source: src/main/java/agents/anac/y2013/MetaAgent/ 126

Last change on this file since 126 was 126, checked in by Aron Hammond, 6 years ago

Added function to calculate opposition to

Moved code to add RLBOA listeners to RLBOAUtils is misc package

Added input for strategyParameters to SessionPanel (gui)

!! close SessionInfo after tournament; this caused /tmp/ to fill up with GeniusData files

Our own package:

  • Added opponents and strategies that are mentioned in the report
  • Change class hierarchy, agents can now extend from RLBOAagentBilateral to inherit RL functionality.
  • States extend from AbstractState
File size: 14.3 KB
1package agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent;
4import java.util.ArrayList;
5import java.util.HashMap;
6import java.util.Iterator;
7import java.util.List;
8import java.util.Map.Entry;
9import java.util.Set;
11import genius.core.Agent;
12import genius.core.Bid;
13import genius.core.Domain;
14import genius.core.NegotiationResult;
15import genius.core.SupportedNegotiationSetting;
16import genius.core.actions.Action;
17import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation;
18import genius.core.actions.Offer;
19import genius.core.issue.ISSUETYPE;
20import genius.core.issue.Issue;
21import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete;
22import genius.core.issue.IssueInteger;
23import genius.core.issue.IssueReal;
24import genius.core.issue.Objective;
25import genius.core.issue.Value;
26import genius.core.issue.ValueDiscrete;
27import genius.core.issue.ValueInteger;
28import genius.core.issue.ValueReal;
29import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
30import genius.core.utility.EVALUATORTYPE;
31import genius.core.utility.Evaluator;
32import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorDiscrete;
33import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorInteger;
34import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorReal;
36public class MetaAgent2013 extends Agent {
37 private Agent myAgent;
38 private boolean agentInit;
39 private Action actionOfPartner;
40 HashMap<String, Double> features;
41 double opponentFirstBid, slopeBBUA, absSlopeBBUA, avgUtilBBUA;
42 boolean isUpdated;
43 AgentManager manager = new AgentManager();
45 @Override
46 @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
47 public void init() {
48 agentInit = false;
49 opponentFirstBid = 0;
50 slopeBBUA = 0;
51 absSlopeBBUA = 0;
52 avgUtilBBUA = 0;
53 Serializable s = loadSessionData();
54 if (s != null) {
55 manager = (AgentManager) s;
56 myAgent = manager.SelectBestAgent();
57 myAgent.internalInit(this.sessionNr, this.sessionsTotal,
58 this.startTime, this.totalTime, this.timeline,
59 this.utilitySpace, this.parametervalues, this.getAgentID());
60 myAgent.setName(this.getName());
61 myAgent.init();
62 agentInit = true;
63 }
64 isUpdated = false;
65 }
67 @Override
68 public void endSession(NegotiationResult res) {
69 if (!isUpdated) {
70 manager.UpdateUtility("", res.getMyDiscountedUtility());
71 isUpdated = true;
72 }
73 saveSessionData(manager);
74 }
76 private void getDomainParams() {
77 Domain d = this.utilitySpace.getDomain();
78 List<Issue> a = d.getIssues();
80 // params = new double[14];
81 // //(Intercept),firstBBUA,slopeBBUA,absSlopeBBUA,avgUtilBBUA,DiscountFactor,DomainSize,numOfIssues,MinSize,MaxSize,AvgUtil,AvgUtilStdev,WeightStdev,Begins
82 features = new HashMap<String, Double>();
84 int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE, max = -1, size = 1, sumSize = 0;// ,
85 // relCount
86 // = 0;
88 // params 5+6+7 - Expected Utility of role, Standard deviation of
89 // Utility of role, Standard deviation of weights of role
90 double EU = 0, stdevU = 0, stdevW = 0, sW = 0, ssW = 0, countW = 0,
91 relevantEU = 0;
92 Iterator<Entry<Objective, Evaluator>> issue = ((AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace)
93 .getEvaluators().iterator();
94 List<Double> ssWList = new ArrayList<Double>();
95 while (issue.hasNext()) { // every issue
96 Entry<Objective, Evaluator> entry =;
97 Evaluator e = entry.getValue();
