package agents.anac.y2014.AgentQuest; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import genius.core.Agent; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.BidHistory; import genius.core.Domain; import genius.core.actions.Accept; import genius.core.actions.Action; import genius.core.actions.Offer; import genius.core.bidding.BidDetails; import genius.core.utility.AbstractUtilitySpace; /** * * @author Edwin Yaqub - (GWDG, Goettingen, Germany) * @contact * */ public class AgentQuest extends Agent { private Action partnerAction; private AbstractUtilitySpace myUtilitySpace; private Bid myLastBid; private Bid bestBid; private Bid opponentLastBid; private int hardlineCounter = 0; private final int opponentMonitoringWindowSize = 10; private int opponentMonitoringWindowIndex = 0; private double opponentUtilityInWindowSofar = 0; private final int lastMonitoringWindowCarryOnHardHeadednessValue = 3; int counter = 0; private Domain domain; private BidHistory myBidHistory = new BidHistory(); private BidHistory opponentBidHistory = new BidHistory(); private int MAX_BIDS_TO_SAMPLE = 400; private int MAX_BIDS_TO_STORE = 1000; private int alpha = 4; // Acceptable threshold for opponent harheadedness: // adjust between 1 and opponentMonitoringWindowSize // to negotiate hard (low value) or soft (high // value). private double beta = 0.6d; // Acceptable threshold for conceding // probability: adjust between 0 and 1 to // negotiate hard (high value) or soft (low // value). private double defaultReservationValue = 0.25d; private double meanResponseTimeOfOpponent = 0.0d; private double lastResponseTime = 0.0d; @Override public void init() { System.out.println("\n" + getName() + " version(" + getVersion() + ") initializing..."); this.myUtilitySpace = super.utilitySpace; this.domain = this.myUtilitySpace.getDomain(); if (this.myUtilitySpace.getReservationValue() != null && this.myUtilitySpace.getReservationValue() > 0.0d) { this.defaultReservationValue = this.myUtilitySpace .getReservationValue().doubleValue(); } } @Override public void ReceiveMessage(Action opponentAction) { this.partnerAction = opponentAction; } @Override public Action chooseAction() { Action action = null; try { if (this.partnerAction == null) { // I am initiator - send Bid with (known) highest Utility double time = this.timeline.getTime(); addSampleBids(time); addSampleBids(time); // Increase bid samples at our side so we // dont loose on a low utility due to // less samples in first round. this.myLastBid = this.myBidHistory.getBestBidDetails().getBid(); action = new Offer(getAgentID(), this.myLastBid); this.counter++; this.lastResponseTime = time; } if (this.partnerAction instanceof Offer) { this.counter++; this.opponentMonitoringWindowIndex++; double time = this.timeline.getTime(); // not the first round. measure mean response time and update // last round's time if (this.counter > 1) { this.meanResponseTimeOfOpponent += (time - this.lastResponseTime); this.meanResponseTimeOfOpponent /= 2; this.lastResponseTime = time;// reset lastResponseTime } else { // this is first round this.lastResponseTime = time; addSampleBids(time); // increase bid samples from our side // so we dont loose on a low utility // due to less samples in first // round. } addSampleBids(time); if (this.myLastBid == null) { this.myLastBid = this.myBidHistory.getBestBidDetails() .getBid(); } // Received an Offer from Opponent - process it, generate // CounterOffer and decide whether Offer is acceptable or to // send CounterOffer Offer partnerOffer = (Offer) this.partnerAction; Bid partnerBid = partnerOffer.getBid(); addOpponentBidToHistory(partnerBid, time); // Save the first partner Bid (happens just one time): if (this.opponentLastBid == null) { this.opponentLastBid = partnerBid; opponentUtilityInWindowSofar = this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(this.opponentLastBid, time); } if (this.bestBid == null) { // First bid from opponent (happens just one time) this.bestBid = partnerBid; } double offeredUtilFromPartner = this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(partnerBid, time); // Tolerance measure: if (this.opponentMonitoringWindowIndex > 1 && this.opponentMonitoringWindowIndex <= this.opponentMonitoringWindowSize) { // this.lastTenCounter // > // 0 // && // Maintaining mean utility of opponent's offer with // opponent utility in window sofar: opponentUtilityInWindowSofar += offeredUtilFromPartner; opponentUtilityInWindowSofar /= 2; if (offeredUtilFromPartner <= opponentUtilityInWindowSofar) { if (this.hardlineCounter > this.opponentMonitoringWindowSize) { this.hardlineCounter = this.lastMonitoringWindowCarryOnHardHeadednessValue; } else { this.hardlineCounter++; } } else { if (this.hardlineCounter <= 0) { this.hardlineCounter = 0; } else { this.hardlineCounter--; } } } // Saving opponent's bid as lastBid: this.opponentLastBid = partnerBid; // Maintain best Bid: if (this.myUtilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount(partnerBid, time) > this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(this.bestBid, time)) { this.bestBid = partnerBid; } if (genearteCounterOffer(partnerOffer, time) == null) { // To deal with the unlikely case if we cant produce a // counter offer. action = new Accept(getAgentID(), opponentLastBid); } else { if (acceptOpponentOffer(partnerOffer, time)) { action = new Accept(getAgentID(), opponentLastBid); } else { action = new Offer(getAgentID(), this.myLastBid); } } } if (this.opponentMonitoringWindowIndex == this.opponentMonitoringWindowSize) { // reset the opponentMonitoringWindowIndex and hardlineCounter: this.opponentMonitoringWindowIndex = 0; if (this.hardlineCounter > this.opponentMonitoringWindowSize) { this.hardlineCounter = this.lastMonitoringWindowCarryOnHardHeadednessValue; } if (this.hardlineCounter < 0) { this.hardlineCounter = 0; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); action = new Accept(getAgentID(), opponentLastBid); } return action; } private void addOpponentBidToHistory(Bid partnerBid, double time) { if (this.opponentBidHistory.size() < this.MAX_BIDS_TO_STORE) { try { this.opponentBidHistory .add(new BidDetails(partnerBid, this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(partnerBid, time))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // Make room by removing the worst 1 bid this.opponentBidHistory = new BidHistory(this.opponentBidHistory .getNBestBids(this.MAX_BIDS_TO_STORE - 1)); try { this.opponentBidHistory .add(new BidDetails(partnerBid, this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(partnerBid, time))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } this.myBidHistory.sortToUtility(); } private void addSampleBids(double time) { if (this.myBidHistory.size() < this.MAX_BIDS_TO_STORE) { addBids(time); } else { // Make room by removing the worst 100 bids this.myBidHistory = new BidHistory( this.myBidHistory.getNBestBids(900)); addBids(time); } } private void addBids(double time) { for (int i = 0; i < this.MAX_BIDS_TO_SAMPLE; i++) { Bid randomBid = this.domain.getRandomBid(null); try { this.myBidHistory .add(new BidDetails(randomBid, this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(randomBid, time))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } this.myBidHistory.sortToUtility(); } private BidDetails getCounterOffer(double time) { List myTop10Bids = this.myBidHistory.getNBestBids(10); List opponentTop10Bids = this.opponentBidHistory .getNBestBids(10); double[][] comparisonMatrix = new double[10][10]; for (int row = 0; row < opponentTop10Bids.size(); row++) { BidDetails opponentBidDetails = opponentTop10Bids.get(row); for (int col = 0; col < myTop10Bids.size(); col++) { BidDetails myBidDetails = myTop10Bids.get(col); // Compute Euclidean Distance between opponentBidDetails and // myBidDetails: try { comparisonMatrix[row][col] = computeEuclideanDistancePerBid( opponentBidDetails, myBidDetails, time); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // Now traverse the comparisonMatrix, pick top 10 (least distanced) bids // per row (preserving some diversity) and add to a BidHistory HashMap. HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); for (int row = 0; row < 10; row++) { double closestBid = 99999.999;// some unrealistic number to // initialize. for (int col = 0; col < 10; col++) { if (col > 0) { if ((comparisonMatrix[row][col] < comparisonMatrix[row][col - 1]) && (comparisonMatrix[row][col] < closestBid)) { closestBid = comparisonMatrix[row][col]; if (hashMap.containsKey(row)) { hashMap.remove(row); hashMap.put(row, myTop10Bids.get(col)); } } } else { closestBid = comparisonMatrix[row][col]; hashMap.put(row, myTop10Bids.get(col)); } } } // Now find the bid with max utility for us double startUtiliy = 0.0; BidDetails selectedCounterOffer = null; Iterator iter = hashMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Integer key = (Integer); BidDetails bidDetails = hashMap.get(key); double bidUtility = bidDetails.getMyUndiscountedUtil(); if (bidUtility > startUtiliy) { startUtiliy = bidUtility; selectedCounterOffer = bidDetails; } } return selectedCounterOffer; } private double computeEuclideanDistancePerBid(BidDetails opponentBidDetails, BidDetails myBidDetails, double time) throws Exception { Bid opponentBid = opponentBidDetails.getBid(); Bid myBid = myBidDetails.getBid(); double sum = 0.0; double opponentBidUtility; double myBidUtility; opponentBidUtility = this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(opponentBid, time); myBidUtility = this.myUtilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount(myBid, time); sum = Math.pow((opponentBidUtility - myBidUtility), 2.0); return Math.sqrt(sum); } private double getMyReservationValue(double time) { if (this.myUtilitySpace.getReservationValue() != null && this.myUtilitySpace .getReservationValueWithDiscount(time) > 0.0d) { return this.myUtilitySpace.getReservationValueWithDiscount(time); } else { return this.defaultReservationValue; } } private Offer genearteCounterOffer(Offer opponentOffer, double time) { Offer counterOffer = null; if (time > 0.0d) { // //Sets our counterOffer in this.myLastBid. Resort to last Bid // until the following mechanism finds a different/conceding offer: if (this.myUtilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount(this.myLastBid, time) > this.myUtilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount( this.myBidHistory.getBestBidDetails().getBid(), time)) { counterOffer = new Offer(getAgentID(), this.myLastBid); } else { BidHistory tempBidHistory = this.myBidHistory .filterBetweenUtility( this.myUtilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount( this.myLastBid, time), this.myUtilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount( this.myBidHistory.getBestBidDetails() .getBid(), time)); if (tempBidHistory != null && tempBidHistory.size() > 0) { tempBidHistory.sortToUtility(); if (tempBidHistory.getMedianUtilityBid() != null) { this.myLastBid = tempBidHistory.getMedianUtilityBid() .getBid(); counterOffer = new Offer(getAgentID(), this.myLastBid); if (!this.myUtilitySpace.isDiscounted()) { // Starting second level selection only for // non-discounted domains BidHistory anotherTempBidHistory = tempBidHistory .filterBetweenUtility( this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount( tempBidHistory .getMedianUtilityBid() .getBid(), time), this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount( tempBidHistory .getBestBidDetails() .getBid(), time)); if (anotherTempBidHistory != null && anotherTempBidHistory.size() > 0) { if (anotherTempBidHistory .getMedianUtilityBid() != null) { this.myLastBid = anotherTempBidHistory .getMedianUtilityBid().getBid(); counterOffer = new Offer(getAgentID(), this.myLastBid); } } // Ended second level selection } } } else { counterOffer = new Offer(getAgentID(), this.myLastBid);// retain // last // offer. } } try { // finds a different/conceding offer: BigDecimal concessionProbability; concessionProbability = Pconcede( this.myUtilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount( opponentOffer.getBid(), time), this.timeline.getTime()); if ((this.hardlineCounter < this.alpha) && (concessionProbability .compareTo(new BigDecimal(this.beta)) > 