source: src/main/java/agents/anac/y2012/MetaAgent/ 126

Last change on this file since 126 was 126, checked in by Aron Hammond, 6 years ago

Added function to calculate opposition to

Moved code to add RLBOA listeners to RLBOAUtils is misc package

Added input for strategyParameters to SessionPanel (gui)

!! close SessionInfo after tournament; this caused /tmp/ to fill up with GeniusData files

Our own package:

  • Added opponents and strategies that are mentioned in the report
  • Change class hierarchy, agents can now extend from RLBOAagentBilateral to inherit RL functionality.
  • States extend from AbstractState
File size: 12.0 KB
1package agents.anac.y2012.MetaAgent;
3import java.util.ArrayList;
4import java.util.Iterator;
5import java.util.List;
6import java.util.Map.Entry;
8import agents.anac.y2010.AgentSmith.AgentSmith;
9import agents.anac.y2011.AgentK2.Agent_K2;
10import agents.anac.y2011.BramAgent.BRAMAgent;
11import agents.anac.y2011.Gahboninho.Gahboninho;
12import agents.anac.y2011.HardHeaded.KLH;
13import agents.anac.y2011.TheNegotiator.TheNegotiator;
14import agents.anac.y2011.ValueModelAgent.ValueModelAgent;
15import agents.anac.y2012.MetaAgent.agents.Chameleon.Chameleon;
16import agents.anac.y2012.MetaAgent.agents.DNAgent.DNAgent;
17import agents.anac.y2012.MetaAgent.agents.GYRL.GYRL;
18import agents.anac.y2012.MetaAgent.agents.LYY.LYYAgent;
19import agents.anac.y2012.MetaAgent.agents.MrFriendly.MrFriendly;
20import agents.anac.y2012.MetaAgent.agents.ShAgent.ShAgent;
21import agents.anac.y2012.MetaAgent.agents.SimpleAgentNew.SimpleAgentNew;
22import agents.anac.y2012.MetaAgent.agents.WinnerAgent.WinnerAgent2;
23import genius.core.Agent;
24import genius.core.Domain;
25import genius.core.SupportedNegotiationSetting;
26import genius.core.actions.Action;
27import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation;
28import genius.core.actions.Offer;
29import genius.core.issue.Issue;
30import genius.core.issue.Objective;
31import genius.core.issue.ValueDiscrete;
32import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
33import genius.core.utility.EVALUATORTYPE;
34import genius.core.utility.Evaluator;
35import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorDiscrete;
36import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorInteger;
37import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorReal;
39public class MetaAgent extends Agent {
40 private Agent myAgent;
41 private String myAgentName;
42 private boolean agentInit;
43 private Action actionOfPartner;
44 private boolean first;
45 double[] params;
46 double opponentFirstBid;
48 @Override
49 public void init() {
50 agentInit = false;
51 first = false;
52 opponentFirstBid = 0;
53 Domain d = this.utilitySpace.getDomain();
54 myAgentName = "";
55 }
57 private String[][] getRegression() {
58 String[][] reg = new String[18][12];
59 reg[0] = "IAMcrazyhaggler,0.077,0,0.137,0.000000000,0.015,0,0,0,1.311,-0.03,0.556"
60 .split(",");
61 reg[1] = "LYYAgent,-1.22,-0.016,0.23,0.000000000,0.027,0.026,1.042,1.372,1.482,0,0.572"
62 .split(",");
63 reg[2] = "Chameleon,-2.185,-0.024,0.303,0.000000000,0.017,0.055,2.013,2.184,1.692,0,0.502"
64 .split(",");
65 reg[3] = "AgentSmith,-2.075,-0.018,0.333,-0.000000410,0,0.05,1.938,2.027,1.428,0,0.565"
66 .split(",");
67 reg[4] = "GYRL,-1.663,0,0.348,0.000000000,0.029,0.028,1.327,1.668,1.327,0,0.609"
68 .split(",");
69 reg[5] = "Gahboninho,0.309,-0.024,0.337,0.000000248,0,0,0,0,0.495,0,0.451"
