1 | package agents.ai2014.group6;
2 |
3 | import java.util.ArrayList;
4 | import java.util.Comparator;
5 | import java.util.HashMap;
6 | import java.util.List;
7 | import java.util.Map;
8 | import java.util.Map.Entry;
9 |
10 | import genius.core.AgentID;
11 | import genius.core.Bid;
12 | import genius.core.actions.Accept;
13 | import genius.core.actions.Action;
14 | import genius.core.actions.DefaultAction;
15 | import genius.core.actions.Offer;
16 | import genius.core.issue.Issue;
17 | import genius.core.issue.Value;
18 | import genius.core.issue.ValueDiscrete;
19 | import genius.core.parties.AbstractNegotiationParty;
20 | import genius.core.parties.NegotiationInfo;
21 | import genius.core.timeline.DiscreteTimeline;
22 | import genius.core.timeline.TimeLineInfo;
23 | import genius.core.utility.AdditiveUtilitySpace;
24 | import genius.core.utility.EvaluatorDiscrete;
25 |
26 | import java.util.PriorityQueue;
27 | import java.util.Queue;
28 |
29 | /**
30 | * This is your negotiation party. Theis agent is juggling weights so only can
31 | * be used with {@link AdditiveUtilitySpace}.
32 | */
33 | public class Group6 extends AbstractNegotiationParty {
34 |
35 | private HashMap<Object, Action> history;
36 | private Map<Object, IOpponentModel> opponentModels;
37 |
38 | // The most recent bid that has been done (either by us or by another agent)
39 | private Bid mostRecentBid;
40 | private Bid ourPreviousBid;
41 |
42 | private double reservationValue;
43 |
44 | /**
45 | * Please keep this constructor. This is called by genius.
46 | *
47 | * @param utilitySpace
48 | * Your utility space.
49 | * @param deadlines
50 | * The deadlines set for this negotiation.
51 | * @param timeline
52 | * Value counting from 0 (start) to 1 (end).
53 | * @param randomSeed
54 | * If you use any randomization, use this seed for it.
55 | */
56 | @Override
57 | public void init(NegotiationInfo info) {
58 | super.init(info);
59 |
60 | reservationValue = utilitySpace.getReservationValue();
61 | history = new HashMap<Object, Action>();
62 | opponentModels = new HashMap<Object, IOpponentModel>();
63 | ourPreviousBid = getMaximumUtilityBid();
64 | }
65 |
66 | /**
67 | * Each round this method gets called and ask you to accept or offer. The
68 | * first party in the first round is a bit different, it can only propose an
69 | * offer.
70 | *
71 | * @param validActions
72 | * Either a list containing both accept and offer or only offer.
73 | * @return The chosen action.
74 | */
75 | @Override
76 | public Action chooseAction(List<Class<? extends Action>> validActions) {
77 | try {
78 | // If there is a most recent bid and the agent is allowed to accept
79 | if (mostRecentBid != null && validActions.contains(Accept.class) && isAcceptable(mostRecentBid)) {
80 | return new Accept(getPartyId(), mostRecentBid);
81 | }
82 |
83 | // If there are no previous bids or the agent is not allowed to
84 | // accept, generate an offer
85 | mostRecentBid = generateBid();
86 | } catch (Exception e) {
87 | e.printStackTrace();
88 |
89 | // If something goes wrong, just accept the offer or create one at
90 | // random
91 | if (validActions.contains(Accept.class))
92 | return new Accept(getPartyId(), mostRecentBid);
93 | else
94 | mostRecentBid = generateRandomBid();
95 | }
96 |
97 | ourPreviousBid = mostRecentBid;
98 | return new Offer(getPartyId(), mostRecentBid);
99 | }
100 |
101 | /**
102 | * Checks the acceptability of the Bid. Only works as planned if at least
103 | * one bidding round has passed.
