package agents.anac.y2015.Mercury; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import genius.core.AgentID; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.BidIterator; import genius.core.actions.Accept; import genius.core.actions.Action; import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation; import genius.core.actions.Offer; import genius.core.issue.Issue; import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete; import genius.core.issue.IssueInteger; import genius.core.issue.IssueReal; import genius.core.issue.Value; import genius.core.issue.ValueInteger; import genius.core.issue.ValueReal; import genius.core.parties.AbstractNegotiationParty; import genius.core.parties.NegotiationInfo; import genius.core.timeline.Timeline; import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace; public class Mercury extends AbstractNegotiationParty { private double totalTime; private Action ActionOfOpponent = null; private Object party = null; private Object myparty = null; private double maximumOfBid; private OwnBidHistory ownBidHistory; private OpponentBidHistory opponentBidHistory; private double minimumUtilityThreshold; private double utilitythreshold; private double MaximumUtility; private double timeLeftBefore; private double timeLeftAfter; private double maximumTimeOfOpponent; private double maximumTimeOfOwn; private double discountingFactor; private double concedeToDiscountingFactor; private double concedeToDiscountingFactor_original; private double minConcedeToDiscountingFactor; private ArrayList> bidsBetweenUtility; private boolean concedeToOpponent; private boolean toughAgent; // if we propose a bid that was proposed by the // opponnet, then it should be accepted. private double alpha1;// the larger alpha is, the more tough the agent is. private Bid bid_maximum_utility;// the bid with the maximum utility over the // utility space. private double reservationValue; private Random random; private Bid maxBid = null; private int myRounds = 0; private int numberOfParty = -1; private double acceConThres = 0.9; // when obtainning an acceptance signal, // try to seal the agreement with // utility discount on it own // private double miniLevel = 0; private ArrayList myParOrder = new ArrayList(); private boolean halfSucc = false; // if true, our offer has been accepted by // one agent // private double succDis = 0.9; @Override public void init(NegotiationInfo info) { super.init(info); myparty = getPartyId(); try { random = new Random(); maximumOfBid = this.utilitySpace.getDomain() .getNumberOfPossibleBids(); ownBidHistory = new OwnBidHistory(); opponentBidHistory = new OpponentBidHistory(); bidsBetweenUtility = new ArrayList>(); this.bid_maximum_utility = utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid(); this.utilitythreshold = utilitySpace .getUtility(bid_maximum_utility); // initial // utility // threshold this.MaximumUtility = this.utilitythreshold; this.timeLeftAfter = 0; this.timeLeftBefore = 0; this.totalTime = timeline.getTotalTime(); this.maximumTimeOfOpponent = 0; this.maximumTimeOfOwn = 0; this.minConcedeToDiscountingFactor = 0.08;// 0.1; this.discountingFactor = 1; if (utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor() <= 1D && utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor() > 0D) { this.discountingFactor = utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor(); } this.chooseUtilityThreshold(); this.calculateBidsBetweenUtility(); this.chooseConcedeToDiscountingDegree(); this.opponentBidHistory .initializeDataStructures(utilitySpace.getDomain()); this.timeLeftAfter = timeline.getCurrentTime(); this.concedeToOpponent = false; this.toughAgent = false; this.alpha1 = 2; this.reservationValue = 0; if (utilitySpace.getReservationValue() > 0) { this.reservationValue = utilitySpace.getReservationValue(); } maxBid = utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("initialization error" + e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void receiveMessage(AgentID sender, Action opponentAction) { super.receiveMessage(sender, opponentAction); this.ActionOfOpponent = opponentAction; = sender; // System.out.println("party id is" +myparty+","+sender); if (numberOfParty == -1) { numberOfParty = getNumberOfParties(); opponentBidHistory.initiPartyRec(numberOfParty, (AdditiveUtilitySpace) this.utilitySpace); // System.out.println("first informed // action"+opponentAction.toString()); } else if (opponentAction instanceof Offer) { if (myParOrder.size() < numberOfParty) myParOrder.add(sender); this.opponentBidHistory.updateOpponentModel( ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), sender, utilitySpace.getDomain(), (AdditiveUtilitySpace) this.utilitySpace); this.opponentBidHistory .updateOppRec(((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), sender); // System.out.println("following informed // action"+opponentAction.toString()); } else if (opponentAction instanceof Accept) { // // System.out.println("current informed action is // accept"+opponentAction.toString()); // System.out.println("current informed action is // accept"+myParOrder.indexOf(sender)+","+myParOrder.indexOf(myparty)); if (myParOrder.size() < numberOfParty) myParOrder.add(sender); if ((myParOrder.indexOf(sender) + 1) % numberOfParty == myParOrder .indexOf(myparty) || (myParOrder.indexOf(sender) - 1) % numberOfParty == myParOrder.indexOf(myparty)) { halfSucc = true; // true System.out.println("Half success action caused by " + sender + "," + opponentAction.toString()); this.opponentBidHistory.updateOpponentModel( ownBidHistory.getLastBid(), sender, utilitySpace.getDomain(), (AdditiveUtilitySpace) this.utilitySpace); this.opponentBidHistory.updateAccRec(ownBidHistory.getLastBid(), sender); } else { // only works when agents are less than 3! this.opponentBidHistory.updateOpponentModel( opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid(), sender, utilitySpace.getDomain(), (AdditiveUtilitySpace) this.utilitySpace); this.opponentBidHistory.updateAccRec( opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid(), sender); } } else { // if (myParOrder.size() < numberOfParty) myParOrder.add(sender); System.out.println("Unexpected action from " + sender + "," + opponentAction.toString()); } } @Override public Action chooseAction(List> validActions) { Action action = null; Bid bid = null; myRounds++; // System.out.println("halfSucces " + // halfSucc+","+myRounds+","+this.estimateRoundLeft(false)+","+estimateRoundLeft(true)); if (myParOrder.size() < numberOfParty) myParOrder.add(myparty); try { // System.out.println("i propose " + debug + " bid at time " + // timeline.getTime()); this.timeLeftBefore = timeline.getCurrentTime(); // we propose first and propose the bid with maximum utility if (!validActions.contains(Accept.class)) { bid = this.bid_maximum_utility; action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid); } else if (ActionOfOpponent instanceof Offer) {// the opponent // propose first and // we response // secondly // update opponent model first // this.opponentBidHistory.updateOpponentModel( // ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), // utilitySpace.getDomain(), this.utilitySpace); this.updateConcedeDegree(); // update the estimation if (myRounds <= 30) { // bid = utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid(); bid = this.bid_maximum_utility; action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid); } else {// other conditions if (timeline.getTime() < 0.97) {// still have some rounds // left to further // negotiate (the major // negotiation period) if (!this.halfSucc) { bid = BidToOffer(); } else { bid = NiceBidtoOffer(); } Boolean IsAccept = AcceptOpponentOffer( ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), bid); Boolean IsTerminate = TerminateCurrentNegotiation(bid); if (IsAccept && !IsTerminate) { action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid()); } else if (IsTerminate && !IsAccept) { action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId()); // action = new Offer(maxBid); } else if (IsAccept && IsTerminate) { if (this.utilitySpace .getUtility(((Offer) ActionOfOpponent) .getBid()) > this.reservationValue) { action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory .getLastOppBid()); } else { action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId()); // action = new Offer(maxBid); } } else { // we expect that the negotiation is over once we // select a bid from the opponent's history. if (this.concedeToOpponent == true) { // bid = // opponentBidHistory.chooseBestFromHistory(this.utilitySpace); bid = opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory(); action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid); this.toughAgent = true; this.concedeToOpponent = false; } else { action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid); this.toughAgent = false; } } } else {// this is the last chance and we concede by // providing the opponent the best offer