70 .split(",");
71 reg[6] = "ValueModelAgent,-1.401,-0.022,0.441,-0.000000206,0,0.044,1.328,1.231,1.629,0,0.49"
72 .split(",");
73 reg[7] = "Nice Tit-for-Tat Agent,-0.018,-0.014,0.422,-0.000000381,0,0,0.198,0,0.549,0,0.529"
74 .split(",");
75 reg[8] = "HardHeaded,-2.012,-0.035,0.319,0.000000172,0,0.053,2.107,2.136,1.547,0,0.392"
76 .split(",");
77 reg[9] = "WinnerAgent,-1.741,0,0.248,0.000000000,0.031,0.03,1.428,1.796,1.742,0,0.599"
78 .split(",");
79 reg[10] = "AgentK2,-1.027,-0.012,0.246,0.000000000,0.019,0.022,1.083,1.127,1.097,0,0.531"
80 .split(",");
81 reg[11] = "TheNegotiator,-0.159,0.017,0.307,0.000000000,0,0.015,0,0,0.92,0.03,0.665"
82 .split(",");
83 reg[12] = "IAMhaggler2011,0.256,0,0.166,0.000000224,0.017,-0.011,0,0,0.347,0,0.543"
84 .split(",");
85 reg[13] = "DNAgent,-0.581,-0.024,0.732,0.000000000,0,0.01,0.61,0,1.141,0,0.237"
86 .split(",");
87 reg[14] = "BRAMAgent,-0.764,0,0.232,0.000000250,0,0.035,0.842,0.708,0.7,0,0.538"
88 .split(",");
89 reg[15] = "MrFriendly,-1.721,-0.025,0.194,-0.000000429,0,0.054,1.814,1.711,1.488,0,0.498"
90 .split(",");
91 reg[16] = "ShAgent,-2.072,-0.021,0,0.000000476,0.069,-0.055,2.336,2.805,1.743,0,0.412"
92 .split(",");
93 reg[17] = "SimpleAgent,-1.359,0,0.287,-0.000000180,0.028,0.016,1.16,1.524,0.86,0,0.588"
94 .split(",");
95 return reg;
96 }
98 private void getDomainParams() {
99 params = new double[10];
100 Domain d = this.utilitySpace.getDomain();
101 List<Issue> a = d.getIssues();
103 params[0] = a.size(); // 0 = number of issues.
104 params[1] = this.utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor() == 0 ? 1
105 : this.utilitySpace.getDiscountFactor(); // 1
106 // =
107 // discount
108 // factor.
109 int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE, max = -1, size = 1;
111 // params 5+6+7 - Expected Utility of role, Standard deviation of
112 // Utility of role, Standard deviation of weights of role
113 double EU = 0, stdevU = 0, stdevW = 0, sW = 0, ssW = 0, countW = 0;
114 Iterator<Entry<Objective, Evaluator>> issue = ((AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace)
115 .getEvaluators().iterator();
116 List<Double> ssWList = new ArrayList<Double>();
117 while (issue.hasNext()) { // every issue
118 Entry<Objective, Evaluator> entry =;
119 Evaluator e = entry.getValue();
120 double weight = e.getWeight();
121 countW++;
122 sW += weight;
123 ssWList.add(weight);
124 double tempEU = 0, tempStdevU = 0;
125 if (e.getType() == EVALUATORTYPE.DISCRETE) {
126 Iterator<ValueDiscrete> v = ((EvaluatorDiscrete) e).getValues()
127 .iterator();
128 List<Double> s = new ArrayList<Double>();
129 double sumU = 0;
130 while (v.hasNext()) {
131 ValueDiscrete vd =;
132 try {
133 double val = ((EvaluatorDiscrete) e).getEvaluation(vd);
134 s.add(val);
135 sumU += val;
136 } catch (Exception e1) {
137 e1.printStackTrace();
138 }
139 }
140 int currSize = s.size();
141 min = (min > currSize) ? currSize : min;
142 max = (max < currSize) ? currSize : max;
143 size = size * currSize;
144 tempEU = sumU / currSize;
145 Iterator<Double> valIt = s.iterator();
146 while (valIt.hasNext()) {
147 tempStdevU += Math.pow( - tempEU, 2);
148 }
149 tempStdevU = Math.sqrt(tempStdevU / ((double) currSize - 1));
150 } else if (e.getType() == EVALUATORTYPE.INTEGER) {
151 tempEU = ((double) (((EvaluatorInteger) e).getUpperBound()
152 + ((EvaluatorInteger) e).getLowerBound())) / 2;
153 tempStdevU = Math.sqrt((Math
