231 // bid = utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid();
232 bid = this.bid_maximum_utility;
234 action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid);
235 } else {// other conditions
236 if (timeline.getTime() < 0.97) {// still have some rounds
237 // left to further
238 // negotiate (the major
239 // negotiation period)
240 if (!this.halfSucc) {
241 bid = BidToOffer();
242 } else {
243 bid = NiceBidtoOffer();
244 }
246 Boolean IsAccept = AcceptOpponentOffer(
247 ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), bid);
248 Boolean IsTerminate = TerminateCurrentNegotiation(bid);
249 if (IsAccept && !IsTerminate) {
250 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
251 this.opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid());
252 } else if (IsTerminate && !IsAccept) {
253 action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
254 // action = new Offer(maxBid);
255 } else if (IsAccept && IsTerminate) {
256 if (this.utilitySpace
257 .getUtility(((Offer) ActionOfOpponent)
258 .getBid()) > this.reservationValue) {
259 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
260 this.opponentBidHistory
261 .getLastOppBid());
262 } else {
263 action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
264 // action = new Offer(maxBid);
265 }
266 } else {
267 // we expect that the negotiation is over once we
268 // select a bid from the opponent's history.
269 if (this.concedeToOpponent == true) {
270 // bid =
271 // opponentBidHistory.chooseBestFromHistory(this.utilitySpace);
272 bid = opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory();
274 action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid);
275 this.toughAgent = true;
276 this.concedeToOpponent = false;
277 } else {
278 action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid);
279 this.toughAgent = false;
280 }
281 }
282 } else {// this is the last chance and we concede by
283 // providing the opponent the best offer he ever
284 // proposed to us
285 // in this case, it corresponds to an opponent whose
286 // decision time is short
287 if (timeline.getTime() > 0.995) {
288 // bid =
289 // opponentBidHistory.chooseBestFromHistory(this.utilitySpace);
291 if (!this.halfSucc) {
292 bid = opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory();
293 } else {
294 bid = NiceBidtoOffer();
295 }
297 // this is specially designed to avoid that we got
298 // very low utility by searching between an
299 // acceptable range (when the domain is small)
300 if (this.utilitySpace.getUtility(bid) < 0.75) {
301 List<Bid> candidateBids = this
302 .getBidsBetweenUtility(
303 this.MaximumUtility - 0.15,
304 this.MaximumUtility - 0.02);
305 // if the candidate bids do not exsit and also
306 // the deadline is approaching in next round, we
307 // concede.
308 // if (candidateBids.size() == 1 &&
309 // timeline.getTime()>0.9998) {
310 // we have no chance to make a new proposal
311 // before the deadline
312 if (timeline.getTime() > 0.9999) {
313 // bid =
314 // opponentBidHistory.getMiniBestOpp(); //
315 // more concessive
317 if (this.utilitySpace
318 .getUtility(opponentBidHistory
319 .getMiniBestOpp()) > 0.5) {
320 bid = opponentBidHistory
321 .getMiniBestOpp(); // more
322 // concessive
323 } else if (this.utilitySpace
324 .getUtility(opponentBidHistory
325 .getBestBidInHistory()) > 0.5) {
326 bid = opponentBidHistory
327 .getBestBidInHistory();
328 } else {
329 bid = ownBidHistory.getLastBid();
330 }
332 } else {
333 bid = opponentBidHistory.ChooseBid(
334 candidateBids,
335 this.utilitySpace.getDomain());
336 }
337 if (bid == null) {
338 // bid = opponentBidHistory
339 // .getBestBidInHistory();
340 bid = ownBidHistory.getLastBid();
341 }
342 }
343 Boolean IsAccept = AcceptOpponentOffer(
344 ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), bid);
345 Boolean IsTerminate = TerminateCurrentNegotiation(
346 bid);
347 if (IsAccept && !IsTerminate) {
348 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
349 this.opponentBidHistory
350 .getLastOppBid());
351 } else if (IsTerminate && !IsAccept) {
352 action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
353 // action = new Offer(maxBid);
354 } else if (IsTerminate && IsAccept) {
355 if (this.utilitySpace
356 .getUtility(((Offer) ActionOfOpponent)
357 .getBid()) > this.reservationValue) {
358 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
359 this.opponentBidHistory
360 .getLastOppBid());
361 } else {
362 action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
363 // action = new Offer(maxBid);
364 }
365 } else {
366 if (this.toughAgent == true) {
367 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
368 this.opponentBidHistory
369 .getLastOppBid());
370 } else {
371 action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid);
372 }
373 }
374 // in this case, it corresponds to the situation
375 // that we encounter an opponent who needs more
376 // computation to make decision each round
377 } else {// we still have some time to negotiate,
378 // and be tough by sticking with the lowest one in
379 // previous offer history.
