package agents.anac.y2010.Yushu; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Random; import genius.core.Agent; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.BidIterator; import genius.core.SupportedNegotiationSetting; import genius.core.actions.Accept; import genius.core.actions.Action; import genius.core.actions.ActionWithBid; import genius.core.actions.Offer; import genius.core.bidding.BidDetails; import genius.core.bidding.BidDetailsStrictSorterUtility; /** * ANAC2010 competitor Yushu. */ public class Yushu extends Agent { private double eagerness = 1.2; private Action actionOfOpponent = null; private Bid myLastBid = null; private LinkedList opponentHistory; // LinkedHashMap private LinkedList opponentUtis; private LinkedList bestTenBids; // decreasing private LinkedList myHistory; private LinkedList resptimes; Bid suggestBid = null; // the bid suggested based on op's bids Bid BESTBID = null; double topponentBidU = 0; double roundleft; Date rstime = null; // the time when I send out a double HPOSSIBLEU = 0;// the highest utility that can be achieved double ACCEPTABLEU = 1; // if oppennent's utility is higher than this, // accept it double previousTime = 0; Random random100; Random random200; private final boolean TEST_EQUIVALENCE = false; @Override public void init() { // if(utilitySpace.getReservationValue()!=null) // Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = utilitySpace.getReservationValue(); actionOfOpponent = null; myLastBid = null; opponentHistory = new LinkedList(); opponentUtis = new LinkedList(); myHistory = new LinkedList(); resptimes = new LinkedList(); suggestBid = null; bestTenBids = new LinkedList(); topponentBidU = 0; rstime = null; ACCEPTABLEU = 1; if (TEST_EQUIVALENCE) { random100 = new Random(100); random200 = new Random(200); } else { random100 = new Random(); random200 = new Random(); } try { BESTBID = utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid(); HPOSSIBLEU = utilitySpace.getUtility(BESTBID); } catch (Exception e) { HPOSSIBLEU = 1; } } @Override public String getVersion() { return "2"; } @Override public String getName() { return "Yushu"; } @Override public void ReceiveMessage(Action opponentAction) { actionOfOpponent = opponentAction; } @Override public Action chooseAction() { double targetuti = -1; resptimes.add(timeline.getTime() - previousTime); previousTime = timeline.getTime(); Action action = null; try { if (actionOfOpponent == null) { Bid initialbid = BESTBID; action = new Offer(getAgentID(), initialbid); } else if (actionOfOpponent instanceof Offer) { Bid opponentBid = ((Offer) actionOfOpponent).getBid(); double utiop = utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid); this.opponentHistory.add(opponentBid); this.opponentUtis.add(utiop); topponentBidU = topponentBidU + utiop; updateBelief(opponentBid, utiop); if (this.myLastBid == null) targetuti = 1; else targetuti = getTargetUtility(); boolean accept = false; if ((utiop >= targetuti) | (utiop >= ACCEPTABLEU)) { if (this.suggestBid == null) accept = true; if (roundleft < 8) accept = true; if ((this.suggestBid != null) & (roundleft > 8)) { double utit = utilitySpace.getUtility(this.suggestBid); if (utit <= utiop) accept = true; } } if (accept) { action = new Accept(getAgentID(), opponentBid); } else { Bid mynextBid; if (this.suggestBid != null) { mynextBid = this.suggestBid; } else { if (targetuti >= HPOSSIBLEU) mynextBid = utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid(); else { mynextBid = getNextBid(targetuti); } } action = new Offer(getAgentID(), mynextBid); } } // Thread.sleep(1000); // } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); targetuti = getTargetUtility(); try { Bid mynextBid = getNextBid(targetuti); action = new Offer(getAgentID(), mynextBid); } catch (Exception es) { e.printStackTrace(); // best guess if things go wrong. action = new Accept(getAgentID(), ((ActionWithBid) actionOfOpponent).getBid()); } // action=new Accept(getAgentID()); // best guess if things go // wrong. } if (action instanceof Offer) { this.myLastBid = ((Offer) action).getBid(); myHistory.add(this.myLastBid); } return action; } // generate the objective utitility of my next offer public double getTargetUtility() { double tround = Math.max(averResT(), averLastTResT(3)); double lefttime = 1 - timeline.getTime(); roundleft = lefttime / tround; if (roundleft > 6.7) Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = 0.93 * HPOSSIBLEU; else if (roundleft > 5) Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = 0.90 * HPOSSIBLEU; else if (lefttime > 3 * tround) Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = 0.86 * HPOSSIBLEU; else if (lefttime > 2.3 * tround) Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = 0.8 * HPOSSIBLEU; else Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = 0.6 * HPOSSIBLEU; if (lefttime < 15 * tround) ACCEPTABLEU = 0.92 * HPOSSIBLEU; else ACCEPTABLEU = 0.96 * HPOSSIBLEU; // consider the domain competition double averopu = 0, averopui = 0; if (this.opponentHistory.size() > 0) averopui = this.topponentBidU / this.opponentHistory.size(); averopu = Math.max(0.30, averopui); double