package agents.anac.y2010.Southampton; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import agents.anac.y2010.Southampton.analysis.BidSpace; import agents.anac.y2010.Southampton.utils.ActionCreator; import agents.anac.y2010.Southampton.utils.OpponentModel; import genius.core.Agent; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.BidIterator; import genius.core.actions.Accept; import genius.core.actions.Action; import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation; import genius.core.actions.Offer; import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace; /** * @author Colin Williams * */ public abstract class SouthamptonAgent extends Agent { private final boolean TEST_EQUIVALENCE = false; private static enum ActionType { ACCEPT, BREAKOFF, OFFER, START; } // protected static double CONCESSIONFACTOR = 0.04; /** * Our maximum aspiration level. */ protected static double MAXIMUM_ASPIRATION = 0.9; /** * Gets the version number. * * @return the version number. */ @Override public String getVersion() { return "2.0 (Genius 3.1)"; } /** * Our BidSpace. */ protected BidSpace bidSpace; /** * The message received from the opponent. */ private Action messageOpponent; /** * My previous action. */ protected Action myLastAction = null; /** * My previous bid. */ protected Bid myLastBid = null; /** * A list of our previous bids. */ protected ArrayList myPreviousBids; /** * The bids made by the opponent. */ protected ArrayList opponentBids; /** * Our model of the opponent. */ protected OpponentModel opponentModel; /** * The opponent's previous bid. */ protected Bid opponentPreviousBid = null; protected final double acceptMultiplier = 1.02; protected boolean opponentIsHardHead; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#finalize() */ @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { // displayFrame.dispose(); super.finalize(); } /** * Get the action type of a given action. * * @param action * The action. * @return The action type of the action. */ private ActionType getActionType(Action action) { ActionType actionType = ActionType.START; if (action instanceof Offer) actionType = ActionType.OFFER; else if (action instanceof Accept) actionType = ActionType.ACCEPT; else if (action instanceof EndNegotiation) actionType = ActionType.BREAKOFF; return actionType; } public final Action chooseAction() { Action chosenAction = null; Bid opponentBid = null; try { switch (getActionType(this.messageOpponent)) { case OFFER: opponentBid = ((Offer) this.messageOpponent).getBid(); chosenAction = handleOffer(opponentBid); break; case ACCEPT: case BREAKOFF: break; default: if (this.myLastAction == null) { chosenAction = new Offer(getAgentID(), proposeInitialBid()); } else { chosenAction = this.myLastAction; } break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); chosenAction = ActionCreator.createOffer(this, myLastBid); } myLastAction = chosenAction; if (myLastAction instanceof Offer) { Bid b = ((Offer) myLastAction).getBid(); myPreviousBids.add(b); myLastBid = b; } return chosenAction; } /** * Get the number of the agent. * * @return the number of the agent. */ public int getAgentNo() { if (this.getName() == "Agent A") return 1; if (this.getName() == "Agent B") return 2; return 0; } /** * Get all of the bids in a utility range. * * @param lowerBound * The minimum utility level of the bids. * @param upperBound * The maximum utility level of the bids. * @return all of the bids in a utility range. * @throws Exception */ private ArrayList getBidsInRange(double lowerBound, double upperBound) throws Exception { ArrayList bidsInRange = new ArrayList(); BidIterator iter = new BidIterator(utilitySpace.getDomain()); while (iter.hasNext()) { Bid tmpBid =; double util = 0; try { util = utilitySpace.getUtility(tmpBid); if (util >= lowerBound && util <= upperBound) bidsInRange.add(tmpBid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return bidsInRange; } /** * Get the concession factor. * * @return the concession factor. */ /* * private double getConcessionFactor() { // The more the agent is willing * to concede on its aspiration value, the // higher this factor. return * CONCESSIONFACTOR; } */ /** * Get a random bid in a given utility range. * * @param lowerBound * The lower bound on utility. * @param upperBound * The upper bound on utility. * @return a random bid in a given utility range. * @throws Exception */ protected Bid getRandomBidInRange(double lowerBound, double upperBound) throws Exception { ArrayList bidsInRange = getBidsInRange(lowerBound, upperBound); int index = (new Random()).nextInt(bidsInRange.size() - 1); return bidsInRange.get(index); } /** * Get the target utility. * * @param myUtility * This agent's utility. * @param opponentUtility * The opponent's utility. * @return the target utility. */ // protected abstract double getTargetUtility(double myUtility, double // opponentUtility); /* * { return myUtility - getConcessionFactor(); } */ /** * Handle an opponent's offer. * * @param opponentBid * The bid made by the opponent. * @return the action that we should take in response to the opponent's * offer. * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Action handleOffer(Bid opponentBid) throws Exception { Action chosenAction = null; if (myLastAction == null) { // Special case to handle first action Bid b = proposeInitialBid(); if (opponentBid != null && TEST_EQUIVALENCE) { double currentTime = timeline.getTime() * timeline.getTotalTime() * 1000; double totalTime = timeline.getTotalTime() * 1000; opponentModel.updateBeliefs(opponentBid, Math.round(currentTime), totalTime); } myLastBid = b; chosenAction = new Offer(this.getAgentID(), b); } else if (utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid) * acceptMultiplier >= utilitySpace .getUtility(myLastBid)) { // Accept opponent's bid based on my previous bid. chosenAction = ActionCreator.createAccept(this, opponentBid); log("Opponent's bid is good enough compared to my last bid, ACCEPTED."); opponentBids.add(opponentBid); opponentPreviousBid = opponentBid; } else if (utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid) * acceptMultiplier >= MAXIMUM_ASPIRATION) { // Accept opponent's bid based on my previous bid. chosenAction = ActionCreator.createAccept(this, opponentBid); log("Utility of opponent bid: " + utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid)); log("acceptMultiplier: " + acceptMultiplier); log("MAXIMUM_ASPIRATION: " + MAXIMUM_ASPIRATION); log("Opponent's bid is good enough compared to my maximum aspiration, ACCEPTED."); opponentBids.add(opponentBid); opponentPreviousBid = opponentBid; } else { Bid plannedBid = proposeNextBid(opponentBid); chosenAction = ActionCreator.createOffer(this, plannedBid); if (plannedBid == null) { chosenAction = ActionCreator.createAccept(this, opponentBid); } else { if (utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid) * acceptMultiplier >= utilitySpace .getUtility(plannedBid)) { // Accept opponent's bid based on my planned bid. chosenAction = ActionCreator .createAccept(this, opponentBid); log("Opponent's bid is good enough compared to my planned bid, ACCEPTED"); } opponentBids.add(opponentBid); opponentPreviousBid = opponentBid; } } return chosenAction; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see negotiator.Agent#init() */ public void init() { messageOpponent = null; myLastBid = null; myLastAction = null; myPreviousBids = new ArrayList(); opponentBids = new ArrayList(); try { bidSpace = new agents.anac.y2010.Southampton.analysis.BidSpace( (AdditiveUtilitySpace) this.utilitySpace); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } opponentIsHardHead = true; } /** * Output a message, but only if debugging is turned on. * * @param message * The message to output. */ public final void log(String message) { // sae.log(this, message); } /** * Propose the initial bid. * * @return The action to be bid. * @throws Exception */ protected abstract Bid proposeInitialBid() throws Exception; /** * Propose the next bid. * * @param opponentBid * The bid that has just been made by the opponent. * @return The action to be bid. * @throws Exception */ protected abstract Bid proposeNextBid(Bid opponentBid) throws Exception; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see negotiator.Agent#ReceiveMessage(negotiator.actions.Action) */ public final void ReceiveMessage(Action opponentAction) { // Log the received opponentAction if (opponentAction == null) { log("Received (null) from opponent."); } else { log("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); log("Received " + opponentAction.toString() + " from opponent."); if (opponentAction instanceof Offer) { try { log("It has a utility of " + utilitySpace.getUtility(((Offer) opponentAction) .getBid())); if (opponentIsHardHead && opponentBids.size() > 0 && Math.abs(utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBids .get(0)) - utilitySpace .getUtility(((Offer) opponentAction) .getBid())) > 0.02) { opponentIsHardHead = false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // Store the received opponentAction messageOpponent = opponentAction; } }