1 | package agents.anac.y2014.AgentM;
2 |
3 | import java.io.Serializable;
4 | import java.util.ArrayList;
5 | import java.util.HashMap;
6 | import java.util.List;
7 | import java.util.Random;
8 |
9 | import agents.SimpleAgentSavingBidHistory;
10 | import genius.core.Agent;
11 | import genius.core.Bid;
12 | import genius.core.BidHistory;
13 | import genius.core.NegotiationResult;
14 | import genius.core.actions.Accept;
15 | import genius.core.actions.Action;
16 | import genius.core.actions.ActionWithBid;
17 | import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation;
18 | import genius.core.actions.Offer;
19 | import genius.core.bidding.BidDetails;
20 | import genius.core.issue.Issue;
21 | import genius.core.issue.IssueInteger;
22 | import genius.core.issue.Value;
23 | import genius.core.issue.ValueInteger;
24 |
25 | /**
26 | * @author S. Hourmann Some improvements over the standard Agent. Saving Bid
27 | * History for the session.
28 | *
29 | * Random Walker, Zero Intelligence Agent
30 | */
31 | public class AgentM extends Agent {
32 | // "state" represents "where am I in the code".
33 | // I want to print "state" when I print a message about saving data.
34 | private String state;
35 | private Action actionOfPartner = null;
36 |
37 | /**
38 | * Note: {@link SimpleAgentSavingBidHistory} does not account for the
39 | * discount factor in its computations
40 | */
41 | private static double MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = 0.0;
42 | private static int NUMBER_ITERATIONS = 1000;
43 | private BidHistory currSessOppBidHistory;
44 | private BidHistory prevSessOppBidHistory;
45 | private BidHistory mySessBidHistory;
46 | private Bid bidmax = null;
47 | private Bid endbid = null;
48 | private double concessionRate = 0.0;
49 | private ArrayList issueAllay = new ArrayList();
50 | private ArrayList myissue = new ArrayList();
51 | private ArrayList<Integer> movement = new ArrayList<Integer>();
52 | private ArrayList<Integer> maxissue = new ArrayList<Integer>();
53 |
54 | /**
55 | * init is called when a next session starts with the same opponent.
56 | */
57 | @Override
58 | public void init() {
59 | MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = utilitySpace.getReservationValueUndiscounted();
60 | myBeginSession();
61 | currSessOppBidHistory = new BidHistory();
62 | prevSessOppBidHistory = new BidHistory();
63 | mySessBidHistory = new BidHistory();
64 |
65 | int[] numAllay = new int[10];
66 | for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
67 | numAllay[j] = 0;
68 | }
69 | Integer num = 0;
70 | for (int i = 0; i < this.utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues()
71 | .size(); i++) {
72 | issueAllay.add(numAllay.clone());
73 | movement.add(num);
74 | maxissue.add(num);
75 | }
76 | }
77 |
78 | public void myBeginSession() {
79 | System.out.println("Starting match num: " + sessionNr);
80 |
81 | // ---- Code for trying save and load functionality
82 | // First try to load saved data
83 | // ---- Loading from agent's function "loadSessionData"
84 | Serializable prev = this.loadSessionData();
85 | AgentMData a = (AgentMData) prev;
86 | if (a != null) {
87 | this.endbid = a.getBid();
88 | System.out.println("load complete");
89 | // System.out
90 | // .println("---------/////////// NEW NEW NEW
91 | // /////////////----------");
92 | // System.out.println("The size of the previous BidHistory is: "
93 | // + prevSessOppBidHistory.size());
94 | } else {
95 | // If didn't succeed, it means there is no data for this preference
96 | // profile
97 | // in this domain.