380 // we also have to make the decisin fast to avoid
381 // reaching the deadline before the decision is made
382 // bid = ownBidHistory.GetMinBidInHistory();//reduce
383 // the computational cost
384 if (!this.halfSucc) {
385 bid = opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory();
386 } else {
387 bid = NiceBidtoOffer();
388 }
390 // System.out.println("test----------------------------------------------------------"
391 // + timeline.getTime());
392 Boolean IsAccept = AcceptOpponentOffer(
393 ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), bid);
394 Boolean IsTerminate = TerminateCurrentNegotiation(
395 bid);
397 if (IsAccept && !IsTerminate) {
398 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
399 this.opponentBidHistory
400 .getLastOppBid());
401 } else if (IsTerminate && !IsAccept) {
402 action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
403 // action = new Offer(maxBid);
404 } else if (IsAccept && IsTerminate) {
405 if (this.utilitySpace
406 .getUtility(((Offer) ActionOfOpponent)
407 .getBid()) > this.reservationValue) {
408 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
409 this.opponentBidHistory
410 .getLastOppBid());
411 } else {
412 action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
413 // action = new Offer(maxBid);
414 }
415 } else {
416 action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid);
418 }
419 }
420 }
421 }
423 if (myRounds > 2) {
424 if (ownBidHistory.isInsideMyBids(
425 ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid()))
426 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
427 this.opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid());
428 }
430 } else if (ActionOfOpponent instanceof Accept) {
432 // bid = opponentBidHistory.getLastAcce();
434 /*
435 * try{
436 *
437 * if ( this.utilitythreshold*acceConThres <=
438 * this.utilitySpace.getUtility
439 * (opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid()) ){ System.out.println(
440 * "accept an offer after seeing an acceptance action with a not bad result"
441 * +ActionOfOpponent.getAgent()); action = new Accept(); }else{
442 *
443 * try{
444 *
445 * this.utilitythreshold =
446 * utilitySpace.getUtility(ownBidHistory.getLastBid()); double
447 * max = this.utilitythreshold * 1.2; if(max >
448 * this.MaximumUtility) max = this.MaximumUtility; //double min
449 * = (this.utilitythreshold -
450 * utilitySpace.getUtility(ownBidHistory.getLastBid())) +
451 * utilitySpace.getUtility(ownBidHistory.getLastBid()); double
452 * min = this.utilitythreshold * 0.95 * timeline.getTime();
453 * //System.out.println("test in method NiceBidtoOffer"+this.
454 * utilitythreshold+","+max+","+min); if (min < 0.5){ min = 0.5;
455 * if(min > max) max = min; }
456 *
457 * List<Bid> candidateBids = getBidsBetweenUtility(min, max);
458 *
459 * Random random = new Random();
460 *
461 * int s =0;
462 *
463 * try{ s = random.nextInt(candidateBids.size()); }catch
464 * (Exception e){ s = 0; }
465 *
466 * bid = candidateBids.get(s);
467 *
468 * }catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("error - 1"); bid =
469 * ownBidHistory.getLastBid(); }
470 *
471 *
472 * } //action = new Offer(ownBidHistory.getLastBid()); }catch
473 * (Exception ee) { action = new Accept(); }
474 */
476 try {
478 if (this.utilitythreshold
479 * acceConThres <= this.utilitySpace.getUtility(
480 opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid())) {
481 System.out.println(
482 "accept an offer after seeing an acceptance action with a not bad result"
483 + ActionOfOpponent.getAgent());
484 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
485 this.opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid());
486 } else {
487 bid = BidToOffer();
489 Boolean IsAccept = AcceptOpponentOffer(
490 ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), bid);
491 Boolean IsTerminate = TerminateCurrentNegotiation(bid);