98 double weight = e.getWeight();
99 countW++;
100 sW += weight;
101 ssWList.add(weight);
102 double tempEU = 0, tempStdevU = 0;
103 if (e.getType() == EVALUATORTYPE.DISCRETE) {
104 Iterator<ValueDiscrete> v = ((EvaluatorDiscrete) e).getValues()
105 .iterator();
106 List<Double> s = new ArrayList<Double>();
107 double sumU = 0;
108 while (v.hasNext()) {
109 ValueDiscrete vd =;
110 try {
111 double val = ((EvaluatorDiscrete) e).getEvaluation(vd);
112 s.add(val);
113 sumU += val;
114 if (opponentFirstBid > 0 && opponentFirstBid <= val) {
115 // relCount ++;
116 relevantEU += val;
117 }
118 } catch (Exception e1) {
119 // System.out.println("META-Agent IO exception: " +
120 // e1.toString());
121 }
122 }
123 int currSize = s.size();
124 min = (min > currSize) ? currSize : min;
125 max = (max < currSize) ? currSize : max;
126 sumSize += currSize;
127 size = size * currSize;
128 tempEU = sumU / currSize;
129 Iterator<Double> valIt = s.iterator();
130 while (valIt.hasNext()) {
131 tempStdevU += Math.pow( - tempEU, 2);
132 }
133 tempStdevU = Math.sqrt(tempStdevU / ((double) currSize - 1));
134 } else if (e.getType() == EVALUATORTYPE.INTEGER) {
135 tempEU = ((double) (((EvaluatorInteger) e).getUpperBound()
136 + ((EvaluatorInteger) e).getLowerBound())) / 2;
137 tempStdevU = Math.sqrt((Math
138 .pow(((EvaluatorInteger) e).getUpperBound() - tempEU, 2)
139 + Math.pow(
140 ((EvaluatorInteger) e).getLowerBound() - tempEU,
141 2))
142 / 2);
143 } else if (e.getType() == EVALUATORTYPE.REAL) {
144 tempEU = (((EvaluatorReal) e).getUpperBound()
145 + ((EvaluatorReal) e).getLowerBound()) / 2;
146 tempStdevU = Math.sqrt((Math
147 .pow(((EvaluatorReal) e).getUpperBound() - tempEU, 2)
148 + Math.pow(((EvaluatorReal) e).getLowerBound() - tempEU,
149 2))
150 / 2);
151 } else {
152 tempEU = 0.5;
153 tempStdevU = 0;
154 }
156 EU += tempEU * weight;
157 stdevU += tempStdevU * weight;
158 }
159 Iterator<Double> wIt = ssWList.iterator();
160 double avgW = sW / countW;
161 double avgSize = ((double) sumSize)
162 / ((double) ((AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace)
163 .getEvaluators().size());
165 while (wIt.hasNext()) {
166 ssW += Math.pow( - avgW, 2);
167 }
168 stdevW = countW <= 1 ? 0 : Math.sqrt(ssW / (countW - 1));
170 double relsumUtility = 0, relcountUtility = 0, relstdevUtility = 0,
171 stdevUtil = 0, countbids = 0, sumbids = 0, relevantStdevU = 0;
172 ArrayList<Double> bidsUtil = new ArrayList<Double>();
173 ArrayList<Bid> bids = GetDiscreteBids();
174 for (Bid bid : bids) {
175 try {
176 bidsUtil.add(utilitySpace.getUtility(bid));
177 } catch (Exception e) {
178 e.printStackTrace();
179 }
180 }
181 for (double bidUtil : bidsUtil) {
182 stdevUtil += Math.pow(bidUtil, 2);
183 sumbids += bidUtil;
184 countbids++;
185 if (bidUtil >= opponentFirstBid) {
186 relsumUtility += bidUtil;
187 relcountUtility++;
188 relstdevUtility += Math.pow(bidUtil, 2);
189 }
190 }
191 if (relcountUtility > 0) {
192 relevantEU = relsumUtility / relcountUtility;
193 relevantStdevU = Math.sqrt((relstdevUtility / relcountUtility)
194 - Math.pow(relevantEU, 2));
195 }
196 if (countbids > 0) {
197 EU = sumbids / countbids;
198 stdevU = Math.sqrt((stdevUtil / countbids) - Math.pow(EU, 2));
199 }
201 features.put("(Intercept)", 1.0);
202 features.put("UtilityOfFirstOpponentBid", opponentFirstBid); // firstBBUA
203 features.put("ReservationValue",
204 this.utilitySpace.getReservationValue()); // RV
205 features.put("DiscountFactor",
206 this.utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor() == 0 ? 1
207 : this.utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor()); // DiscountFactor
208 features.put("numOfIssues", a.size() + 0.0);
209 features.put("DomainSize", size + 0.0);
210 features.put("AvgUtil", EU);
211 features.put("AvgUtilStdev", stdevU);
212 features.put("AvgSize", avgSize);
213 features.put("WeightStdev", stdevW);
214 features.put("RelevantEU", relevantEU);
215 features.put("RelevantStdevU", relevantStdevU);
217 // params[13] = first ? 1 : 0;//Begins
219 }
221 @Override