98 | System.out.println("There is no history yet.");
99 | }
100 | }
101 |
102 | @Override
103 | public String getVersion() {
104 | return "3.1";
105 | }
106 |
107 | @Override
108 | public String getName() {
109 | return "AgentM";
110 | }
111 |
112 | @Override
113 | public void ReceiveMessage(Action opponentAction) {
114 | actionOfPartner = opponentAction;
115 | if (opponentAction instanceof Offer) {
116 | Bid bid = ((Offer) opponentAction).getBid();
117 | // 2. store the opponent's trace
118 | try {
119 | BidDetails opponentBid = new BidDetails(bid,
120 | utilitySpace.getUtility(bid), timeline.getTime());
121 | if (currSessOppBidHistory.getLastBidDetails() != null) {
122 | this.prevSessOppBidHistory.add(
123 | this.currSessOppBidHistory.getLastBidDetails());
124 | }
125 | currSessOppBidHistory.add(opponentBid);
126 | } catch (Exception e) {
127 | e.printStackTrace();
128 | }
129 | }
130 | try {
131 | if (this.prevSessOppBidHistory.getLastBid() != null) {
132 | if (getUtility(this.prevSessOppBidHistory.getBestBidDetails()
133 | .getBid()) < getUtility(
134 | this.currSessOppBidHistory.getLastBid())) {
135 | this.concessionRate = Math.pow(
136 | getUtility(this.prevSessOppBidHistory
137 | .getWorstBidDetails().getBid())
138 | - getUtility(this.currSessOppBidHistory
139 | .getBestBidDetails().getBid()),
140 | 2.0);
141 | }
142 | }
143 | } catch (Exception e) {
144 | e.printStackTrace();
145 | }
146 | }
147 |
148 | @Override
149 | public Action chooseAction() {
150 | Action action = null;
151 | try {
152 | if (actionOfPartner == null)
153 | action = chooseRandomBidAction(null); // original code but will
154 | // throw NPE
155 | if (actionOfPartner instanceof Offer) {
156 | Bid partnerBid = ((Offer) actionOfPartner).getBid();
157 | double offeredUtilFromOpponent = getUtility(partnerBid);
158 | // get current time
159 | double time = timeline.getTime();
160 | action = chooseRandomBidAction(partnerBid);
161 |
162 | Bid myBid = ((Offer) action).getBid();
163 | double myOfferedUtil = getUtility(myBid);
164 |
165 | // accept under certain circumstances
166 | if (isAcceptable(offeredUtilFromOpponent, myOfferedUtil,
167 | time)) {
168 | action = new Accept(getAgentID(), partnerBid);
169 | // ---- Code for trying save and load functionality
170 | // /////////////////////////////////
171 | state = "I accepted so I'm trying to save. ";
172 | tryToSaveAndPrintState();
173 | // /////////////////////////////////
174 | }
175 | }
176 | if (actionOfPartner instanceof EndNegotiation) {
177 | action = new Accept(getAgentID(),
178 | ((ActionWithBid) actionOfPartner).getBid());
179 | // ---- Code for trying save and load functionality
180 | // /////////////////////////////////
181 | state = "Got EndNegotiation from opponent. ";
182 | tryToSaveAndPrintState();
183 | // /////////////////////////////////
184 | }
185 | // sleep(0.001); // just for fun
186 | } catch (Exception e) {
187 | System.out.println("Exception in ChooseAction:" + e.getMessage());
188 |
189 | // ---- Code for trying save and load functionality
190 | // /////////////////////////////////
191 | state = "Got Exception. ";
192 | tryToSaveAndPrintState();
193 | // /////////////////////////////////
194 | // best guess if things go wrong.
195 | action = new Accept(getAgentID(),
196 | ((ActionWithBid) actionOfPartner).getBid());
197 | }
198 | return action;
199 | }
200 |
201 | // ---- Code for trying save and load functionality
202 | private void tryToSaveAndPrintState() {
203 |
204 | // ---- Saving from agent's function "saveSessionData"
205 |
206 | // Bid lastBid = this.currSessOppBidHistory.getLastBid();
207 | // System.out.println("testtettttttt");
208 | // AgentMData data = new AgentMData(lastBid);
209 | // System.out.println(data.getBid());
210 | // this.saveSessionData(data);
211 | // System.out.println(state +
212 | // "The size of the BidHistory I'm saving is: "
213 | // + currSessOppBidHistory.size());
214 | }
215 |
216 | private boolean isAcceptable(double offeredUtilFromOpponent,