493 if (IsAccept && !IsTerminate) {
494 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
495 this.opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid());
496 } else if (IsTerminate && !IsAccept) {
497 action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
498 // action = new Offer(maxBid);
499 } else if (IsAccept && IsTerminate) {
500 if (this.utilitySpace
501 .getUtility(((Offer) ActionOfOpponent)
502 .getBid()) > this.reservationValue) {
503 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
504 this.opponentBidHistory
505 .getLastOppBid());
506 } else {
507 action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
508 // action = new Offer(maxBid);
509 }
510 } else {
511 action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid);
512 }
514 }
516 } catch (Exception e) {
518 }
520 }
521 // System.out.println("i propose " + debug + " bid at time " +
522 // timeline.getTime());
524 // System.out.println("exception number - 3, Ares!"+bid);
526 // if (bid != null && !ownBidHistory.isInsideMyBids(bid))
527 // this.ownBidHistory.addBid(bid, utilitySpace);
529 if (bid != null)
530 this.ownBidHistory.addBid(bid,
531 (AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace);
533 this.timeLeftAfter = timeline.getCurrentTime();
534 this.estimateRoundLeft(false);// update the estimation
535 } catch (Exception e) {
536 System.out.println("Exception in ChooseAction:" + e.getMessage());
537 System.out.println(estimateRoundLeft(false));
538 // action = new Accept(getAgentID()); // accept if anything goes
539 if (ActionOfOpponent instanceof Accept) {
540 action = new Accept(getPartyId(),
541 this.opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid());
542 } else {
543 System.out.println("handle exception - 1");
544 // action = new EndNegotiation();
545 }
546 // action = new EndNegotiation(); // terminate if anything
547 // action = new Offer(maxBid); // goes wrong.
548 }
550 if (action == null)
551 action = new Offer(getPartyId(), maxBid);
553 if (this.discountingFactor <= 0.5 && this.reservationValue >= 0.45
554 && timeline.getTime() > 0.15)
555 action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
557 if (timeline.getCurrentTime() > timeline.getTotalTime() * 1.1) {
558 System.out.println("exception in negotiation time for Ares!"
559 + timeline.getCurrentTime() + ","
560 + timeline.getTotalTime());
561 action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId());
562 // return action;
563 }
565 /*
566 * if (ownBidHistory.numOfBidsProposed() > 30){
567 *
568 * System.out.println("exception number - 2, Ares!"+opponentBidHistory.
569 * partyOrder .size()+","+opponentBidHistory.partyOrder.get(0)+","+
570 * opponentBidHistory .partyOrder.get(1));
571 *
572 * try{ System.out.println("max opp utili, Ares!"+this.utilitySpace.
573 * getUtility (this.opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory())+","
574 * +this.utilitySpace
575 * .getUtility(this.opponentBidHistory.getBestOpp(this.
576 * opponentBidHistory.partyOrder.get(0)))+","
577 * +this.utilitySpace.getUtility
578 * (this.opponentBidHistory.getBestOpp(this.
579 * opponentBidHistory.partyOrder.get(1)))); } catch (Exception e){
580 * System.out.println("exception number - 1, Ares!"); } }
581 */
583 return action;
584 }
586 /*
587 * principle: randomization over those candidate bids to let the opponent
588 * have a better model of my utility profile return the bid to be offered in
589 * the next round
590 */
591 private Bid BidToOffer() {
592 Bid bidReturned = null;
593 double decreasingAmount_1 = 0.09; // 0.05
594 double decreasingAmount_2 = 0.25;
595 try {
597 double maximumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility;// utilitySpace.getUtility(utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid());
598 double minimumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility;
599 // used when the domain is very large.
