package agents; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import agents.similarity.Similarity; import genius.core.Agent; import genius.core.Bid; import genius.core.BidIterator; import genius.core.DomainImpl; import genius.core.SupportedNegotiationSetting; import genius.core.actions.Accept; import genius.core.actions.Action; import genius.core.actions.EndNegotiation; import genius.core.actions.Offer; public class SimilarityAgent extends Agent { private Action messageOpponent; private Bid myLastBid = null; private Action myLastAction = null; private Similarity fSimilarity; private enum ACTIONTYPE { START, OFFER, ACCEPT, BREAKOFF }; private enum STRATEGY { SMART, SERIAL, RESPONSIVE, RANDOM }; private STRATEGY fStrategy = STRATEGY.SMART; private int fSmartSteps; private static final double CONCESSIONFACTOR = 0.035; private static final double ALLOWED_UTILITY_DEVIATION = 0.01; private static final int NUMBER_OF_SMART_STEPS = 0; private HashMap utilityCash; // Class constructor public SimilarityAgent() { super(); } @Override public void init() { messageOpponent = null; myLastBid = null; myLastAction = null; fSmartSteps = 0; // load similarity info from the utility space fSimilarity = new Similarity(utilitySpace.getDomain()); // HACK we assume DomainImpl is used fSimilarity.loadFromXML( ((DomainImpl) utilitySpace.getDomain()).getXMLRoot()); // build utility cash utilityCash = new HashMap(); BidIterator lIter = new BidIterator(utilitySpace.getDomain()); try { while (lIter.hasNext()) { Bid tmpBid =; utilityCash.put(tmpBid, new Double(utilitySpace.getUtility(tmpBid))); } // while } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Class methods @Override public void ReceiveMessage(Action opponentAction) { messageOpponent = opponentAction; } @Override public String getVersion() { return "1.0"; }; private Action proposeInitialBid() { Bid lBid = null; /* * Value[] values = new Value[4]; if(myName.equals("Buyer")) { values[0] * = new ValueReal(0.6); values[1] = new ValueReal(0.9); values[2] = new * ValueReal(0.6); values[3] = new ValueReal(1); } else { values[0] = * new ValueReal(0); values[1] = new ValueReal(0.2); values[2] = new * ValueReal(0); values[3] = new ValueReal(0.5); } lBid = new * Bid(utilitySpace.getDomain(), values); */ // Return (one of the) possible bid(s) with maximal utility. try { lBid = utilitySpace.getMaxUtilityBid(); Bid lBid2 = getBidRandomWalk(utilitySpace.getUtility(lBid) * 0.98, utilitySpace.getUtility(lBid)); if (lBid != null) { lBid = lBid2; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } fSmartSteps = NUMBER_OF_SMART_STEPS + 1; myLastBid = lBid; return new Offer(getAgentID(), lBid); } private Bid getNextBidSmart(Bid pOppntBid) { double lMyUtility = 0, lOppntUtility = 0, lTargetUtility; // Both parties have made an initial bid. Compute associated utilities // from my point of view. try { lMyUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(myLastBid); lOppntUtility = utilitySpace.getUtility(pOppntBid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (fSmartSteps >= NUMBER_OF_SMART_STEPS) { lTargetUtility = getTargetUtility(lMyUtility, lOppntUtility); fSmartSteps = 0; } else { lTargetUtility = lMyUtility; fSmartSteps++; } Bid lMyLastBid = myLastBid; Bid lBid = getTradeOffExhaustive(lTargetUtility, pOppntBid); if (Math.abs(fSimilarity.getSimilarity(lMyLastBid, lBid)) > 0.993) { lTargetUtility = getTargetUtility(lMyUtility, lOppntUtility); fSmartSteps = 0; lBid = getTradeOffExhaustive(lTargetUtility, pOppntBid); } return lBid; } private Bid getTradeOffExhaustive(double pUtility, Bid pOppntBid) { Bid lBid = null; double lSim = -1; // BidIterator lIter = new BidIterator(utilitySpace.getDomain()); // while(lIter.hasNext()) { for (Entry entry : utilityCash.entrySet()) { Bid tmpBid = entry.getKey(); double lUtil = entry.getValue(); if (Math.abs(lUtil - pUtility) < ALLOWED_UTILITY_DEVIATION) { double lTmpSim = fSimilarity.getSimilarity(tmpBid, pOppntBid); if (lTmpSim > lSim) { lSim = lTmpSim; lBid = tmpBid; } } } // while return lBid; } private Action proposeNextBid(Bid pOppntBid) { Bid lBid = null; switch (fStrategy) { case SMART: lBid = getNextBidSmart(pOppntBid); break; } myLastBid = lBid; return new Offer(getAgentID(), lBid); } @Override public Action chooseAction() { Action lAction = null; ACTIONTYPE lActionType; Bid lOppntBid = null; lActionType = getActionType(messageOpponent); try { switch (lActionType) { case OFFER: // Offer received from opponent lOppntBid = ((Offer) messageOpponent).getBid(); if (myLastAction == null) // Other agent started, lets propose my initial bid. lAction = proposeInitialBid(); else if (utilitySpace.getUtility(lOppntBid) >= utilitySpace .getUtility(myLastBid)) // Opponent bids equally, or outbids my previous bid, so // lets // accept lAction = new Accept(getAgentID(), lOppntBid); else // Propose counteroffer. Get next bid. lAction = proposeNextBid(lOppntBid); // Check if utility of the new bid is lower than utility of the // opponent's last bid // if yes then accept last bid of the opponent. if (utilitySpace.getUtility(lOppntBid) >= utilitySpace .getUtility(myLastBid)) // Opponent bids equally, or outbids my previous bid, so // lets // accept lAction = new Accept(getAgentID(), lOppntBid); break; case ACCEPT: // Presumably, opponent accepted last bid, but let's // check... break; case BREAKOFF: // nothing left to do. Negotiation ended, which should be // checked by // Negotiator... break; default: // I am starting, but not sure whether Negotiator checks this, // so // lets check also myLastAction... if (myLastAction == null) lAction = proposeInitialBid(); else // simply repeat last action lAction = myLastAction; break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } myLastAction = lAction; return lAction; } private ACTIONTYPE getActionType(Action lAction) { ACTIONTYPE lActionType = ACTIONTYPE.START; if (lAction instanceof Offer) lActionType = ACTIONTYPE.OFFER; else if (lAction instanceof Accept) lActionType = ACTIONTYPE.ACCEPT; else if (lAction instanceof EndNegotiation) lActionType = ACTIONTYPE.BREAKOFF; return lActionType; } private Bid getBidRandomWalk(double lowerBound, double upperBoud) throws Exception { // find all suitable bids ArrayList lBidsRange = new ArrayList(); BidIterator lIter = new BidIterator(utilitySpace.getDomain()); while (lIter.hasNext()) { Bid tmpBid =; double lUtil = 0; try { lUtil = utilitySpace.getUtility(tmpBid); if (lUtil >= lowerBound && lUtil <= upperBoud) lBidsRange.add(tmpBid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // while // Return bid that gets closest to target utility in a "random walk" // search. /* * lBestBid = utilitySpace.getDomain().getRandomBid(); while(true) { * lBid = utilitySpace.getDomain().getRandomBid(); if * ((utilitySpace.getUtility(lBid) > lowerBound)&& * (utilitySpace.getUtility(lBestBid) < upperBoud)) { lBestBid = lBid; * break; }* * * } */ if (lBidsRange.size() < 1) { return null; } if (lBidsRange.size() < 2) { return lBidsRange.get(0); } else { int lIndex = (new Random()).nextInt(lBidsRange.size() - 1); return lBidsRange.get(lIndex); } } private double getTargetUtility(double myUtility, double oppntUtility) { return myUtility - getConcessionFactor(); } private double getConcessionFactor() { // The more the agent is willing to concess on its aspiration value, the // higher this factor. return CONCESSIONFACTOR; } @Override public SupportedNegotiationSetting getSupportedNegotiationSetting() { return SupportedNegotiationSetting.getLinearUtilitySpaceInstance(); } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Tries to make bids similar to received offers"; } }