154 .pow(((EvaluatorInteger) e).getUpperBound() - tempEU, 2)
155 + Math.pow(
156 ((EvaluatorInteger) e).getLowerBound() - tempEU,
157 2))
158 / 2);
159 } else if (e.getType() == EVALUATORTYPE.REAL) {
160 tempEU = (((EvaluatorReal) e).getUpperBound()
161 + ((EvaluatorReal) e).getLowerBound()) / 2;
162 tempStdevU = Math.sqrt((Math
163 .pow(((EvaluatorReal) e).getUpperBound() - tempEU, 2)
164 + Math.pow(((EvaluatorReal) e).getLowerBound() - tempEU,
165 2))
166 / 2);
167 } else {
168 tempEU = 0.5;
169 tempStdevU = 0;
170 }
172 EU += tempEU * weight;
173 stdevU += tempStdevU * weight;
174 }
175 Iterator<Double> wIt = ssWList.iterator();
176 double avgW = sW / countW;
177 while (wIt.hasNext()) {
178 ssW += Math.pow( - avgW, 2);
179 }
181 stdevW = countW <= 1 ? 0 : Math.sqrt(ssW / (countW - 1));
182 params[2] = size;
183 params[3] = min;
184 params[4] = max;
185 params[5] = EU;
186 params[6] = stdevU;
187 params[7] = stdevW;
188 params[8] = first ? 1 : 0;
189 params[9] = opponentFirstBid;
190 }
192 private String getBestAgent() {
193 double lambda = 70;
194 double sumExp = 0;
196 String ans = null;
197 getDomainParams();
198 String[][] reg = getRegression();
199 double maxResult = 0;
200 int bestIndex = -1;
201 List<String> agents = new ArrayList<String>();
202 double[] agentsResults = new double[reg.length];
203 for (int k = 0; k < reg.length; k++) {
204 agents.add(k, reg[k][0]);
205 double regressionResult = 0;
206 double[] regression = new double[params.length + 1];
208 for (int i = 0; i < regression.length; i++) {
209 regression[i] = Double.parseDouble(reg[k][i + 1]);
210 if (i > 0) {
211 regressionResult += regression[i] * params[i - 1];
212 } else
213 regressionResult += regression[i];
214 }
215 if (!(reg[k][0].equalsIgnoreCase("Nice Tit-for-Tat Agent")
216 || reg[k][0].equalsIgnoreCase("IAMhaggler2011")
217 || reg[k][0].equalsIgnoreCase("IAMcrazyhaggler"))) {
218 // calculate QRE value, part 1
219 agentsResults[k] = Math.exp(regressionResult * lambda);
220 } else // 3 agents that doesn't work - will get a 0 value.
221 {
222 agentsResults[k] = 0;
223 }
224 sumExp += agentsResults[k];
226 }
227 double rand = Math.random(), totalValue = 0;
228 for (int i = 0; i < agentsResults.length; i++) {
229 // calculate QRE value, part 2
230 agentsResults[i] = agentsResults[i] / sumExp;
231 totalValue += agentsResults[i];
232 if (rand < totalValue) { // at the end, total value will be 1 (it's
233 // a probability value)
234 bestIndex = i;
235 break;
236 }
237 }
239 ans = agents.get(bestIndex);
240 myAgentName = ans;
241 return ans;
243 }
245 private Agent selectAgent(String name) {
246 Agent a = new KLH(); // default, as winner of 2011 contest.
247 if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("IAMcrazyhaggler"))
248 return a;// /agent doesn't work
249 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("LYYAgent"))
250 return new LYYAgent();
251 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Chameleon"))
252 return new Chameleon();
253 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AgentSmith"))
254 return new AgentSmith();
255 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("GYRL"))
256 return new GYRL();
257 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Gahboninho"))
258 return new Gahboninho();
259 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ValueModelAgent"))
260 return new ValueModelAgent();