600 // make concession when the domin is large
601 if (this.discountingFactor == 1 && this.maximumOfBid > 3200) {
602 // minimumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility - decreasingAmount_1;
604 /*
605 * if (timeline.getTime() <= 0.68){ minimumOfBid =
606 * this.MaximumUtility * (1 - decreasingAmount_1 *
607 * Math.pow(timeline.getTime(),3)); }else if(timeline.getTime()
608 * > 0.68 && timeline.getTime() <= 0.81 ){ minimumOfBid =
609 * this.MaximumUtility * (1 -
610 * decreasingAmount_1*1.3*Math.pow(timeline.getTime(),2)); }else
611 * if (timeline.getTime() > 0.81 ){ minimumOfBid =
612 * this.MaximumUtility * (1 -
613 * decreasingAmount_1*(0.4+timeline.getTime())); }
614 */
616 minimumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility * 0.94
617 + 0.06 * this.MaximumUtility
618 * (1 - Math.pow(timeline.getTime(), 3));
620 // make further concession when the deadline is approaching and
621 // the domain is large
622 if (this.discountingFactor > 1 - decreasingAmount_2
623 && this.maximumOfBid > 10000
624 && timeline.getTime() >= 0.98) {
625 minimumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility - decreasingAmount_2;
626 }
627 if (this.utilitythreshold > minimumOfBid) {
628 this.utilitythreshold = minimumOfBid;
629 }
630 } /*
631 * else if (this.discountingFactor > 1 - decreasingAmount_3 &&
632 * this.maximumOfBid >= 100000 && this.maximumOfBid < 300000) {
633 * minimumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility - decreasingAmount_3; }
634 * else if (this.discountingFactor > 1 - decreasingAmount_4 &&
635 * this.maximumOfBid >= 300000) { minimumOfBid =
636 * this.MaximumUtility - decreasingAmount_4; }
637 */else {// the general case
638 if (timeline.getTime() <= this.concedeToDiscountingFactor) {
639 double minThreshold = (maximumOfBid
640 * this.discountingFactor)
641 / Math.pow(this.discountingFactor,
642 this.concedeToDiscountingFactor);
643 this.utilitythreshold = maximumOfBid
644 - (maximumOfBid - minThreshold) * Math.pow(
645 (timeline.getTime()
646 / this.concedeToDiscountingFactor),
647 alpha1);
648 } else {
649 this.utilitythreshold = (maximumOfBid
650 * this.discountingFactor)
651 / Math.pow(this.discountingFactor,
652 timeline.getTime());
653 }
654 minimumOfBid = this.utilitythreshold;
655 }
657 /*
658 * if(minimumOfBid < 0.9 && this.guessOpponentType == false){
659 * if(this.opponentBidHistory.getSize() <= 2){ this.opponentType =
660 * 1;//tough opponent alpha1 = 2; } else{ this.opponentType = 0;
661 * alpha1 = 4; } this.guessOpponentType = true;//we only guess the
662 * opponent type once here System.out.println("we guess the opponent
663 * type is "+this.opponentType); }
664 */
666 // choose from the opponent bid history first to reduce calculation
667 // time
669 /*
670 * if (halfSucc){ minimumOfBid = minimumOfBid * succDis *
671 * timeline.getTime(); this.utilitythreshold = this.utilitythreshold
672 * * succDis * timeline.getTime(); }
673 */
675 // Bid bestBidOfferedByOpponent =
676 // opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory();
677 /*
678 * if (halfSucc){
679 * if(utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBidHistory.getMiniBestOpp()) >
680 * 0.51){ minimumOfBid =
681 * utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBidHistory.getMiniBestOpp
682 * ())*(2-Math.pow(timeline.getTime(),2.5)); }else{ minimumOfBid =
683 * 0.51*(2-Math.pow(timeline.getTime(),2.5)); }
684 *
685 * maximumOfBid =
686 * utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBidHistory.getLastAcce());
687 *
688 * if (maximumOfBid < minimumOfBid){ maximumOfBid =
689 * minimumOfBid*1.05; } }
690 */
692 Bid bestBidOfferedByOpponent = opponentBidHistory.getMiniBestOpp();
694 if (utilitySpace.getUtility(
695 bestBidOfferedByOpponent) >= this.utilitythreshold
696 || utilitySpace.getUtility(
697 bestBidOfferedByOpponent) >= minimumOfBid) {
698 return bestBidOfferedByOpponent;
699 }
700 List<Bid> candidateBids = this.getBidsBetweenUtility(minimumOfBid,
701 maximumOfBid);
703 bidReturned = opponentBidHistory.ChooseBid(candidateBids,
704 this.utilitySpace.getDomain());
706 if (bidReturned == null) {
707 System.out.println("no bids can be found.");
708 bidReturned = this.utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid();
709 }
710 } catch (Exception e) {
711 System.out
712 .println(e.getMessage() + "exception in method BidToOffer");
713 }
714 // System.out.println("the current threshold is " +
715 // this.utilitythreshold + " with the value of alpha1 is " + alpha1);
716 return bidReturned;
717 }
719 private Bid NiceBidtoOffer() {
720 Bid bid = null;