104 | *
105 | * @param bid
106 | * to check
107 | * @throws Exception
108 | */
109 | private boolean isAcceptable(Bid bid) throws Exception {
110 | double currentTime = timeline.getTime();
111 | double bidUtilityValue = this.utilitySpace.getUtility(bid);
112 |
113 | double minimalAcceptableUtility = calculateMinimalAcceptableUtility(currentTime, this.reservationValue);
114 |
115 | TimeLineInfo localTime = this.timeline;
116 | switch (localTime.getType()) {
117 | case Rounds:
118 | if (((DiscreteTimeline) localTime).getOwnRoundsLeft() == 0)
119 | return true;
120 | break;
121 | default:
122 | break;
123 | }
124 |
125 | if (bidUtilityValue >= minimalAcceptableUtility)
126 | return true;
127 |
128 | return false;
129 | }
130 |
131 | /**
132 | * Function: max(u_r, 0.5)^(t^3)
133 | *
134 | * @param time
135 | * (t)
136 | * @param reservationValue
137 | * (u_r)
138 | * @param nrAccepts
139 | * (n_a)
140 | * @param nrOpponents
141 | * (n)
142 | * @return minimal acceptable utility value given it's parameters
143 | * @throws Exception
144 | * outside boundaries
145 | */
146 | private double calculateMinimalAcceptableUtility(double time, double reservationValue) throws Exception {
147 | if (time < 0 || time > 1)
148 | throw new Exception("time " + time + " outside [0,1]");
149 | if (reservationValue < 0 || reservationValue > 1)
150 | throw new Exception("reservationValue " + time + " outside [0,1]");
151 |
152 | return Math.pow(Math.max(reservationValue, 0.1), Math.pow(time, 3));
153 | }
154 |
155 | /**
156 | * All offers proposed by the other parties will be received as a message.
157 | * You can use this information to your advantage, for example to predict
158 | * their utility.
159 | *
160 | * @param sender
161 | * The party that did the action.
162 | * @param action
163 | * The action that party did.
164 | */
165 | @Override
166 | public void receiveMessage(AgentID sender, Action action) {
167 | super.receiveMessage(sender, action);
168 |
169 | history.put(sender, action);
170 |
171 | // If a bid has been done, get the bid
172 | Bid bid = DefaultAction.getBidFromAction(action);
173 |
174 | if (bid != null) {
175 | mostRecentBid = bid;
176 |
177 | if (!opponentModels.containsKey(sender))
178 | opponentModels.put(sender, new FrequencyAnalysisOpponentModel());
179 |
180 | opponentModels.get(sender).learnWeights(mostRecentBid);
181 | }
182 | }
183 |
184 | private Queue<Issue> getOrderedIssues() {
185 | final AdditiveUtilitySpace utilspace1 = (AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace;
186 | PriorityQueue<Issue> issues = new PriorityQueue<Issue>(this.utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues().size(),
187 | new Comparator<Issue>() {
188 | @Override
189 | public int compare(Issue i1, Issue i2) {
190 | return (int) (utilspace1.getWeight(i1.getNumber()) - utilspace1.getWeight(i2.getNumber()));
191 | }
192 | });
193 | issues.addAll(this.utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues());
194 | return issues;
195 | }
196 |
197 | private Map<Issue, List<Value>> getOpponentMajorityValues() {
198 | Map<Issue, List<Value>> majorityValues = new HashMap<Issue, List<Value>>();
199 |
200 | for (Issue issue : this.utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues()) {
201 | // Map each value to the number of agents that agree on it
202 | Map<Value, Integer> opponentValues = new HashMap<Value, Integer>();
203 |
204 | for (IOpponentModel oppModel : opponentModels.values()) {
205 | int n = 0;
206 |
