1 | package agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent;
2 |
3 | import java.io.Serializable;
4 | import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
5 | import java.util.HashMap;
6 | import java.util.Set;
7 |
8 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.agentsData.AgentData;
9 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.agentsData.agents.DataAgentLG;
10 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.agentsData.agents.DataBRAMAgent2;
11 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.agentsData.agents.DataCUHKAgent;
12 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.agentsData.agents.DataIAMhaggler2012;
13 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.agentsData.agents.DataOMACagent;
14 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.agentsData.agents.DataTheNegotiatorReloaded;
15 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.portfolio.AgentLG.*;
16 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.portfolio.AgentMR.*;
17 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.portfolio.BRAMAgent2.*;
18 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.portfolio.CUHKAgent.*;
19 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.portfolio.IAMhaggler2012.*;
20 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.portfolio.OMACagent.*;
21 | import agents.anac.y2013.MetaAgent.portfolio.thenegotiatorreloaded.*;
22 | import genius.core.*;
23 |
24 |
25 | @SuppressWarnings("serial")
26 | public class AgentManager implements Serializable{
27 | HashMap<String, SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>>> agents; //<Agent name, <countUsages, predictedScore>>
28 | int playsCount = 0;
29 | int predictionFactor = 5;
30 | String selectedAgent = "";
31 | SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>> selectedInfo = new SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>>(0,new SimpleEntry<Double, Double>(0.0,0.0)); //<counter,predicted,previousScores>
32 | double averageUtility = 0;
33 | double stdev = 0;
34 |
35 | public AgentManager(){
36 | agents = new HashMap<String, SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>>>();
37 | agents.put("AgentLG", new SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>>(0,new SimpleEntry<Double, Double>(0.0,0.0)));
38 | //agents.put("AgentMR", new SimpleEntry<Integer, Double>(0, 0.0));
39 | agents.put("BRAMAgent2", new SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>>(0,new SimpleEntry<Double, Double>(0.0,0.0)));
40 | agents.put("CUHKAgent", new SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>>(0,new SimpleEntry<Double, Double>(0.0,0.0)));
41 | agents.put("IAMhaggler2012", new SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>>(0,new SimpleEntry<Double, Double>(0.0,0.0)));
42 | agents.put("OMACagent", new SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>>(0,new SimpleEntry<Double, Double>(0.0,0.0)));
43 | agents.put("TheNegotiatorReloaded", new SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>>(0,new SimpleEntry<Double, Double>(0.0,0.0)));
44 |
45 | }
46 |
47 | private Agent GetAgent(String name){
48 |
49 | if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AgentLG")) return new AgentLG();
50 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AgentMR")) return new AgentMR();
51 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("BRAMAgent2")) return new BRAMAgent2();
52 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("CUHKAgent")) return new CUHKAgent();
53 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("IAMhaggler2012")) return new IAMhaggler2012();
54 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("OMACagent")) return new OMACagent();
55 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("TheNegotiatorReloaded")) return new TheNegotiatorReloaded();
56 |
57 | return new CUHKAgent(); //default, as winner of 2012 contest.
58 | }
59 |
60 | public AgentData GetAgentData(String name){
61 | if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AgentLG")) return new DataAgentLG();
62 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AgentMR")) return new DataAgentLG();
63 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("BRAMAgent2")) return new DataBRAMAgent2();
64 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("CUHKAgent")) return new DataCUHKAgent();
65 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("IAMhaggler2012")) return new DataIAMhaggler2012();
66 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("OMACagent")) return new DataOMACagent();
67 | else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("TheNegotiatorReloaded")) return new DataTheNegotiatorReloaded();
68 |
69 | return new DataCUHKAgent(); //default, as winner of 2012 contest.
70 | }
71 |
72 | public Agent SelectBestAgent(){
73 | String bestAgent = "";
74 | double bestScore = -1;
75 |
76 | //String fileName = "MetaAgent_Log.csv"; //need to delete!
77 | //BufferedWriter out = null; //
78 | //try { //
79 | // FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(fileName,true); //
80 | // out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); //
81 |
82 | for (String agent : agents.keySet()) {
83 | SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>> information = agents.get(agent);
84 | double curr = (information.getValue().getValue()*information.getKey() + information.getValue().getKey()*predictionFactor)/(information.getKey()+predictionFactor) ;
85 | double curr2 = Math.sqrt(stdev * Math.log(playsCount+agents.size()*predictionFactor)/(information.getKey()+predictionFactor)); //UCB MAB: X_j + sqrt(2ln(n)/n_j)
86 | curr += curr2;
87 | // out.append(agent + "," + information.getKey() + "," + information.getValue().getValue() + "," + information.getValue().getKey() + "," + curr); //
88 | // out.newLine();//
89 |
90 | if (bestScore < curr || //regular win
91 | (bestScore == curr && agents.get(bestAgent).getKey() > information.getKey())){ //tieBreak - take the agent with less performances
92 | bestScore = curr;
93 | bestAgent = agent;
94 | selectedInfo = information;
95 | }
96 | }
97 | selectedAgent = bestAgent;
98 |
99 |
100 | //System.out.println("selected Agent: " + bestAgent + " --> " + bestScore); //
101 | //out.append(",,,"+bestAgent+","+bestScore); //
102 | //out.newLine(); //
103 |
104 | //} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in WriteFile: " + e.toString()); } //
105 | //finally{ try { //
106 | // out.close(); //
107 | //} catch (Exception e2) { }} //
108 |
109 | return GetAgent(selectedAgent);
110 | }
111 |
112 | public boolean IsUsed(){
113 | return playsCount > agents.size();
114 | }
115 |
116 | public Set<String> GetAgents(){
117 | return agents.keySet();
118 | }
119 |
120 | public void UpdateUtility (String agent, double util){
121 | if (agent == ""){
122 | selectedInfo = new SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>>
123 | (selectedInfo.getKey()+1, new SimpleEntry<Double, Double>
124 | (selectedInfo.getValue().getKey(),
125 | (selectedInfo.getValue().getValue()*selectedInfo.getKey() + util - averageUtility)/(selectedInfo.getKey() + 1)));
126 | agents.put(selectedAgent, selectedInfo);
127 | //averageUtility = (averageUtility * playsCount + util) / (playsCount + 1); //receiveMessage the average utility measure
128 | playsCount ++;
129 | }
130 | else
131 | {
132 | SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>> info = new SimpleEntry<Integer, SimpleEntry<Double, Double>>(0, new SimpleEntry<Double, Double>(util, 0.0));
133 | agents.put(agent,info);
134 | //System.out.println(agent + " --> " + util); //delete
135 | }
136 |
137 | }
138 |
139 | public void SetAvgUtil (double avg, double stdev){
140 | averageUtility = avg;
141 | this.stdev = stdev;
142 | }
143 | }