722 try {
724 // this.utilitythreshold =
725 // utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBidHistory.getLastAcce());
726 double max = this.utilitythreshold * 1.05;
727 // double min =
728 // utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBidHistory.getMiniBestOpp());
729 double min = this.utilitythreshold * 0.95 * timeline.getTime();
730 // System.out.println("test in method
731 // NiceBidtoOffer"+this.utilitythreshold+","+max+","+min);
733 if (min < 0.5) {
734 min = 0.5;
735 }
736 if (max < 0.5)
737 max = 0.5;
739 bid = genRanBid(min, max);
741 } catch (Exception e) {
742 System.out.println("error in method NiceBidtoOffer");
743 bid = ownBidHistory.getLastBid();
744 }
746 return bid;
747 }
749 /*
750 * decide whether to accept the current offer or not
751 */
752 private boolean AcceptOpponentOffer(Bid opponentBid, Bid ownBid) {
753 double currentUtility = 0;
754 double nextRoundUtility = 0;
755 double maximumUtility = 0;
756 this.concedeToOpponent = false;
757 try {
758 currentUtility = this.utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid);
759 maximumUtility = this.MaximumUtility;// utilitySpace.getUtility(utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid());
760 } catch (Exception e) {
761 System.out.println(e.getMessage()
762 + "Exception in method AcceptOpponentOffer part 1");
763 }
764 try {
765 nextRoundUtility = this.utilitySpace.getUtility(ownBid);
766 } catch (Exception e) {
767 System.out.println(e.getMessage()
768 + "Exception in method AcceptOpponentOffer part 2");
769 }
770 // System.out.println(this.utilitythreshold +"at time "+
771 // timeline.getTime());
772 if (currentUtility >= this.utilitythreshold
773 || currentUtility >= nextRoundUtility) {
774 return true;
775 } else {
776 // if the current utility with discount is larger than the predicted
777 // maximum utility with discount
778 // then accept it.
779 double predictMaximumUtility = maximumUtility
780 * this.discountingFactor;
781 // double currentMaximumUtility =
782 // this.utilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount(opponentBidHistory.chooseBestFromHistory(utilitySpace),
783 // timeline);
784 double currentMaximumUtility = this.utilitySpace
785 .getUtilityWithDiscount(
786 opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory(), timeline);
787 if (currentMaximumUtility > predictMaximumUtility
788 && timeline.getTime() > this.concedeToDiscountingFactor) {
789 try {
790 // if the current offer is approximately as good as the best
791 // one in the history, then accept it.
792 if (utilitySpace
793 .getUtility(opponentBid) >= utilitySpace.getUtility(
794 opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory())
795 - 0.01) {
796 return true;
797 } else {
798 this.concedeToOpponent = true;
799 return false;
800 }
801 } catch (Exception e) {
802 System.out
803 .println("exception in Method AcceptOpponentOffer");
804 return true;
805 }
806 // retrieve the opponent's biding history and utilize it
807 } else if (currentMaximumUtility > this.utilitythreshold
808 * Math.pow(this.discountingFactor, timeline.getTime())) {
809 try {
810 // if the current offer is approximately as good as the best
811 // one in the history, then accept it.
812 if (utilitySpace
813 .getUtility(opponentBid) >= utilitySpace.getUtility(
814 opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory())
815 - 0.01) {
816 return true;
817 } else {
818 System.out.println(
819 "test" + utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid)
820 + this.utilitythreshold);
821 this.concedeToOpponent = true;
822 return false;
823 }
824 } catch (Exception e) {
825 System.out
826 .println("exception in Method AcceptOpponentOffer");
827 return true;
828 }
829 } else {
830 return false;
831 }
832 }
833 }
835 /*
836 * decide whether or not to terminate now
837 */
838 private boolean TerminateCurrentNegotiation(Bid ownBid) {
839 double currentUtility = 0;
840 double nextRoundUtility = 0;
841 double maximumUtility = 0;
842 this.concedeToOpponent = false;
843 try {
844 currentUtility = this.reservationValue;
845 nextRoundUtility = this.utilitySpace.getUtility(ownBid);
846 maximumUtility = this.MaximumUtility;
847 } catch (Exception e) {
848 System.out.println(e.getMessage()
849 + "Exception in method TerminateCurrentNegotiation part 1");
850 }
852 if (currentUtility >= this.utilitythreshold
853 || currentUtility >= nextRoundUtility) {
854 return true;
855 } else {
856 // if the current reseravation utility with discount is larger than
857 // the predicted maximum utility with discount
858 // then terminate the negotiation.
