1 | package agents;
2 |
3 | import java.util.List;
4 |
5 | import genius.core.Bid;
6 | import genius.core.actions.Action;
7 | import genius.core.actions.Offer;
8 | import genius.core.parties.AbstractNegotiationParty;
9 | import genius.core.uncertainty.AdditiveUtilitySpaceFactory;
10 | import genius.core.uncertainty.ExperimentalUserModel;
11 | import genius.core.utility.AbstractUtilitySpace;
12 |
13 | public class UncertaintyAgentExample extends AbstractNegotiationParty {
14 |
15 | @Override
16 | public Action chooseAction(List<Class<? extends Action>> possibleActions)
17 | {
18 | System.out.println("UncertaintyAgentExample: ");
19 |
20 | System.out.println("User model: " + userModel);
21 |
22 | System.out.println("Incoming util space: " + getUtilitySpace());
23 |
24 | Bid randomBid = getUtilitySpace().getDomain().getRandomBid(rand);
25 | System.out.println("Random bid util: " + getUtility(randomBid) + " for " + randomBid);
26 |
27 | if (userModel instanceof ExperimentalUserModel)
28 | {
29 | System.out.println("You have given the agent access to the real utility space for debugging purposes.");
30 | ExperimentalUserModel e = (ExperimentalUserModel) userModel;
31 | AbstractUtilitySpace realUSpace = e.getRealUtilitySpace();
32 | System.out.println("Real utility space: " + realUSpace);
33 | }
34 |
35 | return new Offer(getPartyId(), generateRandomBid());
36 | }
37 |
38 | /**
39 | * With this method, you can override the default estimate of the utility space given uncertain preferences specified by the user model.
40 | * This example sets every value to zero.
41 | */
42 | @Override
43 | public AbstractUtilitySpace estimateUtilitySpace()
44 | {
45 | return new AdditiveUtilitySpaceFactory(getDomain()).getUtilitySpace();
46 | }
47 |
48 |
49 | @Override
50 | public String getDescription()
51 | {
52 | return "Example agent that can deal with uncertain preferences";
53 | }
54 |
55 | }