217 | double myOfferedUtil, double time) throws Exception {
218 | // double P = Paccept(offeredUtilFromOpponent, time);
219 | // offeredUtilFromOpponent ‘ŠŽè‚Ì’ñˆÄ myOfferedUtil
220 | // Ž©•ª‚Ì’ñˆÄ
221 | // double offerOk =
222 | // (getUtility(mySessBidHistory.getWorstBidDetails().getBid()) +
223 | // getUtility(mySessBidHistory.getBestBidDetails().getBid()))/2;
224 | double offerOk = getUtility(
225 | mySessBidHistory.getWorstBidDetails().getBid());
226 | List<Issue> issues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues();
227 |
228 | // ‘ŠŽè‚Ìlastbid‚©‚çissueAllay‚É‚»‚Ì’l‚ð’ljÁ
229 | int opfirstoplast = 0;
230 | for (int i = 1; i < issues.size() + 1; i++) {
231 | ValueInteger opLast = (ValueInteger) this.currSessOppBidHistory
232 | .getLastBid().getValue(i);
233 | int oplast = Integer.valueOf(opLast.toString());
234 | int[] tempAllay = (int[]) issueAllay.get(i - 1);
235 | tempAllay[oplast] += 1;
236 | this.issueAllay.set(i - 1, tempAllay.clone());
237 | }
238 |
239 | // System.out.println("check");
240 |
241 | // ’ñˆÄ‚³‚ꂽbid‚©‚ç‚»‚Ìissue‚Ì’†‚Å�Å‚à‰ñ�”‚Ì‘½‚¢‚à‚Ì‚ðmaxissue‚É�Ý’è
242 | for (int i = 0; i < issues.size(); i++) {
243 | // issue‚ÌŽæ‚é’l‚ðŽæ‚è�o‚·
244 | IssueInteger lIssueInteger = (IssueInteger) issues.get(i);
245 | int issueNumber = lIssueInteger.getNumber();
246 | int issueIndexMin = lIssueInteger.getLowerBound();
247 | int issueIndexMax = lIssueInteger.getUpperBound();
248 | // issueAllay‚Å‚Íissue‚Ìbid‚³‚ꂽ‰ñ�”‚ð•Û‘¶
249 | int[] temp = (int[]) issueAllay.get(i);
250 | // num‚ÍissueIndexMin,issueIndexMax‚ÌŠÔ‚Ì’l
251 | int num = 0;
252 | // maxissuenum‚͌ĂÑ�o‚³‚ꂽ‰ñ�”‚Ì’l‚Ìmax
253 | int maxissuenum = 0;
254 | for (int j = issueIndexMin; j < issueIndexMax; j++) {
255 | if (maxissuenum < temp[j]) {
256 | // System.out.println(j);
257 | num = j;
258 | maxissuenum = temp[j];
259 | }
260 | }
261 | Integer a = num;
262 | this.maxissue.set(i, a);
263 | }
264 |
265 | // ‘ŠŽè—\‘ª’l:w
266 | if (endbid != null) {
267 | // System.out.println(getUtility(endbid));
268 | if (offeredUtilFromOpponent > offerOk
269 | || offeredUtilFromOpponent >= getUtility(endbid)) {
270 | return true;
271 | }
272 | }
273 | if (offeredUtilFromOpponent > offerOk) {
274 | return true;
275 | }
276 | return false;
277 | }
278 |
279 | /**
280 | * Wrapper for getRandomBid, for convenience.
281 | *
282 | * @return new Action(Bid(..)), with bid utility > MINIMUM_BID_UTIL. If a
283 | * problem occurs, it returns an Accept() action.
284 | */
285 | private Action chooseRandomBidAction(Bid opponentBid) {
286 | Bid nextBid = null;
287 | try {
288 | nextBid = getRandomBid();
289 | } catch (Exception e) {
290 | System.out.println("Problem with received bid:" + e.getMessage()
291 | + ". cancelling bidding");
292 | }
293 | if (nextBid == null)
294 | return (new Accept(getAgentID(), opponentBid));
295 | return (new Offer(getAgentID(), nextBid));
296 | }
297 |
298 | /**
299 | * @param value
300 | * @return a random bid with high enough utility value.
301 | * @throws Exception
302 | * if we can't compute the utility (eg no evaluators have been
303 | * set) or when other evaluators than a DiscreteEvaluator are
304 | * present in the util space.
305 | */
306 | @Override
307 | public void endSession(NegotiationResult result) {
308 | // System.out.println(result);
309 | // System.out.println(result.isAgreement());
310 | if (result.isAgreement()) {
311 | Bid lastBid = result.getLastBid();
312 | AgentMData data = new AgentMData(lastBid);
313 | // System.out.println(data.getBid());
314 | this.saveSessionData(data);
315 | }
316 | }
317 |
318 | private Bid getRandomBid() throws Exception {
319 | HashMap<Integer, Value> values = new HashMap<Integer, Value>(); // pairs
320 | // <issuenumber,chosen
321 | // value
322 | // string>
323 | List<Issue> issues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues();
324 | Random randomnr = new Random();
325 |
326 | // create a random bid with utility>MINIMUM_BID_UTIL.
327 | // note that this may never succeed if you set MINIMUM too high!!!