261 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Nice Tit-for-Tat Agent"))
262 return a;// /agent doesn't work
263 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("HardHeaded"))
264 return new KLH();
265 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("WinnerAgent"))
266 return new WinnerAgent2();
267 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AgentK2"))
268 return new Agent_K2();
269 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("TheNegotiator"))
270 return new TheNegotiator();
271 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("IAMhaggler2011"))
272 return a;// /agent doesn't work
273 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("DNAgent"))
274 return new DNAgent();
275 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("BRAMAgent"))
276 return new BRAMAgent();
277 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("MrFriendly"))
278 return new MrFriendly();
279 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ShAgent"))
280 return new ShAgent();
281 else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("simpleAgent"))
282 return new SimpleAgentNew();
283 else
284 return a;
286 }
288 @Override
289 public Action chooseAction() {
290 try {
291 if (!agentInit) {
292 if (actionOfPartner == null) // first bid, and Meta-Agent is the
293 // first bidder (still not
294 // initialized any agent)
295 {
296 first = true;
297 return new Offer(this.getAgentID(),
298 utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid());
299 } else // second bid, or first bid as responder (and not
300 // initiator)
301 {
302 agentInit = true;
303 if (actionOfPartner instanceof Offer) {
304 opponentFirstBid = utilitySpace
305 .getUtility(((Offer) actionOfPartner).getBid());
306 }
308 // initialize agent.
309 myAgent = selectAgent(getBestAgent());
310 myAgent.internalInit(0, 1, this.startTime, this.totalTime,
311 this.timeline, this.utilitySpace,
312 this.parametervalues, getAgentID());
313 myAgent.init();
314 // send the message that received to the new agent..
315 myAgent.ReceiveMessage(actionOfPartner);
316 }
317 }
318 Action a = myAgent.chooseAction();
319 if (a == null) {
320 return new Offer(this.getAgentID(),
321 utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid());
322 } else { // handle reservation value, because all agent are from
323 // Genius version 3.1 (and don't know what is
324 // reservation value)
325 double time = timeline.getTime();
326 if (a instanceof Offer
327 && this.utilitySpace.getReservationValueWithDiscount(
328 time) >= utilitySpace.getUtilityWithDiscount(
329 ((Offer) a).getBid(), time)) {
330 a = new EndNegotiation(getAgentID());
331 }
333 }
334 return a;
336 } catch (Exception e) {
337 return null;
338 }
339 }
341 @Override
342 public void ReceiveMessage(Action opponentAction) {
343 actionOfPartner = opponentAction;
344 if (agentInit)
345 myAgent.ReceiveMessage(opponentAction);
346 }
348 @Override
349 public String getName() {
350 if (myAgentName == null || myAgentName == "")
351 return "Meta-Agent 2012";
352 else
353 return "Meta-Agent 2012: " + myAgentName;
354 }
356 @Override
357 public String getVersion() {
358 return "1.42";
359 }
361 @Override
362 public SupportedNegotiationSetting getSupportedNegotiationSetting() {
363 return SupportedNegotiationSetting.getLinearUtilitySpaceInstance();
364 }
366 @Override
367 public String getDescription() {
368 return "ANAC2012";
369 }
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