rte = 20 + (1 - averopu) / 0.10 * 20; if ((lefttime < rte * tround) & (this.opponentHistory.size() > 3) & (averopu < 0.75)) { Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY - (0.75 - averopu) / 2.5; } Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = Math.max(0.50, Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY); // no // less // than // 0.5 double time = timeline.getTime(); // if(time>0.5) Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY * (Math.min(0.75, averopu) / 3 + 0.75); Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY = Math.max(Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY, averopu); double targetuti = HPOSSIBLEU - (HPOSSIBLEU - Utility.MINIMUM_BID_UTILITY) * Math.pow(time, eagerness); // Debug.LOG("CASE 4-"+this.opponentUtis.size()+" "+rte+" // roundleft-"+roundleft); if (lefttime < 1.6 * tround) { suggestBid = this.opponentHistory.get(this.bestTenBids.getFirst()); return targetuti; } // consider op's best past offer if (lefttime > 50 * tround) targetuti = Math.max(targetuti, opponentUtis.get(this.bestTenBids.getFirst()) * 1.001); if (((lefttime < 10 * tround) & (opponentUtis .get(this.bestTenBids.getFirst()) > targetuti * 0.95)) | opponentUtis.get(this.bestTenBids.getFirst()) >= targetuti) { double newtargetuti = targetuti; if ((lefttime < 10 * tround) & (opponentUtis .get(this.bestTenBids.getFirst()) > targetuti * 0.95)) newtargetuti = targetuti * 0.95; // check whether the best op bid was offered in the last 4 rouds boolean offered = false; int length = Math.min(this.myHistory.size(), 4); for (int i = this.myHistory.size() - 1; i >= this.myHistory.size() - length; i--) { if (this.myHistory.get(i).equals(this.opponentHistory .get(this.bestTenBids.getFirst()))) { offered = true; } } if (offered) { LinkedList candidates = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < bestTenBids.size(); i++) if (this.opponentUtis .get(bestTenBids.get(i)) >= newtargetuti) candidates.add(bestTenBids.get(i)); int indexc = (int) (random100.nextDouble() * candidates.size()); suggestBid = this.opponentHistory.get(candidates.get(indexc)); } else { suggestBid = this.opponentHistory .get(this.bestTenBids.getFirst()); } targetuti = newtargetuti; } return targetuti; } // generate the next bid satisfing the private Bid getNextBid(double targetuti) throws Exception { Bid nextBid = null; double maxdiff = Double.MAX_VALUE; double tempmaxdiff = Double.MAX_VALUE; LinkedList candidates = new LinkedList(); BidIterator bidsIter = new BidIterator(utilitySpace.getDomain()); while (bidsIter.hasNext()) { Bid tmpBid =; double utitemp = utilitySpace.getUtility(tmpBid); double vlowbound; if (roundleft > 30) vlowbound = Math.max(this.opponentUtis.get(bestTenBids.get(0)), targetuti); else vlowbound = 0.96 * targetuti; if ((utitemp > vlowbound) & (utitemp < 1.08 * targetuti)) candidates.add(new BidDetails(tmpBid, utilitySpace.getUtility(tmpBid), timeline.getTime())); double currentdiff = Math.abs(utitemp - targetuti); if (currentdiff < tempmaxdiff) { tempmaxdiff = currentdiff; } if ((currentdiff < maxdiff) & (utitemp > targetuti)) { maxdiff = currentdiff; nextBid = tmpBid; } } if (this.myHistory.size() > 10) { candidates.add(new BidDetails(nextBid, utilitySpace.getUtility(nextBid), timeline.getTime())); if (TEST_EQUIVALENCE) { Collections.sort(candidates, new BidDetailsStrictSorterUtility()); } int indexc = (int) (random200.nextDouble() * candidates.size()); nextBid = candidates.get(indexc).getBid(); } return nextBid; } // learning --to complete public void updateBelief(Bid opponentBid, double uti) { int index = this.opponentHistory.size() - 1; if (bestTenBids.size() == 0) bestTenBids.add(index); else { LinkedList newlist = new LinkedList(); if (uti > this.opponentUtis.get(bestTenBids.getFirst())) { newlist.add(index); for (int j = 0; j < bestTenBids.size(); j++) newlist.add(bestTenBids.get(j)); bestTenBids = newlist; } else if (uti <= this.opponentUtis.get(bestTenBids.getLast())) bestTenBids.add(index); else { for (int i = 1; i < bestTenBids.size(); i++) { if ((uti <= this.opponentUtis.get(bestTenBids.get(i - 1))) & (uti > this.opponentUtis .get(bestTenBids.get(i)))) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) newlist.add(bestTenBids.get(j)); newlist.add(index); for (int j = i; j < bestTenBids.size(); j++) newlist.add(bestTenBids.get(j)); break; } } // Debug.LOG("CASE 3-"+this.opponentUtis.size()); bestTenBids = newlist; } } if (bestTenBids.size() > 10) bestTenBids.removeLast(); } public double averResT() { if (resptimes.size() == 0) return 0; double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < resptimes.size(); i++) total = total + resptimes.get(i); return total / resptimes.size(); } public double averLastTResT(int length) { if (resptimes.size() < length) return 0; double total = 0; for (int i = resptimes.size() - 1; i > resptimes.size() - length - 1; i--) total = total + resptimes.get(i); return total / length; } @Override public SupportedNegotiationSetting getSupportedNegotiationSetting() { return SupportedNegotiationSetting.getLinearUtilitySpaceInstance(); } @Override public String getDescription() { return "ANAC2010"; } }