package agents.anac.y2010.AgentSmith; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import genius.core.AgentID; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.actions.Accept; import genius.core.actions.Action; import genius.core.actions.Offer; import genius.core.issue.Issue; import genius.core.issue.Value; import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace; /** * The strategy that is used in our agent. It samples the bid space, takes the * bids that are near Pareto and returns them as next actions. * * NOTE There are two bugs in this strategy: 1. The agent incorrectly assumes * that there are only 2 minutes 2. The agent checks if it gave "enough" utility * to the opponent instead of itself */ public class SmithBidStrategy extends ABidStrategy { private int fIndex = 0; static private double sUtilyMargin = 0.7; static private double sTimeMargin = 110; // in seconds static private double UTILITY_THRESHOLD = 0.7; private final boolean TEST_EQUIVALENCE = false; /** * Constructor * * @param pHist * The bidhistory * @param utilitySpace * Utilityspace * @param pPreferenceProfile * Preference profile * @param pId * Our id */ public SmithBidStrategy(BidHistory pHist, AdditiveUtilitySpace utilitySpace, PreferenceProfileManager pPreferenceProfile, AgentID pId) { super(pHist, utilitySpace, pPreferenceProfile, pId); if (TEST_EQUIVALENCE) { sTimeMargin = 170; } } /** * Generate in new action */ public Action getNextAction(double time) { double normalTime = time * 180; Action lAction = null; // Time in seconds. try { // Check if the session (2 min) is almost finished if (normalTime >= sTimeMargin) { // If the session is almost finished check if the utility is // "high enough" Bid lastBid = fBidHistory.getOpponentLastBid(); boolean result = false; if (TEST_EQUIVALENCE) { result = fPreferenceProfile.getMyUtility(lastBid) >= sUtilyMargin; } else { result = fPreferenceProfile.getOpponentUtility(lastBid) >= sUtilyMargin; } if (result) { lAction = new Accept(fAgentID, lastBid); } else { lAction = new Offer(fAgentID, getBestOpponentOffer()); } } else { lAction = new Offer(fAgentID, getMostOptimalBid()); } } catch (Exception e) { lAction = null; } return lAction; } /** * Calculate the most optimal bid * * @return the most optimal bid * @throws Exception */ public Bid getMostOptimalBid() { ArrayList lBids = getSampledBidList(); //"Size of bid space: " + lBids.size()); BidComparator lComparator = new BidComparator(this.fPreferenceProfile); // sort the bids in order of highest utility Collections.sort(lBids, lComparator); Bid lBid = lBids.get(fIndex); if (fIndex < lBids.size() - 1) fIndex++; return lBid; } /** * Return the best offer made by your opponent. When time is running out * this method is called to find the best bid available. * * @return * @throws Exception */ public Bid getBestOpponentOffer() { double util = 0; Bid bestBid = null; try { // check for the highest bid offered by the opponent for (int i = 0; i < fBidHistory.getOpponentBidCount(); i++) { if (fUtilitySpace.getUtility(fBidHistory.getOpponentBid(i)) > util) { util = fUtilitySpace.getUtility(fBidHistory .getOpponentBid(i)); bestBid = fBidHistory.getOpponentBid(i); } } } catch (Exception e) { bestBid = null; } return bestBid; } /** * returns an ArrayList with possible bids This function constructs all * samples of the entire bidspace. */ private ArrayList getSampledBidList() { ArrayList lBids = new ArrayList(); List lIssues = this.fPreferenceProfile.getIssues(); HashMap lBounds = Bounds.getIssueBounds(lIssues); // first createFrom a new list HashMap lBidValues = new HashMap(); for (Issue lIssue : lIssues) { Bounds b = lBounds.get(lIssue.getNumber()); Value v = Bounds.getIssueValue(lIssue, b.getLower()); lBidValues.put(lIssue.getNumber(), v); } try { lBids.add(new Bid(this.fPreferenceProfile.getDomain(), lBidValues)); } catch (Exception e) { } // for each item permutate with issue values, like binary // 0 0 0 // 0 0 1 // 0 1 0 // 0 1 1 // etc. for (Issue lIssue : lIssues) { ArrayList lTempBids = new ArrayList(); Bounds b = lBounds.get(lIssue.getNumber()); for (Bid lTBid : lBids) { for (double i = b.getLower(); i < b.getUpper(); i += b .getStepSize()) { HashMap lNewBidValues = getBidValues(lTBid); lNewBidValues.put(lIssue.getNumber(), Bounds.getIssueValue(lIssue, i)); try { Bid iBid = new Bid(this.fPreferenceProfile.getDomain(), lNewBidValues); lTempBids.add(iBid); } catch (Exception e) { } } } lBids = lTempBids; } ArrayList lToDestroy = new ArrayList(); for (Bid lBid : lBids) { if (this.fPreferenceProfile.getMyUtility(lBid) < UTILITY_THRESHOLD) { lToDestroy.add(lBid); } } for (Bid lBid : lToDestroy) { lBids.remove(lBid); } return lBids; } /** * Get the values of a bid * * @param pBid * @return */ private HashMap getBidValues(Bid pBid) { HashMap lNewBidValues = new HashMap(); for (Issue lIssue : this.fPreferenceProfile.getIssues()) { try { lNewBidValues.put(lIssue.getNumber(), pBid.getValue(lIssue.getNumber())); } catch (Exception e) { } } return lNewBidValues; } }