222 @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
223 public Action chooseAction() {
224 try {
225 if (!agentInit) {
226 if (actionOfPartner == null) // first bid, and Meta-Agent is the
227 // first bidder (still not
228 // initialized any agent)
229 {
230 // System.out.println("actionOfPartner == null.");
231 return new Offer(this.getAgentID(),
232 utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid());
233 } else // second bid, or first bid as responder (and not
234 // initiator)
235 {
236 // System.out.println("actionOfPartner not null.");
237 agentInit = true;
238 if (actionOfPartner instanceof Offer) {
239 // System.out.println("actionOfPartner is Offer.");
240 opponentFirstBid = utilitySpace
241 .getUtility(((Offer) actionOfPartner).getBid());
242 }
244 // initialize agent.
245 getDomainParams();
246 UpdateAllAgents();
247 manager.SetAvgUtil(
248 features.get("RelevantEU") * Math
249 .pow(utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor(), 0.5),
250 features.get("RelevantStdevU"));
251 myAgent = manager.SelectBestAgent();
252 myAgent.internalInit(this.sessionNr, this.sessionsTotal,
253 this.startTime, this.totalTime, this.timeline,
254 this.utilitySpace, this.parametervalues,
255 this.getAgentID());
256 myAgent.setName(this.getName());
257 myAgent.init();
258 // send the message that received to the new agent..
259 myAgent.ReceiveMessage(actionOfPartner);
260 }
261 }
262 Action a = myAgent.chooseAction();
263 if (a == null) {
264 return new Offer(this.getAgentID(),
265 utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid());
266 } else { // handle reservation value, because all agent are from
267 // Genius version 3.1 (and don't know what is
268 // reservation value)
269 // System.out.println("Action a is not null.");
270 double time = timeline.getTime();
271 if (a instanceof Offer
272 && this.utilitySpace.getReservationValueWithDiscount(
273 time) >= utilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount(
274 ((Offer) a).getBid(), time)) {
275 a = new EndNegotiation(getAgentID());
276 }
278 }
279 return a;
281 } catch (Exception e) {
282 // System.out.println("META-AGENT error in ChooseAction: " +
283 // e.toString());
284 return null;
285 }
286 }
288 private void UpdateAllAgents() {
289 Set<String> agents = manager.GetAgents();
290 for (String agentName : agents) {
291 double predicted = Parser.getMean(manager.GetAgentData(agentName),
292 features);
293 manager.UpdateUtility(agentName, predicted);
294 }
296 }
298 @Override
299 public void ReceiveMessage(Action opponentAction) {
300 actionOfPartner = opponentAction;
301 if (agentInit)
302 myAgent.ReceiveMessage(opponentAction);
303 }
305 @Override
306 public String getName() {
307 return "Meta-Agent 2013";
308 }
310 @Override
311 public String getVersion() {
312 return "2.0";
313 }
315 private ArrayList<Bid> GetDiscreteBids() {
316 ArrayList<Bid> bids = new ArrayList<Bid>();
317 HashMap<Integer, Value> issusesFirstValue = new HashMap<Integer, Value>();
319 // initial bids list - contains only one bid.
320 for (Issue issue : utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues()) {
321 Value v = null;
322 if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.INTEGER)
323 v = new ValueInteger(((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound());
324 else if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.REAL)
325 v = new ValueReal(((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound());
326 else if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.DISCRETE)
327 v = ((IssueDiscrete) issue).getValue(0);
328 issusesFirstValue.put(issue.getNumber(), v);
329 }
330 try {
331 bids.add(new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), issusesFirstValue));
332 } catch (Exception e) {
333 return null;
334 }
336 for (Issue issue : utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues()) { // for every
337 // issue
338 ArrayList<Bid> tempBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); // createFrom a list
339 // of
340 // bids
341 ArrayList<Value> issueValues = new ArrayList<Value>();