0)) { BidDetails tempBidDetails = null; tempBidDetails = getCounterOffer(time); Bid tempBid = tempBidDetails.getBid(); double bidUtility = this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(tempBid, time); if (bidUtility > this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(this.bestBid, time) && bidUtility >= this.getMyReservationValue(time)) { counterOffer = new Offer(getAgentID(), tempBid); this.myLastBid = tempBid; } else if (this.myUtilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount( this.bestBid, time) >= this.getMyReservationValue(time)) { counterOffer = new Offer(getAgentID(), this.bestBid); this.myLastBid = this.bestBid; } } else { if (this.counter > 1) // Not the first round. { if (this.myUtilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount( this.bestBid, time) < this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(this.myLastBid, time)) { counterOffer = new Offer(getAgentID(), this.myLastBid); } else if (this.myUtilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount( this.bestBid, time) >= this.getMyReservationValue(time)) { counterOffer = new Offer(getAgentID(), this.bestBid); this.myLastBid = this.bestBid; } } else { counterOffer = new Offer(getAgentID(), this.myLastBid);// will // execute // just once // i.e., for // round 1. } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { counterOffer = new Offer(getAgentID(), this.bestBid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return counterOffer; } private boolean acceptOpponentOffer(Offer opponentOffer, double time) { boolean result = false; double opponentOfferUtility; double myOfferUtility; double bestBidUtility; if (opponentOffer != null) { try { opponentOfferUtility = this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(opponentOffer.getBid(), time); myOfferUtility = this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(this.myLastBid, time); bestBidUtility = this.myUtilitySpace .getUtilityWithDiscount(this.bestBid, time); if (opponentOfferUtility >= this.getMyReservationValue(time) && (2.1d * this.meanResponseTimeOfOpponent + time >= 1.0d)) { if ((this.meanResponseTimeOfOpponent + time <= 1.0d)) { this.myLastBid = this.bestBid; // most probably our last // or last few counter // offer(s)! result = false; } else { result = true; } } else if (opponentOfferUtility >= 0.90d) { result = true; } else if ((opponentOfferUtility >= myOfferUtility) && (opponentOfferUtility >= 0.85d) && time > 0.95d) { result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return result; } @Override public String getVersion() { return "1.1"; } @Override public String getName() { return "AgentQuest"; } /** * This function determines the accept probability for an offer. At t=0 it * will prefer high-utility offers. As t gets closer to 1, it will accept * lower utility offers with increasing probability. it will never accept * offers with utility 0. * * @param u * is the utility * @param t * is the time as fraction of the total available time (t=0 at * start, and t=1 at end time) * @return the probability of an accept at time t * @throws Exception * if you use wrong values for u or t. * * Function reused from Genius codebase. */ public BigDecimal Pconcede(double u, double t1) throws Exception { double t = t1 * t1 * t1; // steeper increase when deadline approaches. if (u < 0 || u > 1.05) throw new Exception("utility " + u + " outside [0,1]"); // normalization may be slightly off, therefore we have a broad boundary // up to 1.05 if (t < 0 || t > 1) throw new Exception("time " + t + " outside [0,1]"); if (u > 1.) u = 1; if (t == 0.5) { if (!Double.isNaN(u)) { return new BigDecimal(u); } else throw new NumberFormatException(u + ""); } double value = (u - 2. * u * t + 2. * (-1. + t + Math.sqrt(sq(-1. + t) + u * (-1. + 2 * t)))) / (-1. + 2 * t); if (!Double.isNaN(value)) { return new BigDecimal(value); } else throw new NumberFormatException(value + ""); } public double sq(double x) { return x * x; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "ANAC2014 compatible with non-linear utility spaces"; } }