1 | package agents.anac.y2011.ValueModelAgent;
2 |
3 | import genius.core.Bid;
4 | import genius.core.issue.Value;
5 | import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
6 |
7 | public class ValueModeler {
8 | public boolean initialized=false;
9 | AdditiveUtilitySpace utilitySpace;
10 | IssuesDecreases[] issues;
11 | //initializing the opponenent model with the opponentFirstBid,
12 | //which is assumed to be the best bid possible
13 | public void initialize(AdditiveUtilitySpace space,Bid firstBid) throws Exception{
14 | initialized=true;
15 | utilitySpace = space;
16 | int issueCount = utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues().size();
17 | issues = new IssuesDecreases[issueCount];
18 | for(int i =0; i<issueCount;i++) {
19 | Value value = firstBid.getValue(utilitySpace.getIssue(i).getNumber());
20 | issues[i] = new IssuesDecreases(utilitySpace);
21 | issues[i].initilize(utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues().get(i), value, issueCount);
22 | }
23 | }
24 | private void normalize(){
25 |
26 | for(int i=0;i<issues.length;i++){
27 | //issues[i].normalize(issues[i].weight()/sumWeight);
28 | //OK so it dosn't really sum up to 1...
29 | issues[i].normalize(issues[i].weight());
30 | }
31 |
32 |
33 | }
34 | //this function gets a reliability measurement of a value and determines
35 | //how much units of deviation should this reliability level move
36 | //for each movement of 100% reliability
37 | private double reliabilityToDevUnits(double reliability){
38 | if(reliability>1/2){
39 | return (1/(reliability*reliability))/issues.length;
40 | }
41 | if(reliability>1/4){
42 | return (2/reliability)/issues.length;
43 | }
44 | if(reliability>0){
45 | return (4/Math.sqrt(reliability))/issues.length;
46 | }
47 | //this case shouldn't be reached
48 | return 1000;
49 | }
50 | //the bid utility for the player is assumed to be 1-expectedDecrease
51 | public void assumeBidWorth(Bid bid,double expectedDecrease,double stdDev) throws Exception{
52 | ValueDecrease[] values = new ValueDecrease[issues.length];
53 | double maxReliableDecrease=0;
54 | for(int i=0;i<issues.length;i++){
55 | Value value = bid.getValue(utilitySpace.getIssue(i).getNumber());
56 | values[i] = issues[i].getExpectedDecrease(value);
57 | }
58 | //double deviationUnit=stdDev;
59 | double deviationUnit=0;
60 | for(int i=0;i<issues.length;i++){
61 | deviationUnit +=
62 | reliabilityToDevUnits(values[i].getReliabilty())
63 | *values[i].getDeviance();
64 | if(maxReliableDecrease<values[i].getDecrease() && values[i].getReliabilty()>0.8){
65 | maxReliableDecrease=values[i].getDecrease();
66 | }
67 | }
68 | ValueDecrease origEvaluation=utilityLoss(bid);
69 | double unitsToMove = (expectedDecrease-origEvaluation.getDecrease())/deviationUnit;
70 | for(int i=0;i<issues.length;i++){
71 | double newVal = values[i].getDecrease()+
72 | reliabilityToDevUnits(values[i].getReliabilty())
73 | *values[i].getDeviance()
74 | *unitsToMove;
75 | if(values[i].getMaxReliabilty()>0.7 || maxReliableDecrease<newVal){
76 | if(newVal>0){
77 | values[i].updateWithNewValue(newVal, origEvaluation.getReliabilty());
78 | }
79 | else values[i].updateWithNewValue(0, origEvaluation.getReliabilty());
80 | }
81 | //assumes that new unreliable values costs more than previously seen values.
82 | //if our opponent selected a bid that costs 10%,
83 | //that is split between values that costs 4%,6%.
84 | //than if 4%->6% we will think that 6%->4%.
85 | //worst this sway also influences the estimate
86 | //of our opponent's concession, so we may think he
87 | //Consented to 7% and 6%->1%.
88 | //both issues require this failsafe...
89 | //else values[i].updateWithNewValue(maxReliableDecrease, origEvaluation.getReliabilty());
90 | else values[i].updateWithNewValue(newVal, origEvaluation.getReliabilty());
91 |
92 | }
93 | normalize();
94 |
95 | }
96 | public ValueDecrease utilityLoss(Bid bid) throws Exception{
97 | ValueDecrease[] values = new ValueDecrease[issues.length];
98 | for(int i=0;i<issues.length;i++){
99 | Value value = bid.getValue(utilitySpace.getIssue(i).getNumber());
100 | values[i] = issues[i].getExpectedDecrease(value);
101 | }
102 | double stdDev = 0;
103 | for(int i=0;i<issues.length;i++){
104 | stdDev += values[i].getDeviance();
105 | }
106 | double decrease=0;
107 | for(int i=0;i<issues.length;i++){
108 | decrease += values[i].getDecrease();
109 | }
110 | //the sum square of 1/reliability
111 | double sumSQ=0;
112 | for(int i=0;i<issues.length;i++){
113 | double rel = values[i].getReliabilty();
114 | rel = rel>0?rel:0.01;
115 | sumSQ += (1/rel)*(1/rel);
116 | }
117 | //added postBG
118 | sumSQ/=issues.length;
119 | double rel = Math.sqrt(1/sumSQ);
120 | return new ValueDecrease(decrease,rel,stdDev);
121 | }
122 |
123 | public IssuesDecreases getIssue(int index){
124 | if(index<issues.length && index>=0){
125 | return issues[index];
126 | }
127 | return issues[0];
128 |
129 | }
130 |
131 | }