package agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import genius.core.Agent; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.Domain; import genius.core.NegotiationResult; import genius.core.SupportedNegotiationSetting; import genius.core.actions.Action; import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation; import genius.core.actions.Offer; import genius.core.issue.ISSUETYPE; import genius.core.issue.Issue; import genius.core.issue.IssueDiscrete; import genius.core.issue.IssueInteger; import genius.core.issue.IssueReal; import genius.core.issue.Objective; import genius.core.issue.Value; import genius.core.issue.ValueDiscrete; import genius.core.issue.ValueInteger; import genius.core.issue.ValueReal; import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace; import genius.core.utility.EVALUATORTYPE; import genius.core.utility.Evaluator; import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorDiscrete; import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorInteger; import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorReal; public class MetaAgent2013 extends Agent { private Agent myAgent; private boolean agentInit; private Action actionOfPartner; HashMap features; double opponentFirstBid, slopeBBUA, absSlopeBBUA, avgUtilBBUA; boolean isUpdated; AgentManager manager = new AgentManager(); @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void init() { agentInit = false; opponentFirstBid = 0; slopeBBUA = 0; absSlopeBBUA = 0; avgUtilBBUA = 0; Serializable s = loadSessionData(); if (s != null) { manager = (AgentManager) s; myAgent = manager.SelectBestAgent(); myAgent.internalInit(this.sessionNr, this.sessionsTotal, this.startTime, this.totalTime, this.timeline, this.utilitySpace, this.parametervalues, this.getAgentID()); myAgent.setName(this.getName()); myAgent.init(); agentInit = true; } isUpdated = false; } @Override public void endSession(NegotiationResult res) { if (!isUpdated) { manager.UpdateUtility("", res.getMyDiscountedUtility()); isUpdated = true; } saveSessionData(manager); } private void getDomainParams() { Domain d = this.utilitySpace.getDomain(); List a = d.getIssues(); // params = new double[14]; // //(Intercept),firstBBUA,slopeBBUA,absSlopeBBUA,avgUtilBBUA,DiscountFactor,DomainSize,numOfIssues,MinSize,MaxSize,AvgUtil,AvgUtilStdev,WeightStdev,Begins features = new HashMap(); int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE, max = -1, size = 1, sumSize = 0;// , // relCount // = 0; // params 5+6+7 - Expected Utility of role, Standard deviation of // Utility of role, Standard deviation of weights of role double EU = 0, stdevU = 0, stdevW = 0, sW = 0, ssW = 0, countW = 0, relevantEU = 0; Iterator> issue = ((AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace) .getEvaluators().iterator(); List ssWList = new ArrayList(); while (issue.hasNext()) { // every issue Entry entry =; Evaluator e = entry.getValue(); double weight = e.getWeight(); countW++; sW += weight; ssWList.add(weight); double tempEU = 0, tempStdevU = 0; if (e.getType() == EVALUATORTYPE.DISCRETE) { Iterator v = ((EvaluatorDiscrete) e).getValues() .iterator(); List s = new ArrayList(); double sumU = 0; while (v.hasNext()) { ValueDiscrete vd =; try { double val = ((EvaluatorDiscrete) e).getEvaluation(vd); s.add(val); sumU += val; if (opponentFirstBid > 0 && opponentFirstBid <= val) { // relCount ++; relevantEU += val; } } catch (Exception e1) { // System.out.println("META-Agent IO exception: " + // e1.toString()); } } int currSize = s.size(); min = (min > currSize) ? currSize : min; max = (max < currSize) ? currSize : max; sumSize += currSize; size = size * currSize; tempEU = sumU / currSize; Iterator valIt = s.iterator(); while (valIt.hasNext()) { tempStdevU += Math.pow( - tempEU, 2); } tempStdevU = Math.sqrt(tempStdevU / ((double) currSize - 1)); } else if (e.getType() == EVALUATORTYPE.INTEGER) { tempEU = ((double) (((EvaluatorInteger) e).getUpperBound() + ((EvaluatorInteger) e).getLowerBound())) / 2; tempStdevU = Math.sqrt((Math .pow(((EvaluatorInteger) e).getUpperBound() - tempEU, 2) + Math.pow( ((EvaluatorInteger) e).getLowerBound() - tempEU, 2)) / 2); } else if (e.getType() == EVALUATORTYPE.REAL) { tempEU = (((EvaluatorReal) e).getUpperBound() + ((EvaluatorReal) e).getLowerBound()) / 2; tempStdevU = Math.sqrt((Math .pow(((EvaluatorReal) e).getUpperBound() - tempEU, 2) + Math.pow(((EvaluatorReal) e).getLowerBound() - tempEU, 2)) / 2); } else { tempEU = 0.5; tempStdevU = 0; } EU += tempEU * weight; stdevU += tempStdevU * weight; } Iterator wIt = ssWList.iterator(); double avgW = sW / countW; double avgSize = ((double) sumSize) / ((double) ((AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace) .getEvaluators().size()); while (wIt.hasNext()) { ssW += Math.pow( - avgW, 2); } stdevW = countW <= 1 ? 