859 double predictMaximumUtility = maximumUtility
860 * this.discountingFactor;
861 double currentMaximumUtility = this.utilitySpace
862 .getReservationValueWithDiscount(timeline);
863 // System.out.println("the current reserved value is "+
864 // this.reservationValue+" after discounting is
865 // "+currentMaximumUtility);
866 if (currentMaximumUtility > predictMaximumUtility
867 && timeline.getTime() > this.concedeToDiscountingFactor) {
868 return true;
869 } else {
870 return false;
871 }
872 }
873 }
875 /*
876 * estimate the number of rounds left before reaching the deadline @param
877 * opponent @return
878 */
880 private int estimateRoundLeft(boolean opponent) {
881 double round;
883 if (timeline.getType() == Timeline.Type.Rounds) {
885 // System.out.println((int)(timeline.getTotalTime() -
886 // timeline.getCurrentTime()));
888 return (int) (timeline.getTotalTime() - timeline.getCurrentTime());
889 } else {
891 if (opponent == true) {
892 if (this.timeLeftBefore
893 - this.timeLeftAfter > this.maximumTimeOfOpponent) {
894 this.maximumTimeOfOpponent = this.timeLeftBefore
895 - this.timeLeftAfter;
896 }
897 } else {
898 if (this.timeLeftAfter
899 - this.timeLeftBefore > this.maximumTimeOfOwn) {
900 this.maximumTimeOfOwn = this.timeLeftAfter
901 - this.timeLeftBefore;
902 }
903 }
904 if (this.maximumTimeOfOpponent + this.maximumTimeOfOwn == 0) {
905 System.out.println("divided by zero exception");
906 }
907 round = (this.totalTime - timeline.getCurrentTime())
908 / (this.maximumTimeOfOpponent + this.maximumTimeOfOwn);
909 // System.out.println("current time is " +
910 // timeline.getElapsedSeconds()
911 // + "---" + round + "----" + this.maximumTimeOfOpponent);
912 return ((int) (round));
913 }
914 }
916 /*
917 * pre-processing to save the computational time each round
918 */
919 private void calculateBidsBetweenUtility() {
920 BidIterator myBidIterator = new BidIterator(
921 this.utilitySpace.getDomain());
923 try {
924 // double maximumUtility =
925 // utilitySpace.getUtility(utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid());
926 double maximumUtility = this.MaximumUtility;
927 double minUtility = this.minimumUtilityThreshold;
928 int maximumRounds = (int) ((maximumUtility - minUtility) / 0.01);
929 // initalization for each arraylist storing the bids between each
930 // range
931 for (int i = 0; i < maximumRounds; i++) {
932 ArrayList<Bid> BidList = new ArrayList<Bid>();
933 // BidList.add(this.bid_maximum_utility);
934 this.bidsBetweenUtility.add(BidList);
935 }
936 this.bidsBetweenUtility.get(maximumRounds - 1)
937 .add(this.bid_maximum_utility);
938 // note that here we may need to use some trick to reduce the
939 // computation cost (to be checked later);
940 // add those bids in each range into the corresponding arraylist
941 int limits = 0;
942 if (this.maximumOfBid < 20000) {
943 while (myBidIterator.hasNext()) {
944 Bid b =;
945 for (int i = 0; i < maximumRounds; i++) {
946 if (utilitySpace.getUtility(b) <= (i + 1) * 0.01
947 + minUtility
948 && utilitySpace.getUtility(b) >= i * 0.01
949 + minUtility) {
950 this.bidsBetweenUtility.get(i).add(b);
951 break;
952 }
953 }
954 // limits++;
955 }
956 } else {
957 while (limits <= 20000) {
958 Bid b = this.RandomSearchBid();
959 for (int i = 0; i < maximumRounds; i++) {
960 if (utilitySpace.getUtility(b) <= (i + 1) * 0.01
961 + minUtility
962 && utilitySpace.getUtility(b) >= i * 0.01
963 + minUtility) {