he ever // proposed to us // in this case, it corresponds to an opponent whose // decision time is short if (timeline.getTime() > 0.995) { // bid = // opponentBidHistory.chooseBestFromHistory(this.utilitySpace); if (!this.halfSucc) { bid = opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory(); } else { bid = NiceBidtoOffer(); } // this is specially designed to avoid that we got // very low utility by searching between an // acceptable range (when the domain is small) if (this.utilitySpace.getUtility(bid) < 0.75) { List candidateBids = this .getBidsBetweenUtility( this.MaximumUtility - 0.15, this.MaximumUtility - 0.02); // if the candidate bids do not exsit and also // the deadline is approaching in next round, we // concede. // if (candidateBids.size() == 1 && // timeline.getTime()>0.9998) { // we have no chance to make a new proposal // before the deadline if (timeline.getTime() > 0.9999) { // bid = // opponentBidHistory.getMiniBestOpp(); // // more concessive if (this.utilitySpace .getUtility(opponentBidHistory .getMiniBestOpp()) > 0.5) { bid = opponentBidHistory .getMiniBestOpp(); // more // concessive } else if (this.utilitySpace .getUtility(opponentBidHistory .getBestBidInHistory()) > 0.5) { bid = opponentBidHistory .getBestBidInHistory(); } else { bid = ownBidHistory.getLastBid(); } } else { bid = opponentBidHistory.ChooseBid( candidateBids, this.utilitySpace.getDomain()); } if (bid == null) { // bid = opponentBidHistory // .getBestBidInHistory(); bid = ownBidHistory.getLastBid(); } } Boolean IsAccept = AcceptOpponentOffer( ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), bid); Boolean IsTerminate = TerminateCurrentNegotiation( bid); if (IsAccept && !IsTerminate) { action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory .getLastOppBid()); } else if (IsTerminate && !IsAccept) { action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId()); // action = new Offer(maxBid); } else if (IsTerminate && IsAccept) { if (this.utilitySpace .getUtility(((Offer) ActionOfOpponent) .getBid()) > this.reservationValue) { action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory .getLastOppBid()); } else { action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId()); // action = new Offer(maxBid); } } else { if (this.toughAgent == true) { action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory .getLastOppBid()); } else { action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid); } } // in this case, it corresponds to the situation // that we encounter an opponent who needs more // computation to make decision each round } else {// we still have some time to negotiate, // and be tough by sticking with the lowest one in // previous offer history. // we also have to make the decisin fast to avoid // reaching the deadline before the decision is made // bid = ownBidHistory.GetMinBidInHistory();//reduce // the computational cost if (!this.halfSucc) { bid = opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory(); } else { bid = NiceBidtoOffer(); } // System.out.println("test----------------------------------------------------------" // + timeline.getTime()); Boolean IsAccept = AcceptOpponentOffer( ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), bid); Boolean IsTerminate = TerminateCurrentNegotiation( bid); if (IsAccept && !IsTerminate) { action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory .getLastOppBid()); } else if (IsTerminate && !IsAccept) { action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId()); // action = new Offer(maxBid); } else if (IsAccept && IsTerminate) { if (this.utilitySpace .getUtility(((Offer) ActionOfOpponent) .getBid()) > this.reservationValue) { action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory .getLastOppBid()); } else { action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId()); // action = new Offer(maxBid); } } else { action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid); } } } } if (myRounds > 2) { if (ownBidHistory.isInsideMyBids( ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid())) action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid()); } } else if (ActionOfOpponent instanceof Accept) { // bid = opponentBidHistory.getLastAcce(); /* * try{ * * if ( this.utilitythreshold*acceConThres <= * this.utilitySpace.getUtility * (opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid()) ){ System.out.println( * "accept an offer after seeing an acceptance action with a not bad