0 : Math.sqrt(ssW / (countW - 1)); double relsumUtility = 0, relcountUtility = 0, relstdevUtility = 0, stdevUtil = 0, countbids = 0, sumbids = 0, relevantStdevU = 0; ArrayList bidsUtil = new ArrayList(); ArrayList bids = GetDiscreteBids(); for (Bid bid : bids) { try { bidsUtil.add(utilitySpace.getUtility(bid)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } for (double bidUtil : bidsUtil) { stdevUtil += Math.pow(bidUtil, 2); sumbids += bidUtil; countbids++; if (bidUtil >= opponentFirstBid) { relsumUtility += bidUtil; relcountUtility++; relstdevUtility += Math.pow(bidUtil, 2); } } if (relcountUtility > 0) { relevantEU = relsumUtility / relcountUtility; relevantStdevU = Math.sqrt((relstdevUtility / relcountUtility) - Math.pow(relevantEU, 2)); } if (countbids > 0) { EU = sumbids / countbids; stdevU = Math.sqrt((stdevUtil / countbids) - Math.pow(EU, 2)); } features.put("(Intercept)", 1.0); features.put("UtilityOfFirstOpponentBid", opponentFirstBid); // firstBBUA features.put("ReservationValue", this.utilitySpace.getReservationValue()); // RV features.put("DiscountFactor", this.utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor() == 0 ? 1 : this.utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor()); // DiscountFactor features.put("numOfIssues", a.size() + 0.0); features.put("DomainSize", size + 0.0); features.put("AvgUtil", EU); features.put("AvgUtilStdev", stdevU); features.put("AvgSize", avgSize); features.put("WeightStdev", stdevW); features.put("RelevantEU", relevantEU); features.put("RelevantStdevU", relevantStdevU); // params[13] = first ? 1 : 0;//Begins } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Action chooseAction() { try { if (!agentInit) { if (actionOfPartner == null) // first bid, and Meta-Agent is the // first bidder (still not // initialized any agent) { // System.out.println("actionOfPartner == null."); return new Offer(this.getAgentID(), utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid()); } else // second bid, or first bid as responder (and not // initiator) { // System.out.println("actionOfPartner not null."); agentInit = true; if (actionOfPartner instanceof Offer) { // System.out.println("actionOfPartner is Offer."); opponentFirstBid = utilitySpace .getUtility(((Offer) actionOfPartner).getBid()); } // initialize agent. getDomainParams(); UpdateAllAgents(); manager.SetAvgUtil( features.get("RelevantEU") * Math .pow(utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor(), 0.5), features.get("RelevantStdevU")); myAgent = manager.SelectBestAgent(); myAgent.internalInit(this.sessionNr, this.sessionsTotal, this.startTime, this.totalTime, this.timeline, this.utilitySpace, this.parametervalues, this.getAgentID()); myAgent.setName(this.getName()); myAgent.init(); // send the message that received to the new agent.. myAgent.ReceiveMessage(actionOfPartner); } } Action a = myAgent.chooseAction(); if (a == null) { return new Offer(this.getAgentID(), utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid()); } else { // handle reservation value, because all agent are from // Genius version 3.1 (and don't know what is // reservation value) // System.out.println("Action a is not null."); double time = timeline.getTime(); if (a instanceof Offer && this.utilitySpace.getReservationValueWithDiscount( time) >= utilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount( ((Offer) a).getBid(), time)) { a = new EndNegotiation(getAgentID()); } } return a; } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("META-AGENT error in ChooseAction: " + // e.toString()); return null; } } private void UpdateAllAgents() { Set agents = manager.GetAgents(); for (String agentName : agents) { double predicted = Parser.getMean(manager.GetAgentData(agentName), features); manager.UpdateUtility(agentName, predicted); } } @Override public void ReceiveMessage(Action opponentAction) { actionOfPartner = opponentAction; if (agentInit) myAgent.ReceiveMessage(opponentAction); } @Override public String getName() { return "Meta-Agent 2013"; } @Override public String getVersion() { return "2.0"; } private ArrayList