package agents.anac.y2010.AgentFSEGA; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import genius.core.Agent; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.BidIterator; import genius.core.SupportedNegotiationSetting; import genius.core.actions.Accept; import genius.core.actions.Action; import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation; import genius.core.actions.Offer; import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace; /** * ANAC2010 competitor AgentFSEGA. */ public class AgentFSEGA extends Agent { enum ACTIONTYPE { START, OFFER, ACCEPT, BREAKOFF }; enum STRATEGY { SMART, SERIAL, RESPONSIVE, RANDOM, TIT_FOR_TAT }; private Action lastOponentAction; private Action myLastAction; private OpponentModel opponentModel; private ArrayList leftBids; private double elapsedTimeNorm; private static final double SIGMA = 0.01; private static final double MIN_ALLOWED_UTILITY = 0.5; private static final double SIGMA_MAX = 0.5; /** Returns the version of the agent. */ @Override public String getVersion() { return "1.0"; } /** Initializes the agent. */ @Override public void init() { lastOponentAction = null; myLastAction = null; // initialize opponent model opponentModel = new MyBayesianOpponentModel( (AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace); // initialize left bids BidIterator bIterCount = new BidIterator(utilitySpace.getDomain()); // proposedBids = new ArrayList(); leftBids = new ArrayList(); double[] nrBids = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; while (bIterCount.hasNext()) { Bid tmpBid =; double utility; try { utility = utilitySpace.getUtility(tmpBid); // exclude bids with utility < MIN_ALLOWED_UTILITY if ((utility > 1.0) && (utility > 0.9)) nrBids[0]++; else if ((utility <= 0.9) && (utility > 0.8)) nrBids[1]++; else if ((utility <= 0.8) && (utility > 0.7)) nrBids[2]++; else if ((utility <= 0.7) && (utility > 0.6)) nrBids[3]++; else if (utility >= MIN_ALLOWED_UTILITY) nrBids[4]++; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { } double arrayBidCount = 0; int iMin = 0; do { arrayBidCount = nrBids[iMin]; iMin++; } while ((arrayBidCount == 0) && (iMin < 5)); // initialize left bids BidIterator bIter = new BidIterator(utilitySpace.getDomain()); leftBids = new ArrayList(); while (bIter.hasNext()) { Bid tmpBid =; try { // exclude bids with utility < MIN_ALLOWED_UTILITY if (utilitySpace.getUtility(tmpBid) >= 0.9 - 0.1 * iMin) leftBids.add(tmpBid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Collections.sort(leftBids, new ReverseBidComparator((AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace)); } /** Receive the opponent's bid. */ @Override public void ReceiveMessage(Action opponentAction) { lastOponentAction = opponentAction; } /** Choose action to present to the opponent. */ @Override public Action chooseAction() { Action action = null; Bid opponentBid = null; try { switch (getActionType(lastOponentAction)) { case OFFER: int timeCase; // the curent time interval id for cameleonic // behaviour elapsedTimeNorm = timeline.getTime(); // between 0 .. 1 if (elapsedTimeNorm < 0.85) timeCase = 0; else if (elapsedTimeNorm < 0.95) timeCase = 1; else timeCase = 2; opponentBid = ((Offer) lastOponentAction).getBid(); // receiveMessage beliefs opponentModel.updateBeliefs(opponentBid); if (myLastAction != null) { // check if the opponent offer is acceptable if (utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid) * 1.03 >= utilitySpace.getUtility( ((Offer) myLastAction).getBid())) { action = new Accept(getAgentID(), opponentBid); } else { Bid nextBid = getNextBid(timeCase); action = new Offer(getAgentID(), nextBid); // check if the opponent offer utility is greater than // next bid if (utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid) > utilitySpace .getUtility(nextBid)) { action = new Accept(getAgentID(), opponentBid); } } } else { // opponent begins and this is my first action check if // opponent's offer is acceptable if (utilitySpace.getUtility(opponentBid) == utilitySpace .getUtility(utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid())) { action = new Accept(getAgentID(), opponentBid); break; } // this is the first offer of this node this bid have // maximum utility action = initialOffer(); } break; case ACCEPT: case BREAKOFF: // Nothing to do in this case break; default: // normally occurs when action type is START // verify if is agent's first offer if (myLastAction == null) { // is the first offer of this node this bid have maximum // utility action = initialOffer(); } else { action = myLastAction; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } myLastAction = action; return action; } private Action initialOffer() throws Exception { // proposes the offer with maximum possible utility return new Offer(getAgentID(), utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid()); } private ACTIONTYPE getActionType(Action lAction) { ACTIONTYPE lActionType = ACTIONTYPE.START; if (lAction instanceof Offer) lActionType = ACTIONTYPE.OFFER; else if (lAction instanceof Accept) lActionType = ACTIONTYPE.ACCEPT; else if (lAction instanceof EndNegotiation) lActionType = ACTIONTYPE.BREAKOFF; return lActionType; } private Bid getNextBid(int pTimeCase) throws Exception { switch (pTimeCase) { case 0: return getSmartBid(pTimeCase); case 1: return getSmartBid(1); default: return getSmartBid(2); } } @Override public String getName() { return "AgentFSEGA"; } private Bid getSmartBid(int pTimeCase) { double currentOpponentUtility = 0.0; double lastOpponentUtility = 0.0; double myBestUtil; // utility for remained best bid double myNextUtility; // utility for next bid Bid nextBest = null; // best for me and opponent Bid theBest = null; // the best for me, top of the ordered list // get first entry if (leftBids.size() > 0) { theBest = leftBids.get(0); try { myBestUtil = utilitySpace.getUtility(theBest); } catch (Exception e) { myBestUtil = 1; } nextBest = theBest; } else { return ((Offer) myLastAction).getBid(); } Bid lNext = null; double minUtilAllowed = Math .max(0.98 * Math.exp(Math.log(0.52) * elapsedTimeNorm), 0.5); double minArrayUtility = 0; try { minArrayUtility = utilitySpace .getUtility(leftBids.get(leftBids.size() - 1)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // !!! left bids receiveMessage if (((minArrayUtility > minUtilAllowed + SIGMA) || (minArrayUtility > (myBestUtil - SIGMA)))) { BidIterator bIter = new BidIterator(utilitySpace.getDomain()); for (Bid tmpBid =; bIter .hasNext(); tmpBid = { try { double tmpBidUtil = utilitySpace.getUtility(tmpBid); if ((tmpBidUtil > MIN_ALLOWED_UTILITY) && (tmpBidUtil < minArrayUtility) && (tmpBidUtil > Math.min(minUtilAllowed, myBestUtil) - 0.1)) leftBids.add(tmpBid); } catch (Exception e) { } } Collections.sort(leftBids, new ReverseBidComparator( (AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace)); } // get second entry in last bids if (leftBids.size() > 1) { lNext = leftBids.get(1); } else { // proposedBids.add(nextBest); leftBids.remove(nextBest); return nextBest; } try { myNextUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(lNext); } catch (Exception e) { myNextUtility = 0; } double lowerAcceptableUtilLimit; // if time case is 2 -> make concession if (pTimeCase == 2) { lowerAcceptableUtilLimit = myBestUtil - (Math .exp(Math.log(SIGMA_MAX) / (0.05 * timeline.getTotalTime())) * elapsedTimeNorm); } else { // minimum allowed utility for me at this time if (pTimeCase == 0) lowerAcceptableUtilLimit = Math.max(myBestUtil - SIGMA, minUtilAllowed); else lowerAcceptableUtilLimit = Math.min(myBestUtil - SIGMA, minUtilAllowed); } // eliminate first bid + next bid java.util.Iterator lbi = leftBids.iterator(); if (leftBids.size() > 1) {; // first bid; } else { return ((Offer) myLastAction).getBid(); } // get a bid in interval (max_util - SIGMA, max_util] while ((myNextUtility > lowerAcceptableUtilLimit) && (myNextUtility <= minUtilAllowed)) { // check (my next util) < (last opponent bid's utility for me) // in this case, offer previous bid // Cristi Litan 19.03.2010 if (pTimeCase == 0) // use behaviour 0 { try // catch getUtility exceptions { // do not offer bids with utility smaller than that gived by // opponent in time case 0 if (myNextUtility < utilitySpace .getUtility(((Offer) lastOponentAction).getBid())) { nextBest = ((Offer) myLastAction).getBid(); break; } } catch (Exception e) { /* do nothing - ignore */ } } try { currentOpponentUtility = opponentModel .getExpectedUtility(lNext); } catch (Exception e) { currentOpponentUtility = 0; } if (currentOpponentUtility > lastOpponentUtility) { lastOpponentUtility = currentOpponentUtility; nextBest = lNext; } if (lbi.hasNext()) { lNext =; // get my utility for next possible bid try { myNextUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(lNext); } catch (Exception e) { myNextUtility = 0; } } else // log("no other in possible bids"); break; } try { if (utilitySpace.getUtility(nextBest) <= minUtilAllowed) { return ((Offer) myLastAction).getBid(); } } catch (Exception e) { } leftBids.remove(nextBest); return nextBest; } @Override public SupportedNegotiationSetting getSupportedNegotiationSetting() { return SupportedNegotiationSetting.getLinearUtilitySpaceInstance(); } @Override public String getDescription() { return "ANAC2010"; } }