328 | // in that case we will search for a bid till the time is up (3 minutes)
329 | // but this is just a simple agent.
330 | Bid bid = null;
331 | if (this.bidmax == null) {
332 | int i = 0;
333 |
334 | double currentUtility, maxUtility = 0;
335 | do {
336 | bid = utilitySpace.getDomain().getRandomBid(null);
337 | currentUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(bid);
338 | if (bidmax == null || getUtility(bidmax) < currentUtility) {
339 | bidmax = bid;
340 | maxUtility = getUtility(bidmax);
341 | if (maxUtility > 0.98) {
342 | break;
343 | }
344 | }
345 | i++;
346 | } while (i < NUMBER_ITERATIONS);
347 | i = 0;
348 | while ((i++ < NUMBER_ITERATIONS) && (maxUtility < 0.999)) {
349 | Bid nextBid = nextBid(bid); // ‹ß–TBid‚ð’T�õ
350 | double nextUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(nextBid); // ‹ß–TBid‚ÌŒø—p’l
351 | double temperature = calculateTemperature(i); // ‰·“x‚ÌŽZ�o
352 | double probability = calculateProbability(currentUtility,
353 | nextUtility, temperature); // ‘JˆÚŠm—¦‚ÌŽZ�o
354 | if (probability > randomnr.nextDouble()) {
355 | bid = nextBid; // Bid‚Ì�X�V
356 | currentUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(nextBid); // Œø—p’l‚Ì�X�V
357 | // �Å“K‰ð‚Ì�X�V
358 | if (nextUtility > maxUtility) {
359 | this.bidmax = nextBid;
360 | maxUtility = nextUtility;
361 | }
362 | }
363 | }
364 | } else {
365 | int i = 0;
366 |
367 | double currentUtility, maxUtility = 0;
368 | do {
369 | bid = utilitySpace.getDomain().getRandomBid(null);
370 | currentUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(bid);
371 | if (bidmax == null || getUtility(bidmax) < currentUtility) {
372 | bidmax = bid;
373 | maxUtility = getUtility(bidmax);
374 | if (maxUtility > 0.98) {
375 | break;
376 | }
377 | }
378 | i++;
379 | } while (i < NUMBER_ITERATIONS);
380 | i = 0;
381 | int j = 0;
382 |
383 | values = this.mySessBidHistory.getBestBidDetails().getBid()
384 | .getValues();
385 |
386 | double endpoint;
387 | this.concessionRate = Math
388 | .pow(getUtility(this.currSessOppBidHistory
389 | .getWorstBidDetails().getBid())
390 | - getUtility(this.currSessOppBidHistory
391 | .getBestBidDetails().getBid()),
392 | 2.0)
393 | + timeline.getTime() / 10;
394 | if (this.endbid == null) {
395 | endpoint = 0.999 - this.concessionRate;
396 | } else {
397 | endpoint = getUtility(this.endbid);
398 | }
399 | while (((i++ < NUMBER_ITERATIONS)
400 | && (maxUtility < 0.999 - this.concessionRate))
401 | || ((i < NUMBER_ITERATIONS) && maxUtility < endpoint)) {
402 | Bid nextBid = nextBid(bid); // ‹ß–TBid‚ð’T�õ
403 | // for(j = 0; j < (timeline.getTime()*issues.size()/5); j++){
404 | for (j = 0; j < (issues.size() / 5); j++) {
405 | int issueIndex = randomnr.nextInt(issues.size());
406 | IssueInteger lIssueInteger = (IssueInteger) issues
407 | .get(issueIndex);
408 | int issueNumber = lIssueInteger.getNumber();
409 | int issueIndexMin = lIssueInteger.getLowerBound();
410 | int issueIndexMax = lIssueInteger.getUpperBound();
411 | int optionIndex = 0;
412 | ValueInteger lIssueValue = (ValueInteger) bid
413 | .getValue(issueNumber);
414 | int issueValue = Integer.valueOf(lIssueValue.toString())
415 | .intValue();
416 | optionIndex = nextOptionIndex(issueIndexMin, issueIndexMax,
417 | issueValue);
418 | lIssueInteger = (IssueInteger) issues.get(issueIndex);
419 | issueNumber = lIssueInteger.getNumber();
420 | int test_value = 0;
421 | if (j % 2 == 0) {
422 | test_value = this.maxissue.get(issueNumber - 1);
423 | } else {
424 | // ValueInteger aaa = (ValueInteger)