964 this.bidsBetweenUtility.get(i).add(b);
965 break;
966 }
967 }
968 limits++;
969 }
970 }
971 } catch (Exception e) {
972 System.out.println("Exception in calculateBidsBetweenUtility()");
973 e.printStackTrace();
974 }
975 }
977 private Bid RandomSearchBid() throws Exception {
978 HashMap<Integer, Value> values = new HashMap<Integer, Value>();
979 List<Issue> issues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues();
980 Bid bid = null;
982 for (Issue lIssue : issues) {
983 switch (lIssue.getType()) {
984 case DISCRETE:
985 IssueDiscrete lIssueDiscrete = (IssueDiscrete) lIssue;
986 int optionIndex = random
987 .nextInt(lIssueDiscrete.getNumberOfValues());
989 values.put(lIssue.getNumber(),
990 lIssueDiscrete.getValue(optionIndex));
991 break;
992 case REAL:
993 IssueReal lIssueReal = (IssueReal) lIssue;
994 int optionInd = random.nextInt(
995 lIssueReal.getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps() - 1);
996 values.put(lIssueReal.getNumber(),
997 new ValueReal(lIssueReal.getLowerBound() + (lIssueReal
998 .getUpperBound() - lIssueReal.getLowerBound())
999 * (optionInd) / (lIssueReal
1000 .getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps())));
1001 break;
1002 case INTEGER:
1003 IssueInteger lIssueInteger = (IssueInteger) lIssue;
1004 int optionIndex2 = lIssueInteger.getLowerBound()
1005 + random.nextInt(lIssueInteger.getUpperBound()
1006 - lIssueInteger.getLowerBound());
1007 values.put(lIssueInteger.getNumber(),
1008 new ValueInteger(optionIndex2));
1009 break;
1010 default:
1011 throw new Exception(
1012 "issue type " + lIssue.getType() + " not supported");
1013 }
1014 }
1015 bid = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), values);
1016 return bid;
1017 }
1019 /*
1020 * Get all the bids within a given utility range.
1021 */
1022 private List<Bid> getBidsBetweenUtility(double lowerBound,
1023 double upperBound) {
1024 List<Bid> bidsInRange = new ArrayList<Bid>();
1025 try {
1026 int range = (int) ((upperBound - this.minimumUtilityThreshold)
1027 / 0.01);
1028 int initial = (int) ((lowerBound - this.minimumUtilityThreshold)
1029 / 0.01);
1030 // System.out.println(range+"---"+initial);
1031 for (int i = initial; i < range; i++) {
1032 bidsInRange.addAll(this.bidsBetweenUtility.get(i));
1033 }
1034 if (bidsInRange.isEmpty()) {
1035 bidsInRange.add(this.bid_maximum_utility);
1036 }
1037 } catch (Exception e) {
1038 System.out.println("Exception in getBidsBetweenUtility");
1039 e.printStackTrace();
1040 }
1041 return bidsInRange;
1042 }
1044 /*
1045 * determine the lowest bound of our utility threshold based on the
1046 * discounting factor we think that the minimum utility threshold should not
1047 * be related with the discounting degree.
1048 */
1049 private void chooseUtilityThreshold() {
1050 double discountingFactor = this.discountingFactor;
1051 if (discountingFactor >= 0.9) {
1052 this.minimumUtilityThreshold = 0;// this.MaximumUtility - 0.09;
1053 } else {
1054 // this.minimumUtilityThreshold = 0.85;
1055 this.minimumUtilityThreshold = 0;// this.MaximumUtility - 0.09;
1056 }
1057 }
1059 /*
1060 * determine concede-to-time degree based on the discounting factor.
1061 */
1063 private void chooseConcedeToDiscountingDegree() {
1064 double alpha = 0;
1065 double beta = 1.5;// 1.3;//this value controls the rate at which the
1066 // agent concedes to the discouting factor.
1067 // the larger beta is, the more the agent makes concesions.