result" * +ActionOfOpponent.getAgent()); action = new Accept(); }else{ * * try{ * * this.utilitythreshold = * utilitySpace.getUtility(ownBidHistory.getLastBid()); double * max = this.utilitythreshold * 1.2; if(max > * this.MaximumUtility) max = this.MaximumUtility; //double min * = (this.utilitythreshold - * utilitySpace.getUtility(ownBidHistory.getLastBid())) + * utilitySpace.getUtility(ownBidHistory.getLastBid()); double * min = this.utilitythreshold * 0.95 * timeline.getTime(); * //System.out.println("test in method NiceBidtoOffer"+this. * utilitythreshold+","+max+","+min); if (min < 0.5){ min = 0.5; * if(min > max) max = min; } * * List candidateBids = getBidsBetweenUtility(min, max); * * Random random = new Random(); * * int s =0; * * try{ s = random.nextInt(candidateBids.size()); }catch * (Exception e){ s = 0; } * * bid = candidateBids.get(s); * * }catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("error - 1"); bid = * ownBidHistory.getLastBid(); } * * * } //action = new Offer(ownBidHistory.getLastBid()); }catch * (Exception ee) { action = new Accept(); } */ try { if (this.utilitythreshold * acceConThres <= this.utilitySpace.getUtility( opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid())) { System.out.println( "accept an offer after seeing an acceptance action with a not bad result" + ActionOfOpponent.getAgent()); action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid()); } else { bid = BidToOffer(); Boolean IsAccept = AcceptOpponentOffer( ((Offer) ActionOfOpponent).getBid(), bid); Boolean IsTerminate = TerminateCurrentNegotiation(bid); if (IsAccept && !IsTerminate) { action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid()); } else if (IsTerminate && !IsAccept) { action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId()); // action = new Offer(maxBid); } else if (IsAccept && IsTerminate) { if (this.utilitySpace .getUtility(((Offer) ActionOfOpponent) .getBid()) > this.reservationValue) { action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory .getLastOppBid()); } else { action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId()); // action = new Offer(maxBid); } } else { action = new Offer(getPartyId(), bid); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } // System.out.println("i propose " + debug + " bid at time " + // timeline.getTime()); // System.out.println("exception number - 3, Ares!"+bid); // if (bid != null && !ownBidHistory.isInsideMyBids(bid)) // this.ownBidHistory.addBid(bid, utilitySpace); if (bid != null) this.ownBidHistory.addBid(bid, (AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace); this.timeLeftAfter = timeline.getCurrentTime(); this.estimateRoundLeft(false);// update the estimation } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception in ChooseAction:" + e.getMessage()); System.out.println(estimateRoundLeft(false)); // action = new Accept(getAgentID()); // accept if anything goes if (ActionOfOpponent instanceof Accept) { action = new Accept(getPartyId(), this.opponentBidHistory.getLastOppBid()); } else { System.out.println("handle exception - 1"); // action = new EndNegotiation(); } // action = new EndNegotiation(); // terminate if anything // action = new Offer(maxBid); // goes wrong. } if (action == null) action = new Offer(getPartyId(), maxBid); if (this.discountingFactor <= 0.5 && this.reservationValue >= 0.45 && timeline.getTime() > 0.15) action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId()); if (timeline.getCurrentTime() > timeline.getTotalTime() * 1.1) { System.out.println("exception in negotiation time for Ares!" + timeline.getCurrentTime() + "," + timeline.getTotalTime()); action = new EndNegotiation(getPartyId()); // return action; } /* * if (ownBidHistory.numOfBidsProposed() > 30){ * * System.out.println("exception number - 2, Ares!"+opponentBidHistory. * partyOrder .size()+","+opponentBidHistory.partyOrder.get(0)+","+ * opponentBidHistory .partyOrder.get(1)); * * try{ System.out.println("max opp utili, Ares!"