425 | // this.currSessOppBidHistory.getBestBid().getValue(issueNumber);
426 | ValueInteger aaa = (ValueInteger) this.currSessOppBidHistory
427 | .getBestBidDetails().getBid()
428 | .getValue(issueNumber);
429 | test_value = Integer.valueOf(aaa.toString());
430 | }
431 | nextBid = nextBid.putValue(issueNumber,
432 | new ValueInteger(test_value));
433 | issueValue = Integer.valueOf(lIssueValue.toString())
434 | .intValue();
435 | issueIndex = randomnr.nextInt(issues.size());
436 | lIssueInteger = (IssueInteger) issues.get(issueIndex);
437 | issueNumber = lIssueInteger.getNumber();
438 | ValueInteger bbb = (ValueInteger) this.currSessOppBidHistory
439 | .getBestBidDetails().getBid().getValue(issueNumber);
440 | test_value = Integer.valueOf(bbb.toString());
441 | nextBid = nextBid.putValue(issueNumber,
442 | new ValueInteger(test_value));
443 | }
444 | double nextUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(nextBid); // ‹ß–TBid‚ÌŒø—p’l
445 | double temperature = calculateTemperature(i); // ‰·“x‚ÌŽZ�o
446 | double probability = calculateProbability(currentUtility,
447 | nextUtility, temperature); // ‘JˆÚŠm—¦‚ÌŽZ�o
448 | if (probability > randomnr.nextDouble()) {
449 | bid = nextBid; // Bid‚Ì�X�V
450 | currentUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(nextBid); // Œø—p’l‚Ì�X�V
451 | // �Å“K‰ð‚Ì�X�V
452 | // if (nextUtility > maxUtility) {
453 | if (nextUtility > (getUtility(this.bidmax)
454 | - this.concessionRate)) {
455 | this.bidmax = nextBid;
456 | maxUtility = nextUtility;
457 | // System.out.println(getUtility(this.bidmax)-this.concessionRate);
458 | }
459 | }
460 | }
461 |
462 | }
463 | BidDetails opponentBid = new BidDetails(bidmax,
464 | utilitySpace.getUtility(bidmax), timeline.getTime());
465 | mySessBidHistory.add(opponentBid);
466 | return this.bidmax;
467 | }
468 |
469 | private int randomOptionIndex(int issueIndexMin, int issueIndexMax) {
470 | int optionIndex = 0;
471 | Random randomnr = new Random();
472 | if (issueIndexMin < issueIndexMax) {
473 | optionIndex = issueIndexMin
474 | + randomnr.nextInt(issueIndexMax - issueIndexMin);
475 | } else {
476 | optionIndex = issueIndexMin; // issueIndexMin ==
477 | // issueIndexMax‚Ì�ê�‡
478 | }
479 |
480 | return optionIndex;
481 | }
482 |
483 | /**
484 | * ‹ß–T’T�õ
485 | *
486 | * @param issueIndexMin
487 | * ‰ºŒÀ’l
488 | * @param issueIndexMax
489 | * �ãŒÀ’l
490 | * @param issueValue
491 | * Œ»�Ý‚Ì’l
492 | * @return ’l‚ð1‚¾‚¯‘�Œ¸‚³‚¹‚é
493 | */
494 | private int nextOptionIndex(int issueIndexMin, int issueIndexMax,
495 | int issueValue) {
496 | int step = 1; // ’l‚ð‘�Œ¸‚³‚¹‚é•�
497 | Random randomnr = new Random();
498 | int direction = randomnr.nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1; // ƒ‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚É‘�Œ¸‚ðŒˆ’è
499 |
500 | if (issueIndexMin < issueIndexMax) {
501 | if ((issueValue + step) > issueIndexMax) { // +1‚·‚é‚Æ�ãŒÀ’l‚ð’´‚¦‚é�ê�‡
502 | direction = -1;
503 | } else if ((issueValue - step) < issueIndexMin) { // -1‚·‚é‚ƉºŒÀ’l‚ð‰º‰ñ‚é�ê�‡
504 | direction = 1;
505 | }
506 | } else {
507 | return issueValue; // issueIndexMin == issueIndexMax‚Ì�ê�‡
508 | }
509 |
510 | return issueValue + step * direction;
511 | }
512 |
513 | /**
514 | * This function determines the accept probability for an offer. At t=0 it
515 | * will prefer high-utility offers. As t gets closer to 1, it will accept
516 | * lower utility offers with increasing probability. it will never accept
517 | * offers with utility 0.