1068 // if (utilitySpace.getDomain().getNumberOfPossibleBids() > 100) {
1069 /*
1070 * if (this.maximumOfBid > 100) { beta = 2;//1.3; } else { beta = 1.5; }
1071 */
1072 // the vaule of beta depends on the discounting factor (trade-off
1073 // between concede-to-time degree and discouting factor)
1074 if (this.discountingFactor > 0.75) {
1075 beta = 1.85;
1076 } else if (this.discountingFactor > 0.5) {
1077 beta = 1.63;
1078 } else {
1079 beta = 1.2;
1080 }
1081 alpha = Math.pow(this.discountingFactor, beta);
1082 this.concedeToDiscountingFactor = this.minConcedeToDiscountingFactor
1083 + (1 - this.minConcedeToDiscountingFactor) * alpha;
1084 this.concedeToDiscountingFactor_original = this.concedeToDiscountingFactor;
1085 // System.out.println("concedeToDiscountingFactor is "
1086 // + this.concedeToDiscountingFactor + "current time is "
1087 // + timeline.getTime());
1088 }
1090 /*
1091 * update the concede-to-time degree based on the predicted toughness degree
1092 * of the opponent
1093 */
1095 private void updateConcedeDegree() {
1096 double gama = 10;
1097 double weight = 0.1;
1098 double opponnetToughnessDegree = this.opponentBidHistory
1099 .getConcessionDegree();
1100 // this.concedeToDiscountingFactor =
1101 // this.concedeToDiscountingFactor_original * (1 +
1102 // opponnetToughnessDegree);
1103 this.concedeToDiscountingFactor = this.concedeToDiscountingFactor_original
1104 + weight * (1 - this.concedeToDiscountingFactor_original)
1105 * Math.pow(opponnetToughnessDegree, gama);
1106 if (this.concedeToDiscountingFactor >= 1) {
1107 this.concedeToDiscountingFactor = 1;
1108 }
1109 // System.out.println("concedeToDiscountingFactor is " +
1110 // this.concedeToDiscountingFactor + "current time is " +
1111 // timeline.getTime() + "original concedetodiscoutingfactor is " +
1112 // this.concedeToDiscountingFactor_original);
1113 }
1115 private Bid genRanBid(double min, double max) {
1116 HashMap<Integer, Value> values = new HashMap<Integer, Value>(); // pairs
1117 // <issuenumber,chosen
1118 // value
1119 // string>
1120 List<Issue> issues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues();
1121 int counter = 0;
1122 int limit = 1000;
1123 double fmax = max;
1125 Bid bid = null;
1126 do {
1127 for (Issue lIssue : issues) {
1128 switch (lIssue.getType()) {
1129 case DISCRETE:
1130 IssueDiscrete lIssueDiscrete = (IssueDiscrete) lIssue;
1131 int optionIndex = random
1132 .nextInt(lIssueDiscrete.getNumberOfValues());
1133 values.put(lIssue.getNumber(),
1134 lIssueDiscrete.getValue(optionIndex));
1135 break;
1136 case REAL:
1137 IssueReal lIssueReal = (IssueReal) lIssue;
1138 int optionInd = random.nextInt(
1139 lIssueReal.getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps() - 1);
1140 values.put(lIssueReal.getNumber(), new ValueReal(lIssueReal
1141 .getLowerBound()
1142 + (lIssueReal.getUpperBound()
1143 - lIssueReal.getLowerBound()) * (optionInd)
1144 / (lIssueReal
1145 .getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps())));
1146 break;
1147 case INTEGER:
1148 IssueInteger lIssueInteger = (IssueInteger) lIssue;
1149 int optionIndex2 = lIssueInteger.getLowerBound()
1150 + random.nextInt(lIssueInteger.getUpperBound()
1151 - lIssueInteger.getLowerBound());
1152 values.put(lIssueInteger.getNumber(),
1153 new ValueInteger(optionIndex2));
1154 break;
1155 default:
1156 //
1157 }
1158 }
1160 try {
1161 bid = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), values);
1162 } catch (Exception e) {
1163 // System.out.println("error in generating random bids");
1164 }
1166 counter++;
1167 if (counter > limit) {
1168 limit = limit + 500;
1169 fmax += 0.005;
1170 // return mBidHistory.getMyLastBid();
1171 }
1173 if (counter > 4000)
1174 return ownBidHistory.getLastBid();
1176 } while (getUtility(bid) < min || getUtility(bid) > fmax);
1178 return bid;
1179 }
1181 @Override
1182 public String getDescription() {
1183 return "ANAC2015";
1184 }
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