1 | package agents.anac.y2011.ValueModelAgent;
2 |
3 | public class ValueDecrease{
4 | private double decrease;
5 | //well its not real std deviation, its
6 | //an abstraction, but is similar some what to weighted average
7 | private double avDev;
8 | private double reliabilty;
9 | private int lastSent;
10 | private double highestReliability;
11 |
12 |
13 | ValueDecrease(double val, double rel,double dev){
14 | avDev = dev;
15 | reliabilty = rel;
16 | decrease = val;
17 | lastSent=-1;
18 | highestReliability=rel;
19 | }
20 | public double getDecrease(){
21 | return decrease;
22 | }
23 | public void forceChangeDecrease(double newDecrease){
24 | decrease = newDecrease;
25 | }
26 | public double getReliabilty(){
27 | return reliabilty;
28 | }
29 | public double getMaxReliabilty(){
30 | return reliabilty;
31 | }
32 | public double getDeviance(){
33 | return avDev;
34 | }
35 | public int lastSent(){
36 | return lastSent;
37 | }
38 | public void sent(int bidIndex){
39 | lastSent = bidIndex;
40 | }
41 | //if the value is 100% reliable and the change is also very reliable
42 | //what chunk of the value should be given to the new value
43 | //the actual effect of the new value is dependent on the reliabilty
44 | //of both.
45 | static private final double tempralDifferenceGamma = 0.1;
46 | private double sq(double x){return x*x;}
47 | public void updateWithNewValue(double newVal,double newReliability){
48 | if(reliabilty!=0.02){
49 | double newChunk = newReliability*(1-reliabilty);
50 | double temporalC = reliabilty*tempralDifferenceGamma*newReliability;
51 | newChunk+=temporalC;
52 | double oldChunk = reliabilty-temporalC;
53 | double sumChunk = newChunk+oldChunk;
54 | //newChunk/=sumChunk;
55 | //oldChunk/=sumChunk;
56 | double newDecrease = (newChunk*newVal+oldChunk*decrease)/sumChunk;
57 | double change = Math.abs(newDecrease-decrease);
58 | //this is a simplification of a real deviance calculation
59 | double newDev = Math.sqrt((oldChunk/2*sq(avDev+change)
60 | +oldChunk/2*sq(avDev-change)
61 | +newChunk*sq(newVal-newDecrease))/sumChunk);
62 | double temp = 1-change/(2*newDev);
63 | reliabilty = oldChunk * (temp>0.2?temp:0.2);
64 | temp = 1-(Math.abs(newDecrease-newVal)/(2*newDev));
65 | reliabilty +=newChunk * (temp>0?temp:0);
66 | decrease = newDecrease;
67 | avDev = newDev;
68 | if(highestReliability<reliabilty){
69 | highestReliability = reliabilty;
70 | }
71 | }
72 | //if this is the first time we really got this value than
73 | //the original value is meaningless
74 | else{
75 | decrease = newVal;
76 | reliabilty = newReliability;
77 | avDev = 0.03;
78 | }
79 | }
80 | } |