207 | // If there is no entry in the opponent model for this issue,
208 | // continue
209 | if (oppModel.getValue(issue.getNumber()) == null)
210 | continue;
211 |
212 | if (opponentValues.get(oppModel.getValue(issue.getNumber())) != null)
213 | n = opponentValues.get(oppModel.getValue(issue.getNumber()));
214 |
215 | opponentValues.put(oppModel.getValue(issue.getNumber()), n + 1);
216 | }
217 |
218 | List<Value> maxValues = new ArrayList<Value>();
219 | int largestMajority = 0;
220 |
221 | for (Entry<Value, Integer> entry : opponentValues.entrySet()) {
222 | if (entry.getValue() > largestMajority) {
223 | maxValues.removeAll(maxValues);
224 | maxValues.add(entry.getKey());
225 | } else if (entry.getValue() == largestMajority) {
226 | maxValues.add(entry.getKey());
227 | }
228 | }
229 |
230 | majorityValues.put(issue, maxValues);
231 | }
232 |
233 | return majorityValues;
234 | }
235 |
236 | private Bid generateBid() throws Exception {
237 | // For the other issues, start with own maximum possible bid
238 | Bid maxBid = getMaximumUtilityBid();
239 | Bid resBid = maxBid;
240 |
241 | // Sort all issues in from low to high weight
242 | Queue<Issue> issues = getOrderedIssues();
243 | Map<Issue, List<Value>> majorityValues = getOpponentMajorityValues();
244 |
245 | // Remove all issues for which the majority agrees with us
246 | List<Issue> toBeRemoved = new ArrayList<Issue>();
247 | for (Issue issue : issues) {
248 | if (majorityValues.get(issue).contains(maxBid.getValue(issue.getNumber()))) {
249 | toBeRemoved.add(issue);
250 | }
251 | }
252 | issues.removeAll(toBeRemoved);
253 |
254 | // Do a concession on the least important issue(s)
255 | AdditiveUtilitySpace utilitySpace1 = (AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace;
256 | for (Issue leastImportantIssue : issues) {
257 | List<Value> majorityValue = majorityValues.get(leastImportantIssue);
258 |
259 | double maxUtility = 0;
260 | Value majorityMaxValue = null;
261 |
262 | for (Value value : majorityValue) {
263 | double valueUtility = ((EvaluatorDiscrete) utilitySpace1.getEvaluator(leastImportantIssue.getNumber()))
264 | .getEvaluation((ValueDiscrete) value);
265 |
266 | if (valueUtility > maxUtility) {
267 | maxUtility = valueUtility;
268 | majorityMaxValue = value;
269 | }
270 | }
271 |
272 | if (majorityMaxValue == null)
273 | break;
274 |
275 | // Only concede on issues that we did not concede on in the previous
276 | // bid
277 | if (ourPreviousBid.getValue(leastImportantIssue.getNumber()).equals(majorityMaxValue))
278 | continue;
279 |
280 | resBid = resBid.putValue(leastImportantIssue.getNumber(), majorityMaxValue);
281 |
282 | if (!isAcceptable(resBid)) {
283 | resBid = resBid.putValue(leastImportantIssue.getNumber(),
284 | maxBid.getValue(leastImportantIssue.getNumber()));
285 | break;
286 | }
287 | }
288 |
289 | return resBid;
290 | }
291 |
292 | private Bid getMaximumUtilityBid() {
293 | Bid resBid = generateRandomBid();
294 | AdditiveUtilitySpace utilitySpace1 = (AdditiveUtilitySpace) utilitySpace;
295 |
296 | for (Issue issue : utilitySpace.getDomain().getIssues()) {
297 | Value value = ((EvaluatorDiscrete) utilitySpace1.getEvaluator(issue.getNumber())).getMaxValue();
298 | if (value == null)
299 | break;
300 | resBid = resBid.putValue(issue.getNumber(), value);
301 | }
302 |
303 | return resBid;
304 | }
305 |
306 | protected AgentID partyId = new AgentID("Group 6");
307 |
308 | @Override
309 | public String getDescription() {
310 | return "ai2014 group6";
311 | }
312 |
313 | } |