GetDiscreteBids() { ArrayList bids = new ArrayList(); HashMap issusesFirstValue = new HashMap(); // initial bids list - contains only one bid. for (Issue issue : utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues()) { Value v = null; if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.INTEGER) v = new ValueInteger(((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound()); else if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.REAL) v = new ValueReal(((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound()); else if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.DISCRETE) v = ((IssueDiscrete) issue).getValue(0); issusesFirstValue.put(issue.getNumber(), v); } try { bids.add(new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), issusesFirstValue)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } for (Issue issue : utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues()) { // for every // issue ArrayList tempBids = new ArrayList(); // createFrom a list // of // bids ArrayList issueValues = new ArrayList(); if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.DISCRETE) { ArrayList valuesD = (ArrayList) ((IssueDiscrete) issue) .getValues(); // get // list // of // options/values // for // this // issue for (Value v : valuesD) { issueValues.add(v); } } else if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.INTEGER) { int k = Math.min(10, ((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound() - ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound()); for (int i = 0; i <= k; i++) { ValueInteger vi = (ValueInteger) GetRepresentorOfBucket(i, issue, k, true); issueValues.add(vi); } } else if (issue.getType() == ISSUETYPE.REAL) { int k = 10; for (int i = 0; i <= k; i++) { ValueReal vr = (ValueReal) GetRepresentorOfBucket(i, issue, k, false); issueValues.add(vr); } } for (Bid bid : bids) { // for each bid seen so far (init bids list) for (Value value : issueValues) { // for every value HashMap bidValues = new HashMap(); // make // new // ("empty") // bid // - // only // values. for (Issue issue1 : utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues()) // go over all issues try { bidValues.put(issue1.getNumber(), bid.getValue(issue1.getNumber())); // each // issue // is // entered } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } bidValues.put(issue.getNumber(), value); try { Bid newBid = new Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), bidValues); tempBids.add(newBid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } bids = tempBids; } return bids; } private Value GetRepresentorOfBucket(int bucket, Issue issue, int k, boolean isInteger) { double ans = 0; if (isInteger) { EvaluatorInteger ei = new EvaluatorInteger(); boolean upperIsTheBest = ei.getEvaluation( ((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound()) > ei.getEvaluation( ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound()); if (upperIsTheBest) { if (bucket < k) { ans = ((double) (bucket + 1)) / k; ans = ans * (((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound() - ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound()) + ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound() - 1; } else ans = ((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound(); } else { ans = ((double) (bucket)) / k; ans = ans * (((IssueInteger) issue).getUpperBound() - ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound()) + ((IssueInteger) issue).getLowerBound(); } return new ValueInteger((int) Math.round(ans)); } EvaluatorReal ei = new EvaluatorReal(); boolean upperIsTheBest = ei .getEvaluation(((IssueReal) issue).getUpperBound()) > ei .getEvaluation(((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound()); if (upperIsTheBest) { if (bucket < k) { ans = ((double) (bucket + 1)) / k; ans = ans * (((IssueReal) issue).getUpperBound() - ((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound()) + ((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound(); } else ans = ((IssueReal) issue).getUpperBound(); } else { ans = ((double) (bucket)) / k; ans = ans * (((IssueReal) issue).getUpperBound() - ((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound()) + ((IssueReal) issue).getLowerBound(); } return new ValueReal(ans); } @Override public SupportedNegotiationSetting getSupportedNegotiationSetting() { return SupportedNegotiationSetting.getLinearUtilitySpaceInstance(); } @Override public String getDescription() { return "ANAC2013"; } }