+this.utilitySpace. * getUtility (this.opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory())+"," * +this.utilitySpace * .getUtility(this.opponentBidHistory.getBestOpp(this. * opponentBidHistory.partyOrder.get(0)))+"," * +this.utilitySpace.getUtility * (this.opponentBidHistory.getBestOpp(this. * opponentBidHistory.partyOrder.get(1)))); } catch (Exception e){ * System.out.println("exception number - 1, Ares!"); } } */ return action; } /* * principle: randomization over those candidate bids to let the opponent * have a better model of my utility profile return the bid to be offered in * the next round */ private Bid BidToOffer() { Bid bidReturned = null; double decreasingAmount_1 = 0.09; // 0.05 double decreasingAmount_2 = 0.25; try { double maximumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility;// utilitySpace.getUtility(utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid()); double minimumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility; // used when the domain is very large. // make concession when the domin is large if (this.discountingFactor == 1 && this.maximumOfBid > 3200) { // minimumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility - decreasingAmount_1; /* * if (timeline.getTime() <= 0.68){ minimumOfBid = * this.MaximumUtility * (1 - decreasingAmount_1 * * Math.pow(timeline.getTime(),3)); }else if(timeline.getTime() * > 0.68 && timeline.getTime() <= 0.81 ){ minimumOfBid = * this.MaximumUtility * (1 - * decreasingAmount_1*1.3*Math.pow(timeline.getTime(),2)); }else * if (timeline.getTime() > 0.81 ){ minimumOfBid = * this.MaximumUtility * (1 - * decreasingAmount_1*(0.4+timeline.getTime())); } */ minimumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility * 0.94 + 0.06 * this.MaximumUtility * (1 - Math.pow(timeline.getTime(), 3)); // make further concession when the deadline is approaching and // the domain is large if (this.discountingFactor > 1 - decreasingAmount_2 && this.maximumOfBid > 10000 && timeline.getTime() >= 0.98) { minimumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility - decreasingAmount_2; } if (this.utilitythreshold > minimumOfBid) { this.utilitythreshold = minimumOfBid; } } /* * else if (this.discountingFactor > 1 - decreasingAmount_3 && * this.maximumOfBid >= 100000 && this.maximumOfBid < 300000) { * minimumOfBid = this.MaximumUtility - decreasingAmount_3; } * else if (this.discountingFactor > 1 - decreasingAmount_4 && * this.maximumOfBid >= 300000) { minimumOfBid = * this.MaximumUtility - decreasingAmount_4; } */else {// the general case if (timeline.getTime() <= this.concedeToDiscountingFactor) { double minThreshold = (maximumOfBid * this.discountingFactor) / Math.pow(this.discountingFactor, this.concedeToDiscountingFactor); this.utilitythreshold = maximumOfBid - (maximumOfBid - minThreshold) * Math.pow( (timeline.getTime() / this.concedeToDiscountingFactor), alpha1); } else { this.utilitythreshold = (maximumOfBid * this.discountingFactor) / Math.pow(this.discountingFactor, timeline.getTime()); } minimumOfBid = this.utilitythreshold; } /* * if(minimumOfBid < 0.9 && this.guessOpponentType == false){ * if(this.opponentBidHistory.getSize() <= 2){ this.opponentType = * 1;//tough opponent alpha1 = 2; } else{ this.opponentType = 0; * alpha1 = 4; } this.guessOpponentType = true;//we only guess the * opponent type once here System.out.println("we guess the opponent * type is "+this.opponentType); } */ // choose from the opponent bid history first to reduce calculation // time /* * if (halfSucc){ minimumOfBid = minimumOfBid * succDis * * timeline.getTime(); this.utilitythreshold = this.utilitythreshold * * succDis * timeline.getTime(); } */ // Bid bestBidOfferedByOpponent = // opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory(); /* * if (halfSucc){ * if(utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBidHistory.getMiniBestOpp()) > * 0.51){ minimumOfBid = * utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBidHistory.getMiniBestOpp * ())*(2-Math.pow(timeline.getTime(),2.5)); }else{ minimumOfBid = * 0.51*(2-Math.pow(timeline.getTime(),2.5)); } * * maximumOfBid = * utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBidHistory.getLastAcce()); * * if (maximumOfBid < minimumOfBid){ maximumOfBid = * minimumOfBid*1.05; } } */ Bid bestBidOfferedByOpponent = opponentBidHistory.getMiniBestOpp(); if (utilitySpace.getUtility( bestBidOfferedByOpponent) >= this.utilitythreshold || utilitySpace.getUtility( bestBidOfferedByOpponent) >= minimumOfBid) { return bestBidOfferedByOpponent; } List candidateBids = this.getBidsBetweenUtility(minimumOfBid, maximumOfBid); bidReturned = opponentBidHistory.ChooseBid(candidateBids, this.utilitySpace.getDomain()); if (bidReturned == null) { System.out.println("no bids can be found."); bidReturned = this.utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out .println(e.getMessage() + "exception in method BidToOffer"); } // System.out.println("the current threshold is " + // this.utilitythreshold + " with the value of alpha1 is " + alpha1); return bidReturned; } private Bid NiceBidtoOffer() { Bid bid = null; try { // this.utilitythreshold = // utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBidHistory.getLastAcce()); double max = this.utilitythreshold * 1.05; // double min = // utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBidHistory.getMiniBestOpp()); double min = this.utilitythreshold * 0.95 * timeline.getTime(); // System.out.println("test in method // NiceBidtoOffer"+this.utilitythreshold+","+max+","+min); if (min < 0.5) { min = 0.5; } if (max < 0.5) max = 0.5; bid = genRanBid(min, max); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("error in method NiceBidtoOffer"); bid = ownBidHistory.getLastBid(); } return bid; } /* * decide whether to accept the current offer or not */ private boolean AcceptOpponentOffer(Bid opponentBid, Bid ownBid) { double currentUtility = 0; double nextRoundUtility = 0; double maximumUtility = 0; this.concedeToOpponent = false; try { currentUtility = this.utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid); maximumUtility = this.MaximumUtility;// utilitySpace.getUtility(utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage() + "Exception in method AcceptOpponentOffer part 1"); } try { nextRoundUtility = this.utilitySpace.getUtility(ownBid); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage() + "Exception in method AcceptOpponentOffer part 2"); } // System.out.println(this.utilitythreshold +"at time "+ // timeline.getTime()); if (currentUtility >= this.utilitythreshold || currentUtility >= nextRoundUtility) { return true; } else { // if the current utility with discount is larger than the predicted // maximum utility with discount // then accept it. double predictMaximumUtility = maximumUtility * this.discountingFactor; // double currentMaximumUtility = // this.utilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount(opponentBidHistory.chooseBestFromHistory(utilitySpace), // timeline); double currentMaximumUtility = this.utilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount( opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory(), timeline); if (currentMaximumUtility > predictMaximumUtility && timeline.getTime() > this.concedeToDiscountingFactor) { try { // if the current offer is approximately as good as the best // one in the history, then accept it. if (utilitySpace .getUtility(opponentBid) >= utilitySpace.getUtility( opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory()) - 0.01) { return true; } else { this.concedeToOpponent = true; return false; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out .println("exception in Method AcceptOpponentOffer"); return true; } // retrieve the opponent's biding history and utilize it } else if (currentMaximumUtility > this.utilitythreshold * Math.pow(this.discountingFactor, timeline.getTime())) { try { // if the current offer is approximately as good as the best // one in the history, then accept it. if (utilitySpace .getUtility(opponentBid) >= utilitySpace.getUtility( opponentBidHistory.getBestBidInHistory()) - 0.01) { return true; } else { System.out.println( "test" + utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid) + this.utilitythreshold); this.concedeToOpponent = true; return false; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out .println("exception in Method AcceptOpponentOffer"); return true; } } else { return false; } } } /* * decide whether or not to terminate now */ private boolean TerminateCurrentNegotiation(Bid ownBid) { double currentUtility = 0; double nextRoundUtility = 0; double maximumUtility = 0; this.concedeToOpponent = false; try { currentUtility = this.reservationValue; nextRoundUtility = this.utilitySpace.getUtility(ownBid); maximumUtility = this.MaximumUtility; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage() + "Exception in method TerminateCurrentNegotiation part 1"); } if (currentUtility >= this.utilitythreshold || currentUtility >= nextRoundUtility) { return true; } else { // if the current reseravation utility with discount is larger than // the predicted maximum utility with discount // then terminate the negotiation. double predictMaximumUtility = maximumUtility * this.discountingFactor; double currentMaximumUtility = this.utilitySpace .getReservationValueWithDiscount(timeline); // System.out.println("the current reserved value is "+ // this.reservationValue+" after discounting is // "+currentMaximumUtility); if (currentMaximumUtility > predictMaximumUtility && timeline.getTime() > this.concedeToDiscountingFactor) { return true; } else { return false; } } } /* * estimate the number of rounds left before reaching the deadline @param * opponent @return */ private int estimateRoundLeft(boolean opponent) { double round; if (timeline.getType() == Timeline.Type.Rounds) { // System.out.println((int)(timeline.getTotalTime() - // timeline.getCurrentTime())); return (int) (timeline.getTotalTime() - timeline.getCurrentTime()); } else { if (opponent == true) { if (this.timeLeftBefore - this.timeLeftAfter > this.maximumTimeOfOpponent) { this.maximumTimeOfOpponent = this.timeLeftBefore - this.timeLeftAfter; } } else { if (this.timeLeftAfter - this.timeLeftBefore > this.maximumTimeOfOwn) { this.maximumTimeOfOwn = this.timeLeftAfter - this.timeLeftBefore; } } if (this.maximumTimeOfOpponent + this.maximumTimeOfOwn == 0) { System.out.println("divided by zero exception"); } round = (this.totalTime - timeline.getCurrentTime()) / (this.maximumTimeOfOpponent + this.maximumTimeOfOwn); // System.out.println("current time is " + // timeline.getElapsedSeconds() // + "---" + round + "----" + this.maximumTimeOfOpponent); return ((int) (round)); } } /* * pre-processing to save the computational time each round */ private void calculateBidsBetweenUtility() { BidIterator myBidIterator = new BidIterator( this.utilitySpace.getDomain()); try { // double maximumUtility = // utilitySpace.getUtility(utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid()); double maximumUtility = this.MaximumUtility; double minUtility = this.minimumUtilityThreshold; int maximumRounds = (int) ((maximumUtility - minUtility) / 0.01); // initalization for each arraylist storing the bids between each // range for (int i = 0; i < maximumRounds; i++) { ArrayList BidList = new ArrayList(); // BidList.add(this.bid_maximum_utility); this.bidsBetweenUtility.add(BidList); } this.bidsBetweenUtility.get(maximumRounds - 1) .add(this.bid_maximum_utility); // note that here we may need to use some trick to reduce the // computation cost (to be checked later); // add those bids in each range into the corresponding arraylist int limits = 0; if (this.maximumOfBid < 20000) { while (myBidIterator.hasNext()) { Bid b =; for (int i = 0; i < maximumRounds; i++) { if (utilitySpace.getUtility(b) <= (i + 1) * 0.01 + minUtility && utilitySpace.getUtility(b) >= i * 0.01 + minUtility) { this.bidsBetweenUtility.get(i).add(b); break; } } // limits++; } } else { while (limits <= 20000) { Bid b = this.RandomSearchBid(); for (int i = 0; i < maximumRounds; i++) { if (utilitySpace.getUtility(b) <= (i + 1) * 0.01 + minUtility && utilitySpace.getUtility(b) >= i * 0.01 + minUtility) { this.bidsBetweenUtility.get(i).add(b); break; } } limits++; } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception in calculateBidsBetweenUtility()"); e.printStackTrace(); } } private Bid RandomSearchBid() throws Exception { HashMap values = new HashMap(); List issues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues(); Bid bid = null; for (Issue lIssue : issues) { switch (lIssue.getType()) { case DISCRETE: IssueDiscrete lIssueDiscrete = (IssueDiscrete) lIssue; int optionIndex = random .nextInt(lIssueDiscrete.getNumberOfValues()); values.put(lIssue.getNumber(), lIssueDiscrete.getValue(optionIndex)); break; case REAL: IssueReal lIssueReal = (IssueReal) lIssue; int optionInd = random.nextInt( lIssueReal.getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps() - 1); values.put(lIssueReal.getNumber(), new ValueReal(lIssueReal.getLowerBound() + (lIssueReal .getUpperBound() - lIssueReal.getLowerBound()) * (optionInd) / (lIssueReal .getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps()))); break; case INTEGER: IssueInteger lIssueInteger = (IssueInteger) lIssue; int optionIndex2 = lIssueInteger.getLowerBound() + random.nextInt(lIssueInteger.getUpperBound() - lIssueInteger.getLowerBound()); values.put(lIssueInteger.getNumber(), new ValueInteger(optionIndex2)); break; default: throw new Exception( "issue type " + lIssue.getType() + " not supported"); } } bid = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), values); return bid; } /* * Get all the bids within a given utility range. */ private List getBidsBetweenUtility(double lowerBound, double upperBound) { List bidsInRange = new ArrayList(); try { int range = (int) ((upperBound - this.minimumUtilityThreshold) / 0.01); int initial = (int) ((lowerBound - this.minimumUtilityThreshold) / 0.01); // System.out.println(range+"---"+initial); for (int i = initial; i < range; i++) { bidsInRange.addAll(this.bidsBetweenUtility.get(i)); } if (bidsInRange.isEmpty()) { bidsInRange.add(this.bid_maximum_utility); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception in getBidsBetweenUtility"); e.printStackTrace(); } return bidsInRange; } /* * determine the lowest bound of our utility threshold based on the * discounting factor we think that the minimum utility threshold should not * be related with the discounting degree. */ private void chooseUtilityThreshold() { double discountingFactor = this.discountingFactor; if (discountingFactor >= 0.9) { this.minimumUtilityThreshold = 0;// this.MaximumUtility - 0.09; } else { // this.minimumUtilityThreshold = 0.85; this.minimumUtilityThreshold = 0;// this.MaximumUtility - 0.09; } } /* * determine concede-to-time degree based on the discounting factor. */ private void chooseConcedeToDiscountingDegree() { double alpha = 0; double beta = 1.5;// 1.3;//this value controls the rate at which the // agent concedes to the discouting factor. // the larger beta is, the more the agent makes concesions. // if (utilitySpace.getDomain().getNumberOfPossibleBids() > 100) { /* * if (this.maximumOfBid > 100) { beta = 2;//1.3; } else { beta = 1.5; } */ // the vaule of beta depends on the discounting factor (trade-off // between concede-to-time degree and discouting factor) if (this.discountingFactor > 0.75) { beta = 1.85; } else if (this.discountingFactor > 0.5) { beta = 1.63; } else { beta = 1.2; } alpha = Math.pow(this.discountingFactor, beta); this.concedeToDiscountingFactor = this.minConcedeToDiscountingFactor + (1 - this.minConcedeToDiscountingFactor) * alpha; this.concedeToDiscountingFactor_original = this.concedeToDiscountingFactor; // System.out.println("concedeToDiscountingFactor is " // + this.concedeToDiscountingFactor + "current time is " // + timeline.getTime()); } /* * update the concede-to-time degree based on the predicted toughness degree * of the opponent */ private void updateConcedeDegree() { double gama = 10; double weight = 0.1; double opponnetToughnessDegree = this.opponentBidHistory .getConcessionDegree(); // this.concedeToDiscountingFactor = // this.concedeToDiscountingFactor_original * (1 + // opponnetToughnessDegree); this.concedeToDiscountingFactor = this.concedeToDiscountingFactor_original + weight * (1 - this.concedeToDiscountingFactor_original) * Math.pow(opponnetToughnessDegree, gama); if (this.concedeToDiscountingFactor >= 1) { this.concedeToDiscountingFactor = 1; } // System.out.println("concedeToDiscountingFactor is " + // this.concedeToDiscountingFactor + "current time is " + // timeline.getTime() + "original concedetodiscoutingfactor is " + // this.concedeToDiscountingFactor_original); } private Bid genRanBid(double min, double max) { HashMap values = new HashMap(); // pairs // List issues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues(); int counter = 0; int limit = 1000; double fmax = max; Bid bid = null; do { for (Issue lIssue : issues) { switch (lIssue.getType()) { case DISCRETE: IssueDiscrete lIssueDiscrete = (IssueDiscrete) lIssue; int optionIndex = random .nextInt(lIssueDiscrete.getNumberOfValues()); values.put(lIssue.getNumber(), lIssueDiscrete.getValue(optionIndex)); break; case REAL: IssueReal lIssueReal = (IssueReal) lIssue; int optionInd = random.nextInt( lIssueReal.getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps() - 1); values.put(lIssueReal.getNumber(), new ValueReal(lIssueReal .getLowerBound() + (lIssueReal.getUpperBound() - lIssueReal.getLowerBound()) * (optionInd) / (lIssueReal .getNumberOfDiscretizationSteps()))); break; case INTEGER: IssueInteger lIssueInteger = (IssueInteger) lIssue; int optionIndex2 = lIssueInteger.getLowerBound() + random.nextInt(lIssueInteger.getUpperBound() - lIssueInteger.getLowerBound()); values.put(lIssueInteger.getNumber(), new ValueInteger(optionIndex2)); break; default: // } } try { bid = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), values); } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("error in generating random bids"); } counter++; if (counter > limit) { limit = limit + 500; fmax += 0.005; // return mBidHistory.getMyLastBid(); } if (counter > 4000) return ownBidHistory.getLastBid(); } while (getUtility(bid) < min || getUtility(bid) > fmax); return bid; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "ANAC2015"; } }