[127] | 1 | package agents.ai2014.group3;
| 2 |
| 3 | import java.util.ArrayList;
| 4 |
| 5 | import genius.core.AgentID;
| 6 | import genius.core.Bid;
| 7 |
| 8 | public class Strategy {
| 9 | // Just Static methods
| 10 | private Strategy() {
| 11 | super();
| 12 | }
| 13 | /*
| 14 | * Generate the next Bid based on the Utility value for this round.
| 15 | */
| 16 | public static Bid calculateMyBid(Group3 info) {
| 17 | double U = nextBidUtility(info);
| 18 | // Get a List of bids with this utility or more 10%
| 19 | ArrayList<Bid> bidsInRange = BidGenerator.getBidsInRange(info.getPossibleBids(), U, U*1.1, info);
| 20 | if(bidsInRange.isEmpty())
| 21 | return null;
| 22 | // Select the best bid for our opponents
| 23 | return bidSelect(bidsInRange,info.getAgentUtilsList());
| 24 | }
| 25 |
| 26 | // Receives a List of bids, and a list of agentUtils, selects the bid that maximizes the minimum utility over all agents
| 27 | public static Bid bidSelect(ArrayList<Bid> bids, ArrayList<AgentUtils> agentUtils) {
| 28 | Bid bestBid =null;
| 29 | double bestBidUtil=0;
| 30 | for(int i=0; i<bids.size();i++) {
| 31 | double lowestUtil=1;
| 32 | for(int j=0;j<agentUtils.size();j++) {
| 33 | double currentUtil =agentUtils.get(j).getAgentUtil(bids.get(i));
| 34 | if(currentUtil<lowestUtil)
| 35 | lowestUtil=currentUtil;
| 36 | }
| 37 | if(bestBidUtil<lowestUtil) {
| 38 | bestBid=bids.get(i);
| 39 | bestBidUtil=lowestUtil;
| 40 | }
| 41 | }
| 42 | if(bestBid==null)
| 43 | bestBid=bids.get(0);
| 44 | return bestBid;
| 45 | }
| 46 |
| 47 |
| 48 | // Returns the target utility of our Bid on this round-
| 49 | public static double nextBidUtility(Group3 info) {
| 50 | //return 1- ((double) info.getRoundN())/info.roundDeadline()*(1-info.getUtilitySpace().getReservationValue());
| 51 | // changed from a linear decrease to a non linear.
| 52 | // In the first 20% of the rounds our target utility goes linearly from 1 to 0.8*(1-ReservationValue)
| 53 | // In the 20% to 80% of the rounds our target utility stays constant
| 54 | // In the last 20% of the round our target utility goes linearly from 0.8*(1-ReservationValue) to our Reservation value
| 55 |
| 56 | if(((double) info.getRoundN())/info.roundDeadline()<=0.2 ){
| 57 | return 1- ((double) info.getRoundN())/info.roundDeadline()*(1-info.getUtilitySpace().getReservationValue());
| 58 | } else if ((0.8 > ((double) info.getRoundN())/info.roundDeadline()) && (((double) info.getRoundN())/info.roundDeadline() >=0.2)){
| 59 | return 1-(0.2*(1-info.getUtilitySpace().getReservationValue()));
| 60 | } else {
| 61 | return 1- (4*((double) info.getRoundN())/info.roundDeadline()-3)*(1-info.getUtilitySpace().getReservationValue());
| 62 | }
| 63 |
| 64 | }
| 65 |
| 66 | // Returns true if we should accept.
| 67 | public static boolean acceptingConditions(Group3 info) {
| 68 | // Check if the offer we received has higher utility than our target utility
| 69 | if(nextBidUtility(info)>lastOfferUtility(info)) {
| 70 | return false;
| 71 | }
| 72 | // check if we received an offer that has larger utility than this one
| 73 | else if(lastOfferUtility(info)<biggestReceivedOffer(info)) {
| 74 | return false;
| 75 | }
| 76 | return true;
| 77 | }
| 78 |
| 79 | // Returns true if we should offer a previously unaccepted offer.
| 80 | public static boolean offerPreviousOffer(Group3 info) {
| 81 | if(nextBidUtility(info)<biggestReceivedOffer(info)) {
| 82 | return true;
| 83 | }
| 84 | return false;
| 85 | }
| 86 |
| 87 | // Returns the biggest received offer that we haven't resent
| 88 | public static Bid bestPreviousBid(Group3 info) {
| 89 | Bid biggestBid = null;
| 90 | double biggestUtil=0;
| 91 | if(info.getPartylist().isEmpty())
| 92 | return null;
| 93 | for(int i=0; i<info.getPartylist().size();i++) {
| 94 | AgentID agent = info.getPartylist().get(i);
| 95 | for(int j=0;j<info.getBidhistory(agent).getHistory().size();j++) {
| 96 | if(!info.getAlreadyProposed().contains(info.getBidhistory(agent).getHistory().get(j).getBid())){
| 97 | if(biggestUtil<info.getBidhistory(agent).getHistory().get(j).getMyUndiscountedUtil()) {
| 98 | biggestBid = info.getBidhistory(agent).getHistory().get(j).getBid();
| 99 | biggestUtil= info.getBidhistory(agent).getHistory().get(j).getMyUndiscountedUtil();
| 100 | }
| 101 | }
| 102 | }
| 103 | }
| 104 | return biggestBid;
| 105 | }
| 106 |
| 107 | // Returns the utility of the biggest received offer, that hasn't been proposed by us.
| 108 | public static double biggestReceivedOffer(Group3 info) {
| 109 |
| 110 | double biggestUtil=0;
| 111 | if(info.getPartylist().isEmpty())
| 112 | return 0;
| 113 | for(int i=0; i<info.getPartylist().size();i++) {
| 114 | AgentID agent = info.getPartylist().get(i);
| 115 | for(int j=0;j<info.getBidhistory(agent).getHistory().size();j++) {
| 116 | if(!info.getAlreadyProposed().contains(info.getBidhistory(agent).getHistory().get(j).getBid())){
| 117 | if(biggestUtil<info.getBidhistory(agent).getHistory().get(j).getMyUndiscountedUtil()) {
| 118 | biggestUtil= info.getBidhistory(agent).getHistory().get(j).getMyUndiscountedUtil();
| 119 | }
| 120 | }
| 121 | }
| 122 | }
| 123 | return biggestUtil;
| 124 |
| 125 | }
| 126 |
| 127 |
| 128 |
| 129 | // Returns the our Utility for the current offer
| 130 |
| 131 | public static double lastOfferUtility(Group3 info) {
| 132 | return info.getUtility(info.getLastbid());
| 133 | }
| 134 |
| 135 |
| 136 |
| 137 | }