518 | *
519 | * @param u
520 | * is the utility
521 | * @param t
522 | * is the time as fraction of the total available time (t=0 at
523 | * start, and t=1 at end time)
524 | * @return the probability of an accept at time t
525 | * @throws Exception
526 | * if you use wrong values for u or t.
527 | *
528 | */
529 | double Paccept(double u, double t1) throws Exception {
530 | double t = t1 * t1 * t1; // steeper increase when deadline approaches.
531 | if (u < 0 || u > 1.05)
532 | throw new Exception("utility " + u + " outside [0,1]");
533 | // normalization may be slightly off, therefore we have a broad boundary
534 | // up to 1.05
535 | if (t < 0 || t > 1)
536 | throw new Exception("time " + t + " outside [0,1]");
537 | if (u > 1.)
538 | u = 1;
539 | if (t == 0.5)
540 | return u;
541 | return (u - 2. * u * t
542 | + 2. * (-1. + t + Math.sqrt(sq(-1. + t) + u * (-1. + 2 * t))))
543 | / (-1. + 2 * t);
544 | }
545 |
546 | double sq(double x) {
547 | return x * x;
548 | }
549 |
550 | private double calculateProbability(double currentUtil, double nextUtil,
551 | double temperature) {
552 | double diff = currentUtil - nextUtil;
553 | if (diff > 0.0) {
554 | return Math.exp(-diff / temperature); // Œ»�Ý‚ÌŒø—p’l‚Ì•û‚ª�‚‚¢�ê�‡
555 | } else {
556 | return 1.0; // ‹ß–T‚ÌŒø—p’l‚Ì•û‚ª�‚‚¢�ê�‡
557 | }
558 | }
559 |
560 | private double calculateTemperature(int iteration) {
561 | double t = 0.01;
562 | return t * Math.pow(1.0 - ((double) iteration / NUMBER_ITERATIONS), 2);
563 | }
564 |
565 | private Bid nextBid(Bid bid) throws Exception {
566 | List<Issue> issues = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues(); // ‘Sissue‚̎擾
567 | Bid nextBid = new Bid(bid); // Œ»�Ý‚ÌBid‚ðƒRƒs�[
568 | Boolean optionFlag = false; // ’T�õŽè–@
569 | int numberIndexes = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues().size() / 10;
570 | Random randomnr = new Random();
571 | for (int i = 0; i < numberIndexes; i++) {
572 | int issueIndex = randomnr.nextInt(issues.size()); // Issue‚ðƒ‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚ÉŽw’è
573 | IssueInteger lIssueInteger = (IssueInteger) issues.get(issueIndex); // Žw’肵‚½index‚Ìissue‚ðŽæ“¾
574 | int issueNumber = lIssueInteger.getNumber(); // issue”Ô�†
575 | int issueIndexMin = lIssueInteger.getLowerBound(); // issue‚̉ºŒÀ’l
576 | int issueIndexMax = lIssueInteger.getUpperBound(); // issue‚Ì�ãŒÀ’l
577 | int optionIndex = 0; // •Ï�X‚·‚éValue’l
578 |
579 | // ‹ß–T’T�õ
580 | if (optionFlag) {
581 | optionIndex = randomOptionIndex(issueIndexMin, issueIndexMax); // ƒ‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚É’l‚ð•Ï‚¦‚é
582 | } else {
583 | ValueInteger lIssueValue = (ValueInteger) bid
584 | .getValue(issueNumber); // Žw’肵‚½issue‚ÌValue
585 | int issueValue = Integer.valueOf(lIssueValue.toString())
586 | .intValue();
587 | optionIndex = nextOptionIndex(issueIndexMin, issueIndexMax,
588 | issueValue); // ’l‚ð1‘�Œ¸‚³‚¹‚é
589 | }
590 |
591 | nextBid = nextBid.putValue(issueNumber,
592 | new ValueInteger(optionIndex)); // Œ»�Ý‚ÌBid‚©‚çIssue‚Ì’l‚ð“ü‚ê‘Ö‚¦‚é
593 | }
594 | return nextBid;
595 | }
596 |
597 | @Override
598 | public String getDescription() {
599 | return "ANAC2014 compatible with non-linear utility spaces";
600 | }
601 | }
602 |
603 | class AgentMData implements Serializable {
604 | Bid lastBid;
605 | Boolean isAgreement;
606 |
607 | public AgentMData(Bid last) {
608 | this.lastBid = last;
609 | }
610 |
611 | public Bid getBid() {
612 | return lastBid;
613 | }
614 | } |