342 if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.DISCRETE) {
343 ArrayList<ValueDiscrete> valuesD = (ArrayList<ValueDiscrete>) ((IssueDiscrete) issue)
344 .getValues(); // get
345 // list
346 // of
347 // options/values
348 // for
349 // this
350 // issue
351 for (Value v : valuesD) {
352 issueValues.add(v);
353 }
354 } else if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.INTEGER) {
355 int k = Math.min(10, ((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound()
356 - ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound());
357 for (int i = 0; i <= k; i++) {
358 ValueInteger vi = (ValueInteger) GetRepresentorOfBucket(i,
359 issue, k, true);
360 issueValues.add(vi);
361 }
362 } else if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.REAL) {
363 int k = 10;
364 for (int i = 0; i <= k; i++) {
365 ValueReal vr = (ValueReal) GetRepresentorOfBucket(i, issue,
366 k, false);
367 issueValues.add(vr);
368 }
369 }
371 for (Bid bid : bids) { // for each bid seen so far (init bids list)
372 for (Value value : issueValues) { // for every value
373 HashMap<Integer, Value> bidValues = new HashMap<Integer, Value>(); // make
374 // new
375 // ("empty")
376 // bid
377 // -
378 // only
379 // values.
380 for (Issue issue1 : utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues())
381 // go over all issues
382 try {
383 bidValues.put(issue1.getNumber(),
384 bid.getValue(issue1.getNumber())); // each
385 // issue
386 // is
387 // entered
388 } catch (Exception e) {
389 e.printStackTrace();
390 }
391 bidValues.put(issue.getNumber(), value);
392 try {
393 Bid newBid = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(),
394 bidValues);
395 tempBids.add(newBid);
396 } catch (Exception e) {
397 e.printStackTrace();
398 }
399 }
400 }
401 bids = tempBids;
402 }
403 return bids;
404 }
406 private Value GetRepresentorOfBucket(int bucket, Issue issue, int k,
407 boolean isInteger) {
408 double ans = 0;
410 if (isInteger) {
411 EvaluatorInteger ei = new EvaluatorInteger();
412 boolean upperIsTheBest = ei.getEvaluation(
413 ((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound()) > ei.getEvaluation(
414 ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound());
415 if (upperIsTheBest) {
416 if (bucket < k) {
417 ans = ((double) (bucket + 1)) / k;
418 ans = ans
419 * (((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound()
420 - ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound())
421 + ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound() - 1;
422 } else
423 ans = ((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound();
424 } else {
425 ans = ((double) (bucket)) / k;
426 ans = ans
427 * (((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound()
428 - ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound())
429 + ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound();
430 }
431 return new ValueInteger((int) Math.round(ans));
432 }
434 EvaluatorReal ei = new EvaluatorReal();
435 boolean upperIsTheBest = ei
436 .getEvaluation(((IssueReal) issue).getUpperBound()) > ei
437 .getEvaluation(((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound());
438 if (upperIsTheBest) {
439 if (bucket < k) {
440 ans = ((double) (bucket + 1)) / k;
441 ans = ans
442 * (((IssueReal) issue).getUpperBound()
443 - ((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound())
444 + ((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound();
445 } else
446 ans = ((IssueReal) issue).getUpperBound();
447 } else {
448 ans = ((double) (bucket)) / k;
449 ans = ans
450 * (((IssueReal) issue).getUpperBound()
451 - ((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound())
452 + ((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound();
453 }
454 return new ValueReal(ans);
456 }
458 @Override
459 public SupportedNegotiationSetting getSupportedNegotiationSetting() {
460 return SupportedNegotiationSetting.getLinearUtilitySpaceInstance();
461 }
463 @Override
464 public String getDescription() {
465 return "ANAC2013";
466 }
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